955 resultados para Spiral Ganglion
The physical disector is a method of choice for estimating unbiased neuron numbers; nevertheless, calibration is needed to evaluate each counting method. The validity of this method can be assessed by comparing the estimated cell number with the true number determined by a direct counting method in serial sections. We reconstructed a 1/5 of rat lumbar dorsal root ganglia taken from two experimental conditions. From each ganglion, images of 200 adjacent semi-thin sections were used to reconstruct a volumetric dataset (stack of voxels). On these stacks the number of sensory neurons was estimated and counted respectively by physical disector and direct counting methods. Also, using the coordinates of nuclei from the direct counting, we simulate, by a Matlab program, disector pairs separated by increasing distances in a ganglion model. The comparison between the results of these approaches clearly demonstrates that the physical disector method provides a valid and reliable estimate of the number of sensory neurons only when the distance between the consecutive disector pairs is 60 microm or smaller. In these conditions the size of error between the results of physical disector and direct counting does not exceed 6%. In contrast when the distance between two pairs is larger than 60 microm (70-200 microm) the size of error increases rapidly to 27%. We conclude that the physical dissector method provides a reliable estimate of the number of rat sensory neurons only when the separating distance between the consecutive dissector pairs is no larger than 60 microm.
As population ages, a growing number of older patients present the constellation of diabetes and dementia. Numerous recent studies highlight that diabetes may increase the risk for Alzheimer and vascular dementia. Among patients with previous severe hypoglycemia, that risk may even double. Inversely demented patients have about three times higher risk of hypoglycemia. Given that spiral link between hypoglycemia and dementia, the latter should be considered as a possible complication of diabetes and consistently be screened for among older diabetic patients. Furthermore, the American Diabetes Association and American Geriatric Society consensus recommends a more flexible glycemic treatment goal of AIC among demented patients, with a target range between 8 and 9%.
There has been an increase in the incidence of carcinoma of the tongue, particularly among alcohol and tobacco non-users. However, the number of studies that would allow a better understanding of etiological factors and clinical features, particularly in the Portuguese population, is very limited. This study was based on patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the anterior two thirds of the tongue that were treated at the Department of Head and Neck Surgery of the ¿Instituto Portugues de Oncologia de Lisboa - Francisco Gentil" IPOLFG) in Lisbon, Portugal, between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2009. The patients were divided in alcohol and tobacco users and non-users in order to evaluate the differences between these 2 groups based on gender, age, tumor location, denture use, and tumor size, metastasis and stage. Of the 354 cases, 208 were users and 146 were non-users. The main location in both groups was the lateral border of the tongue. Denture use showed no significant effect in both study groups. It was possible to conclude that patients who did not drink or smoke were older and presented with smaller tumor size, lower incidence of ganglion metastasis and lower tumor stage compared with alcohol and tobacco users.
Trisomy 13 was detected in 10% of mouse embryos obtained from pregnant females which were doubly heterozygous for Robertsonian chromosomes involving chromosome 13. The developing dorsal root ganglia and spinal cords were examined in trisomy 13 and littermate control mice between days 12 and 18 of gestation (E12-18). The overall size of the dorsal root ganglia and number of ganglion cells within a given ganglion were not altered, but the number of neurons immunoreactive for calbindin and calretinin was reduced. The trisomic spinal cord was reduced in size with neurons lying in a tightly compact distribution in the gray matter. In trisomic fetuses, the extent of the neuropil of the spinal cord was reduced, and may represent a diminished field of interneuronal connectivity, due to reduced arborization of dendritic processes of the neurons present, particularly of calbindin-immunostained neurons. Furthermore, the subpopulation of calretinin-immunoreactive neurons and axons was also reduced in developing trisomic gray and white matter, respectively. Thus, overexpression of genes on mouse chromosome 13 exerts a deleterious effect on the development of neuropil, affecting both dendritic and axonal arborization in the trisomy 13 mouse. The defect of calbindin or calretinin expression by subsets of dorsal root ganglion or spinal cord neurons may result from deficient cell-to-cell interactions with targets which are hypoplastic.
La douleur neuropathique est une forme de douleur chronique apparaissant suite à des lésions du système nerveux somato-sensoriel. Caractérisée par une plasticité neuronale inadapté, elle est très souvent intense, invalidante, associe des symptômes comme l'allodynie ou l' hyperalgésie et reste difficile à traiter avec les agents thérapeutiques actuels. Le thème de mon travail de thèse se concentre sur des mécanismes moléculaires de modulation des canaux sodiques voltage-dépendants suite à une lésion du nerf périphérique. Dans l'article présenté en annexe, j'ai focalisé mon travail sur une protéine, Nedd4-2, qui est une ligase ubiquitine. Elle a pour rôle de réguler et d'internaliser dans la cellule des protéines membranaires dont les canaux sodiques. Suite aux lésions du système nerveux périphérique, il existe une hyperexcitabilité neuronale engendrée notamment par un surplus et une dysrégulation des canaux sodiques à la membrane cellulaire. Dans 1 'hypothèse que l'ubiquitine ligase Nedd4-2 soit présente dans les neurones sensitifs primaires et ait un rôle dans la régulation des canaux sodiques, nous avons identifié cette protéine dans les neurones nociceptifs primaires du rat. En utilisant des techniques de Western Blot et d'immunohistochimie, j'ai trouvé que Nedd4-2 est présente dans presque 50% des neurones du ganglion spinal et ces neurones sont principalement des neurones nociceptifs. Dans un modèle expérimental de douleur neuropathique (SN I, pour spared nerve injury), Nedd4-2 se retrouve significativement diminuée dans le tissu du ganglion spinal. J'ai également investigué 1' expression de 2 isoformes des canaux sodiques connues pour leur implication dans la douleur, Navl.7 et Navl.8, et ces 2 isoformes se retrouvent dans les mêmes neurones que Nedd4-2. La caractérisation détaillée est décrite dans le manuscrit: «Neuronal expression of the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2 in rat dorsal root ganglia: modulation in the SNI model of neuropathic pain; Cachemaille M, Laedermann CJ, Pertin M, Abriel H, Gasselin RD, Decosterd 1.» Les résultats obtenus indiquent que Nedd4-2, en étant downrégulé après une lésion nerveuse, pourrait ainsi contribuer à une augmentation des canaux sodiques fonctionnels à la membrane. Ainsi Nedd4-2 pourrait être proposée comme cible thérapeutique de manière alternative aux bloqueurs de canaux sodiques. Ce travail a permis l'initiation d'autres expériences. J'ai contribué activement à la construction de vecteurs viraux type adéno-associé recombinant (rAA V2/6) et surexprimé la protéine in vivo dans les ganglions spinaux. Cette partie de mon travail se trouve intégrée dans d'autres travaux de mon laboratoire d'accueil qui a pu démontrer les effets fonctionnels de cette approche sur les courants sodiques enregistrés par électrophysiologie et une diminution de la douleur neuropathique chez la souris. - Abstract-Neuronal hyperexcitability following peripheral nerve lesions may stem from altered activity of voltagegated sodium channels (VGSCs), which gives rise toallodynia or hyperalgesia. In vitro, the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2 is a negative regulator of VGSC a-subunits (Nav), in particular Nav1.7, a key actor in nociceptor excitability. We therefore studied Nedd4-2 in rat nociceptors, its co-expression with Nav1.7 and Nav1.8, and its regulation in pathology. Adult rats were submitted to the spared nerve injury (SNI) model of neuropathic pain or injected with complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA), a model of inflammatory pain. L4 dorsal root ganglia (DRG) were analyzed in shamoperated animals, seven days after SNI and 48 h after CFA with immunofluorescence and Western blot. We observed Nedd4-2 expression in almost 50% of DRG neurons, mostly small and medium-sized. A preponderant localization is found in the non-peptidergic sub-population. Additionally, 55.7± 2.7% and 55.0 ±3.6% of Nedd4-2-positive cells are co-labeled with Nav1.7 and Nav1.8 respectively. SNI significantly decreases the proportion of Nedd4-2-positive neurons from 45.9± 1.9% to 33.5± 0.7% (p < 0.01) and the total Nedd4-2 protein to 44%± 0.13% of its basal level (p <0.01, n = 4 animals in each group, mean± SEM). In contrast, no change in Nedd4-2 was found after peripheral inflammation induced by CFA. These results indicate that Nedd4-2 is present in nociceptive neurons, is downregulated after peripheral nerve injury, and might therefore contribute to the dysregulation of Navs involved in the hyperexcitability associated with peripheral nerve injuries.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Patients with symptoms of semicircular canal dehiscence often undergo both CT and MR imaging. We assessed whether FIESTA can replace temporal bone CT in evaluating patients for SC dehiscence. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 112 consecutive patients (224 ears) with vestibulocochlear symptoms who underwent concurrent MR imaging and CT of the temporal bones between 2007 and 2009. MR imaging protocol included a FIESTA sequence covering the temporal bone (axial 0.8-mm section thickness, 0.4-mm spacing, coronal/oblique reformations; 41 patients at 1.5T, 71 patients at 3T). CT was performed on a 64-row multidetector row scanner (0.625-mm axial acquisition, with coronal/oblique reformations). Both ears of each patient were evaluated for dehiscence of the superior and posterior semicircular canals in consensual fashion by 2 neuroradiologists. Analysis of the FIESTA sequence and reformations was performed first for the MR imaging evaluation. CT evaluation was performed at least 2 weeks after the MR imaging review, resulting in a blinded comparison of CT with MR imaging. CT was used as the reference standard to evaluate the MR imaging results. RESULTS: For SSC dehiscence, MR imaging sensitivity was 100%, specificity was 96.5%, positive predictive value was 61.1%, and negative predictive value was 100% in comparison with CT. For PSC dehiscence, MR imaging sensitivity was 100%, specificity was 99.1%, positive predictive value was 33.3%, and negative predictive value was 100% in comparison with CT. CONCLUSIONS: MR imaging, with a sensitivity and negative predictive value of 100%, conclusively excludes SSC or PSC dehiscence. Negative findings on MR imaging preclude the need for CT to detect SC dehiscence. Only patients with positive findings on MR imaging should undergo CT evaluation.
BACKGROUND: Hirschsprung's disease is a congenital gut motility disorder, characterised by the absence of the enteric ganglion cells along the distal gut. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiology of Hirschsprung's disease, including additional congenital anomalies, total prevalence, trends, and association with maternal age. METHODS: Cases of Hirschsprung's disease delivered during 1980 to 2009 notified to 31 European Surveillance of Congenital Anomaly registers formed the population-based case-series. Prevalence rates and 95% confidence intervals were calculated as the number of cases per 10,000 births. Multilevel Poisson regression was performed to investigate trends in prevalence, geographical variation and the association with maternal age. RESULTS: There were 1,322 cases of Hirschsprung's disease among 12,146,210 births. The total prevalence was 1.09 (95% confidence interval, 1.03-1.15) per 10,000 births and there was a small but significant increase in prevalence over time (relative risk = 1.01; 95% credible interval, 1.00-1.02; p = 0.004). There was evidence of geographical heterogeneity in prevalence (p < 0.001). Excluding 146 (11.0%) cases with chromosomal anomalies or genetic syndromes, there were 1,176 cases (prevalence = 0.97; 95% confidence interval, 0.91-1.03 per 10,000 births), of which 137 (11.6%) had major structural anomalies. There was no evidence of a significant increased risk of Hirschsprung's disease in cases born to women aged ≥35 years compared with those aged 25 to 29 (relative risk = 1.09; 95% credible interval, 0.91-1.31; p = 0.355). CONCLUSION: This large population-based study found evidence of a small increasing trend in Hirschsprung's disease and differences in prevalence by geographic location. There was also no evidence of an association with maternal age. Birth Defects Research (Part A), 100:695-702, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Brain spectrin, a membrane-related cytoskeletal protein, exists as two isoforms. Brain spectrin 240/235 is localized preferentially in the perikaryon and axon of neuronal cells and brain spectrin 240/235E is found essentially in the neuronal soma and dendrites and in glia (Riederer et al., 1986, J. Cell Biol., 102, 2088 - 2097). The sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia, devoid of any dendrites, make a good tool to investigate such differential expression of spectrin isoforms. In this study expression and localization of both brain spectrin isoforms were analysed during early chicken dorsal root ganglia development in vivo and in culture. Both isoforms appeared at embryonic day 6. Brain spectrin 240/235 exhibited a transient increase during embryonic development and was first expressed in ventrolateral neurons. In ganglion cells in situ and in culture this spectrin type showed a somato - axonal distribution pattern. In contrast, brain spectrin 240/235E slightly increased between E6 and E15 and remained practically unchanged. It was localized mainly in smaller neurons of the mediodorsal area as punctate staining in the cytoplasm, was restricted exclusively to the ganglion cell perikarya and was absent from axons both in situ and in culture. This study suggests that brain spectrin 240/235 may contribute towards outgrowth, elongation and maintenance of axonal processes and that brain spectrin 240/235E seems to be exclusively involved in the stabilization of the cytoarchitecture of cell bodies in a selected population of ganglion cells.
PURPOSE: An increased mRNA expression of the genes coding for the extracellular matrix proteins neuroglycan C (NGC), interphotoreceptor matrix proteoglycan 2 (IMPG2), and CD44 antigen (CD44) has been observed during retinal degeneration in mice with a targeted disruption of the Rpe65 gene (Rpe65-/- mouse). To validate these data, we analyzed this differential expression in more detail by characterizing retinal NGC mRNA isoform and protein expression during disease progression. METHODS: Retinas from C57/Bl6 wild-type and Rpe65-/- mice, ranging 2 to 18 months of age, were used. NGC, IMPG2, and CD44 mRNA expression was assessed by oligonucleotide microarray, quantitative PCR, and in situ hybridization. Retinal NGC protein expression was analyzed by western blot and immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: As measured by quantitative PCR, mRNA expression of NGC and CD44 was induced by about 2 fold to 3 fold at all time points in Rpe65-/- retinas, whereas initially 4 fold elevated IMPG2 mRNA levels progressively declined. NGC and IMPG2 mRNAs were expressed in the ganglion cell layer, the inner nuclear layer, and at the outer limiting membrane. NGC mRNA was also detected in retinal pigment epithelium cells (RPE), where its mRNA expression was not induced during retinal degeneration. NGC-I was the major isoform detected in the retina and the RPE, whereas NGC-III was barely detected and NGC-II could not be assessed. NGC protein expression was at its highest levels on the apical membrane of the RPE. NGC protein levels were induced in retinas from 2- and 4-month-old Rpe65-/- mice, and an increased amount of the activity-cleaved NGC ectodomain containing an epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domain was detected. CONCLUSIONS: During retinal degeneration in Rpe65-/- mice, NGC expression is induced in the neural retina, but not in the RPE, where NGC is expressed at highest levels.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the technical quality and the diagnostic performance of a protocol with use of low volumes of contrast medium (25 mL) at 64-detector spiral computed tomography (CT) in the diagnosis and management of adult, nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was performed outside the United States and was approved by the institutional review board. Intracranial CT angiography was performed in 73 consecutive patients with nontraumatic SAH diagnosed at nonenhanced CT. Image quality was evaluated by two observers using two criteria: degree of arterial enhancement and venous contamination. The two independent readers evaluated diagnostic performance (lesion detection and correct therapeutic decision-making process) by using rotational angiographic findings as the standard of reference. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were calculated for patients who underwent CT angiography and three-dimensional rotational angiography. The intraclass correlation coefficient was calculated to assess interobserver concordance concerning aneurysm measurements and therapeutic management. RESULTS: All aneurysms were detected, either ruptured or unruptured. Arterial opacification was excellent in 62 cases (85%), and venous contamination was absent or minor in 61 cases (84%). In 95% of cases, CT angiographic findings allowed optimal therapeutic management. The intraclass correlation coefficient ranged between 0.93 and 0.95, indicating excellent interobserver agreement. CONCLUSION: With only 25 mL of iodinated contrast medium focused on the arterial phase, 64-detector CT angiography allowed satisfactory diagnostic and therapeutic management of nontraumatic SAH.
To elucidate the local formation of angiotensin II (Ang II) in the neurons of sensory dorsal root ganglia (DRG), we studied the expression of angiotensinogen (Ang-N)-, renin-, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)- and cathepsin D-mRNA, and the presence of protein renin, Ang II, Substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the rat and human thoracic DRG. Quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR) studies revealed that rat DRG expressed substantial amounts of Ang-N- and ACE mRNA, while renin mRNA as well as the protein renin were untraceable. Cathepsin D-mRNA and cathepsin D-protein were detected in the rat DRG indicating the possibility of existence of pathways alternative to renin for Ang I formation. Angiotensin peptides were successfully detected with high performance liquid chromatography and radioimmunoassay in human DRG extracts. In situ hybridization in rat DRG confirmed additionally expression of Ang-N mRNA in the cytoplasm of numerous neurons. Intracellular Ang II staining could be shown in number of neurons and their processes in both the rat and human DRG. Interestingly we observed neuronal processes with angiotensinergic synapses en passant, colocalized with synaptophysin, within the DRG. In the DRG, we also identified by qRT-PCR, expression of Ang II receptor AT(1A) and AT(2)-mRNA while AT(1B)-mRNA was not traceable. In some neurons Substance P and CGRP were found colocalized with Ang II. The intracellular localization and colocalization of Ang II with Substance P and CGRP in the DRG neurons may indicate a participation and function of Ang II in the regulation of nociception. In conclusion, these results suggest that Ang II may be produced locally in the neurons of rat and human DRG and act as a neurotransmitter.
The expression of the 240 ConA-binding glycoprotein (240 kDa), a marker of synaptic junctions isolated from the rat cerebellum, was studied by immunocytochemical techniques in forebrain and cerebellum from rat and chicken, and in chick dorsal root ganglia. Parallel studies were carried out either on tissue sections or in dissociated cell cultures. In all cases non neuronal cells were not immunostained. The tissue sections of cerebellum from rat and chick exhibited 240 kDa glycoprotein immunoreactivity, especially in the molecular layer, while the forebrain sections from rat and chick did not show any significant immunostaining. In contrast, in dissociated forebrain cell cultures, all neuronal cells expressed 240 kDa glycoprotein immunoreactivity, while glial cells remained totally unlabelled. In tissue sections of dorsal root ganglion (DRG), sensory neurons expressed the 240 kDa only after the embryonic day (E 10). A large number of small neurons in the dorsomedial part of DRG were immunostained with 240 kDa glycoprotein antiserum, whereas only a small number of neurons in the ventrolateral part of the ganglia displayed 240 kDa immunoreactivity. In dissociated DRG cells cultures (mixed or neuron-enriched DRG cell cultures) all the neuronal perikarya but not their processes were stained. These studies indicate that 240 kDa glycoprotein expression is completely modified in cultures of neurons of CNS or PNS since the antigen becomes synthetized in high amount by all cells independent of synapse formation. This demonstrates that the expression of 240 kDa is controlled by the cell environment.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: APETx2, a toxin from the sea anemone Anthropleura elegantissima, inhibits acid-sensing ion channel 3 (ASIC3)-containing homo- and heterotrimeric channels with IC(50) values < 100 nM and 0.1-2 µM respectively. ASIC3 channels mediate acute acid-induced and inflammatory pain response and APETx2 has been used as a selective pharmacological tool in animal studies. Toxins from sea anemones also modulate voltage-gated Na(+) channel (Na(v) ) function. Here we tested the effects of APETx2 on Na(v) function in sensory neurones.¦EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Effects of APETx2 on Na(v) function were studied in rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurones by whole-cell patch clamp.¦KEY RESULTS: APETx2 inhibited the tetrodotoxin (TTX)-resistant Na(v) 1.8 currents of DRG neurones (IC(50) , 2.6 µM). TTX-sensitive currents were less inhibited. The inhibition of Na(v) 1.8 currents was due to a rightward shift in the voltage dependence of activation and a reduction of the maximal macroscopic conductance. The inhibition of Na(v) 1.8 currents by APETx2 was confirmed with cloned channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. In current-clamp experiments in DRG neurones, the number of action potentials induced by injection of a current ramp was reduced by APETx2.¦CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: APETx2 inhibited Na(v) 1.8 channels, in addition to ASIC3 channels, at concentrations used in in vivo studies. The limited specificity of this toxin should be taken into account when using APETx2 as a pharmacological tool. Its dual action will be an advantage for the use of APETx2 or its derivatives as analgesic drugs.
BACKGROUND:: Voltage-gated sodium channels dysregulation is important for hyperexcitability leading to pain persistence. Sodium channel blockers currently used to treat neuropathic pain are poorly tolerated. Getting new molecules to clinical use is laborious. We here propose a drug already marketed as anticonvulsant, rufinamide. METHODS:: We compared the behavioral effect of rufinamide to amitriptyline using the Spared Nerve Injury neuropathic pain model in mice. We compared the effect of rufinamide on sodium currents using in vitro patch clamp in cells expressing the voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.7 isoform and on dissociated dorsal root ganglion neurons to amitriptyline and mexiletine. RESULTS:: In naive mice, amitriptyline (20 mg/kg) increased withdrawal threshold to mechanical stimulation from 1.3 (0.6-1.9) (median [95% CI]) to 2.3 g (2.2-2.5) and latency of withdrawal to heat stimulation from 13.1 (10.4-15.5) to 30.0 s (21.8-31.9), whereas rufinamide had no effect. Rufinamide and amitriptyline alleviated injury-induced mechanical allodynia for 4 h (maximal effect: 0.10 ± 0.03 g (mean ± SD) to 1.99 ± 0.26 g for rufinamide and 0.25 ± 0.22 g to 1.92 ± 0.85 g for amitriptyline). All drugs reduced peak current and stabilized the inactivated state of voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.7, with similar effects in dorsal root ganglion neurons. CONCLUSIONS:: At doses alleviating neuropathic pain, amitriptyline showed alteration of behavioral response possibly related to either alteration of basal pain sensitivity or sedative effect or both. Side-effects and drug tolerance/compliance are major problems with drugs such as amitriptyline. Rufinamide seems to have a better tolerability profile and could be a new alternative to explore for the treatment of neuropathic pain.
Summary : Four distinct olfactory subsystems compose the mouse olfactory system, the main olfactory epithelium (MOE), the septal organ of Masera (SO), the vomeronasal organ (VNO) and the Grueneberg ganglion (GG). They are implicated in the sensory modalities of the animal and they evolved to analyse and discriminate molecules carrying chemical messages, such as odorants and pheromones. In this thesis, the VNO, principally implicated in pheromonal communications as well as the GG, which had no function attributed until this work, were investigated from their morphology to their physiological functions, using an array of biochemical and physiological methods. First, the roles of a particular protein, the CNGA4 ion channel, were investigated in the VNO. In the MOE, CNGA4 is expressed as a modulatory channel subunit implicated in odour discrimination and adaptation. Interestingly, this calcium channel is the unique member of the cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) family to be expressed in the VNO and up to this work its functions remained unknown. Using a combination of transgenic and knockout mice, as well as histological and physiological approaches, we have characterized CNGA4 expression in the VNO. A strong expression in immature neurons was found as well as in the microvilli of mature neurons (putative site of chemodetection). Interestingly and confirming its dual localisation, the genetic invalidation of the CNGA4 channel has, as consequences, a strong impairment in vomeronasal maturation as well as deficit in pheromone sensing. Thus the CNGA4 channel appears to be a multifunctional protein in the mouse VNO playing essential role(s) in this organ. During the second part of the work, the morphology of the most recently described olfactory subsystem, the Grueneberg ganglion, was investigated in detail. Interestingly we found that glial cells and ciliated neurons compose this olfactory ganglion. This particular morphological aspect was similar to the olfactory AWC neurons from C. elegans which was used for further comparisons. Thus as for AWC neurons, we found that GG neurons are sensitive to temperature changes and are able to detect highly volatile molecules. Indeed, the presence of alarm pheromones (APs) secreted by stressed mice, elicit strong cellular responses, as well as a GG dependent behavioural changes. Investigations on the signaling elements present in GG neurons revealed that, as for AWC neurons, or pGC-D expressing neurons from the MOE, proteins participating in a cGMP pathway were found in GG neurons such as pGC-G and CNGA3 channels. These two proteins might be implicated in chemosensing as well as in thermosensing, two apparent properties of this organ. In this thesis, the multisensory modalities of two mouse olfactory subsystems were described and are related to a high degree of complexity required for the animal to sense its environment