967 resultados para Urquhart, Ewan: Stonechats : a guide to the genus Saxicola


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A new species of Trachycorystes from the rio Aripuanã, above Dardanelos and Andorinhas falls, is described. The new species is distinguished from the only other species of the genus, T. trachycorystes, by the following characteristics: jaws of equal length (vs. lower jaw prognathous in T. trachycorystes); skull roof covered by thick (vs. thin) integument; inner mental barbel very thin and short not reaching base of outer barbel (vs. extending to or beyond base of outer mental barbel); dorsal-fin spine serrated posteriorly, smooth or rough anteriorly (vs. serrated anteriorly and smooth or rough posteriorly); caudal fin shallowly forked (vs. emarginate); and gas bladder simple, without diverticula (vs. with three posterior diverticula). Comments and data on the nominal species Trachycorystes trachycorystes are provided. Trachycorystes cratensis Miranda Ribeiro, 1937, is allocated to the genus Trachelyopterus Valenciennes, 1840, and another local catfish species, Parotocinclus aripuanensis Garavello, 1988, has its type locality reassigned.


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The Neotropical genus Lycomorphon Pic, 1922 is revised. Eleven species are classified in the genus, six of them are redescribed, five species (Lycomorphon brasiliense sp. n., L. amazonicum sp. n., L. bimaculatum sp. n. L. bolivianum sp. n., L. fulvohumeralis sp. n.) are proposed as new to science. Lycomorphon elongaticolle v. diversicolle Pic, 1926 is raised to species status, and Idiopteron irregularis is transferred to the genus Lycomorphon. The new subgenus Spinolycus sg. n. is proposed within Lycomorphon.


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This work had the objective of listing the sand fly species that occur in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Data relating to entomological surveys conducted between 1996 and 2004 were obtained from the National Health Foundation and the State Health Department, and this was supplemented with information from research carried out in the state and from the specialized literature. There were records of 106 sand fly species belonging to the genus Lutzomyia. This is a rich and diversified fauna, with some species restricted to forested areas and others recorded throughout the state, independent of the vegetation type, and in areas modified by human action, with predominance of Lutzomyia whitmani.


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A pictorial field guide to the 30 species of sandfly most commonly encountered in Pará State is presented, based on the easily recognised external characters of the length of the 5th palpal segment, thoracic infuscation, abdominal colour and head and body size. In most cases this allows identification to the species. In others, especially with females, it gives an indication of the species, which may then be confirmed with data from more detailed taxanomix studies. This type of field guide helps in teaching, rapid sorting of flies prior to dissection and in acquainting visitors with the variety of species present in a given area.A rapid technique for the taxonomic sorting of unmounted, freshly killed female sandflies is required, prior to the dissection of large numbers of a particular species. Such a method is useful in areas where numerous species occur in studies on natural flagellate infections, age determination and for ecological studies. With the above points in mind a pictorial field guide has been designed that enables the identification of unmounted, unmacerated specimens of the 30 more commonly encountered species of phleboto-mine sandflies (***) in Pará State, North Brazil. It is based on the easily recognised external characters of the length of the 5th palpal segment, thoracic infuscation, ad-dominal colour and proboscis and body size.Taxonomy of male phlebotomine sandflies is based on the structure of the genitalia and, as most of this is external, a wholly external character key is readily made. Female taxonomy, however, is based on the internal character of the cibarium, pharynx and sperma thecae. In order to produce an external character key we therefore return to an unso phisticated "phlebotometry" (see Martins et al., 1978 p. 3 for review), using relative lengths of the proboscis, palpal segments and body, along with the degree of infuscation. Ihis idea is not new; indeed many sandfly specialists presently use external characters to separate certain species (H. Fraiha, R. P. Lane, P. D. Ready, D. G. Young and R. D. Ward personal communications 1983 & 1984).A key used to separate five anthropophillic sandflies by Biagi (1966), in Mexico, was based mainly on palpal segment length and infuscation. Floch and Abonnenc (1952) stressed the use of relative lengths of palpal segments in their keys to the sandflies of French Guiana, and four members of the shannoni group have been similarly separated according to the degree of infuscation by Morales et al. (1982). The use of thoracic infuscation as a reliable character seems to be gaining favour, having been used by young & Fairchild (1974) and Ready & Fraiha (1981). Indeed Chariotis 1974) showed the usefulness of thoracic infuscation to sepenate 7 anthropophillic species, during studies onvesicular stomatitis in Panama. Identification using external characters is essential for work on viral isolations from sandflies, where bulk samples of whole sandflies are used.Perhaps the major advantage of a simple visual guide is for teaching purposes. Technical staff in this lnstitute are able to identify most of the species they encounter without having to use the standard, more unwieldly (and in many cases unavailable) internal character keys, and the guides presented below have allowed rapid species sorting prior to the dissection of sandflies in our leismaniasis study areas (Ryan et at. ,1985).


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The genus Vampirolepis Spasskij, 1954 is re-defined on the basis of the original description and the first detailed redescription by Andreiko et al. (1969). A restricted definitions is proposed, the main features being the arrangement of testicles on a straight line snd numerous hooks of fraternoid shape. Other important characters are the strobila with numerous proglottids, the cirrus pouch of moderate size and the cirrus, smooth or armed with minute spines. Formerly included Hymenolepidid cestodes with reduced strobila, particularly long cirrus pouch and different arrangement of gonads do not belong to Vampirolepis. Members of Vampirolepis in the restricted sense show a cosmopolitan repartition and parasitize only bats. The author does not accept the synonymy of Rodentolepis Spasskiji, 1954 with Vampirolepis. A tentative list of the species belonging to the genus is proposed.


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Seven species of Beatogordius (Nematomorpha) have been reported from South America. A reinvestigation could not reproduce a number of determinations indicated in the literature. B. deshayesi has been a misinterpretation and the status of B. irregularis appears to be very uncertain, because no generic characters could be found. The descriptions of B. alfredi and B. latastei confirm that these species belong to South America only. In B. abaiconus we found adhesive warts anterior of the male cloacal opening. These structures were to date only known from the genus Gordionus. In the posterior end of females from B. alfredi and B. variabilis, short paired rows of bristles were present which had to date only been known from the African species B. equinatus. Two new species, B. funis and B. palustre could be added to the genus.


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The genus Lycoderides Sakakibara, stat. nov. , its composition and descriptions of new species (Hemiptera, Membracidae, Stegaspidinae).The subgenus Lycoderes (Lycoderides) Sakakibara, 1972 is raised to the genus category - Lycoderides stat. nov.. - : and it now includes: Lycoderides amazonicus (Sakakibara, 1991), comb. nov. , Lycoderides brevilobus (Sakakibara, 1972), comb. nov. , Lycoderides burmeisteri (Fairmaire, 1846), comb. nov. , Lycoderides cultratus (Sakakibara, 1991), comb. nov. , Lycoderides fernandezi (Strümpel, 1988), comb. nov. , Lycoderides fuscus (Amyot & Serville, 1843), comb. nov. , Lycoderides gradatus (Sakakibara, 1972), comb. nov. , Lycoderides hippocampus (Fabricius, 1803), comb. nov. , Lycoderides luteus (Funkhouser, 1940), comb. nov. , Lycoderides marginalis (Walker, 1851), comb. nov. , Lycoderides nathanieli (Cryan, 1999), comb. nov. , Lycoderides obtusus (Sakakibara, 1991), comb. nov. , Lycoderides pennyi (Sakakibara, 1991), comb. nov. , Lycoderides phasianus (Fowler, 1896), comb. nov. (= Enchenopa minamen Buckton, 1901,SYN. NOV: ), Lycoderides protensus (Sakakibara, 1991), comb. nov. , Lycoderides serraticornis (Fowler, 1896), comb. nov. , and Lycoderides strumpeli (Sakakibara, 1991), comb. nov. The following new species are described: Lycoderides abditus, sp. nov. , Lycoderides brulei,SP. NOV. (: both from French Guiana), Lycoderides capixaba, sp. nov. (from Brazil, Espírito Santo), Lycoderides cavichiolii, sp. nov. (from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro), Lycoderides meloi, sp. nov. (from Brazil, Bahia), and Lycoderides oliviae, sp. nov. (from Brazil, Minas Gerais). Other nomenclatural change: Stegaspis bracteata (Fabricius, 1787) = Lycoderes capitata Buckton, 1903, syn. nov. New records of geographical distribution and a key to the species are provided.


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Biosurfactants are tensio-active agents that have often been proposed as a means to enhance the aqueous solubility of hydrophobic organic contaminants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Biosurfactant-producing bacteria such as those belonging to the genus Pseudomonas might therefore enhance PAH availability to PAH-degrading bacteria. We tested the effects of two types of biosurfactants produced by Pseudomonas sp., cyclic lipopeptides and rhamnolipids, on phenanthrene bioavailability. Bioavailability was judged from growth rates on phenanthrene and from specific induction of a phenanthrene-responsive GFP-reporter in Burkholderia sartisoli strain RP037. Co-culturing of strain RP037 with the lipopeptide-producing bacterium Pseudomonas putida strain PCL1445 enhanced GFP expression compared to a single culture, but this effect was not significantly different when strain RP037 was co-cultivated with a non-lipopeptide-producing mutant of P. putida. The addition of partially purified supernatant extracts from the P. putida lipopeptide producer equally did not unequivocally enhance phenanthrene bioavailability to strain RP037 compared to controls. In contrast, a 0.1% rhamnolipid solution strongly augmented RP037 growth rates on phenanthrene and led to a significantly larger proportion of cells in culture with high GFP expression. Our data therefore suggest that biosurfactant effects may be strongly dependent on the strain and type of biosurfactant.


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A taxonomic study is undertaken of the ten taxa (nine of them specific) belonging to the genus Chamaesyce S.F. Gray (Euphorbiaceae) which are present in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands and a dichotomic key is provided. The taxonomic chacarcteristics of ecology are given. The presence of Chamaesyce humifusa (Willd.) Prokh. in the Iberian Peninsula is confirmed and Chamaesyce humistrata (Gray) Small is recorded for the first time from Europe.


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A rare monophialidic fungus, Taifanglania hechuanensis gen. & sp. nov., was isolated from soil oil the banks of Jialin River, Hechuan, Chongqing City during a survey of soil-borne filamentous fungi from different phytogeographical areas in China. It is described and illustrated in this paper. A further eight monophialidic species of Paecilomyces are transferred to the genus. Diagnosis features of the new genus are white, grey, straw yellow or brown to black colonies on Czapek agar. Conidiophores are always absent or simple. Phialides are solitary, consisting of a cylindrical or ellipsoidal swollen basal portion, tapering into a thin neck, directly arising on vegetative hyphae or prophialides, sometimes consisting of a whorl of 2 to 3 phialides oil simple conidiophores. Conidia arc one-celled, hyaline, smooth-walled, subglobose, ellipsoidal or fusiform, having or no the connective between conidia and being thermotolerant. The new species is characterized by pale yellow to grey-yellow colonies, solitary phialides with ail ellipsoidal or fusiform basal portion that arise directly from the vegetative hyphae, big conidia (3.1-)3.9-8.7 x ( 1.7-)2.1-4.7(-5.1) mu m with the connective, and thermotolerant growth. A molecular study based oil the nucleotidic sequences of the SSU rDNA and ITS regions support the status of T. hechuanensis as a new species and Taifanglania as a new genus.


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Thirty years on from the seminal works on human resource management (HRM) by Beer et al., we examine how the subject has developed. We offer a normative review, based on that model and critique the assumption that the business of HRM is solely to improve returns to owners and shareholders. We identify the importance of a wider view of stakeholders to practitioners and how academic studies on the periphery of HRM are beginning to adopt such a view. We argue that the HRM studies so far have given us much valuable learning but that the subject has now reached a point where we need to take a wider, more contextual, more multilayered approach founded on the long-term needs of all relevant stakeholders. The original Beer et al. model remains a valuable guide to the next 30 years of HRM.


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The karyotypes of 12 species of Psittacidae of the genus Amazona were studied: A. aestiva, A. amazonica, A. brasiliensis, A. autumnalis, A. farinosa, A, festiva, A. kawalli, A. ochrocephala, A. pretrei, A. rhodocorytha, A. vinacea and A. xanthops. The metaphases were obtained using a short term culture of leather pulp. Eleven of the twelve analyzed species were karyotypically homogeneous, with only a few divergences in chromosomes 2 and 3. The species A. xanthops showed large karyotypic differences compared to the genus Amazona. Consequently, the genus Salvatoria (Ribeiro, Rev. Mus. Paul. 12: 1-82, 1920) was confirmed, and A. xanthops renamed Salvatoria xanthops. The study showed the chromosomic conservation of the genus Amazona and the need for further taxonomic studies of the karyotype of the Psittacidae.


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Robert Mohlenbrock's guide to the national forests of the central U.S. provides the traveling naturalist with a wealth of information on the wide array of national forest lands in the heart of the country. Part of a three-volume series of field guides, this volume covers the states of Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming. While most of the forests are along the western and eastern borders of the Great Plains, readers will find a detailed travelog for a National Forest within a day's drive of most areas within the region. While not the focus of this volume, a brief mention of the National Grasslands of the Great Plains would have made it more comprehensive for the traveling naturalist.


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The study of a collection of cestodes assigned to the genus Diplogonoporus Lönnberg, 1892 disclosed but two species, D. balaenopterae Lönnberg, 1892, and D. tetrapterus (von Siebold, 1848) (provis.). These cestodes occur characteristically in marine mammals but occasionally are found in terrestrial hosts; D. balaenopterae is recorded for the first time from the domestic dog, and it is concluded that D. grandis (Blanchard, 1894), from man, is conspecific with D. balaenopterae. The latter species is recorded for the first time from the humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae (Borowski). The relatively small D. tetrapterus, a common parasite of the Steller sea lion, Eumetopias jubata (Schreber), is reported for the first time from the sea otter, Enhydra lutris Linnaeus, and from the domestic mink, Mustela vison Schreber. Descriptions of representative specimens are presented, and the taxonomic status of other species assigned to Diplogonoporus is discussed. Although the diplogonadic organization of these cestodes is somewhat variable, it is nevertheless constant and serves to characterize the genus Diplogonoporus. The process of asexual reproduction by means of transverse subdivision of primary segments is described. This ability and the diplogonadic structure of these cestodes are considered to be adaptations that increase the production of eggs and thereby the probability of reproductive success in the marine habitat.