543 resultados para Strychnos alkaloids


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The abundance and community composition of the endofauna in 2 species of sponge, Haliclona sp. 1 and Haliclona sp. 2 (phylum Porifera: order Haplosclerida), were examined at different sites on the slope at Heron Island Reef, in the southern Great Barrier Reef, on 2 separate occasions. Both species of Haliclona Occupy Similar habitats on the reef slope and are often found living adjacent to each other, but the major groups of secondary metabolites and the gross external morphology in the 2 species of sponge are different. The 2 species of sponge supported significantly different endofaunal communities, with Haliclona sp. 2 Supporting 3 to 4 times more individuals than Haliclona sp. 1. Fewer demersal zooplankton (copepods), nematodes and some peracarid crustaceans were found in Haliclona sp. I compared with Haliclona sp. 2. There were also differences in the numbers of spionid, nereidid and syllid. polychaetes living in the 2 species of sponge. The only taxon that was more abundant in Haliclona sp. 1 than Haliclona sp. 2 was the spionid Polydorella prolifera, and this difference was only evident on 1. of the 2 occasions. The amount of free space (pores, channels, cavities) for a given weight of sponge was only 19% greater in Haliclona sp. 2 than in Haliclona sp. 1, suggesting other factors, such as the differences in the allelochemicals, may have a role in determining the numbers and types of animals living in these 2 species of sponge.


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The new isoprenylated diketopiperazine roquefortine E (6) has been isolated from an Australian soil isolate of the ascomycete Gymnoascus reessii. The known fungal metabolite roquefortine C (1) was also recovered as the major antibacterial principle, and all structures were assigned by detailed spectroscopic analysis.


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Secondary metabolites synthesised by sessile invertebrates appear to play a role in creating and maintaining space on hard substrata by repelling competitors. In this study, we investigated the responses of the larvae of the ascidian Herdmania curvata to haliclonacyclamine A (HA), the major component of a suite of cytotoxic alkaloids extracted from the sponge Haliclona sp. 628. Both Haliclona sp. 628 and Herdmania curvata inhabit the crest and slope of Heron Island Reef. High rates of settlement were induced in competent H. curvata larvae by a range of concentrations of HA, all lower than that naturally occurring in the sponge. HA did not induce precompetent larvae to settle. Although early metamorphosis of HA-induced larvae was normal, larvae exposed to all but the lowest concentration of HA were developmentally arrested after completion of tail resorption, at about 4 h after the initiation of metamorphosis. These postlarvae underwent extensive cellular necrosis within 24 h. We also demonstrate that the addition of a transcriptional inhibitor, actinomycin D, to larvae also causes inhibition of metamorphosis after tail resorption is completed. Analyses of incorporation of radiolabelled nucleotides to measure levels of transcription during normal development and after the addition of the transcriptional inhibitor indicate that there is a significant burst of transcriptional activity just after tail resorption is completed. Despite inhibiting metamorphosis at the same stage as actinomycin D, HA increases initial rates of RNA synthesis after induction of metamorphosis in a manner similar to that observed in normal postlarvae until the onset of cellular necrosis. We conclude that HA initially induces H. curvata larvae to settle and progress through early metamorphosis possibly by engaging the same pathway as other artificial and environmental cues but subsequently inhibits completion of metamorphosis, resulting in death of the postlarvae. Since HA does not affect overall transcription rates, it appears to disrupt another important developmental process during early metamorphosis.


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This chapter reviews studies on the effects of mycotoxins on embryonic and fetal development, especially those toxins that are global food and feed contaminants. The toxins discussed include aflatoxin produced by Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus, ochratoxin which is produced by Aspergillus species particularly A. ochraceus as well as Penicillium verrucosum, ergot alkaloids produced by Claviceps spp., and the Fusarium toxins (fumonisins, deoxynivalenol [vomitoxin], and zearalenone). These toxins have been shown to be teratogenic and/or embryotoxic in different animal bioassays. The implications of toxicity on embryogenesis, and the progress of research on these mycotoxins, are also examined.


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The in vivo and in vitro characteristics of the I2 binding site were probed using the technique of drug discrimination and receptor autoradiography. Data presented in this thesis indicates the I2 ligand 2-BFI generates a cue in drug discrimination. Further studies indicated agmatine, a proposed endogenous imidazoline ligand, and a number of imidazoline and imidazole analogues of 2-BFI substitute significantly for 2-BFI. In addition to specific I2 ligands the administration of NRl's (noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors), the sympathomimetic d-amphetamine, the α1-adrenoceptor agonist methoxamine, but not the β1 agonist dobutamine or the β2 agonist salbutamol, gave rise to significant levels of substitution for the 2-BFI cue. The administration of the α1-adrenoceptor antagonist WB4101, prior to 2- BFI itself significantly reduced levels of 2-BFI appropriate responding. Administration of the reversible MAO-A inhibitors moclobemide and Ro41-1049, but not the reversible MAO-B inhibitors lazabemide and Ro16-6491, gave rise to potent dose dependent levels of substitution for the 2-BFI cue. Further studies indicated the administration of a number of β-carbolines and the structurally related indole alkaloid ibogaine also gave rise to dose dependent significant levels of substitution. Due to the relationship of indole alkaloids to serotonin the 5-HT releaser fenfluramine and a number of SSRI's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) were also administered and these compounds gave rise to significant partial (20-80% responses to the 2-BFI lever) levels of substitution. The autoradiographical studies reported here indicate [3H]2-BFI labels I2 sites within the rat arcuate nucleus, area postrema, pineal gland, interpeduncular nucleus and subfornical organ. Subsequent experiments confirmed that the drug discrimination dosing schedule significantly increases levels of [3H]2-BFI 12 binding within two of these nuclei. However, levels of [3H]2-BFI specific binding were significantly reduced within four of these nuclei after chronic treatment with the irreversible MAO inhibitors deprenyl and tranylcypromine but not pargyline, which only reduced levels significantly in two. Further autoradiographical studies indicated that the distribution of [3H]2-BFI within the C57/B mouse compares favourably to that within the rat. Comparison of these levels of binding to those from transgenic mice who over-express MAO-B indicates two possibly distinct populations of [3H]2-BFI 12 sites exist in mouse brain. The data presented here indicates the 2-BFI cue is associated with the selective activation of α1-adrenoceptors and possibly 5-HT receptors. 2-BFI trained rats recognise reversible MAO-A but not MAO-B inhibitors. However, data within this thesis indicates the autoradiographical distribution of I2 sites bears a closer resemblance to that of MAO-B not MAO-A and further studies using transgenic mice that over-express MAO-B suggests a non-MAO-B I2 site exists in mouse brain.


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Partial reduction of racemic methoxysilanes by 1:1 complexes of lithium aluminium hydride with optically active cinchona and ephedra alkaloids give optically active silanes and methoxysilanes. Optical yields depend on the groups attached to silicon and the alkaloid used but in some cases approach 50%, The method has been used to prepare novel optically active organosilanes, possessing an asymmetric silicon centre, which are either inaccessible by any of the other available routes or would require a time consuming preparation. Such compounds are of use in the study of the mechanism of substitutions at silicon. Attempts have been made to rationalize the results of the asymmetric reductions in terms of differences in sterio and electronic interactions in diastereoisomeric transition states. Circular dichroism and optical rotatory dispersion spectra have been obtained for the optically active products in an attempt to elucidate the absolute configurations of the novel asymmetric organosilanes. The results from these studies provide a useful addition to the data so far accumulated for asymmetrically perturbed aromatic chromophores. Nuclear magnetic resonanoe studies of diastereoisomaric (-)-menthoxysilanes show that these compounds possess resonances extremely useful in the determination of optical purities for asymmetric organosilanes which possess an aromatic group. The effect of variable temperature on the spectra has revealed evidence for the conformational preferences in these compounds. Other diastereoisomeric alkoxysilanes have been prepared and their n.m.r.spectra studied in the hope of establishing trends. Exploratory studies for other asymmetric reactions proceeding at silicon have proved unfruitful.


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Chemical defenses are common among organisms and represent some of the most complex adaptations for avoiding predation, yet our understanding of the ecological nature of these systems remains incomplete. Poison frogs are a group of chemically defended organisms that are dependent entirely on diet for chemical defense. In this study, I identified the dietary arthropods responsible for chemical defense in poison frogs, described spatial and temporal patterns in alkaloid composition of poison frogs, and established links between patterns of variation in alkaloid defense and arthropod diet in poison frogs. Identifying dietary sources and studying patterns of variation in alkaloid composition is fundamental to understanding the ecology and evolution of chemical defense in poison frogs. ^ The dendrobatid poison frog Oophaga pumilio shares many alkaloids in common with other poison frogs and is known to vary in alkaloid composition throughout its geographic range. I designed my dissertation to take advantage of these characteristics and use O. pumilio as a model species for the study of chemical defense in poison frogs. Here, I identified siphonotid millipedes as a source for spiropyrrolizidine alkaloids, formicine ants as a source for pumiliotoxin alkaloids, and oribatid mites as dietary sources for the majority of alkaloids found in poison frogs. I found that alkaloid composition varied spatially and temporally, on both small and large scales, within and among populations of O. pumilio. Alkaloid variation between populations was related to geographic distance, and closer populations tended to have alkaloid compositions more similar to each other than to distant populations. ^ The findings of my study suggest that oribatid mites are the most important dietary source of alkaloids in poison frogs. However, overall alkaloid defense in poison frogs is based on a combination of dietary arthropods, including mites, ants, millipedes, and beetles. Variation in chemical defenses of poison frogs is due to (1) spatial and temporal differences in the presence of alkaloids in certain arthropods and (2) differences in the availability of certain alkaloid-containing arthropods, which are likely the result of differences as well as successional changes in forest structure among locations and through time. ^


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Glacial-interglacial fluctuations in the vegetation of South Africa might elucidate the climate system at the edge of the tropics between the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. However, vegetation records covering a full glacial cycle have only been published from the eastern South Atlantic. We present a pollen record of the marine core MD96-2048 retrieved by the Marion Dufresne from the Indian Ocean ~120 km south of the Limpopo River mouth. The sedimentation at the site is slow and continuous. The upper 6 m (spanning the past 342 Ka) have been analysed for pollen and spores at millennial resolution. The terrestrial pollen assemblages indicate that during interglacials, the vegetation of eastern South Africa and southern Mozambique largely consisted of evergreen and deciduous forests. During glacials open mountainous scrubland dominated. Montane forest with Podocarpus extended during humid periods was favoured by strong local insolation. Correlation with the sea surface temperature record of the same core indicates that the extension of mountainous scrubland primarily depends on sea surface temperatures of the Agulhas Current. Our record corroborates terrestrial evidence of the extension of open mountainous scrubland (including fynbos-like species of the high-altitude Grassland biome) for the last glacial as well as for other glacial periods of the past 300 Ka.


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Antiophidic activity from decoct of Jatropha gossypiifolia L. leaves against Bothrops jararaca venom. Snakebites are a serious worldwide public health problem. In Latin America, about 90 % of accidents are attributed to snakes from Bothrops genus. Currently, the main available treatment is the antivenom serum therapy, which has some disadvantages such as inability to neutralize local effects, risk of immunological reactions, high cost and difficult access in some regions. In this context, the search for alternative therapies to treat snakebites is relevant. Jatropha gossypiifolia L., a medicinal plant popularly known in Brazil as “pinhão-roxo”, is very used in folk medicine as antiophidic. So, the aim of this study is to evaluate the antiophidic properties of this species against enzymatic and biological activities from Bothrops jararaca snake venom. The aqueous leaf extract of J. gossypiifolia was prepared by decoction. The inhibition studies were performed in vitro, by pre-incubation of a fixed amount of venom with different amounts of extract from J. gossypiifolia for 60 min at 37 °C, and in vivo, through oral or intraperitoneal treatment of animals, in different doses, 60 min before venom injection. The proteolytic activity upon azocasein was efficiently inhibited, indicating inhibitory action upon metalloproteinases (SVMPs) and/or serine proteases (SVSPs). The extract inhibited the fibrinogenolytic activity, which was also confirmed by zymography, where it was possible to observe that the extract preferentially inhibits fibrinogenolytic enzymes of 26 and 28 kDa. The coagulant activity upon fibrinogen and plasma were significantly inhibited, suggesting an inhibitory action upon thrombin-like enzymes (SVTLEs), as well as upon clotting factor activators toxins. The extract prolonged the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), suggesting an inhibitory action toward not only to SVTLEs, but also against endogenous thrombin. The defibrinogenating activity in vivo was efficiently inhibited by the extract on oral route, confirming the previous results. The local hemorrhagic activity was also significantly inhibited by oral route, indicating an inhibitory action upon SVMPs. The phospholipase activity in vitro was not inhibited. Nevertheless, the edematogenic and myotoxic activities were efficiently inhibited, by oral and intraperitoneal route, which may indicate an inhibitory effect of the extract upon Lys49 phospholipase (PLA2) and/ or SVMPs, or also an anti-inflammatory action against endogenous chemical mediators. Regarding the possible action mechanism, was observed that the extract did not presented proteolytic activity, however, presented protein precipitating action. In addition, the extract showed significant antioxidant activity in different models, which could justify, at least partially, the antiophidic activity presented. The metal chelating action presented by extract could be correlated with SVMPs inhibition, once these enzymes are metal-dependent. The phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of sugars, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, terpenes and/or steroids and proteins, from which the flavonoids could be pointed as major compounds, based on chromatographic profile obtained by thin layer chromatography (TLC). In conclusion, the results demonstrate that the J. gossypiifolia leaves decoct present potential antiophidic activity, including action upon snakebite local effects, suggesting that this species may be used as a new source of bioactive molecules against bothropic venom.


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Anxiety disorders and Parkinson’s disease (PD) affect a large portion of the world population. Indeed, therapeutic alternatives available do not contribute to improve most clinical conditions and/or are linked with undesirable side effects. Thus, there is a great demand for the development of new drugs to treatment of these diseases. Passiflora cincinnata Mast. is a native species present in several Brazilian states, popularly known as “maracujá do mato”, “maracujá tubarão” or “maracujá mochila”. Additionally, species of Passiflora genus are traditionally known for their exotic flowers, edible fruits with pronounced flavor and for their sedative, tranquilizer and anxiolytic properties reported by folk medicine. These plants possess important organic compounds such as phenols, cyanogenic glycosides, flavonoids and alkaloids, which are responsible for the anxiolytic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antihyperglycemic, among others activities when tested in mammals. Despite this fact, only a few studies have been conducted to investigate the possible in vivo biological effects of Passiflora cincinnata Mast extracts. Thereby, in this study we evaluated the effects of the alcoholic extract of this plant in anxiety and PD animal model. Mice acutely or chronically administered with ethanolic extract of P. cincinnata do not showed any anxiogenic- or anxyolitic-like effect in elevated plus maze (EPM). In order to reproduce PD symptom’s in mice, we administered repeated injections of reserpine which progressively induced motor impairments such as increase in catalepsy, oral movements, and reduction of the average speed of the animals in the open field, as well as depleted dopamine prodution in SNpc cells. Furthermore, this treatment resulted in the loss of aversive memory recall in mice when undergoing PMDAT. Yet, passiflora group also show this amnesic profile. However, animals treated concomitantly with the alcoholic extract of Passiflora cincinnata Mast. showed higher latency for the onset of motor impairment evaluated by catalepsy. Thus, our results shows that the alcoholic extract of the plant P. cincinnata was able to delay the onset of the catalepsy induced by reserpine administration, plus reverted the depletion of dopamine production in SNpc cells.


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The pericarp of Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa Degener is now being investigated for medicine purposes. There are no reports about it toxicity. The aim of the present study was investigate the sub chronic toxicity in male rats and reproductive toxicity in pregnant rats and exposed fetuses of an extract obtained by infusion of the pericarp in water (1:3 m/v;100o C, 10 min). The extract composition was evaluated by tube reactions and thin lawyer chromatography (TLC). Adult male rats (n=8) were treated with 300 mg/kg of the extract, by gavage, during 30 days and pregnant rats (n=7) from gestation day 0 to day 20. Control received tap water (1 mL). Water and food intakes and body weight gain were recorded. At day 29 of treatment the sexual behavior of the males was analyzed and then half of males from each group received cyclophosphamide (50 mg/kg, i.p.) to (anti)genotoxic assessment in bone marrow. At day 30, males were anesthesized for parameters collection. At day 20 of gestation, the dams were anesthesized for reproductive performance evaluation. The fetal analysis was conducted by visceral and skeletal. Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of flavonoids, unspecific alkaloids, phenols and triterpenic compounds. Statistical analysis revealed absence of significant differences between experimental and control. This study suggest that the aqueous extract obtained from pericarp of P. edulis var. flavicarpa Degener was not able to promote toxic effects in rats. Cytotoxicity was evaluated with the PCE/NCE ratio (NCE=normochromatic erythrocytes). Statistical analysis (mean ± SEM) revealed absence of changes in the frequency of MNPCE (negative control: 3.26±0.42; positive control: 11.72±1.02; negative experimental: 4.02±0.13; positive experimental: 10.47±0.87) or cytotoxicity (negative control: 0.37±0.08; positive control: 0.23±0.05; negative experimental: 0.37±0.07; positive experimental: 0.23±0.02). This study suggests that the extracts showed no (anti)genotoxic and no cytotoxic activities under the experimental conditions.


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The Waltheria genus belonging to the Sterculiaceae family, it is reported as a prolific source of flavonoids and quinolone alkaloids, substances of great interest due to several associated biological activities. This work describes a novel phytochemical study from Waltheria ferruginea, aiming to contribute to the chemical knowledge of this specie and the isolation of substances with biological potential. For the phytochemical study were used chromatography techniques on silica gel and molecular exclusion in Sephadex LH-20.The structural elucidation of the isolated compounds was performed through spectrometric techniques 1H and 13C NMR, including uni and bidimensional pulse sequences, and comparison with data from literature. Five substances were isolated, namely: the flavonids kaempferol-3-O-β-(6''-cumaroil)-glucopyranoside (F1) and kaempferol -3 -O- β - glucopyranoside (F2), both analyzes with pharmacological properties, the flavonol quercetin-3-O-β-glucopyranoside (F3 ) pure and in the epimeric mixture α (F3') and (F3), the terpenegeranyl - geranyl (G1) and the 12-hydroxi-octadecanoic acid, all no previous reported in the literature.


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Acknowledgments Y.Y. acknowledges the financial support from “973” Program (2012CB721006) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (31570033). R.E., K.K., H.D., and M.J. acknowledge the financial support of the Leverhulme Trust-Royal Society Africa Award (AA090088).


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Sporomorphs and dinoflagellate cysts from site GIK16867 in the northern Angola Basin record the vegetation history of the West African forest during the last 700 ka in relation to changes in salinity and productivity of the eastern Gulf of Guinea. During most cool and cold periods, the Afromontane forest, rather than the open grass-rich dry forest, expanded to lower altitudes partly replacing the lowland rain forest of the borderlands east of the Gulf of Guinea. Except in Stage 3, when oceanic productivity was high during a period of decreased atmospheric circulation, high oceanic productivity is correlated to strong winds. The response of marine productivity in the course of a climatic cycle, however, is earlier than that of wind vigour and makes wind-stress-induced oceanic upwelling in the area less likely. Monsoon variation is well illustrated by the pollen record of increased lowland rain forest that is paired to the dinoflagellate cyst record of decreased salinity forced by increased precipitation and run-off.