993 resultados para a business contract


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The aim of this contribution is to explore how the recent internationalization and the increasing importance of 'cosmopolitan capital' has impacted on the structure and character of the field of the Swiss business elite. For this purpose we will develop the notion of cosmopolitan capital and comparatively investigate the field of the Swiss business elite in 1980, 2000 and 2010 with multiple correspondence analysis. We can show that in this period international managers with transnational careers and networks not only grow in number, but come to conquer the apex of the biggest and highest capitalized Swiss firms. At the same time, national forms of capital decline in importance and Swiss managers themselves are differentiated increasingly into national and international fractions.


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2009, Volume 2, Number 2


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L'objectiu del desenvolupament d'aquest Treball de Final de Carrera és la introducció d'un sistema ERP en una empresa fictícia del sector auxiliar de l'automoció, la qual anomenarem NBJ Automotive.


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Major bubble episodes are rare events. In this paper, we examine what factors might cause some asset price bubbles to become very large. We recreate, in a laboratory setting, some of the specific institutional features investors in the South Sea Company faced in 1720. Several factors have been proposed as potentially contributing to one of the greatest periods of asset overvaluation in history: an intricate debt-for-equity swap, deferred payment for these shares, and the possibility of default on the deferred payments. We consider which aspect might have had the most impact in creating the South Sea bubble. The results of the experiment suggest that the company?s attempt to exchange its shares for government debt was the single biggest contributor to the stock price explosion, because of the manner in which the swap affected fundamental value. Issuing new shares with only partial payments required, in conjunction with the debt-equity swap, also had a significant effect on the size of the bubble. Limited contract enforcement, on the other hand, does not appear to have contributed significantly.


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o objectivo da presente comunicação é apresentar o resultado da investigação aplicada no ISCEE sob a forma de extensão universitária. Este novo paradigma no Ensino Superior deve ser aplicado em todas as IES, de forma a demonstrar à comunidade em geral as três dimensões da missão das Universidades, nomeadamente, o ensino, investigação e extensão. Aliás estas três dimensões deverão igualmente ser contabilizados na elaboração de rankings universitários que normalmente não avaliam os mecanismos de extensão universitária. Em África, as Universidades são promotoras do desenvolvimento local e trabalham directamente com as comunidades no processo de partilha e disseminação do conhecimento para dotar as comunidades de ferramentas e instrumentos para o seu desenvolvimento. O Estudo de caso apresentado, IRT, Itinerário de Recursos Turísticos, mostra como o ISCEE se candidatou a um concurso público lançado para fazer o levantamento exaustivo dos itinerários turísticos em Cabo Verde nas principais ilhas, Santiago, São Vicente, Santo Antão e São Nicolau. Estiveram envolvidos nestes projectos vários docentes e alunos do ISCEE, no terreno, o que também demonstra a importância da extensão universitária promover “ in loco” a simbiose na relação entre docentes e alunos em termos de trabalho de campo e ao mesmo tempo cumprir a missão do ISCEE que é a de reforçar a competitividade de Cabo Verde, através da formação de recursos humanos qualificados e ao mesmo tempo responder aos grandes desafios do País, em especial, a dinamização do cluster do Turismo. A transmissão e difusão do conhecimento universitário para a sociedade, o conhecimento pluriversitário é o grande desígnio do ISCEE em Cabo Verde.


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This school in the course of Marketing Business Management and specifically Entrepr This school in the course of Marketing Business Management and specifically Entrepreneurship in the discipline of Simulation - Games Marketing year was accordingly for the creation of a company in the computer business in business online simulator called Marketplace, in order to put into practice all the theoretical knowledge acquired during all previous semesters. This platform we were confronted with decisions in eight quarters corresponding 4 every year , in order to encourage learning in a practical way, a virtual and dynamic environment. Every quarter acareados with well organized tasks taking as a reference point defined strategies such as market research analysis, branding , store management after its creation , development of the policy of the 4Ps , identifying opportunities , monitoring of finances and invest heavily . All quarters were subjected decisions and are then given the results , such as: market performance , financial performance, investments in the future , the "health" of the company 's marketing efficiency then analyzed by our company , teaching and also by competition Balanced Scorecard ie , semi-annual and cumulative . For the start of activities it was awarded the 1st year a total of 2,000,000, corresponding to 500,000 out of 4 first quarter , and 5,000,000 in the fifth quarter in a total of 7,000,000 . The capital invested was used to buy market research, opening sales offices , create brands , contract sales force , advertise products created and perform activity R & D in order to make a profit and become self- sufficient to guarantee the payment of principal invested to headquarters ( Corporate Headquarters ) .


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El present Treball Final de Carrera pretén desenvolupar la viabilitat d’una empresa de serveis, que ofereix un nou suport publicitari basat en una red pròpia de tours turístics en patinets elèctrics distribuïts per les principals ciutats a nivell nacional.


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Treball final de carrera en el que es realitza un Pla d’Empresa per a la creació i la posada a punt d’una cafeteria franquiciada, amb el nom d’StarCoffee, dins l’Eix Comercial de la ciutat de Lleida. L’objectiu no és només la creació de l’esmenta’t Pla d’Empresa sinó que el que es pretén es dur-lo a terme en els propers mesos.


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El presente documento ilustra la aplicación de la metodología Business Process Managementpara el caso de una empresa multinacional del sector de la electrónica. Para ello se han tomado los procesos excepcionales de Supply Chain Operations en el área EMEA (Europa, Oriente Medio y África). Se ha analizado la situación inicial, donde la aparición de incidencias de calidad en productos terminados y listos para entregar a clientes generaba una serie de acciones descoordinadas y con resultados insatisfactorios. Todos los departamentos implicados comprometían recursos, tiempo y esfuerzo, sin estar alineados entre sí. A partir de la aplicación sistemática de la metodología BPM definida en 10 fases, se ha desarrollado una solución completa para los procesos excepcionales. El documento describe con detalle en proceso de Reflash y la documentación necesaria para poner el proceso bajo control y en mejora continua.


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Fall 2009, Volume 2, Number 4


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Safeguard Iowa Partnership launched a survey to the business community to capture the impact from the 2008 disasters. Five hundred eighty surveys were completed and compiled for the report submitted to the Rebuild Iowa Office Economic and Workforce Development Task Force on August 20, 2008.


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Safeguard Iowa Partnership launched a survey to the business community to capture the impact from the 2008 disasters. Five hundred eighty surveys were completed and compiled for the report submitted to the Rebuild Iowa Office Economic and Workforce Development Task Force on August 20, 2008.


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Safeguard Iowa Partnership launched a survey to the business community to capture the impact from the 2008 disasters. Five hundred eighty surveys were completed and compiled for the report submitted to the Rebuild Iowa Office Economic and Workforce Development Task Force on August 20, 2008.


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Safeguard Iowa Partnership launched a survey to the business community to capture the impact from the 2008 disasters. Five hundred eighty surveys were completed and compiled for the report submitted to the Rebuild Iowa Office Economic and Workforce Development Task Force on August 20, 2008.


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Safeguard Iowa Partnership launched a survey to the business community to capture the impact from the 2008 disasters. Five hundred eighty surveys were completed and compiled for the report submitted to the Rebuild Iowa Office Economic and Workforce Development Task Force on August 20, 2008.