954 resultados para Volcano
The paper focuses on studies of snow-pit samples and shallow firn cores taken during the 1995-96 and 1996-97 field seasons at Amundsenisen, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. The dating of the firn is based on the artificial tritium distribution in the snow cover and on several reference horizons identified by electrical measurements. The early 1964 through 1965 horizon is marked by the deposition of sulfate released to the atmosphere during the eruption of the Agung volcano in March 1963; this horizon was detected by dielectric profiling and electrical conductivity measurements; the proof by chemical analysis has still to be seen. At the ten investigated sites on Amundsenisen the 1964-65 horizon was identified 4.1-5.7 m below the surface. The accumulation rates on Amundsenisen are 41-91 kg/m**2/a. The cores are up to 100 years old. A relationship between isotope content and the mean air temperature on a regional scale can be based on measurements of firn temperature at 10 m depth at the drilling sites. Between Neumayer station at the coast and Heimefrontfjella, the temperature gradient of the deuterium content is 9.6 per mil/K. South of Heimefrontfjella, on the Amundsenisen plateau, it is only 5.5 per mil/K. Time series of yearly accumulation rates show no significant trend. For the isotope records a significant trend to higher values with gradients of 0.1-0.2 d2H per mil/a can be seen in five of the ten time series.
The European Programme for Ice Coring in Antarctica includes a comprehensive pre-site survey on the inland ice plateau of Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. The German glaciological programme during the 1997/98 field season was carried out along a 1200 km traverse on Amundsenisen and involved sampling the snow cover in pits and by shallow firn cores. This paper focuses on the accumulation studies. The cores were dated by dielectric-profiling and continuous-flow analysis. Distinct volcanogenic peaks and seasonal signals in the profiles served to establish a depth time-scale. The eruptions of Krakatoa, Tambora, an unknown volcano, Kuwae and El Chichon are well-documented in the ice. Variations of the accumulation rates over different times were inferred from the depth time-scales. A composite record of accumulation rates for the last 200 years was produced by stacking 12 annually resolved records. According to this, accumulation rates decreased in the 19th century and increased in the 20th century. The recent values are by no means extraordinary, as they do not exceed the values at the beginning of the 19th century. Variations in accumulation rates are most probably linked to temperature variations indicated in d18O records from Amundsenisen.
The basement of Bougainville Guyot drilled at Site 831 consists of andesitic hyalobreccias derived from a submarine arc volcano. The volcanic sequence has been dated by K/Ar at approximately 37 Ma. The 121 m of andesitic hyalobreccias drilled in Hole 831B have been divided into five subunits of two types: one appears to be primary, and the other contains evidence of reworking and a subaerial clastic input. Variations are attributed to fluctuations in water depth. The distinctive hyalobreccias consist of andesitic blebs with chilled margins and peripheral fractures set in a chaotic greenish matrix that is mainly altered glass, with crystals similar to those in the blebs or clasts. Their formation is attributed to violent reaction of andesitic magma discharged into seawater, in perhaps the submarine equivalent of fire-fountaining. There was limited reworking by currents and debris flows on the flanks of the submarine volcano. The andesite shows no significant compositional variation in phenocryst phases throughout the drilled sequence and contains phenocrysts of plagioclase (An88-43), clinopyroxene (Ca44Mg46Fe10-Ca41Mg40Fe19), orthopyroxene (Ca4Mg79Fe17-Ca3Mg58Fe39), and titanomagnetite. There is a systematic change in volcanic composition with height in the section, from more mafic andesites at the base, to overlying more acid andesites, and strong evidence exists that magma mixing may have played a significant role in the genesis of these lavas. The andesites have affinities with the low-K arc tholeiite series. Trace element and isotopic systematics for these rocks indicate very minor involvement of a LILE- and 87Sr-enriched slab-derived fluid in their petrogenesis. This accords with the previous suggestion that Bougainville Guyot forms part of an Eocene proto-island arc developed along the southern side of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone, above a southward-dipping subduction zone.
During ODP Leg 107, two holes were drilled in the basement of Vavilov Basin, a central oceanic area of the Tyrrhenian sea. Hole 655B is located near the Gortani ridge in off-axis position at the western rim of the basin; Hole 651A is located on a basement swell at the axis of the basin. This paper deals with mineral chemistry, major and trace element geochemistry, and petrogenesis of the basalts recovered in the two holes. The mineralogy of the basalts is broadly homogeneous, but all of them have suffered important seawater alteration. Their major-element compositions are similar to both normal-mid-ocean-ridge-basalts (N-MORB) and back-arc-basalts (BAB) except for Na2O contents (BAB-like), and K2O which is somewhat enriched in upper unit of Hole 651 A. Their affinity with N-MORB and BAB is confirmed by using immobile trace elements such as Zr, Y, and Nb. However, basalts from the two sites present contrasting geochemical characteristics on spidergrams using incompatible elements. Hole 655B basalts are homogeneous enriched tholeiites, similar to those from DSDP Hole 373 (located on the opposite side of the basin near the eastern rim), and show affinities with enriched MORB (E-MORB). At Hole 651 A, the two basalt units are chemically distinct. One sample recovered in lower unit is rather similar to those from Hole 655B, but basalts from upper unit display calc-alkaline characteristic evidenced by the increase of light-ion-lithophile-element (LILE)/high-field-strength-element (HFSE) ratio, and appearance of a negative Nb-anomaly, making them comparable with orogenic lavas from the adjacent Eolian arc. The observed chemical compositions of the basalts are consistent with a derivation of the magmas from a N-MORB type source progressively contaminated by LILE-enriched fluids released from dehydration of the bordering subducted plate. Implications for evolution of the Tyrrhenian basin are tentatively proposed taking into consideration geochemical and chronological relationships between basalts from Leg 107 Holes 655B and 651 A, together with data from Leg 42 Site 373 and Vavilov Seamount. These data illustrate back-arc spreading in ensialic basin closely associated with the maturation of the adjacent subduction, followed by the growth of late off-axis central volcano, whereas the active subduction retreats southeastward.
The Ampère Seamount, 600 km west of Gibraltar, is one of nine inactive volcanoes along a bent chain, the so called Horseshoe Seamounts. All of them ascend from an abyssal plain of 4000 to 4800 m depth up to a few hundred meters below the sea surface, except two, which nearly reach the surface: the Ampère massif on the southern flank of the group and the summit of the Gorringe bank in the north. The horseshoe, serrated like a crown, opens towards Gibraltar and stands in the way of its outflow. These seamounts are part of the Azores-Gibraltar structure, which marks the boundary between two major tectonic plates: the Eurasian and the African plate. The submarine volcanism which formed the Horseshoe Seamounts belongs to the sea floor spread area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The maximum activity was between 17 and 10 Million years ago and terminated thereafter. The volcanoes consist of basalts and tuffs. Most of their flanks and the abyssal plain around are covered by sediments of micro-organic origin. These sediments, in particular their partial absence on the upper flanks are a circumstantial proof and a kind of diary of the initial rise and subsequent subsidence of about 6oo m of these seamounts. The horizons of erosion where the basalt substrate is laid bare indicate the rise above sea level in the past. Since the Ampère summit is 60 m deep today, this volcano must have been an island 500 m high. The stratification of the sediments covering the surrounding abyssal plain reveals discrete events of downslope suspension flows, called turbidites, separated by tens of thousands of years and perhaps induced by changes in climate conditions. The Ampère sea mount of 4800 m height and a base diameter of 50 km exceeds the size of the Mont Blanc massif. Its southern and eastern flanks are steep with basalts cropping out, in parts with nearly vertical walls of some hundred meters. The west and north sides consist of terraces and plateaus covered with sediments at 140 m, 400 m, 2000 m, and 3500 m. The Horseshoe Seamount area is also remarkable as a kind of disturbed crossing of three major oceanic flow systems at different depths and directions with forced upwelling and partial mixing of the water masses. Most prominent is the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) with its higher temperature and salinity between 900 to 1500 m depth. It enters the horseshoe unimpaired from the open eastern side but penetrates the seamount chain through its valleys on the west, thereafter diverging and crossing the entire Atlantic Ocean. Below the MOW is the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) between 2000 m to 3000 m depth flowing southward and finally there is the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) flowing northward below the two other systems.
A hitherto unknown distal volcanic ash layer has been detected in a sediment core recovered from the southeastern Levantine Sea (Eastern Mediterranean Sea). Radiometric, stratigraphical and sedimentological data show that the tephra, here termed as S1 tephra, was deposited between 8,970 and 8,690 cal yr BP. The high-silica rhyolitic composition excludes an origin from any known eruptions of the Italian, Aegean or Arabian volcanic provinces but suggests a prevailing Central Anatolian provenance. We compare the S1 tephra with proximal to medial-distal tephra deposits from well-known Mediterranean ash layers and ash fall deposits from the Central Anatolian volcanic field using electron probe microanalyses on volcanic glass shards and morphological analyses on ash particles. We postulate a correlation with the Early Holocene 'Dikkartin' dome eruption of Erciyes Dag volcano (Cappadocia, Turkey). So far, no tephra of the Central Anatolian volcanic province has been detected in marine sediment archives in the Eastern Mediterranean region. The occurrence of the S1 tephra in the south-eastern part of the Levantine Sea indicates a wide dispersal of pyroclastic material from Erciyes Dag more than 600 km to the south and is therefore an important tephrostratigraphical marker in sediments of the easternmost Mediterranean Sea and the adjacent hinterland.
High-resolution bathymetric surveys, bottom photography and sample analyses show that Loihi Seamount at the southernmost extent of the Hawaiian ëhotspotí is an active, young submarine volcano that is probably the site of an emerging Hawaiian island. Hydrothermal deposits sampled from the active summit rift system were probably formed by precipitation from cooling vent fluids or during cooling and oxidation of high-temperature polymetallic sulphide assemblages. No exotic benthic fauna were found to be associated with the presently active hydrothermal vents mapped.