540 resultados para Sternocleidomastoid Flap
There has been little investigation into whether or not differences exist in the nature of physical impairment associated with neck pain of whiplash and insidious origin. This study examined the neck flexor synergy during performance of the cranio-cervical flexion test, a test targeting the action of the deep neck flexors. Seventy-five volunteer subjects participated in this study and were equally divided between Group 1, asymptomatic control subjects, Group 2, subjects with insidious onset neck pain and Group 3, subjects with neck pain following a whiplash injury. The cranio-cervical flexion test was performed in five progressive stages of increasing cranio-cervical flexion range. Subjects' performance was guided by feedback from a pressure sensor inserted behind the neck which monitored the slight flattening of the cervical lordosis which occurs with the contraction of longus colli. Myoelectric signals (EMG) were detected from the muscles during performance of the test. The results indicated that both the insidious onset neck pain and whiplash groups had higher measures of EMG signal amplitude (normalized root mean square) in the sternocleidomastoid during each stage of the test compared to the control subjects (all P
Despite the evidence of greater fatigability of the cervical flexor muscles in neck pain patients, the effect of unilaterality of neck pain on muscle fatigue has not been investigated. This study compared myoelectric manifestations of sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and anterior scalene (AS) muscle fatigue between the painful and non-painful sides in patients with chronic unilateral neck pain. Myoelectric signals were recorded from the sternal head of SCM and the AS muscles bilaterally during sub-maximal isometric cervical flexion contractions at 25% and 50% of the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). The time course of the mean power frequency, average rectified value and conduction velocity of the electromyographic signals were calculated to quantify myoelectric manifestations of muscle fatigue. Results revealed greater estimates of the initial value and slope of the mean frequency for both the SCM and AS muscles on the side of the patient's neck pain at 25% and 50% of MVC. These results indicate greater myoelectric manifestations of muscle fatigue of the superficial cervical flexor muscles ipsilateral to the side of pain. This suggests a specificity of the effect of pain on muscle function and hence the need for specificity of therapeutic exercise in the management of neck pain patients. (C) 2003 European Federation of Chapters of the International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Study Design. Cross-sectional study. Objective. The present study compared activity of deep and superficial cervical flexor muscles and craniocervical flexion range of motion during a test of craniocervical flexion between 10 patients with chronic neck pain and 10 controls. Summary of Background Data. Individuals with chronic neck pain exhibit reduced performance on a test of craniocervical flexion, and training of this maneuver is effective in management of neck complaints. Although this test is hypothesized to reflect dysfunction of the deep cervical flexor muscles, this has not been tested. Methods. Deep cervical flexor electromyographic activity was recorded with custom electrodes inserted via the nose and fixed by suction to the posterior mucosa of the oropharynx. Surface electrodes were placed over the superficial neck muscles ( sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene). Root mean square electromyographic amplitude and craniocervical flexion range of motion was measured during five incremental levels of craniocervical flexion in supine. Results. There was a strong linear relation between the electromyographic amplitude of the deep cervical flexor muscles and the incremental stages of the craniocervical flexion test for control and individuals with neck pain ( P = 0.002). However, the amplitude of deep cervical flexor electromyographic activity was less for the group with neck pain than controls, and this difference was significant for the higher increments of the task ( P < 0.05). Although not significant, there was a strong trend for greater sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene electromyographic activity for the group with neck pain. Conclusions. These data confirm that reduced performance of the craniocervical flexion test is associated with dysfunction of the deep cervical flexor muscles and support the validity of this test for patients with neck pain.
Control of the neck muscles is coordinated with the sensory organs of vision, hearing and balance. For instance, activity of splenius capitis (SC) is modified with gaze shift. This interaction between eye movement and neck muscle activity is likely to influence the control of neck movement. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of eye position on neck muscle activity during cervical rotation. In eleven subjects we recorded electromyographic activity (EMG) of muscles that rotate the neck to the right [right obliquus capitis inferior (OI), multifides (MF), and SC, and left sternocleidomastoid (SCM)] with intramuscular or surface electrodes. In sitting, subjects rotated the neck in each direction to specific points in range that were held statically with gaze either fixed to a guide (at three different positions) that moved with the head to maintain a constant intra-orbit eye position or to a panel in front of the subject. Although right SC and left SCM EMG increased with rotation to the right, contrary to anatomical texts, OI EMG increased with both directions and MF EMG did not change from the activity recorded at rest. During neck rotation SCM and MF EMG was less when the eyes were maintained with a constant intra-orbit position that was opposite to the direction of rotation compared to trials in which the eyes were maintained in the same direction as the head movement. The inter-relationship between eye position and neck muscle activity may affect the control of neck posture and movement.
Objectives. To evaluate our experience with total pharyngolaryngectomy in the treatment of hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Study Design: Retrospective analysis of consecutively treated patients in an academic otolaryngology, head and neck department. Methods. One hundred eighty patients who had total pharyngolaryngectomy performed for hypopharyngeal carcinoma were included in this study. Patients with a history of previous head and neck cancer were excluded. Clinicopathologic parameters were recorded and survival calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Results. One hundred sixty-two (90%) of the patients were male, and the patients had a mean age of 62 years. The majority (91%) of patients had advanced overall clinical stage disease (stage 3,4). Thirty-one (17.8%) and 43 (24%) patients developed locoregional and metastatic disease recurrence, respectively. The 2- and 5-year disease-specific survival rates were 72% and 52%, respectively. Advanced nodal stage, perineural invasion, lymphovascular invasion, and positive margins were predictors of poor survival on univariate analysis, and lymphovascular invasion was an independent prognostic factor on multivariate analysis. Conclusion: Surgery and postoperative radiotherapy remains the treatment against which other modalities should be compared for advanced stage hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether an endurance-strength training program is effective in reducing myoelectric manifestations of sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and anterior scalene (AS) muscle fatigue which have been found to be greater in people with chronic neck pain. Methods: Fifty-eight female patients with chronic non-severe neck pain were randomized into one of two 6-week exercise intervention groups: an endurance-strength training regime for the cervical flexor muscles or a referent exercise intervention involving low load retraining of the cranio-cervical flexor muscles. The primary outcomes were a change in maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) force and change of the initial value and rate of change of the mean frequency, average rectified value and conduction velocity detected from the SCM and AS muscles during sub-maximal isometric cervical flexion contractions at 50, 25 and 10% MVC. Results: At the 7th week follow-up assessment, the endurance-strength training group revealed a significant increase in MVC force and a reduction in the estimates of the initial value and rate of change of the mean frequency for both the SCM and AS muscles (P < 0.05). Both exercise groups reported a reduced average intensity of neck pain and reduced neck disability index score (P < 0.05). Conclusions: An endurance-strength exercise regime for the cervical flexor muscles is effective in reducing myoelectric manifestations of superficial cervical flexor muscle fatigue as well as increasing cervical flexion strength in a group of patients with chronic non-severe neck pain. Significance: Provision of load to challenge the neck flexor muscles is required to reduce the fatigability of the SCM and AS muscles in people with neck pain. Improvements in cervical muscle strength and reduced fatigability may be responsible for the reported efficacy with this type of exercise program. (c) 2006 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All fights reserved.
Persistent intermittent headache is a common disorder and is often accompanied by neck aching or stiffness, which could infer a cervical contribution to headache. However, the incidence of cervicogenic headache is estimated to be 14-18% of all chronic headaches, highlighting the need for clear criterion of cervical musculoskeletal impairment to identify cervicogenic headache sufferers who may benefit from treatments such as manual therapy. This study examined the presence of cervical musculoskeletal impairment in 77 subjects, 27 with cervicogenic headache, 25 with migraine with aura and 25 control subjects. Assessments included a photographic measure of posture, range of movement, cervical manual examination, pressure pain thresholds, muscle length, performance in the cranio-cervical flexion test and cervical kinaesthetic sense. The results indicated that when compared to the migraine with aura and control groups who scored similarly in the tests, the cervicogenic headache group had less range of cervical flexion/extension (P = 0.048) and significantly higher incidences of painful upper cervical joint dysfunction assessed by manual examination (all P < 0.05) and muscle tightness (P < 0.05). Sternocleidomastoid normalized EMG values were higher in the latter three stages of the cranio-cervical flexion test although they failed to reach significance. There were no between group differences for other measures. A discriminant analysis revealed that manual examination could discriminate the cervicogenic headache group from the other subjects (migraine with aura and control subjects combined) with an 80% sensitivity. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose A teaching model for trabeculectomy is described using pig eyes prepared in formalin. Method The model enables trainee surgeons to practice various aspects of tissue handling required for successful trabeculectomy including the construction of a fornix-based conjunctival flap, scleral flap with buried releasable sutures, and water-tight conjunctival closure. Results Exposure to the necessary skills required to perform trabeculectomy surgery can be improved by the use of wet laboratory practice. Conclusions Trabeculectomy surgery experience is becoming more limited as fewer procedures are being performed due to the efficacy of recent medications. Wet laboratories will become an increasingly important aspect of a comprehensive ophthalmology training programme.
Objective: To describe the workload profile in a network of Australian skin cancer clinics. Design and setting: Analysis of billing data for the first 6 months of 2005 in a primary-care skin cancer clinic network, consisting of seven clinics and staffed by 20 doctors, located in the Northern Territory, Queensland and New South Wales. Main outcome measures: Consultation to biopsy ratio (CBR); biopsy to treatment ratio (BTR); number of benign naevi excised per melanoma (number needed to treat [NNT]). Results: Of 69780 billed activities, 34 622 (49.6%) were consultations, 19 358 (27.7%) biopsies, 8055 (11.5%) surgical excisions, 2804 (4.0%) additional surgical repairs, 1613 (2.3%) non-surgical treatments of cancers and 3328 (4.8%) treatments of premalignant or non-malignant lesions. A total of 6438 cancers were treated (116 melanomas by excision, 4709 non-melanoma skin cancers [NMSCs] by excision, and 1613 NMSCs non-surgically); 5251 (65.2%) surgical wounds were repaired by direct suture, 2651 (32.9%) by a flap (of which 44.8% were simple flaps), 42 (0.5%) by wedge excision and 111 (1.4%) by grafts. The CBR was 1.79, the BTR was 3.1 and the NNT was 28.6. Conclusions: In this network of Australian skin cancer clinics, one in three biopsies identified a skin cancer (BTR, 3.1), and about 29 benign lesions were excised per melanoma (NNT, 28.6). The estimated NNT was similar to that reported previously in general practice. More data are needed on health outcomes, including effectiveness of treatment and surgical repair.
A novel surface electromyographic (EMG) technique was recently described for the detection of deep cervical flexor muscle activity. Further investigation of this technique is warranted to ensure EMG activity from neighbouring muscles is not markedly influencing the signals recorded. This study compared deep cervical flexor (DCF) muscle activity with the activity of surrounding neck and jaw muscles during various anatomical movements of the neck and jaw in 10 volunteer subjects. DCF EMG activity was recorded with custom electrodes inserted via the nose and fixed by suction to the posterior mucosa of the oropharynx. Surface electrodes were placed over the sternocleidomastoid, anterior scalene, masseter and suprahyoid muscles. Positioned in supine, subjects performed isometric cranio-cervical flexion, cervical flexion, right and left cervical rotation,jaw clench and resisted jaw opening. Across all movements examined, EMG amplitude of the DCF muscles was greatest during neck movements that would require activity of the DCF muscles, particularly during cranio-cervical flexion, their primary anatomical action. The actions of jaw clench and resisted jaw opening demonstrated significantly less DCF EMG activity than the cranio-cervical flexion action (p < 0.05). Across all other movements, the neighbouring neck and jaw muscles demonstrated greatest EMG amplitude during their respective primary anatomical actions, which occurred in the absence of increased EMG amplitude recorded from the DCF muscles. The finding of substantial EMG activity of the DCF muscles only during neck actions that would require their activity, particularly cranio-cervical flexion, and not during actions involving the jaw, provide further assurance that the majority of myoelectric signals detected from the nasopharyngeal electrode are from the DCF muscles. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Acuity for elbow joint position sense (JPS) is reduced when head position is modified. Movement of the head is associated with biomechanical changes in the neck and shoulder musculoskeletal system, which may explain changes in elbow JPS. The present study aimed to determine whether elbow JPS is also influenced by illusory changes in head position. Simultaneous vibration of sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and the contralateral splenius was applied to 14 healthy adult human subjects. Muscle vibration or passive head rotation was introduced between presentation and reproduction of a target elbow position. Ten out of 14 subjects reported illusions consistent with lengthening of the vibrated muscles. In these 10 subjects, absolute error for elbow JPS increased with left SCM/right splenius vibration but not with right SCM/left splenius vibration. Absolute error also increased with right rotation, with a trend for increased error with left rotation. These results demonstrated that both actual and illusory changes in head position are associated with diminished acuity for elbow JPS, suggesting that the influence of head position on upper limb JPS depends, at least partially, on perceived head position.
Trinucleotide repeat (TNR) expansions and deletions are associated with human neurodegeneration and cancer. However, their underlying mechanisms remain to be elucidated. Recent studies have demonstrated that CAG repeat expansions can be initiated by oxidative DNA base damage and fulfilled by base excision repair (BER), suggesting active roles for oxidative DNA damage and BER in TNR instability. Here, we provide the first evidence that oxidative DNA damage can induce CTG repeat deletions along with limited expansions in human cells. Biochemical characterization of BER in the context of (CTG)20 repeats further revealed that repeat instability correlated with the position of a base lesion in the repeat tract. A lesion located at the 59-end of CTG repeats resulted in expansion, whereas a lesion located either in the middle or the 39-end of the repeats led to deletions only. The positioning effects appeared to be determined by the formation of hairpins at various locations on the template and the damaged strands that were bypassed by DNA polymerase b and processed by flap endonuclease 1 with different efficiency. Our study indicates that the position of a DNA base lesion governs whether TNR is expanded or deleted through BER.
The coexistence of gingival recession (GR) with root coverage indication and non-carious cervical lesions (LCNC) generates the need for a protocol that respects and promotes health of dental and periodontal tissues and allows treatment predictability. The main objectives of this theses were: (1) verify, through clinical evaluations, the connective tissue graft for root coverage on direct and indirect restorations made of ceramic resin; (2) analyze the influence of the battery level of the LED curing unit in the composite resin characteristics; (3) assess the influence of restorative materials, composite resin and ceramics, on the viability of gingival fibroblasts from primary culture. Nine patients with good oral hygiene and occlusal stability diagnosed with LCNCs the anterior teeth including premolars associated with gingival recession (class I and II of Miller) and only gingival recession were selected. After initial clinical examination, occlusal adjustment was performed and the patients had their teeth randomized allocated on direct composite resin restoration of LCNC, polishing and GR treatment with connective tissue graft and advanced coronally flap CR group (n = 15); and indirect ceramic restoration of the LCNC's and GR treatment (CTG+CAF) Group C (n = 15). The GR presented teeth with no clinically formed LCNCs cavity were treated using (CTG+CAF) being the control group (n = 15). Sorption and solubility tests, analysis of the degree of conversion and diametral tensile strength were performed in composite resin samples (n = 10) photoactivated by 100, 50 and 10% battery charge LED unit. The viability of fibroblasts on composite resin, ceramics and dentin disks (n = 3) was examined. Clinical follow-up was performed for three months. The data obtained at different stages were tabulated and subjected to analysis for detection of normal distribution and homogeneity. The results showed that: the LED unit with 10% battery affects the characteristics of the composite resin; restorative materials present biocompatibility with gingival fibroblasts; and the association of surgical and restorative treatment of teeth affected by NCCL and GR presents successful results at 3-month follow-up.
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