890 resultados para War, Declaration of.
This collection consists of an autographed copy of Herman F. Arnold’s “Dixie”. The music scale is inscribed with “At the request of Miss Minnie Parker the copy of Dixie is presented to Winthrop College [in 1923] by Prof. Herman F. Arnold + the score in 159 of + who wrote Dixie and was made the war tune of the south at the inauguration of Jefferson Davis Feb. 18th 1861 at Montgomery, Ala.” There is also a note stating that this score is “One of the Four Autograph Copies of the Score of Dixie.” Minnie Barker was curator of the Winthrop museum and the music score was displayed there until Tillman Science Building was razed in 1962 which housed the museum.
The “Dixie” Music Score Collection consists of two photographs of one of the four original autographed copies of the musical score Dixie which was presented to Winthrop College in 1923 by Professor Herman F. Arnold and a photograph of Professor Herman F. Arnold. The Dixie Score is inscribed "At the request of Miss Minnie Barker the copy of Dixie is presented to Winthrop College by Prof. Herman F. Arnold who wrote Dixie and was made the war tune of the south at the inauguration of Jefferson Davis Feb 18th 1861 at Montgomery, Ala." Minnie Barker was curator of the Winthrop museum and the music score was displayed there until Tillman Science Building was razed in 1962 which housed the museum. The collection also contains newspaper clippings and correspondence relating to the controversy surrounding Dixie and whether it is racially insensitive.
The Miller Family Papers consist of notes on the Miller, Cathcart, and Roddey families, genealogical data on the Lindsay, Stewart, and McCaughrin families, and an American Civil War reminiscence of William Joseph Miller entitled, “My Experience as a Soldier in the Confederate Army. Written at the Request of Barnette, My Only Living Daughter.” Miller served in the 12th Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers of the Confederate Army.
The Thomas Jefferson Johnston Papers consists of the Civil War diary of Thomas Jefferson Johnston (1837-1894) from 1861 to August 7, 1864. Also included is a transcription of the journal as well as contextual notes of what was occurring during the war at large by Robert James Johnston (1945-) (great grandson of Thomas Jefferson Johnston) in 1992.
Abstract Background The main focus of several studies concerned with cancer progression and metastasis is to analyze the mechanisms that allow cancer cells to interact and quickly adapt with their environment. Integrins, a family of transmembrane glycoproteins, play a major role in invasive and metastatic processes. Integrins are involved in cell adhesion in both cell-extracellular matrix and cell-cell interactions, and particularly, β1 integrin is involved in proliferation and differentiation of cells in the development of epithelial tissues. This work aimed to investigate the putative role of β1 integrin expression on survival and metastasis in patients with breast invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). In addition, we compared the expression of β1 integrin in patients with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Methods Through tissue microarray (TMA) slides containing 225 samples of IDC and 67 samples of DCIS, β1 integrin expression was related with several immunohistochemical markers and clinicopathologic features of prognostic significance. Results β1 integrin was overexpressed in 32.8% of IDC. In IDC, β1 integrin was related with HER-2 (p = 0.019) and VEGF (p = 0.011) expression and it had a significant relationship with metastasis and death (p = 0.001 and p = 0.05, respectively). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed that the overexpression of this protein is very significant (p = 0.002) in specific survival (number of months between diagnosis and death caused by the disease). There were no correlation between IDC and DCIS (p = 0.559) regarding β1 integrin expression. Conclusions Considering that the expression of β1 integrin in breast cancer remains controversial, specially its relation with survival of patients, our findings provide further evidence that β1 integrin can be a marker of poor prognosis in breast cancer. Virtual slides The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/6652215267393871
Eduardo Zamacois (Pinar del Río, 1873- Buenos Aires, 1971) was a main actor of the spanish’s literature and edition movement from the first third of the 20th century. He was the founder of magazines that had a big impact like “Germinal”, introductive of the sicalipsis (“La Vida Galante”) or so innovative that deserved an special chapter in the history of literature (“El Cuento Semanal” e “Los Contemporáneos”). With this work, it is intended to recreate the most significant stages from his autobiography adventure including the new information that offers his non before published letters exchange with his last sentimental partner. As a writer, his work was very popular in his homeland, translated to the world and reissued in Ibero-America. His literature work is based in three different phases. He began with the use of gallant literature (with books like La enferma, Punto negro) and took an adventure with the pays of mystery and irony (El otro, El misterio de un hombre pequñito, La opinion ajena) to finally focused in a narrative style of a realistic kind, that includes social critique (Las raíces). His last published novel in Spain is a portrait of Madrid during its long siege by the nationalist troops (El asedio de Madrid), a profound tribute to the people’s heroism and a declaration of love to the capital, that was his place of residence for a long time. While his exile, that took him to Cuba, New York and Buenos Aires, he worked in the radio, the dubbing industry and in finishing his most detailed bibliography, Un hombre que se va, a valuable document of that time.
A 30 anni dalla Dichiarazione di Alma Ata, l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, sia nei lavori della Commissione sui Determinanti Sociali della Salute che nel corso della sua 62^ Assemblea (2009) ha posto nuovamente la sua attenzione al tema dei determinanti sociali della salute e allo sviluppo di una sanità secondo un approccio "Primary Health Care", in cui la partecipazione ai processi decisionali è uno dei fattori che possono incidere sull'equità in salute tra e nelle nazioni. Dopo una presentazione dei principali elementi e concetti teorici di riferimento della tesi: Determinanti Sociali della Salute, partecipazione ed empowerment partecipativo (Cap. 1 e 2), il lavoro di tesi, a seguito dell'attività di ricerca di campo svolta in Zambia (Lusaka, Kitwe e Ndola) e presso EuropeAid (Bruxelles), si concentra sui processi di sviluppo e riforma del settore sanitario (Cap. 3), sulle politiche di cooperazione internazionale (Cap.4) e sull'azione (spesso sperimentale) della società civile in Zambia, considerando (Cap. 5): le principali criticità e limiti della/alla partecipazione, la presenza di strumenti e strategie specifiche di empowerment partecipativo, le politiche di decentramento e accountability, le buone prassi e proposte emergenti dalla società civile, le linee e i ruoli assunti dai donatori internazionali e dal Governo dello Zambia. Con questa tesi di dottorato si è voluto evidenziare e interpretare sia il dibattito recente rispetto alla partecipazione nel settore sanitario che i diversi e contraddittori gradi di attenzione alla partecipazione delle politiche di sviluppo del settore sanitario e l'emergere delle istanze e pratiche della società civile. Tutto questo incide su spazi e forme di partecipazione alla governance e ai processi decisionali nel settore sanitario, che influenzano a loro volta le politiche e condizioni di equità in salute. La metodologia adottata è stata di tipo qualitativo articolata in osservazione, interviste, analisi bibliografica e documentale.
On the basis of illustrations of Shakespeare's Hamlet, the new digital 'Oppel-Hammerschmidt Shakespeare Illustration Archive' at the Mainz University Library - together with a lavishly-constructed and multiply-linked Web interface version - was presented to the public on 17 November 2008. This e-book, edited by Andreas Anderhub and Hildegard Hammerschmidt-Hummel, contains the speeches and presentations given on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the electronic archive. The collection of the new archive, published here for the first time, holds about 3,500 images and is part of the only Shakespeare illustration archive in the world. The Shakespeare Illustration Archive was founded in 1946 by the internationally acclaimed Shakespeare and Goethe scholar, Prof. Horst Oppel. This part of the archive was donated to the Mainz University Library on condition that its holdings be digitalised and made available to the public. The collection has been named 'The Oppel-Hammerschmidt Shakespeare Illustration Archive' in accordance with the terms of the Agreement of Donation of 9, 15, and 16 September 2005, and honouring the 16 March 1988 Delegation of Authority and Declaration of Intent by Frau Ingeborg Oppel, Prof. Oppel's widow and legal assignee. Vice-President Prof. Jürgen Oldenstein opened the proceedings by noting that 2008 had been a good year for international Shakespeare scholarship. For, in London, the site of the 'Theatre' in Shoreditch, where Shakespeare's company performed, had been unearthed, and in Mainz the Shakespeare Archive had gone online with thousands of illustrations. The Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Philology, Prof. Mechthild Dreyer, who mentioned that she herself had long been successfully employing interdisciplinary research methods, took particular pleasure in the transdisciplinary approach to research resolutely pursued by Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel. Prof. Clemens Zintzen (Cologne), former President of the Mainz Academy of Literature and Sciences, recalled highlights from the more than sixty-year-long history of the Shakespeare Illustration Archive. Prof. Kurt Otten (Heidelberg and Cambridge) drew an impressive portrait of Horst Oppel's personality as an academic and praised his influential books on Goethe and Shakespeare. He pointed out that Oppel's Shakespeare Illustration Archive, the basis for many a dissertation, had enjoyed great popularity around the world. Prof. Otten also delineated the academic career of Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel and her new findings regarding Shakespeare's time, life and work. Prof. Rüdiger Ahrens OBE (Würzburg) drew attention to Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel's research results, directly or indirectly arising out of her work on the Shakespeare Illustration Archive. This research had centred on proving the authenticity of four visual representations of Shakespeare (the Chandos and Flower portraits, the Davenant bust and the Darmstadt Shakespeare death mask); solving the mystery around Shakespeare's 'Dark Lady'; and establishing the dramatist's Catholic religion. Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel reported on her 'Shakespeare Illustration' project, describing the nature, dimensions and significance of the Archive's pictorial material, which relates to all of Shakespeare's plays and stretches over five centuries. She explained that the digital 'Oppel-Hammerschmidt Illustration Archive' was an addition to the three-volume edition she had compiled, authored and edited for publication in 2003. Unlike the print version, however, the digital collection had only been partly editorially prepared. It represented source material and a basis for further work. Hammerschmidt-Hummel expressed her thanks to the Head of the Central University Library, Dr Andreas Anderhub, for his untiring commitment. After the initial donation had been made, he had entered enthusiastically into setting up the necessary contacts, getting all the work underway, and clearing the legal hurdles. Hammerschmidt-Hummel was especially grateful to University of Mainz librarian Heike Geisel, who had worked for nearly five years to carry out the large-scale digitalization of a total of 8,800 items. Frau Geisel was also extremely resourceful in devising ways of making the collection yield even more, e.g. by classifying and cross-linking the data, assembling clusters of individual topics that lend themselves to research, and (in collaboration with the art historian Dr Klaus Weber) making the archive's index of artists compatible with the data-bank of artists held by the University of Mainz Institute of Art History. In addition, she compiled an extremely helpful 'users' guide' to the new digital collection. Frau Geisel had enjoyed invaluable support from Dr Annette Holzapfel-Pschorn, the leading academic in the Central IT Department at the University, who set up an intelligent, most impressive Web interface using the latest application technologies. Frau Geisel and Dr Holzapfel-Pschorn were highly praised for their convincing demonstration, using illustrations to Hamlet, of how to access this well-devised and exceptionally user-friendly Web version. For legal reasons, Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel pointed out, the collection could not be released for open access on the internet. The media - as Dr Anderhub stressed in his foreword - had shown great interest in the new digital collection of thousands of Shakespearean illustrations (cf. Benjamin Cor's TV feature in "Tagesthemen", 17 November 2008, presented by Tom Buhrow). The ‘Oppel-Hammerschmidt Shakespeare Illustration Archive’ should also meet with particular interest not only among academic specialists, but also among the performers of the arts and persons active in the cultural realm in general, as well as theatre and film directors, literary managers, teachers, and countless Shakespeare enthusiasts.
In „’Let ‘em have it – right on the chin.’ – Die Haltung der britischen Öffentlich-keit zum RAF-Flächenbombardement 1939-1945“ wird durch die Untersuchung der vier Tageszeitungen Times, Manchester Guardian, Daily Express und Daily Mirror sowie der wöchentlichen Berichte des britischen Informationsministeriums nachgewiesen, dass 1942 ein Konsens in der britischen Öffentlichkeit für Flächenbombardements eintrat. Diese Einigkeit entstand aufgrund der Kriegssituation, sozialpsychologischer Mechanismen und realpolitischer Erwägungen und verfestigte sich 1943 und zum Teil auch 1944 deutlich. Die öffentliche Meinung kehrte sich in den drei Jahren zwischen 1940 und 1943 vollständig um und wandelte sich 1944 erneut: Während 1940 die Mehrheit gegen die Bombardierung der deutschen Zivilbevölkerung eingestellt war, fand in den folgenden drei Jahren eine Entwicklung statt, die 1943 in den Konsens, 1944 aber in die Tabuisierung des Themas mündete. Dabei verstärkten insbesondere zwei Argumente den Prozess der Konsensbildung: Nachdem bis Anfang 1941 die Bedeutung der Begrifflichkeiten so weit vereinheitlicht worden war, dass beispielsweise die Mehrheit der Briten etwas mit dem Ausdruck „Flächenbombardement“ anfangen konnte, setzte sich im Laufe des Jahres 1940 – in Presse und Bevölkerung parallel – ein Feindbild durch, das das gesamte deutsche Volk in Haftung nahm und es insofern auch für die deutschen Luftangriffe auf Großbritannien verantwortlich machte. Erst daraus erwuchs die Rechtfertigung für die Forderung nach Vergeltung, die durch diese Begründung von bloßen Rachegelüsten losgelöst werden konnte. Seit dem deutschen Angriff auf die Sowjetunion im Juni 1941 galten Flächenbombardements – hier folgten Bevölkerung und Presse der britischen Regierung – außerdem als Vorbereitung für die Westoffensive. Eine Mehrheit sprach sich schon 1941 für Flächenbombardements aus, mit den großen Angriffen 1942 und vor allem 1943 war der Konsens dann so vollständig erreicht, dass kritische Stimmen fast gänzlich verstummten. Als mit der alliierten Landung in der Normandie 1944 ein wichtiges Argument für die Notwendigkeit von Flächenbombardements wegfiel, setzte eine Tabuisierung des Themas ein, die sich 1945 verfestigte. Insgesamt beleuchtet die Arbeit, durch welche Faktoren in einer Kontroverse eine gesellschaftliche Einigkeit im Großbritannien der frühen vierziger Jahre erzeugt wurde. Dieser Zusammenhalt war notwendig, um die Handlungsfähigkeit der Gesellschaft zu gewährleisten, so dass sich der Konsens in der Kriegssituation als wichtige Überlebensstrategie erwies. Erreicht wurde er aber auf Kosten des für eine demokratische Gesellschaft auch charakteristischen Pluralismus von Meinungen und Einstellungen.
This dissertation is the result of my participation in the Language Toolkit project, a recent collaboration between the Chamber of Commerce of Forlì and the School of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Interpreting and Translation at the University of Bologna, which aims to make students meet with the companies of our territory, in this case Ipack, based in Mercato Saraceno (FC). My dissertation is a specialized translation work from Italian into English of two documents that were entrusted to me: the declaration of compliance of Ipack’s products and a summary of the quality manual. They are two high technical texts and, therefore, the translation task required a preliminary phase of research on the topics and on the terminology of this specific domain. The dissertation consists of five chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the company with which I collaborated for my dissertation project and provides an overview of business communication and a brief classification of Ipack’s communication tools. The second chapter covers the background topics, namely food packaging and quality management systems within companies. The third chapter concerns the analysis of the two texts, describing the intra-textual and extra-textual aspects, as well as the morphosyntaxical and lexical features. The fourth chapter is dedicated to the revision work on one of the two texts, the one about quality procedures. In the commentary following my review, I explain the methodology and the strategies that I used and I also provide some extended examples of the main changes applied to the original text, with respect to both content and linguistic features. Finally, the fifth chapter focuses on the translation of the texts followed by a commentary that explains the work methodology, resources and my translation choices, accompanied by practical examples.
Purpose: To assess possible association between intrinsic structural damage and clinical disability by correlating spinal cord diffusion-tensor (DT) imaging data with electrophysiological parameters in patients with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Materials and Methods: This study was approved by the local ethical committee according to the declaration of Helsinki and written informed consent was obtained. DT images and T1- and T2-weighted images of the spinal cord were acquired in 28 healthy volunteers and 41 MS patients. Fractional anisotropy (FA) and apparent diffusion coefficients were evaluated in normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) at the cervical level and were correlated with motor-evoked potentials (n = 34). Asymmetry index was calculated for FA values with corresponding left and right regions of interest as percentage of the absolute difference between these values relative to the sum of the respective FA values. Statistical analysis included Spearman rank correlations, Mann-Whitney test, and reliability analysis. Results: Healthy volunteers had low asymmetry index (1.5%-2.2%). In MS patients, structural abnormalities were reflected by asymmetric decrease of FA (asymmetry index: 3.6%; P = .15). Frequently asymmetrically affected among MS patients was left and right central motor conduction time (CMCT) to abductor digiti minimi muscle (ADMM) (asymmetry index, 15%-16%) and tibialis anterior muscle (TAM) (asymmetry index, 9.5%-14.1%). Statistically significant correlations of functional (ie, electrophysiological) and structural (ie, DT imaging) asymmetries were found (P = .005 for CMCT to ADMM; P = .007 for CMCT to TAM) for the cervical lateral funiculi, which comprise the crossed pyramidal tract. Interobserver reliability for DT imaging measurements was excellent (78%-87%). Conclusion: DT imaging revealed asymmetric anatomic changes in spinal cord NAWM, which corresponded to asymmetric electrophysiological deficits for both arms and legs, and reflected a specific structure-function relationship in the human spinal cord. © RSNA, 2013.
Crowdsourcing linguistic phenomena with smartphone applications is relatively new. In linguistics, apps have predominantly been developed to create pronunciation dictionaries, to train acoustic models, and to archive endangered languages. This paper presents the first account of how apps can be used to collect data suitable for documenting language change: we created an app, Dialäkt Äpp (DÄ), which predicts users’ dialects. For 16 linguistic variables, users select a dialectal variant from a drop-down menu. DÄ then geographically locates the user’s dialect by suggesting a list of communes where dialect variants most similar to their choices are used. Underlying this prediction are 16 maps from the historical Linguistic Atlas of German-speaking Switzerland, which documents the linguistic situation around 1950. Where users disagree with the prediction, they can indicate what they consider to be their dialect’s location. With this information, the 16 variables can be assessed for language change. Thanks to the playfulness of its functionality, DÄ has reached many users; our linguistic analyses are based on data from nearly 60,000 speakers. Results reveal a relative stability for phonetic variables, while lexical and morphological variables seem more prone to change. Crowdsourcing large amounts of dialect data with smartphone apps has the potential to complement existing data collection techniques and to provide evidence that traditional methods cannot, with normal resources, hope to gather. Nonetheless, it is important to emphasize a range of methodological caveats, including sparse knowledge of users’ linguistic backgrounds (users only indicate age, sex) and users’ self-declaration of their dialect. These are discussed and evaluated in detail here. Findings remain intriguing nevertheless: as a means of quality control, we report that traditional dialectological methods have revealed trends similar to those found by the app. This underlines the validity of the crowdsourcing method. We are presently extending DÄ architecture to other languages.
Conferencia Latinoamericana: Prevención y Atención del Aborto Inseguro. Lima, Perú, el 29 y 30 de junio del 2009,
La biblioclastía fue definida como la compulsión humana por destruir libros. Desde tiempos inmemoriales el hombre ha querido imponer sus ideas a través de la destrucción de aquellas que se contraponían a las propias y los libros han sido objeto de esa "pulsión biblioclástica" durante toda la historia de la humanidad. La última dictadura militar que sufrió nuestro país dejó importantes secuelas en la sociedad. Mediante la censura e intervención en diferentes ámbitos (educación, cine, teatro, literatura, entre otros) se construyeron un discurso, un lenguaje y unas prácticas que hoy se reconocen como propias de ese tiempo histórico. Igual que pasó con la desaparición de las personas y sus cuerpos, la represión en el ámbito de la cultura fue parte de un plan sistemático, pensado, calculado y llevado a cabo por dependencias del Estado argentino destinadas a tal fin y por funcionarios (militares y civiles) que fueron parte de ese plan. Se considera de especial importancia que los bibliotecarios, como parte de aquéllos profesionales que contribuyen día a día a la preservación de la memoria, abordemos este tipo de problemáticas y reflexionemos en torno de la mismas. Este trabajo se enmarca en las investigaciones sobre el pasado reciente, teniendo como eje la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos y su postura frente a la libertad de expresión. Intenta reconstruir los mecanismos censorios y cómo se plasmaron en las vivencias de diferentes actores relacionados con el ámbito del libro y del movimiento cultural y político platense, con el objetivo de contribuir a la memoria social de nuestra ciudad.