898 resultados para White Head Conglomerate
A multivariate morphometric study of the Greater white-toothed shrew (C. russula) throughout its Palearctic range was carried out to search for patterns of geographic variation within the species boundary. Burnaby's and multiple group principal component analysis allowed the adjustment of raw data with respect to within-sample allometric variation. Multivariate 'size-free' results show a stepped dine with the phenotypical trait reduction and shape change from the eastern to the western Maghreb. Pleistocene fossil mandibles proved to have low phenetic distances with eastern populations (Tunisia, east Algeria) and it is argued that their character set is the primitive condition. The ancestral Mid-Pleistocene shrews lived in a relatively more humid climate. Gee-climatic changes in the north African range during the Quaternary provoked phenetic variation of C. russula and, it can be argued, evolution of the modern western C.r. yebalensis. A historical process can thus be assumed as the main cause of this categorical variation, by segmentation of the species range due to gee-climatic events. Morphometric discontinuity within the C. russula Maghreb range is shown to be congruent with karyological and biochemical studies. Moroccan and Tunisian shrews differ, for example, in NFa chromosomes and electrophoretical traits. A stasipatric process should be invoked to explain categorical variation in the Maghreb range. Colonization and divergence of insular populations results in more or less differentiated geographic races. The populations of Ibiza and Pantelleria are close to the species threshold (Nei's D greater than or equal to 0.1). The process of speciation undergone by the Greater white-toothed shrew results in a complex pattern of geographic variation, including both allopatric and non-allopatric modes.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to assess feasibility and efficacy of weekly concomitant boost accelerated postoperative radiation therapy (PORT) with concomitant chemotherapy (CT) in patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer (LAHNC). METHODS AND MATERIALS: Conformal or intensity-modulated 66-Gy RT was performed in 5.5 weeks in 40 patients. Cisplatin was given at days 1, 22, and 43. Median follow-up was 36 months. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Grade 3 mucositis, dysphagia, and erythema was observed in ten (25%), nine (23%), and six (13%) patients, respectively. Grade 3 or more anemia was observed in two (6%) patients, and leukopenia in five (13%) patients. No grade 3 or 4 thrombocytopenia was observed. Grade 3 nephrotoxicity was observed in one patient (3%). No treatment-related mortality was observed. Grade 2 or more xerostomia and edema were observed in ten (25%) and one (3%) patient, respectively. Locoregional relapse occurred in eight patients, and seven patients developed distant metastases. Median time to locoregional relapse was 6 months. Three-year overall, disease-free survival, and locoregional control rates were 63%, 62%, and 81%, respectively. Multivariate analysis revealed that the only prognostic factor was nodal status. CONCLUSION: Reducing overall treatment time using accelerated PORT/CT by weekly concomitant boost (six fractions per week) combined with concomitant cisplatin CT is easily feasible with acceptable morbidity.
1. The relationships between female body mass (WWal)i, tter size (m), juvenile growth rate (G) and mass at weaning (W20) were examined by monitoring natural litters in 29 greater white-toothed shrews, Crocidura russula (Hermann 1780). The trade-offs between m and G or W20 were further investigated by manipulating litter sizes: each of seven females reared four litters of 2, 4, 6 and 8 offspring. 2. Offspring mass at weaning (W20) exhibited a large variance, most of which could be attributed (ANCOVA on manipulated litters) to two effects: a litter-size effect, and a female individual effect, referred to as 'female quality'. 3. Litter size explained 68% of the variance in W20 among manipulated litters (linear regression). The limited milk supply was probably responsible for this effect, because litter size depressed growth rate during the first half of the lactation period (G1), but not during the weaning stage (G2). 4. Among non-manipulated litters, litter size correlated positively with maternal body mass (Wa), so that large females tended to produce small juveniles. This correlation between m and Wa is seen as the result of a body-mass dependence in the cost of raising a litter of a given size, during either pregnancy or lactation. 5. Differences in 'female quality' explained 16% of the variance in W20 among manipulated litters. This factor did not affect GI and may thus relate to differences among offspring of different females in their rates of processing milk and/or external food during late lactation. 6. 'Female quality' was independent of both body mass and litter size: larger females did not produce larger offspring when controlled for litter size, while higher-quality females did not produce larger litters. 7. Our results support the hypothesis that most variance in adult and juvenile body masses is non-genetic, and stems from the trade-off between litter size and offspring size.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The article reviews recent significant advances and current applications of the temporoparietal fascia flap (TPFF) in head and neck surgery. RECENT FINDINGS: The recent literature describes a wide span of new applications of the TPFF in many areas. Significant developments and refinements in the reconstruction of orbitomaxillary composite defects and orbital exenteration cavities are reported. The TPFF combined with alloplastic framework is gaining in importance in external ear reconstruction. Innovative prefabricated skin or soft-tissue grafts based on the TPFF are used to restore facial contour or in the reconstruction of complex facial defects. The free TPFF finds a role in laryngotracheal reconstruction as a vascular carrier to support cartilage grafts. SUMMARY: Owing to its reliability and unequalled structural properties, the TPFF still plays a central role in facial reconstruction. Future investigation will likely incorporate the free TPFF as a vascular carrier of bioengineered tissues, such as cartilage and mucosa, for various head and neck indications.
But : comprendre les raisons des divergences observées dans le tracé des volumes cibles entre radio-oncologues. Matériel et méthodes : 18 centres suisses de radio-oncologie ont été invités à tracer les volumes pour un cas de cancer de la prostate et pour un cas de cancer de la sphère ORL. Nous avons également envoyé un questionnaire pour évaluer d'une part les différences dans la définition- des volumes (GTV [ gross tumor volume= volume tumoral macroscopique ], CTV [clinical tumor volume= volume de la tumeur clinique, macroscopique et microscopique], PTV [planning target volume= volume cible pour la planification], et d'autre part des variations dans les marges appliquées et les ganglions considérés à risque. Pour chaque centre, on a calculé la corrélation entre les marges qui ont été dessinées et celles qui ont été annoncées. Nous avons inclus dans le questionnaire une série de questions non spécifiques pour évaluer les méthodes de planification utilisées dans les différents centres. Résultats : Dans les 2 situations cliniques, on a mis en évidence de relativement grandes différences tant au niveau des volumes dessinés par les différents centres que dans leur définition des volumes. La corrélation entre les marges dessinées et définies était assez correcte dans le cas de la prostate mais médiocre dans le cas ORL. Le questionnaire a révélé d'importantes différences dans les méthodes de planification utilisées par les centres. Conclusion : Ces grandes différences peuvent être expliquées par, (1) une connaissance/interprétation variable des définitions ICRU, (2) des appréciations différentes de l'extension tumorale microscopique potentielle, (3) des difficultés dans l'identification du GTV, (4) des différences de concept, et (5) des différences entre la théorie (par ex. la description des marges) et la pratiqué (par ex. les marges dessinées).
OBJECTIVE: We investigated factors associated with masked and white-coat hypertension in a Swiss population-based sample. METHODS: The Swiss Kidney Project on Genes in Hypertension is a family-based cross-sectional study. Office and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure were measured using validated devices. Masked hypertension was defined as office blood pressure<140/90 mmHg and daytime ambulatory blood pressure≥135/85 mmHg. White-coat hypertension was defined as office blood pressure≥140/90 mmHg and daytime ambulatory blood pressure<135/85 mmHg. Mixed-effect logistic regression was used to examine the relationship of masked and white-coat hypertension with associated factors, while taking familial correlations into account. High-normal office blood pressure was defined as systolic/diastolic blood pressure within the 130-139/85-89 mmHg range. RESULTS: Among the 652 participants included in this analysis, 51% were female. Mean age (±SD) was 48 (±18) years. The proportion of participants with masked and white coat hypertension was respectively 15.8% and 2.6%. Masked hypertension was associated with age (odds ratio (OR) = 1.02, p = 0.012), high-normal office blood pressure (OR = 6.68, p<0.001), and obesity (OR = 3.63, p = 0.001). White-coat hypertension was significantly associated with age (OR = 1.07, p<0.001) but not with education, family history of hypertension, or physical activity. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that physicians should consider ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for older individuals with high-normal office blood pressure and/or who are obese.
Quarterly newsletter produced by the Iowa Department of Blind, about the information and activities that are on going in the department.
greater white toothed shrew; Crocidura russula; colonisation capacity
This report includes the objectives, implementation responsibilities and target dates recommended and passed by the delegates to the Iowa Governor's Pre-White House Conference on Library and Information Services (April 30-May 2, 1991) or the White House Conference on Library and Information Services (July 9-13, 1991. Text of the relevant recommendations is included for each objective.
The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) mediates the activity of the insulin-sensitizing thiazolidinediones and plays an important role in adipocyte differentiation and fat accretion. The analysis of PPARgamma functions in mature adipocytes is precluded by lethality of PPARgamma(-/-) fetuses and tetraploid-rescued pups. Therefore we have selectively ablated PPARgamma in adipocytes of adult mice by using the tamoxifen-dependent Cre-ER(T2) recombination system. We show that mature PPARgamma-null white and brown adipocytes die within a few days and are replaced by newly formed PPARgamma-positive adipocytes, demonstrating that PPARgamma is essential for the in vivo survival of mature adipocytes, in addition to its well established requirement for their differentiation. Our data suggest that potent PPARgamma antagonists could be used to acutely reduce obesity.
The objective of this work was to investigate heterosis and its components in 16 white grain maize populations presenting high quality protein. These populations were divided according to grain type in order to establish different heterosis groups. The crosses were carried out according to a partial diallel cross design among flint and dent populations. Seven agronomic traits were evaluated in three environments while four leaf diseases and incidence of corn stunt were evaluated in one. Least square procedure was applied to the normal equation X'Xbeta = X'Y, to estimate the model effects and their respective sum of squares. Among the heterosis components, in diallel analysis, significance for average heterosis in grain yield, number of days to female flowering and to all evaluated diseases was detected. Specific heterosis was significant for days to female flowering and resistance to Puccinia polysora. Results concerned to grain yield trait indicate that populations with superior performance in dent group, no matter what flint population group is used in crosses, tend to generate superior intervarietal hybrids. In decreasing order of preference, the dent type populations CMS 476, ZQP/B 103 and ZQP/B 101 and the flint type CMS 461, CMS 460, ZQP/B 104 and ZQP/B 102 are recommended to form composites.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of combined pressure/temperature treatments (200, 400 and 600 MPa, at 20 and 40 °C) on key physical and chemical characteristics of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata alba). Thermal treatment (blanching) was also investigated and compared with high-pressure processing (HPP). HPP at 400 MPa and 20–40 °C caused significantly larger colour changes compared to any other pressure or thermal treatment. All pressure treatments induced a softening effect, whereas blanching did not significantly alter texture. Both blanching and pressure treatments resulted in a reduction in the levels of ascorbic acid, effect that was less pronounced for blanching and HPP at 600 MPa and 20–40 °C. HPP at 600 MPa resulted in significantly higher total phenol content, total antioxidant capacity and total isothiocyanate content compared to blanching. In summary, the colour and texture of white cabbage were better preserved by blanching. However, HPP at 600 MPa resulted in significantly higher levels of phytochemical compounds. The results of this study suggest that HPP may represent an attractive technology to process vegetable-based food products that better maintains important aspects related to the content of health-promoting compounds. This may be of particular relevance to the food industry sector involved in the development of convenient novel food products with excellent functional properties