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In recent years, difficulties encountered in obtaining ground-water supplies with acceptable chemical characteristics in the Myakka River basin area led to the implementation of a test drilling program. Under this program, well drilling and data collection were executed in such a manner that all water-producing zones of the local aquifers, together with the quality and quantity of the water available, were effectively identified. A step-drilling method was utilized which allowed the collection of formation cuttings, water samples, and water-level data, from isolated zones in the well as drilling proceeded. The step drilling procedure is described. The driller's logs, geophysical logs, and chemical quality of water tables are presented.(Document has 66 pages.)


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Salt-water encroachment is undoubtedly the problem of most concern to users of ground water in Florida. This is a problem in many coastal areas where water levels are lowered excessively by heavy pumping. It is a problem also in some inland areas where the water-bearing formations contain salty water at relatively shallow depths. Among the coastal areas where wells have become contaminated with salt water are Pinellas County and the Miami area of Dade County. Inland areas where wells are likely to become contaminated with salt water include Seminole County and the southwestern part of Volusia County. The purpose of the investigation is to make a detailed study of the geology and ground-water resources of the county with special emphasis on the problems associated with declining water levels and salt-water contamination. This report reviews briefly the progress of the investigation through February 1954. (PDF contains 43 pages.)


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A large part of western Manatee County is devoted to the growing of winter vegetables and citrus fruits. As in most of peninsular Florida, rainfall in the county during the growing season is not sufficient for crop production and large quantites of artesian water are used for irrigation. The large withdrawals of artesian water for irrigation result in a considerable decline of the artesian head in the western part of the county. This seasonal decline of the artesian head has become larger as the withdrawal of artesian water has increased. The lowering of the fresh-water head in some coastal areas in the State has resulted in an infiltration of sea water into the water-bearing formations. The presence of salty water in the artesian aquifer in parts of the coastal area of Manatee County indicates that sea water may also have entered the waterbearing formations in this area as a result of the decline of artesian pressure during the growing season. The purpose of the investigation is to make a detailed study of the geology and ground-water resources of the county, primarily to determine whether salt-water encroachment has occurred or is likely to occur in the coastal area. (PDF contains 38 pages.)


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A detailed study of the geology and ground-water resources of the Ruskin area (fig. 1) was made during the period from 1950 to 1955, by the U. S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Florida Geological Survey and the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County. The results of this study are given in a report by Harry M. Peek entitled "The artesian water of the Ruskin area of Hillsborough County, Florida" and published by the Florida Geological Survey as Report of Investigations No. 21. This report contains tables of well records that were compiled from data collected during that investigation. The well-numbering system used in the tables is based on latitude and longitude. (PDF contains 88 pages.)


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Practically all water for municipal and industrial use in the Fernandina area is supplied by artesian wells. In recent years, the use of artesian water in the area has increased to meet the needs of expanding industry and increasing population. The total industrial and municipal pumpage has increased from approximately 35 million gallons per day in 1941 to approximately 50 million gallons per day in 1959. Correlated with the increase in water use is the constant decline in the artesian pressure in the area. In many other areas in Florida, such a decline in artesian pressure has resulted in salt-water intrusion into the fresh-water supply.An intrusion of salt water in the Fernandina area would contaminate the existing fresh-water supply and would result in a hardship for the population and seriously injure the economy. Recognizing the threat to the fresh-water supplies of this area, the U. S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Florida Geological Surveymade a reconnaissance to determineif there has been any intrusion of salt water into the fresh-water supply or if there is any danger of future intrusion. (PDF contains 28 pages.)


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The rapidly expanding population and economic growth in the seven counties of the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council as shown in Figure 1, herein called the East Central Florida Region or the Region, has resulted in increasing demands on its water resources. Although there is abundant water in the Region as a whole, the water in some areas of the Region is of unacceptable quality for most uses. As the population increases the demand for water will become much greater and the available supply may be reduced by pollution and increased drainage necessitated by urbanization and other land development- Ground-water supplies can be increased by capturing and storing water underground that now drains to the sea or evaporates from swamp areas. Research is needed, however, to develop artificial-recharge methods that are feasible and which will preserve or improve the quality of water in the aquifer. (PDF contains 57 pages)


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Industrial effluents in the lower Patapsco area, which constitutes the navigable portion of the river and includes Baltimore Harbor, are many and include waste acid, distillery waters, tannery wastes and copper as (ferrous sulphate) from pigment and steel industries. (PDF contains 22 pages (2 on 1)


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Although ambient (background) noise in the ocean is a topic that has been widely studied since pre-World War II, the effects of noise on marine organisms has only been a focus of concern for the last 25 years. The main point of concern has been the potential of noise to affect the health and behavior of marine mammals. The Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (SBNMS) is a site where the degradation of habitat due to increasing noise levels is a concern because it is a feeding ground and summer haven for numerous species of marine mammals. Ambient noise in the ocean is defined as “the part of the total noise background observed with an omnidirectional hydrophone.” It is an inherent characteristic of the medium having no specific point source. Ambient noise is comprised of a number of components that contribute to the “noise level” in varying degrees depending on where the noise is being measured. This report describes the current understanding of ambient noise and existing levels in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. (PDF contains 32 pages.)


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This report reviews marine zoning in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS). The 72 zoned areas in the MBNMS are of 13 different zone types. Each marine zone type has associated regulations that restrict or promote specific activities. For example, recreational activities such as boating, fishing, tidepooling, snorkeling, and SCUBA diving are limited in some zones. Scientific research is allowed at all sites, with appropriate permits, and is specifically promoted in a few sites. In addition, motorized personal watercraft use, dredge material disposal, large vessel traffic, jade collection, and aircraft overflight are allowed only in specific zones. The effectiveness of the marine zoning in the MBNMS is difficult to determine for two reasons. Firstly, many of the zones lack a clearly stated purpose or have confusing regulations. Secondly, the majority of the zones have not been evaluated formally by the managing agencies. Of the zones that have been evaluated, such as Dredge Material Disposal zones, Big Creek MRPA Ecological Reserve, and Pt. Lobos State/Ecological Reserve, the majority appear to be achieving their mandated purpose to some extent. Many of the zones in the MBNMS fall under the title "marine reserve." Marine reserves have recently received significant attention internationally, nationally, and in California due to their potential for: improving the status of exploited species; protecting marine habitats and ecosystems from degradation; facilitating scientific research and fisheries management; and increasing ecotourism. However, reserves must be well designed and managed to reach this potential. A well designed and managed reserve will have clearly defined goals, scientifically-based design, proper enforcement of regulations, rigorous evaluation of the reserve's effectiveness, and adaptive management. Based on these criteria, the majority of the marine reserves in California are not well designed or managed. However, the State of California has recognized this problem and is in the process of re-evaluating the California system of marine managed areas. (PDF contains 137 pages.)


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This dissertation: 1) determines the factor(s) responsible for spawning induction in NematosteJla vectensis; 2) isolates, describes, and documents the source of jelly from egg masses of N. vectensis; and 3) describes N. vectensis' early development. Namatostella vectensis were maintained on a 7-day mussel feeding/water change regime over 159 days. Within 36 hours of mussel feeding/water change. 69.1% of females and 78.5% of males spawned reliably. Through manipulation of feeding, water change, oxygen and nitrogenous waste concentrations, spawning induction was found to be triggered by the oxygen concentration associated with water change, and not by feeding. Ammonia, anemones' major waste product, inhibited this induction in a concentration-dependent manner. Female N. vectensis release eggs in a persistent jellied egg mass which is unique among the Actiniaria. The major component of this egg mass jelly was a positive periodic acid-Schiffs staining, 39.5-40.5 kD glycoprotein. Antibodies developed in rabbits against this glycoprotein bound to jelly of intact egg masses and to granules (~ 2.8 IJm in diameter) present in female anemone mesenteries and their associated filaments. Antibodies did not label male tissues. Nematostella vecfensis embryos underwent first karyokinesis -60 minutes following the addition of sperm to eggs. Second nuclear division took place, followed by first cleavage, 90-120 minutes later. Each of the 4 blastomeres that resulted from first cleavage contained a single nucleus. Arrangement of these blastomeres ranged from radial to pseudospiral. Embryonic development was both asynchronous and holoblastic. Following formation of the 4-cell stage, 71% of embryos proceeded to cleave again to form an 8-cell stage. In each of the remaining 29% of embryos, a fusion of from 2-4 blastomeres resulted in 4 possible patterns which had no affect on either cleavage interval timing or subsequent development. The fusion event was not due to ooplasmic segregation. Blastomeres isolated from 4-celled embryos were regulative and developed into normal planula larvae and juvenile anemones that were 1/4 the size of those that developed from intact 4-celled embryos. Embryos exhibiting the fusion phenomenon were examined at the fine structural level. The fusion phenomenon resulted in formation of a secondary syncytium and was not a mere compaction of blastomeres.


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This report is the final product of a two-year study conducted for the Office, Chief of Engineers, by the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, California, under Contract No. DACW39-74-C-OI51 with the Environmental Effects Laboratory (EEL), U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES), Yicksburg, Mississippi. (PDF contains 192 pages)


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The utilization of waste waters in aquaculture were briefly reviewed. At the National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research (NIFFR), stocking density (20 to 160 fish/m super(3)) experiments using Sarotherodon galilaeus (without supplementary feeding) in floating cages were carried out in a sewage pond (0.4ha surface area). Cage culture of S. galilaeus was observed to have potentials in waste waters aquaculture. Recommendations were made on the execution of an intergrated waste water management and utilization.


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Apart from activities of some foreign-based vessels, commercial exploitation of pelagic fishery resources in Nigeria has been limited to inland and inshore waters. Estimated potential for the inshore pelagic fishery is 70,000-90,000 tonnes while the small pelagic resources in the near offshore as well as tuna and tuna-like fishes further offshore have potentials of about 10,000 metric tonnes each. Despite the abundance of tuna within and adjoining the Nigerian EEZ, and its importance in the international market, only foreign-flagged vessels take advantage. In addition, the inshore pelagic fisheries in Nigeria have for long remained underexploited. The most common processing method has remained the age-old traditional smoke-drying, which is inadequate resulting in colossal waste through denaturation and incessant infestations by insects and moulds among other causes. The use of modern smoking techniques coupled with effective distribution systems can undoubtedly reduce waste. However, these are often not within the reach of most artisanal processors. It is proposed that the organised private sector should invest on simple but proven processing equipment such as smoking kilns. The inshore pelagic fish species and other small fishes can sustain cottage canning industries sited in fishing villages/settlements while larger canning factories should be based on offshore resources. Modalities for successful investments are highlighted, while a major consideration is given to joint ventures