819 resultados para Standards, moderation, assessment, teacher judgement, criteria
El objetivo del trabajo es conocer la percepción epistemológica de docentes universitarios sobre la educación física, para contrastar esta postura contra la literatura actual y las necesidades para esta asignatura. La metodología se realizó desde una revisión sobre las reformas, normas/estándares, políticas y premisas de educación física, para la construcción de una encuesta como instrumento de medición, se encuestaron a 41 docentes que imparten clases en un programa de Licenciatura en Educación Física. Resultados: La confiabilidad del instrumento muestra un Alfa de Conbrach (.611), un 64.3 de los docentes opinan que es muy importante el dominio de habilidades motoras y formas de movimiento necesarias, para participar en una gran variedad de actividades físicas; un 54.8 considera muy importante la evaluación de los componentes de la condición física, para mejorar el rendimiento físico y la salud; un 45.2 considera muy importante la participación regular en una gran variedad de actividades físicas. Conclusiones: la percepción epistemológica de los docentes encuestados no es totalmente consistente con la postura epistemológica que se plantea a nivel internacional, por lo que se debería trabajar en la formación y actualización del docente universitario para tener una postura epistemológica adecuada hacia la educación física actual
Public participation is an integral part of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), and as such, has been incorporated into regulatory norms. Assessment of the effectiveness of public participation has remained elusive however. This is partly due to the difficulty in identifying appropriate effectiveness criteria. This research uses Q methodology to discover and analyze stakeholder's social perspectives of the effectiveness of EIAs in the Western Cape, South Africa. It considers two case studies (Main Road and Saldanha Bay EIAs) for contextual participant perspectives of the effectiveness based on their experience. It further considers the more general opinion of provincial consent regulator staff at the Department of Environmental Affairs and the Department of Planning (DEA&DP). Two main themes of investigation are drawn from the South African National Environmental Management Act imperative for effectiveness: firstly, the participation procedure, and secondly, the stakeholder capabilities necessary for effective participation. Four theoretical frameworks drawn from planning, politics and EIA theory are adapted to public participation and used to triangulate the analysis and discussion of the revealed social perspectives. They consider citizen power in deliberation, Habermas' preconditions for the Ideal Speech Situation (ISS), a Foucauldian perspective of knowledge, power and politics, and a Capabilities Approach to public participation effectiveness. The empirical evidence from this research shows that the capacity and contextual constraints faced by participants demand the legislative imperatives for effective participation set out in the NEMA. The implementation of effective public participation has been shown to be a complex, dynamic and sometimes nebulous practice. The functional level of participant understanding of the process was found to be significantly wide-ranging with consequences of unequal and dissatisfied stakeholder engagements. Furthermore, the considerable variance of stakeholder capabilities in the South African social context, resulted in inequalities in deliberation. The social perspectives revealed significant differences in participant experience in terms of citizen power in deliberation. The ISS preconditions are highly contested in both the Saldanha EIA case study and the DEA&DP social perspectives. Only one Main Road EIA case study social perspective considered Foucault's notion of governmentality as a reality in EIA public participation. The freedom of control of ones environment, based on a Capabilities approach, is a highly contested notion. Although agreed with in principle, all of the social perspectives indicate that contextual and capacity realities constrain its realisation. This research has shown that Q method can be applied to EIA public participation in South Africa and, with the appropriate research or monitoring applications it could serve as a useful feedback tool to inform best practice public participation.
The European construction industry is supposed to consume the 40% of the natural European resources and to generate the 40% of the European solid waste. Conscious of the great damage being suffered by the environment because of construction activity, this work tries to provide the building actors with a new tool to improve the current situation. The tool proposed is a model for the comprehensive evaluation of construction products by determining their environmental level. In this research, the environmental level of a construction product has been defined as its quality of accomplishing the construction requirements needed by causing the minimum ecological impact in its surrounding environment. This information allows building actors to choose suitable materials for building needs and also for the environment, mainly in the project stage or on the building site, contributing to improve the relationship between buildings and environment. For the assessment of the environmental level of construction products, five indicators have been identified regarding their global environmental impact through the product life cycle: CO2 emissions provoked during their production, volume and toxicity of waste generated on the building site, durability and recycling capacity after their useful life. Therefore, the less environmental impact one construction product produces, the higher environmental level performs. The model has been tested in 30 construction products that include environmental criteria in their description. The results obtained will be discussed in this article. Furthermore, this model can lay down guidelines for the selection of ecoefficient construction products and the design of new eco-competitive and eco-committed ones
Current trends in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) are moving towards the continuous evaluation of the students in substitution of the traditional evaluation based on a single test or exam. This fact and the increase in the number of students during last years in Engineering Schools, requires to modify evaluation procedures making them compatible with the educational and research activities. This work presents a methodology for the automatic generation of questions. These questions can be used as self assessment questions by the student and/or as queries by the teacher. The proposed approach is based on the utilization of parametric questions, formulated as multiple choice questions and generated and supported by the utilization of common programs of data sheets and word processors. Through this approach, every teacher can apply the proposed methodology without the use of programs or tools different from those normally used in his/her daily activity
La aplicación de criterios de sostenibilidad ha de entenderse como el procedimiento esencial para la necesaria reconversión del sector de la construcción, que movilizando el 10% de la economía mundial, representa más de la tercera parte del consumo mundial de recursos, en torno al 30-40% del consumo energético y emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, 30-40% de la generación de residuos y el 12% de todo el gasto en agua dulce del planeta. La presente investigación se enmarca en una estrategia general de promover la evaluación de la sostenibilidad en la edificación en el contexto español, dando un primer paso centrado en la evaluación del comportamiento ambiental. El hilo conductor de la investigación parte de la necesidad de establecer un marco teórico de sostenibilidad, que permita clarificar conceptos y definir criterios de valoración adecuados. Como siguiente paso, la investigación se dirige a la revisión del panorama internacional de normativa e instrumentos voluntarios, con el objetivo de clarificar el difuso panorama que caracteriza a la sostenibilidad en el sector de la edificación en la actualidad y enmarcar la investigación en un contexto de políticas y programaciones ya existentes. El objetivo principal reside en el planteamiento de una metodología de evaluación de los aspectos o impactos ambientales asociados al ciclo de vida de la edificación, aplicable al contexto español, como una de las tres dimensiones que constituyen los pilares básicos de la sostenibilidad. Los ámbitos de evaluación de los aspectos sociales y económicos, para los que no existe actualmente un grado de definición metodológico suficientemente congruente, son adicionalmente examinados, de cara a ofrecer una visión holística de la evaluación. Previo al desarrollo de la propuesta, se aborda, en primer lugar, la descripción de las características básicas y limitaciones de la metodología de Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV), para posteriormente proceder a profundizar en el estado del arte de aplicación de ACV a la edificación, realizando una revisión crítica de los trabajos de investigación que han sido desarrollados en los últimos años. Esta revisión permite extraer conclusiones sobre su grado de coherencia con el futuro entorno normativo e identificar dos necesidades prioritarias de actuación: -La necesidad de armonización, dadas las fuertes inconsistencias metodológicas detectadas, que imposibilitan la comparación de los resultados obtenidos en los trabajos de evaluación. -La necesidad de simplificación, dada la complejidad inherente a la evaluación, de modo que, manteniendo el máximo rigor, sea viable su aplicación práctica en el contexto español. A raíz de la participación en los trabajos de desarrollo normativo a nivel europeo, se ha adquirido una visión crítica sobre las implicaciones metodológicas de la normativa en definición, que permite identificar la hoja de ruta que marcará el escenario europeo en los próximos años. La definición de la propuesta metodológica integra los principios generales de aplicación de ACV con el protocolo metodológico establecido en la norma europea, considerando adicionalmente las referencias normativas de las prácticas constructivas en el contexto español. En el planteamiento de la propuesta se han analizado las posibles simplificaciones aplicables, con el objetivo de hacer viable su implementación, centrando los esfuerzos en la sistematización del concepto de equivalente funcional, el establecimiento de recomendaciones sobre el tipo de datos en función de su disponibilidad y la revisión crítica de los modelos de cálculo de los impactos ambientales. Las implicaciones metodológicas de la propuesta se describen a través de una serie de casos de estudio, que ilustran su viabilidad y las características básicas de aplicación. Finalmente, se realiza un recorrido por los aspectos que han sido identificados como prioritarios en la conformación del escenario de perspectivas futuras, líneas de investigación y líneas de acción. Abstract Sustainability criteria application must be understood as the essential procedure for the necessary restructuring of the construction sector, which mobilizes 10% of the world economy, accounting for more than one third of the consumption of the world's resources, around 30 - 40% of energy consumption and emissions of greenhouse gases, 30-40% of waste generation and 12% of all the fresh water use in the world. This research is in line with an overall strategy to promote the sustainability assessment of building in the Spanish context, taking a first step focused on the environmental performance assessment. The thread of the present research sets out from the need to establish a theoretical framework of sustainability which clarifies concepts and defines appropriate endpoints. As a next step, the research focuses on the review of the international panorama regulations and voluntary instruments, with the aim of clarifying the fuzzy picture that characterizes sustainability in the building sector at present while framing the research in the context of existing policies and programming. The main objective lies in the approach of a methodology for the assessment of the environmental impacts associated with the life cycle of building, applicable to the Spanish context, as one of the three dimensions that constitute the pillars of sustainability. The areas of assessment of social and economic issues, for which there is currently a degree of methodological definition consistent enough, are further examined, in order to provide a holistic view of the assessment. The description of the basic features and limitations of the methodology of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) are previously addressed, later proceeding to deepen the state of the art of LCA applied to the building sector, conducting a critical review of the research works that have been developed in recent years. This review allows to establish conclusions about the degree of consistency with the future regulatory environment and to identify two priority needs for action: - The need for harmonization, given the strong methodological inconsistencies detected that prevent the comparison of results obtained in assessment works. - The need for simplification, given the inherent complexity of the assessment, so that, while maintaining the utmost rigor, make the practical application feasible in the Spanish context. The participation in the work of policy development at European level has helped to achieve a critical view of the methodological implications of the rules under debate, identifying the roadmap that will mark the European scene in the coming years. The definition of the proposed methodology integrates the general principles of LCA methodology with the protocol established in the European standard, also considering the regulatory standards to construction practices in the Spanish context. In the proposed approach, possible simplifications applicable have been analyzed, in order to make its implementation possible, focusing efforts in systematizing the functional equivalent concept, establishing recommendations on the type of data based on their availability and critical review of the calculation models of environmental impacts. The methodological implications of the proposal are described through a series of case studies, which illustrate the feasibility and the basic characteristics of its application. Finally, the main aspects related to future prospects, research lines and lines of action that have been identified as priorities are outlined.
E-learning systems output a huge quantity of data on a learning process. However, it takes a lot of specialist human resources to manually process these data and generate an assessment report. Additionally, for formative assessment, the report should state the attainment level of the learning goals defined by the instructor. This paper describes the use of the granular linguistic model of a phenomenon (GLMP) to model the assessment of the learning process and implement the automated generation of an assessment report. GLMP is based on fuzzy logic and the computational theory of perceptions. This technique is useful for implementing complex assessment criteria using inference systems based on linguistic rules. Apart from the grade, the model also generates a detailed natural language progress report on the achieved proficiency level, based exclusively on the objective data gathered from correct and incorrect responses. This is illustrated by applying the model to the assessment of Dijkstra’s algorithm learning using a visual simulation-based graph algorithm learning environment, called GRAPHs
An important objective of the INTEGRATE project1 is to build tools that support the efficient execution of post-genomic multi-centric clinical trials in breast cancer, which includes the automatic assessment of the eligibility of patients for available trials. The population suited to be enrolled in a trial is described by a set of free-text eligibility criteria that are both syntactically and semantically complex. At the same time, the assessment of the eligibility of a patient for a trial requires the (machineprocessable) understanding of the semantics of the eligibility criteria in order to further evaluate if the patient data available for example in the hospital EHR satisfies these criteria. This paper presents an analysis of the semantics of the clinical trial eligibility criteria based on relevant medical ontologies in the clinical research domain: SNOMED-CT, LOINC, MedDRA. We detect subsets of these widely-adopted ontologies that characterize the semantics of the eligibility criteria of trials in various clinical domains and compare these sets. Next, we evaluate the occurrence frequency of the concepts in the concrete case of breast cancer (which is our first application domain) in order to provide meaningful priorities for the task of binding/mapping these ontology concepts to the actual patient data. We further assess the effort required to extend our approach to new domains in terms of additional semantic mappings that need to be developed.
All activities of an organization involve risks that should be managed. The risk management process aids decision making by taking account of uncertainty and the possibility of future events or circumstances (intended or unintended) and their effects on agreed objectives. With that idea, new ISO Standard has been drawn up. ISO 31010 has been recently issued which provides a structured process that identifies how objectives may be affected, and analyses the risk in term of consequences and their probabilities before deciding on whether further treatment is required. In this lecture, that ISO Standard has been adapted to Open Pit Blasting Operations, focusing in Environmental effects which can be managed properly. Technique used is Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), which is applied in all possible scenarios, providing to Blasting Professionals the tools to identify, analyze and manage environmental effects in blasting operations. Also this lecture can help to minimize each effect, studying each case. This paper also can be useful to Project Managers and Occupational Health and Safety Departments (OH&S) because blasting operations can be evaluated and compared one to each other to determine the risks that should be managed in different case studies. The environmental effects studied are: ground vibrations, flyrock and air overpressure (airblast). Sometimes, blasting operations are carried out near populated areas where environmental effects may impose several limitations on the use of explosives. In those cases, where these factors approach certain limits, National Standards and Regulations have to be applied.
Collaborative e-learning is increasingly appealing as a pedagogical approach that can positively affect student learning. We propose a didactical model that integrates multimedia with collaborative tools and peer assessment to foster collaborative e-learning. In this paper, we explain it and present the results of its application to the “International Seminars on Materials Science” online course. The proposed didactical model consists of five educational activities. In the first three, students review the multimedia resources proposed by the teacher in collaboration with their classmates. Then, in the last two activities, they create their own multimedia resources and assess those created by their classmates. These activities foster communication and collaboration among students and their ability to use and create multimedia resources. Our purpose is to encourage the creativity, motivation, and dynamism of the learning process for both teachers and students.
The objective of this study was to propose a multi-criteria optimization and decision-making technique to solve food engineering problems. This technique was demostrated using experimental data obtained on osmotic dehydratation of carrot cubes in a sodium chloride solution. The Aggregating Functions Approach, the Adaptive Random Search Algorithm, and the Penalty Functions Approach were used in this study to compute the initial set of non-dominated or Pareto-optimal solutions. Multiple non-linear regression analysis was performed on a set of experimental data in order to obtain particular multi-objective functions (responses), namely water loss, solute gain, rehydration ratio, three different colour criteria of rehydrated product, and sensory evaluation (organoleptic quality). Two multi-criteria decision-making approaches, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Tabular Method (TM), were used simultaneously to choose the best alternative among the set of non-dominated solutions. The multi-criteria optimization and decision-making technique proposed in this study can facilitate the assessment of criteria weights, giving rise to a fairer, more consistent, and adequate final compromised solution or food process. This technique can be useful to food scientists in research and education, as well as to engineers involved in the improvement of a variety of food engineering processes.
The Pridneprovsky Chemical Plant was one of the largest uranium processing enterprises in the former USSR, producing a huge amount of uranium residues. The Zapadnoe tailings site contains most of these residues. We propose a theoretical framework based on multicriteria decision analysis and fuzzy logic to analyze different remediation alternatives for the Zapadnoe tailings, which simultaneously accounts for potentially conflicting economic, social and environmental objectives. We build an objective hierarchy that includes all the relevant aspects. Fuzzy rather than precise values are proposed for use to evaluate remediation alternatives against the different criteria and to quantify preferences, such as the weights representing the relative importance of criteria identified in the objective hierarchy. Finally, we suggest that remediation alternatives should be evaluated by means of a fuzzy additive multi-attribute utility function and ranked on the basis of the respective trapezoidal fuzzy number representing their overall utility.
The objective of this paper is to provide performance metrics for small-signal stability assessment of a given system architecture. The stability margins are stated utilizing a concept of maximum peak criteria (MPC) derived from the behavior of an impedance-based sensitivity function. For each minor-loop gain defined at every system interface, a single number to state the robustness of stability is provided based on the computed maximum value of the corresponding sensitivity function. In order to compare various power-architecture solutions in terms of stability, a parameter providing an overall measure of the whole system stability is required. The selected figure of merit is geometric average of each maximum peak value within the system. It provides a meaningful metrics for system comparisons: the best system in terms of robust stability is the one that minimizes this index. In addition, the largest peak value within the system interfaces is given thus detecting the weakest point of the system in terms of robustness.
El cambio climático y los diferentes aspectos del concepto de “desarrollo” están intrínsecamente interconectados. Por un lado, el desarrollo económico de nuestras sociedades ha contribuido a un aumento insostenible de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, las cuales están desestabilizando el sistema climático global, generando al mismo tiempo una distribución desigual de la capacidad de las personas para hacer frente a estos cambios. Por otro lado, en la actualidad existe un amplio consenso sobre que el cambio climático impacta directamente y de manera negativa sobre el denominando desarrollo sostenible. De igual manera, cada vez existe un mayor consenso de que el cambio climático va a desafiar sustancialmente nuestra capacidad de erradicar la pobreza a medio y largo plazo. Ante esta realidad, no cabe duda de que las estrategias de adaptación son esenciales para mantener el desarrollo. Es por esto que hasta el momento, los mayores esfuerzos realizados por unir las agendas globales de la lucha contra la pobreza y del cambio climático se han dado en el entorno de la adaptación al cambio climático. Sin embargo, cada vez son más los actores que defienden, desde distintos escenarios, que existen sinergias entre la mitigación de emisiones y la mejora de las condiciones de vida de las poblaciones más vulnerables, favoreciendo así un “desarrollo sostenible” sin disminuir los recursos financieros destinados a la adaptación. Para hacer efectivo este potencial, es imprescindible identificar diseños de estrategias de mitigación que incrementen los resultados de desarrollo, contribuyendo al desarrollo sostenible al mismo tiempo que a reducir la pobreza. En este contexto se sitúa el objetivo principal de esta investigación, consistente en analizar los co-beneficios locales, para el desarrollo sostenible y la reducción la pobreza, de proyectos de mitigación del cambio climático que se implementan en Brasil. Por co-beneficios se entienden, en el lenguaje de las discusiones internacionales de cambio climático, aquellos beneficios que van más allá de la reducción de emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (GEI) intrínsecas por definición a los proyectos de mitigación. Los proyectos de mitigación más relevantes hasta el momento bajo el paraguas de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas para el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC), son los denominados Mecanismos de Desarrollo Limpio (MDL) del Protocolo de Kioto. Sin embargo, existen alternativas de proyectos de mitigación (tales como los denominados “estándares adicionales” a los MDL de los Mercados Voluntarios de Carbono y las Tecnologías Sociales), que también serán tenidos en cuenta en el marco de este estudio. La elección del tema se justifica por la relevancia del mismo en un momento histórico en el que se está decidiendo el futuro del régimen climático a partir del año 2020. Aunque en el momento de redactar este documento, todavía no se ha acordado la forma que tendrán los futuros instrumentos de mitigación, sí que se sabe que los co-beneficios de estos instrumentos serán tan importantes, o incluso más, que las reducciones de GEI que generan. Esto se debe, principalmente, a las presiones realizadas en las negociaciones climáticas por parte de los países menos desarrollados, para los cuales el mayor incentivo de formar parte de dichas negociaciones se basa principalmente en estos potenciales co-beneficios. Los resultados de la tesis se estructuran alrededor de tres preguntas de investigación: ¿cómo están contribuyendo los MDL implementados en Brasil a generar co-beneficios que fomenten el desarrollo sostenible y reduzcan la pobreza?; ¿existen proyectos de mitigación en Brasil que por tener compromisos más exigentes en cuanto a su contribución al desarrollo sostenible y/o la reducción de la pobreza que los MDL estén siendo más eficientes que estos en relación a los co-beneficios que generan?; y ¿qué características de los proyectos de mitigación pueden resultar críticas para potenciar sus co-beneficios en las comunidades en las que se implementan? Para dar respuesta a estas preguntas, se ha desarrollado durante cuatro años una labor de investigación estructurada en varias fases y en la que se combinan diversas metodologías, que abarcan desde el desarrollo de un modelo de análisis de cobeneficios, hasta la aplicación del mismo tanto a nivel documental sobre 194 documentos de diseño de proyecto (denominado análisis ex-ante), como a través de 20 casos de estudio (denominado análisis ex-post). Con la realización de esta investigación, se ha confirmado que los requisitos existentes hasta el momento para registrar un proyecto como MDL bajo la CMNUCC no favorecen sustancialmente la generación de co-beneficios locales para las comunidades en las que se implementan. Adicionalmente, se han identificado prácticas y factores, que vinculadas a las actividades intrínsecas de los proyectos de mitigación, son efectivas para incrementar sus co-beneficios. Estas prácticas y factores podrán ser tenidas en cuenta tanto para mejorar los requisitos de los actuales proyectos MDL, como para apoyar la definición de los nuevos instrumentos climáticos. ABSTRACT Climate change and development are inextricably linked. On the one hand, the economic development of our societies has contributed to the unsustainable increase of Green House Gases emissions, which are destabilizing the global climate system while fostering an unequal distribution of people´s ability to cope with these changes. On the other hand, there is now a consensus that climate change directly impacts the so-called sustainable development. Likely, there is a growing agreement that climate change will substantially threaten our capacity to eradicate poverty in the medium and long term. Given this reality, there is no doubt that adaptation strategies are essentials to keep development. This is why, to date, much of the focus on poverty in the context of climate change has been on adaptation However, without diverting resources from adaptation, there may exist the potential to synergize efforts to mitigate emissions, contribute to sustainable development and reduce poverty. To fulfil this potential, it is key identifying how mitigation strategies can also support sustainable development and reduce poverty. In this context, the main purpose of this investigation is to explore the co-benefits, for sustainable development and for poverty reduction, of climate change mitigation projects being implemented in Brazil. In recent years the term co-benefits, has been used by policy makers and academics to refer the potentially large and diverse range of collateral benefits that can be associated with climate change mitigation policies in addition to the direct avoided climate impact benefits. The most relevant mitigation projects developed during the last years under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are the so-called Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol. Thus, this research will analyse this official mechanism. However, there are alternatives to the mitigation projects (such as the "add-on standards" of the Voluntary Carbon Markets, and the Social Technologies) that will also be assessed as part of the research. The selection of this research theme is justified because its relevance in a historic moment in which proposals for a future climate regime after 2020 are being negotiated. Although at the moment of writing this document, there is not a common understanding on the shape of the new mitigation instruments, there is a great agreement about the importance of the co-benefits of such instruments, which may be even more important for the Least Developed Countries that their expected greenhouse gases emissions reductions. The results of the thesis are structured around three research questions: how are the CDM projects being implemented in Brazil generating local co-benefits that foster sustainable development and poverty reduction?; are other mitigation projects in Brazil that due to their more stringent sustainable development and/o poverty reduction criteria, any more successful at delivering co-benefits than regular CDM projects?; and what are the distinguishing characteristics of mitigation projects that are successful at delivering co-benefits? To answer these research questions, during four years it has been developed a research work structured in several phases and combining various methodologies. Those methodologies cover from the development of a co-benefits assessment model, to the application of such model both to a desktop analysis of 194 project design documents, and to 20 case studies using field data based on site visits to the project sites. With the completion of this research, it has been confirmed that current requirements to register a CDM project under the UNFCCC not substantially favour co-benefits at the local level. In addition, some practices and factors enablers of co-benefits have been identified. These characteristics may be taken into consideration to improve the current CDM and to support the definition of the new international market mechanisms for climate mitigation.
This paper reports the results of the assessment of a range of measures implemented in bus systems in five European cities to improve the use of public transport by increasing its attractiveness and enhancing its image in urban areas. This research was conducted as part of the EBSF project (European Bus System of the Future) from 2008 to 2012. New buses (prototypes), new vehicle and infrastructure technologies, and operational best practices were introduced, all of which were combined in a system approach. The measures were assessed using multicriteria analysis to simultaneously evaluate a certain number of criteria that need to be aggregated. Each criterion is measured by one or more key performance indicators (KPI) calculated in two scenarios (reference scenario, with no measure implemented; and project scenario, with the implementation of some measures), in order to evaluate the difference in the KPI performance between the reference and project scenario. The results indicate that the measures produce a greater benefit in issues related to bus system productivity and customer satisfaction, with the greatest impact on aspects of perceptions of comfort, cleanliness and quality of service, information to passengers and environmental issues. The study also reveals that the implementation of several measures has greater social utility than very specific and isolated measures.
Automating the assessment of programming assignments brings benefits for both students and teachers, since it helps the formers to gain a timely feedback and releases the latter from tedious tasks. The related literature in the domain has usually focused on the assessment process and the tools required for it, proposing libraries and systems that teachers can use in this process. However, few of them have work rowards reducing the effort and time teacher require to properly set up new assessente processes. This paper describes our experience with the analysis and design of a new tool to support teachers in visually developing automatic grades of programming assignments, introducing the underlying concepts and technologies and presenting the system architecture.