988 resultados para Turbulent environments
A numerical study of turbulent flow in a straight duct of square cross-section is made. An order-of-magnitude analysis of the 3-D, time-averaged Navier-Stokes equations resulted in a parabolic form of the Navier-Stokes equations. The governing equations, expressed in terms of a new vector-potential formulation, are expanded as a multi-deck structure with each deck characterized by its dominant physical forces. The resulting equations are solved using a finite-element approach with a bicubic element representation on each cross-sectional plane. The numerical integration along the streamwise direction is carried out with finite-difference approximations until a fully-developed state is reached. The computed results agree well with other numerical studies and compare very favorably with the available experimental data. One important outcome of the current investigation is the interpretation analytically that the driving force of the secondary flow in a square duct comes mainly from the second-order terms of the difference in the gradients of the normal and transverse Reynolds stresses in the axial vorticity equation.
A potential energy model is developed for turbulent entrainment in the absence of mean shear in a linearly stratified fluid. The relation between the entrainment distance D and the time t and the relation between dimensionless entrainment rate E and the local Richardson number are obtained. An experiment is made for examination. The experimental results are in good agreement with the model, in which the dimensionless entrainment distance D is given by DBAR = A(i)(SBAR)-1/4(fBAR)1/2(tBAR)1/8, where A(i) is the proportional coefficient, S is the dimensionless stroke, fBAR is the dimensionless frequency of the grid oscillation, tBAR the dimensionless time.
The growth behaviour of zero-mean-shear turbulent-mixed layer containing suspended solid particles has been studied experimentally and analysed theoretically in a two-layer fluid system. The potential model for estimating the turbulent entrainment rate of the mixed layer has also been suggested, including the results of the turbulent entrainment for pure two-layer fluid. The experimental results show that the entrainment behaviour of a mixed layer with the suspended particles is well described by the model. The relationship between the entrainment distance and the time, and the variation of the dimensionless entrainment rate E with the local Richardson number Ri1 for the suspended particles differ from that for the pure two-layer fluid by the factors-eta-1/5 and eta-1, respectively, where eta = 1 + sigma-0-DELTA-rho/DELTA-rho-0.
phases should be specified when the particle Reynolds number is higher than
The statistical-mechanics theory of the passive scalar field convected by turbulence, developed in an earlier paper [Phys. Fluids 28, 1299 (1985)], is extended to the case of a small molecular Prandtl number. The set of governing integral equations is solved by the equation-error method. The resultant scalar-variance spectrum for the inertial range is F(k)~x−5/3/[1+1.21x1.67(1+0.353x2.32)], where x is the wavenumber scaled by Corrsin's dissipation wavenumber. This result reduces to the − (5)/(3) law in the inertial-convective range. It also approximately reduces to the − (17)/(3) law in the inertial-diffusive range, but the proportionality constant differs from Batchelor's by a factor of 3.6.
Using the approach of local expansion, we analyze the magnetostatic relations in the case of conventional turbulence. The turbulent relations are obtained consisten tly for themomentum equation and induction equation of both the average and fluctuation relations.In comparison with the magnetostatic relations as discussed usually, turbulent fluctuationfields produce forces, one of which 1/(4π)(α1×B0)×B0 may have parallel and perpendicular components in the direction of magnetic field, the other of which 1/(4π)K×B0 is introduced by the boundary value of turbulence and is perpendicular to the magnetic field. In the case of 2-dimensional configuration of magnetic field, the basic equation will be reduced into a second-order elliptic equation, which includes some linear and nonlinear terms introduced by turbulent fluctuation fields. Turbulent fields may change the configuration of magnetic field and even shear it non-uniformly. The study on the influence of turbulent fields is significant since they are observed in many astrophysical environments.