849 resultados para Urban-rural Differences
PURPOSE. To evaluate an educational intervention promoting acceptance of cataract surgery in rural China using a randomized controlled design. METHODS. Patients aged 50 years or older with presenting visual acuity (PVA) less than 6/18 in one or both eyes due to cataract were recruited from 26 screening sessions (13 intervention, 13 control) conducted by five rural hospitals in Guangdong, China. At intervention sessions, subjects were shown a 5- minute informational video, and counseled about cataract, surgery, and surgical cost. During screening, all subjects answered questionnaires on knowledge and attitudes about cataract, their finances, and transportation, and were referred for definitive examination if eligible. Study outcomes were acceptance of surgery (principal outcome) and hospital followup. RESULTS. Subjects in the intervention group were younger than controls (P = 0.01), but the groups did not otherwise differ. Among 212 intervention patients and 222 controls, no differences in knowledge and attitude regarding cataract were found. Surgery was accepted by 31.1% of intervention patients and 34.2% of controls (P > 0.50). Predictors of acceptance included younger age, worse logMAR PVA, knowing that cataract can be treated surgically only, greater anticipated loss in income from hospitalization, and greater house floor space per person. Membership in the intervention group was not associated with accepting surgery (odds ratio [OR]=1.11, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.67-1.84) or hospital follow-up (OR= 1.03, 95% CI = 0.63-1.67). CONCLUSIONS. Educational interventions that successfully impart the knowledge that cataract can be only treated surgically may be more effective in increasing uptake in this setting. © 2012 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.
PURPOSE: To assess the impact of community outreach and the availability of low-cost surgeries [500 Renminbi (RMB) or 65 United States dollars (US$) per surgery] on the willingness to pay for cataract surgery among male and female rural-dwelling Chinese.METHODS: Cross-sectional willingness-to-pay surveys were conducted at the initiation of a cataract outreach programme in June 2001 and then again in July 2006. Respondents underwent visual acuity testing and provided socio-demographic data.RESULTS: In 2001 and 2006, 325 and 303 subjects, respectively, were interviewed. On average the 2006 sample subjects were of similar age, more likely to be female (p < 0.01), illiterate (p < 0.01), and less likely to come from a household with annual income of less than US$789 (62% vs. 87%, p < 0.01). Familiarity with cataract surgery increased from 21.2% to 44.4% over the 5 years for male subjects (p < 0.01) and 15.8%-44.4% among females (p < 0.01). The proportion of respondents willing to pay at least 500 RMB for surgery increased from 67% to 88% (p < 0.01) among male subjects and from 50% to 91% (p < 0.01) among females.CONCLUSIONS: Five years of access to free cataract testing and low-cost surgery programmes appears to have improved the familiarity with cataract surgery and increased the willingness to pay at least 500 RMB (US$65) for it in this rural population. Elderly women are now as likely as men to be willing to pay at least 500 RMB, reversing gender differences present 5 years ago.
PURPOSE: To examine differences between patients with cataract detected during screening and presenting to clinic in rural China. METHODS: Subjects were recruited from 27 screenings and an eye clinic in the same town. All had pinhole-corrected vision < or =6/18 in > or =1 eye due to ophthalmologist-diagnosed cataract. Subjects were administered a previously validated questionnaire on barriers to surgery in four areas: knowledge (K), perceptions of quality (Q), transportation (T), and cost (C). RESULTS: Screening group (SG; n = 120) and clinic group (CG; n = 120) participants did not differ from eligible, examined screening and clinic patients respectively in age, gender, or vision. SG participants were significantly more likely to be female (P = 0.002) and had a smaller housing area and less education (P < 0.001 for both) than those in the CG. Those in the CG were more likely to be blind (habitual VA < or = 6/60) in the better-seeing eye (P = 0.05) and more willing to undergo and pay for cataract surgery (P < 0.001 for both) than SG. In logistic regression models, SG subjects had significantly lower quality scores (P < 0.001) and better habitual vision (P = 0.02) than did CG participants, and SG subjects who agreed to cataract surgery (78.3%) had significantly higher knowledge scores (P < 0.001) than those who refused. DISCUSSION: Screening outreach has the potential to ameliorate disparities in access to cataract surgery in rural China, as it appears more likely to detect patients with cataract with gender-related, economic, educational, and attitudinal barriers to surgery. However, education may be needed to convince screening subjects to undergo surgery.
One out of ten of China's population are migrants, moving from rural to urban areas. Many leave their families behind resulting in millions of school children living in their rural home towns without one or both their parents. Little is known about the health status of these left behind children (LBC). This study compares the health status and health-related behaviours of left behind adolescent school children and their counterparts in a rural area in Southern China.
A cross-sectional study was conducted among middle school students in Fuyang Township, Guangdong, China (2007-2008). Information about health behaviours, parental migration and demographic characteristics was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Overweight/obesity and stunting were defined based on measurements of height and weight. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to estimate the differences in health outcomes between LBC and non-LBC.
18.1% of the schoolchildren had one or both parents working away from home. Multivariate analysis showed that male LBC were at higher risk of skipping breakfast, higher levels of physical inactivity, internet addiction, having ever smoked tobacco, suicide ideation, and being overweight. LBC girls were more likely to drink excessive amounts of sweetened beverage, to watch more TV, to have ever smoked or currently smoke tobacco, to have ever drunk alcohol and to binge drinking. They were also more likely to be unhappy, to think of planning suicide and consider leaving home.
Our findings suggest that parental migration is a risk factor for unhealthy behaviours amongst adolescent school children in rural China. Further research is required in addition to the consideration of the implications for policies and programmes to protect LBC.
PURPOSE: China is urbanizing rapidly, and the prevalence of myopia is high. This study was conducted to identify the reasons for observed differences in the prevalence of myopia among urban versus rural Chinese children. METHODS: All children with uncorrected acuity of 6/12 or worse and a 50% random sample of children with vision better than 6/12 at all secondary schools in mixed rural-urban Liangying Township, Guangdong, underwent cycloplegic refraction, and provided data on age, gender, parental education, weekly near work and time outdoors, and urban development level of respondents' neighborhoods (12-item questionnaire). Population density of 32 villages and urban zones in Liangying was calculated from census figures (mean population density, 217 persons/km(2); range, 94-957; mean for Guangdong, 486). RESULTS: Among 5844 eligible children, 4612 (78.9%) had parental consent and completed examinations; 2957 were refracted per protocol, and 2480 (83.9%) of these had questionnaire data. Those with completed examinations were more likely to be girls (P < 0.001), and questionnaire respondents were more myopic (P = 0.02), but otherwise did not differ significantly from nonrespondents. In multivariate models, older age (P < 0.001), more near work (P = 0.02), and higher population density (P = 0.003), but not development index, parental education, or time outdoors were significantly associated with more myopic refractive error. CONCLUSIONS: Higher population density appears to be associated with myopia risk, independent of academic activity, time spent outdoors, familial educational level, or economic development, factors that have been thought to explain higher myopia prevalence among urban children. Mechanisms for this apparent association should be sought.
Migration and gender studies have focused on economically active heterogeneous couples and traditionally highlight a dominant male role in migration decision-making. The female partner is commonly portrayed as a 'trailing wife' or 'trailing mother' with the move found to have a negative effect on her employment prospects. Much less is known about if or how the balance of power shifts between husbands and wives when employment or career-motivated moves are removed from the decision-making process. This is analysed with reference to retirement migration to rural areas of the UK and involved interviews with both partners present. For this cohort of retired couples, and in common with the literature, migration during economically active life course stages demonstrates strong 'trailing wife' and 'trailing mother' tendencies. The male's decision to retire signalled the commencement of a retirement life course stage for the couple. However, in contrast to the earlier male dominated decision-making, retirement migration saw the emergence of a 'trailing husband' phenomenon. Wives appear to adapt most successfully to the new rural environment while many husbands found it difficult to adjust (at least initially) to the multiple life changes: moving from largely urban areas to a rural setting alongside exiting the workforce. The findings suggest that the role of leader/ follower changed during the course of these couples' lives together and in relation to their reasons for moving.
Esta investigação assumiu, como objetivo, a identificação e caraterização das aprendizagens presentes no quotidiano dos indivíduos idosos, residentes em meio rural e urbano e em condições de institucionalização ou não. Tratou-se de um estudo exploratório, de natureza qualitativa, onde foi aplicado um inquérito por entrevista a uma amostra de 16 indivíduos. A entrevista tinha questões relativas à caracterização dos indivíduos, às atividades que os mesmos desenvolviam e às aprendizagens concretizadas nessas atividades. Os dados foram tratados através da análise de conteúdo. O presente estudo foi realizado na região Alentejo, sendo os concelhos de Évora e Mourão os selecionados, para realização da mesma. Este estudo mostrou que existiam algumas diferenças decorrentes dos contextos de vida dos indivíduos, nomeadamente, no que respeita às instituições de meio urbano vs meio rural, uma vez que os indivíduos institucionalizados no meio urbano encontram mais oportunidades de aprendizagens nas atividades que lhe são propostas; "The Learning daily lives of senior individuals : the contribution of the institutions and the environment " Abstract: This reseach assumed as a main goal identify and characterize the learnings on the seniors nowadays who live on the rural and urban middle and in institutionalized conditions or not. Was based on an exploratory study of a qualitative nature, applied on a survey per interview with a 16 individual as a sample. On the interview were questions related with the seniors characterization, with their developed activities na with guarantees of learnings on those activities. The data were treated according the contente analysis. This study was conducted in the region of Alentejo, and the municipalities of Évora and Mourão. The research shows several differences between the contexts used. Those differences stand on the rural and urban institutions, because urban institutionalized seniors find more learning opportunities on proposed activities than rural institutionalized seniors.
As Américas constituem a mais relevante fonte inter-regional de turistas vindos para a Europa, sendo os EUA de longe o maior mercado de long haul para a Europa. Mas, apesar da relevância deste mercado nas estatísticas, há uma carência de estudos sobre o mesmo. A maioria dos Norte-Americanos que visitam a Europa mantéem-se em áreas urbanas, limitando o potencial efeito do turismo para equilibrar o crescimento económico na Europa, principalmente em áreas rurais que têm vindo cada vez mais a atrair turistas nas últimas décadas, contando sobretudo da EU. Para o turismo ser realmente uma força positiva de desenvolvimento equilibrado na Europa, os pesquisadores do comportamento do consumidor devem tentar entender por que os viajantes Norte-Americanos não arriscam ir para zonas rurais que supostamente têm o capital tradicional e cultural autêntico que sobretudo os turistas nostálgicos procuram. Esta dissertação pretende contribuir para o conhecimento do mercado Norte-Americano que viaja para a Europa. O objectivo deste estudo centra-se na examinação do papel dos constrangimentos, da nostalgia, e da experiência de viagem para as intenções dos turistas Norte-Americanos de revisitar em destinos rurais Europeus. Apesar de existirem referências à nostalgia em pesquisas de turismo, estas centram-se essencialmente em estudos de carácter qualitativo e tem sido dada pouca relevância à construção de ferramentas quantitativas para o estudo da nostalgia a nível do turismo. Neste estudo, é desenvolvida uma escala de nostalgia para o turismo (NOSTOUR). Os resultados mostram que a nostalgia, relacionada com as viagens pode ser concebida e operacionalizada em quatro dimensões: individual, interpessoal, cultural e virtual. A nostalgia, por si só, não tem um efeito mediador nos constrangimentos para viajar a nível da intenção de regressar e visitar destinos rurais na Europa mas com a adição, do determinante experiência de viagem esse efeito existe.
Esta tese incide sobre as dinâmicas do turismo rural e as respetivas implicações em termos de desenvolvimento rural. Para tal recorreu-se à mobilização de um conjunto de conhecimentos, nomeadamente da área do turismo no espaço rural, do desenvolvimento rural e do marketing dos destinos rurais. Após uma revisão teórica minuciosa acerca de cada uma das temáticas anteriores, passámos à definição das hipóteses de investigação e do modelo de análise. As hipóteses de investigação permitiram-nos, efetivamente, testar algumas relações que considerámos, desde logo, relevantes no que diz respeito à problemática da investigação. Estas centraram-se nos promotores da oferta e na população rural. Se por um lado pretendíamos analisar a relação entre o perfil dos promotores, motivações de criação do empreendimento turístico e atividades de marketing seguidas, por outro, assumia-se como fundamental, observar as repercussões da oferta turística proporcionada junto da população local. Assumimos que esta se manifesta não só nos benefícios pessoais usufruídos, mas também a nível das perceções positivas e negativas. Após termos integrado as hipóteses de investigação, o modelo foi testado em duas regiões rurais que apresentam particularidades de regiões pobres, mas, ao mesmo tempo, um potencial turístico enorme, sendo que, inclusivamente, parte de uma dessas regiões é Património Mundial da Humanidade. Tomando em consideração esta última constatação, foram também apresentadas hipóteses complementares relativas à existência de diferenças (ao nível dos promotores e residentes) entre as regiões. Estas tarefas obrigaram à recolha de dados primários e secundários. Após a recolha da informação primária, os dados foram tratados e analisados à luz das perspetivas teóricas entretanto fornecidas. Os resultados obtidos com o estudo realizado permitiram identificar relações significativas entre o perfil do promotor, motivações de abertura do empreendimento, objetivos económicos e atividades de marketing desenvolvidas no empreendimento. Por outro lado, confirmámos ainda a existência de relações significativas entre benefícios pessoais auferidos e perceções positivas e negativas desenvolvidas pelos residentes e entre estas e a satisfação e apoio à atividade turística. Considera-se ainda que os resultados obtidos pela investigação devem ser utilizados em prol do desenvolvimento das respetivas regiões rurais. Por fim, sublinha-se o facto do modelo desenvolvido nesta investigação ser passível de aplicar a outras regiões rurais.
Ao longo das últimas três décadas, o envolvimento das comunidades na formulação de políticas locais tem vindo a ganhar cada vez mais atenção como uma abordagem sustentável para o desenvolvimento rural na União Europeia (UE) e no mundo. Emergendo da globalização, novas estruturas de governação têm desafiado a base territorial restricta da autoridade do Estado soberano através do envolvimento de uma rede complexa e de autoorganização de atores governamentais e não-governamentais na tomada de decisões coletivas. A reestruturação territorial e institucional das zonas rurais, associada à expansão da governança rural, ganhou atenção considerável na literatura. No entanto, o potencial de empregar princípios de governança como fatores que determinam as direções de desenvolvimento rural através de desempenho organizacional e apoio no turismo não tem sido amplamente explorado na literatura. Deste modo, o principal objetivo desta tese consiste no emprego de ‘integração’, ‘participação’ e ‘empowerment’ como fatores críticos que influenciam os rumos do desenvolvimento rural (1) através do desempenho organizacional das organizações de governança rural e (2) apoio no turismo de organizações de desenvolvimento rural tendo em vista a validação da abordagem de governança para o turismo integrado. Ao longo deste duplo objectivo geral, a tese é dividida numa componente qualitativa de ‘desempenho’ e numa componente quantitativa de ‘apoio’. Seguindo uma abordagem sistemática baseada num sistema conceptual, foram realizadas 38 entrevistas em profundidade com pessoas chave envolvendo gestores do programa LEADER da UE na Hungria (34% do número total de Grupos de Ação Local [GAL]), seguido por um levantamento de campo transversal realizado através de um sistema de recolha de dados na Internet, tendo resultado em 662 questionários válidos para uma taxa de resposta de 63.6%. Os resultados da componente “desempenho” revelaram padrões na implementação dos princípios de governança, que por sua vez permitiram a identificação de fatores que permitem e restringem o desempenho organizacional. Os resultados da componente “apoio” permitiram destacar que o ponto de vista de redes de desenvolvimento local nos princípios de governança não é homogéneo. Diferenças significativas foram encontradas entre organizações responsáveis pelo planeamento e os grupos de aconselhamento. Contudo, os resultados sugeriram que a dimensão sustentável de turismo rural integrado é um prognosticador da contribuição do turismo para o desenvolvimento global da comunicade e para o apoio do turismo ao longo das redes de desenvolvimento local. Este estudo responde a uma necessidade crescente de investigação, que resulta da proliferação à escala mundial de formações de governança em sistemas de administração pública, tanto no lado dos investigadores como no lado dos praticantes.
Desde finais da década de 50, com o aparecimento e progressiva disseminação da televisão pelas casas portuguesas (atualmente, numa parte significativa delas, existe em mais do que um compartimento); passando pelo computador, na década de 70; e, finalmente, a forma como, na década de 90, se iniciou o processo de distribuição do telemóvel, há toda uma história associada sobre a qual é importante refletir. No meio rural português, qual foi o caminho traçado pelos seus residentes até à “domesticação” (Berker, Hartmann, Punie, & Ward, 2005; Silverstone, Hirsch, & Morley, 1992) de cada um dos media – televisão, computador e telemóvel? Da utilização quase exclusiva em espaços públicos até à sua integração no espaço doméstico e nas dinâmicas familiares e sociais, houve um percurso percorrido quer pelos media, que vão sofrendo alterações constantes, quer pelos indivíduos que se vão adaptando a essas alterações, mas também exigindo que os primeiros se vão moldando às suas necessidades e exigências, fazendo, por isso, que nunca percam o epíteto de “novo”. A existência dos meios digitais tem ainda outras particularidades associadas: a sua presença diária e transversal em todos os contextos nos quais os indivíduos estão habitualmente inseridos – familiar, laboral/escolar e de lazer -, a ocorrência em todas as gerações familiares e, consequentemente, de um modo generalizado, em todas as idades. Os avós, os pais (e, ao mesmo tempo, filhos) e os filhos (e, ao mesmo tempo, netos) fazem uma utilização mais ou menos frequente, mas que não é inexistente, originando, por isso, a designação de gerações de ecrã. Interessa, pois, fazer o estudo dos usos e apropriações dos novos media pelas diferentes gerações, para uma análise intergeracional, mas, mais ainda, compreender as implicações que esses usos têm no meio rural, por ser fortemente considerado como uma zona em desvantagem quanto à proliferação dos media e das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, quando comparada com a urbana. Apresenta-se uma análise e reflexão sobre o modo como os novos media penetraram no quotidiano de três gerações familiares (avós, pais e filhos) e na forma como estas, residentes no meio rural português, transformaram a apropriação dos media num ato contínuo. Esta análise e reflexão fundamentam-se no levantamento bibliográfico sobre a problemática e os dados empíricos obtidos através da aplicação de uma metodologia triangular: focus groups, diários e inquéritos por questionário.
The region of the Algarve shows huge differences between the coastline where population in the urban areas grows, and the inland rural areas, in some cases very isolated, which frequently have high ageing indexes. This general scenario, with an elderly population with very different economic and social conditions, frames the ongoing PhD research designed as a cross-sectional study of an intentional sample of elderly persons. The basic theoretical framework departs from the perspective of developmental psychology of life-span and the model of selection, optimisation and compensation for optimal ageing (Baltes & Baltes, 1990; Freund & Baltes, 2002). The present study is a first step in the analysis of empirical data collected in the PhD sample (N=156; age range 65 to 97 years; M = 80.4 years; SD = 7.2 years). Its purpose is to assess the cognitive functioning of participants, screening for cognitive impairment and examine the relations between the cognitive status of the subjects and a number of selected variables including educational level, age, physical activity and living contexts of the subjects. We accessed the cognitive status of the participants with the Portuguese version of Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) finding a 10.3% prevalence of positive cases with cognitive impairment. The results also show significant relationships between the cognitive status accessed by the MMSE and educational level, professional qualification, age, living arrangement and activity level of the participants. The relationship verified between educational level and cognitive status of the participants was the largest correlation found in the study with the variability in educational level accounting for 44.8% of the variability in MMSE score. This results points in the same direction of several lines of research that corroborate the strong intercorrelation between education and cognitive functioning in old age.
Report produced as part of the Green Logistics project (EPSRC and Department for Transport funded). This report is based on a review of UK studies in which data has been collected to obtain an understanding of road-based urban freight transport activities and patterns of operation. Urban freight remains relatively under researched by comparison with passenger transport both in the UK and worldwide. However, in the UK there have been a number of studies that have attempted to investigate road-based freight operations since the 1960s. But no attempt has been made to draw together the results of these various studies and compare them. This is what is presented in this report. The report has studied the results of 30 UK urban freight studies carried out in the last decade in order to attempt to provide insight into urban freight activities in our towns and cities. It presents this current knowledge about urban freight transport activities in the UK from these studies, and compares the similarities and differences between study findings.
School playtime provides opportunities for children to engage in physical activity (PA). Playground playtime interventions designed to increase PA have produced differing results. However, nature can also promote PA, through the provision of large open spaces for activity. The purpose of this study is to determine which playtime interventions are most effective at increasing moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and if this varies by school location. Fifty-two children from an urban and rural school participated in a playground sports (PS) and nature-based orienteering intervention during playtime for one week. MVPA was assessed the day before and on the final day of the interventions using accelerometers. Intervention type (p < 0.05) and school location (p < 0.001) significantly influenced MVPA; with PS increasing MVPA more than nature-based orienteering. Urban children seemed to respond to the interventions more positively; however, differences in baseline MVPA might influence these changes. There was a positive correlation for fitness and MVPA during PS (r = 0.32; p < 0.05), but not nature-based orienteering (p > 0.05). The provision of PS influences PA the most; however, a variety of interventions are required to engage less fit children in PA.
Exercising in natural, green environments creates greater improvements in adult's self-esteem than exercise undertaken in urban or indoor settings. No comparable data are available for children. The aim of this study was to determine whether so called ‘green exercise’ affected changes in self-esteem; enjoyment and perceived exertion in children differently to urban exercise. We assessed cardiorespiratory fitness (20 m shuttle-run) and self-reported physical activity (PAQ-A) in 11 and 12 year olds (n = 75). Each pupil completed two 1.5 mile timed runs, one in an urban and another in a rural environment. Trials were completed one week apart during scheduled physical education lessons allocated using a repeated measures design. Self-esteem was measured before and after each trial, ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) and enjoyment were assessed after completing each trial. We found a significant main effect (F (1,74), = 12.2, p<0.001), for the increase in self-esteem following exercise but there was no condition by exercise interaction (F (1,74), = 0.13, p = 0.72). There were no significant differences in perceived exertion or enjoyment between conditions. There was a negative correlation (r = −0.26, p = 0.04) between habitual physical activity and RPE during the control condition, which was not evident in the green exercise condition (r = −0.07, p = 0.55). Contrary to previous studies in adults, green exercise did not produce significantly greater increases in self-esteem than the urban exercise condition. Green exercise was enjoyed more equally by children with differing levels of habitual physical activity and has the potential to engage less active children in exercise.