737 resultados para Villegas


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El paradigma de procesamiento de eventos CEP plantea la solución al reto del análisis de grandes cantidades de datos en tiempo real, como por ejemplo, monitorización de los valores de bolsa o el estado del tráfico de carreteras. En este paradigma los eventos recibidos deben procesarse sin almacenarse debido a que el volumen de datos es demasiado elevado y a las necesidades de baja latencia. Para ello se utilizan sistemas distribuidos con una alta escalabilidad, elevado throughput y baja latencia. Este tipo de sistemas son usualmente complejos y el tiempo de aprendizaje requerido para su uso es elevado. Sin embargo, muchos de estos sistemas carecen de un lenguaje declarativo de consultas en el que expresar la computación que se desea realizar sobre los eventos recibidos. En este trabajo se ha desarrollado un lenguaje declarativo de consultas similar a SQL y un compilador que realiza la traducción de este lenguaje al lenguaje nativo del sistema de procesamiento masivo de eventos. El lenguaje desarrollado en este trabajo es similar a SQL, con el que se encuentran familiarizados un gran número de desarrolladores y por tanto aprender este lenguaje no supondría un gran esfuerzo. Así el uso de este lenguaje logra reducir los errores en ejecución de la consulta desplegada sobre el sistema distribuido al tiempo que se abstrae al programador de los detalles de este sistema.---ABSTRACT---The complex event processing paradigm CEP has become the solution for high volume data analytics which demand scalability, high throughput, and low latency. Examples of applications which use this paradigm are financial processing or traffic monitoring. A distributed system is used to achieve the performance requisites. These same requisites force the distributed system not to store the events but to process them on the fly as they are received. These distributed systems are complex systems which require a considerably long time to learn and use. The majority of such distributed systems lack a declarative language in which to express the computation to perform over incoming events. In this work, a new SQL-like declarative language and a compiler have been developed. This compiler translates this new language to the distributed system native language. Due to its similarity with SQL a vast amount of developers who are already familiar with SQL will need little time to learn this language. Thus, this language reduces the execution failures at the time the programmer no longer needs to know every single detail of the underlying distributed system to submit a query.


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La gran cantidad de datos que se registran diariamente en los sistemas de base de datos de las organizaciones ha generado la necesidad de analizarla. Sin embargo, se enfrentan a la complejidad de procesar enormes volúmenes de datos a través de métodos tradicionales de análisis. Además, dentro de un contexto globalizado y competitivo las organizaciones se mantienen en la búsqueda constante de mejorar sus procesos, para lo cual requieren herramientas que les permitan tomar mejores decisiones. Esto implica estar mejor informado y conocer su historia digital para describir sus procesos y poder anticipar (predecir) eventos no previstos. Estos nuevos requerimientos de análisis de datos ha motivado el desarrollo creciente de proyectos de minería de datos. El proceso de minería de datos busca obtener desde un conjunto masivo de datos, modelos que permitan describir los datos o predecir nuevas instancias en el conjunto. Implica etapas de: preparación de los datos, procesamiento parcial o totalmente automatizado para identificar modelos en los datos, para luego obtener como salida patrones, relaciones o reglas. Esta salida debe significar un nuevo conocimiento para la organización, útil y comprensible para los usuarios finales, y que pueda ser integrado a los procesos para apoyar la toma de decisiones. Sin embargo, la mayor dificultad es justamente lograr que el analista de datos, que interviene en todo este proceso, pueda identificar modelos lo cual es una tarea compleja y muchas veces requiere de la experiencia, no sólo del analista de datos, sino que también del experto en el dominio del problema. Una forma de apoyar el análisis de datos, modelos y patrones es a través de su representación visual, utilizando las capacidades de percepción visual del ser humano, la cual puede detectar patrones con mayor facilidad. Bajo este enfoque, la visualización ha sido utilizada en minería datos, mayormente en el análisis descriptivo de los datos (entrada) y en la presentación de los patrones (salida), dejando limitado este paradigma para el análisis de modelos. El presente documento describe el desarrollo de la Tesis Doctoral denominada “Nuevos Esquemas de Visualizaciones para Mejorar la Comprensibilidad de Modelos de Data Mining”. Esta investigación busca aportar con un enfoque de visualización para apoyar la comprensión de modelos minería de datos, para esto propone la metáfora de modelos visualmente aumentados. ABSTRACT The large amount of data to be recorded daily in the systems database of organizations has generated the need to analyze it. However, faced with the complexity of processing huge volumes of data over traditional methods of analysis. Moreover, in a globalized and competitive environment organizations are kept constantly looking to improve their processes, which require tools that allow them to make better decisions. This involves being bettered informed and knows your digital story to describe its processes and to anticipate (predict) unanticipated events. These new requirements of data analysis, has led to the increasing development of data-mining projects. The data-mining process seeks to obtain from a massive data set, models to describe the data or predict new instances in the set. It involves steps of data preparation, partially or fully automated processing to identify patterns in the data, and then get output patterns, relationships or rules. This output must mean new knowledge for the organization, useful and understandable for end users, and can be integrated into the process to support decision-making. However, the biggest challenge is just getting the data analyst involved in this process, which can identify models is complex and often requires experience not only of the data analyst, but also the expert in the problem domain. One way to support the analysis of the data, models and patterns, is through its visual representation, i.e., using the capabilities of human visual perception, which can detect patterns easily in any context. Under this approach, the visualization has been used in data mining, mostly in exploratory data analysis (input) and the presentation of the patterns (output), leaving limited this paradigm for analyzing models. This document describes the development of the doctoral thesis entitled "New Visualizations Schemes to Improve Understandability of Data-Mining Models". This research aims to provide a visualization approach to support understanding of data mining models for this proposed metaphor visually enhanced models.


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Manuscrito encuadernado con: "Concilia Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae a Synodo Verolamiensi..." (XVIII/68-TG)


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Nas décadas de 1970 e 1980 houve a eclosão de experiências comunicacionais populares, em todo Brasil, com vasta produção de materiais, especialmente arquivados pelos centros de documentação. Em sua maioria, criados e financiados por setores progressistas da Igreja Católica e Protestante. Entre eles, o Centro de Pastoral Vergueiro (CPV) e o Centro de Comunicação e Educação Popular de São Miguel Paulista (CEMI) que também tiveram importante papel na construção e preservação da memória das lutas populares no período de reorganização social, no contexto de distensão da ditadura militar. No entanto, tais acervos estão em iminente risco, por falta de investimento e vontade política. O que seria um prejuízo histórico e científico para movimentos sociais atuais e à pesquisa acadêmica. O objetivo do estudo é identificar a que se deve este desinteresse. A abordagem se dá pelo método da história oral e como técnicas de investigação adotamos a pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e a pesquisa de campo, por meio da entrevista em profundidade. A falta de uma política pública que garanta a preservação dos documentos é sinal de que no Brasil predomina uma cultura que não privilegia a memória, sobretudo das camadas empobrecidas da população. Além do que, a memória pode ser subversiva. Afinal tais documentos expressam a força da participação popular no processo de transformação social e podem despertar novas ações, o que não interessa aos grupos que estão no poder.


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We have developed a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy method that selectively can sample cortical gray matter and adjacent white matter in the frontal lobe. We have used this approach to study a group of patients (n = 7) infected with HIV and clinical manifestations of the AIDS dementia complex (ADC), a group of patients (n = 8) infected with HIV without any indications of ADC, and seven controls. The patients without ADC had a statistically significant increase in the ratio of myo-inositol to creatine in white matter compared with normal controls. In contrast, the group of patients with ADC had almost normal levels of myo-inositol to creatine in both gray matter and white matter and showed a statistically significant decrease in the N-acetylaspartate to creatine ratio in gray matter compared with either the normal controls or the patients without ADC. Patterns of spectral abnormalities correlated with neuropsychological measures of frontal lobe dysfunction, suggesting that the evaluation of frontal lobe metabolism by magnetic resonance spectroscopy can play a role in the early detection of ADC, in determining its progression, and in assessing responses to therapeutic interventions.


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Our recent studies have shown that deregulated expression of R2, the rate-limiting component of ribonucleotide reductase, enhances transformation and malignant potential by cooperating with activated oncogenes. We now demonstrate that the R1 component of ribonucleotide reductase has tumor-suppressing activity. Stable expression of a biologically active ectopic R1 in ras-transformed mouse fibroblast 10T½ cell lines, with or without R2 overexpression, led to significantly reduced colony-forming efficiency in soft agar. The decreased anchorage independence was accompanied by markedly suppressed malignant potential in vivo. In three ras-transformed cell lines, R1 overexpression resulted in abrogation or marked suppression of tumorigenicity. In addition, the ability to form lung metastases by cells overexpressing R1 was reduced by >85%. Metastasis suppressing activity also was observed in the highly malignant mouse 10T½ derived RMP-6 cell line, which was transformed by a combination of oncogenic ras, myc, and mutant p53. Furthermore, in support of the above observations with the R1 overexpressing cells, NIH 3T3 cells cotransfected with an R1 antisense sequence and oncogenic ras showed significantly increased anchorage independence as compared with control ras-transfected cells. Finally, characteristics of reduced malignant potential also were demonstrated with R1 overexpressing human colon carcinoma cells. Taken together, these results indicate that the two components of ribonucleotide reductase both are unique malignancy determinants playing opposing roles in its regulation, that there is a novel control point important in mechanisms of malignancy, which involves a balance in the levels of R1 and R2 expression, and that alterations in this balance can significantly modify transformation, tumorigenicity, and metastatic potential.


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Los principales objetivos de esta investigación fueron: (1) identificar los Términos de Color Básicos (TCBs) utilizados en tres versiones (o dialectos) del idioma Español (Castellano, Mejicano y Uruguayo). (2) Realizar la delimitación colorimétrica de las Categorías de Color Básicas (CCBs) asociadas a tales términos. (3) Determinar si en las tres versiones del Español hay CCBs comunes pero que se asocian a TCBs distintos. (4) Evaluar la posible existencia de diferencias relevantes entre hombres y mujeres en TCBs y CCBs. (5) Evaluar la adecuación de las conclusiones obtenidas en el estudio de Lillo et al (2007) en relación con los TCBs y CCB de las tres versiones Español. La investigación requirió la realización de dos cuasi-experimentos. El primero consistió en una aplicación de la técnica de las listas elicitadas, realizada en tres universidades, y que implicó un total de 201 participantes, carentes de alteraciones en la percepción del color. Tales universidades fueron la Complutense de Madrid (España, n=47); La Universidad de Guadalajara (Méjico, n=97); La Universidad de la República (Montevideo, Uruguay, n=57). Las listas elicitadas indicaron que existían 14 TCBs, en el conjunto de las tres versiones del Español estudiadas. Nueve de tales términos aparecieron en las tres versiones: verde, azul, rojo, amarillo, negro, blanco, gris, naranja y rosa. Los otros cinco sólo fueron básicos para una o dos de las versiones: marrón para el Castellano y el Uruguayo; café para el Mejicano; morado para el Castellano y el Mejicano; violeta y celeste para el Uruguayo. Dos fueron las variables dependientes proporcionadas por las listas elicitadas: La frecuencia de aparición (número de listas en los que aparecía un término); el orden de aparición (orden relativo y absoluto) de un término en cada lista. Los términos primarios (cromáticos y acromáticos) tuvieron frecuencias significativamente mayores que los derivados. Por otra parte, los términos primarios cromáticos aparecieron significativamente antes que los restantes TCBs...


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Background: Intra-urban inequalities in mortality have been infrequently analysed in European contexts. The aim of the present study was to analyse patterns of cancer mortality and their relationship with socioeconomic deprivation in small areas in 11 Spanish cities. Methods: It is a cross-sectional ecological design using mortality data (years 1996-2003). Units of analysis were the census tracts. A deprivation index was calculated for each census tract. In order to control the variability in estimating the risk of dying we used Bayesian models. We present the RR of the census tract with the highest deprivation vs. the census tract with the lowest deprivation. Results: In the case of men, socioeconomic inequalities are observed in total cancer mortality in all cities, except in Castellon, Cordoba and Vigo, while Barcelona (RR = 1.53 95%CI 1.42-1.67), Madrid (RR = 1.57 95%CI 1.49-1.65) and Seville (RR = 1.53 95%CI 1.36-1.74) present the greatest inequalities. In general Barcelona and Madrid, present inequalities for most types of cancer. Among women for total cancer mortality, inequalities have only been found in Barcelona and Zaragoza. The excess number of cancer deaths due to socioeconomic deprivation was 16,413 for men and 1,142 for women. Conclusion: This study has analysed inequalities in cancer mortality in small areas of cities in Spain, not only relating this mortality with socioeconomic deprivation, but also calculating the excess mortality which may be attributed to such deprivation. This knowledge is particularly useful to determine which geographical areas in each city need intersectorial policies in order to promote a healthy environment.


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Background: The relationship between deprivation and mortality in urban settings is well established. This relationship has been found for several causes of death in Spanish cities in independent analyses (the MEDEA project). However, no joint analysis which pools the strength of this relationship across several cities has ever been undertaken. Such an analysis would determine, if appropriate, a joint relationship by linking the associations found. Methods: A pooled cross-sectional analysis of the data from the MEDEA project has been carried out for each of the causes of death studied. Specifically, a meta-analysis has been carried out to pool the relative risks in eleven Spanish cities. Different deprivation-mortality relationships across the cities are considered in the analysis (fixed and random effects models). The size of the cities is also considered as a possible factor explaining differences between cities. Results: Twenty studies have been carried out for different combinations of sex and causes of death. For nine of them (men: prostate cancer, diabetes, mental illnesses, Alzheimer’s disease, cerebrovascular disease; women: diabetes, mental illnesses, respiratory diseases, cirrhosis) no differences were found between cities in the effect of deprivation on mortality; in four cases (men: respiratory diseases, all causes of mortality; women: breast cancer, Alzheimer’s disease) differences not associated with the size of the city have been determined; in two cases (men: cirrhosis; women: lung cancer) differences strictly linked to the size of the city have been determined, and in five cases (men: lung cancer, ischaemic heart disease; women: ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular diseases, all causes of mortality) both kinds of differences have been found. Except for lung cancer in women, every significant relationship between deprivation and mortality goes in the same direction: deprivation increases mortality. Variability in the relative risks across cities was found for general mortality for both sexes. Conclusions: This study provides a general overview of the relationship between deprivation and mortality for a sample of large Spanish cities combined. This joint study allows the exploration of and, if appropriate, the quantification of the variability in that relationship for the set of cities considered.


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We introduce the notion of Lipschitz compact (weakly compact, finite-rank, approximable) operators from a pointed metric space X into a Banach space E. We prove that every strongly Lipschitz p-nuclear operator is Lipschitz compact and every strongly Lipschitz p-integral operator is Lipschitz weakly compact. A theory of Lipschitz compact (weakly compact, finite-rank) operators which closely parallels the theory for linear operators is developed. In terms of the Lipschitz transpose map of a Lipschitz operator, we state Lipschitz versions of Schauder type theorems on the (weak) compactness of the adjoint of a (weakly) compact linear operator.


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Purpose. To investigate the spatiotemporal relationship between rod and cone degeneration in the P23H-1 rat. Methods. Control Sprague-Dawley (SD) and P23H-1 rats of ages ranging from P30 to P365 were used. Retinas were processed for whole mounts or cross sections and rods and cones were immunodetected. We used newly developed image analysis techniques to quantify the total population of L/M cones (the most abundant cones in the rat) and analyzed the rings of rod-cone degeneration. Results. In P23H-1 rats, rod degeneration occurs rapidly: first the rod outer segment shortens, at P30 there is extensive rod loss, and by P180 rod loss is almost complete except for the most peripheral retina. The numbers of L/M cones are, at all postnatal ages, lower in P23H-1 rats than in control SD rats, and decrease significantly with age (by P180). Rod and cone degeneration is spatiotemporally related and occurs in rings that appear already at P90 and spread throughout the entire retina. At P180, the rings of rod-cone degeneration are more abundant in the equatorial retina and are larger in the dorsal retina. Conclusions. This work describes for the first time that in the P23H-1 rat, rod and cone degeneration is spatiotemporally related and occurs in rings. Cone loss follows rod loss and starts very soon, even before P30, the first age analyzed here. The characteristics of the rings suggest that secondary cone degeneration is influenced by retinal position and/or other intrinsic or extrinsic factors.


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El Programa de Acción Tutorial de Económicas, conocido coloquialmente como PATEC, cumple su novena edición en el presente curso académico 2013-2014. Desde sus inicios el PATEC se ha adaptado a las distintas titulaciones adscritas al Centro gracias a su gran flexibilidad, aspecto fundamental si tenemos en cuenta el tamaño y la heterogeneidad de nuestro Centro y las diferentes características de nuestros estudiantes. El objetivo de esta comunicación es dar a conocer el PATEC, sus objetivos, características y datos más relevantes, así como analizar su evolución lo que nos permitirá obtener una radiografía completa del Programa. Teniendo en cuenta las dificultades encontradas en la implementación del Programa en sus distintas ediciones trataremos de abordar planteamientos alternativos entre los que se encuentra la creación de una Red de Tutores que persigue optimizar la labor tutorial y facilitar el trabajo de futuros tutores. Asimismo, se expondrán diferentes experiencias innovadoras llevadas a cabo con el objetivo de incrementar la participación del alumnado.


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Background: Preventable mortality is a good indicator of possible problems to be investigated in the primary prevention chain, making it also a useful tool with which to evaluate health policies particularly public health policies. This study describes inequalities in preventable avoidable mortality in relation to socioeconomic status in small urban areas of thirty three Spanish cities, and analyses their evolution over the course of the periods 1996–2001 and 2002–2007. Methods: We analysed census tracts and all deaths occurring in the population residing in these cities from 1996 to 2007 were taken into account. The causes included in the study were lung cancer, cirrhosis, AIDS/HIV, motor vehicle traffic accidents injuries, suicide and homicide. The census tracts were classified into three groups, according their socioeconomic level. To analyse inequalities in mortality risks between the highest and lowest socioeconomic levels and over different periods, for each city and separating by sex, Poisson regression were used. Results: Preventable avoidable mortality made a significant contribution to general mortality (around 7.5%, higher among men), having decreased over time in men (12.7 in 1996–2001 and 10.9 in 2002–2007), though not so clearly among women (3.3% in 1996–2001 and 2.9% in 2002–2007). It has been observed in men that the risks of death are higher in areas of greater deprivation, and that these excesses have not modified over time. The result in women is different and differences in mortality risks by socioeconomic level could not be established in many cities. Conclusions: Preventable mortality decreased between the 1996–2001 and 2002–2007 periods, more markedly in men than in women. There were socioeconomic inequalities in mortality in most cities analysed, associating a higher risk of death with higher levels of deprivation. Inequalities have remained over the two periods analysed. This study makes it possible to identify those areas where excess preventable mortality was associated with more deprived zones. It is in these deprived zones where actions to reduce and monitor health inequalities should be put into place. Primary healthcare may play an important role in this process.


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En este curso 2014-2015 se cumplen 10 años del inicio del Programa de Acción Tutorial de la Facultad de Económicas (PATEC). En estos años este programa se ha ido consolidando e incrementando su relevancia en la Facultad y, en especial, a través de su web. Además, este programa se ofrece a todos los alumnos del centro con independencia del curso o la titulación en la que estén matriculados y se diseñan actividades complementarias que contribuyen a la formación integral del alumnado. En este sentido, la experiencia acumulada permite tener una amplia perspectiva para reflexionar sobre cómo debe ser el PATEC en los próximos años. No sólo teniendo en cuenta esta experiencia sino también considerando la organización y funcionamiento de otros programas de acción tutorial que existen en otras universidades españolas. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el funcionamiento de programas de acción tutorial implantados en otros centros para identificar las mejores prácticas con el fin de estudiar la posibilidad de introducirlas en el funcionamiento del PATEC. De esta manera podemos reflexionar sobre nuestras prácticas y mejorar la eficiencia del PATEC para ofrecer a todo su alumnado un servicio de calidad adaptado a sus necesidades académicas, profesionales y personales.


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En el presente curso 2013-2014 el Programa de Acción Tutorial en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales cumple su novena edición. En el curso 2007-2008, con el objetivo de que el Programa de Acción Tutorial fuera considerado una herramienta dirigida a los alumnos del Centro con identidad propia, pasó a llamarse Programa de Acción Tutorial de Económicas (PATEC) pues coloquialmente al Centro se le identifica con la Facultad de Económicas. Desde entonces, el Programa se ha ido consolidando año a año en la Facultad y son muchas las fortalezas que lo han convertido en un programa con un gran potencial. No obstante, existen ciertas debilidades que se repiten cada año a las que se ha tratado de dar respuesta en las distintas ediciones. El objetivo de la presente comunicación es dar a conocer la evolución del PATEC desde el curso 2007-2008 hasta la actualidad así como las acciones que se han llevado a cabo para subsanar las dificultades encontradas.