925 resultados para Weighted histogram analysis method


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica


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As crianças que apresentam uma função motora significativamente abaixo da sua idad cronológica, com comprometimento motor, que interfere significativamente com as atividade da vida diária, o qual não esteja relacionado com uma condição médica, são diagnosticada com tendo “desordem coordenativa no desenvolvimento” (DCD) (APA, 1994). Pretendemos realizar um despiste de crianças com provável DCD e em risco de DCD nos jardin de infância do concelho de Santarém, analisar a prevalência de lateralidade, bem com analisar o padrão de equilíbrio nestas crianças. Foi empregue a banda 1 do teste MABC-2 (Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2) e método de análise de recorrência (RQA) (Riley, Balasubramaniam, & Turvey, 1999). A nossa amostra foi constituída por 239 crianças e apresentou uma percentagem de 8,4 crianças com provável DCD, mostrou que a maior incidência recaí nos rapazes, 65%. Est mesmo grupo, crianças com provável DCD, é o que apresenta maior número de sinistrómana com uma percentagem de 7,7% para os rapazes e de 28,6% nas raparigas. A criança com provável DCD, no somatório da pontuação da bateria de testes MABC-2 criança apresenta-se como provável DCD, no entanto quando foi avaliada apenas no teste d equilíbrio não manifestou problemas.


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As culturas celulares apareceram no século XX e têm vindo a evoluir como método de estudo e análise de patologias e de novos medicamentos para as combater. Com o passar dos anos surgiram diferentes métodos de cultivo de células diversificando assim as culturas celulares em mono-camada, suspensas e imobilizadas. Um dos propósitos das culturas celulares é a manipulação das células de modo a permitir a visualização das alterações celulares como o envelhecimento da célula (senescência), a apoptose, a necrose e a autofagia da célula. Este método tem provado ser útil tanto no diagnostico e tratamento de várias patologias como em doenças oncológicas, neuro-degenerativas ou do sistema imunitário.


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The global climate threat has intensified Sweden’s ambitions to build wind power stations. This thesis explores the planning of, and opposition to, wind power in the inland rural and forest regions of Sweden. It is in these autonomous communities that the plans are implemented and the aim of the thesis was to, from a local perspective, understand and analyse the planning and acceptance challenges that large-scale wind power development faces in places that are both sparsely populated and have good wind conditions. This thesis is based on qualitative methods and was conducted as two studies. The case study area comprises four municipalities in Dalarna County. The first study analyses the planning and establishment process in three municipalities using interviews and an analysis method called process tracing. The second study analyses one wind power establishment, in which the interviews form the basis for a discourse analytical approach. One striking finding highlights the relationship between the global and the local. Global environment and energy aspects are absent in the local process, and wind power becomes a technical land issue that clashes with other local land interests. Another finding of the study reveals that planning for wind power establishment follows a rational planning tradition. The feelings and memories of the individual – different views regarding the landscape – play a background role in the formal permit process, while measurable observable conditions have a more prominent role. Wind power developers thereby acquire a more significant position than what they probably would have had if the planning had included local residents’ views on wind power in the landscape at an early stage.


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Le frioulan est une langue régionale appartenant au groupe linguistique rhéto-roman, diffusée dans la région historique du Frioul. Sa diffusion, le nombre de ses locuteurs, son histoire, le prestige de sa littérature et le statut de région autonome du Frioul-Vénétie julienne font que cette langue est encore pratiquée par de larges pans de la population. Cependant, des études sociolinguistiques entamées dès 1977 estiment à 1 % la perte annuelle en nombre de locuteurs. Pour contribuer à photographier la donne actuelle et éventuellement formuler des propositions pour contrecarrer cette dérive, nous illustrons dans cet article les résultats d’une récente enquête de terrain concernant les représentations sociales de la langue et de l’identité frioulanes auprès d’une population d’étudiants de 14 à 18 ans. Cette enquête a suivi la méthodologie de l’analyse combinée.


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Cet article expose la méthodologie de recherche suivie par les différents auteurs des articles. Il s’agit de la méthode d’analyse combinée des représentations sociales. Un exposé définit les différents types de représentation sociale ; il est suivi d’un regard critique sur les méthodes habituellement utilisées puis d’une présentation de l’ensemble des étapes à suivre pour réaliser des enquêtes.


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Résumé : Contexte: Les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) sont un enjeu contemporain de santé publique. Or, des recherches cliniques démontrent que certaines interventions sont efficaces dans leur traitement et prévention. Il s’agit d’interventions nutritionnelles éducatives priorisant des aliments végétaux minimalement transformés (VMT). Ces interventions promeuvent l’adoption de postures alimentaires se caractérisant par la consommation à volonté d’une grande variété d’aliments d’origine végétale (e.g. légumineuses, céréales entières, fruits, légumes) et par une diminution de la consommation d’aliments d’origine animale (e.g. viandes, œufs et produits laitiers) et ultra-transformés (e.g. riches en sucres, sel ou gras, et faibles en fibres). Objectifs: À l’aide d’un devis mixte concomitant imbriqué, nous avons évalué les effets d’un programme d’interventions éducatives visant à augmenter la consommation de VMT chez des adultes à risque de MCV et exploré les déterminants des modifications comportementales observées. Méthodologie : Divers paramètres physiologiques et anthropométriques ont été mesurés pré-post programme (n = 72) puis analysés avec un test t pour échantillons appariés ou un test signé des rangs de Wilcoxon. D’autre part, 10 entretiens semi-dirigés ont été réalisés post-programme et soutenus par un guide d’entretien basé sur le Food Choice Process Model. Les verbatims intégraux ont été codés selon la méthode d’analyse thématique. Résultats : Après 12 semaines, le poids (-10,5 lb, IC 95 %: 9,0-12,0), le tour de taille (-7,4 cm, IC 95 %:6,5-8,4), la tension artérielle diastolique (-3,2 mmHg, IC 95 %: 0,1-6,3), le cholestérol total (-0,87 mmol/ L, IC 95 %:0,57-1,17), le cholestérol LDL (-0,84 mmol/ L, IC 95 %: 0,55-1,13) et l’hémoglobine glyquée (-1,32 %, IC 95 %:-0,17-2,80) se sont significativement améliorés. L’analyse thématique des données qualitatives révèle que le programme, par la stimulation de valeurs de santé, d’éthique et d’intégrité, favorise la transformation des choix alimentaires vers une posture davantage axée sur les VMT durant une période clé du parcours de vie (i.e. pré-retraite). D’autres déterminants pouvant favoriser l’adoption d’une alimentation VMT ont été identifiés, dont les bénéfices importants observables à court terme, l’absence de restriction à l’égard de la quantité d’aliments VMT et le développement de compétences de planification dans l’acquisition et la préparation des aliments. Conclusion : Une intervention priorisant les VMT permet d’améliorer le profil cardiométabolique d’individus pré-retraités en raison de ses caractéristiques intrinsèques, mais aussi parce qu’elle modifie les valeurs impliquées dans les choix alimentaires.


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Este estudo, de carácter exploratório, tem o objetivo de perceber como se processam as (re)aprendizagens dos vários papéis de género em transhomens, atendendo aos processos de adaptação ao nível social, comportamental e da perceção de si na (re)construção da identidade. Para a concretização deste trabalho, recorreu-se à recolha de informação, através de uma estratégia metodológica qualitativa e utilizou-se um questionário analisado através do método de análise de conteúdo, segundo Laurence Bardin (1979). Participaram neste estudo 20 transhomens (pessoas cujo sexo designado no registo de nascimento foi feminino, mas que se identificam com o género masculino). As principais conclusões sugerem que existem mudanças ao nível dos sentimentos, perceção de si, comportamentos, identidade de género e relação com o corpo que resultam do processo de redesignação sexual. Verifica-se que as aprendizagens e pressões para a conformidade aos estereótipos de género resultam por vezes em comportamentos intencionais na construção das feminilidades e masculinidades. Verifica-se também a consciencialização destas intencionalidades, bem como uma progressiva libertação desses comportamentos e dos constrangimentos a eles associados, o que resulta numa apropriação e autoidentificação de si mais liberta, consequentemente de uma vida mais feliz. Esperamos com este trabalho contribuir para o conhecimento e visibilidade das identidades trans, em específico dos transhomens, na tentativa de desconstrução de estereótipos sociais; Metamorphoses: Identity and Gender Roles. A Study with Transmen Abstract: This study of exploratory nature aims to understand the process of (re)learning the various gender roles in transmen, in relation to the social and behavioural processes of adaptation and self-perception in the (re)construction of identity.To do this work, we gathered information, outlined a qualitative methodological strategy and used a survey using the content analysis method according to Laurence Bardin (1979). 20 transmen participated in this study (people whose sex assigned at birth registration was female but identify with the masculine gender). The main findings suggest that there are changes in the level of feelings, self-perception, behaviour and relation with the body that result from sex reassignment process. It appears that the learning and pressures for conformity to gender stereotypes sometimes result in intentional conduct compliance in the construction of femininity and masculinity before and after the sex reassignment process. You can also verify the awareness of these intentions, as well as a gradual release of these behaviours and constraints associated with them, which results an appropriation and self-identification of himself more free, thus a happier life. We expect this work to contribute to the knowledge and visibility of the trans people, in particular the transmen in an attempt to deconstruct social stereotypes.


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This thesis focuses on the characterization of materials utilized within the illuminations of Codex 116c of Manizola, a large 16th century antiphonal housed in the Biblioteca Pública de Évora (BPE). Using various spectroscopic techniques (XRF, FTIR, Raman and SEM-EDS), a selection of illuminations were analyzed for pigment and binder identification. The manuscript was further analyzed using fiber optic reflectance spectroscopy (FORS), a non-invasive and portable analysis method ideal for use in illuminations. Using historical documentation and results gained from more extensive analysis of the manuscript, a collection of reference paint samples were created to be analyzed using this method. These samples serve as a reference not only to assist in the identification of pigments used within the manuscript, but also for future studies on similar materials allowing for a better understanding of manuscript production during the 16th century; RESUMO: O presente trabalho é dedicado à caracterização dos materiais utilizados na produção das iluminuras do Codex 116c da Manziola do espólio da Biblioteca Pública de Évora (BPE). Trata-se de um antifonário de grandes dimensões produzido no séc XVI que deverá ter pertencido à Livraria de São Bento de Cástris. A identificação dos materiais utilizados na produção das iluminuras pode ser feita através de análises científicas. No entanto, alguns dos componentes das tintas utilizadas, especialmente os pigmentos orgânicos (lacas) e algumas misturas, apresentam obstáculos à sua identificação por métodos não invasivos. Através de várias técnicas espectroscópicas (XRF, FTIR, Raman e SEM-EDS), foi analisado um conjunto representativo de iluminuras, de modo a identificar os pigmentos e os ligantes presentes nas tintas. O manuscrito foi também analisado por FORS, um método portátil e não invasivo, ideal para a análise de iluminuras. Com base em documentos históricos e nos resultados analíticos, foi criado um conjunto de amostras de referência para ser analisado com FORS. Com esta abordagem, pretende-se que estas amostras, especialmente as de lacas, sirvam de referência não só na identificação dos pigmentos no manuscrito como em estudos sobre materiais semelhantes, contribuindo para um conhecimento mais aprofundado sobre a produção de manuscritos no séc XVI.


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Modern society is now facing significant difficulties in attempting to preserve its architectural heritage. Numerous challenges arise consequently when it comes to documentation, preservation and restoration. Fortunately, new perspectives on architectural heritage are emerging owing to the rapid development of digitalization. Therefore, this presents new challenges for architects, restorers and specialists. Additionally, this has changed the way they approach the study of existing heritage, changing from conventional 2D drawings in response to the increasing requirement for 3D representations. Recently, Building Information Modelling for historic buildings (HBIM) has escalated as an emerging trend to interconnect geometrical and informational data. Currently, the latest 3D geomatics techniques based on 3D laser scanners with enhanced photogrammetry along with the continuous improvement in the BIM industry allow for an enhanced 3D digital reconstruction of historical and existing buildings. This research study aimed to develop an integrated workflow for the 3D digital reconstruction of heritage buildings starting from a point cloud. The Pieve of San Michele in Acerboli’s Church in Santarcangelo Di Romagna (6th century) served as the test bed. The point cloud was utilized as an essential referential to model the BIM geometry using Autodesk Revit® 2022. To validate the accuracy of the model, Deviation Analysis Method was employed using CloudCompare software to determine the degree of deviation between the HBIM model and the point cloud. The acquired findings showed a very promising outcome in the average distance between the HBIM model and the point cloud. The conducted approach in this study demonstrated the viability of producing a precise BIM geometry from point clouds.


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Lateral ventricular volumes based on segmented brain MR images can be significantly underestimated if partial volume effects are not considered. This is because a group of voxels in the neighborhood of lateral ventricles is often mis-classified as gray matter voxels due to partial volume effects. This group of voxels is actually a mixture of ventricular cerebro-spinal fluid and the white matter and therefore, a portion of it should be included as part of the lateral ventricular structure. In this note, we describe an automated method for the measurement of lateral ventricular volumes on segmented brain MR images. Image segmentation was carried in combination of intensity correction and thresholding. The method is featured with a procedure for addressing mis-classified voxels in the surrounding of lateral ventricles. A detailed analysis showed that lateral ventricular volumes could be underestimated by 10 to 30% depending upon the size of the lateral ventricular structure, if mis-classified voxels were not included. Validation of the method was done through comparison with the averaged manually traced volumes. Finally, the merit of the method is demonstrated in the evaluation of the rate of lateral ventricular enlargement. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Environmental pollution continues to be an emerging study field, as there are thousands of anthropogenic compounds mixed in the environment whose possible mechanisms of toxicity and physiological outcomes are of great concern. Developing methods to access and prioritize the screening of these compounds at trace levels in order to support regulatory efforts is, therefore, very important. A methodology based on solid phase extraction followed by derivatization and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis was developed for the assessment of four endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in water matrices: bisphenol A, estrone, 17b-estradiol and 17a-ethinylestradiol. The study was performed, simultaneously, by two different laboratories in order to evaluate the robustness of the method and to increase the quality control over its application in routine analysis. Validation was done according to the International Conference on Harmonisation recommendations and other international guidelines with specifications for the GC-MS methodology. Matrix-induced chromatographic response enhancement was avoided by using matrix-standard calibration solutions and heteroscedasticity has been overtaken by a weighted least squares linear regression model application. Consistent evaluation of key analytical parameters such as extraction efficiency, sensitivity, specificity, linearity, limits of detection and quantification, precision, accuracy and robustness was done in accordance with standards established for acceptance. Finally, the application of the optimized method in the assessment of the selected analytes in environmental samples suggested that it is an expedite methodology for routine analysis of EDC residues in water matrices.


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Amulti-residue methodology based on a solid phase extraction followed by gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry was developed for trace analysis of 32 compounds in water matrices, including estrogens and several pesticides from different chemical families, some of them with endocrine disrupting properties. Matrix standard calibration solutions were prepared by adding known amounts of the analytes to a residue-free sample to compensate matrix-induced chromatographic response enhancement observed for certain pesticides. Validation was done mainly according to the International Conference on Harmonisation recommendations, as well as some European and American validation guidelines with specifications for pesticides analysis and/or GC–MS methodology. As the assumption of homoscedasticity was not met for analytical data, weighted least squares linear regression procedure was applied as a simple and effective way to counteract the greater influence of the greater concentrations on the fitted regression line, improving accuracy at the lower end of the calibration curve. The method was considered validated for 31 compounds after consistent evaluation of the key analytical parameters: specificity, linearity, limit of detection and quantification, range, precision, accuracy, extraction efficiency, stability and robustness.


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Starting with logratio biplots for compositional data, which are based on the principle of subcompositional coherence, and then adding weights, as in correspondence analysis, we rediscover Lewi's spectral map and many connections to analyses of two-way tables of non-negative data. Thanks to the weighting, the method also achieves the property of distributional equivalence