631 resultados para algorithmic skeletons


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La reproducibilidad de estudios y resultados científicos es una meta a tener en cuenta por cualquier científico a la hora de publicar el producto de una investigación. El auge de la ciencia computacional, como una forma de llevar a cabo estudios empíricos haciendo uso de modelos matemáticos y simulaciones, ha derivado en una serie de nuevos retos con respecto a la reproducibilidad de dichos experimentos. La adopción de los flujos de trabajo como método para especificar el procedimiento científico de estos experimentos, así como las iniciativas orientadas a la conservación de los datos experimentales desarrolladas en las últimas décadas, han solucionado parcialmente este problema. Sin embargo, para afrontarlo de forma completa, la conservación y reproducibilidad del equipamiento computacional asociado a los flujos de trabajo científicos deben ser tenidas en cuenta. La amplia gama de recursos hardware y software necesarios para ejecutar un flujo de trabajo científico hace que sea necesario aportar una descripción completa detallando que recursos son necesarios y como estos deben de ser configurados. En esta tesis abordamos la reproducibilidad de los entornos de ejecución para flujos de trabajo científicos, mediante su documentación usando un modelo formal que puede ser usado para obtener un entorno equivalente. Para ello, se ha propuesto un conjunto de modelos para representar y relacionar los conceptos relevantes de dichos entornos, así como un conjunto de herramientas que hacen uso de dichos módulos para generar una descripción de la infraestructura, y un algoritmo capaz de generar una nueva especificación de entorno de ejecución a partir de dicha descripción, la cual puede ser usada para recrearlo usando técnicas de virtualización. Estas contribuciones han sido aplicadas a un conjunto representativo de experimentos científicos pertenecientes a diferentes dominios de la ciencia, exponiendo cada uno de ellos diferentes requisitos hardware y software. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la viabilidad de propuesta desarrollada, reproduciendo de forma satisfactoria los experimentos estudiados en diferentes entornos de virtualización. ABSTRACT Reproducibility of scientific studies and results is a goal that every scientist must pursuit when announcing research outcomes. The rise of computational science, as a way of conducting empirical studies by using mathematical models and simulations, have opened a new range of challenges in this context. The adoption of workflows as a way of detailing the scientific procedure of these experiments, along with the experimental data conservation initiatives that have been undertaken during last decades, have partially eased this problem. However, in order to fully address it, the conservation and reproducibility of the computational equipment related to them must be also considered. The wide range of software and hardware resources required to execute a scientific workflow implies that a comprehensive description detailing what those resources are and how they are arranged is necessary. In this thesis we address the issue of reproducibility of execution environments for scientific workflows, by documenting them in a formalized way, which can be later used to obtain and equivalent one. In order to do so, we propose a set of semantic models for representing and relating the relevant information of those environments, as well as a set of tools that uses these models for generating a description of the infrastructure, and an algorithmic process that consumes these descriptions for deriving a new execution environment specification, which can be enacted into a new equivalent one using virtualization solutions. We apply these three contributions to a set of representative scientific experiments, belonging to different scientific domains, and exposing different software and hardware requirements. The obtained results prove the feasibility of the proposed approach, by successfully reproducing the target experiments under different virtualization environments.


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Uno de los temas más importantes dentro del debate contemporáneo, es el que se refiere a la sostenibilidad a largo plazo de la sociedad tal y como la entendemos hoy. El ser humano está recuperando la sensibilidad perdida que le concebía como una pieza más dentro del ciclo natural de la vida. Por fin hemos entendido que no podemos ser auto suficientes e independientes del entorno natural que nos rodea. Más allá del respeto y del cuidado, está abierta la puerta del conocimiento infinito que nos brinda la naturaleza a todos los niveles y a todas las escalas. Dentro de la disciplina arquitectónica han existido ejemplos como Antoni Gaudí o Frei Otto que han referenciado su obra en el mundo Natural, encontrando en él las estrategias y bases para el diseño arquitectónico. Sin embargo han sido una minoría dentro del enorme elenco de arquitectos defensores del ángulo recto. En las últimas décadas, la tendencia está cambiando. No nos referimos tanto a la sensibilidad creciente por conseguir una mayor eficiencia energética que ha llevado a una puesta en valor de la arquitectura vernácula, trasladando su sabiduría a las estrategias bioclimáticas. Nos referimos a un caso específico dentro del amplio abanico de formas arquitectónicas que han aparecido gracias a la incorporación de las herramientas computacionales en el diseño y la producción. Las arquitecturas que nos interesan son las que aprovechan estas técnicas para analizar e interpretar las estrategias complejas y altamente eficientes que encontramos en la naturaleza, y trasladarlas a la disciplina arquitectónica. Esta tendencia que se enmarca dentro de la Biomímesis o Biomimética es conocida con el nombre de Bioarquitectura. La presente tesis trata de morfología y sobre todo de morfogénesis. El término morfología se refiere al estudio de una forma concreta que nos permite entender un caso específico, nuestro foco de atención se centra sin embargo en la morfogénesis, es decir, en el estudio de los procesos de generación de esas formas, para poder reproducir patrones y generar abanicos de casos adaptables y reconfigurables. El hecho de estudiar la forma no quiere decir que ésta sea una tesis “formalista” con la connotación peyorativa y gestual que se le suele atribuir a este término. La investigación concibe el concepto de forma como lo hace el mundo natural: forma como síntesis de eficiencia. No hay ninguna forma natural gratuita, que no cumpla una función determinada y que no se desarrolle con el mínimo material y gaste la mínima energía posible. Este afán por encontrar la “forma eficaz” es lo que nos hace traspasar la frontera de la arquitectura formalista. El camino de investigación morfológica se traza, como el título de la tesis indica, siguiendo el hilo conductor concreto de los radiolarios. Estos microorganismos unicelulares poseen unos esqueletos tan complejos que para poder entender su morfología es necesario establecer un amplio recorrido que abarca más de 4.000 años de conocimiento humano. Desde el descubrimiento de los sólidos platónicos, poliedros que configuran muchas de las formas globales de estos esqueletos; hasta la aplicación de los algoritmos generativos, que permiten entender y reproducir los patrones de comportamiento que existen detrás de los sistemas de compactación y teselación irregular de los esqueletos radiolarios. La tesis no pretende plantear el problema desde un punto de vista biológico, ni paleontológico, aunque inevitablemente en el primer capítulo se realiza un análisis referenciado del estado del conocimiento científico actual. Sí se analizan en mayor profundidad cuestiones morfológicas y se tratan los diferentes posicionamientos desde los cuales estos microorganismos han servido de referencia en la disciplina arquitectónica. Además encontramos necesario analizar otros patrones naturales que comparten estrategias generativas con los esqueletos radiolarios. Como ya hemos apuntado, en el segundo capítulo se aborda un recorrido desde las geometrías más básicas a las más complejas, que tienen relación con las estrategias de generación de las formas detectadas en los microorganismos. A su vez, el análisis de estas geometrías se intercala con ejemplos de aplicaciones dentro de la arquitectura, el diseño y el arte. Finalizando con un cronograma que sintetiza y relaciona las tres vías de investigación abordadas: natural, geométrica y arquitectónica. Tras los dos capítulos centrales, el capítulo final recapitula las estrategias analizadas y aplica el conocimiento adquirido en la tesis, mediante la realización de diferentes prototipos que abarcan desde el dibujo analítico tradicional, a la fabricación digital y el diseño paramétrico, pasando por modelos analógicos de escayola, barras metálicas, resina, silicona, látex, etc. ABSTRACT One of the most important issues in the contemporary debate, is the one concerning the long-term sustainability of society as we understand it today. The human being is recovering the lost sensitivity that conceived us as part of the natural cycle of life. We have finally understood that we cannot be self-sufficient and independent of the natural environment which surrounds us. Beyond respect and care, we’ll find that the gateway to the infinite knowledge that nature provides us at all levels and at all scales is open. Within the architectural discipline, there have been remarkable examples such as Antoni Gaudí or Frei Otto who have inspired their work in the natural world. Both, found in nature the strategies and basis of their architectural designs. However, they have been a minority within the huge cast of architects defenders of the right angle. In recent decades, the trend is changing. We are not referring to the growing sensitivity in trying to achieve energy efficiency that has led to an enhancement of vernacular architecture, transferring its wisdom to bioclimatic strategies. We refer to a specific case within the wide range of architectural forms that have appeared thanks to the integration of computer tools in both design and production processes. We are interested in architectures that exploit these techniques to analyse and interpret the complex and highly efficient strategies found in nature, and shift them to the discipline of architecture. This trend, which is being implemented in the framework of the Biomimicry or biomimetics, is called Bioarchitecture. This thesis deals with morphology and more specifically with morphogenesis. Morphology is the study of a concrete form that allows us to understand a specific case. However, our focus is centered in morphogenesis or, in other words, the study of the processes of generation of these forms, in order to replicate patterns and generate a range of adaptable and reconfigurable cases. The fact of studying shapes does not mean that this is a “formalistic” thesis with the pejorative connotation that is often attributed to this term. This study conceives the concept of shape as Nature does: as a synthesis of efficiency. There is no meaningless form in nature. Furthermore, forms and shapes in nature play a particular role and are developed with minimum energetic consumption. This quest to find the efficient shape is what makes us go beyond formalistic architecture. The road of morphological investigation is traced, as the title of the thesis suggests, following the thread of radiolaria. These single-cell microorganisms possess very complex skeletons, so to be able to understand their morphology we must establish a wide spectrum which spans throughout more than 4.000 years of human knowledge. From the discovery of the platonic solids, polyhedrons which configure a huge range of global shapes of these skeletons, through the application of generative algorithms which allow us to understand and recreate the behavioral patterns behind the systems of compression and irregular tessellation of the radiolarian skeletons. The thesis does not pretend to lay out the problem from a biological, paleontological standpoint, although inevitably the first chapter is developed through an analysis in reference to the current state of the science. A deeper analysis of morphological aspects and different positionings is taken into account where these microorganisms have served as reference in the architectonic discipline. In addition we find necessary to analyse other natural patterns which share generative strategies with radiolarian skeletons. Aforementioned, in the second chapter an itinerary of the most basic geometries to the more complex ones is addressed. These are related, in this chapter, to the generative strategies of the shapes found in microorganisms. At the same time, the analysis of these geometries is placed among examples of applications inside the fields of architecture, design and the arts. To come to an end, a time chart synthesizes and relates the three investigation paths addressed: natural, geometrical and architectonic. After the two central chapters, the final chapter summarises the strategies analysed and applies the knowledge acquired throughout the thesis. This final chapter is shaped by the realization of different prototypes which range from traditional analytical drawings, to digital fabrication and parametric design, going through plaster analogical models, metal bars, resin, silicone, latex, etc.


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This review focuses on the monoterpene, sesquiterpene, and diterpene synthases of plant origin that use the corresponding C10, C15, and C20 prenyl diphosphates as substrates to generate the enormous diversity of carbon skeletons characteristic of the terpenoid family of natural products. A description of the enzymology and mechanism of terpenoid cyclization is followed by a discussion of molecular cloning and heterologous expression of terpenoid synthases. Sequence relatedness and phylogenetic reconstruction, based on 33 members of the Tps gene family, are delineated, and comparison of important structural features of these enzymes is provided. The review concludes with an overview of the organization and regulation of terpenoid metabolism, and of the biotechnological applications of terpenoid synthase genes.


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Ancient septicemic plague epidemics were reported to have killed millions of people for 2 millenniums. However, confident diagnosis of ancient septicemia solely on the basis of historical clinical observations is not possible. The lack of suitable infected material has prevented direct demonstration of ancient septicemia; thus, the history of most infections such as plague remains hypothetical. The durability of dental pulp, together with its natural sterility, makes it a suitable material on which to base such research. We hypothesized that it would be a lasting refuge for Yersinia pestis, the plague agent. DNA extracts were made from the dental pulp of 12 unerupted teeth extracted from skeletons excavated from 16th and 18th century French graves of persons thought to have died of plague (“plague teeth”) and from 7 ancient negative control teeth. PCRs incorporating ancient DNA extracts and primers specific for the human β-globin gene demonstrated the absence of inhibitors in these preparations. The incorporation of primers specific for Y. pestis rpoB (the RNA polymerase β-subunit-encoding gene) and the recognized virulence-associated pla (the plasminogen activator-encoding gene) repeatedly yielded products that had a nucleotide sequence indistinguishable from that of modern day isolates of the bacterium. The specific pla sequence was obtained from 6 of 12 plague skeleton teeth but 0 of 7 negative controls (P < 0.034, Fisher exact test). A nucleic acid-based confirmation of ancient plague was achieved for historically identified victims, and we have confirmed the presence of the disease at the end of 16th century in France. Dental pulp is an attractive target in the quest to determine the etiology of septicemic illnesses detected in ancient corpses. Molecular techniques could be applied to this material to resolve historical outbreaks.


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Polycystine radiolaria are among few protistan groups that possess a comprehensive fossil record available for study by micropaleontologists. The Polycystinea and the Acantharea, whose skeletons do not become fossilized, were once members of the class “Radiolaria” (“Radiolaria” sensu lato: Polycystinea, Phaeodarea, and Acantharea) originally proposed by Haeckel but are now included in the superclass Actinopoda. Phylogenetic relationships within this superclass remain largely enigmatic. We investigated the evolutionary relationship of the Acantharea and the Polycystinea to other protists using phylogenetic analyses of 16S-like ribosomal RNA (rRNA) coding regions. We circumvented the need to culture these organisms by collecting and maintaining reproductive stages that contain many copies of their genomic DNA. This strategy facilitated extraction of genomic DNA and its purification from symbiont and prey DNA. Phylogenetic trees inferred from comparisons of 16S-like coding regions do not support a shared history between the Acantharea and the Polycystinea. However, the monophyly of the Acantharea and the separate monophyly of the Polycystinea (Spumellarida) are well supported by our molecular-based trees. The acantharian lineage branches among crown organisms whereas the polycystine lineage diverges before the radiation of the crown groups. We conclude that the Actinopoda does not represent a monophyletic evolutionary assemblage and recommend that this taxonomic designation be discarded.


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Spectrin is an important structural component of the plasma membrane skeleton. Heretofore-unidentified isoforms of spectrin also associate with Golgi and other organelles. We have discovered another member of the β-spectrin gene family by homology searches of the GenBank databases and by 5′ rapid amplification of cDNA ends of human brain cDNAs. Collectively, 7,938 nucleotides of contiguous clones are predicted to encode a 271,294-Da protein, called βIII spectrin, with conserved actin-, protein 4.1-, and ankyrin-binding domains, membrane association domains 1 and 2, a spectrin dimer self-association site, and a pleckstrin-homology domain. βIII spectrin transcripts are concentrated in the brain and present in the kidneys, liver, and testes and the prostate, pituitary, adrenal, and salivary glands. All of the tested tissues contain major 9.0-kb and minor 11.3-kb transcripts. The human βIII spectrin gene (SPTBN2) maps to chromosome 11q13 and the mouse gene (Spnb3) maps to a syntenic region close to the centromere on chromosome 19. Indirect immunofluorescence studies of cultured cells using antisera specific to human βIII spectrin reveal a Golgi-associated and punctate cytoplasmic vesicle-like distribution, suggesting that βIII spectrin associates with intracellular organelles. This distribution overlaps that of several Golgi and vesicle markers, including mannosidase II, p58, trans-Golgi network (TGN)38, and β-COP and is distinct from the endoplasmic reticulum markers calnexin and Bip. Liver Golgi membranes and other vesicular compartment markers cosediment in vitro with βIII spectrin. βIII spectrin thus constitutes a major component of the Golgi and vesicular membrane skeletons.


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Despite many diverse theories that address closely related themes—e.g., probability theory, algorithmic complexity, cryptoanalysis, and pseudorandom number generation—a near-void remains in constructive methods certified to yield the desired “random” output. Herein, we provide explicit techniques to produce broad sets of both highly irregular finite and normal infinite sequences, based on constructions and properties derived from approximate entropy (ApEn), a computable formulation of sequential irregularity. Furthermore, for infinite sequences, we considerably refine normality, by providing methods for constructing diverse classes of normal numbers, classified by the extent to which initial segments deviate from maximal irregularity.


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Leaf dark respiration (R) is an important component of plant carbon balance, but the effects of rising atmospheric CO2 on leaf R during illumination are largely unknown. We studied the effects of elevated CO2 on leaf R in light (RL) and in darkness (RD) in Xanthium strumarium at different developmental stages. Leaf RL was estimated by using the Kok method, whereas leaf RD was measured as the rate of CO2 efflux at zero light. Leaf RL and RD were significantly higher at elevated than at ambient CO2 throughout the growing period. Elevated CO2 increased the ratio of leaf RL to net photosynthesis at saturated light (Amax) when plants were young and also after flowering, but the ratio of leaf RD to Amax was unaffected by CO2 levels. Leaf RN was significantly higher at the beginning but significantly lower at the end of the growing period in elevated CO2-grown plants. The ratio of leaf RL to RD was used to estimate the effect of light on leaf R during the day. We found that light inhibited leaf R at both CO2 concentrations but to a lesser degree for elevated (17–24%) than for ambient (29–35%) CO2-grown plants, presumably because elevated CO2-grown plants had a higher demand for energy and carbon skeletons than ambient CO2-grown plants in light. Our results suggest that using the CO2 efflux rate, determined by shading leaves during the day, as a measure for leaf R is likely to underestimate carbon loss from elevated CO2-grown plants.


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NADP+-isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP+-IDH; EC is involved in the supply of 2-oxoglutarate for ammonia assimilation and glutamate synthesis in higher plants through the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase (GS/GOGAT) cycle. Only one NADP+-IDH form of cytosolic localization was detected in green cotyledons of pine (Pinus spp.) seedlings. The pine enzyme was purified and exhibited molecular and kinetic properties similar to those described for NADP+-IDH from angiosperm, with a higher catalytic efficiency (105 m−1 s−1) than the deduced efficiencies for GS and GOGAT in higher plants. A polyclonal antiserum was raised against pine NADP+-IDH and used to assess protein expression in the seedlings. Steady-state levels of NADP+-IDH were coordinated with GS during seed germination and were associated with GS/GOGAT enzymes during chloroplast biogenesis, suggesting that NADP+-IDH is involved in the provision of carbon skeletons for the synthesis of nitrogen-containing molecules. However, a noncoordinated pattern of NADP+-IDH and GS/GOGAT was observed in advanced stages of cotyledon development and in the hypocotyl. A detailed analysis in hypocotyl sections revealed that NADP+-IDH abundance was inversely correlated with the presence of GS, GOGAT, and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase but was associated with the differentiation of the organ. These results cannot be explained by the accepted role of the enzyme in nitrogen assimilation and strongly suggest that NADP+-IDH may have other, as-yet-unknown, biological functions.


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The sudden appearance of calcified skeletons among many different invertebrate taxa at the Precambrian-Cambrian transition may have required minor reorganization of preexisting secretory functions. In particular, features of the skeletal organic matrix responsible for regulating crystal growth by inhibition may be derived from mucous epithelial excretions. The latter would have prevented spontaneous calcium carbonate overcrusting of soft tissues exposed to the highly supersaturated Late Proterozoic ocean [Knoll, A. H., Fairchild, I. J. & Swett, K. (1993) Palaios 8, 512-525], a putative function for which we propose the term "anticalcification." We tested this hypothesis by comparing the serological properties of skeletal water-soluble matrices and mucous excretions of three invertebrates--the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis and the bivalve molluscs Mytilus edulis and Mercenaria mercenaria. Crossreactivities recorded between muci and skeletal water-soluble matrices suggest that these different secretory products have a high degree of homology. Furthermore, freshly extracted muci of Mytilus were found to inhibit calcium carbonate precipitation in solution.


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To investigate the functions of paralogous Hox genes, we compared the phenotypic consequences of altering the embryonic patterns of expression of Hoxb-8 and Hoxc-8 in transgenic mice. A comparison of the phenotypic consequences of altered expression of the two paralogs in the axial skeletons of newborns revealed an array of common transformations as well as morphological changes unique to each gene. Divergence of function of the two paralogs was clearly evident in costal derivatives, where increased expression of the two genes affected opposite ends of the ribs. Many of the morphological consequences of expanding the mesodermal domain and magnitude of expression of either gene were atavistic, inducing the transformation of axial skeletal structures from a modern to an earlier evolutionary form. We propose that regional specialization of the vertebral column has been driven by regionalization of Hox gene function and that a major aspect of this evolutionary progression may have been restriction of Hox gene expression.


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Esta tese apresenta uma abordagem para a criação rápida de modelos em diferentes geometrias (complexas ou de alta simetria) com objetivo de calcular a correspondente intensidade espalhada, podendo esta ser utilizada na descrição de experimentos de es- palhamento à baixos ângulos. A modelagem pode ser realizada com mais de 100 geome- trias catalogadas em um Banco de Dados, além da possibilidade de construir estruturas a partir de posições aleatórias distribuídas na superfície de uma esfera. Em todos os casos os modelos são gerados por meio do método de elementos finitos compondo uma única geometria, ou ainda, compondo diferentes geometrias, combinadas entre si a partir de um número baixo de parâmetros. Para realizar essa tarefa foi desenvolvido um programa em Fortran, chamado de Polygen, que permite modelar geometrias convexas em diferentes formas, como sólidos, cascas, ou ainda com esferas ou estruturas do tipo DNA nas arestas, além de usar esses modelos para simular a curva de intensidade espalhada para sistemas orientados e aleatoriamente orientados. A curva de intensidade de espalhamento é calculada por meio da equação de Debye e os parâmetros que compõe cada um dos modelos, podem ser otimizados pelo ajuste contra dados experimentais, por meio de métodos de minimização baseados em simulated annealing, Levenberg-Marquardt e algorítmicos genéticos. A minimização permite ajustar os parâmetros do modelo (ou composição de modelos) como tamanho, densidade eletrônica, raio das subunidades, entre outros, contribuindo para fornecer uma nova ferramenta para modelagem e análise de dados de espalhamento. Em outra etapa desta tese, é apresentado o design de modelos atomísticos e a sua respectiva simulação por Dinâmica Molecular. A geometria de dois sistemas auto-organizado de DNA na forma de octaedro truncado, um com linkers de 7 Adeninas e outro com linkers de ATATATA, foram escolhidas para realizar a modelagem atomística e a simulação por Dinâmica Molecular. Para este sistema são apresentados os resultados de Root Mean Square Deviations (RMSD), Root Mean Square Fluctuations (RMSF), raio de giro, torção das hélices duplas de DNA além da avaliação das ligações de Hidrogênio, todos obtidos por meio da análise de uma trajetória de 50 ns.