968 resultados para Test de inteligencia no verbal
This study examined the genetic and environmental relationships among 5 academic achievement skills of a standardized test of academic achievement, the Queensland Core Skills Test (QCST; Queensland Studies Authority, 2003a). QCST participants included 182 monozygotic pairs and 208 dizygotic pairs (mean 17 years +/- 0.4 standard deviation). IQ data were included in the analysis to correct for ascertainment bias. A genetic general factor explained virtually all genetic variance in the component academic skills scores, and accounted for 32% to 73% of their phenotypic variances. It also explained 56% and 42% of variation in Verbal IQ and Performance IQ respectively, suggesting that this factor is genetic g. Modest specific genetic effects were evident for achievement in mathematical problem solving and written expression. A single common factor adequately explained common environmental effects, which were also modest, and possibly due to assortative mating. The results suggest that general academic ability, derived from genetic influences and to a lesser extent common environmental influences, is the primary source of variation in component skills of the QCST.
First, this study examined genetic and environmental sources of variation in performance on a standardised test of academic achievement, the Queensland Core Skills Test (QCST) (Queensland Studies Authority, 2003a). Second, it assessed the genetic correlation among the QCST score and Verbal and Performance IQ measures using the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery (MAB), [Jackson, D. N. (1984) Multidimensional Aptitude Battery manual. Port Huron, MI:Research Psychologist Press, Inc.]. Participants were 256 monozygotic twin pairs and 326 dizygotic twin pairs aged from 15 to 18 years (mean 17 years +/- 0.4 [SD]) when achievement tested, and from 15 to 22 years (mean 16 years +/- 0.4 [SD]) when IQ tested. Univariate analysis indicated a heritability for the QCST of 0.72. Adjustment to this estimate due to truncate selection (downward adjustment) and positive phenotypic assortative mating (upward adjustment) suggested a heritability of 0.76 The phenotypic (0.81) and genetic (0.91) correlations between the QCST and Verbal IQ (VIQ) were significantly stronger than the phenotypic (0.57) and genetic (0.64) correlations between the QCST and Performance IQ (PIQ). The findings suggest that individual variation in QCST performance is largely due to genetic factors and that common environmental effects may be substantially accounted for by phenotypic assortative mating. Covariance between academic achievement on the QCST and psychometric IQ (particularly VIQ) is to a large extent due to common genetic influences.
Primary objectives: (1) To investigate the Nonword Repetition test (NWR) as an index of sub-vocal rehearsal deficits after mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI); (2) to assess the reliability, validity and sensitivity of the NWR; and (3) to compare the NWR to more sensitive tests of verbal memory. Research design: An independent groups design. Methods and procedures: Study 1 administered the NWR to 46 mTBI and 61 uninjured controls with the Rapid Screen of Concussion (RSC). Study 2 compared mTBI, orthopaedic and uninjured participants on the NWR and the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test (HVLT-R). Main outcomes and results: The NWR did not improve the diagnostic accuracy of the RSC. However, it is reliable and indexes sub-vocal rehearsal speed. These findings provide evidence that although the current form of the NWR lacks sensitivity to the impact of mTBI, the development of a more sensitive test of sub-vocal rehearsal deficits following mTBI is warranted.
Background Depressed individuals have been consistently shown to exhibit problems in accessing specific memories of events from their past and instead tend to retrieve categorical summaries of events. The majority of studies examining autobiographical memory changes associated with psychopathology have tended to use word cues, but only one study to date has used images (with PTSD patients). Objective to determine if using images to cue autobiographical memories would reduce the memory specificity deficit exhibited by patients with depression in comparison to healthy controls. Methods Twenty-five clinically depressed patients and twenty-five healthy controls were assessed on two versions of the autobiographical memory test; cued with emotional words and images. Results Depressed patients retrieved significantly fewer specific memories, and a greater number of categorical, than did the controls. Controls retrieved a greater proportion of specific memories to images compared to words, whereas depressed patients retrieved a similar proportion of specific memories to both images and words. Limitations no information about the presence and severity of past trauma was collected. Conclusions results suggest that the overgeneral memory style in depression generalises from verbal to pictorial cues. This is important because retrieval to images may provide a more ecologically valid test of everyday memory experiences than word-cued retrieval.
The aim of this study was to comparatively investigate the impact of visual-verbal relationships that exist in expository texts on the reading process and comprehension of readers from different language background: native speakers of English (LI) and speakers of English as a foreign language (EFL). The study focussed, in this respect, on the visual elements (VEs) mainly graphs and tables that accompanied the selected texts. Two major experiments were undertaken. The first, was for the reading process using the post-reading questionnaire technique. Participants were 163 adult readers representing three groups: 77 (LI), 56 (EFL postgraduates); and 30 (EFL undergraduates). The second experiment was for the reading comprehension using cloze procedure. Participants were 123 representing the same above gorups: 50, 33 and 40 respectively. It was hypothesised that the LI readers would make use of VEs in the reading process in ways different from both EFL groups and that use would enhance each group's comprehension in different aspects and to different levels. In the analysis of the data of both experiments two statistical measurements were used. The chi-square was used to measure the differences between frequencies and the t-test was used to measure the differences between means. The results indicated a significant relationship between readers' language background and the impact of visual-verbal relationships on their reading processes and comprehension of such type of texts. The results also revealed considerable similarities between the two EFL groups in the reading process of texts accompanied by VEs. In the reading comprehension, however, the EFL undergraduates seemed to benefit from the visual-verbal relationships in their comprehension more than the postgraduates, suggesting a weak relationship of this impact for older EFL readers. Furthermore, the results showed considerable similarities between the reading process of texts accompanied by VEs and of whole prose texts. Finally an evaluation of this study was undertaken as well as practical implications for EFL readers and suggestions for future research.
The self-ordered pointing test (SOPT; Petrides & Milner, 1982) is a test of non-spatial executive working memory requiring the ability to generate and monitor a sequence of responses. Although used with developmental clinical populations there are few normative data against which to compare atypical performance. Typically developing children (5!11 years) and young adults performed two versions of the SOPT, one using pictures of familiar objects and the other hard-to-verbalise abstract designs. Performance improved with age but the children did not reach adult levels of performance. Participants of all ages found the object condition easier than the abstract condition, suggesting that verbal processes are utilised by the SOPT. However, performance on the task was largely independent from verbal and nonverbal cognitive ability. Overall the results suggest that the SOPT is a sensitive measure of executive working memory.
El propósito general de esta tesis doctoral fue el de ampliar el conocimiento acerca del papel que la Inteligencia Emocional (IE) desempeña en la explicación de las conductas agresivas. Para ello, se plantearon 4 estudios, cuyos resultados, de forma general, han arrojado evidencias de la existencia de una relación negativa entre IE y agresión, es decir, las personas que presentan dificultades para percibir, usar, comprender y regular sus emociones y la de los demás, muestran una mayor incidencia en el uso de comportamientos agresivos que aquellas personas con mayores niveles de IE. En el primer estudio, el objetivo fue revisar de forma sistemática la literatura que se ha centrado en analizar las relaciones entre IE y agresión. De esta revisión se obtuvo como resultado 19 trabajos empíricos que mostraban la existencia de una asociación negativa entre la IE y la realización de conductas agresiva consistente en muestras de diferentes edades y contextos culturales y parece independiente del tipo de agresión estudiada. Teniendo en cuenta la literatura revisada en el primer trabajo, el objetivo del segundo estudio fue ampliar esta línea de investigación centrándonos en la relación de la agresión y la IE como habilidad. Para ello se realizaron dos subestudios. En el primer subestudio exploramos la relación entre IEH y agresión en adultos a nivel transversal y analizamos la validez incremental de la IEH sobre los factores de personalidad en la explicación de conductas agresivas de tipo físico y verbal. En el segundo trabajo, nuestros objetivos fueron corroborar los resultados encontrados en el subestudio 1 en una muestra de población adolescente y analizar la relación temporal entre ambas variables en un estudio longitudinal. Los resultados obtenidos en ambos subestudios muestran de forma consistente una clara relación entre la IEH y la agresión física, y una asociación más débil en el caso de la agresión verbal. La finalidad del tercer estudio fue la adaptación al español de una medida de agresión y de variables emocionales asociadas a la conducta agresiva, con el fin de que el uso de esta escala posibilite el avance en este campo de estudio. Por último, el propósito del cuarto estudio fue profundizar en el conocimiento sobre la relación entre IEH y agresión. Para ello, en primer lugar, se apotaron datos preliminares acerca de la asociación entre variables que no han sido estudiadas hasta la fecha, como la relación entre IEH y agresión indirecta, y entre IEH y rumiación de la ira. En segundo lugar, se ha examinando el mecanismo a través del cual las habilidades emocionales ejercen su papel sobre las conductas agresivas, analizando el papel mediador de la rumiación de la ira en esta relación. En conjunto, los cuatro trabajos presentados añaden evidencias sobre la existencia de una relación negativa entre IEH y agresión.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
Actualmente las organizaciones están concientes que para tener éxito en la realización de sus actividades, es necesario dar mayor importancia al recurso humano, algo que no se hacía en décadas anteriores; ya que éste es la parte fundamental para la óptima utilización de los demás recursos. Y conociendo que el ser humano es un ser bio psicosocial, con emociones que influyen en su desempeño laboral, principalmente en organizaciones dedicadas al desarrollo integral de la mujer, como lo es la Asociación Movimiento de Mujeres “Mélida Anaya Montes”, surge la necesidad de hacer un estudio de Inteligencia Emocional en los puestos de trabajo de la misma. Este estudio fue realizado con el objetivo de mejorar el desempeño laboral a través de la determinación de las competencias emocionales requeridas para cada puesto; así como las herramientas que ayudarán a desarrollarlas cuando se identifique que una o varias de ellas estén en niveles medio y bajo y que son necesarias para tener un desempeño efectivo. Para la recolección de la información se estudiaron las actividades que se realizan en los puestos de trabajo, las competencias emocionales que las trabajadoras consideran que requieren los puestos; así como el clima, la cultura organizacional e Inteligencia emocional del personal de la Asociación en general. Asimismo, el estudio requirió técnicas e instrumentos como: entrevistas estructuradas, cuestionarios, un test para conocer la Inteligencia emocional del personal, y la observación directa. Los cuales, a través del análisis, síntesis, inducción y deducción, fueron de utilidad para concluir. Recomendando que se implemente el Manual de Perfil de Competencias Emocionales para que la Asociación pueda ubicar a las personas idóneas a los puestos de trabajo, aplicar las herramientas de la Inteligencia Emocional en el desarrollo y fortalecimiento de las dimensiones, y la utilización de las pautas del clima organizacional, para que éste sea eficiente.
In a range test, one party holds a ciphertext and needs to test whether the message encrypted in the ciphertext is within a certain interval range. In this paper, a range test protocol is proposed, where the party holding the ciphertext asks another party holding the private key of the encryption algorithm to help him. These two parties run the protocol to implement the test. The test returns TRUE if and only if the encrypted message is within the certain interval range. If the two parties do not conspire, no information about the encrypted message is revealed from the test except what can be deduced from the test result. Advantages of the new protocol over the existing related techniques are that it achieves correctness, soundness, °exibility, high e±ciency and privacy simultaneously.