909 resultados para Vital reaction


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This work is devoted to the development of numerical method to deal with convection diffusion dominated problem with reaction term, non - stiff chemical reaction and stiff chemical reaction. The technique is based on the unifying Eulerian - Lagrangian schemes (particle transport method) under the framework of operator splitting method. In the computational domain, the particle set is assigned to solve the convection reaction subproblem along the characteristic curves created by convective velocity. At each time step, convection, diffusion and reaction terms are solved separately by assuming that, each phenomenon occurs separately in a sequential fashion. Moreover, adaptivities and projection techniques are used to add particles in the regions of high gradients (steep fronts) and discontinuities and transfer a solution from particle set onto grid point respectively. The numerical results show that, the particle transport method has improved the solutions of CDR problems. Nevertheless, the method is time consumer when compared with other classical technique e.g., method of lines. Apart from this advantage, the particle transport method can be used to simulate problems that involve movingsteep/smooth fronts such as separation of two or more elements in the system.


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The porous mixed oxide SiO2/TiO2/Sb2O5 obtained by the sol-gel processing method presented a good ion exchange property and a high exchange capacity towards the Li+, Na+ and K+ ions. In the H+/M+ ion exchange process, the H+ / Na+ could be described as presenting an ideal character. The ion exchange equilibria of Li+ and K+ were quantitatively described with the help of the model of fixed tetradentate centers. The results of simulation evidence that for the H+ / Li+ exchange the usual situation takes place: the affinity of the material to the Li+ ions is decreased with increasing the degree of ion exchange. On the contrary, for K+ the effects of positive cooperativity, that facilitate the H+ / K+ exchange, were revealed.


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A novel sensitive and relatively selective kinetic method is presented for the determination of V(V), based on its catalytic effect on the oxidation reaction of Ponceau Xylydine by potassium bromate in presence of 5-sulfosalicylic acid (SSA) as activator. The reaction was monitored spectrophotometrically by measuring the decrease in absorbance of Ponceau Xylydine at 640 nm between 0.5 to 7 min (the fixed time method) in H3PO4 medium at 25ºC. The effect of various parameters such as concentrations of H3PO4, SSA, bromate and Ponceau Xylydine, temperature and ionic strength on the rate of net reaction were studied. The method is free from most interferences, especially from large amounts of V(IV). The decrease in absorbance is proportional to the concentration of V(V) over the entire concentration range tested (1-15 ng mL−1) with a detection limit of 0.46 ng mL-1 (according to statistical 3Sblank/k criterion) and a coefficient of variation (CV) of 1.8% (for ten replicate measurement at 95% confidence level). The proposed method suffers few interferences such as Cr(VI) and Hg(II) ions. The method was successfully applied to the determination of V(V) in tap water, drinking water, bottled mineral water samples and a certified standard reference material such as SRM-1640 with satisfactory results. The vanadium contents of water samples were also determined by FAAS for a comparison. The recovery of spiked vanadium(V) was found to be quantitative and the reproducibility was satisfactory. It was observed that the results of the SRM 1640 were in good agreement with the certified value.


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The damage and the resistance levels of cultivars and accessions of common beans rescued in the South and mountain regions of Espírito Santo State, Brazil, to M. incognita race 3 and M. javanica parasitism were evaluated under a greenhouse. Four rescued bean genotypes ("FORT-10", "FORT-13", "FORT-16" and "FORT-19") and 2 commercial cultivars: "Pérola", and "Aporé", were tested. The cultivar "Rico-23" was included as standard of susceptibility to nematodes and non-inoculated plants constituted the control. Thus, the experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design in 3 (treatments considering nematodes) x 7 (genotypes and bean cultivars) factorial arrangement, with 7 replicates. Data were measured at 50 days after plant inoculation. For damage quantification, the following variables were evaluated: plant height (PHE), number of nodes (NNO), number of trifoliate leaves (NRT), fresh matter weight (FWE) and dry matter weight (DWE) of shoots, root weight (RWE), number of root nodules (NRO) and final population (FPO) of nematodes per root system. There were no significant differences between the effects caused by M. incognita and M. javanica, but both species showed inferior values of PHE, NNO, NRT, RWE, FWE and DWE compared to controls. Concerning the levels of resistance of bean plants to M. incognita, the genotypes "FORT-10", "FORT-13", "Aporé" and "FORT-16" behaved as moderately resistant, the cultivars "Rico 23" and "Pérola" low resistant, and the genotype "FORT-19" as highly susceptible. When parasitized by M. javanica, the beans "FORT-19", "Rico-23", "FORT-16" and "FORT-13" were low resistant, "Pérola" and "Aporé" susceptible and "FORT-10" highly susceptible.


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The method of preserving detached wheat leaves in Petri dish was used for the inoculation and development of the fungus Puccinia triticina, the causal agent of wheat leaf rust. The reaction of 26 wheat cultivars was compared by using seedlings cultivated in pots (in vivo) and detached leaves (in vitro) inoculated with four physiological races of the pathogen. After inoculation, the material was kept in a growth chamber for 15 days. The reaction was evaluated on the 15th day after inoculation. Results for each race in the evaluated genotypes confirmed the efficiency of the detached leaf method in assessing the reaction of wheat cultivars.


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Bovine leukaemia virus (BLV) is the causative agent of enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL). In Argentina, where a program to eradicate EBL has been introduced, sensitive and reliable diagnosis has attained high priority. Although the importance of the agar gel immunodiffusion test remains unchanged for routine work, an additional diagnostic technique is necessary to confirm cases of sera with equivocal results or of calves carrying maternal antibodies.Utilizing a nested shuttle polymerase chain reaction, the proviral DNA was detected from cows experimentally infected with as little as 5 ml of whole blood from BLV seropositive cows that were nonetheless normal in haematological terms. It proved to be a very sensitive technique, since it rapidly revealed the presence of the provirus, frequently at 2 weeks postinoculation and using a two-round procedure of nested PCR taking only 3 hours. Additionally, the primers used flanked a portion of the viral genome often employed to differentiate BLV type applying BamHI digestion. It is concluded that this method might offer a highly promising diagnostic tool for BLV infection.


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Bovine genital campylobacteriosis is a common venereal disease of cattle; the prevalence of this disease can be underestimated mostly because of the nature of the etiological agent, the microaerobic Campylobacter fetus subspecies venerealis. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the utilization of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the diagnosis of genital campylobacteriosis in samples obtained from bull prepuce aspirate, cow cervical mucus, and abomasum contents of aborted fetuses, collected into enrichment medium. Five different DNA extraction protocols were tested: thermal extraction, lysis with proteinase K, lysis with guanidine isothiocyanate, lysis with DNAzol, and lysis with hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). The specificity, sensitivity, and technical application of the PCR assay were also evaluated with clinical samples and compared to bacterial isolation by standard culture. DNA extraction by the CTAB protocol provided better results in PCR, and it was able to detect 63 colony-forming units per ml of C. fetus. Out of 277 clinical samples tested, 68 (24%) were positive for Campylobacter fetus using PCR, while only 8 (2.8%) of the samples were positive by bacterial isolation in solid medium, proving the superiority of the PCR technique when compared to the standard isolation method, and providing evidence for its usefulness as a better screening test in cattle for the diagnosis of bovine genital campylobacteriosis.


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The presence of anti leptospiral agglutinins (microscopic agglutination test - MAT) and DNA of leptospires was investigated in the kidney and urine (Polymerase Chain Reaction - PCR) in samples collected at the time of slaughter of cattle originating from the dairy basin of Parnaíba, Piauí, Brazil, as also the lesions in kidney, lung, liver, uterus, ovary and placenta (histopathology and immunohistochemistry). In the MAT, Hardjo was the predominant serovar with the highest number of reagent animals for the strain Hardjobovis/Sponselee. Anti-leptospiral antigens were scored in epithelial cells, interstitial vascular endothelium, endothelium of glomerular capillaries and Bowman's capsule of 20 positive animals. Inflammatory cells were more common in the kidney. PCR was positive in urine and kidney tissue


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Conidiobolomycosis is a granulomatous disease caused by the fungus Conidiobolus spp. in humans and animals. Traditional technique for diagnosis of the disease is isolation of the agent associated with the presence of typical clinical signs and pathological conditions. The aim of this study was to describe the development of a specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for Conidiobolus lamprauges to detect the fungus in clinical samples. Samples from suspected animals were collected and submitted to isolation, histopathological analysis and amplification by PCR. DNA from tissues was subjected to PCR with fungi universal primers 18S rDNA gene, and specific primers were designed based on the same gene in C. lamprauges that generated products of about 540 bp and 222 bp respectively. The culture was positive in 26.6% of clinical samples. The PCR technique for C. lamprauges showed amplification of DNA from fresh tissues (80%) and paraffin sections (44.4%). In conclusion, the PCR technique described here demonstrated a high sensitivity and specificity for detection of fungal DNA in tissue samples, providing a tool for the rapid diagnosis of C. lamprauges.


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The rickettsia Anaplasma marginale is considered the main agent of bovine anaplasmosis. Due the nonspecific clinical signs of the anaplasmosis, the diagnosis of infection depends of laboratory confirmation. In recent years, molecular diagnostic methods have been used to detect A. marginale in cattle. However, the existence of a large number of assays of different sensitivity and cost makes the choice of an appropriate test difficult. In the present study, a real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) based on the msp5 target gene was quantitatively assessed and compared to an end point PCR. Both reactions were subjected to sensitivity and specificity evaluation using plasmid DNA and samples from cattle experimentally infected with A. marginale. A comparative field trial of the tests was carried out using samples of cattle from a stable enzootic area for A. marginale. The real-time PCR showed a higher sensitivity than the end point PCR. This reaction (i.e. real-time PCR) was able to detect one copy of the msp5 gene in 100 ηg of plasmidial DNA, and more than 80% of its results were positive among experimentally infected animals seven days after infection. In addition, based on in silico analysis, the real-time PCR evaluated in the present study appears to be useful for the detection of A. ovis.


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This thesis examines the stock market reactions to quarterly earnings announcements. The study covers the OMX Helsinki 25 index companies for the years 2007–2010. The stock market response to quarterly earnings announcements is tested by employing the event study –methodology and daily stock returns of Finnish listed companies. The thesis provides evidence that stock prices react to earnings announcements that exceed or fall below analyst forecasts. The most liquid stocks earn higher returns around positive earnings news than less traded stocks, which supports the evidence from previous studies. This thesis finds evidence for the authorization to sell stocks short reducing the post–earnings announcement drift induced by negative earnings news. In addition, the market’s reaction to earnings announcements seems to quicken during economic turmoil.


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To evaluate the influence of diets with different degrees of energy deficiency on the hormonal profile and vital functions, 12 steers were randomly distributed into 3 groups of 4 animals. For 140 days, each group received (G1) a diet to promote a weight gain of 900gr/day (17.7 Mcal/d DE and 13% CP), (G2) 80% of the maintenance requirements (5.8 Mcal/d DE and 7% CP), or (G3) 60% of the maintenance requirements (4.7 Mcal/d DE and 5% CP). In G2 and G3, the energy deficit caused a marked decrease in the heart rate and respiratory rate and a reduction in the blood levels of Insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and triiodothyronine (T3). The decrease in heart rate, respiratory movement and, to a lesser extent, reduction of the rectal temperature, reflected the low status of energy and was negatively impacted by the low levels of T3. There was a strong correlation between the hormones T3 and IGF-1 (r=0.833). There were also strong correlations between T3 and HR (r=0.701), T3 and RR (r=0.632), IGF-1 and HR (r=0.731), and IGF-1 and RR (r=0.679). There were intermediate correlations between T3 and TºC (r=0.484), T3 and insulin (r=0.506), IGF-1 and insulin (r=0.517), and IGF-1 and TºC (r=0.548). This study showed the influence of a long period of providing an energy-deficient diet on animal performance, correlating hormonal status and vital functions in growing cattle. The results indicated that the evaluated parameters represent an important tool for the early detection of dietary deficiency.


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Visceral leishmaniasis is a chronic infectious disease caused by Leishmania infantum (synonym: Leishmania chagasi) and transmitted by the sandfly Lutzomyia longipalpis in Brazil. It is an endemic zoonosis in several regions of the country, including Belo Horizonte (State of Minas Gerais). In urban areas, the domestic dog is susceptible and considered the most important animal reservoir. However, L. infantum has been previously diagnosed in other species, including captive primates and canids. This study aimed to evaluate the presence of the agent DNA in captive animals as well as some free ranging animals from the Zoo-Botanical Foundation of Belo Horizonte by Polymerase Chain Reaction. Eighty one blood samples from primates, carnivores, ruminants, edentates, marsupial, and a monogastric herbivore were analyzed. Three primates Alouatta guariba (brown howler monkey), and two canids Speothos venaticus (bush dog) were positive, demonstrating the importance of leishmaniasis control in endemic areas for preservation of wildlife species in captivity.


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In recent years haemosporidian infection by protozoa of the genus Plasmodium and Haemoproteus, has been considered one of the most important factors related to the extinction and/or population decline of several species of birds worldwide. In Brazil, despite the large avian biodiversity, few studies have been designed to detect this infection, especially among wild birds in captivity. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence of Plasmodium spp. and Haemoproteus spp. infection in wild birds in captivity in the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil using microscopy and the polymerase chain reaction. Blood samples of 119 different species of birds kept in captivity at IBAMA during the period of July 2011 to July 2012 were collected. The parasite density was determined based only on readings of blood smears by light microscopy. The mean prevalence of Plasmodium spp. and Haemoproteus spp. infection obtained through the microscopic examination of blood smears and PCR were similar (83.19% and 81.3%, respectively), with Caracara plancus and Saltator similis being the most parasitized. The mean parasitemia determined by the microscopic counting of evolutionary forms of Plasmodium spp. and Haemoproteus spp. was 1.51%. The results obtained from this study reinforce the importance of the handling of captive birds, especially when they will be reintroduced into the wild.