993 resultados para Tourism studies
Aluminium (At) tolerance in plants may be conferred by reduced binding of Al in the cell wall through low root cation exchange capacity (CEC) or by organic acid exudation. Root CEC is related to the degree of esterification (DE) of pectin in the cell wall, and pectin hydrolysis plays a role in cell expansion. Therefore, it was hypothesised that Al-tolerant plants with a low root CEC maintain pectin hydrolysis in the presence of Al, allowing cell expansion to continue. Irrespective of the DE, binding of Al to pectin reduced the enzymatic hydrolysis of Al-pectin gels by polygalacturonase (E.C. Pectin gels with calcium (Ca) were slightly hydrolysed by polygalacturonase. It was concluded, therefore, that Al tolerance conferred by low root CEC is not mediated by the ability to maintain pectin hydrolysis. Citrate and malate, but not acetate, effectively dissolved Al-pectate gel and led to hydrolysis of the dissolved pectin by polygalacturonase. The organic acids did not dissolve Ca-pectate, nor did they increase pectin hydrolysis by polygalacturonase. It was concluded that exudation of some organic acids can remove Al bound to pectin and this could alleviate toxicity, constituting a tolerance mechanism. (C) 2003 Editions scientitiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
In a 2-yr multiple-site field study conducted in western Nebraska during 1999 and 2000, optimum dryland corn (Zea mays L.) population varied from less than 1.7 to more than 5.6 plants m(-2), depending largely on available water resources. The objective of this study was to use a modeling approach to investigate corn population recommendations for a wide range of seasonal variation. A corn growth simulation model (APSIM-maize) was coupled to long-term sequences of historical climatic data from western Nebraska to provide probabilistic estimates of dryland yield for a range of corn populations. Simulated populations ranged from 2 to 5 plants m(-2). Simulations began with one of three levels of available soil water at planting, either 80, 160, or 240 mm in the surface 1.5 m of a loam soil. Gross margins were maximized at 3 plants m(-2) when starting available water was 160 or 240 mm, and the expected probability of a financial loss at this population was reduced from about 10% at 160 mm to 0% at 240 mm. When starting available water was 80 mm, average gross margins were less than $15 ha(-1), and risk of financial loss exceeded 40%. Median yields were greatest when starting available soil water was 240 mm. However, perhaps the greater benefit of additional soil water at planting was reduction in the risk of making a financial loss. Dryland corn growers in western Nebraska are advised to use a population of 3 plants m(-2) as a base recommendation.
With recent advances in molecular biology, it is now possible to use the trace amounts of DNA in faeces to non-invasively sample endangered species for genetic studies. A highly vulnerable population of approximately 100 great bustards (Otis tarda) exists in Morocco necessitating the use of non-invasive protocols to study their genetic structure. Here we report a reliable silica-based method to extract DNA from great bustard faeces. We found that successful extraction and amplification correlated strongly with faeces freshness and composition. We could not extract amplifiable DNA from 30% of our samples as they were dry or contained insect material. However 100% of our fresh faecal samples containing no obvious insect material worked, allowing us to assess the levels of genetic variation among 25 individuals using a 542 bp control region sequence. We were able to extract DNA from four out of five other avian species, demonstrating that faeces represents a suitable source of DNA for population genetics studies in a broad range of species.
O presente trabalho pretende dedicar-se a discussão dos elementos que compõem a economia criativa, para tanto, utiliza diferentes conceitos de criatividade, indústrias criativas e cidades criativas. O termo economia criativa surgiu em 2001 com o livro de John Howkins, mas a idéia básica foi apresentada no estudo Creative Nation realizado pelo governo australiano em 1994. A partir de então, diversos países têm adotado o conceito como instrumento de fomento ao desenvolvimento econômico e social. Assim, a associação da economia criativa a uma economia voltada ao desenvolvimento está ligada, portanto, ao reconhecimento de que a criatividade humana pode ser um ativo econômico (REIS, 2012). Diferentes países e regiões podem utilizar essa abordagem com o objetivo de alcançar efeitos positivos sobre o emprego e como ferramenta para a promoção da inclusão social. A discussão é recente no Brasil, um dos estudos pioneiros foi desenvolvido pela Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FIRJAN), intitulado “A Cadeia da Indústria Criativa no Brasil”. A partir desse trabalho e do banco de dados da Secretaria de Turismo, Trabalho e Renda – SETGER da prefeitura de Vitória foi possível desenvolver um estudo espacial dos empreendimentos criativos para Vitória -ES. Concluiu-se, então, que a desconcentração dos empreendimentos criativos nas diferentes regiões do município deve ser um dos objetivos buscados para que a cidade se transforme em um espaço mais colaborativo e coeso.
The objective of this paper is to provide empirical evidence on the determinants of gender wage inequality in the Portuguese tourism industry. Relying on firm level wage equations and production functions, gender wage and productivity differentials are estimated and then compared in order to infer whether observed gender disparities are justifiable on the grounds that women are relatively less productive than men, or instead disparities are due to gender wage discrimination. This approach is applied to tourism industry data gathered in the matched employer-employee data set Quadros de Pessoal (Employee Records). The main findings indicate that female employees in the tourism industry in Portugal are less productive than their male colleagues and that gender differences in wages are fully explained by gender differences in productivity.
Tourism represents a major economic activity in Portugal, with an enormous wealth and employment growth potential. A significant proportion of jobs in the industry tourism are occupied by women, given that this industry is characterized by a relatively higher percentage of female employees. Despite the evidence of female progress with regard to their role in the Portuguese labor market, women continue to earn less than their male counterparts. This is clearly the case of the tourism industry, where statistics reveal a persistent gender wage gap. The objective of this paper is to provide empirical evidence on the determinants of gender wage inequality in the tourism industry in northern Portugal. Relying on firm-level wage equations and production functions, gender wage and productivity differentials are estimated and then compared. The comparison of these differentials allows inferring whether observed wage disparities are attributable to relatively lower female productivity, or instead disparities are due to gender wage discrimination. This approach is applied to tourism industry data gathered in the matched employer-employee data set Quadros de Pessoal (Employee Records). The main findings indicate that female employees in the tourism industry in northern Portugal are less productive than their male colleagues and that gender differences in wages are fully explained by gender differences in productivity.
In this investigation, a cluster analysis was used to separate Guimara˜es (Portugal) residents into clusters according to their perceptions of the impacts of tourism development. This approach is uncommonly applied to Portugal data and is even rarer for world heritage sites. The world heritage designation is believed to make an area more attractive to tourists. The clustering procedure analysed 400 data observations from a Guimara˜es resident survey and revealed the existence of three clusters: the Sceptics, the Moderately Optimistic and the Enthusiasts. The results were consistent with the empirical literature’s results, with the emergent nature of the destination found to be relevant. The fact that tourism is relatively recent in this destination has its major reflex in the devaluation by most of the residents of the negative impacts of tourism development.
A cidade de Guimarães, no noroeste português, é um espaço imbuído de um forte significado simbólico e cultural. A acreditação pela U.N.E.S.C.O. do seu centro histórico como Património Cultural da Humanidade, em Dezembro de 2001, contribuiu significativamente para aumentar o seu potencial em termos turísticos. Na realidade, desde aquela data, tem-se assistido a um aumento sustentado do número de visitantes. O presente capítulo debruça-se sobre a análise de alguns resultados de um inquérito por questionário aplicado aos residentes do município de Guimarães com o objetivo de avaliar a sua perceção dos benefícios que a atividade turística pode trazer. O inquérito foi implementado entre Janeiro e Março de 2010. Os resultados mostram que aqueles revelam uma perceção favorável dos impactos do turismo e que esta perceção está correlacionada com a idade e o nível de instrução dos inquiridos.
In administering their territories, most local municipalities aim to preserve their natural, historical and ethnographical resources while simultaneously using them to increase revenue and employment. In order to efficiently promote the products and services available and attract tourists, decision makers, private and public, need to know and incorporate tourists’ preferences in their marketing strategies. In this chapter we illustrate the use of stated preferences as an instrument to identify national and foreign tourists’ preferences regarding the products and services that the touristic destination of the Minho-Lima region (Northwest Portugal) should offer. As a starting point, we have taken the three general groups of touristic resources mentioned above as attributes. We take Ponte de Lima, a municipality in this region that has a strong cultural tourism potential as an example to identify possible future tourism scenarios for this territory. We believe the previously identified methodology can be a valuable instrument in the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the selected territory and, thus, support the decision making process behind its future tourist development and marketing strategies.
The success of tourism development depends on the capacity of a region’s tourism agents to establish and sustain networks, involving both private-sector companies and the public sector. Creating an attractive destination able to compete with others that are better positioned and consolidated requires cooperative behaviour among the various agents involved. This behaviour will facilitate both external and internal competition, which in turn will assure better product quality, continuous product renewal, a strong offer of unique experiences and the efficient use of endogenous resources. In this paper, the authors discuss the results of a survey of restaurant owners and of interviews conducted with the main institutional agents concerned with tourism promotion and the economic development of the Minho–Lima region. Such an approach, the authors argue, can be valuable in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the area in question with regard to future tourism development. The authors work from the premise that the commitment of tourism agents constitutes a precondition for the success of the strategy to be defined. This is especially applicable to Minho–Lima, which to date has suffered from an absence of commitment and coordination on the part of those agents.
The present study was designed to assess and segment local residents with respect to their perceived impacts of Guimarães tourism development. The residents of this municipality (located in the northern part of Portugal) are quite strong in their support to tourism. However, they do not keep a homogeneous perception of tourism impacts. A clusters analysis using data from a survey of 400 Guimarães residents’ has revealed the existence of three clusters, according the different degrees of perceived tourism impacts: the Skeptics - moderate in relation to the benefits (averages range from 2.89-3.74) and the ones more concerned with its costs (averages range from 2.86-3.74); the Moderately optimistic - very optimistic about the benefits of tourism (averages range from 3.74-4.51) and conscious of the costs (averages range from 2.71-3.49); the Enthusiasts - very optimistic about tourism benefits (averages range from 2.92-4.52) and little worried about its costs (averages range from 1.78-3.26). Following the data from the survey, the findings are discussed and a few conclusions are extracted.