929 resultados para Structural effects
Hydrodynamic and Thermophoretic Effects on the Supramolecular Chirality of Pyrene-Derived Nanosheets
Chiroptical properties of two-dimensional (2D) supramolecular assemblies (nanosheets) of achiral, charged pyrene trimers (Py3) are rendered chiral by asymmetric physical perturbations. Chiral stimuli in a cuvette can originate either from controlled temperature gradients or by very gentle stirring. The chiroptical activity strongly depends on the degree of supramolecular order of the nanosheets, which is easily controlled by the method of preparation. The high degree of structural order ensures strong cooperative effects within the aggregates, rendering them more susceptible to external stimuli. The samples prepared by using slow thermal annealing protocols are both CD and LD active (in stagnant and stirred solutions), whereas for isothermally aged samples chiroptical activity was in all cases undetectable. In the case of temperature gradients, the optical activity of 2D assemblies could be recorded for a stagnant solution due to migration of the aggregates from the hottest to the coldest regions of the system. However, a considerably stronger exciton coupling, coinciding with the J-band of the interacting pyrenes, is developed upon subtle vortexing (0.5 Hz, 30 rpm) of the aqueous solution of the nanosheets. The sign of the exciton coupling is inverted upon switching between clockwise and counter-clockwise rotation. The supramolecular chirality is evidenced by the appearance of CD activity. To exclude artefacts from proper CD spectra, the contribution from LD to the observed CD was determined. The data suggest that the aggregates experience asymmetrical deformation and alignment effects because of the presence of chiral flows.
Most existing studies addressing the effects of invasive species on biodiversity focus on species richness ignoring better indicators of biodiversity and better predictors of ecosystem functioning such as the diversity of evolutionary histories (phylodiversity). Moreover, no previous study has separated the direct effect of alien plants on multiple ecosystem functions simultaneously (multifunctionality) from those indirect ones mediated by the decrease on biodiversity caused by alien plants. We aimed to analyze direct and indirect effects, mediated or not by its effect on biodiversity, of the invasive tree Ailanthus altissima on ecosystem multifunctionality of riparian habitats under Mediterranean climate. We measured vegetation attributes (species richness and phylodiversity) and several surrogates of ecosystem functioning (understory plant biomass, soil enzyme activities, available phosphorous and organic matter) in plots infested by A. altissima and in control (non-invaded) ones. We used structural equation modelling to tease apart the direct and indirect effects of A. altissima on ecosystem multifunctionality. Our results suggest that lower plant species richness, phylodiversity and multifunctionality were associated to the presence of A. altissima. When analyzing each function separately, we found that biodiversity has the opposite effect of the alien plant on all the different functions measured, therefore reducing the strength of the effect (either positive or negative) of A. altissima on them. This is one of the few existing studies addressing the effect of invasive species on phylodiversity and also studying the effect of invasive species on multiple ecosystem functions simultaneously.
The ribosome is central to protein biosynthesis and the focus of extensive research. Recent biochemical and structural studies, especially detailed crystal structures and high resolution Cryo-EM in different functional states have broadened our understanding of the ribosome and its mode of action. However, the exact mechanism of peptide bond formation and how the ribosome catalyzes this reaction is not yet understood. Also, consequences of direct oxidative stress to the ribosome and its effects on translation have not been studied. So far, no conventional replacement or even removal of the peptidyl transferase center's bases has been able to affect in vitro translation. Significant contribution to the catalytic activity seems to stem from the ribose-phosphate backbone, specifically 2'OH of A2451. Using the technique of atomic mutagenesis, novel unnatural bases can be introduced to any desired position in the 23S rRNA, surpassing conventional mutagenesis and effectively enabling to alter single atoms in the ribosome. Reconstituting ribosomes in vitro using this approach, we replaced universally conserved PTC bases with synthetic counterparts carrying the most common oxidations 8-oxorA, 5-HOrU and 5-HOrC. To investigate the consequent effects on translation, the chemically engineered ribosomes were studied the in various functional assays. Incorporation of different oxidized bases into the 70S ribosome affected the ribosomes in different ways. Depending on the nucleobase modified, the reconstituted ribosomes exhibited radical deceleration of peptide bond formation, decrease of synthesis efficiency or even an increase of translation rate. These results may further our understanding of the residues involved in the peptide bond formation mechanism, as well as the disease-relevant effects of oxydative stress on the translation machinery.
The ribosome is central to protein biosynthesis and the focus of extensive research. Recent biochemical and structural studies, especially detailed crystal structures and high resolution Cryo-EM in different functional states have broadened our understanding of the ribosome and its mode of action. However, the exact mechanism of peptide bond formation and how the ribosome catalyzes this reaction is not yet understood. Also, consequences of direct oxidative stress to the ribosome and its effects on translation have not been studied. So far, no conventional replacement or even removal of the peptidyl transferase center's bases has been able to affect in vitro translation. Significant contribution to the catalytic activity seems to stem from the ribose-phosphate backbone, specifically 2'OH of A2451. Using the technique of atomic mutagenesis, novel unnatural bases can be introduced to any desired position in the 23S rRNA, surpassing conventional mutagenesis and effectively enabling to alter single atoms in the ribosome. Reconstituting ribosomes in vitro using this approach, we replaced universally conserved PTC bases with synthetic counterparts carrying the most common oxidations 8-oxorA, 5-HOrU and 5-HOrC. To investigate the consequent effects on translation, the chemically engineered ribosomes were studied the in various functional assays. Incorporation of different oxidized bases into the 70S ribosome affected the ribosomes in different ways. Depending on the nucleobase modified, the reconstituted ribosomes exhibited radical deceleration of peptide bond formation, decrease of synthesis efficiency or even an increase of translation rate. These results may further our understanding of the residues involved in the peptide bond formation mechanism, as well as the disease-relevant effects of oxydative stress on the translation machinery.
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) applied over the right posterior parietal cortex (PPC) in healthy participants has been shown to trigger a significant rightward shift in the spatial allocation of visual attention, temporarily mimicking spatial deficits observed in neglect. In contrast, rTMS applied over the left PPC triggers a weaker or null attentional shift. However, large interindividual differences in responses to rTMS have been reported. Studies measuring changes in brain activation suggest that the effects of rTMS may depend on both interhemispheric and intrahemispheric interactions between cortical loci controlling visual attention. Here, we investigated whether variability in the structural organization of human white matter pathways subserving visual attention, as assessed by diffusion magnetic resonance imaging and tractography, could explain interindividual differences in the effects of rTMS. Most participants showed a rightward shift in the allocation of spatial attention after rTMS over the right intraparietal sulcus (IPS), but the size of this effect varied largely across participants. Conversely, rTMS over the left IPS resulted in strikingly opposed individual responses, with some participants responding with rightward and some with leftward attentional shifts. We demonstrate that microstructural and macrostructural variability within the corpus callosum, consistent with differential effects on cross-hemispheric interactions, predicts both the extent and the direction of the response to rTMS. Together, our findings suggest that the corpus callosum may have a dual inhibitory and excitatory function in maintaining the interhemispheric dynamics that underlie the allocation of spatial attention. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) controls allocation of attention across left versus right visual fields. Damage to this area results in neglect, characterized by a lack of spatial awareness of the side of space contralateral to the brain injury. Transcranial magnetic stimulation over the PPC is used to study cognitive mechanisms of spatial attention and to examine the potential of this technique to treat neglect. However, large individual differences in behavioral responses to stimulation have been reported. We demonstrate that the variability in the structural organization of the corpus callosum accounts for these differences. Our findings suggest novel dual mechanism of the corpus callosum function in spatial attention and have broader implications for the use of stimulation in neglect rehabilitation.
The Ras family of small GTPases (N-, H-, and K-Ras) is a group of important signaling mediators. Ras is frequently activated in some cancers, while others maintain low level activity to achieve optimal cell growth. In cells with endogenously low levels of active Ras, increasing Ras signaling through the ERK and p38 MAPK pathways can cause growth arrest or cell death. Ras requires prenylation – the addition of a 15-carbon (farnesyl) or 20-carbon (geranylgeranyl) group – to keep the protein anchored into membranes for effective signaling. N- and K-Ras can be alternatively geranylgeranylated (GG’d) if farnesylation is inhibited but are preferentially farnesylated. Small molecule inhibitors of farnesyltransferase (FTIs) have been developed as a means to alter Ras signaling. Our initial studies with FTIs in malignant and non-malignant cells revealed FTI-induced cell cycle arrest, reduced proliferation, and increased Ras signaling. These findings led us to the hypothesis that FTI induced increased GG’d Ras. We further hypothesized that the specific effects of FTI on cell cycle and growth result from increased signal strength of GG’d Ras. Our results did show that increase in GG’d K-Ras in particular results in reduced cell viability and cell cycle arrest. Genetically engineered constructs capable of only one type of prenylation confirmed that GG’d K-Ras recapitulated the effect of FTI in 293T cells. In tumor cell lines ERK and p38 MAPK pathways were both strongly activated in response to FTI, indicating the increased activity of GG’d K-Ras results in antiproliferative signals specifically through these pathways. These results collectively indicate FTI increases active GG’d K-Ras which activates ERK and p38 MAPKs to reduced cell viability and induce cell cycle arrest in malignant cells. This is the first report that identifies increased activity of GG’d K-Ras contributes to antineoplastic effects from FTI by increasing the activity of downstream MAPKs. Our observations suggest increased GG’d K-Ras activity, rather than inhibition of farnesylated Ras, is a major source of the cytostatic and cytotoxic effects of FTI. Our data may allow for determination of which patients would benefit from FTI by excluding tumors or diseases which have strong K-Ras signaling.
Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM kinase) is a multifunctional Ser/Thr protein kinase, that is highly enriched in brain and is involved in regulating many aspects of neuronal function. We observed that forebrain CaM kinase from crude homogenates, cytosolic fractions and purified preparations inactivates and translocates into the particulate fraction following autophosphorylation. Using purified forebrain CaM kinase as well as recombinant $\alpha$ isozyme, we determined that the formation of particulate enzyme was due to enzyme self-association. The conditions of autophosphorylation determine whether enzyme self-association and/or inactivation will occur. Self-association of CaM kinase is sensitive to pH, ATP concentration, and enzyme autophosphorylation. This process is prevented by saturating concentrations of ATP. However, in limiting ATP, pH is the dominant factor, and enzyme self-association occurs at pH values $\rm{<}7.0.$ Site-specific mutants were produced by substituting Ala for Thr286, Thr253, or Thr305,306 to determine whether these sites of autophosphorylation affect enzyme inactivation and self-association. The only mutation that influenced these processes was Ala286, which removed the protective effect afforded by autophosphorylation in saturating ATP. Enzyme inactivation occurs in the presence and absence of self-association and appears predominantly sensitive to nucleotide concentration, because saturating concentrations of $\rm Mg\sp{2+}/ADP$ or $\rm Mg\sp{2+}/ATP$ prevent this process. These data implicate the ATP binding pocket in both inactivation and self-association. We also observed that select peptide substrates and peptide inhibitors modeled after the autoregulatory domain of CaM kinase prevented these processes. The $\alpha$ and $\beta$ isozymes of CaM kinase were characterized independently, and were observed to exhibit differences in both enzyme inactivation and self-association. The $\beta$ isozyme was less sensitive to inactivation, and was never observed to self-associate. Biophysical characterization, and transmission electron microscopy coupled with image analysis indicated both isozymes were multimeric, however, the $\alpha$ and $\beta$ isozymes appeared structurally different. We hypothesize that the $\alpha$ subunit of CaM kinase plays both a structural and enzymatic role, and the $\beta$ subunit plays an enzymatic role. The ramifications for the functional differences observed for inactivation and self-association are discussed based on potential structural differences and autoregulation of the $\alpha$ and $\beta$ isozymes in both calcium-induced physiological and pathological processes. ^
The Reoviridae virus family is a group of economically and pathologically important viruses that have either single-, double-, or triple-shelled protein layers enclosing a segmented double stranded RNA genome. Each virus particle in this family has its own viral RNA dependent RNA polymerase and the enzymatic activities necessary for the mature RNA synthesis. Based on the structure of the inner most cores of the viruses, the Reoviridae viruses can be divided into two major groups. One group of viruses has a smooth surfaced inner core, surrounded by complete outer shells of one or two protein layers. The other group has an inner core decorated with turrets on the five-fold vertices, and could either completely lack or have incomplete outer protein layers. The structural difference is one of the determinant factors for their biological differences during the infection. ^ Cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV) is a single-shelled, turreted virus and the structurally simplest member in Reoviridae. It causes specific chronic infections in the insect gut epithelial cells. Due to its wide range of insect hosts, CPV has been engineered as a potential insecticide for use in fruit and vegetable farming. Its unique structural simplicity, unparalleled capsid stability and ease of purification make CPV an ideal model system for studying the structural basis of dsRNA virus assembly at the highest possible resolution by electron cryomicroscopy (cryoEM) and three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction. ^ In this thesis work, I determined the first 3D structure of CPV capsids using 100 kV cryoEM. At an effective resolution of 17 Å, the full capsid reveals a 600-Å diameter, T = 1 icosahedral shell decorated with A and B spikes at the 5-fold vertices. The internal space of the empty CPV is unoccupied except for 12 mushroom-shaped densities that are attributed to the transcriptional enzyme complexes. The inside of the full capsid is packed with icosahedrally-ordered viral genomic RNA. The interactions of viral RNA with the transcriptional enzyme complexes and other capsid proteins suggest a mechanism for RNA transcription and subsequent release. ^ Second, the interactions between the turret proteins (TPs) and the major capsid shell protein (CSPs) have been identified through 3D structural comparisons of the intact CPV capsids with the spikeless CPV capsids, which were generated by chemical treatments. The differential effects of these chemical treatment experiments also indicated that CPV has a significantly stronger structural integrity than other dsRNA viruses, such as the orthoreovirus subcores, which are normally enclosed within outer protein shells. ^ Finally, we have reconstructed the intact CPV to an unprecendented 8 Å resolution from several thousand of 400kV cryoEM images. The 8 Å structure reveals interactions among the 120 molecules of each of the capsid shell protein (CSP), the large protrusion protein (LPP), and 60 molecules of the turret protein (TP). A total of 1980 α-helices and 720 β-sheets have been identified in these capsid proteins. The CSP structure is largely conserved, with the majority of the secondary structures homologous to those observed in the x-ray structures of corresponding proteins of other reoviruses, such as orthoreovirus and bluetongue virus. The three domains of TP are well positioned to play multifunctional roles during viral transcription. The completely non-equivalent interactions between LPP and CSP and those between the anchoring domain of TP and CSP account for the unparalleled stability of this structurally simplest member of the Reoviridae. ^
In the near future, the marine environment is likely to be subjected to simultaneous increases in temperature and decreased pH. The potential effects of these changes on intertidal, meiofaunal assemblages were investigated using a mesocosm experiment. Artificial Substrate Units containing meiofauna from the extreme low intertidal zone were exposed for 60 days to eight experimental treatments (four replicates for each treatment) comprising four pH levels: 8.0 (ambient control), 7.7 & 7.3 (predicted changes associated with ocean acidification), and 6.7 (CO2 point-source leakage from geological storage), crossed with two temperatures: 12 °C (ambient control) and 16 °C (predicted). Community structure, measured using major meiofauna taxa was significantly affected by pH and temperature. Copepods and copepodites showed the greatest decline in abundance in response to low pH and elevated temperature. Nematodes increased in abundance in response to low pH and temperature rise, possibly caused by decreased predation and competition for food owing to the declining macrofauna density. Nematode species composition changed significantly between the different treatments, and was affected by both seawater acidification and warming. Estimated nematode species diversity, species evenness, and the maturity index, were substantially lower at 16 °C, whereas trophic diversity was slightly higher at 16 °C except at pH 6.7. This study has demonstrated that the combination of elevated levels of CO2 and ocean warming may have substantial effects on structural and functional characteristics of meiofaunal and nematode communities, and that single stressor experiments are unlikely to encompass the complexity of abiotic and biotic interactions. At the same time, ecological interactions may lead to complex community responses to pH and temperature changes in the interstitial environment.
It is well known that ocean acidification can have profound impacts on marine organisms. However, we know little about the direct and indirect effects of ocean acidification and also how these effects interact with other features of environmental change such as warming and declining consumer pressure. In this study, we tested whether the presence of consumers (invertebrate mesograzers) influenced the interactive effects of ocean acidification and warming on benthic microalgae in a seagrass community mesocosm experiment. Net effects of acidification and warming on benthic microalgal biomass and production, as assessed by analysis of variance, were relatively weak regardless of grazer presence. However, partitioning these net effects into direct and indirect effects using structural equation modeling revealed several strong relationships. In the absence of grazers, benthic microalgae were negatively and indirectly affected by sediment-associated microalgal grazers and macroalgal shading, but directly and positively affected by acidification and warming. Combining indirect and direct effects yielded no or weak net effects. In the presence of grazers, almost all direct and indirect climate effects were nonsignificant. Our analyses highlight that (i) indirect effects of climate change may be at least as strong as direct effects, (ii) grazers are crucial in mediating these effects, and (iii) effects of ocean acidification may be apparent only through indirect effects and in combination with other variables (e.g., warming). These findings highlight the importance of experimental designs and statistical analyses that allow us to separate and quantify the direct and indirect effects of multiple climate variables on natural communities.
Diatoms can occur as single cells or as chain-forming aggregates. These two strategies affect buoyancy, predator evasion, light absorption and nutrient uptake. Adjacent cells in chains establish connections through various processes that determine strength and flexibility of the bonds, and at distinct cellular locations defining colony structure. Chain length has been found to vary with temperature and nutrient availability as well as being positively correlated with growth rate. However, the potential effect of enhanced carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations and consequent changes in seawater carbonate chemistry on chain formation is virtually unknown. Here we report on experiments with semi-continuous cultures of the freshly isolated diatom Asterionellopsis glacialis grown under increasing CO2 levels ranging from 320 to 3400 µatm. We show that the number of cells comprising a chain, and therefore chain length, increases with rising CO2 concentrations. We also demonstrate that while cell division rate changes with CO2 concentrations, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cellular quotas vary proportionally, evident by unchanged organic matter ratios. Finally, beyond the optimum CO2 concentration for growth, carbon allocation changes from cellular storage to increased exudation of dissolved organic carbon. The observed structural adjustment in colony size could enable growth at high CO2 levels, since longer, spiral-shaped chains are likely to create microclimates with higher pH during the light period. Moreover increased chain length of Asterionellopsis glacialis may influence buoyancy and, consequently, affect competitive fitness as well as sinking rates. This would potentially impact the delicate balance between the microbial loop and export of organic matter, with consequences for atmospheric carbon dioxide.
This paper proposes an alternative input-output based spatial-structural decomposition analysis to elucidate the role of domestic-regional heterogeneity and interregional spillover effects in determining China's regional CO2 emission growth. Our empirical results based on the 2007 and 2010 Chinese interregional input-output tables show that the changes in most regions' final demand scale, final expenditure structure and export scale give positive spatial spillover effects on other regions' CO2 emission growth, the changes in most regions' consumption and export preference help the reduction of other regions' CO2 emissions, the changes in production technology, and investment preference may give positive or negative impacts on other region's CO2 emission growth through domestic supply chains. For some regions, the aggregate spillover effect from other regions may be larger than the intra-regional effect in determining regional emission growth. All these facts can significantly help better and deeper understanding on the driving forces of China's regional CO2 emission growth, thus can enrich the policy implication concerning a narrow definition of "carbon leakage" through domestic-interregional trade, and relevant political consensus about the responsibility sharing between developed and developing regions inside China.
The European HiPER project aims to demonstrate commercial viability of inertial fusion energy within the following two decades. This goal requires an extensive Research &Development program on materials for different applications (e.g., first wall, structural components and final optics). In this paper we will discuss our activities in the framework of HiPER to develop materials studies for the different areas of interest. The chamber first wall will have to withstand explosions of at least 100 MJ at a repetition rate of 5-10 Hz. If direct drive targets are used, a dry wall chamber operated in vacuum is preferable. In this situation the major threat for the wall stems from ions. For reasonably low chamber radius (5-10 m) new materials based on W and C are being investigated, e.g., engineered surfaces and nanostructured materials. Structural materials will be subject to high fluxes of neutrons leading to deleterious effects, such as, swelling. Low activation advanced steels as well as new nanostructured materials are being investigated. The final optics lenses will not survive the extreme ion irradiation pulses originated in the explosions. Therefore, mitigation strategies are being investigated. In addition, efforts are being carried out in understanding optimized conditions to minimize the loss of optical properties by neutron and gamma irradiation
NeuroAIDS persists in the era of combination antiretroviral therapies. We describe here the recovery of brain structure and function following 6 months of therapy in a treatment-naive patient presenting with HIV-associated dementia. The patient’s neuropsychological test performance improved and his total brain volume increased by more than 5 %. Neuronal functional connectivity measured by magnetoencephalography changed from a pattern identical to that observed in other HIV-infected individuals to one that was indistinguishable from that of uninfected control subjects. These data suggest that at least some of the effects of HIV on the brain can be fully reversed with treatment.
This paper presents the results of cyclic loading tests on two large-scale reinforced concrete structural walls that were conducted at Purdue University. One of the walls had confinement reinforcement meeting ACI-318-11 requirements while the other wall did not have any confinement reinforcement. The walls were tested as part of a larger study aimed at indentifying parameters affecting failure modes observed to limit the drift capacity of structural walls in Chile during the Maule Earthquake of 2010. These failure modes include out-of-plane buckling (of the wall rather tan individual reinforcing bars), compression failure, and bond failure. This paper discusses the effects of confinement on failure mode. Distributions of unit strain and curvature obtained with a dense array of non-contact coordinate-tracking targets are also presented.