959 resultados para Zeta Psi Fraternity


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Foram estudadas a viscosidade aparente e as características sensoriais dos leites de soja reconstituídos, elaborados com leites de soja em pó submetidos previamente à homogeneização em diferentes pressões (3.000, 4.000, 5.000 e 6.000 psi). Verificou-se que a viscosidade aparente aumentou progressivamente com o aumento da pressão de homogeneização. As pressões de 4.000, 5.000 e 6.000 psi de homogeneização resultaram na obtenção de leites de soja reconstituídos de melhor aparência, sabor e textura, sendo os com sabores de baunilha e coco elaborados com leites de soja em pó submetidos previamente a pressões de 4.000 e 5.000 psi de homogeneização igualmente preferidos pela equipe massal de provadores não-treinados. Portanto, os melhores níveis de viscosidade aparente que se correlacionam com o corpo são 21 e 26 centipoises, ou seja, o uso de 4.000 e 5.000 psi na pressão de homogeneização, respectivamente.


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Transfer of tumor antigen-specific T-cell receptors (TCRs) into human T cells aims at redirecting their cytotoxicity toward tumors. Efficacy and safety may be affected by pairing of natural and introduced TCRalpha/beta chains potentially leading to autoimmunity. We hypothesized that a novel single-chain (sc)TCR framework relying on the coexpression of the TCRalpha constant alpha (Calpha) domain would prevent undesired pairing while preserving structural and functional similarity to a fully assembled double-chain (dc)TCR/CD3 complex. We confirmed this hypothesis for a murine p53-specific scTCR. Substantial effector function was observed only in the presence of a murine Calpha domain preceded by a TCRalpha signal peptide for shuttling to the cell membrane. The generalization to a human gp100-specific TCR required the murinization of both C domains. Structural and functional T-cell avidities of an accessory disulfide-linked scTCR gp100/Calpha were higher than those of a dcTCR. Antigen-dependent phosphorylation of the proximal effector zeta-chain-associated protein kinase 70 at tyrosine 319 was not impaired, reflecting its molecular integrity in signaling. In melanoma-engrafted nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficient mice, adoptive transfer of scTCR gp100/Calpha transduced T cells conferred superior delay in tumor growth among primary and long-term secondary tumor challenges. We conclude that the novel scTCR constitutes a reliable means to immunotherapeutically target hematologic malignancies.


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OBJECTIVE: Accuracy studies of Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) are critical but limited by the large samples required due to low occurrence of most events. We tested a sampling design based on test results (verification-biased sampling [VBS]) that minimizes the number of subjects to be verified. METHODS: We considered 3 real PSIs, whose rates were calculated using 3 years of discharge data from a university hospital and a hypothetical screen of very rare events. Sample size estimates, based on the expected sensitivity and precision, were compared across 4 study designs: random and VBS, with and without constraints on the size of the population to be screened. RESULTS: Over sensitivities ranging from 0.3 to 0.7 and PSI prevalence levels ranging from 0.02 to 0.2, the optimal VBS strategy makes it possible to reduce sample size by up to 60% in comparison with simple random sampling. For PSI prevalence levels below 1%, the minimal sample size required was still over 5000. CONCLUSIONS: Verification-biased sampling permits substantial savings in the required sample size for PSI validation studies. However, sample sizes still need to be very large for many of the rarer PSIs.


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This research evaluated the concrete strength of two mixes which were used in the Polk County project NHS-500-1(3)--10-77 and were developed to meet a contract requirement of 900 psi third-point 28-day flexural strength. Two concrete mixes, the Proposed Mix and the Enhanced Mix, were tested for strength. Based on the experimental results, it was found that the addition of 50 lb of cementitious materials did not significantly increase concrete strength. The requirement of 900 psi 28-day third-point flexural strength (MOR-TPL) was not achieved by this amount of addition of cementitious materials.


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Fast Track concrete has proven to be successful in obtaining high early strengths. This benefit does not come without cost. Special Type III cement and insulating blankets to accelerate the cure add to its expense when compared to conventional paving. This research was intended to determine the benefit derived from the use of insulating blankets to accelerate strength gain in three concrete mixes using Type I cement. The goal was to determine mixes and curing procedures that would result in a range of opening times. This determination would allow the most economical design for a particular project by tailoring it to a specific time restraint. Three mixes of various cement content were tested in the field. Flexural beams were cast for each mix and tested at various ages. Two test sections were placed for each mix, one section being cured with the addition of insulating blankets and the other being cured with only conventional curing compound. Iowa Department of Transportation specifications require 500 psi flexural strength before a pavement can be opened to traffic. Concrete with Fast Track proportions (nominal 7 1/2 bag), Type I cement, and insulating blankets reached that strength in approximately 36 hr, a standard mix (nominal 6 1/2 bag) using the blankets in approximately 48 hr, and the Fast Track proportions with Type I cement without blankets in about 60 hr. The results showed a significant improvement in early strength gain with the use of insulating blankets.


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In 1980, a Vanguard High Pressure Water Blaster capable of providing 10 gallons of water per minute at 2000 psi was purchased to evaluate water blasting as a crack cleaning method prior to crack filling on asphalt concrete pavements. Afer some iniital trials demonstrated its effectiveness of removing dirt, debris and vegetation, it was included in joint and crack maintenance research on Iowa 7 in Webster County. The objective of the research was to evaluate six crack preparation methods and seven "sealant" materials. The cleaning and sealing was performed in the spring of 1983. Visual evaluations of the performance were made in the fall of 1983 and spring of 1985. Compressed air and/or high pressure water did not adequately prepare cracks less than 3/8 inch wide. Routing or sawing was necessary to provide a sealant reservoir. The water blaster was more effective than compressed air in removing dirt, debris and vegetation but this did not yield significant improvement in sealant adhesion or longevity. Periodic crack filling is necessary on ACC surfaces throughout the remaining life of the pavement.


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A research project involving 2, 3, 4, and 5 in. (5.1, 7.6, 10.2, and 12.7 cm) of bonded portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay on a 1.3 mile (2.1 km) PCC pavement was conducted in Clayton County, Iowa, during September 1977, centering on the following objectives: (1) Determine the mixing and proportioning procedures required in using a conventional, central mix proportioning plant to produce a dense PCC mixture using standard mixes with super water reducing admixtures; (2) Determine the economics, longevity and maintenance performance of a bonded, thin-lift, non-reinforced PCC resurfacing course using conventional procedures, equipment and concrete paving mixtures both with and without super water reducing admixtures; and (3) Determine if an adequate bond between the existing pavement and an overlay of thin-lift, dense, non-reinforced PCC can be obtained with only special surface cleaning and no surface removal or grinding. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Normal mixing equipment and proportioning procedures could be used using a conventional central-mix proportioning plant. This was successful when used with super water reducing admixtures. Only minor changes need be made in procedures and timing. (2) The time has been too short since the completion of the project to determine how the new pavement will perform, however, initially it appears that the method is economical and no reason is seen at this time why the life of the pavement should not be comparable to an all new pavement. (3) The initial test results show that bond strength, regardless of which method of cleaning is used, scarifying, sand blasting or water blasting, far exceed what is considered the minimum bond strength of 200 psi (1379 kPa) except where the paint stripes were intentionally left, thus showing that the paint must be removed. (4) It appears that either cement and water grout or sand, cement and water grout may be used and still obtain the required bond.


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Two specialty cements are currently being marketed as a way to achieve portland cement concrete pavement opening strengths at less than 12 hours after placement. The cements are Pyrament from Pyrament/Lone Star Industries of Houston, Texas and Ideal Regulated-Set (RS) Portland Cement from Ideal Cement Company of Saratoga, Arkansas. The objective of the study was to evaluate the strength gain and durability of concrete produced with Pyrament and Ideal RS cement as Fast Track concrete. Mixes with 610 lb/cu yd (362 kg/cu m) cement were made and tested. Both Pyrament and Ideal RS are capable of producing pavement opening times less than 12 hours. Recent changes to Ideal RS cement have produced concrete flexural strengths of 550 psi (3792 kPa) at 4 hours in Iowa tests. Freeze/thaw durability of the concrete was not adversely affected by using either cement.


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The Iowa DOT has been correlating its roadmeters to the CHLOE Profilometer since 1968. The same test method for the Present Serviceability Index (PSI) deduction from the pavement condition (crack and patch) survey has also been used since 1968. Resulting PSI measurements on the Interstate and Primary Highway Systems have had good continuity through the years due to these test procedures. A computer program called PSITREND has been developed to plot PSI versus year tested for every rural pavement section in the State of Iowa. PSITREND provides pavement performance trends which are very useful for prediction of rehabilitation needs and for evaluation of new designs or rehabilitation techniques. The PSITREND data base should be maintained through future years to expand on nineteen years of historical PSI test information already collected.


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This report summarizes the findings of a research which was intended to evaluate the concrete strength and opening time for the full depth patching projects in Iowa under cold weather and whether or not cold water could be allowed in the mix. This research was performed both in the laboratory and in the field. The results indicated that with the present specification the concrete strength after five hours for two-lane patches which requires hot water and calcium chloride is about 1,600 psi. Hence, if a higher strength is desired, a longer curing time is required. Hot water will have to be used and water reducer is not recommended for two-lane patches. On the other hand, the concrete strength for multi-lane patches with either hot or cold water approaches 4,000 psi in less than 24 hours. There was only a slight difference in compressive strengths between the 24-hour and 36-hours curing times.


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The large volume of traffic on the interstate system makes it difficult to make pavement repairs. The maintenance crew needs 4-5 hours to break out the concrete to be replaced and prepare the hole for placing new concrete. Because of this it is usually noon before the patch can be placed. Since it is desirable to remove the barricades before dark there are only 7-8 hours for the concrete to reach the required strength. There exists a need for a concrete that can reach the necessary strength (modulus of rupture = 500 psi) in 7-8 hours. The purpose of this study is to determine if type III cement and/or an accelerator can be used in an M-4 mix to yield a fast setting patch with very little shrinkage. It is recognized that calcium chloride is a corrosive material and may therefore have detrimental effects upon the reinforcing steel. The study of these effects, however, is beyond the scope of this investigation.


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The main sources of coarse aggregate for secondary slip form paving in Southwest Iowa exhibit undesirable "D" cracking. "D" cracking is a discoloration of the concrete caused by fine, hairline cracks. These cracks are caused by the freezing and thawing of moisture inside the coarse aggregate. The cracks are often hour glass shaped, are parallel to each other, and occur along saw joints. The B-4, a typical secondary mix, utilizes 50% fine aggregate and 50% coarse aggregate. It has been proposed that a concrete mix with less coarse aggregate and more fine aggregate might impede this type of deterioration. The Nebraska Standard 47B Mix, a 70% fine aggregate, and 30% coarse aggregate mix, as used by Nebraska Department of Roads produces concrete with ultimate strengths in excess of 4500 psi but because of the higher cost of cement (it is a six bag per cubic yard mix) is not competitive with our present secondary mixes. The sands of Southwest Iowa generally have poorer mortar strengths than the average Iowa Sand. Class V Aggregate also found in Southwest Iowa has a coarser sand fraction, therefore it has a better mortar strength, but exhibits an acidic reaction and therefore must be·used with limestone. This illustrates the need to find a mix for use in Southwest Iowa that possesses adequate strength and satisfactory durability at a low cost. The purpose of this study is to determine a concrete mix with an acceptable cement content which will produce physical properties similar to that of our present secondary paving mixes.


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Results are presented of triaxial testing of three crushed limestones to which either hydrated high-calcium lime, sodium chloride or calcium chloride had been added. Lime was added at rates of 1, 3, 10 and 16 percent, chlorides were added at 0.5 percent rate only. Speciments were compacted using vibratory compaction apparatus and were tested in triaxial compression using lateral pressures from 10 to 100 psi. Triaxial test results indicate that: (1) sodium chloride slightly decreased the angle of internal friction and increased cohesion, (2) calcium chloride slightly increased the angle of internal friction and decreased cohesion, and (3) lime had no appreciable effect on angle of internal friction but increased cohesion, decreased density and increased pore water pressure.


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Quality granular materials suitable for building all-weather roads are not uniformly distributed throughout the state of Iowa. For this reason the Iowa Highway Research Board has sponsored a number of research programs for the purpose of developing new and effective methods for making use of whatever materials are locally available. This need is ever more pressing today due to the decreasing availability of road funds and quality materials, and the increasing costs of energy and all types of binder materials. In the 1950s, Professor L. H. Csanyi of Iowa State University had demonstrated both in the laboratory and in the field, in Iowa and in a number of foreign countries, the effectiveness of preparing low cost mixes by stabilizing ungraded local aggregates such as gravel, sand and loess with asphalt cements using the foamed asphalt process. In this process controlled foam was produced by introducing saturated steam at about 40 psi into heated asphalt cement at about 25 psi through a specially designed and properly adjusted nozzle. The reduced viscosity and the increased volume and surface energy in the foamed asphalt allowed intimate coating and mixing of cold, wet aggregates or soils. Through the use of asphalt cements in a foamed state, materials normally considered unsuitable could be used in the preparation of mixes for stabilized bases and surfaces for low traffic road construction. By attaching the desired number of foam nozzles, the foamed asphalt can be used in conjunction with any type of mixing plant, either stationary or mobile, batch or continuous, central plant or in-place soil stabilization.


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Two lanes of a major four-lane arterial street in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, needed reconstruction. Because of the traffic volume and the detour problem, closure of the intersections, even for 1 day was not feasible. Use of Fast Track concrete paving on the mainline portion of the project permitted achievement of the opening strength of 400 psi in less than 12 hr. Fast Track II, used for the intersections, achieved the opening strength of 350 psi in 6 to 7 hr. Flexural and compression specimens of two sections each in the Fast Track and Fast Track II sections were subjected to pulse velocity tests. Maturity curves were developed by monitoring the temperatures. Correlations were performed between the pulse velocity and flexural strength and between the maturity and flexural strength. The project established the feasibility of using Fast Track II to construct portland cement concrete pavement at night and opening the roadway to traffic the next day.