998 resultados para Superfícies algebraiques


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A produção citrícola brasileira é uma das mais importantes para a fruticultura do País, comercializando principalmente para o mercado externo. O impacto mecânico é um fator importante a ser minimizado, visando a reduzir as perdas pós-colheita, diminuindo conseqüentemente os prejuízos decorrentes do manejo inadequado. Neste trabalho, foram avaliados os pontos críticos e o nível de impacto em que os frutos são submetidos em equipamentos nacionais e importados, utilizados para beneficiamento e classificação de citros. Utilizou-se da esfera instrumentada (70 mm) (Techmark, Inc., Lansing, EUA), com registrador de aceleração, para a avaliação da magnitude de impactos (G, m/s²) nos pontos de transferência das linhas de classificação de laranjas e lima-ácida Tahiti. A esfera instrumentada foi colocada, juntamente com os frutos, na etapa de recebimento das linhas que funcionavam em seu volume padrão diário, e seguiu o fluxo dos frutos até a etapa de classificação. Os resultados demonstraram que os maiores impactos foram causados por quedas em pontos de transferência com superfícies rígidas, sendo os maiores valores encontrados na etapa de recebimento e na entrada dos frutos em "containers" utilizados para o armazenamento. Observou-se, também, que a magnitude de impacto foi significativamente reduzida quando se utilizaram superfícies recobertas com acolchoados nos diversos pontos de transferência.


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We perform Hartree calculations of symmetric and asymmetric semi-infinite nuclear matter in the framework of relativistic models based on effective hadronic field theories as recently proposed in the literature. In addition to the conventional cubic and quartic scalar self-interactions, the extended models incorporate a quartic vector self-interaction, scalar-vector non-linearities and tensor couplings of the vector mesons. We investigate the implications of these terms on nuclear surface properties such as the surface energy coefficient, surface thickness, surface stiffness coefficient, neutron skin thickness and the spin-orbit force.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a interferência da relação fósforo-zinco sobre o crescimento inicial de pitaia para fornecer informações que subsidiem a definição de sistemas de produção mais adequados para a exploração desta cultura no Brasil, realizou-se o experimento, testando cinco doses de P (0; 75; 150; 225 e 300 mg dm-3) e Zn (0; 2; 4; 6 e 8 mg dm-3), sendo os níveis de cada nutriente arranjados em esquema fatorial 5x5, com quatro blocos. Para a interação significativa (p<0,05), procedeu-se ao ajuste em superfícies de resposta do tipo Y = β0 + β1(A) + β2(A)² + β3(B) + β4(B)² + β5(A).( B) + e. As estimativas das correlações fenotípicas foram obtidas considerando apenas o intervalo das doses de P e Zn que promoveram as melhores respostas do acesso de pitaia para os caracteres estudados. A aplicação de P e Zn, e a interação P x Zn afetam a disponibilidade de ambos os nutrientes no substrato, sistema radicular e parte aérea, influenciando, assim, o crescimento inicial de plantas de pitaia. Os rendimentos mais satisfatórios ocorrem quando há 60 - 75 mg de P dm-3 e 3,0 - 4,0 mg de Zn dm-3 no substrato, e 4,5 - 6,0 g kg-1 de P e 150 mg de Zn kg-1 na parte aérea. Esses níveis foram obtidos para a combinação de 150 - 225 mg dm-3 de P, com 4 - 6 mg dm-3 de Zn. Os teores de P e Zn na parte aérea e o somatório do comprimento dos cladódios (SCC) säo os caracteres explicativos que apresentam maiores efeitos diretos sobre a massa seca dos cladódios (MSC).


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A pitaia ainda é uma cultura carente de estudos e informações que subsidiem a definição/adaptação de sistemas de produção mais adequados às condições edafoclimáticas brasileiras, embora nos últimos anos tenha havido aumento de sua expansão agrícola, tanto no Brasil quanto em outros países. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da adubação mineral sobre o crescimento de mudas de pitaia e, dessa maneira, obter informações direcionadas para a definição de manejos de fertilização adequados à exploração agrícola da cultura. Para isto, foram testadas cinco doses de nitrogênio (N) (0; 150; 300; 450 e 600 mg dm-3) e potássio (K) (0; 75; 150; 225 e 300 mg dm-3), sendo os níveis de cada nutriente arranjados em esquema fatorial 5x5, com quatro blocos. Para a interação significativa a (p<0,05), procedeu-se ao ajuste em superfícies de resposta do tipo Y = β0 + β1(A) + β2(A)² + β3(B) + β4(B)² + β5(A).(B) + e. As estimativas das correlações fenotípicas foram obtidas considerando apenas o intervalo das doses de N e K, que promoveram as melhores respostas do acesso de pitaia para os caracteres estudados. Ao término do presente estudo, foi constatado que a aplicação de doses crescentes de N e K, e a interação NxP afetam os teores de ambos os nutrientes no solo, o sistema radicular e a parte aérea, influenciando, desse modo, sobre o crescimento inicial das plantas de pitaia. Os rendimentos mais satisfatórios ocorrem quando há 0,7 mmol dm-3 de K no solo, e 20 - 25 g kg-1 de N com 30 - 40 g kg-1 de K na parte aérea. Esses valores foram obtidos para a aplicação de 300 - 450 mg dm-3 de N com 150 - 225 mg dm-3 de K. O somatório do comprimento dos cladódios (SCC) e a massa seca do sistema radicular (MSSR) são as variáveis explicativas que apresentam maiores efeitos diretos sobre a massa seca dos cladódios (MSC).


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Slab and cluster model spin-polarized calculations have been carried out to study various properties of isolated first-row transition metal atoms adsorbed on the anionic sites of the regular MgO(100) surface. The calculated adsorption energies follow the trend of the metal cohesive energies, indicating that the changes in the metal-support and metal-metal interactions along the series are dominated by atomic properties. In all cases, except for Ni at the generalized gradient approximation level, the number of unpaired electron is maintained as in the isolated metal atom. The energy required to change the atomic state from high to low spin has been computed using the PW91 and B3LYP density-functional-theory-based methods. PW91 fails to predict the proper ground state of V and Ni, but the results for the isolated and adsorbed atom are consistent within the method. B3LYP properly predicts the ground state of all first-row transition atom the high- to low-spin transition considered is comparable to experiment. In all cases, the interaction with the surface results in a reduced high- to low-spin transition energy.


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The mechanism of generation of atomic Na and K from SiO2 samples has been studied using explicitly correlated wave function and density functional theory cluster calculations. Possible pathways for the photon and electron stimulated desorption of Na and K atoms from silicates are proposed, thus providing new insight on the generation of the tenuous Na and K atmosphere of the Moon.


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The interface of MgO/Ag(001) has been studied with density functional theory applied to slabs. We have found that regular MgO films show a small adhesion to the silver substrate, the binding can be increased in off-stoichiometric regimes, either by the presence of O vacancies at the oxide film or by a small excess of O atoms at the interface between the ceramic to the metal. By means of theoretical methods, the scanning tunneling microscopy signatures of these films is also analyzed in some detail. For defect free deposits containing 1 or 2 ML and at low voltages, tunnelling takes place from the surface Ag substrate, and at large positive voltages Mg atoms are imaged. If defects, oxygen vacancies, are present on the surface of the oxide they introduce much easier channels for tunnelling resulting in big protrusions and controlling the shape of the image, the extra O stored at the interface can also be detected for very thin films.


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Through an interplay between scanning tunneling microscopy experiments and density functional theory calculations, we determine unambiguously the active surface site responsible for the dissociation of water molecules adsorbed on rutile TiO2(110). Oxygen vacancies in the surface layer are shown to dissociate H2O through the transfer of one proton to a nearby oxygen atom, forming two hydroxyl groups for every vacancy. The amount of water dissociation is limited by the density of oxygen vacancies present on the clean surface exclusively. The dissociation process sets in as soon as molecular water is able to diffuse to the active site.


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Through an interplay between scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we show that bridging oxygen vacancies are the active nucleation sites for Au clusters on the rutile TiO2(110) surface. We find that a direct correlation exists between a decrease in density of vacancies and the amount of Au deposited. From the DFT calculations we find that the oxygen vacancy is indeed the strongest Au binding site. We show both experimentally and theoretically that a single oxygen vacancy can bind 3 Au atoms on average. In view of the presented results, a new growth model for the TiO2(110) system involving vacancy-cluster complex diffusion is presented.


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Recent experiments of H2 adsorption on Pd(111) [T. Mitsui et al., Nature (London) 422, 705 (2003)] have questioned the classical Langmuir picture of second order adsorption kinetics at high surface coverage requiring pairs of empty sites for the dissociative chemisorption. Experiments find that at least three empty sites are needed. Through density functional theory, we find that H2 dissociation is favored on ensembles of sites that involve a Pd atom with no direct interaction with adsorbed hydrogen. Such active sites are formed by aggregation of at least 3 H-free sites revealing the complex structure of the "active sites."


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L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és descobrir com influeix la superfície de la pista de tenis en el rendiment dels jugadors a l’hora d’aconseguir un major percentatge de jocs guanyats, factor determinant en el resultat final. Per controlar aquest factor diferenciarem entre els disputats en servei i en restada, per tenir així una visió més acurada del tenis d’elit. La mostra escollida està composta per els 50 tenistes millor classificats a final de l’any 2013. S’incorporarà també la variable de l’alçada del jugador per veure si aquesta es també un factor influent. Es conclou l’estudi sabent que la superfície d’herba ajuda a un major èxit en els jocs al servei, més que en les superfícies dures i la terra batuda. Pel que fa a la restada, trobem que en la superfície d’herba, la mostra dels jugadors analitzats guanya un percentatge menor que sobre pista ràpida i terra batuda. Tot i això, les diferències no semblen gaire grans entre unes i altres. Per determinar si els jugadors actuals estan adaptats a aquestes 3 superfícies per igual es va agafar el percentatge de jocs guanyats en la millor i la pitjor superfície (descartant l’intermèdia), i s’establí una mitjana entre els 50 tenistes. Els resultats indicaren que la majoria de jugadors segueixen notant el canvi de superfície, tot i això, la majoria d’ells estan capacitats per guanyar partits en les altres pistes. Obtinguérem també una alta correlació entre l’alçada del tenista i una major diferència entre el percentatge de jocs guanyats en el servei en comparació amb la restada.


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The effect of the local environment on the energetic strain within small (SiO)N rings (with N=2,3) in silica materials is investigated via periodic model systems employing density functional calculations. Through comparison of the energies of various nonterminated systems containing small rings in strained and relatively unstrained environments, with alpha quartz, we demonstrate how small ring strain is affected by the nature of the embedding environment. We compare our findings with numerous previously reported calculations, often predicting significantly different small-ring strain energies, leading to a critical assessment of methods of calculating accurate localized ring energies. The results have relevance for estimates of the strain-induced response (e.g., chemical, photo, and radio) of small silica rings, and the propensity for them to form in bulk glasses, thin films, and nanoclusters.


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Herein, we have investigated the solubilization of decane into a novel nonionic gemini surfactant, myristoyl-end capped Jeffamine, synthesized from a polyoxyalkyleneamine (ED900). Starting from this system, porous silica materials have been prepared. Performing the hydrothermal treatment at low temperature, a slight increase of the mesopore diameter is observed in the presence of decane. Increasing the temperature of the hydrothermal treatment, no swelling effect of decane is detected. By contrast, the pore diameter decreases but better mesopore homogeneity and a larger wall thickness are obtained. At high decane concentration the new myristoyl-end capped Jeffamine/decane/water system forms oil-in-water emulsions, which are used as template for the formation of hierarchical porous silica materials.


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A simple and effective route has been developed for the synthesis of bimodal (3.6 and 9.4 nm) mesoporous silica materials that have two ordered interconnected pore networks. Mesostructures have been prepared through the self assembly mechanism by using a mixture of polyoxyethylene fluoroalkyl ether and triblock copolymer as building block. The investigation of the RF8(EO)9/P123/water phase diagram evidences that in the considered surfactant range of concentrations, the system is micellar (L1). DLS measurements indicate that this micellar phase is composed of two types of micelles, the size of the first one at around 7.6 nm corresponds unambiguously to the pure fluorinated micelles. The second type of micelles at higher diameter consists of fluorinated micelles which have accommodated a weak fraction of P123 molecules. Thus, in this study the bimodal mesoporous silica are really templated by two kinds of micelles.