708 resultados para TUNABLE WETTABILITY
We propose and demonstrate a low-cost alternative scheme of direct-detection to detect a 100Gbps polarization-multiplexed differential quadrature phase-shift keying (PM-DQPSK) signal. The proposed scheme is based on a delay line and a polarization rotator; the phase-shift keying signal is first converted into a polarization shift keying signal. Then, this signal is converted into an intensity modulated signal by a polarization beam splitter. Finally, the intensity-modulated signal is detected by balanced photodetectors. In order to demonstrate that our proposed receiver is suitable for using as a PM-DQPSK demodulator, a set of simulations have been performed. In addition to testing the sensitivity, the performance under various impairments, including narrow optical filtering, polarization mode dispersion, chromatic dispersion and polarization sensitivity, is analyzed. The simulation results show that our performance receiver is as good as a conventional receiver based on four delay interferometers. Moreover, in comparison with the typical receiver, fewer components are used in our receiver. Hence, implementation is easier, and total cost is reduced. In addition, our receiver can be easily improved to a bit-rate tunable receiver.
La iluminación con diodos emisores de luz (LED) está reemplazando cada vez en mayor medida a las fuentes de luz tradicionales. La iluminación LED ofrece ventajas en eficiencia, consumo de energía, diseño, tamaño y calidad de la luz. Durante más de 50 años, los investigadores han estado trabajando en mejoras LED. Su principal relevancia para la iluminación está aumentando rápidamente. Esta tesis se centra en un campo de aplicación importante, como son los focos. Se utilizan para enfocar la luz en áreas definidas, en objetos sobresalientes en condiciones profesionales. Esta iluminación de alto rendimiento requiere una calidad de luz definida, que incluya temperaturas ajustables de color correlacionadas (CCT), de alto índice de reproducción cromática (CRI), altas eficiencias, y colores vivos y brillantes. En el paquete LED varios chips de diferentes colores (rojo, azul, fósforo convertido) se combinan para cumplir con la distribución de energía espectral con alto CRI. Para colimar la luz en los puntos concretos deseados con un ángulo de emisión determinado, se utilizan blancos sintonizables y diversos colores de luz y ópticas secundarias. La combinación de una fuente LED de varios colores con elementos ópticos puede causar falta de homogeneidad cromática en la distribución espacial y angular de la luz, que debe resolverse en el diseño óptico. Sin embargo, no hay necesidad de uniformidad perfecta en el punto de luz debido al umbral en la percepción visual del ojo humano. Por lo tanto, se requiere una descripción matemática del nivel de uniformidad del color con respecto a la percepción visual. Esta tesis está organizada en siete capítulos. Después de un capítulo inicial que presenta la motivación que ha guiado la investigación de esta tesis, en el capítulo 2 se presentan los fundamentos científicos de la uniformidad del color en luces concentradas, como son: el espacio de color aplicado CIELAB, la percepción visual del color, los fundamentos de diseño de focos respecto a los motores de luz y ópticas no formadoras de imágenes, y los últimos avances en la evaluación de la uniformidad del color en el campo de los focos. El capítulo 3 desarrolla diferentes métodos para la descripción matemática de la distribución espacial del color en un área definida, como son la diferencia de color máxima, la desviación media del color, el gradiente de la distribución espacial de color, así como la suavidad radial y axial. Cada función se refiere a los diferentes factores que influyen en la visión, los cuales necesitan un tratamiento distinto que el de los datos que se tendrán en cuenta, además de funciones de ponderación que pre- y post-procesan los datos simulados o medidos para la reducción del ruido, la luminancia de corte, la aplicación de la ponderación de luminancia, la función de sensibilidad de contraste, y la función de distribución acumulativa. En el capítulo 4, se obtiene la función de mérito Usl para la estimación de la uniformidad del color percibida en focos. Se basó en los resultados de dos conjuntos de experimentos con factor humano realizados para evaluar la percepción visual de los sujetos de los patrones de focos típicos. El primer experimento con factor humano dio lugar al orden de importancia percibida de los focos. El orden de rango percibido se utilizó para correlacionar las descripciones matemáticas de las funciones básicas y la función ponderada sobre la distribución espacial del color, que condujo a la función Usl. El segundo experimento con factor humano probó la percepción de los focos bajo condiciones ambientales diversas, con el objetivo de proporcionar una escala absoluta para Usl, para poder así sustituir la opinión subjetiva personal de los individuos por una función de mérito estandarizada. La validación de la función Usl se presenta en relación con el alcance de la aplicación y condiciones, así como las limitaciones y restricciones que se realizan en el capítulo 5. Se compararon los datos medidos y simulados de varios sistemas ópticos. Se discuten los campos de aplicación , así como validaciones y restricciones de la función. El capítulo 6 presenta el diseño del sistema de focos y su optimización. Una evaluación muestra el análisis de sistemas basados en el reflector y la lente TIR. Los sistemas ópticos simulados se comparan en la uniformidad del color Usl, sensibilidad a las sombras coloreadas, eficiencia e intensidad luminosa máxima. Se ha comprobado que no hay un sistema único que obtenga los mejores resultados en todas las categorías, y que una excelente uniformidad de color se pudo alcanzar por la conjunción de dos sistemas diferentes. Finalmente, el capítulo 7 presenta el resumen de esta tesis y la perspectiva para investigar otros aspectos. ABSTRACT Illumination with light-emitting diodes (LED) is more and more replacing traditional light sources. They provide advantages in efficiency, energy consumption, design, size and light quality. For more than 50 years, researchers have been working on LED improvements. Their main relevance for illumination is rapidly increasing. This thesis is focused on one important field of application which are spotlights. They are used to focus light on defined areas, outstanding objects in professional conditions. This high performance illumination required a defined light quality including tunable correlated color temperatures (CCT), high color rendering index (CRI), high efficiencies and bright, vivid colors. Several differently colored chips (red, blue, phosphor converted) in the LED package are combined to meet spectral power distribution with high CRI, tunable white and several light colors and secondary optics are used to collimate the light into the desired narrow spots with defined angle of emission. The combination of multi-color LED source and optical elements may cause chromatic inhomogeneities in spatial and angular light distribution which needs to solved at the optical design. However, there is no need for perfect uniformity in the spot light due to threshold in visual perception of human eye. Therefore, a mathematical description of color uniformity level with regard to visual perception is required. This thesis is organized seven seven chapters. After an initial one presenting the motivation that has guided the research of this thesis, Chapter 2 introduces the scientific basics of color uniformity in spot lights including: the applied color space CIELAB, the visual color perception, the spotlight design fundamentals with regards to light engines and nonimaging optics, and the state of the art for the evaluation of color uniformity in the far field of spotlights. Chapter 3 develops different methods for mathematical description of spatial color distribution in a defined area, which are the maximum color difference, the average color deviation, the gradient of spatial color distribution as well as the radial and axial smoothness. Each function refers to different visual influencing factors, and they need different handling of data be taken into account, along with weighting functions which pre- and post-process the simulated or measured data for noise reduction, luminance cutoff, the implementation of luminance weighting, contrast sensitivity function, and cumulative distribution function. In chapter 4, the merit function Usl for the estimation of the perceived color uniformity in spotlights is derived. It was based on the results of two sets of human factor experiments performed to evaluate the visual perception of typical spotlight patterns by subjects. The first human factor experiment resulted in the perceived rank order of the spotlights. The perceived rank order was used to correlate the mathematical descriptions of basic functions and weighted function concerning the spatial color distribution, which lead to the Usl function. The second human factor experiment tested the perception of spotlights under varied environmental conditions, with to objective to provide an absolute scale for Usl, so the subjective personal opinion of individuals could be replaced by a standardized merit function. The validation of the Usl function is presented concerning the application range and conditions as well as limitations and restrictions in carried out in chapter 5. Measured and simulated data of various optical several systems were compared. Fields of applications are discussed as well as validations and restrictions of the function. Chapter 6 presents spotlight system design and their optimization. An evaluation shows the analysis of reflector-based and TIR lens systems. The simulated optical systems are compared in color uniformity Usl , sensitivity to colored shadows, efficiency, and peak luminous intensity. It has been found that no single system which performed best in all categories, and that excellent color uniformity could be reached by two different system assemblies. Finally, chapter 7 summarizes the conclusions of the present thesis and an outlook for further investigation topics.
A novel tunable liquid crystal microaxicon array is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The proposed structure is capable of generating tunable axicons (thousands of elements) of micrometric size, with simple control (four control voltages) and low voltage, and is totally reconfigurable. Depending on the applied voltages, control over the diameter, as well as the effective wedge angle, can be achieved. Controls over the diameter ranging from 107 to 77 μm have been demonstrated. In addition, a control over the phase profile tunability, from 12π to 24π radians, has been demonstrated. This result modifies the effective cone angle. The diameter tunability, as well the effective cone angle, results in a control over the nondiffractive Bessel beam distance. The RMS wavefront deviation from the ideal axicon is only λ∕3. The proposed device has several advantages over the existing microaxicon arrays, including being simple having a low cost. The device could contribute to developing new applications and to reducing the fabrication costs of current devices.
In this paper, the design and experimental characterization of a tunable microstrip bandpass filter based on liquid crystal technology are presented. A reshaped microstrip dual-mode filter structure has been used in order to improve the device performance. Specifically, the aim is to increase the pass-band return loss of the filter by narrowing the filter bandwidth. Simulations confirm the improvement of using this new structure, achieving a pass-band return loss increase of 1.5 dB at least. Because of the anisotropic properties of LC molecules, a filter central frequency shift from 4.688 GHz to 5.045 GHz, which means a relative tuning range of 7.3%, is measured when an external AC voltage from 0 Vrms to 15 Vrms is applied to the device.
La preservación del patrimonio bibliográfico y documental en papel es uno de los mayores retos a los que se enfrentan bibliotecas y archivos de todo el mundo. La búsqueda de soluciones al problema del papel degradado ha sido abordada históricamente desde dos líneas de trabajo predominantes: la conservación de estos documentos mediante la neutralización de los ácidos presentes en ellos con agentes alcalinos, y su restauración mediante el método de laminación fundamentalmente con papel de origen vegetal. Sin embargo, no se ha explorado con éxito la posibilidad de reforzar la celulosa dañada, y el problema sigue sin encontrar una solución satisfactoria. Hasta el día de hoy, el desarrollo de tratamientos basados en biotecnología en la conservación del patrimonio documental ha sido muy escaso, aunque la capacidad de ciertas bacterias de producir celulosa lleva a plantear su uso en el campo de la conservación y restauración del papel. La celulosa bacteriana (CB) es químicamente idéntica a la celulosa vegetal, pero su organización macroscópica es diferente. Sus propiedades únicas (alto grado de cristalinidad, durabilidad, resistencia y biocompatibilidad) han hecho de este material un excelente recurso en diferentes campos. En el desarrollo de esta tesis se ha estudiado el uso de la celulosa bacteriana, de alta calidad, generada por Gluconacetobacter sucrofermentans CECT 7291, para restaurar documentos deteriorados y consolidar los que puedan estar en peligro de degradación, evitando así su destrucción y proporcionando al papel que se restaura unas buenas propiedades mecánicas, ópticas y estructurales. Se desarrollan asimismo protocolos de trabajo que permitan la aplicación de dicha celulosa. En primer lugar se seleccionó el medio de cultivo que proporcionó una celulosa adecuada para su uso en restauración. Para ello se evaluó el efecto que tienen sobre la celulosa generada las fuentes de carbono y nitrógeno del medio de cultivo, manteniendo como parámetros fijos la temperatura y el pH inicial del medio, y efectuando los ensayos en condiciones estáticas. Se evaluó, también, el efecto que tiene en la CB la adición de un 1% de etanol al medio de cultivo. Las capas de celulosa se recolectaron a cuatro tiempos distintos, caracterizando en cada uno de ellos el medio de cultivo (pH y consumo de fuente de carbono), y las capas de CB (pH, peso seco y propiedades ópticas y mecánicas). La mejor combinación de fuentes de carbono y nitrógeno resultó ser fructosa más extracto de levadura y extracto de maíz, con o sin etanol, que proporcionaban una buena relación entre la producción de celulosa y el consumo de fuente de carbono, y que generaban una capa de celulosa resistente y homogénea. La adición de etanol al medio de cultivo, si bien aumentaba la productividad, causaba un descenso apreciable de pH. Las capas de CB obtenidas con los medios de cultivo optimizados se caracterizaron en términos de sus índices de desgarro y estallido, propiedades ópticas, microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM), difracción de rayos-X, espectroscopía infrarroja con transformada de Fourier (FTIR), grado de polimerización, ángulos de contacto estáticos y dinámicos, y porosimetría de intrusión de mercurio. Por otro lado hay que tener en cuenta que el material restaurado debe ser estable con el tiempo. Por ello esta misma caracterización se efectuó tras someter a las capas de CB a un proceso de envejecimiento acelerado. Los resultados mostraron que la CB resultante tiene un elevado índice de cristalinidad, baja porosidad interna, buenas propiedades mecánicas, y alta estabilidad en el tiempo. Para desarrollar los protocolos de trabajo que permitan la restauración con esta celulosa optimizada, se comienzó con un proceso de selección de los papeles que van a ser restaurados. Se eligieron tres tipos de papeles modelo, hechos con pasta mecánica, química y filtro (antes y después de ser sometidos a un proceso de envejecimiento acelerado), y tres libros viejos adquiridos en el mercado de segunda mano. Estos ejemplares a restaurar se caracterizaron también en términos de sus propiedades mecánicas y fisicoquímicas. El primer protocolo de restauración con CB que se evaluó fue el denominado laminación. Consiste en aplicar un material de refuerzo al documento mediante el uso de un adhesivo. Se seleccionó para ello la CB producida en el medio de cultivo optimizado con un 1% de etanol. Se aplicó un método de purificación alcalino (1 hora a 90 °C en NaOH al 1%) y como adhesivo se seleccionó almidón de trigo. El proceso de laminación se efectuó también con papel japonés (PJ), un material habitualmente utilizado en conservación, para comparar ambos materiales. Se concluyó que no hay diferencias significativas en las características estudiadas entre los dos tipos de materiales de refuerzo. Se caracterizó el material reforzado y, también, después de sufrir un proceso de envejecimiento acelerado. Los papeles laminados con CB mostraban diferencias más marcadas en las propiedades ópticas que los restaurados con PJ, con respecto a los originales. Sin embargo, el texto era más legible cuando el material de restauración era la CB. La mojabilidad disminuía con ambos tipos de refuerzo, aunque en los papeles laminados con CB de manera más marcada e independiente del material a restaurar. Esto se debe a la estructura cerrada de la CB, que también conduce a una disminución en la permeabilidad al aire. Este estudio sugiere que la CB mejora la calidad del papel deteriorado, sin alterar la información que contiene, y que esta mejora se mantiene a lo largo del tiempo. Por tanto, la CB puede ser utilizada como material de refuerzo para laminar, pudiendo ser más adecuada que el PJ para ciertos tipos de papeles. El otro método de restauración que se estudió fue la generación in situ de la CB sobre el papel a restaurar. Para ello se seleccionó el medio de cultivo sin etanol, ya que el descenso de pH que causaba su presencia podría dañar el documento a restaurar. El método de purificación elegido fue un tratamiento térmico (24 horas a 65 °C), menos agresivo para el material a restaurar que el tratamiento alcalino. Se seleccionó la aplicación del medio de cultivo con la bacteria mediante pincel sobre el material a restaurar. Una vez caracterizado el material restaurado, y éste mismo tras sufrir un proceso de envejecimiento acelerado, se concluyó que no hay modificación apreciable en ninguna característica, salvo en la permeabilidad al aire, que disminuye de manera muy evidente con la generación de CB, dando lugar a un material prácticamente impermeable al aire. En general se puede concluir que ha quedado demostrada la capacidad que tiene la celulosa generada por la bacteria Gluconacetobacter sucrofermentans CECT 7291 para ser utilizada como material de refuerzo en la restauración del patrimonio documental en papel. Asimismo se han desarrollado dos métodos de aplicación, uno ex situ y otro in situ, para efectuar esta tarea de restauración. ABSTRACT The preservation of bibliographic and documentary heritage is one of the biggest challenges that libraries and archives around the world have to face. The search for solutions to the problem of degraded paper has historically been focused from two predominants lines of work: the conservation of these documents by the neutralization of acids in them with alkaline agents, and their restoration by lining them with, basically, cellulose from vegetal sources. However, the possibility of strengthening the damaged cellulose has not been successfully explored, and the problem still persists. Until today, the development of biotechnology-based treatments in documentary heritage conservation has been scarce, although the ability of certain bacteria to produce cellulose takes to propose its use in the field of conservation and restoration of paper. The bacterial cellulose (BC) is chemically identical to the plant cellulose, but its macroscopic organization is different. Its unique properties (high degree of crystallinity, durability, strength and biocompatibility), makes it an excellent resource in different fields. The use of high-quality BC generated by Gluconacetobacter sucrofermentans CECT 7291 to restore damaged documents and to consolidate those that may be at risk of degradation, has been studied in this thesis, trying to prevent the document destruction, and to get reinforced papers with good mechanical, optical and structural properties. Protocols that allow the implementation of the BC as a reinforcing material were also developed. First of all, in order to select the culture medium that provides a cellulose suitable for its use in restoration, it has been evaluated the effect that the carbon and nitrogen sources from the culture medium have on the generated BC, keeping the temperature and the initial pH of the medium as fixed parameters, and performing the culture without shaking. The effect of the addition of 1% ethanol to the culture medium on BC properties was also evaluated. The cellulose layers were collected at four different times, characterizing in all of them the culture medium (pH and carbon source consumption), and the BC sheets (pH, dry weight and optical and mechanical properties). The best combination of carbon and nitrogen sources proved to be fructose plus yeast extract and corn steep liquor, with or without ethanol, which provided a good balance between the cellulose production and the consumption of carbon source, and generating BC sheets homogeneous and resistant. The addition of ethanol to the culture medium increased productivity but caused a noticeable decrement in pH. The BC layers generated with these optimized culture media, have been characterized in terms of tear and burst index, optical properties, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction, infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (FTIR), polymerization degree, static and dynamic contact angles, and mercury intrusion porosimetry. Moreover it must be kept in mind that the restored materials should be stable over time. Therefore, the same characterization was performed after subjecting the layers of BC to an accelerated aging process. The results showed that the BC sheets obtained have a high crystallinity index, low internal porosity, good mechanical properties, and high stability over time. To develop working protocols to use this optimized BC in paper restoration, the first step was to select the samples to restore. Three types of model papers, made from mechanical pulp, chemical pulp and filter paper (before and after an accelerated aging process), and three old books purchased in the second hand market, were chosen. These specimens to be restored were also characterized in terms of its mechanical and physicochemical properties. The first protocol of restoration with BC to be evaluated is called linning. It consists on applying a reinforcing material to the document using an adhesive. The BC produced in the optimized culture medium with 1% ethanol was selected. An alkali purification method (1 hour at 90 °C in 1% NaOH) was applied, and wheat starch was selected as adhesive. The linning process was also carried out with Japanese paper (JP), a material commonly used in conservation, in order to compare both materials. It was concluded that there are no significant differences in the characteristics studied of the two types of reinforcing materials. The reinforced materials were characterized before and after undergoing to an accelerated aging. Papers lined with BC showed more marked differences in the optical properties that papers restored with JP. However, the text was more readable when BC was the reinforcing material. Wettability decreased with both types of reinforcement, although in the papers linned with BC it happened more marked and independently of the sample to restore. This is due to the closed structure of BC, which also leads to a decrement in air permeance. This study suggests that BC improves the deteriorated paper quality, without altering the information on it, and that this improvement is maintained over time. Therefore, the BC may be used as reinforcing material for linning, being more suitable than the JP to restore certain types of papers. The other restoration method to be evaluated was the in situ generation of BC over the paper to restore. For this purpose the culture medium without ethanol was selected, as the pH decrement caused by his presence would damage the document to restore. As purification method a heat treatment (24 hours at 65 °C) was chosen, less aggressive to the material to restore than the alkaline treatment. It was decided to apply the culture medium with the bacteria onto the material to restore with a brush. The reinforced material was characterized before and after an accelerated aging process. It was concluded that there was no substantial change in any characteristic, except for air permeance, which decreases very sharply after the generation of BC, getting a substantially air impermeable material. In general, it can be concluded that the ability of BC produced by Gluconacetobacter sucrofermentans CECT 7291 for its use as a reinforcing material in the restoration of paper documentary heritage, has been demonstrated. Also, two restoration methods, one ex situ and another in situ have been developed.
El presente trabajo de Tesis se ha centrado en el diseño, fabricación y caracterización de dispositivos basados en fibras de cristal fotónico infiltrado selectivamente con cristales líquidos, polímeros y una mezcla de ambos. Todos los dispositivos son sintonizables, y su área de aplicación se centra en comunicaciones ópticas y sensores. La manipulación y fusionado de fibras fotónicas, el llenado selectivo de determinadas cavidades y la alineación recíproca de fibras mantenedoras de polarización son tareas muy específicas y delicadas para las que se requieren protocolos muy estrictos. Previo a la fabricación de dispositivos ha sido necesaria por tanto una tarea de sistematización y creación de protocolos de fabricación. Una vez establecidos se ha procedido a la fabricación y caracterización de dispositivos. Los dispositivos fabricados se enumeran a continuación para posteriormente detallar una a una las singularidades de cada uno. • Interferómetros intermodales hechos a partir de una porción de fibra fotónica soldada entre dos fibras estándar, bien monomodo o PANDA (mantenedora de polarización). Estos interferómetros han sido sumergidos o bien llenados selectivamente con cristales líquidos para así sintonizar la señal interferométrica guiada a través de la fibra. • Infiltración de fibras fotónicas con cristales líquidos colestéricos con especial énfasis en la fase azul (blue phase) de estos materiales. Las moléculas de cristal líquido se autoalinean en volumen por lo que la infiltración de fibras fotónicas con estos cristales líquidos es muy interesante, pues es conocida la dificultad de alinear apropiadamente cristales líquidos dentro de cavidades micrométricas de las fibras fotónicas. • Grabación de redes holográficas de forma selectiva en las cavidades de una fibra fotónica. Estas redes holográficas, llamadas POLICRYPS (POlymer-LIquid CRYstal-Polymer Slices), son redes fabricadas a base de franjas de polímero y cristal líquido alineado perpendicularmente a dichas franjas. Las franjas son a su vez perpendiculares al eje de la fibra como lo puede ser una red de Bragg convencional. El cristal líquido, al estar alineado perpendicularmente a dichos franjas y paralelo al eje de la fibra, se puede conmutar aplicando un campo eléctrico externo, modificando así el índice efectivo de la red. Se puede fabricar por lo tanto una red de Bragg sintonizable en fibra, muy útil en comunicaciones ópticas. • Llenado selectivo de fibras fotónicas con polidimetilsiloxano (PDMS), un polímero de tipo silicona. Si se realiza un llenado selectivo asimétrico se puede inducir birrefringencia en la fibra. El índice de refracción del PDMS tiene una fuerte dependencia térmica, por lo que se puede sintonizar la birrefringencia de la fibra. • Estudio teórico de llenado selectivo de fibras fotónicas con PDMS dopado con nanopartículas de plata de 5, 40 y 80 nm. Estas nanopartículas poseen un pico de absorción en torno a los 450 nm debido a resonancias superficiales localizadas de plasmones (LSPR). La resonancia del plasmon tiene una fuerte dependencia con el índice de refracción del material colindante, y al ser éste PDMS, la variación de índice de refracción se ve amplificada, obteniendo una absorción sintonizable. Se ha propuesto la fabricación de polarizadores sintonizables usando esta técnica. Como ya se ha dicho, previamente a la fabricación ha sido necesaria la protocolización de diversos procedimientos de fabricación de alta complejidad, así como protocolizar el proceso de toma de medidas para optimizar los resultados. Los procedimientos que han requerido la formulación de protocolos específicos han sido los siguientes: • Llenado selectivo de cavidades en una fibra fotónica. Dichas fibras tienen generalmente un diámetro externo de 125 μm, y sus cavidades son de entre 5 y 10 μm de diámetro. Se han desarrollado tres técnicas diferentes para el llenado/bloqueado selectivo, pudiéndose combinar varios protocolos para la optimización del proceso. Las técnicas son las siguientes: o Llenado y bloqueado con un prepolímero. Dicho prepolímero, también llamado adhesivo óptico, está inicialmente en estado líquido y posee una cierta viscosidad. Las cavidades de la fibra fotónica que se desea llenar o bloquear poseen un diámetro diferente al resto, por lo que en el proceso de llenado aparecen dos frentes de llenado dependientes de su diámetro. A mayor diámetro, mayor velocidad de llenado. Polimerizando cuando existe dicha diferencia en los frentes se puede cortar por medio, obteniendo así una fibra parcialmente bloqueada. o Colapsamiento de las cavidades de menor diámetro mediante aplicación de calor. El calor producido por un arco voltaico de una soldadora de fibra estándar fusiona el material exterior de la fibra produciendo el colapsamiento de las cavidades de menor diámetro. En esta técnica también es necesaria una diferencia de diámetros en las cavidades de la fibra. o Bloqueo una a una de las cavidades de la fibra fotónica con adhesivo óptico. Este procedimiento es muy laborioso y requiere mucha precisión. Con este sistema se pueden bloquear las cavidades deseadas de una fibra sin importar su diámetro. • Alineación de una fuente de luz linealmente polarizada con una fibra mantenedora de polarización ya sea PANDA o fotónica. Así mismo también se han alineado entre sí fibras mantenedoras de polarización, para que sus ejes rápidos se fusionen paralelos y así el estado de polarización de la luz guiada se mantenga. • Sistematización de toma de medidas para caracterizar los interferómetros modales. Éstos son altamente sensibles a diversas variables por lo que el proceso de medida es complejo. Se deben aislar variables de forma estrictamente controlada. Aunque todos los dispositivos tienen en común el llenado selectivo de cavidades en una fibra fotónica cada dispositivo tiene sus peculiaridades, que van a ser explicadas a continuación. ABSTRACT The present Thesis has been centered in the design, fabrication and characterization of devices based on photonic crystal fibers selectively filled with liquid crystals, polymers and a mixture of both. All devices are tunable and their work field is optical communications and sensing The handling and splicing of photonic crystal fibers, the selective filling of their holes and the aligning of polarization maintaining fibers are very specific and delicate tasks for which very strict protocols are required. Before the fabrication of devices has therefore been necessary task systematization and creation of manufacturing protocols. Once established we have proceeded to the fabrication and characterization of devices. The fabricated devices are listed below and their peculiarities are detailed one by one: • Intermodal interferometers made with a portion of photonic crystal fiber spliced between two optical communication fiber pigtails, either single mode or PANDA (polarization-maintaining) fiber. These interferometers have been submerged or selectively filled with liquid crystals to tune the interferometric guided signal. • Infiltration of photonic fibers with cholesteric liquid crystals with special emphasis on their blue phase (blue phase). The liquid crystal molecules are self-aligning in volume so the infiltration of photonic fibers with these liquid crystals is very interesting. It is notoriously difficult to properly align liquid crystals within micron cavities such as photonic fibers. • Selectively recording of holographic gratings in the holes of photonic crystal fibers. These holographic gratings, called POLICRYPS (POlymer-LIquid CRYstal-Polymes Slices), are based on walls made of polymer and liquid crystal aligned perpendicular to them. These walls are perpendicular to the axis of the fiber as it can be a conventional Bragg grating. The liquid crystal is aligned perpendicular to the walls and parallel to the fiber axis, and can be switched by applying an external electric field and thus change the effective index of the grating. It is thus possible to manufacture a tunable Bragg grating fiber, useful in optical communications. •Asymmetrically selective filling of photonic crystal fibers with a silicone polymer like called polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) to induce birefringence in the fiber. The refractive index of PDMS has temperature dependence, so that the birefringence of the fiber can be tuned. • Theoretical study of photonic crystal fibers selectively filled with PDMS doped with silver nanoparticles of 5, 40 and 80 nm. These nanoparticles have an absorption peak around 450 nm due to localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPR). Plasmon resonance has a strong dependence on the refractive index of the adjacent material, and as this is PDMS, the refractive index variation is amplified, obtaining a tunable absorption. Fabrication of tunable polarizers using this technique has been proposed. Before starting the fabrication, it has been necessary to optimize several very delicate procedures and different protocols have been designed. The most delicate procedures are as follows: • Selective filling of holes in a photonic crystal fiber. These fibers generally have an outer diameter of 125 μm, and their holes have a diameter around between 5 and 10 μm. It has been developed three different techniques for filling / selective blocking, and they can be combined for process optimization. The techniques are: o Filling and blocked with a prepolymer. This prepolymer also called optical adhesive is initially in liquid state and has a certain viscosity. The holes of the photonic crystal fiber that are desired to be filled or blocked should have a different diameter, so that in the filling process appear two different fronts depending on the hole diameter. The holes with larger diameter are filled faster. Then the adhesive is polymerized when there is such a difference on the front. A partially blocked fiber is obtained cutting between fronts. o Collapsing of holes of smaller diameter by application of heat. The heat produced by an arc of a standard fusion splicer fuses the outer fiber material producing the collapsing of the cavities of smaller diameter. In this technique also you need a difference of diameters in the fiber holes. o Blocking one by one the holes of photonic crystal fiber with optical adhesive. This procedure is very laborious and requires great precision. This system can block unwanted cavities regardless fiber diameter. • Aligning a linearly polarized light source with a polarization-maintaining fiber (either a PANDA fiber as a photonic crystal fiber). It is needed also an aligning between polarization-maintaining fibers, so that their fast axes parallel merge and that is state of polarization of light guided is maintained. • Systematization of taking measurements to characterize the modal interferometers. These are highly sensitive to several variables so the measurement process is very complicated. Variables must be fixed in a very controlled manner. Although all devices have the common characteristic of being selectively filled PCFs with some kind of material, each one has his own peculiarities, which are explained below.
Los sistemas micro electro mecánicos (MEMS) han demostrado ser una exitosa familia de dispositivos que pueden usarse como plataforma para el desarrollo de dispositivos con aplicaciones en óptica, comunicaciones, procesado de señal y sensorización. Los dispositivos MEMS estándar suelen estar fabricados usando tecnología de silicio. Sin embargo, el rendimiento de estos MEMS se puede mejorar si se usan otros materiales. Por ejemplo, el diamante nanocristalino (NCD) ofrece unas excelentes propiedades mecánicas, transparencia y una superficie fácil de funcionalizar. Por otro lado, el sistema de materiales (In; Ga; Al)N, los materiales IIIN, se pueden usar para producir estructuras monocristalinas con alta sensibilidad mecánica y química. Además, el AlN se puede depositar por pulverización catódica reactiva sobre varios substratos, incluyendo NCD, para formar capas policristalinas orientadas con alta respuesta piezoeléctrica. Adicionalmente, tanto el NCD como los materiales III-N muestran una gran estabilidad térmica y química, lo que los hace una elección idónea para desarrollar dispositivos para aplicaciones para alta temperatura, ambientes agresivos e incluso para aplicaciones biocompatibles. En esta tesis se han usado estos materiales para el diseño y medición de demostradores tecnológicos. Se han perseguido tres objetivos principales: _ Desarrollo de unos procesos de fabricación apropiados. _ Medición de las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales y de los factores que limitan el rendimiento de los dispositivos. _ Usar los datos medidos para desarrollar dispositivos demostradores complejos. En la primera parte de esta tesis se han estudiado varias técnicas de fabricación. La estabilidad de estos materiales impide el ataque y dificulta la producción de estructuras suspendidas. Los primeros capítulos de esta disertación se dedican al desarrollo de unos procesos de transferencia de patrones por ataque seco y a la optimización del ataque húmedo sacrificial de varios substratos propuestos. Los resultados de los procedimientos de ataque se presentan y se describe la optimización de las técnicas para la fabricación de estructuras suspendidas de NCD y materiales III-N. En un capítulo posterior se estudia el crecimiento de AlN por pulverización catódica. Como se ha calculado en esta disertación para obtener una actuación eficiente de MEMS, las capas de AlN han de ser finas, típicamente d < 200 nm, lo que supone serias dificultades para la obtención de capas orientadas con respuesta piezoeléctrica. Las condiciones de depósito se han mapeado para identificar las fronteras que proporcionan el crecimiento de material orientado desde los primeros pasos del proceso. Además, durante la optimización de los procesos de ataque se estudió un procedimiento para fabricar películas de GaN nanoporoso. Estas capas porosas pueden servir como capas sacrificiales para la fabricación de estructuras suspendidas de GaN con baja tensión residual o como capas para mejorar la funcionalización superficial de sensores químicos o biológicos. El proceso de inducción de poros se discutirá y también se presentarán experimentos de ataque y funcionalización. En segundo lugar, se han determinado las propiedades mecánicas del NCD y de los materiales III-N. Se han fabricado varias estructuras suspendidas para la medición del módulo de Young y de la tensión residual. Además, las estructuras de NCD se midieron en resonancia para calcular el rendimiento de los dispositivos en términos de frecuencia y factor de calidad. Se identificaron los factores intrínsecos y extrínsecos que limitan ambas figuras de mérito y se han desarrollado modelos para considerar estas imperfecciones en las etapas de diseño de los dispositivos. Por otra parte, los materiales III-N normalmente presentan grandes gradientes de deformación residual que causan la deformación de las estructuras al ser liberadas. Se han medido y modelado estos efectos para los tres materiales binarios del sistema para proporcionar puntos de interpolación que permitan predecir las características de las aleaciones del sistema III-N. Por último, los datos recabados se han usado para desarrollar modelos analíticos y numéricos para el diseño de varios dispositivos. Se han estudiado las propiedades de transducción y se proporcionan topologías optimizadas. En el último capítulo de esta disertación se presentan diseños optimizados de los siguientes dispositivos: _ Traviesas y voladizos de AlN=NCD con actuación piezoeléctrica aplicados a nanoconmutadores de RF para señales de alta potencia. _ Membranas circulares de AlN=NCD con actuación piezoeléctrica aplicadas a lentes sintonizables. _ Filtros ópticos Fabry-Pérot basados en cavidades aéreas y membranas de GaN actuadas electrostáticamente. En resumen, se han desarrollado unos nuevos procedimientos optimizados para la fabricación de estructuras de NCD y materiales III-N. Estas técnicas se han usado para producir estructuras que llevaron a la determinación de las principales propiedades mecánicas y de los parámetros de los dispositivos necesarios para el diseño de MEMS. Finalmente, los datos obtenidos se han usado para el diseño optimizado de varios dispositivos demostradores. ABSTRACT Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) have proven to be a successful family of devices that can be used as a platform for the development of devices with applications in optics, communications, signal processing and sensorics. Standard MEMS devices are usually fabricated using silicon based materials. However, the performance of these MEMS can be improved if other material systems are used. For instance, nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) offers excellent mechanical properties, optical transparency and ease of surface functionalization. On the other hand, the (In; Ga; Al)N material system, the III-N materials, can be used to produce single crystal structures with high mechanical and chemical sensitivity. Also, AlN can be deposited by reactive sputtering on various substrates, including NCD, to form oriented polycrystalline layers with high piezoelectric response. In addition, both NCD and III-N materials exhibit high thermal and chemical stability, which makes these material the perfect choice for the development of devices for high temperatures, harsh environments and even biocompatible applications. In this thesis these materials have been used for the design and measurement of technological demonstrators. Three main objectives have been pursued: _ Development of suitable fabrication processes. _ Measurement of the material mechanical properties and device performance limiting factors. _ Use the gathered data to design complex demonstrator devices. In a first part of the thesis several fabrication processes have been addressed. The stability of these materials hinders the etching of the layers and hampers the production of free standing structures. The first chapters of this dissertation are devoted to the development of a dry patterning etching process and to sacrificial etching optimization of several proposed substrates. The results of the etching processes are presented and the optimization of the technique for the manufacturing of NCD and III-N free standing structures is described. In a later chapter, sputtering growth of thin AlN layers is studied. As calculated in this dissertation, for efficient MEMS piezoelectric actuation the AlN layers have to be very thin, typically d < 200 nm, which poses serious difficulties to the production of c-axis oriented material with piezoelectric response. The deposition conditions have been mapped in order to identify the boundaries that give rise to the growth of c-axis oriented material from the first deposition stages. Additionally, during the etching optimization a procedure for fabricating nanoporous GaN layers was also studied. Such porous layers can serve as a sacrificial layer for the release of low stressed GaN devices or as a functionalization enhancement layer for chemical and biological sensors. The pore induction process will be discussed and etching and functionalization trials are presented. Secondly, the mechanical properties of NCD and III-N materials have been determined. Several free standing structures were fabricated for the measurement of the material Young’s modulus and residual stress. In addition, NCD structures were measured under resonance in order to calculate the device performance in terms of frequency and quality factor. Intrinsic and extrinsic limiting factors for both figures were identified and models have been developed in order to take into account these imperfections in the device design stages. On the other hand, III-N materials usually present large strain gradients that lead to device deformation after release. These effects have been measured and modeled for the three binary materials of the system in order to provide the interpolation points for predicting the behavior of the III-N alloys. Finally, the gathered data has been used for developing analytic and numeric models for the design of various devices. The transduction properties are studied and optimized topologies are provided. Optimized design of the following devices is presented at the last chapter of this dissertation: _ AlN=NCD piezoelectrically actuated beams applied to RF nanoswitches for large power signals. _ AlN=NCD piezoelectrically actuated circular membranes applied to tunable lenses. _ GaN based air gap tunable optical Fabry-Pérot filters with electrostatic actuation. On the whole, new optimized fabrication processes has been developed for the fabrication of NCD and III-N MEMS structures. These processing techniques was used to produce structures that led to the determination of the main mechanical properties and device parameters needed for MEMS design. Lastly, the gathered data was used for the design of various optimized demonstrator devices.
In adhesion, the wetting process depends on three fundamental factors: the surface topography of the adherend, the viscosity of the adhesive, and the surface energy of both. The aim of this paper is to study the influence of viscosity and surface roughness on the wetting and their effect on the bond strength. For this purpose, an acrylic adhesive with different viscosities was synthesized and some properties, such as viscosity and surface tension, were studied before adhesive curing took place. Furthermore, the contact angle and the lap-shear strength were analyzed using aluminum adherends with two different roughnesses. Scanning electron microscopy was used to determine the effect of the viscosity and the roughness on the joint interface. The results showed that the adhesive exhibits an optimal value of viscosity. Below this value, at low viscosities, the low neoprene content produces poor bond strength due to the reduced toughness of the adhesive. Additionally, it also produces a high shrinkage during curing, which leads to the apparition of residual stresses that weakens the interfacial strength. However, once the optimum value, an increase in the viscosity produces a negative effect on the joint strength as a result of an important decrease in the wettability.
The design, fabrication and measured results are presented for a reconfigurable reflectarray antenna based on liquid crystals (LC) which operates above 100 GHz. The antenna has been designed to provide beam scanning capabilities over a wide angular range, a large bandwidth and reduced Side-Lobe Level. Measured radiation patterns are in good agreement with simulations, and show that the antenna generates an electronically steerable beam in one plane over an angular range of 55º in the frequency band from 96 to 104 GHz. The Side Lobes Level is lower than -13 dB for all the scan angles and -18 dB is obtained over 16% of the scan range. The measured performance is significantly better than previously published results for this class of electronically tunable antenna, and moreover verifies the accuracy of the proposed procedure for LC modeling and antenna design.
Two outstanding features of the flowering plant family Winteraceae are the occlusion of their stomatal pores by cutin plugs and the absence of water-conducting xylem vessels. An adaptive relationship between these two unusual features has been suggested whereby stomatal plugs restrict gas exchange to compensate for the presumed poor conductivity of their vesselless wood. This hypothesized connection fueled evolutionary arguments that the vesselless condition is ancestral in angiosperms. Here we show that in Drimys winteri, a tree common to wet forests, these stomatal occlusions pose only a small fixed resistance to water loss. In addition, they modify the humidity response of guard cells such that under high evaporative demand, leaves with plugs lose water at a faster rate than leaves from which the plugs have been experimentally removed. Instead of being adaptations for drought, we present evidence that these cuticular structures function to maintain photosynthetic activity under conditions of excess water on the leaf surface. Stomatal plugs decrease leaf wettability by preventing the formation of a continuous water film that would impede diffusion of CO2 into the leaf. Misting of leaves had no effect on photosynthetic rate of leaves with plugs, but resulted in a marked decrease (≈40%) in leaves from which the plugs had been removed. These findings do not support a functional association between stomatal plugs and hydraulic competence and provide a new perspective on debates surrounding the evolution of vessels in angiosperms.
The PhD activity described in this Thesis was focused on the study of metal-oxide wide-bandgap materials, aiming at fabricating new optoelectronic devices such as solar-blind UV photodetectors, high power electronics, and gas sensors. Photocurrent spectroscopy and DC photocurrent time evolution were used to investigate the performance of prototypes under different atmospheres, temperatures and excitation wavelengths (or dark conditions). Cathodoluminescence, absorption spectroscopy, XRD and SEM were used to assess structural, morphologic, electrical and optical properties of materials. This thesis is divided into two main sections, each describing the work done on a different metal-oxide semiconductor. 1) MOVPE-grown Ga2O3 thin films for UV solar-blind photodetectors and high power devices The semiconducting oxides, among them Ga2O3, have been employed for several decades as transparent conducting oxide (TCO) electrodes for fabrication of solar cells, displays, electronic, and opto-electronic devices. The interest was mainly confined to such applications, as these materials tend to grow intrinsically n-type, and attempts to get an effective p-type doping has consistently failed. The key requirements of TCO electrodes are indeed high electrical conductivity and good transparency, while crystallographic perfection is a minor issue. Furthermore, for a long period no high-quality substrates and epi-layers were available, which in turn impeded the development of a truly full-oxide electronics. Recently, Ga2O3 has attracted renewed interest, as large single crystals and high-quality homo- and hetero-epitaxial layers became available, which paved the way to novel application areas. Our research group spent the last two years in developing a low temperature (500-700°C) MOVPE growth procedure to obtain thin films of Ga2O3 on different substrates (Dept. of Physics and IMEM-CNR at UNIPR). We obtained a significant result growing on oriented sapphire epitaxial films of high crystalline, undoped, pure phase -Ga2O3 (hexagonal). The crystallographic properties of this phase were investigated by XRD, in order to clarify the lattice parameters of the hexagonal cell. First design and development of solar blind UV photodetectors based on -phase was carried out and the optoelectronic performance is evaluated by means of photocurrent spectroscopy. The UV-response is adequately fast and reliable to render this unusual phase a subject of great interest for future applications. The availability of a hexagonal phase of Ga2O3 stable up to 700°C, belonging to the same space group of gallium nitride, with high crystallinity and tunable electrical properties, is intriguing in view of the development of nitride-based devices, by taking advantage of the more favorable symmetry and epitaxial relationships with respect to the monoclinic β-phase. In addition, annealing at temperatures higher than 700°C demonstrate that the hexagonal phase converts totally in the monoclinic one. 2) ZnO nano-tetrapods: charge transport mechanisms and time-response in optoelectronic devices and sensors Size and morphology of ZnO at the nanometer scale play a key role in tailoring its physical and chemical properties. Thanks to the possibility of growing zinc oxide in a variety of different nanostructures, there is a great variety of applications, among which gas sensors, light emitting diodes, transparent conducting oxides, solar cells. Even if the operation of ZnO nanostructure-based devices has been recently demonstrated, the mechanisms of charge transport in these assembly is still under debate. The candidate performed an accurate investigation by photocurrent spectroscopy and DC-photocurrent time evolution of electrical response of both single-tetrapod and tetrapod-assembly devices. During the research done for this thesis, a thermal activation energy enables the performance of samples at high temperatures (above about 300°C). The energy barrier is related to the leg-to-leg interconnection in the assembly of nanotetrapods. Percolation mechanisms are responsible for both the very slow photo-response (minutes to hours or days) and the significant persistent photocurrent. Below the bandgap energy, electronic states were investigated but their contribution to the photocurrent are two-three order of magnitude lower than the band edge. Such devices are suitable for employ in photodetectors as well as in gas sensors, provided that the mechanism by which the photo-current is generated and gas adsorption on the surface modify the conductivity of the material are known.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar as propriedades superficiais de filmes à base de gelatina. Para o qual foram elaborados filmes de: (i) Gelatina plastificado com glicerol (G) (gelatina: 5 g/100 g SFF; glicerol: 30 g/100 g de gelatina), (ii) Gelatina reforçado com montmorilhonita (G/MMT) (gelatina: 5 g/100 g SFF; glicerol: 30 g/100 g de gelatina; MMT: 5 g/100 g de gelatina) e Gelatina plastificado com citrato de acetiltributila (G/ATB) (gelatina: 5 g/100 g SFF; ATB: 50 g/100 de gelatina; lecitina de soja: 60 g/100 g de ATB; etanol: 20 g/100 g SFF). Os filmes foram produzidos mediante o uso de um aplicador automático de filmes \"Spreading\". Logo, os filmes foram submetidos a testes para determinação da espessura, umidade e propriedades óticas (brilho, cor e opacidade). Também foi caracterizada a microestrutura por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e microscopia de força atômica (AFM); às imagens obtidas por MEV foi aplicado um analise de imagem mediante o programa Image J, para obter o valor da dimensão fractal (DF). Depois foram caracterizadas as propriedades superficiais de ângulo de contato (AC), molhabilidade ou coeficiente de espalhamento (Se), e energia livre superficial (ELS) mediante a medida do ângulo de contato pelo método da gota séssil (água: 5 µL e 1-Bromonaftaleno: 3 µL). Para o cálculo da ELS também foi aplicado o método de Owens-Wendt. Estas caracterizações foram feitas em ambos os lados do filme, lado ar e lado placa. A natureza do filme de G/ATB influenciou na umidade e as propriedades óticas, enquanto que os filmes de G e G/MMT apresentaram características similares. Em relação à microestrutura e rugosidade, o filme de G apresentou a superfície mais homogênea e lisa, contrario ao observado no filme de G/MMT, que apresentou a maior rugosidade seguida do filme de G/ATB. Foi observado que houve uma relação entre os valores de rugosidade e DF. De acordo com o valor do AC, os filmes apresentaram um caráter hidrofóbico, pois seus valores foram superiores a 65° (em ambos os lados dos filmes), na seguinte ordem: G/MMT > G > G/ATB; sendo que o Se seguiu a mesma tendência. Cabe mencionar também que não foi encontrada uma correlação significativa entre os valores de AC e rugosidade. Em função dos valores de AC, Se e ELS (especificamente a componente polar), o filme de G/ATB apresentou o menor caráter hidrofóbico, pois apresentou menores valores de AC e maiores valores de Se em comparação com os outros dois filmes. Os valores da componente polar da G/ATB foram os maiores, explicando de melhor maneira o caráter menos hidrofóbico deste filme. Pode-se concluir que os filmes à base de gelatina elaborados no presente trabalho têm propriedades hidrofóbicas (AC>65°), sendo a G/MMT o filme com melhores características hidrofóbicas.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de uso do resíduo da extração de pigmento de cúrcuma na produção de filmes e coberturas. Para o estudo dos filmes, foram utilizados glicerol e sorbitol como plastificantes e avaliados os efeitos da concentração de farinha de cúrcuma e do plastificante sobre as propriedades mecânicas, solubilidade, permeabilidade ao vapor de água (PVA), molhabilidade, atividade antioxidante, teor de curcuminóides e teor de compostos fenólicos totais utilizando um Delineamento Central Composto Rotacional 22, e os resultados foram avaliados utilizando a metodologia de superfície de resposta (MSR). A concentração de farinha afetou de forma positiva a espessura, PVA e o teor de curcuminóides totais dos filmes plastificados com glicerol e sorbitol. Entretanto, esta variável afetou as propriedades de solubilidade, molhabilidade e teor de compostos fenólicos totais somente dos filmes com glicerol. A concentração de plastificante (glicerol ou sorbitol) afetou significativamente a solubilidade, PVA e molhabilidade de ambos os filmes. Filmes de farinha de cúrcuma com boas propriedades mecânicas, baixa permeabilidade ao vapor de água, alta atividade antioxidante, alto teor de curcuminóides e alto teor de compostos fenólicos totais podem ser produzidos utilizando 27,9 a 30 g glicerol/100 g farinha ou 30 a 42 g sorbitol/100 g farinha e concentração de farinha na faixa de 5% a 6,41%. A cobertura de farinha de cúrcuma contendo 6% de farinha e 30 g glicerol/100 g de farinha foi aplicada em bananas Maçã (Musa acuminata) armazenadas a 27ºC e 65% UR. Assim, foi avaliado o efeito da cobertura na qualidade pós-colheita das bananas em função à suas características físico-químicas como perda de massa, firmeza da polpa, pH, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis, açúcares redutores e cor da casca. Os resultados mostraram que a cobertura foi eficiente em diminuir a perda de massa, o teor de açúcares redutores, a acidez, a perda da firmeza e a cor da casca principalmente durante a etapa de maturação do fruto. Entretanto, não foi observado grande efeito da cobertura sobre o pH e o teor de sólidos solúveis durante o período estudado. As bananas sem a cobertura tiveram vida útil de 6 dias, enquanto as bananas com cobertura tiveram vida útil de 9 dias.
Este documento apresenta o Lyra, um novo esquema de derivação de chaves, baseado em esponjas criptográficas. O Lyra foi projetado para ser estritamente sequencial, fornecendo um nível elevado de segurança mesmo contra atacantes que utilizem múltiplos núcleos de processamento, como uma GPU ou FPGA. Ao mesmo tempo possui uma implementação simples em software e permite ao usuário legítimo ajustar o uso de memória e tempo de processamento de acordo com o nível de segurança desejado. O Lyra é, então, comparado ao scrypt, mostrando que esta proposta fornece um nível se segurança mais alto, além de superar suas deficiências. Caso o atacante deseje realizar um ataque utilizando pouca memória, o tempo de processamento do Lyra cresce exponencialmente, enquanto no scrypt este crescimento é apenas quadrático. Além disto, para o mesmo tempo de processamento, o Lyra permite uma utilização maior de memória, quando comparado ao scrypt, aumentando o custo de ataques de força bruta.
A proposta busca reduzir a absorção de água dos agregados reciclados de Resíduos de Construção e Demolição (RCD), através do tratamento de sua superfície com hidrofugante, de maneira que estes não aumentem o consumo de água tampouco reduzam a resistência mecânica. Os agregados reciclados de RCD foram caracterizados quanto à granulometria, morfologia, porosidade, ângulo de contato aparente, absorção de água, análise de imagem e rugosidade superficial. Em seguida, os mesmos foram tratados superficialmente com dois tipos de hidrofugante: solução de silano e parafina. Todos os tratamentos permitiram reduzir a absorção de água dos agregados reciclados de RCD. O tratamento por imersão foi aquele que permitiu obter os melhores resultados e a menor variabilidade entre as técnicas. Os tratamentos hidrofugam a superfície, apesar da parafina apresentar maior molhabilidade. O tratamento com parafina apresentou, em termos de absorção de água, resultados inferiores e menos variáveis que o silano. Os parâmetros de rugosidade constataram que, ambos os materiais perdem seu perfil topográfico original quando tratados com parafina. Os diferentes agregados reciclados com cada hidrofugante foram aplicados em materiais cimentícios analisados no estado fresco e no estado endurecido. Os tratamentos reduziram a absorção e o consumo de água de mistura, porém afetaram negativamente as propriedades mecânicas, devido nova interface gerada (no caso específica de parafina) e falta de molhabilidade nas superfícies.