988 resultados para Tectonic geomorphology


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Data on seawater carbon isotope in the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic is abundant. However, the sulfur isotopic age curve of seawater sulfates determined through the analysis of sulfur isotopic composition of marine evaporite is uncertain in the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic since evaporites are generally rare in Precambrian. The Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic Carbonate Formations preserve not only the carbon isotopic records, but also the sulfur isotopic records of coeval seawater in the Huabei Platform and the Yangtze Platform, China. Sulfur isotopic composition can be determined by the extraction of trace sulfate from carbonate samples. Successive measurements of sulfur and carbon isotopic compositions of carbonate samples from the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic strata in the Huabei Platform and the Yangtze Platform was accomplished through the extracting of trace sulfate from carbonates. Sulfur and carbon isotopic compositions of coeval seawater were obtained from analytical results of sulfur and carbon isotopes of the same sample without diagenetic alteration. The high-resolution age curve of sulfur isotope given in this paper may reflect the trend of variations in sulfur isotope composition of seawater sulfates during the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic. It can be correlated with the characteristics of variation in age curve of carbon isotope of coeval seawater carbonates. The δ34S values of seawater varied from +10.3-37.0‰ during the Mesoproterozoic, which took on oscillated variation on the whole. The δ34S values took on high values in the Mesoproterozoic Chuanlinggou stage, Tuanshanzi stage Tieling stage and in Neoproterozoic Jing'eryu stage. The average of those was about +30‰. The sulfates have low δ34S values in the Mesoproterozoic Yangzhuang stage and Hongshuizhuang stage, The average of those was all lower than +20‰. There occured large-amplitude changs in δ34S values of seawater during the Mesoproterozoic. Large-amplitude oscillate of 534S values occured in the intervals of 1600~1400Ma and 1300~1200Ma. The δ13C values of seawater are mostly negative in Changcheng stage of late Paleoproterozoic, -0 ± 1‰ range in Jixian stage of Mesoproterozoic , and the positive 2±2‰ commonly in early Neoproterozoic Jing'eryu stage. From 1000 Ma to 900 Ma, about 108 years interval of oceanic 513C record is shortage. At the end of Paleoproterozoic (1700 - 1600 Ma), the oceanic 813C values change from -3‰ to 0‰, but strongly oscillate near 1600 Ma. Two larger variations of seawater 513C values occur in the Mesoproterozoic: one is a cycle of about 4%o happens at ca. 1400 Ma; another is rise from >2‰ to>5‰ at ca. 1250 Ma and then become stable at the near 1000 Ma. There appears a large positive excursion over +20‰ in 534S value of ancient seawater sulfates in the early Doushantuo stage. Simultaneously, 8 C values of ancient seawater occur a positive excursion reaching 10‰. These allow δ4S values and 513C values to reach high values of+51.7‰ and +6.9‰, respectively. The range of variation in 834S values of seawater is relatively narrow and 513C values are quite high in the middle Doushantuo stage. Then, δ34S values of seawater become oscillating, the same happens in δ13C values. Negative excursions in 834S values and 813C values occur simultaneously at the end of the Doushantuo stage, and the minimum of δ34S values and δ13C values dropped to -11.3‰ and -5.7‰, respectively. The ancient seawater in the Dengying stage has high δS values and δ13C values. Most of the δ34S values of the trace sulfate samples varied between +23.6‰ and +37.9‰ except two boundaries of the Dengying Formation, and the S13C values of the carbonate samples of the Dengying Formation varied between +0.5‰ and +5.0‰. There appeared large negative excursion in 834S values and δ13C values of ancient seawater at the bounder of Precambrian-Cambrian. The isotopic characteristics of sulfur and carbon implicated that the organic productivity and isotopic fractionation caused by biology were low and the palaeoceanic environment was quite unstable during the Mesoproterozoic. The increase and subsequent oscillation of seawater δ13C value occurred from 1700 to 1600 Ma and near 1300 Ma may be responsible to the two global tectonic events happened at coeval time. The characteristics of variation in sulfur and carbon isotopes of ancient seawater imply strong changes in oceanic environment, which became beneficial to inhabitation and propagation of organism. The organic production and the burial rate of organic carbon once reached a quite high level during the Doushantuo stage. However, the state of environment became unstable that means the global climate and the environment possibly were fluctuating and reiterating after the global glaciation. The negative excursions of S34S values and δ13C values occurring at the end of the Doushantuo stage represent a global event, which might be relative to the oxidation of deep seawater. The isotopic characteristics of sulfur and carbon implicated that there were a high organic productivity and a high burial rate of organic carbon in the Dengying stage. It is obvious that the palaeoceanic environment in Dengying stage was stable corresponding and beneficial for biology to inhabit and propagate except for the two boundaries. The tendency of sulfur and carbon isotopic variations maybe resulted from the gradual oxygenation of ocean environment during the Dengying stage. It has been reported that the secular variations of the sulfur isotopic compositions in seawater was negative correlated with that of carbon isotopic compositions. However, our results show that it is not the case. They were negatively correlated in some intervals and positively in some other intervals of the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic. The difference in correlation may be associated with the changes in conditions of redox in oceanic environment, e.g. sharp change of the oxidation-reduction interface. The strong changes in global environment may induce the abnormality to occur in the biogeo chemical S and C cycles in the ocean and accordingly sharp Variations in isotopic composition of seawater sulfur and carbon during the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic. Simultaneously, the global tectonism caused large changes of 87Sr/86Sr ratios. The leading factor that causes the variation in isotopic composition is different in the different intervals of the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic. Thus, there may exist different models of the biogeochemical S and C cycles in the ocean during the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic.


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With the development of petroleum exploration, subtle reservoir has become the main exploration object in Dongying Depression, which requires some new technologies and methods to further reveal the geological characteristics in step with the mature exploration stage. In this paper, on the references to the studies of petroleum system and multiple oil-gas accumulation belt with flexible maneuverability, and the application of systematic theory, the concept of reservoir assemblage is initially defined as "the association of active source rock(s) and hydrocarbon reservoir(s) that are genetically related, with the bridge of pathway system in an oil and gas bearing basin". Compared with the theories of petroleum system and multiple oil-gas accumulation belts, it emphasizes on the processes of petroleum migration and accumulation and the correlation among active source rock, trapped hydrocarbon and migration pathway, and has been confirmed to be more suitably applied to high maturely explored basin. In the first study of this paper, sequence stratigraphy and subtle analytical technology of source rock have been employed to find that two categories of source rock with their characteristic types of organic matter and substantial states occurred in Dongying Depression. The first category, consisting of the oil shales within the third-order sequences of lacustrine expanding system tracts in the upper interval of the fourth Member of Shahejie Formation and both in the middle and lower intervals of the third Member of Shahejie Formation, is featured with the highest abundance of total organic matter (TOC) and the strongest abilities of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion, which is classified into the standard of good hydrocarbon source rock. Exploration assessment confirmed that about 70-80% of hydrocarbon in Dongying Depression came from this set of source rock for which the low sedimentary rate and strong oxygen-free environment would play the key role during its generation. The second category, composed of organic matter of dark mudstone in high stand system tracts in the upper and middle intervals of the third Member of Shahejie Formation, has been characterized by low content of total organic matter which mostly dispersedly distributes, and formed in the pre-delta to delta front environments. In classification, it belongs to the ordinary standard of source rocks. In the second research part, through the studies of high frequency sequence stratigraphy, fault geometry and active history combining with geochemistry of fluid inclusion and nitrogen compound and simulation test of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation, the faults have been thought to be the principal conduits, and the sandy bodies and unconformities might played the complementary pathways for hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in Dongying Depression of the continental faulted basin. Therefore, the fault activities may mainly constrain on the development of hydrocarbon pathways in space and time. Even more, using homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusion in digenetic minerals, three critical moments for hydrocarbon accumulation have been determined as well in Dongying Depression, which happened during the late stage of Dongying Formation (Ed), the early stage of Guantao Formation (Nig) and the early stage of Minghuazhen Formation (Nim), respectively. Comparatively, the last stage is looked as the main forming-reservoir period, which has also been supported by the results of geochemical analysis and simulation experiments of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion. Clearly, the times of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation are consistent with those of the fault activities in Dongying Depression, which indicate that tectonic activities would control the forming-reservoir. A conceptual model of faulting-episodic expulsion coupled with episodic forming-reservoir has then been established in this study. In the third part of this paper, some focusing areas were selected for the fine descriptions of pathway distribution and forming-reservoir, which has given four types of reservoir assemblage in terms of the main pathway and its correlation with the reservoir and trap: (1) mainly consisted of sandy bodies; (2) mainly consisted of faults; (3) mainly consisted of unconformities; and (4) their complex with two or three types of pathways. This classified criteria has also been applied to access the risk of some prospected traps in Dongying Depression. Finally, through the application of reservoir assemblage integrated with pathway distribution to all the prospective targets in Dongying Depression, the new favorably hydrocarbon accumulated belts have been figured out, and more subtle reservoirs have also been found. For examples, during 2000 and 2002, in the mature exploration areas, such as Liangjialou and Shengtuo structural closures etc., newly proved reserves were 2274 * 104t, and forecasted oil reserves 5660-5860xl04t; and in the predicted favorable areas, newly additional controlled oil reserves was 3355xl04t. Besides those, many other favorable exploration areas need to be further appraised.


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This paper is belonging to Chinese Petrochemical Industry Corporation's key project. Although it is very difficult, it has important theoretical and practical value. Its targets is to make lithological petroleum pool exploration great breakthrough in Dongying sag, by applying advanced theories, the last-minute methods and technology in highly explored zones. By using synthetically multi- discipline theories, methods and technology such as petroleum geology, sedimentology, structure geology, rock mechanics, dynamics of petroleum pool formation, geochemistry, geophysics and so on, and by making full use of computer , the process of petroleum pool forming and distribution rules of lithological petroleum pools have been thoroughly investigated and analyzed in sharp-slope, gentle-slope as well as low-lying region of Dongying sag including dynamic and static. With the study of tectonic stress field, fluid potential field and pressure field, we revealed dynamics condition, distribution rule, control factors and petroleum forming mechanism of lithological pool, and established the forming mode of lithological pool of Dongying sag. The main conclusion as follow: Strata framework, structure framework and sedimentary system of Dongying sag have been established which were the basis of petroleum prediction. There are three kinds of oil source which were from Es4,Es3 and mixed type, also three petroleum forming phases which were the telophase of Dongying stage, Guantao stage and Minghuazhen group, which occur in different geological environment. By using of most advanced numerical modeling software, the space distribution and time evolve of stress field and fluid potential field have been revealed from Esl up to the present. The region with low earth stress and low fluid potential were enrichment region of lithological petroleum pool and fault-block pool. The dynamics mechanism of Lithological petroleum pool in Dongying sag was collocating seal box, abnormity pressure, index number of petroleum forming and static factors on time and space, which was the most important factor of controlling petroleum pool forming, distribution and enrichment. The multi phase active and evolve of seal and unseal about different order fault were main factors of controlling petroleum pool forming of Dongying sag, which have important value for predicting lithological petroleum pool. It is revealed the lithological petroleum pool forming mode that included respective character, forming mechanism and distribution rule in four structural belt, which was a base for lithological petroleum pool prediction. The theories, technology and methods of studying, description, characterize and prediction lithological petroleum pool were established, which have important popularization value. Several lithological pool have been predicted in stress transform, zone, abrupt slope zone, fractured surface changed zone, tosional stress growth zone and abnormity pressure zone with noticeable economic benefit after exploration.


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With the large developments of the seismic sources theory, computing technologies and survey instruments, we can model and rebuild the rupture process of earthquakes more realistically. On which earthquake sources' properties and tectonic activities law are realized more clearly. The researches in this domain have been done in this paper as follows. Based on the generalized ray method, expressions for displacement on the surface of a half-space due to an arbitrary oriented shear and tensile dislocation are also obtained. Kinematically, fault-normal motion is equivalent to tensile faulting. There is some evidence that such motion occurs in many earthquakes. The expressions for static displacements on the surface of a layered half-space due to static point moment tensor source are given in terms of the generalized reflection and transmission coefficient matrix method. The validity and precision of the new method is illustrated by comparing the consistency of our results with the analytical solution given by Okada's code employing same point source and homogenous half-space model. The computed vertical ground displacement using the moment tensor solution of the Lanchang_Gengma earthquake displays considerable difference with that of a double couple component .The effect of a soft layer at the top of the homogenous half-space on a shallow normal-faulting earthquake is also analyzed. Our results show that more seismic information would be obtained utilizing seismic moment tensor source and layered half-space model. The rupture process of 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake investigated by using co-seismic surface displacement GPS observations and far field P-wave records. In according to the tectonic analysis and distributions of aftershock, we introduce a three-segment bending fault planes into our model. Both elastic half-space models and layered-earth models to invert the distribution of co-seismic slip along the Chi-Chi earthquake rupture. The results indicate that the shear slip model can not fit horizontal and vertical co-seismic displacements together, unless we add the fault-normal motion (tensile component) in inversions. And then, the Chi Chi earthquake rupture process was obtained by inversion using the seismograms and GPS observations. Fault normal motions determined by inversion, concentrate on the shallow northern bending fault from Fengyuan to Shuangji where the surface earthquake ruptures reveal more complexity and the developed flexural slip folding structures than the other portions of the rupture zone For understanding the perturbation of surface displacements caused by near-surface complex structures, We have taken a numeric test to synthesize and inverse the surface displacements for a pop-up structure that is composed of a main thrust and a back thrust. Our result indicates that the pop-up structure, the typical shallow complex rupture that occurred in the northern bending fault zone form Fengyuan to Shuangji, can be modeled better by a thrust fault added negative tensile component than by a simple thrust fault. We interpret the negative tensile distributions, that concentrate on the shallow northern bending fault from Fengyuan to Shuangji, as a the synthetic effect including the complexities of property and geometry of rupture. The earthquake rupture process also reveal the more spatial and temporal complexities form Fenyuan to SHuangji. According to the three-components teleseismic records, the S-wave velocity structure beneath the 59 teleseismic stations of Taiwan obtained by using the transform function method and the SA techniques. The integrated results, the 3D crustal structure of Taiwan reveal that the thickest part of crustal local in the western Central Range. This conclusion is consistent with the result form the Bouguer gravity anomaly. The orogenic evolution of Taiwan is young period, and the developing foot of Central Range dose not in static balancing. The crustal of Taiwan stays in the course of dynamic equilibrium. The rupture process of 2003)2,24,Jiashi, Xinjiang earthquake was estimated by the finite fault model using far field broadband P wave records of CDSN and IRIS. The results indicate that the earthquake focal is north dip trust fault including some left-lateral strike slip. The focal mechanism of this earthquake is different form that of earthquakes occurred in 1997 and 1998, but similar to that of 1996, Artux, Xinjiang earthquake. We interpreted that the earthquake caused trust fault due to the Tarim basin pushing northward and orogeny of Tianshan mountain. In the end, give a brief of future research subject: Building the Real Time Distribute System for rupture process of Large Earthquakes Based on Internet.


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The Tertiary Kuche depression, also known as one of the most economically important oil and gas prospecting regions in the Tarim Basin, is a foreland basin formed by flexural subsidence resulting from the southward thrusting of the southern Tianshan. Detailed geological and geophysical studies on the Tertiary sequence of the Kuche region would provide constraints not only on the Mesozoic and Cenozoic deformation patterns, and its controlling on the formation and distribution of oil and gas of the Kuche depression, but also on the India-Asia postcollisional uplift and continental deformation of the Tianshan regions. In this thesis, the Tertiary sequence of the Kuche depression, which is composed of the upper Kumukeliemu Formation, Suweiyi Formation, Jidike Formation, Kangcun Formation, and Kuche Formation, was selected for magnetostratigraphic and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) study. Among a total of 697 collected sites, 688 sites gave magnetic fabric results and 686 sites yielded reliable paleomagnetic results, building up magenetostratigraphy for the Tertiary sequence of the Kuche depression. By correlating with international geomagnetic polarity timescale, the followings were concluded: 1) the time interval of the sampling sections is some 31-8.1 Ma; 2) the boundaries for Kangcun/Jidike Formations, Jidike/Suweiyi Formations, and Suweiyi/Kumukeliemu Formations are at about 13.5 Ma, 26 Ma and 29 Ma respectively; 3) the Jidike Formation might be formed in an interval between the late Upper Oligocene and middle Miocene, whereas the Suweiyi Formation was formed in the Upper Oligocene, in turn, the Paleogene/Neogene boundary is most likely to be at the bottom of the Jidike Formation in the Kuche depression; 4) the dramatic transition from the marine/lacustrine to fluvial/alluvial facies in the Suweiyi Formation and the lower Jidike Formation of the Kuche depression, which may indicate the initiation of Cenozoic thrusting in the Kuche depression, is probably occurred in the late Oligocene, i.e. at about 28-25 Ma. On the other hand, systematic differences of the AMS parameters, such as the corrected anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, shape parameter of ellipsoids, q factors, angles between the intermediate and minimum magnetic susceptibility directions and bedding, indicate that a dramatic transition of tectonic strain is most likely to occur at about 16 Ma (middle Miocene) in the Kuche depression. Taking into account the initiation o f C enozoic thrusting in the Kuche d epression i s at about 2 8-25 M a, we argue that the intensive Cenozoic thrusting in the Kuche depression is mainly happened during a period between the late Oligocene to middle Miocene.


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The relation between tectonic activity and oil and gas migration and accumulation is one of the major subjects studied in petroleum geology and oil and gas exploration process. Oil and gas exploration practice and understandings thus obtained over a long term have indicated that tectonic activities within hydrocarbon bearing basins had important controlling effect on oil and gas migration and accumulation, but the influence of different hydrocarbon basins and tectonic activities on migration, accumulation and distribution of oil and gas differs to certain degree. Liaohe Depression is located in the northeast strip of Baohai Gulf Basin. The two major faults, Tanlu and Yilan-Yitong fault of Tanlu fault system, which played a significant controlling role on the forming and evolution of Cenozoic hydrocarbon basins in eastern China, pass along the east and west side of the Depression. The special structural location had made Liaohe Depression different from other depressions in the Basin in terms of tectonic evolution, depositional evolution, organic evolution, oil and gas migration and accumulation, and reservoir distribution. Major reasons resulting in these differences are tectonic activities and stress effect. Through analytical study of tectonic evolution history, .depositional history, hydrocarbon evolution history, and oil and gas accumulation history in Liaohe Depression, this paper systematically discusses the controlling effect of regional right-hand rotation strike-slip tectonic activity and stress effect on forming of major hydrocarbon bearing structures, major period of hydrocarbon expulsion from source rock, major direction of secondary oil and gas migration, and distribution of oil and gas accumulations since mid-late period of Oliocene, Paleogene. It has been concluded that major oil and gas bearing anticline structures within the Depression are reversal anticlines formed by right-hand rotation strike-slip shear compressional stress, main hydrocarbon expulsion period happened in the moving period of major right-hand rotation strike-slip tectonic activity, the direction of right-hand rotation strike-slip shear compressional stress was the main direction of secondary oil and gas migration, and the discharging zone of right-hand rotation strike-slip shear compressional stress was major accumulation zone of oil and gas.


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Guided by geological theories, the author analyzed factual informations and applied advanced technologies including logging reinterpretation, predicting of fractal-based fracture network system and stochastic modeling to the low permeable sandstone reservoirs in Shengli oilfield. A new technology suitable for precious geological research and 3D heterogeneity modeling was formed through studies of strata precious correlation, relation between tectonic evolution and fractural distribution, the control and modification of reservoirs diagenesis, logging interpretation mathematical model, reservoir heterogeneity, and so on. The main research achievements are as follows: (1) Proposed four categories of low permeable reservoirs, which were preferable, general, unusual and super low permeable reservoir, respectively; (2) Discussed ten geological features of the low permeable reservoirs in Shengli area; (3) Classified turbidite fan of Es_3 member of the Area 3 in Bonan oilfield into nine types of lithological facies, and established the facies sequences and patterns; (4) Recognized that the main diagenesis were compaction, cementation and dissolution, among which the percent compaction was up to 50%~90%; (5) Divided the pore space in ES_3 member reservoir into secondary pores with dissolved carbonate cement and residual intergranular pores strongly compacted and cemented; (6) Established logging interpretation mathematical model guided by facies- control modeling theory; (7) Predicted the fracture distribution in barriers using fractal method; (8) Constructed reservoir structural model by deterministic method and the 3D model of reservoir parameters by stochastic method; (9) Applied permeability magnitudes and directions to describe the fractures' effect on fluid flow, and presented four different fractural configurations and their influence on permeability; (10) Developed 3D modeling technology for the low permeable sandstone reservoirs. The research provided reliable geological foundation for the establishment and modification of development plans in low permeable sandstone reservoirs, improved the development effect and produced more reserves, which provided technical support for the stable and sustained development of Shengli Oilfield.


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Ordos basin with profuse coal, petroleum, natural gas and others mineral resources create the comprehensiveness notice of earthling, and became one of studying hotspots for China and foreign countries geology, petroleum and natural gas geology's workman. Late years, having found commercial value of large middle type gas pools in the upper Palaeozoic group, which have exhibited a very good foreground for gas exploring and exploitation. Through the new gas exploring headway and the exploring course, the east of the basin should regard Ordovician weathering crust in the upper Palaeozoic group, tide flat and barrier-lagoon, deltaic deposit system in the lower Palaeozoic group as the major exploration and research emphasis. Furthermore, it has been found that much gas showed wells, which has gain quantitative industry gas flow wells, especially the new assessment invigorative harvest, and bode that the east of the Ordos basin possess major exploring potential. In regional tectonic, the research region mainly lay in the Yishan incline, and the east part involved the west part of Jinxi warping belt. In tectonic and sedimentary evolution, it had inherited the characteristic of whole basin. From Latepaleozoic to triassic epoch, it developed gradational the transition of sedimentary that changed from sea to land, and from river to lake.


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Western China is regarded as an assemblage of blocks or microplates. The India/Asia postcollisional kinematics of these blocks has attracted many geologists to pay attentions, especially on the geodynamics and intracontinental deformation of Tibetan and adjoining parts of central Asia. So far there are still many debates on the amount of continental shortening and extrusion within Western China blocks. Paleomagnetism plays a very important role in the paleogeographic reconstruction and depiction of kinematics of the blocks, however the unequilibrium of paleomagentic data obtained from Western China prevents paleomagnetists from studying the kinematics and intracontinental deformation on the Tibetan plateau and the central Asia. Moreover, shallower inclinations observed in the Cretaceous and Cenozoic terrestrial red sediments in central Asia makes it difficult to precisely estimate the northward convergence of Tibetan plateau and its adjacent areas since the onset of the Indian/Asian collision. In this thesis, detailed rock magnetic, chronological and paleomagnetic studies have been carried out on the Tuoyun Basin in the southwestern Tianshan to discuss the possible continental shortening and tectonic movements since the Cretaceous-Tertiary. Ar-Ar geochronological study has been conducted on the upper and lower basalt series from the Tuoyun Basin, yielding that the lower and upper basalt series were extruded during 115-113 Ma and 61.8-56.9 Ma, respectively. Both the age spectrum and inverse isochron show that the samples from the upper and lower basalt series have experienced no significant thermal events since extrusion of the baslts. Rock magnetic studies including temperature dependence of magnetization and susceptibility during a heating-cooling cycle from temperature up to 600 ℃ suggest that the baslt samples from the lower and upper basalt series are ferromagnetically predominant of magnetite and a subordinate hematite with a few sites of titanomagnetite. The predominant magnetic mineral of the intercalated red beds is magnetite and hematite. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility shows that both the baslts and the intercalated red beds are unlikely to have undergone significant strain due to compaction or tectonic stress since formation of the rocks. The stable characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) isolated from the most samples of the upper and lower basalt series and intercalated red beds, passes fold test at the 99% confidence level. Together with the geochronological results, we interpret the characteristic component as a primary magnetization acquired in the formation of rocks. Some sites from both the upper and lower basalts yielded shallower inclinations than the reference field computed from the Eurasia APW, we prefer to argue that these shallow inclinations might be related to geomagnetic secular variation, whereas the shallow inclination in the intercalated red beds is likely to be related to detrital remanent magnetization. Paleomagnetic results from the early Cretaceous-Paleogene basalts indicate that no significant N-S convergence has taken place between the Tuoyun Basin and the south margin of Siberia. Furthermore, the Cretaceous and Tertiary paleomagnetic results suggest that the Tuoyun Basin was subjected to a local clockwise rotation of 20°-30° with respect to Eurasia since the Paleocene time, which is probably subsequent to the Cenozoic northward compression of the Pamir arc.


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The Sawuer gold belt is located in the transition belt between Siberian plate and Kazakhstan-Junggar plate. Based on the geological and geochemical studies on the Kuoerzhenkuola and Buerkesidai gold deposits, in Sawuer gold mineralization belt, the time-space structure of mineralization and mineralizing factor are studied, the metallogenic regularity is concluded in thistheses. The ore bodies have the regularity that orebody are of the extensive and compressive in the sallow and depth of volcanic apparatue, respectively, and the vertical extension of orebody is more intensive than the horizontal extension. The gold deposits were controlled by the fractures of volcanic apparatus and regional faults, and featured by the hydrothermal alteration and metasomatism type disseminated mineralization and filling type vein mineralization. By virtue of the geological and geochemical studies on the two deposits that the formation of the two deposits are significantly related to the volcanic activity, we propose new ideas about their origin: (1) the two deposits are located in the same strata, and share the same genesis. (2) both of two deposits are volcanogenic late-stage hydrothermal gold deposits. Based on mapping of volcanic lithofacies and structure for the first time, it is discovered that a volcanic apparatus existed in the study area. Volcanic-intrusive activity can be divided into three cycles and nine lithofacies. where the two deposits are hosted in the same volcanic cycle, in this case, the wall-rock should belong to the same strata. The 40Ar-39Ar age method is employed in this work to analyze the fluid inclusions of quartz in the ore bodies from Kuoerzhenkuola and Buerkesidai gold deposits. The results show that the main mineralization occurred in 332.05 + 2.02-332.59 + 0.5IMa and 335.53 + 0.32Ma~336.78 + 0.50Ma for Kuoerzhenkuola and Buerkesidai gold deposits respectively, indicating that the two deposits are formed almost at the same time, and the metallogenic epoch of the tow deposits are close to those of the hosting rocks formed by volcanic activity of Sawuer gold belt. This geochronological study supplies new evidence for determining the timing of gold mineralization, the geneses of gold deposits? and identifies that in Hercynian period, the Altai developed tectonic-magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization of Early Carboniferous period, except known two metallogenic mineralization periods including tectonic-magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization of Devonian period and Late Carboniferous-Permian period respectively. The study of fluid inclusions indicates that the ore-forming fluid is a type of NaCl-HbO fluid with medium-low temperature and low salinity, Au is transported by the type of auric-sulfur complex (Au (HS)2-), the ore is formed in reduction condition. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of fluid inclusions in the major mineralizating stage show that the solutions mainly originated from magmatic water and meteoric water. The fluid mixing and water-rock reaction cause the deposition of Au. The helium and argon isotope compositions of fluid inclusions hosted in pyrite have been measured from Kuoerzhenkuola and Buerkesidai gold deposits in Sawuer gold belt. The results show that the ore-forming fluids of two deposits possessed the same source and is a mixture of mantle- and partial meteoric water-derived fluid, and the reliability of He and Ar isotopic compositions in Hercynian period is discussed. Isotopic studies including H, O, He, C, S, Pb and Sr reveal the same result that the ore-forming fluids of two deposits possessed the same source: the water derived mainly from magmatic water, partially from meteoric water; the mineralizers and ore materials derived mainly from mantle beneath the island arc, and partially from crust. The ore-forming fluids of two deposits are a mixture of mantle-derived fluids being incorporated by crust-derived fluid, and shallow partial meteoric water. Based on these results, it is proposed that the geneses of the two gold deposits are the same, being volcanogenic late-stage hydrothermal gold deposits that the ore-forming fluids filled in fractures of volcanic apparatus and metasomatized the host rocks in the volcanic apparatus. It is the first time we carried out the geophysical exploration, that is, the EH-4 continuous electrical conductivity image system measurement, the results show that relative large-size mineralizing anomalies in underground have been discovered.lt can confirm the law and genesis of the deposits mentioned above, and change the two abandoned mines to current large-size potenial exploration target.


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As far as the architecture of the south Dabie metamorphic terrain is concerned, there have been lots of different opinions for a long time. Wang et al. (1990, 1992) thought of it was a continuous terrain. Okay (1993) held that it consistes of two different tectonic terrains: the 'hot' and 'cold' eclogite belt. Liu and Wang (1998) held that it is composed of different metamorphic blocks through 'melange' in depth. For this reason, we have choiced Hualiangting reservoir of Taihu county as the study area treat eclogite as the investigated objection in this thesis, and employ the detailed 1 :10000 geological mapping, methods of Petrography and electonic probe anaylsis to probe into the architecture of the south Dabie metamorphic terrains. In the light of the eclogite occurrenc in the field, the analysis of Petrography, the research on metamoiphic P-T path and condition of the peak metamorphic P-T condition, the eclogite in the Taihu area of Dabieshan have been classified into three types eclogite from the south to the north: The zhujiachong type eclogite; The Daba type eclogite; (3) The Jinheqiao type eclogite, their mineral composition, structure, and mineral component vary continuously. These eclogites have the same rnetamoiphic stages, P-T evolution pattern, and their peak P-T condition varies continuously. The zhujiachong type eclogite is formed in the high pressure metamoiphic environment. The Jinheqiao type eclogite is formed in the typical ultra-high pressure environment. The Daba type eclogite is formed in the transformed metamorphic environment between high pressure and ultra-high pressure metamorphism. All these evidences show that the south Dabie metamorphic terrain is a continuous metamorphic block and no large fault ever existed.


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The main research area of this thesis is Jiyang Depression in the Bohaiwan Basin and its southern margin. The object formation is Ordovician carbonate. The research is based on the outcrop observation and measurement of Ordovician carbonate and the drilling data of the oilfield. The internal reservoir characteristics of carbonate buried hill and its distribution were studied by comprehensive methods of sedimentology, reservoir geology and structural geology and technics of cathodoluminescence(CL)3electron microprobe,casting and C O isotope analysis etc. The influence depth of paleokarst facies formed during the Paleozoic is discriminated as 36-84m. The sollution porosity is well developed in paleokarst facies of Ordovician carbonate and is an important type of internal reservoir of buried hill. It may be infered that the fractures may be formed mainly during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, they were not developed during the early Paleozoic when only micro-fractures might be created. The carbon and oxigen isotope analysis shows that the calcite cements in the fractures of Ordovician carbonate and secondary solution pores were related with meteoric water and three stages of fractures were divided. The reservoir space of Ordovician carbonate are mainly secondary porosity, cavern and fracture. The development of structural fracture was controlled by the lithology and tectonic background. More fractures exist in dolomite than that in limestone. There are also more fractures near the fault and the axis of fold. The development of porous reservoir is mainly controlled by the lithology and diagenesis, especially dolomitization and dissolution. It also results in the heterogeneity vertically. So the lithology is the basic factor for the forming of internal reservoir of buried hill and the tectogenesis and diagenesis are key factors to improve it. The porosity in carbonate might experienced solution-cementation-resolution or recementation. The porosity evolution history was a kind of historical dynamic equilibrium. The internal reservoir of Ordovician carbonate is the comprehensive result of constructive and/or destructive diagenesis. The worm's eye maps of the early Paleozoic and middle-upper Proterozoic were plotted. It was inferred that the paleostress field evoluted from NNW to NW during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Three types of buried hills can be divided: C-P/Pzi, Mz/ Pzi and E/ Pzi. The unconformity of the buried hill of E/ Pzi type, comparatively, was formed and reconstructed latestly, t he p orous r eservoir c ould b e w ell p reseved. T his c ondition w as v ery favorable t o t he migration and accumulation of oil and gas and could form upstanding association of source-reservoir-cap rocks. The buried hills of Mz/ Pzi and C-P/Pz] type were took second place.


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The Nihewan Basin is a key area for research into human occupation at high northern latitudes in northeast Asia after the initial expansion of early humans out of Africa. Well-developed late Cenozoic lacustrine deposit sequence in this basin offers a unique opportunity to address this issue. In this thesis, detailed magnetostratigraphic investigation coupled with mineral magnetism was conducted on the Donggutuo and Cenjiawan sections in the eastern basin, where lacustrine deposits sequences containing the Donggutuo, Maliang and Cenjiawan Paleolithic sites are well developed. The sequences are mainly composed of grayish-white clays, grayish-green clayey silts, grayish-yellow silts and fine-grained brown sands, which have recorded reliable polarity variations of geomagnetic field.Characteristics of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility show that the sediments have preserved typical original magnetic fabric for sediments, indicating that the strata were developed in a low-energy lake environment and were never perturbed by tectonic stress since deposition. High-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements (x-T) of representative specimens and demagnetization experiments indicate that the dominant magnetic mineral and remanent carrier at the two sections is magnetite. In addition, hematite and possibly minor maghemite exists in some portions of the sequences. The majority of the samples have relatively simple demagnetization behaviors. After removal of soft magnetic components, the stable characteristic remanent magnetizations (ChRMs) are isolated, which can represent the original remanences.The Donggutuo section mainly records the Brunhes chron, the Matuyama chron and the Jaramillo subchron. The Maliang stone artifact layer occurs just below the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary; and the Donggutuo artifact layer, just below the Jaramillo onset. Accordingly, the Maliang and Donggutuo sites can be dated at about 0.78 Ma and 1.1 Ma, respectively. The Cenjiawan section has recorded a portion of the Matuyama chron. After correlations with the magnetic polarity sequence of the Majuangou section adjacent to this section, the Cenjiawan stone artifact layer is determined below the Jaramillo onset, with an estimated age of 1.1 Ma.To establish the magnetic stratigraphy framework for the lacustrine sediments in the eastern Nihewan Basin, this thesis draws on the magnetic polarity sequences of the Donggutuo and Cenjiawan sections as well as previously obtained results from the Majuangou, Haojiatai, Xiaochangliang and Donggou sections for magnetostratigraphic correlations. The accumulation of the lacustrine sequences at the east margin of the basin commenced from about 2.0 Ma. These sequences record not only the coarse magnetostratigraphy of the Brunhes normal chron and the middle to late Matuyama reverse chron (that is, the Jaramillo and Olduvai subchrons) but also some of the fine structure (that is, the Kamikatsura, Santa Rosa, Punaruu and Cobb Mountain geomagnetic events). The development of the Nihewan paleolake experienced at least twice large expansion periods, split by a large-scale shrinking event in the middle period of the paleolake development. The accumulation of the lacustrine strata was controlled by fault activities.After temporal control for the Donggutuo, Maliang and Cenjiawan Paleolithic sites were established, the three sites along with other well-dated Paleolithic/hominin sites of the Early Pleistocene in North China were combined to construct a chronological sequence of early human occupation in northeastern Asia. Furthermore, after incorporation of paleoclimate changes retrieved from Chinese loess/paleosol sequences and marine sediments, it could be possibly proposed that human groups of the Early Pleistocene in North China might have survived repeated warm/humid interglacials and cold/dry glacials, which were paced by earth orbital variations of the Eastern paleomonsoon.


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Anduo area is located in the Central Tibet, the middle segment of the Bangonghu-Nujiang suture. Anduo Block is the northern part of Lhasa terrane. The relationships among the different geological bodies were determined during the 1: 250000 regional geological surveying. Petrography, petrologic geochemistry, isotopic geochemistry and geochronology of igneous rocks from the suture and granitoids from Anduo Block were analyzed systematically as a whole for the first time. Then, their tectonic setting and history are discussed.Anduo ophiolitic melange consists of metamorphic peridotites, cumulates, plagiogranites, sheeted dykes swarm, pillow lava and radiolarian cherts. The concentration of Cr and Ni in the metamorphic peridotites is very high, with Mg# about 0.94 ~ 0.97, higher 87Sr/86Sr and Pb isotopic ratios, and lower 143Nd/i44Nd ratio. LREE is enriched relative to HREE and positive Eu anomaly is very clear. The REE distribution curve is U shape. Nb and Ta anomalies from cumulate gabbro and sheeted dyke swarm are not clear, while that are slightly negative from pillow lava. Plagiogranite belongs to strong calc-alkaline series with high Si, middle Al, low Fe, Mg and low K contents. Eu anomaly (~ 1.23) from plagiogranites is slightly positive. The character of all components of ophiolite is similar to that of the MORB, while to some extent the ophiolite was influenced by crustal material. Anduo ophiolite formed in a mature back-arc basin. Additionally, intermediate acidity volcanic rocks within Anduo phiolite melange are island arc calc-alkline rocks related to ocean subduction.The early-middle Jurassic plutonic rocks are tonalite, granodiorite bearing-phenocryst, magaporphyritic hornblende monzogranite, magaporphyritic monzogranite, monzogranite bearing-phenocryst and syenogranite in turn. They belong to calc-alkaline series which developed from middle K to high K series temporally. REE distribution curves of all plutonic rocks are similar and parallel to each other. SREE and negative Eu anomaly values decrease. In the multi-element spider diagram, the curves of different plutons are similar to each other, but troughs of Nb, Sr, P and Ti from young plutons become more evident. This suggests that thereare some closely petrogenetic affinities among plutonic rocks which make up amagma plutonism cycle of the early-middle Jurassic. Magma source is mainly crustal,but abundant mafic microgranular enclaves within granitoids indicate that crastalmagma should be mixed with mantle-derived magma and the mantle-derived magmadecreased subsequently. Tonalite has features of I-type granite, magaporphyriticmonzogranite is transition type, and monzogranite bearing-phenocryst is S-typegranite. The characteristic of granitoids from Anduo Block suggest that the formingtectonic setting is active continental margin.Reliable zircon U-Pb SHRIMP ages are obtained in the study area firstly. Plagiogranite from the Anduo ophiolite of the Bangonghu-Nujiang suture is 175.1 Ma, and granitoids from Anduo Block is 172.6-185.4 Ma. Additionally, plagioclase from the plagiogranite dates a 40Ar/39Ar age of 144 Ma, while biotite and hornblend from granitoids of Anduo Block give a 163-165 Ma.Similar cooling ages of plagiogranite from the Anduo ophiolitic melange and granitoids from Anduo Block and the spatial distribution of the ophiolitic rocks between Anduo, Naqu, and Shainzha area suggest that bilateral subduction of the Bangonghu-Nujiang oceanic basin took place in the early-middle Jurassic. During this subduction, Anduo ophiolitic rocks were related to north subduction of the Bangonghu-Nujiang oceanic basin and Anduo back-arc basin spreading, while granitoids from Anduo Block were related to south subduction.


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East China Sea Shelf Basin (ECSSB), as a basin with prospect of oil & gas resource and due to its special geological location on the west margin of the west Pacific, attracts a lot of attention from many geologists in the world.Based on systematic temperature measurements, bottom hole temperature (BHT) and the oil temperature data, the geothermal gradients in the ECS SB are calculated and vary from 25 to 43°C/km, with a mean of 32.7°C/km. The geothermal gradient in Fuzhou Sag has the higher value(40.6°C/km) in Taibei Depression than that in others. The lower value (27.2 °C/km) occurs in in Xihu Depression. The middle values occurs in Jiaojiang and Lishui sags in Taibei Depression with a mean value of 34.8 °C/km. Incorporated with the measured thermal conductivity, heat flow values show that the ECSSB is characterized by present-day heat flow around 70.6mW/m2, varying between 55 and 88 mW/m2. No significant difference in heat flow is observed between the Xihu and the Taibei Depressions. These heat flow data suggest that the ECSSB is geothermally not a modem back-arc basin.Applying the paleogeothermal gradient based method, thermal history is reconstructed using vitrinite reflectance (VR) and apatite fission track (AFT) data. The results suggest that the thermal history was different in the Taibei and the Xihu depressions. Paleo-heat flow values when the pre-Tertiary formations experienced their maximum temperature at the end of the Paleocene reached a mean of 81 mW/m2 in the Taibei Depression, much higher than the present-day value. The lower Tertiary sediments in the Xihu Depression experienced maximum temperatures at the end of Oligocene and reached a mean paleo-heat flow value of 83.4 mW/m2. The time, when the paleo-heat flow reached the maximum value, suggests that the ECSSB rifted eastward.Tectonic subsidence analysis shows that the timing of the major rifting episode was different across the ECSSB. The rifting occurred from the Late Cretaceous to the early Eocene in the Taibei Depression, followed by thermal subsidence from the late Eocene to the end of Miocene. In contrast, in the Xihu Depression the initial subsidence lasted until the early Miocene and thermal subsidence to the end of Miocene. From Pliocene to the present, an accelerated subsidence took place all along the West Pacific margin of the east Asia.The thermal lithosphere thickness is determined by temperature profile in the lithosphere, the mantle adiabat or the dry basalt solidus. It indicates that the thermal lithosphere reached the thinnest thickness at the end of Eocene in the Taibei Depression and the end of Oligocene in the Xihu Depression, respectively, corresponding with a value of 57-66km and 56-64km. In Taibei Depression, the lithosphere thickness decreased 16-22km from the end of Mesozoic to Paleocene. After Paleocene, the thickness increased 13-16km and reached 71-79 km at present-day. In Xihu Depression, From the end of Oligocene to present-day, the thickness increased 10-13km and reached 69-76km at present-day. The evolution of the lithosphere thickness is associated closely with the lithosphere stretching.Combining the reconstructed thermal history and the burial history, the maturation of the Jurassic oil-source rock shows that the main hydrocarbon generation phase was in the mid-Jurassic and a secondary hydrocarbon generation occurred at the end of Paleocene. The secondary generation was controlled mainly by the tectono-thermal background during the Paleocene.