972 resultados para Ultrafast MRI
We demonstrate a new ultrafast pulse reconstruction modality that is somewhat reminiscent of frequency-resolved optical gating but uses a modified setup and a conceptually different reconstruction algorithm that is derived from ptychography. Even though it is a second-order correlation scheme, it shows no time ambiguity. Moreover, the number of spectra to record is considerably smaller than in most other related schemes which, together with a robust algorithm, leads to extremely fast convergence of the reconstruction.
This paper proposed an automated three-dimensional (3D) lumbar intervertebral disc (IVD) segmentation strategy from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data. Starting from two user supplied landmarks, the geometrical parameters of all lumbar vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs are automatically extracted from a mid-sagittal slice using a graphical model based template matching approach. Based on the estimated two-dimensional (2D) geometrical parameters, a 3D variable-radius soft tube model of the lumbar spine column is built by model fitting to the 3D data volume. Taking the geometrical information from the 3D lumbar spine column as constraints and segmentation initialization, the disc segmentation is achieved by a multi-kernel diffeomorphic registration between a 3D template of the disc and the observed MRI data. Experiments on 15 patient data sets showed the robustness and the accuracy of the proposed algorithm.
OBJECTIVE Arthroscopy is "the gold standard" for the diagnosis of knee cartilage lesions. However, it is invasive and expensive, and displays all the potential complications of an open surgical procedure. Ultra-high-field MRI now offers good opportunities for the indirect assessment of the integrity and structural changes of joint cartilage of the knee. The goal of the present study is to determine the site of early cartilaginous lesions in adults with non-traumatic knee pain. METHODS 3-T MRI examinations of 200 asymptomatic knees with standard and three-dimensional double-echo steady-state (3D-DESS) cartilage-specific sequences were prospectively studied for early degenerative lesions of the tibiofemoral joint. Lesions were classified and mapped using the modified Outerbridge and modified International Cartilage Repair Society classifications. RESULTS A total of 1437 lesions were detected: 56.1% grade I, 33.5% grade II, 7.2% grade III and 3.3% grade IV. Cartographically, grade I lesions were most common in the anteromedial tibial areas; grade II lesions in the anteromedial L5 femoral areas; and grade III in the centromedial M2 femoral areas. CONCLUSION 3-T MRI with standard and 3D-DESS cartilage-specific sequences demonstrated that areas predisposed to early osteoarthritis are the central, lateral and ventromedial tibial plateau, as well as the central and medial femoral condyle. ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE In contrast with previous studies reporting early cartilaginous lesions in the medial tibial compartment and/or in the medial femoral condyle, this study demonstrates that, regardless of grade, lesions preferentially occur at the L5 and M4 tibial and L5 and L2 femoral areas of the knee joint.
BACKGROUND Cam-type femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) resulting from an abnormal nonspherical femoral head shape leads to chondrolabral damage and is considered a cause of early osteoarthritis. A previously developed experimental ovine FAI model induces a cam-type impingement that results in localized chondrolabral damage, replicating the patterns found in the human hip. Biochemical MRI modalities such as T2 and T2* may allow for evaluation of the cartilage biochemistry long before cartilage loss occurs and, for that reason, may be a worthwhile avenue of inquiry. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES We asked: (1) Does the histological grading of degenerated cartilage correlate with T2 or T2* values in this ovine FAI model? (2) How accurately can zones of degenerated cartilage be predicted with T2 or T2* MRI in this model? METHODS A cam-type FAI was induced in eight Swiss alpine sheep by performing a closing wedge intertrochanteric varus osteotomy. After ambulation of 10 to 14 weeks, the sheep were euthanized and a 3-T MRI of the hip was performed. T2 and T2* values were measured at six locations on the acetabulum and compared with the histological damage pattern using the Mankin score. This is an established histological scoring system to quantify cartilage degeneration. Both T2 and T2* values are determined by cartilage water content and its collagen fiber network. Of those, the T2* mapping is a more modern sequence with technical advantages (eg, shorter acquisition time). Correlation of the Mankin score and the T2 and T2* values, respectively, was evaluated using the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. We used a hierarchical cluster analysis to calculate the positive and negative predictive values of T2 and T2* to predict advanced cartilage degeneration (Mankin ≥ 3). RESULTS We found a negative correlation between the Mankin score and both the T2 (p < 0.001, r = -0.79) and T2* values (p < 0.001, r = -0.90). For the T2 MRI technique, we found a positive predictive value of 100% (95% confidence interval [CI], 79%-100%) and a negative predictive value of 84% (95% CI, 67%-95%). For the T2* technique, we found a positive predictive value of 100% (95% CI, 79%-100%) and a negative predictive value of 94% (95% CI, 79%-99%). CONCLUSIONS T2 and T2* MRI modalities can reliably detect early cartilage degeneration in the experimental ovine FAI model. CLINICAL RELEVANCE T2 and T2* MRI modalities have the potential to allow for monitoring the natural course of osteoarthrosis noninvasively and to evaluate the results of surgical treatments targeted to joint preservation.
Hips with a cam deformity are at risk for early cartilage degeneration, mainly in the anterolateral region of the joint. T1ρ MRI is a described technique for assessment of proteoglycan content in hyaline cartilage and subsequently early cartilage damage. In this study, 1.5 Tesla T1ρ MRI was performed on 20 asymptomatic hips with a cam deformity and compared to 16 healthy control hips. Cam deformity was defined as an alpha angle at 1:30 o'clock position over 60° and/or at 3:00 o'clock position over 50.5°. Hip cartilage was segmented and divided into four regions of interest (ROIs): anterolateral, anteromedial, posterolateral and posteromedial quadrants. Mean T1ρ value of the entire weight bearing cartilage in hips with a cam deformity (34.0 ± 4.6 ms) was significantly higher compared to control hips (31.3 ± 3.2 ms, p = 0.050). This difference reached significance in the anterolateral (p = 0.042) and posteromedial quadrants (p = 0.041). No significant correlation between the alpha angle and T1ρ values was detected. The results indicate cartilage damage occurs in hips with a cam deformity before symptoms occur. A significant difference in T1ρ values was found in the anterolateral quadrant, the area of direct engagement of the deformity, and in the posteromedial quadrant. To conclude, T1ρ MRI can detect early chondral damage in asymptomatic hips with a cam deformity. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
To assess spatial and temporal pressure characteristics in patients with repaired aortic coarctation compared to young healthy volunteers using time-resolved velocity-encoded three-dimensional phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (4D flow MRI) and derived 4D pressure difference maps. After in vitro validation against invasive catheterization as gold standard, 4D flow MRI of the thoracic aorta was performed at 1.5T in 13 consecutive patients after aortic coarctation repair without recoarctation and 13 healthy volunteers. Using in-house developed processing software, 4D pressure difference maps were computed based on the Navier-Stokes equation. Pressure difference amplitudes, maximum slope of pressure amplitudes and spatial pressure range at mid systole were retrospectively measured by three readers, and twice by one reader to assess inter- and intraobserver agreement. In vitro, pressure differences derived from 4D flow MRI showed excellent agreement to invasive catheter measurements. In vivo, pressure difference amplitudes, maximum slope of pressure difference amplitudes and spatial pressure range at mid systole were significantly increased in patients compared to volunteers in the aortic arch, the proximal descending and the distal descending thoracic aorta (p < 0.05). Greatest differences occurred in the proximal descending aorta with values of the three parameters for patients versus volunteers being 19.7 ± 7.5 versus 10.0 ± 2.0 (p < 0.001), 10.9 ± 10.4 versus 1.9 ± 0.4 (p = 0.002), and 8.7 ± 6.3 versus 1.6 ± 0.9 (p < 0.001). Inter- and intraobserver agreements were excellent (p < 0.001). Noninvasive 4D pressure difference mapping derived from 4D flow MRI enables detection of altered intraluminal aortic pressures and showed significant spatial and temporal changes in patients with repaired aortic coarctation.
PURPOSE To assess possible effects of working memory (WM) training on cognitive functionality, functional MRI and brain connectivity in patients with juvenile MS. METHODS Cognitive status, fMRI and inter-network connectivity were assessed in 5 cases with juvenile MS aged between 12 and 18 years. Afterwards they received a computerized WM training for four weeks. Primary cognitive outcome measures were WM (visual and verbal) and alertness. Activation patterns related to WM were assessed during fMRI using an N-Back task with increasing difficulty. Inter-network connectivity analyses were focused on fronto-parietal (left and right), default-mode (dorsal and ventral) and the anterior salience network. Cognitive functioning, fMRI and inter-network connectivity were reassessed directly after the training and again nine months following training. RESULTS Response to treatment was seen in two patients. These patients showed increased performance in WM and alertness after the training. These behavioural changes were accompanied by increased WM network activation and systematic changes in inter-network connectivity. The remaining participants were non-responders to treatment. Effects on cognitive performance were maintained up to nine months after training, whereas effects observed by fMRI disappeared. CONCLUSIONS Responders revealed training effects on all applied outcome measures. Disease activity and general intelligence may be factors associated with response to treatment.
PURPOSE Treatment of vascular malformations requires the placement of a needle within vessels which may be as small as 1 mm, with the current state of the art relying exclusively on two-dimensional fluoroscopy images for guidance. We hypothesize that the combination of stereotactic image guidance with existing targeting methods will result in faster and more reproducible needle placements, as well as reduced radiationexposure, when compared to standard methods based on fluoroscopy alone. METHODS The proposed navigation approach was evaluated in a phantom experiment designed to allow direct comparison with the conventional method. An anatomical phantom of the left forearm was constructed, including an independent control mechanism to indicate the attainment of the target position. Three interventionalists (one inexperienced, two of them frequently practice the conventional fluoroscopic technique) performed 45 targeting attempts utilizing the combined and 45 targeting attempts utilizing the standard approaches. RESULTS In all 45 attempts, the users were able to reach the target when utilizing the combined approach. In two cases, targeting was stopped after 15 min without reaching the target when utilizing only the C-arm. The inexperienced user was faster when utilizing the combined approach and applied significantly less radiation than when utilizing the conventional approach. Conversely, both experienced users were faster when using the conventional approach, in one case significantly so, with no significant difference in radiation dose when compared to the combined approach. CONCLUSIONS This work presents an initial evaluation of a combined navigation fluoroscopy targeting technique in a phantom study. The results suggest that, especially for inexperienced interventionalists, navigation may help to reduce the time and the radiation dose. Future work will focus on the improvement and clinical evaluation of the proposed method.
Arterial spin labeling (ASL) is a technique for noninvasively measuring cerebral perfusion using magnetic resonance imaging. Clinical applications of ASL include functional activation studies, evaluation of the effect of pharmaceuticals on perfusion, and assessment of cerebrovascular disease, stroke, and brain tumor. The use of ASL in the clinic has been limited by poor image quality when large anatomic coverage is required and the time required for data acquisition and processing. This research sought to address these difficulties by optimizing the ASL acquisition and processing schemes. To improve data acquisition, optimal acquisition parameters were determined through simulations, phantom studies and in vivo measurements. The scan time for ASL data acquisition was limited to fifteen minutes to reduce potential subject motion. A processing scheme was implemented that rapidly produced regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) maps with minimal user input. To provide a measure of the precision of the rCBF values produced by ASL, bootstrap analysis was performed on a representative data set. The bootstrap analysis of single gray and white matter voxels yielded a coefficient of variation of 6.7% and 29% respectively, implying that the calculated rCBF value is far more precise for gray matter than white matter. Additionally, bootstrap analysis was performed to investigate the sensitivity of the rCBF data to the input parameters and provide a quantitative comparison of several existing perfusion models. This study guided the selection of the optimum perfusion quantification model for further experiments. The optimized ASL acquisition and processing schemes were evaluated with two ASL acquisitions on each of five normal subjects. The gray-to-white matter rCBF ratios for nine of the ten acquisitions were within ±10% of 2.6 and none were statistically different from 2.6, the typical ratio produced by a variety of quantitative perfusion techniques. Overall, this work produced an ASL data acquisition and processing technique for quantitative perfusion and functional activation studies, while revealing the limitations of the technique through bootstrap analysis. ^
The PROPELLER (Periodically Rotated Overlapping Parallel Lines with Enhanced Reconstruction) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique has inherent advantages over other fast imaging methods, including robust motion correction, reduced image distortion, and resistance to off-resonance effects. These features make PROPELLER highly desirable for T2*-sensitive imaging, high-resolution diffusion imaging, and many other applications. However, PROPELLER has been predominantly implemented as a fast spin-echo (FSE) technique, which is insensitive to T2* contrast, and requires time-inefficient signal averaging to achieve adequate signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for many applications. These issues presently constrain the potential clinical utility of FSE-based PROPELLER. ^ In this research, our aim was to extend and enhance the potential applications of PROPELLER MRI by developing a novel multiple gradient echo PROPELLER (MGREP) technique that can overcome the aforementioned limitations. The MGREP pulse sequence was designed to acquire multiple gradient-echo images simultaneously, without any increase in total scan time or RF energy deposition relative to FSE-based PROPELLER. A new parameter was also introduced for direct user-control over gradient echo spacing, to allow variable sensitivity to T2* contrast. In parallel to pulse sequence development, an improved algorithm for motion correction was also developed and evaluated against the established method through extensive simulations. The potential advantages of MGREP over FSE-based PROPELLER were illustrated via three specific applications: (1) quantitative T2* measurement, (2) time-efficient signal averaging, and (3) high-resolution diffusion imaging. Relative to the FSE-PROPELLER method, the MGREP sequence was found to yield quantitative T2* values, increase SNR by ∼40% without any increase in acquisition time or RF energy deposition, and noticeably improve image quality in high-resolution diffusion maps. In addition, the new motion algorithm was found to improve the performance considerably in motion-artifact reduction. ^ Overall, this work demonstrated a number of enhancements and extensions to existing PROPELLER techniques. The new technical capabilities of PROPELLER imaging, developed in this thesis research, are expected to serve as the foundation for further expanding the scope of PROPELLER applications. ^
With most clinical trials, missing data presents a statistical problem in evaluating a treatment's efficacy. There are many methods commonly used to assess missing data; however, these methods leave room for bias to enter the study. This thesis was a secondary analysis on data taken from TIME, a phase 2 randomized clinical trial conducted to evaluate the safety and effect of the administration timing of bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMNC) for subjects with acute myocardial infarction (AMI).^ We evaluated the effect of missing data by comparing the variance inflation factor (VIF) of the effect of therapy between all subjects and only subjects with complete data. Through the general linear model, an unbiased solution was made for the VIF of the treatment's efficacy using the weighted least squares method to incorporate missing data. Two groups were identified from the TIME data: 1) all subjects and 2) subjects with complete data (baseline and follow-up measurements). After the general solution was found for the VIF, it was migrated Excel 2010 to evaluate data from TIME. The resulting numerical value from the two groups was compared to assess the effect of missing data.^ The VIF values from the TIME study were considerably less in the group with missing data. By design, we varied the correlation factor in order to evaluate the VIFs of both groups. As the correlation factor increased, the VIF values increased at a faster rate in the group with only complete data. Furthermore, while varying the correlation factor, the number of subjects with missing data was also varied to see how missing data affects the VIF. When subjects with only baseline data was increased, we saw a significant rate increase in VIF values in the group with only complete data while the group with missing data saw a steady and consistent increase in the VIF. The same was seen when we varied the group with follow-up only data. This essentially showed that the VIFs steadily increased when missing data is not ignored. When missing data is ignored as with our comparison group, the VIF values sharply increase as correlation increases.^
Accompanying wind measurements for bottle data of cruise A7/85 during the MRI-LDEO cooperative study
Accompanying wind measurements for bottle data of cruise A2/90 during the MRI-LDEO cooperative study