680 resultados para Steel strip cleaning
Four types of stainless steel coatings prepared by a high velocity oxy-fuel spraying system (HVOF) were studied. Differences among coated steels were related to the spraying parameters, which influenced the behavior of the samples against the corrosion. The electrochemical behavior of the stainless steel coatings was strongly influenced by porosity, the presence of micro- and macro-cracks, and also of un-melted particles. Once the electrolyte reached the steel substrate via these defects, the galvanic pair formed between the coating and substrate-accelerated corrosion, leading to the depletion of the coating. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The influence of hydrogen charging into a quenched and tempered boron steel membrane electrode (SAE 10B22) was studied using borate buffer (pH 8.4) and NaOH solutions (pH 12.7), with or without the addition of 0.01 M EDTA. At the hydrogen input side, hydrogen charging influenced cyclic voltammograms increasing the anodic charge of iron(II) hydroxide formation, and decreasing the donor density of passive films. These results suggest that the hydrogen ingress caused instability of metallic surface, increasing the surface area activity. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The austenite decomposition in C-Mn steel containing boron was studied by continuous cooling from 1100 and 845 degreesC using the Jominy test. The results indicate that the different cooling speeds and the presence of boron refine and change the percentage of ferrite microstructure, martensite, and fine pearlite. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O processo pirometalúrgico convencional para a produção de chumbo metálico é comparado com dois novos processos ambientalmente não agressivos: o eletrohidrometalúrgico e fusão alcalina. O processo eletrohidrometalúrgico consiste em reduzir o tamanho das partículas dos compostos de chumbo e lixiviar os mesmos com uma solução ácida de fluoborato férrico. Neste ponto, o chumbo é dissolvido com os íons férricos sendo reduzidos a íons ferrosos. A solução resultante da lixiviação é bombeada para os compartimentos catódicos de uma célula eletrolítica de diafragma nos quais o chumbo metálico é depositado em catodos de aço inoxidável numa forma compacta e pura. A solução que é empobrecida em íons Pb2+ é então enviada aos compartimentos anódicos da mesma célula onde, nas superfícies de anodos ocorre a oxidação dos íons ferrosos a férricos, que retornam ao estágio de lixiviação. O processo de fusão alcalina consiste em se juntar soda cáustica fundida, enxofre e compostos de chumbo num reator a uma temperatura entre 600 °C e 700 °C. Como um resultado chumbo metálico é obtido juntamente com sais fundidos de sódio, sulfetos metálicos e borra. O fundido é processado, resultando em borra, sulfetos metálicos, soda cáustica e enxofre. Estes dois últimos retornam para o reator. Ambos os processos permitem a recuperação de metais como antimônio, estanho, enxofre e prata, que em processo convencional são perdidos na escória. Esses novos processos são ambientalmente corretos sem poluições severas de Pb e SO2. O chumbo metálico obtido é mais puro que aquele do processo convencional.
Butterflyfishes of the genus Chaetodon (Chaetodontidae) are mostly bottom-feeders, and juveniles of some Pacific species are known to clean other fish, Herein we report on occasional cleaning by adult individuals of the Western Atlantic butterflyfish Chaetodon striatus, during their plankton-feeding aggregation, Four species of reef fish solicited cleaning to the butterflyfish amidst the aggregation.
Ion implantation of nitrogen into samples of tempered and quenched H13 steel was carried out by plasma immersion technique. A glow discharge plasma of nitrogen species was the ion source and the negative high voltage pulser provided 10-12 kV, 60 mu s duration and 1.0-2.0 kHz frequency, flat voltage pulses. The temperatures of the samples remained between 300 and 450 degrees C, sustained solely by the ion bombardment. In some of the discharges, we used a N-2 + H-2 gas mixture with 1:1 ratio. PIII treatments as long as 3, 6, 9 and up to 12 h were carried out to achieve as thickest treated layer as possible, and we were able to reach over 20 mu m treated layers, as a result of ion implantation and thermal (and possibly radiation enhanced) diffusion. The nitrogen depth profiles were obtained by GDOS (Glow Discharge Optical Spectroscopy) and the exact composition profiles by AES (Auger Electron Spectroscopy). The hardness of the treated surface was increased by more than 250%, reaching 18.8 GPa. No white layer was seen in this case. A hardness profile was obtained which corroborated a deep hardened layer, confirming the high efficacy of the moderate temperature PIII treatment of steels. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We describe a numerical procedure for plotting the force-versus-time curves in elastic collisions between identical conducting balls. A system of parametric equations relating the force and the time to a dimensionless parameter is derived from the assumption of a force compatible with Hertz's theory of collision. A simple experimental arrangement consisting of a mechanical system of colliding balls and an electrical circuit containing a crystal oscillator and an electronic counter is used to measure the collision time as a function of the energy of impact. From the data we can determine the relevant parameters. The calculated results agree very well with the expected values and are consistent with the assumption that the collisions are elastic. (C) 2006 American Association of Physics Teachers.
Coatings are largely used in industries. However the development of new materials with improved properties still feeds a continuous need for performance, cost or endurance, the coatings are obtained by a hybrid material, organic-inorganic, and this polymer is applied on metallic, ceramic and glassy surfaces. The material generated in-situ on the desired surface has a nanometric structure. Results in abrasion loss (according ASTM standards) showed that the coatings improve the abrasion resistance of stainless steel by 30%, and also, diminish oxidization and surface rugosity.
Aim To evaluate in vitro the cleaning of root-canal walls after irrigation with different irrigants.Methodology A total of 36 recently extracted human teeth were divided into four experimental groups according to the irrigating solution used: saline; 2% chlorhexidine; 2.5% sodium hypochlorite; and 2.5% sodium hypochlorite + EDTA. The cleaning of the apical, middle and coronal thirds of the root canals was evaluated by scanning electron microscope examination using a 4-point scoring system.Results the best cleaning was obtained using 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and EDTA, followed by 2.5% sodium hypochlorite only (P < 0.05), whose cleaning was similar to chlorhexidine only in the cervical third. Cleaning by saline and 2% chlorhexidine was worse than the other two groups and was similar in all thirds. Better cleaning was found in the cervical and middle thirds for all groups with the worst results in the apical third.Conclusions the apical third of the root canals was not cleaned as well as the middle and coronal thirds. Cleaning by chlorhexidine and saline was inferior compared to the cleaning by sodium hypochlorite with and without EDTA.
Bending fatigue tests were carried out to clarify the effects of heat treatment parameters: temperature and time after cadmium electroplating on a high strength steel, to avoid hydrogen embrittlement. Temperatures heat of 190 degrees C, 230 degrees C, 250 degrees C and 300 degrees C at 3, 8 and 24 hours together with the base material electroplated, with and without heat treatment, resulted in 14 conditions studied with respect to fatigue behaviour. Statistical data analysis was performed to identify the best combination temperature/time regarding fatigue strength of the ABNT 4340 steel and the results obtained revealed that the fatigue strength depend on temperature/time conditions.
In this paper the performances of different cutting fluids and grinding wheel types were analysed in the grinding of SAE HVN-3 workpieces. The resulting residual stress, wheel wear and roughness were evaluated. The influence of the cutting fluid jet velocity v(j) was also analysed. As a conclusion, the lubrication ability seems to be the governing factor in the cutting fluid performance. The use of CBN wheels can significantly reduce the thermal damage in grinding, leading to compressive residual stresses. The CBN wheel and the cutting oil give an optimum combination for performing this grinding operation.
The precipitation behaviour of a nickel free stainless steel containing 25% chromium, 17% manganese and 0.54% nitrogen, with duplex ferritic-austenitic microstructure, was studied using several complementary techniques of microstructural analysis after aging heat treatments between 600 and 1 000 degrees C for periods of lime between 15 and 6 000 min. During aging heat treatments, ferrite was decomposed into sigma phase and austenite by a eutectoid reaction, like in the Fe-Cr-Ni duplex stainless steel. Chromium nitride precipitation occurred in austenite, which had a high nitrogen supersaturation. Some peculiar aspects were observed in this austenite during its phase transformations. Chromium nitride precipitation occurred discontinuously in a lamellar morphology, such as pearlite in carbon steels. This kind of precipitation is not an ordinary observation in duplex stainless steels and the high levels of nitrogen in austenite can induce this type of precipitation, which has not been previously reported in duplex stainless steels. After chromium nitride precipitation in austenite, it was also observed sigma phase formation near the cells or colonies of discontinuously precipitated chromium nitride. Sigma phase formation was made possible by the depletion of nitrogen in those regions. Time-temperature-transformation (precipitation) diagrams were determined.