866 resultados para Weinzieri, Rupert: The post-subcultures reader
In Colombia, mainly classic forensic medicine methods were used to clarify crimes until 2004. However, other disciplines, including forensic entomology, started to be considered only after the New Accusatory System introduction in Bogotá and the Coffee Region in 2005. In order to provide tools for obtaining evidentiary material elements in judicial trials, it is presented here the succession of insects throughout the decomposition process of an exposed carcass of Sus scrofa Linnaeus 1758 (Suidae) and the Occurrence Matrix of colonizing species. This process was evaluated under ambient conditions in the Andean rural area of the city of Pereira, in the Mundo Nuevo district, located in a pre-montane Wet Forest area, from October to November 2006. A sampling period of 27 days and 3198 individuals were collected. We found these colonizing species in the following stages of decomposition: Lucilia eximia (Wiedemann, 1819) fresh; Hemilucilia semidiaphana (Rondani, 1850), Oxelytrum discicolle (Brullé, 1840), and Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius 1775) bloated; Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann 1819), Compsomyiops verena (Walker, 1849), Ophyra aenescens (Wiedemann, 1830) and Musca domestica Linnaeus, 1758 active; Fannia sp. advanced and Stearibia nigriceps (Meigen, 1826) remains. This study provides support tools to define the Post Mortem Interval that may be used by experts from government institutions and laboratories officially accredited.
This paper presents a general equilibrium model of money demand wherethe velocity of money changes in response to endogenous fluctuations in the interest rate. The parameter space can be divided into two subsets: one where velocity is constant and equal to one as in cash-in-advance models, and another one where velocity fluctuates as in Baumol (1952). Despite its simplicity, in terms of paramaters to calibrate, the model performs surprisingly well. In particular, it approximates the variability of money velocity observed in the U.S. for the post-war period. The model is then used to analyze the welfare costs of inflation under uncertainty. This application calculates the errors derived from computing the costs of inflation with deterministic models. It turns out that the size of this difference is small, at least for the levels of uncertainty estimated for the U.S. economy.
ABSTRACT. Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann) and Hemilucilia segmentaria (Fabricius) (Diptera, Calliphoridae) used to estimate the postmortem interval in a forensic case in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The corpse of a man was found in a Brazilian highland savanna (cerrado) in the state of Minas Gerais. Fly larvae were collected at the crime scene and arrived at the laboratory three days afterwards. From the eight pre-pupae, seven adults of Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819) emerged and, from the two larvae, two adults of Hemilucilia segmentaria (Fabricius, 1805) were obtained. As necrophagous insects use corpses as a feeding resource, their development rate can be used as a tool to estimate the postmortem interval. The post-embryonary development stage of the immature collected on the body was estimated as the difference between the total development time and the time required for them to become adults in the lab. The estimated age of the maggots from both species and the minimum postmortem interval were four days. This is the first time that H. segmentaria is used to estimate the postmortem interval in a forensic case.
NT-proBNP, a marker of cardiac failure, has been shown to be stable in post mortem samples. The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of NT-proBNP to detect heart failure in the forensic setting. One hundred sixty-eight consecutive autopsies were included in the study. NT-proBNP blood concentrations were measured using a chemiluminescent immunoassay kit. Cardiac failure was assessed by three independent forensic experts using macro- and microscopic findings complemented by information about the circumstances of body discovery and the known medical story. Area under the receiving operator curve was of 65.4% (CI 95%, from 57.1 to 73.7). Using a standard cut-off value of >220 pg/mL for NT-proBNP blood concentration, heart failure was detected with a sensitivity of 50.7% and a specificity of 72.6%. NT-proBNP vitreous humor values were well correlated to the ones measured in blood (r (2) = 0.658). Our results showed that NT-proBNP can corroborate the pathological findings in cases of natural death related to heart failure, thus, keeping its diagnostic properties passing from the ante mortem to the post mortem setting. Therefore, biologically inactive polypeptides like NT-proBNP seem to be stable enough to be used in forensic medicine as markers of cardiac failure, taking into account the sensitivity and specificity of the test.
Many mineralizations, showings and geochemical anomalies have been found in the Hercynian of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges during the last ten years. Many of them are enclosed in the Paleozoic sediments and volcanics and display pre-metamorphic syngenetic characteristics. The lower carboniferous manganese and base meta1 deposits appear to be formed from hydrothermal fluids springing up in the sea floor through active fractures controlling the filling of the basins in a extensional geotectonic setting. Although less evidence and more controversy is available, similar ore forming processes could have taken place in older Paleozoic times. The deformation and metamorphism have not played an important remobilization role, and most epigenetic deposits of Hercynian age are related to the hydrothermal cells induced by the post-metamorphic granitic intrusives.
This paper analyses the optimal worksharing discount granted to mailers and entrants in a liberalized sector when there is asymmetric information about the Post Office's cost. When the regulator is unable to ascertain which part of total cost of sorting has to be attributed to each sorting facility, the optimal 'accesss discount' given to the entrants is set in a pro-competitive way, thus facilitating the entry of firms that are less afficient than the Post Office. Howerver, with the same asymmetry of information, the optimal 'worksharing discount' given to the mailers is set to favor the Post Office, even when it is less efficient than the mailers in providing the sorting.
Knowledge of the reflectivity of the sediment-covered seabed is of significant importance to marine seismic data acquisition and interpretation as it governs the generation of reverberations in the water layer. In this context pertinent, but largely unresolved, questions concern the importance of the typically very prominent vertical seismic velocity gradients as well as the potential presence and magnitude of anisotropy in soft surficial seabed sediments. To address these issues, we explore the seismic properties of granulometric end-member-type clastic sedimentary seabed models consisting of sand, silt, and clay as well as scale-invariant stochastic layer sequences of these components characterized by realistic vertical gradients of the P- and S-wave velocities. Using effective media theory, we then assess the nature and magnitude of seismic anisotropy associated with these models. Our results indicate that anisotropy is rather benign for P-waves, and that the S-wave velocities in the axial directions differ only slightly. Because of the very high P- to S-wave velocity ratios in the vicinity of the seabed our models nevertheless suggest that S-wave triplications may occur at very small incidence angles. To numerically evaluate the P-wave reflection coefficient of our seabed models, we apply a frequency-slowness technique to the corresponding synthetic seismic wavefields. Comparison with analytical plane-wave reflection coefficients calculated for corresponding isotropic elastic half-space models shows that the differences tend to be most pronounced in the vicinity of the elastic equivalent of the critical angle as well as in the post-critical range. We also find that the presence of intrinsic anisotropy in the clay component of our layered models tends to dramatically reduce the overall magnitude of the P-wave reflection coefficient as well as its variation with incidence angle.
The opportunistic ubiquitous pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAOl is a versatile Gram-negative bacterium that has the extraordinary capacity to colonize a wide diversity of ecological niches and to cause severe and persistent infections in humans. To ensure an optimal coordination of the genes involved in nutrient utilization, this bacterium uses the NtrB/C and/or the CbrA/B two-component systems, to sense nutrients availability and to regulate in consequence the expression of genes involved in their uptake and catabolism. NtrB/C is specialized in nitrogen utilization, while the CbrA/B system is involved in both carbon and nitrogen utilization and both systems activate their target genes expression in concert with the alternative sigma factor RpoN. Moreover, the NtrB/C and CbrA/B two- component systems regulate the secondary metabolism of the bacterium, such as the production of virulence factors. In addition to the fine-tuning transcriptional regulation, P. aeruginosa can rapidly modulate its metabolism using small non-coding regulatory RNAs (sRNAs), which regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level by diverse and sophisticated mechanisms and contribute to the fast physiological adaptability of this bacterium. In our search for novel RpoN-dependent sRNAs modulating the nutritional adaptation of P. aeruginosa PAOl, we discovered NrsZ (Nitrogen regulated sRNA), a novel RpoN-dependent sRNA that is induced under nitrogen starvation by the NtrB/C two-component system. NrsZ has a unique architecture, formed of three similar stem-loop structures (SL I, II and II) separated by variant spacer sequences. Moreover, this sRNA is processed in short individual stem-loop molecules, by internal cleavage involving the endoribonuclease RNAse E. Concerning NrsZ functions in P. aeruginosa PAOl, this sRNA was shown to trigger the swarming motility and the rhamnolipid biosurfactants production. This regulation is due to the NrsZ-mediated activation of rhlA expression, a gene encoding for an enzyme essential for swarming motility and rhamnolipids production. Interestingly, the SL I structure of NrsZ ensures its regulatory function on rhlA expression, suggesting that the similar SLs are the functional units of this modular sRNA. However, the regulatory mechanism of action of NrsZ on rhlA expression activation remains unclear and is currently being investigated. Additionally, the NrsZ regulatory network was investigated by a transcriptome analysis, suggesting that numerous genes involved in both primary and secondary metabolism are regulated by this sRNA. To emphasize the importance of NrsZ, we investigated its conservation in other Pseudomonas species and demonstrated that NrsZ is conserved and expressed under nitrogen limitation in Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5, Pseudomonas putida KT2442, Pseudomonas entomophila L48 and Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000, strains having different ecological features, suggesting an important role of NrsZ in the adaptation of Pseudomonads to nitrogen starvation. Interestingly the architecture of the different NrsZ homologs is similarly composed by SL structures and variant spacer sequences. However, the number of SL repetitions is not identical, and one to six SLs were predicted on the different NrsZ homologs. Moreover, NrsZ is processed in short molecules in all the strains, similarly to what was previously observed in P. aeruginosa PAOl, and the heterologous expression of the NrsZ homologs restored rhlA expression, swarming motility and rhamnolipids production in the P. aeruginosa NrsZ mutant. In many aspects, NrsZ is an atypical sRNA in the bacterial panorama. To our knowledge, NrsZ is the first described sRNA induced by the NtrB/C. Moreover, its unique modular architecture and its processing in similar short SL molecules suggest that NrsZ belongs to a novel family of bacterial sRNAs. -- L'agent pathogène opportuniste et ubiquitaire Pseudomonas aeruginosa souche PAOl est une bactérie Gram négative versatile ayant l'extraordinaire capacité de coloniser différentes niches écologiques et de causer des infections sévères et persistantes chez l'être humain. Afin d'assurer une coordination optimale des gènes impliqués dans l'utilisation de différents nutriments, cette bactérie se sert de systèmes à deux composants tel que NtrB/C et CbrA/B afin de détecter la disponibilité des ressources nutritives, puis de réguler en conséquence l'expression des gènes impliqués dans leur importation et leur catabolisme. Le système NtrB/C régule l'utilisation des sources d'azote alors que le système CbrA/B est impliqué à la fois dans l'utilisation des sources de carbone et d'azote. Ces deux systèmes activent l'expression de leurs gènes-cibles de concert avec le facteur sigma alternatif RpoN. En outre, NtrB/C et CbrA/B régulent aussi le métabolisme secondaire, contrôlant notamment la production d'importants facteurs de virulence. En plus de toutes ces régulations génétiques fines ayant lieu au niveau transcriptionnel, P. aeruginosa est aussi capable de moduler son métabolisme en se servant de petits ARNs régulateurs non-codants (ARNncs), qui régulent l'expression génétique à un niveau post- transcriptionnel par divers mécanismes sophistiqués et contribuent à rendre particulièrement rapide l'adaptation physiologique de cette bactérie. Au cours de nos recherches sur de nouveaux ARNncs dépendant du facteur sigma RpoN et impliqués dans l'adaptation nutritionnelle de P. aeruginosa PAOl, nous avons découvert NrsZ (Nitrogen regulated sRNA), un ARNnc induit par la cascade NtrB/C-RpoN en condition de carence en azote. NrsZ a une architecture unique, composée de trois structures en tige- boucle (TB I, II et III) hautement similaires et séparées par des « espaceurs » ayant des séquences variables. De plus, cet ARNnc est clivé en petits fragments correspondant au trois molécules en tige-boucle, par un processus de clivage interne impliquant l'endoribonucléase RNase E. Concernant les fonctions de NrsZ chez P. aeruginosa PAOl, cet ARNnc est capable d'induire la motilité de type « swarming » et la production de biosurfactants, nommés rhamnolipides. Cette régulation est due à l'activation par NrsZ de l'expression de rhlA, un gène essentiel pour la motilité de type swarming et pour la production de rhamnolipides. Étonnamment, la structure TB I est capable d'assurer à elle seule la fonction régulatrice de NrsZ sur l'expression de rhlA, suggérant que ces molécules TBs sont les unités fonctionnelles de cet ARNnc modulaire. Cependant, le mécanisme moléculaire par lequel NrsZ active l'expression de rhlA demeure à ce jour incertain et est actuellement à l'étude. En plus, le réseau de régulations médiées par NrsZ a été étudié par une analyse de transcriptome qui a indiqué que de nombreux gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme primaire ou secondaire seraient régulés par NrsZ. Pour accentuer l'importance de NrsZ, nous avons étudié sa conservation dans d'autres espèces de Pseudomonas. Ainsi, nous avons démontré que NrsZ est conservé et exprimé en situation de carence d'azote par les souches Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5, Pseudomonas putida KT2442, Pseudomonas entomophila L48, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000, quatre espèces ayant des caractéristiques écologiques très différentes, suggérant que NrsZ joue un rôle important dans l'adaptation du genre Pseudomonas envers la carence en azote. Chez toutes les souches étudiées, les différents homologues de NrsZ présentent une architecture similaire faite de TBs conservées et d'espaceurs. Cependant, le nombre de TBs n'est pas identique et peut varier de une à six copies selon la souche. Les différentes versions de NrsZ sont clivées en petites molécules dans ces quatre souches, comme il a été observé chez P. aeruginosa PAOl. De plus, l'expression hétérologue des différentes variantes de NrsZ est capable de restaurer l'expression de rhlA, la motilité swarming et la production de rhamnolipides dans une souche de P. aeruginosa dont nrsZ a été inactivé. Par bien des aspects, NrsZ est un ARNnc atypique dans le monde bactérien. À notre connaissance, NrsZ est le premier ARNnc décrit comme étant régulé par le système NtrB/C. De plus, son unique architecture modulaire et son clivage en petites molécules similaires suggèrent que NrsZ appartient à une nouvelle famille d'ARNncs bactériens.
The end of an orogenic Wilson cycle corresponds to amalgamation of terranes into a Pangaea and is marked by widespread magmatism dominated by granitoids. The post-collision event starts with magmatic processes still influenced by subducted crustal materials. The dominantly calc-alkaline suites show a shift from normal to high-K to very high-K associations. Source regions are composed of depleted and later enriched orogenic subcontinental lithospheric mantle, affected by dehydration melting and generating more and more K- and LILE-rich magmas. In the vicinity of intra-crustal magma chambers, anatexis by incongruent melting of hydrous minerals may generate peraluminous granitoids bearing mafic enclaves. The post-collision event ends with emplacement of bimodal post-orogenic (PO) suites along transcurrent fault zones. Two suites are defined, (i) the alkali-calcic monzonite-monzogranite-syenogranite-alkali feldspar granite association characterised by [biotite + plagioclase] fractionation and moderate [LILE + HFSE] enrichments and (ii) the alkaline monzonite-syenite-alkali feldspar granite association characterised by [amphibole + alkali feldspar] fractionation and displaying two evolutionary trends, one peralkaline with sodic mafic mineralogy and higher enrichments in HFSE than in LILE, and the other aluminous biotite-bearing marked by HFSE depletion relative to LILE due to accessory mineral precipitation. Alkali-calcic and alkaline suites differ essentially in the amounts of water present within intra-crustal magma chambers, promoting crystallisation of various mineral assemblages. The ultimate enriched and not depleted mantle source is identical for the two PO suites. The more primitive LILE and HFSE-rich source rapidly replaces the older orogenic mantle source during lithosphere delamination and becomes progressively the thermal boundary layer of the new lithosphere. Present rock compositions are a mixture of major mantle contribution and various crustal components carried by F-rich aqueous fluids circulating within convective cells created around magma chambers. In favourable areas, PO suites pre-date a new orogenic Wilson cycle. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PURPOSE: Nonvisual light-dependent functions in humans are conveyed mainly by intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells, which express melanopsin as photopigment. We aimed to identify the effects of circadian phase and sleepiness across 24 hours on various aspects of the pupil response to light stimulation. METHODS: We tested 10 healthy adults hourly in two 12-hour sessions covering a 24-hour period. Pupil responses to narrow bandwidth red (635 ± 18 nm) and blue (463 ± 24 nm) light (duration of 1 and 30 seconds) at equal photon fluxes were recorded, and correlated with salivary melatonin concentrations at the same circadian phases and to subjective sleepiness ratings. The magnitude of pupil constriction was determined from minimal pupil size. The post-stimulus pupil response was assessed from the pupil size at 6 seconds following light offset, the area within the redilation curve, and the exponential rate of redilation. RESULTS: Among the measured parameters, the pupil size 6 seconds after light offset correlated with melatonin concentrations (P < 0.05) and showed a significant modulation over 24 hours with maximal values after the nocturnal peak of melatonin secretion. In contrast, the post-stimulus pupil response following red light stimulation correlated with subjective sleepiness (P < 0.05) without significant changes over 24 hours. CONCLUSIONS: The post-stimulus pupil response to blue light as a marker of intrinsic melanopsin activity demonstrated a circadian modulation. In contrast, the effect of sleepiness was more apparent in the cone contribution to the pupil response. Thus, pupillary responsiveness to light is under influence of the endogenous circadian clock and subjective sleepiness.
AIMS: To investigate the relationships between gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and the metabolic syndrome (MS), as it was suggested that insulin resistance was the hallmark of both conditions. To analyse post-partum screening in order to identify risk factors for the subsequent development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). METHODS: A retrospective analysis of all singleton pregnancies diagnosed with GDM at the Lausanne University Hospital for 3 consecutive years. Pre-pregnancy obesity, hypertension and dyslipidaemia were recorded as constituents of the MS. RESULTS: For 5788 deliveries, 159 women (2.7%) with GDM were identified. Constituents of the MS were present before GDM pregnancy in 26% (n = 37/144): 84% (n = 31/37) were obese, 38% (n = 14/37) had hypertension and 22% (n = 8/37) had dyslipidaemia. Gestational hypertension was associated with obesity (OR = 3.2, P = 0.02) and dyslipidaemia (OR = 5.4, P=0.002). Seventy-four women (47%) returned for post-partum OGTT, which was abnormal in 20 women (27%): 11% (n = 8) had type 2 diabetes and 16% (n = 12) had impaired glucose tolerance. Independent predictors of abnormal glucose tolerance in the post-partum were: having > 2 abnormal values on the diagnostic OGTT during pregnancy and presenting MS constituents (OR = 5.2, CI 1.8-23.2 and OR = 5.3, CI 1.3-22.2). CONCLUSIONS: In one fourth of GDM pregnancies, metabolic abnormalities precede the appearance of glucose intolerance. These women have a high risk of developing the MS and type 2 diabetes in later years. Where GDM screening is not universal, practitioners should be aware of those metabolic risks in every pregnant woman presenting with obesity, hypertension or dyslipidaemia, in order to achieve better diagnosis and especially better post-partum follow-up and treatment.
This paper analyses the optimal worksharing discount granted to mailers and entrants in a liberalized sector when there is asymmetric information about the Post Office's cost. When the regulator is unable to ascertain which part of total cost of sorting has to be attributed to each sorting facility, the optimal 'accesss discount' given to the entrants is set in a pro-competitive way, thus facilitating the entry of firms that are less afficient than the Post Office. Howerver, with the same asymmetry of information, the optimal 'worksharing discount' given to the mailers is set to favor the Post Office, even when it is less efficient than the mailers in providing the sorting.
France amended its constitution in 2005 to include a Charter for the Environment. The Charter lays out France's commitment to supporting the right to a 'balanced environment'. This article first traces the Charter's origins to a legacy-building presidential initiative. Jacques Chirac decided to invest in a neglected policy domain in which his own majority had shown little interest. He was obliged to intervene repeatedly in order to bring this project to a successful conclusion. In doing so, he staked out environmental affairs as an area of potential presidential supremacy. Next, the content of the Charter is examined. In this document, French traditions of universalism come together with an international movement for anticipatory environmental protection. This is reflected in the constitutionalisation of the precautionary principle, which emerged as the most controversial part of the Charter. The debates this provoked tended to caricature a risk-management principle whose meaning has been carefully refined to forestall objections. Finally, the Charter's potential efficacy is analysed. The post-Charter record of legislative and judicial activity concerning the environment is meagre, but not wholly inauspicious.
Résumé Les oxylipines, telles que l'acide jasmonique (AJ ou jasmonate), jouent un rôle central en réponse à la blessure et à la pathogenèse. De nombreuses études ont montré l'importance de la voie canonique du jasmonate lors de la défense des plantes. De plus, un précurseur cyclopentenone de l'AJ, l'acide oxo-phyto-dienoic (OPDA), a été impliqué comme jouant le rôle d'une molécule signal lors de la défense contre certains pathogènes. En utilisant des mutants bloqués dans la biosynthèse de l'acide jasmonique (aos) ou dans sa perception (coi1-1), nous avons cherché à définir dans quelle mesure l'OPDA joue un rôle de signal induisant l'expression génétique en réponse à la blessure chez Arabidopsis. A l'aide de puces à ADN (microarray), nous avons montré que les transcriptomes d'aos et de coi1-1 sont très semblables après blessure, ce qui suggère que les produits d'AOS sont tous perçus via COI1. Pourtant, lorsqu'on analyse les métabolites présents chez ces mutants, une différence est visible, puisque aos n'accumule pas d'AJ, alors que coi1-1 en accumule encore rapidement après blessure. Nous avons étudié la possibilité qu'un mécanisme de régulation post-traductionnelle sur la voie de biosynthèse du jasmonate explique l'accumulation d'AJ chez coi1-1 après blessure. La lipoxygenase 2 (LOX2) est la première enzyme impliquée dans la biosynthèse de l'AJ et est donc une cible potentielle d'un tel mécanisme. Un indice sur la manière dont l'activité LOX pourrait être régulée vient du mutant fou2 (pour fatty acid oxygenation upregcilated 2) dans lequel l'activité LOX ainsi que le niveau d'AJ sont constitutivement élevés. Cette mutation implique un flux de cation dans la régulation de la production de l'AJ. De plus, il a été montré que plusieurs LOXs, dans des organismes autres que des plantes, peuvent lier le calcium. Nous montrons que l'activité LOX requiert l'addition de cations divalents pour être maximale in vitro, et que non seulement le calcium mais aussi le magnésium joue ce rôle. De plus, nous caractérisons un mutant récessif de LOX2 chez Arabidopsis (lox2-1). Ces plantes sont fertiles, et une analyse quantitative montre qu'elles accumulent toujours un peu d'AJ après blessure. Ceci suggère que LOX2 n'est pas la seule LOX impliquée dans la synthèse d'AJ. Aussi les plantes lox2-1 ne sont pas plus sensibles que les plantes de type sauvage lorsqu'elles sont infectées par la moisissure Botrytis cinerea ou lorsqu'elles sont exposées à un détritivore, néanmoins elles sont plus sensibles lorsqu'elles sont offertes en nourriture à un insecte herbivore. Les insectes et les plantes ont co-évolué conjointement, ainsi une plante ne contenant qu'un niveau réduit d'AJ favorise l'insecte. La disponibilité d'un mutant avec un niveau intermédiaire d'AJ va permettre de mieux comprendre pourquoi les plantes produisent autant de jasmonate. Abstract Oxylipins such as jasmonic acid (JA) play central roles in the wound response and during pathogenesis and many studies have confirmed the important role of the canonical jasmonate pathway in plant defense. Moreover, the cyclopentenone precursor of JA, oxo-phytodienoic acid (OPDA), is also thought to function as a signaling molecule in defense towards some pathogens. Its action was reported to depend on a different signal pathway to JA. By using mutants blocked in the biosynthesis (aos) or perception (coil-1) of JA, we investigated to which extend OPDA works as signaling molecule to trigger gene expression in the wound response of Arabidopsis. Using microarrays, we showed that aos and coil-1 transcriptome are similar in response to wounding, suggesting that products of AOS are all perceived by COI1. However, we found a difference between the two mutants at the metobolomic level, since aos is devoid of JA, but coil-1 can still rapidly accumulate JA upon wounding. We investigated the possibility that the post-translational activation of JA biosynthesis could explain the fast accumulation of JA in coil-1 plants upon wounding. Lipoxygenase (LOX) 2 is the first enzyme implicated in JA synthesis and was thus chosen as a potential target for posttranslational regulation. A clue as to how LOX activity might be regulated came from the fatty acid oxygenation upregulated 2 (foul) mutant in which LOX activity and JA levels are elevated. The foul mutant implicates cations flux in the regulation of JA production, and several LOXs in organisms other than plants have been shown to bind calcium. We showed that Arabidopsis LOX requires divalent cations for full activity in vitro, and that not only calcium but also magnesium can play this role. Moreover, a single recessive mutant of AtLOX2 was characterized. These plants are fully fertile. Quantitative oxylipin analysis showed that lox2-1 can still accumulate some JA after wounding, which suggests that LOX2 is not the only LOX involved in JA biosynthesis. lox2-1 plants do not show altered susceptibility to the fungus Botrytis cinerea or to a detritivore, however, they are more susceptible to an insect herbivore. The insect and plants are closely co-evolved and a reduced ability to synthesize JA favors the insect. The availability of a lox2-1 mutant with intermediate JA levels will further help understanding why plants produce elevated JA levels.
The authors have post-tensioned and monitored two Iowa bridges and have field tested the post-tensioning of a composite bridge in Florida. In order to provide the practical post-tensioning distribution factors given in this manual, the authors developed a finite element model of a composite bridge and checked the model against a one-half scale laboratory bridge and two actual composite bridges, one of which had a 45 deg skew. Following a brief discussion of this background research, this manual explains the use of elastic, composite beam and bridge section properties, the distribution fractions for symmetrically post-tensioned exterior beams, and a method for computing the strength of a post-tensioned beam. Also included is a design example for a typical, 51.25-ft (15.62-m) span, four-beam composite bridge. Moments for Iowa Department of Transportation rating trucks, H 20 and HS 20 trucks, have been tabulated for design convenience and are included in the appendix.