996 resultados para Whitehead, Oliver
In studying and forming an understanding of Iowa’s transportation history, we must surely develop a reverence for the lifestyles which preceded ours. Achieving a greater understanding of our past, we are better prepared to plan our future as we say farewell to the 20th century and move forward into the 21st. In the words of Oliver Wendell Holmes: “I believe the greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving... and the further backward you can look, the farther forward you can see.” To help Iowans gain a better understanding of our state’s rich transportation past, the Iowa Department of Transportation has produced a collection of materials including this booklet, the 1999-2000 Iowa Transportation Map, a video entitled A History of Iowa’s Rivers, Roads, Rails and Runways, and a traveling photo exhibit. In addition, Iowa is fortunate to have many local organizations, and the state-owned museum and historic sites, working to preserve the history of our state. Listed in the back section of this booklet are the addresses and descriptions of many sites that offer visitors an opportunity to see a wide range of transportation- related artifacts. The information and photographs are organized in time sequence. However, you will note that many of the transportation eras overlap. The booklet begins with Iowa’s pre-settlement era and concludes with the historic highway and transit program that was signed into law by President Clinton in 1998. As you can imagine, condensing this much Iowa history into a booklet-sized resource was a monumental challenge. Making selections and abbreviating the information resulted in some difficult editorial choices. However, we hope this publication will inspire readers to learn more about our rich, rewarding past and to visit and experience some of Iowa’s historic sites.
The aim of this work was the use of NIR technology by direct application of a fiber optic probe on back fat to analyze the fatty acid composition of CLA fed boars and gilts. 265 animals were fed 3 different diets and the fatty acid profile of back fat from Gluteus medius was analyzed using gas chromatography and FT-NIR. Spectra were acquired using a Bruker Optics Matrix-F duplex spectrometer equipped with a fiber optic probe (IN-268-2). Oleic and stearic fatty acids were predicted accurately; myristic, vaccenic and linoleic fatty acids were predicted with lower accuracy, while palmitic and α-linolenic fatty acids were poorly predicted. The relative percentage of fatty acids and NIR spectra showed differences in fatty acid composition of back fat from pigs fed CLA which increased the relative percentage of SFA and PUFA while MUFA decreased. Results suggest that a NIR fiber optic probe can be used to predict total saturated and unsaturated fatty acid composition, as well as the percentage of stearic and oleic. NIR showed potential as a rapid and easily implemented method to discriminate carcasses from animals fed different diets.
Comptar amb sistemes sofisticats de gestió o programes ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) no és suficient per a les organitzacions. Per a què aquests recursos donin resultats adequats i actualitzats, la informació d’entrada ha de llegir-se de forma automàtica, per aconseguir estalviar en recursos, eliminació d’errors i assegurar el compliment de la qualitat. Per aquest motiu és important comptar amb eines i serveis d’identificació automàtica i col•lecció de dades. Els principals objectius a assolir (a partir de la introducció al lector de la importància dels sistemes logístics d’identificació en un entorn global d’alta competitivitat), són conèixer i comprendre el funcionament de les tres principals tecnologies existents al mercat (codis de barres lineals, codis de barres bidimensionals i sistemes RFID), veure en quin estat d’implantació es troba cadascuna i les seves principals aplicacions. Un cop realitzat aquest primer estudi es pretén comparar les tres tecnologies per o poder obtenir perspectives de futur en l’àmbit de l’autoidentificació. A partir de la situació actual i de les necessitats de les empreses, juntament amb el meravellós món que sembla obrir la tecnologia RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), la principal conclusió a la que s’arribarà és que malgrat les limitacions tècniques dels codis de barres lineals, aquests es troben completament integrats a tota la cadena logística gràcies a l’estandarització i la utilització d’un llenguatge comú, sota el nom de simbologies GTIN (Global Trade Item Number), durant tota la cadena de subministres que garanteixen total traçabilitat dels productes gràcies en part a la gestió de les bases de dades i del flux d’informació. La tecnologia RFUD amb l’EPC (Electronic Product Code) supera aquestes limitacions, convertint-se en el màxim candidat per a substituir els limitats codis de barres. Tot i això, RFID, amb l’EPC, no serà un adequat identificador logístic fins que es superin importants barreres, com són la falta d’estandarització i l’elevat cost d’implantació.
Marta Pessarrodona és una de les traductores més representatives del segle XX en llengua catalana i castellana, juntament amb altres noms femenins que han cultivat l’art de la traducció com Maria Antònia Salvà, Carme Montoriol, Maria Teresa Vernet, Carme Serrallonga, Maria Aurèlia Capmany, Montserrat Abelló, Roser Berdagué, Maria Àngels Anglada, HelenaValentí, Maria Antònia Oliver, Maria Mercè-Marçal, entre d’altres. Tanmateix, per a la majoria, la tasca de torsimanys correspon a una activitat secundària per aquestes autores, en tant que prioritzen la seva faceta com a escriptores i l'ofici de la traducció sovint respon a una voluntat econòmica. De la mateixa manera, Marta Pessarrodona també ha destacat en altres camps de la literatura, concretament en la poesia, però també en l’assaig i la narració curta. Malgrat això, en tota la seva obra té intrínseca la traducció tant pel recurs d’usar paraules d’altres idiomes com també per la temàtica de les seves obres. La seva passió per les diferents llengües i cultures la porten a voler donar-les a conèixer a la nostra llengua i cultura, i per aquest motiu, té una prolífica activitat traductora, que ha restat sempre en la penombra, eclipsada per la seva activitat com a autora, principalment poeta, però també assagista, dramaturga, prologuista i articulista. L’activitat traductològica de Pessarrodona l’ha acompanyat al llarg de la seva carrera com a autora i ha publicat un llarg llistat d’obres, majoritàriament d’autores de parla anglesa, en llengua catalana i castellana. Tanmateix, tot i l’aportació tan important que ha realitzat a la nostra cultura a través de la traducció, la faceta de Marta Pessarrodona com a traductora no ha estat gaire estudiada enfront a la seva activitat com a escriptora, que gaudeix de més rellevància. És per aquest motiu que volem donar reconeixement a aquesta activitat en la qual Pessarrodona hi ha dedicat tant temps i esforç i que ens ha apropat obres cabdals de la literatura universal. Així doncs, l’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és donar a conèixer la faceta traductora de Marta Pessarrodona amb la finalitat de recuperar les veus traductològiques de la nostra història literària. Cal entendre aquesta traductora en relació amb el conjunt de la tradició literària alhora que en el context d’una geneologia femenina de la literatura que ha començat a esbossar-se d’un temps ençà.
BACKGROUND: The nuclear receptors are a large family of eukaryotic transcription factors that constitute major pharmacological targets. They exert their combinatorial control through homotypic heterodimerisation. Elucidation of this dimerisation network is vital in order to understand the complex dynamics and potential cross-talk involved. RESULTS: Phylogeny, protein-protein interactions, protein-DNA interactions and gene expression data have been integrated to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date description of the topology and properties of the nuclear receptor interaction network in humans. We discriminate between DNA-binding and non-DNA-binding dimers, and provide a comprehensive interaction map, that identifies potential cross-talk between the various pathways of nuclear receptors. CONCLUSION: We infer that the topology of this network is hub-based, and much more connected than previously thought. The hub-based topology of the network and the wide tissue expression pattern of NRs create a highly competitive environment for the common heterodimerising partners. Furthermore, a significant number of negative feedback loops is present, with the hub protein SHP [NR0B2] playing a major role. We also compare the evolution, topology and properties of the nuclear receptor network with the hub-based dimerisation network of the bHLH transcription factors in order to identify both unique themes and ubiquitous properties in gene regulation. In terms of methodology, we conclude that such a comprehensive picture can only be assembled by semi-automated text-mining, manual curation and integration of data from various sources.
Introduction: Tourette syndrome (TS) implicates the disinhibition of the cortico-striatal-thalamic-cortical circuitry (CSTC). Previous studies used a volumetric approach to investigate this circuitry with inconsistent findings. Cortical thickness may represent a more reliable measure than volume due to the low variability in the cytoarchitectural structure of the grey matter. Methods: 66 magnetic resonance imaging scans were acquired from 34 TS (age range 10-25, mean 17.19±4.1) and 32 normal controls (NC) (age range 10-20, mean 16.33±3.56). Brain morphology was assessed using the fully automated Civet pipeline at the Montreal Neurological Institute. Results: We report (1) significant cortical thinning in the fronto-parietal and somatosensory-motor cortices in TS relative to NC (p<0.05); (2) TS boys showed thinner cortex relative to TS girls in the fronto-parietal cortical regions (p<0.05); (3) significant decrease in the fronto-parietal mean cortical thickness in TS with age relative to NC and in the pre-central cortex in TS boys relative to TS girls; (4) significant negative correlations between tic severity and the somatosensory-motor cortical thickness. Conclusions: TS revealed important thinning in brain regions particularly involved in the somatosensory/motor bodily representations which may play an important role in tics. Our findings are in agreement with Leckman et al. (1991) hypothesis stating that facial tics would be associated with dysfunction in an orofacial subset of the motor circuit, eye blinking with the occulo-motor circuit, whereas lack of inhibition to a dysfunction in the prefrontal cortex. Gender and age differences may reflect differential etiological factors, which have significant clinical relevance in TS and should be considered in developing and using diagnostic and therapeutic interventions.
The genomic era has revealed that the large repertoire of observed animal phenotypes is dependent on changes in the expression patterns of a finite number of genes, which are mediated by a plethora of transcription factors (TFs) with distinct specificities. The dimerization of TFs can also increase the complexity of a genetic regulatory network manifold, by combining a small number of monomers into dimers with distinct functions. Therefore, studying the evolution of these dimerizing TFs is vital for understanding how complexity increased during animal evolution. We focus on the second largest family of dimerizing TFs, the basic-region leucine zipper (bZIP), and infer when it expanded and how bZIP DNA-binding and dimerization functions evolved during the major phases of animal evolution. Specifically, we classify the metazoan bZIPs into 19 families and confirm the ancient nature of at least 13 of these families, predating the split of the cnidaria. We observe fixation of a core dimerization network in the last common ancestor of protostomes-deuterostomes. This was followed by an expansion of the number of proteins in the network, but no major dimerization changes in interaction partners, during the emergence of vertebrates. In conclusion, the bZIPs are an excellent model with which to understand how DNA binding and protein interactions of TFs evolved during animal evolution.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Arterial base excess and lactate levels are key parameters in the assessment of critically ill patients. The use of venous blood gas analysis may be of clinical interest when no arterial blood is available initially. METHODS: Twenty-four pigs underwent progressive normovolaemic haemodilution and subsequent progressive haemorrhage until the death of the animal. Base excess and lactate levels were determined from arterial and central venous blood after each step. In addition, base excess was calculated by the Van Slyke equation modified by Zander (BE(z)). Continuous variables were summarized as mean +/- SD and represent all measurements (n = 195). RESULTS: Base excess according to National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards for arterial blood was 2.27 +/- 4.12 versus 2.48 +/- 4.33 mmol(-l) for central venous blood (P = 0.099) with a strong correlation (r(2) = 0.960, P < 0.001). Standard deviation of the differences between these parameters (SD-DIFBE) did not increase (P = 0.355) during haemorrhage as compared with haemodilution. Arterial lactate was 2.66 +/- 3.23 versus 2.71 +/- 2.80 mmol(-l) in central venous blood (P = 0.330) with a strong correlation (r(2) = 0.983, P < 0.001). SD-DIFLAC increased (P < 0.001) during haemorrhage. BE(z) for central venous blood was 2.22 +/- 4.62 mmol(-l) (P = 0.006 versus arterial base excess according to National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards) with strong correlation (r(2) = 0.942, P < 0.001). SD-DIFBE(z)/base excess increased (P < 0.024) during haemorrhage. CONCLUSION: Central venous blood gas analysis is a good predictor for base excess and lactate in arterial blood in steady-state conditions. However, the variation between arterial and central venous lactate increases during haemorrhage. The modification of the Van Slyke equation by Zander did not improve the agreement between central venous and arterial base excess.
Some generalized soliton solutions of the cosmological EinsteinRosen type defined in the space-time region t2=z2 in terms of canonical coordinates are considered. Vacuum solutions are studied and interpreted as cosmological models. Fluid solutions are also considered and are seen to represent inhomogeneous cosmological models that become homogeneous at t?8. A subset of them evolve toward isotropic FriedmannRobertsonWalker metrics.
Adaptation of 24-h energy expenditure (24-h EE) to seasonal variations in food availability was studied, by using a respiration chamber, in 18 rural Gambian men on three occasions: period 1--at the end of the rainy season, which is characterized by low food availability; period 2--during the nutritionally favorable dry season; and period 3--at the onset of the following rainy season. From periods 1 to 2 body weight increased by 2.8 +/- 0.4 kg, and a rise in 24-h EE was observed (from 8556 +/- 212 kJ/d to 9166 +/- 224 kJ/d), which was correlated to weight change (r = 0.73, P less than 0.001). During period 3, 24-h EE averaged 8740 +/- 194 kJ/d. Diet-induced thermogenesis increased significantly from periods 1 to 2 (5.9 +/- 0.5% to 8.2 +/- 0.8%) and subsequently decreased to 3.6 +/- 0.6% during period 3. In rural Gambian men, metabolic adaptations in response to seasonal changes in food availability are reflected by a decrease in body weight, mainly manifested by a loss of fat-free mass accompanied by a decreased 24-h EE and a lowered diet-induced thermogenesis.
Background Accurate automatic segmentation of the caudate nucleus in magnetic resonance images (MRI) of the brain is of great interest in the analysis of developmental disorders. Segmentation methods based on a single atlas or on multiple atlases have been shown to suitably localize caudate structure. However, the atlas prior information may not represent the structure of interest correctly. It may therefore be useful to introduce a more flexible technique for accurate segmentations. Method We present Cau-dateCut: a new fully-automatic method of segmenting the caudate nucleus in MRI. CaudateCut combines an atlas-based segmentation strategy with the Graph Cut energy-minimization framework. We adapt the Graph Cut model to make it suitable for segmenting small, low-contrast structures, such as the caudate nucleus, by defining new energy function data and boundary potentials. In particular, we exploit information concerning the intensity and geometry, and we add supervised energies based on contextual brain structures. Furthermore, we reinforce boundary detection using a new multi-scale edgeness measure. Results We apply the novel CaudateCut method to the segmentation of the caudate nucleus to a new set of 39 pediatric attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) patients and 40 control children, as well as to a public database of 18 subjects. We evaluate the quality of the segmentation using several volumetric and voxel by voxel measures. Our results show improved performance in terms of segmentation compared to state-of-the-art approaches, obtaining a mean overlap of 80.75%. Moreover, we present a quantitative volumetric analysis of caudate abnormalities in pediatric ADHD, the results of which show strong correlation with expert manual analysis. Conclusion CaudateCut generates segmentation results that are comparable to gold-standard segmentations and which are reliable in the analysis of differentiating neuroanatomical abnormalities between healthy controls and pediatric ADHD.
Most common human traits and diseases have a polygenic pattern of inheritance: DNA sequence variants at many genetic loci influence the phenotype. Genome-wide association (GWA) studies have identified more than 600 variants associated with human traits, but these typically explain small fractions of phenotypic variation, raising questions about the use of further studies. Here, using 183,727 individuals, we show that hundreds of genetic variants, in at least 180 loci, influence adult height, a highly heritable and classic polygenic trait. The large number of loci reveals patterns with important implications for genetic studies of common human diseases and traits. First, the 180 loci are not random, but instead are enriched for genes that are connected in biological pathways (P = 0.016) and that underlie skeletal growth defects (P < 0.001). Second, the likely causal gene is often located near the most strongly associated variant: in 13 of 21 loci containing a known skeletal growth gene, that gene was closest to the associated variant. Third, at least 19 loci have multiple independently associated variants, suggesting that allelic heterogeneity is a frequent feature of polygenic traits, that comprehensive explorations of already-discovered loci should discover additional variants and that an appreciable fraction of associated loci may have been identified. Fourth, associated variants are enriched for likely functional effects on genes, being over-represented among variants that alter amino-acid structure of proteins and expression levels of nearby genes. Our data explain approximately 10% of the phenotypic variation in height, and we estimate that unidentified common variants of similar effect sizes would increase this figure to approximately 16% of phenotypic variation (approximately 20% of heritable variation). Although additional approaches are needed to dissect the genetic architecture of polygenic human traits fully, our findings indicate that GWA studies can identify large numbers of loci that implicate biologically relevant genes and pathways.