616 resultados para Terror
El presente trabajo de investigación aborda el estudio de la propaganda en el movimiento guerrillero antifranquista en España en los años cuarenta. Desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar, basada en la Historia de España Contemporánea, la Historia de la Comunicación Social y la Historia de la Propaganda, analiza los procesos y sistemas de comunicación persuasiva desarrollados en el seno de las organizaciones guerrilleras contrarias al régimen de Franco en nuestro país. El estudio se ha realizado sobre la resistencia armada de los principales territorios de la península en los que la actividad guerrillera fue más acusada: León y Galicia, Asturias y Cantabria, Extremadura y Centro, Andalucía y, por último, Levante y Aragón. Parte de un primer marco introductorio de carácter general en el que se explican los antecedentes y orígenes del movimiento guerrillero en España y que imprimirán su sello en la actividad propagandística llevada a cabo posteriormente. En primer lugar, el período comprendido por la Segunda República en paz con las reformas y avances, entre otras materias, en el campo agrario, político o religioso, que fue interrumpido de forma abrupta por el golpe de Estado del 18 de julio de 1936, cuyo fracaso daría lugar a una guerra civil de casi tres años. Los primeros años de posguerra estuvieron caracterizados por una dura represión contra los vencidos, lo que provocó que muchas personas simpatizantes o pertenecientes a partidos y sindicatos de izquierdas o republicanos, se vieran obligadas a huir a los montes y sierras cercanas para escapar de la cárcel, de la tortura y de la muerte. Las condiciones impuestas por el nuevo Estado, que utilizó el terror como política y como herramienta de persuasión, impidió la integración de los perdedores en la sociedad y que permanecieran fugados...
This project explores the puzzle of religious violence variation. Religious actors initiate conflict at a higher rate than their secular counterparts, last longer, are more deadly, and are less prone to negotiated termination. Yet the legacy of religious peacemakers on the reduction of violence is undeniable. Under what conditions does religion contribute to escalated violence and under what conditions does it contribute to peace? I argue that more intense everyday practices of group members, or high levels of orthopraxy, create dispositional indivisibilities that make violence a natural alternative to bargaining. Subnational armed groups with members whose practices are exclusive and isolating bind together through ritual practice, limit the acceptable decisions of leaders, and have prolonged timeframes, all of which result in higher levels of intensity, intransigence and resolve during violent conflict. The theory challenges both instrumentalist and constructivist understandings of social identity and violence. To support this argument, I construct an original cross-national data-set that employs ethnographic data on micro-level religious practices for 724 subnational armed groups in both civil wars and terror campaigns. Using this data, I build an explanatory “religious practice index” for each observation and examine its relationship with conflict outcomes. Findings suggest that exclusive practice groups fight significantly longer with more intensity and negotiate less. I also apply the practice model to qualitative cases. Fieldwork in the West Bank and Sierra Leone reveals that groups with more exclusive religious practicing membership are principle contributors to violence, whereas those with inclusive practices can contribute to peace. The project concludes with a discussion about several avenues for future research and identifies the practical policy applications to better identify and combat religious extremism.
The Mexican government and people are engaged in a war for the survival of their nation. Drug cartels are creating a situation of terror on the streets of the nation in their attempts to retain control of trafficking drugs into the United States. The Merida Initiative is a flawed agreement as it only addresses the issue of violence perpetrated by drug cartels. The issues of human rights protection, education, and economic stability within Mexico must be addressed in order to not only improve the situation but also eradicate the power and allure of the cartels.
This capstone examines the civil liberties of the modern terrorist and explicates the right to freedom of speech for terrorist organizations and their use of the internet. Terrorist organizations use the internet to promote ideas, recruit members, organize the flow of information, and coordinate actions. During the war on terror the US Patriot Act became law allowing for U.S. government censorship and surveillance of internet traffic and many believe these acts are a threat to civil liberties. Terrorist organizations have the right to express their views, however unpopular, and censoring or restricting web sites diminishes civil liberties for all, which democracies and liberal societies are founded upon.
In response to 9/11, the U.S. launched airstrikes in Afghanistan against al Qaeda to diminish its ability to conduct future attacks. Next, the U.S. turned its attention to Iraq. A series of problems and missteps there subsequently created an opportunity for al Qaeda to evolve, aligning itself with active insurgencies and other terrorist groups around the world. This paper identifies the largely preemptive strategies employed by the U.S. and analyzes how those efforts positively and negatively impacted the War on Terror. While some significant gains were made, the results show that al Qaeda remains a threat to the international community and demands more effective U.S. and international counter-radicalization strategies, including diplomacy and aid, to curb its global appeal.
As American leadership has narrowly focused on fighting global terror in Iraq and Afghanistan, the modern version of the KGB, now known as the FSB, has been conducting continuous clandestine warfare operations against the United States. These warfare operations include strategic economic and political partnerships with anti-American entities worldwide and direct embedding of double agents in the US intelligence community. This paper investigates the role of Russia's cultural history leading to the merger of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and Russian Organized Crime (ROC). This paper concludes that the FSB is the most pervasive security threat to the United States and that employing Russian native and heritage speakers of Russian in the US intelligence community compromises US national security.
Mémoire récipiendaire de la mention "Excellent", avec les félicitations du jury.
In recent years, terrorist actions have increased in Central Asia, especially in the two weakest states, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, and on the Uzbek side of the Ferghana Valley. The killing of Osama bin Laden by US special forces has raised fears of a possible backlash from his supporters and a new wave of terror across a large area surrounding Afghanistan. Now the Taliban have warned Kazakhstan – Central Asia's most successful economy and largest oil producer which has to date avoided the Islamist violence that has affected its Central Asian neighbours – of the dangers of entering the war on Afghanistan after the Kazakh parliament decided to send troops to join the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) war efforts.
The Israeli economy has been subjected to a continuous flow of terror since its creation. The focus of our study is how terrorism's impacts the level of production of the high-tech sector. The two main objectives and novelties of the paper are: First our paper can be a major contribution to as yet a new subfield in applied microeconomics attempting to measure the impact of terror on economic issues like FDI and Industry output in general and that focused on the High-Tech industries. Second our research is designed to help us understand the impact of terror news, especially on U.S citizens' reactions to terror in Israel. Our terror variable isn't how many bodies or but how many negative articles regarding terror there are in leading American news paper. We focus on the volatility clustering of terror information arrivals in major US financial papers and its impact on high-tech production and FDI to Israel.
Since June 2014, Islamic State (IS) has been regarded as the principal security threat in the Middle East and one of the most important problems for European and global security. Islamic State, which for many years was just one of many terror organisations with links to al-Qaeda, has succeeded in achieving much more than other similar organisations: it has taken over control of large swathes of territory in Syria and Iraq by military means, created its own para-state structures in that area, and become the greatest civilisational challenge for the region in a century as it established a self-proclaimed caliphate and credibly pledged to expand further on a global scale. Those successes have been accompanied by widely publicised acts of systemic brutality which meets the definition of crimes against humanity. One outcome of these developments is the emergence of an exotic informal alliance to combatthe Islamic State, which has brought together all the states from the Middle East and many from beyond the region. However, contrary to what could have been predicted, after almost a year of the declared war against IS, the Caliphate still holds most of the ground it gained in 2014.
Turkey is headed to its second parliamentary election in five months with snap polls slated for November 1. The election will take place in a highly charged atmosphere with escalating violence and financial volatility. The renewed conflict between Turkey and the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) is spreading throughout the country with the rise of ethnic tensions posing a big threat to internal harmony. Even a peace rally in the capital Ankara was hit by suicide bombers marking the deadliest terror attack in Turkey's history. Turkey, which has always been the most stable country in a turbulent region, risks its security being seriously jeopardised unless the violence is urgently stopped and the political ambiguity is ended through a stable government.
Turkey is headed to its second parliamentary election in five months with snap polls slated for November 1. The election will take place in a highly charged atmosphere with escalating violence and financial volatility. The renewed conflict between Turkey and the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) is spreading throughout the country with the rise of ethnic tensions posing a big threat to internal harmony. Even a peace rally in the capital Ankara was hit by suicide bombers marking the deadliest terror attack in Turkey's history. Turkey, which has always been the most stable country in a turbulent region, risks its security being seriously jeopardised unless the violence is urgently stopped and the political ambiguity is ended through a stable government.
The Middle East is currently being devastated by multiple civil wars and ISIS-led terror. Tens of thousands have had to flee – to Europe, among other places. The nuclear deal between the West and Iran from July 14 could mark the beginning of more peaceful times for the region.
A Femme Fatale é a personagem que, através dos seus atributos e capacidades, seduz e engana em prol do seu querer. Encontra-se, principalmente, retratada em géneros cinematográficos como noir, terror, suspense e ação. Mas, também, noutros meios como banda desenhada, videojogos, publicidade. Possui características comuns na maior parte dos filmes (criminosa, fortemente sexual, poderosa, perigosa, inteligente, manipuladora, destrutiva...). No entanto, a mulher fatal pode assumir géneros, idades e maneiras de agir diferentes (pode seduzir e manipular, pode seduzir e matar, pode seduzir, manipular e levar alguém a matar). O propósito do presente estudo consiste em saber como tal personagem, com traços tão vincados, surgiu na história, como se tornou popular, como é representada no cinema até aos dias de hoje e qual o seu “potencial cultural” futuro.
Mémoire récipiendaire de la mention "Excellent", avec les félicitations du jury.