773 resultados para Wills, Ethical.
Aim Stapled haemorrhoidopexy may damage the anorectal musculature and its sensorimotor function. Most studies have not used a barostat for the measurement of compliance. This study aimed to investigate the effect of stapled haemorrhoidopexy on rectal compliance and sensitivity. Method After Ethical Committee approval, we studied 10 male patients (mean age 33.8 years) with third- or fourth-degree haemorrhoids. Rectal compliance and sensitivity were measured with a 600-ml bag and an electronic barostat. Volunteers were submitted to two consecutive rectal distension protocols, including continuous distension at 2, 4 and 6 months after stapled haemorrhoidopexy. Intraluminal volume and pressure were recorded, including the first rectal sensation, desire to defecate and onset of rectal pain. Another group of 10 male control patients (mean age 24.9 years) with pilonidal sinus and no haemorrhoids was also included in the study. Results Two months after stapled haemorrhoidopexy, rectal compliance decreased (7.1 +/- 0.2 vs 5.3 +/- 0.1, 6.4 +/- 0.1 vs 5.1 +/- 0.1 and 5.6 +/- 0.2 vs 4.7 +/- 0.1 ml/mmHg for first rectal sensation, desire to defecate and rectal pain, respectively; P < 0.05). The sensitivity threshold volume did not change for the first sensation but decreased significantly for the desier to defecate and pain (p < 0.05) (116.8 +/- 13.8 vs 148.4 +/- 14.61, 251.1 +/- 8.9 vs 185.8 +/- 8.6 and 293.3 +/- 16.6 vs 221.2 +/- 6.0 ml for first rectal sensation, desire to defecate and rectal pain, respectively). Four and 6 months after surgery, rectal compliance and sensitivity returned to levels similar to those in the basal period. Muscle tissue was found in only three of the 10 resected doughnuts. Controls remained without any change in rectal compliance and sensitivity. Conclusion Stapled haemorrhoidopexy transiently decreases rectal compliance and sensitivity threshold in young male patients.
Wills' Mineral Processing Technology provides practising engineers and students of mineral processing, metallurgy and mining with a review of all of the common ore-processing techniques utilized in modern processing installations. Now in its Seventh Edition, this renowned book is a standard reference for the mineral processing industry. Chapters deal with each of the major processing techniques, and coverage includes the latest technical developments in the processing of increasingly complex refractory ores, new equipment and process routes. This new edition has been prepared by the prestigious J K Minerals Research Centre of Australia, which contributes its world-class expertise and ensures that this will continue to be the book of choice for professionals and students in this field. This latest edition highlights the developments and the challenges facing the mineral processor, particularly with regard to the environmental problems posed in improving the efficiency of the existing processes and also in dealing with the waste created. The work is fully indexed and referenced.
Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is a multifunctional growth factor that has several biological effects in vivo including control of cell growth and differentiation, cell migration, lineage determination, motility, adhesion, apoptosis, and synthesis and degradation of extracellular matrix, and TGF-beta plays an important role in regulating tissue repair and regeneration. Our study analyzed the participation of TGF-beta 1, -beta 2, and -beta 3 in the different stages of morphogenesis and differentiation of human developing dental organ using immunobistochemistry. The maxillae and mandibles of 10 human embryos ranging from 8 to 23 weeks of gestation were employed, according to the approval of the ethical committee. Our study revealed that the TGF-beta subunits-beta 1, beta 2, and beta 3 were present in the various stages of tooth development, but the expression varied according to the differentiation stage, tissue, and TGF-beta subunit. Our results indicated that TGF-beta 1 is closely related to differentiation of enamel organ and initiation of matrix secretion, TGF-beta 2 to cellular differentiation, and TGF-beta 3 to mineral maturation matrix.
We propose a theory of trust in interorganizational virtual organizations that focuses on how trustworthiness can be communicated and trust built in this environment. The theory highlights three issues that must be dealt with if the potential obstacles to the development of trust in the virtual context are to be overcome. These are communication of trustworthiness facilitated by reliable Information and Communication Technology (ICT), establishment of a common business understanding, and strong business ethics. We propose four specific propositions relating to these issues, and suggest topics to be explored in future research. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
A sedimentation equilibrium study of a-chymotrypsin self-association in acetate-chloride buffer, pH 4.1 I 0.05, has been used to illustrate determination of a dimerization constant under conditions where thermodynamic non-ideality is manifested beyond the consequences of nearest-neighbor interactions. Because the expressions for the experimentally determinable interaction parameters comprise a mixture of equilibrium constant and excluded volume terms, the assignment of reasonable magnitudes to the relevant virial coefficients describing non-associative cluster formation is essential for the evaluation of a reliable estimate of the dimerization constant. Determination of these excluded volume parameters by numerical integration over the potential-of-mean-force is shown to be preferable to their calculation by approximate analytical solutions of the integral for this relatively small enzyme monomer with high net charge (+ 10) under conditions of low ionic strength (0.05 M). (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Modelling and simulation studies were carried out at 26 cement clinker grinding circuits including tube mills, air separators and high pressure grinding rolls in 8 plants. The results reported earlier have shown that tube mills can be modelled as several mills in series, and the internal partition in tube mills can be modelled as a screen which must retain coarse particles in the first compartment but not impede the flow of drying air. In this work the modelling has been extended to show that the Tromp curve which describes separator (classifier) performance can be modelled in terms of d(50)(corr), by-pass, the fish hook, and the sharpness of the curve. Also the high pressure grinding rolls model developed at the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre gives satisfactory predictions using a breakage function derived from impact and compressed bed tests. Simulation studies of a full plant incorporating a tube mill, HPGR and separators showed that the models could successfully predict the performance of the another mill working under different conditions. The simulation capability can therefore be used for process optimization and design. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Experimental work has been carried out to investigate the effect of major operating variables on milling efficiency of calcium carbonate in laboratory and pilot size Tower and Sala Agitated (SAM) mills. The results suggest that the stirrer speed, media size and slurry density affect the specific energy consumption required to achieve the given product size. Media stress intensity analysis developed for high-speed horizontal mills was modified to include the effect of gravitational force in the vertical stirred mills such as the Tower and SAM units. The results suggest that this approach can be successfully applied for both mill types. For a given specific energy input, an optimum stress intensity range existed, for which the finest product was achieved. Finer product and therefore higher milling efficiency was obtained with SAM in the range of operating conditions tested. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Bond's method for ball mill scale-up only gives the mill power draw for a given duty. This method is incompatible with computer modelling and simulation techniques. It might not be applicable for the design of fine grinding ball mills and ball mills preceded by autogenous and semi-autogenous grinding mills. Model-based ball mill scale-up methods have not been validated using a wide range of full-scale circuit data. Their accuracy is therefore questionable. Some of these methods also need expensive pilot testing. A new ball mill scale-up procedure is developed which does not have these limitations. This procedure uses data from two laboratory tests to determine the parameters of a ball mill model. A set of scale-up criteria then scales-up these parameters. The procedure uses the scaled-up parameters to simulate the steady state performance of full-scale mill circuits. At the end of the simulation, the scale-up procedure gives the size distribution, the volumetric flowrate and the mass flowrate of all the streams in the circuit, and the mill power draw.
A new ball mill scale-up procedure is developed which uses laboratory data to predict the performance of MI-scale ball mill circuits. This procedure contains two laboratory tests. These laboratory tests give the data for the determination of the parameters of a ball mill model. A set of scale-up criteria then scales-up these parameters. The procedure uses the scaled-up parameters to simulate the steady state performance of the full-scale mill circuit. At the end of the simulation, the scale-up procedure gives the size distribution, the volumetric flowrate and the mass flowrate of all the streams in the circuit, and the mill power draw. A worked example shows how the new ball mill scale-up procedure is executed. This worked example uses laboratory data to predict the performance of a full-scale re-grind mill circuit. This circuit consists of a ball mill in closed circuit with hydrocyclones. The MI-scale ball mill has a diameter (inside liners) of 1.85m. The scale-up procedure shows that the full-scale circuit produces a product (hydrocyclone overflow) that has an 80% passing size of 80 mum. The circuit has a recirculating load of 173%. The calculated power draw of the full-scale mill is 92kW (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Model-based procedure for scale-up of wet, overflow ball mills - Part III: Validation and discussion
A new ball mill scale-up procedure is developed. This procedure has been validated using seven sets of Ml-scale ball mil data. The largest ball mills in these data have diameters (inside liners) of 6.58m. The procedure can predict the 80% passing size of the circuit product to within +/-6% of the measured value, with a precision of +/-11% (one standard deviation); the re-circulating load to within +/-33% of the mass-balanced value (this error margin is within the uncertainty associated with the determination of the re-circulating load); and the mill power to within +/-5% of the measured value. This procedure is applicable for the design of ball mills which are preceded by autogenous (AG) mills, semi-autogenous (SAG) mills, crushers and flotation circuits. The new procedure is more precise and more accurate than Bond's method for ball mill scale-up. This procedure contains no efficiency correction which relates to the mill diameter. This suggests that, within the range of mill diameter studied, milling efficiency does not vary with mill diameter. This is in contrast with Bond's equation-Bond claimed that milling efficiency increases with mill diameter. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The impact of fluorine in copper flotation was relatively unknown until the introduction of skarn ores in the Ok Tedi concentrator. Fluorine in the copper concentrates reports to the gas phase during the smelting stage and forms a corrosive H2SO4-HCl-HF acid brine mixture which must be neutralised. This work was aimed at studying the mineralogy of the fluorosilicate minerals contained in the various oretypes present in the Ok Tedi porphyry copper deposit. The electron microprobe was used to analyse for fluorine and hence identify the fluorosilicate minerals in each oretype. This study revealed talc, phlogopite, biotite, clays, amphiboles, fluoroapatite and titanite to be the sources of fluorine in the orebody. Laboratory and plant investigations were conducted to study the flotation response of these minerals. Chemical assaying of the products of these tests was done to determine the bulk assay of fluorine, Using Rietveld analysis, quantitative estimates of the fluorosilicate minerals in these products were generated. Marrying of the bulk assay with the respective mineralogical assay enabled the understanding of the flotation behavior of fluorine and it's associated mineralogy. Talc and phlogopite were found to be the causes of the fluorine problem at Ok Tedi. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The South African style SAG (RoM) mills operate in a window that is almost exclusive from the operation of the Australian and North American mills that have been used for the development of SAG mill models. Combining good quality, test data from the RoM mills is extending and improving these models, and assisting in a practical manner in improving our understanding of SAG/AG milling. Data from high mill loads, both in absolute filling and ball loading, have been used to extend and improve the JK SAG mill model. This improved understanding has been successfully applied to increasing the throughput of a mill by 8%. Data is presented on relationships between power and load for high mill loading. Slurry pooling is common in closed-circuit RoM mills, and the detrimental effect of this has been dramatically demonstrated at ALCOA with a mill throughput increase of over 20%. Techniques for calculating the effects of slurry pooling have been developed and a new pulp lifter system designed to give optimal slurry discharge. The influence of mill speed in shifting the product size distribution has also been measured. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.