995 resultados para Spin-projected calculations


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One of the objectives of the Terrestrial Initiative in Global Environmental Research is to assess the sensitivity of British plant and animal species to climate change. The first phase of the program involved the identification of criteria for selecting species suitable for the study of effects of projected climate change in the British Isles. Apart from shallow ponds, annual temperature ranges of 0 to 25 C in temperate freshwater habitats are narrower than those in most temperate terrestrial habitats. Although freshwater organisms have to exist within a narrower range than their terrestrial equivalents, few species can survive throughout their life cycle over the whole temperature range. Field studies on the effects of natural and artificial thermal discharges into streams and rivers have shown that increases in water temperature affect aquatic insects at both the species and community level. Although field data provide valuable information, a more productive approach is to determine experimentally the requirements of different species. Although there are just over 1850 species of aquatic insects in the British Isles, detailed quantitative information on the relationship between temperature and development of eggs, larvae and pupa is available for relatively few species. One exception is the egg stage of stoneflies (Plecoptera). The range for egg hatching in stoneflies clearly show that some species could be threatened while others could benefit from a defined increase in water temperature as a result of climate change. A critical review of the available data on this group would produce a set of equations that could be used to predict the ecological effects of climate change on this group of indicator species.


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We have theoretically investigated ballistic electron transport through a combination of magnetic-electric barrier based on a vertical ferromagnet/two-dimensional electron gas/ferromagnet sandwich structure, which can be experimentally realized by depositing asymmetric metallic magnetic stripes both on top and bottom of modulation-doped semiconductor heterostructures. Our numerical results have confirmed the existence of finite spin polarization even though only antisymmetric stray field B-z is considered. By switching the relative magnetization of ferromagnetic layers, the device in discussion shows evident magnetoconductance. In particular, both spin polarization and magnetoconductance can be efficiently enhanced by proper electrostatic barrier up to the optimal value relying on the specific magnetic-electric modulation. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3041477]


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The determination of the energy levels and the probabilities of transition between them, by the formal analysis of observed electronic, vibrational, and rotational band structures, forms the direct goal of all investigations of molecular spectra, but the significance of such data lies in the possibility of relating them theoretically to more concrete properties of molecules and the radiation field. From the well developed electronic spectra of diatomic molecules, it has been possible, with the aid of the non-relativistic quantum mechanics, to obtain accurate moments of inertia, molecular potential functions, electronic structures, and detailed information concerning the coupling of spin and orbital angular monenta with the angular momentum of nuclear rotation. The silicon fluori1e molecule has been investigated in this laboratory, and is found to emit bands whose vibrational and rotational structures can be analyzed in this detailed fashion.

Like silicon fluoride, however, the great majority of diatomic molecules are formed only under the unusual conditions of electrical discharge, or in high temperature furnaces, so that although their spectra are of great theoretical interest, the chemist is eager to proceed to a study of polyatomic molecules, in the hope that their more practically interesting structures might also be determined with the accuracy and assurance which characterize the spectroscopic determinations of the constants of diatomic molecules. Some progress has been made in the determination of molecule potential functions from the vibrational term values deduced from Raman and infrared spectra, but in no case can the calculations be carried out with great generality, since the number of known term values is always small compared with the total number of potential constants in even so restricted a potential function as the simple quadratic type. For the determination of nuclear configurations and bond distances, however, a knowledge of the rotational terms is required. The spectra of about twelve of the simpler polyatomic molecules have been subjected to rotational analyses, and a number of bond distances are known with considerable accuracy, yet the number of molecules whose rotational fine structure has been resolved even with the most powerful instruments is small. Consequently, it was felt desirable to investigate the spectra of a number of other promising polyatomic molecules, with the purpose of carrying out complete rotational analyses of all resolvable bands, and ascertaining the value of the unresolved band envelopes in determining the structures of such molecules, in the cases in which resolution is no longer possible. Although many of the compounds investigated absorbed too feebly to be photographed under high dispersion with the present infrared sensitizations, the location and relative intensities of their bands, determined by low dispersion measurements, will be reported in the hope that these compounds may be reinvestigated in the future with improved techniques.


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In the preparation of small organic paramagnets, these structures may conceptually be divided into spin-containing units (SCs) and ferromagnetic coupling units (FCs). The synthesis and direct observation of a series of hydrocarbon tetraradicals designed to test the ferromagnetic coupling ability of m-phenylene, 1,3-cyclobutane, 1,3- cyclopentane, and 2,4-adamantane (a chair 1,3-cyclohexane) using Berson TMMs and cyclobutanediyls as SCs are described. While 1,3-cyclobutane and m-phenylene are good ferromagnetic coupling units under these conditions, the ferromagnetic coupling ability of 1,3-cyclopentane is poor, and 1,3-cyclohexane is apparently an antiferromagnetic coupling unit. In addition, this is the first report of ferromagnetic coupling between the spins of localized biradical SCs.

The poor coupling of 1,3-cyclopentane has enabled a study of the variable temperature behavior of a 1,3-cyclopentane FC-based tetraradical in its triplet state. Through fitting the observed data to the usual Boltzman statistics, we have been able to determine the separation of the ground quintet and excited triplet states. From this data, we have inferred the singlet-triplet gap in 1,3-cyclopentanediyl to be 900 cal/mol, in remarkable agreement with theoretical predictions of this number.

The ability to simulate EPR spectra has been crucial to the assignments made here. A powder EPR simulation package is described that uses the Zeeman and dipolar terms to calculate powder EPR spectra for triplet and quintet states.

Methods for characterizing paramagnetic samples by SQUID magnetometry have been developed, including robust routines for data fitting and analysis. A precursor to a potentially magnetic polymer was prepared by ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP), and doped samples of this polymer were studied by magnetometry. While the present results are not positive, calculations have suggested modifications in this structure which should lead to the desired behavior.

Source listings for all computer programs are given in the appendix.


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En el presente trabajo, por medio de una revisión de la literatura, identificamos una serie de variables que condicionan las características de los programas de apoyo a la creación de spin-off académicas, establecemos las condiciones bajo las cuales parece que deberían ir en un sentido u otro y perfilamos cuatro modelos básicos de programas.Los resultados del estudio pueden ser una buena guía para las autoridades académicas interesadas en la implantación de un programa de apoyo a la creación de spin-off o para la mejora de la eficiencia de programas ya existentes.


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This thesis covers a range of topics in numerical and analytical relativity, centered around introducing tools and methodologies for the study of dynamical spacetimes. The scope of the studies is limited to classical (as opposed to quantum) vacuum spacetimes described by Einstein's general theory of relativity. The numerical works presented here are carried out within the Spectral Einstein Code (SpEC) infrastructure, while analytical calculations extensively utilize Wolfram's Mathematica program.

We begin by examining highly dynamical spacetimes such as binary black hole mergers, which can be investigated using numerical simulations. However, there are difficulties in interpreting the output of such simulations. One difficulty stems from the lack of a canonical coordinate system (henceforth referred to as gauge freedom) and tetrad, against which quantities such as Newman-Penrose Psi_4 (usually interpreted as the gravitational wave part of curvature) should be measured. We tackle this problem in Chapter 2 by introducing a set of geometrically motivated coordinates that are independent of the simulation gauge choice, as well as a quasi-Kinnersley tetrad, also invariant under gauge changes in addition to being optimally suited to the task of gravitational wave extraction.

Another difficulty arises from the need to condense the overwhelming amount of data generated by the numerical simulations. In order to extract physical information in a succinct and transparent manner, one may define a version of gravitational field lines and field strength using spatial projections of the Weyl curvature tensor. Introduction, investigation and utilization of these quantities will constitute the main content in Chapters 3 through 6.

For the last two chapters, we turn to the analytical study of a simpler dynamical spacetime, namely a perturbed Kerr black hole. We will introduce in Chapter 7 a new analytical approximation to the quasi-normal mode (QNM) frequencies, and relate various properties of these modes to wave packets traveling on unstable photon orbits around the black hole. In Chapter 8, we study a bifurcation in the QNM spectrum as the spin of the black hole a approaches extremality.


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In the first part I perform Hartree-Fock calculations to show that quantum dots (i.e., two-dimensional systems of up to twenty interacting electrons in an external parabolic potential) undergo a gradual transition to a spin-polarized Wigner crystal with increasing magnetic field strength. The phase diagram and ground state energies have been determined. I tried to improve the ground state of the Wigner crystal by introducing a Jastrow ansatz for the wave function and performing a variational Monte Carlo calculation. The existence of so called magic numbers was also investigated. Finally, I also calculated the heat capacity associated with the rotational degree of freedom of deformed many-body states and suggest an experimental method to detect Wigner crystals.

The second part of the thesis investigates infinite nuclear matter on a cubic lattice. The exact thermal formalism describes nucleons with a Hamiltonian that accommodates on-site and next-neighbor parts of the central, spin-exchange and isospin-exchange interaction. Using auxiliary field Monte Carlo methods, I show that energy and basic saturation properties of nuclear matter can be reproduced. A first order phase transition from an uncorrelated Fermi gas to a clustered system is observed by computing mechanical and thermodynamical quantities such as compressibility, heat capacity, entropy and grand potential. The structure of the clusters is investigated with the help two-body correlations. I compare symmetry energy and first sound velocities with literature and find reasonable agreement. I also calculate the energy of pure neutron matter and search for a similar phase transition, but the survey is restricted by the infamous Monte Carlo sign problem. Also, a regularization scheme to extract potential parameters from scattering lengths and effective ranges is investigated.


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Semisynthesis of horse heart cytochrome c and site-directed mutagenesis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. c.) iso-1-cytochrome c have been utilized to substitute Ala for the cytochrome c heme axial ligand Met80 to yield ligand-binding proteins (horse heart Ala80cyt c and S.c. Ala80cyt c) with spectroscopic properties remarkably similar to those of myoglobin. Both species of Fe(II)Ala80cyt c form exceptionally stable dioxygen complexes with autoxidation rates 10-30x smaller and O2 binding constants ~ 3x greater than those of myoglobin. The resistance of O2-Fe(II)Ala80cyt c to autoxidation is attributed in part to protection of the heme site from solvent as exhibited by the exceptionally slow rate of CO binding to the heme as well as the low quantum yield of CO photodissociation.

UV/vis, EPR, and paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy indicate that at pH 7 the Fe(III)Ala80cyt c heme is low-spin with axial His-OH- coordination and that below pH ~6.5, Fe(III)Ala80cyt cis high-spin with His-H2O heme ligation. Significant differences in the pH dependence of the 1H NMR spectra of S.c. Fe(III)Ala80cyt c compared to wild-type demonstrate that the axial ligands influence the conformational energetics of cytochrome c.

1H NMR spectroscopy has been utilized to determine the solution structure of the cyanide derivative of S.c. Fe(III)Ala80cyt c. 82% of the resonances in the 1H NMR spectrum of S.c. CN-Fe(III)Ala80cyt c have been assigned through 1D and 2D experiments. The RMSD values after restrained energy minimization of the family of 17 structures obtained from distance geometry calculations are 0.68 ± 0.11 Å for the backbone and 1.32 ± 0.14 Å for all heavy atoms. The solution structure indicates that a tyrosine in the "distal" pocket of CN-Fe(III)Ala80cyt c forms a hydrogen bond with the Fe(III)-CN unit, suggesting that it may play a role analogous to that of the distal histidine in myoglobin in stabilizing the dioxygen adduct.


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The design, synthesis and magnetic characterization of thiophene-based models for the polaronic ferromagnet are described. Synthetic strategies employing Wittig and Suzuki coupling were employed to produce polymers with extended π-systems. Oxidative doping using AsF_5 or I_2 produces radical cations (polarons) that are stable at room temperature. Magnetic characterization of the doped polymers, using SQUID-based magnetometry, indicates that in several instances ferromagnetic coupling of polarons occurs along the polymer chain. An investigation of the influence of polaron stability and delocalization on the magnitude of ferromagnetic coupling is pursued. A lower limit for mild, solution phase I_2 doping is established. A comparison of the variable temperature data of various polymers reveals that deleterious antiferromagnetic interactions are relatively insensitive to spin concentration, doping protocols or spin state. Comparison of the various polymers reveals useful design principles and suggests new directions for the development of magnetic organic materials. Novel strategies for solubilizing neutral polymeric materials in polar solvents are investigated.

The incorporation of stable bipyridinium spin-containing units into a polymeric high-spin array is explored. Preliminary results suggest that substituted diquat derivatives may serve as stable spin-containing units for the polaronic ferromagnet and are amenable to electrochemical doping. Synthetic efforts to prepare high-spin polymeric materials using viologens as a spin source have been unsuccessful.


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A pseudo-spin model is intended to describe the physical dynamics of unbound electrons in the wall of cytoskeletal microtubule (MT). Due to the inherent symmetry of the structure and the electric properties in the MT, one may treat it as a one-dimensional ferroelectric system, and describe the nonlinear dynamics of dimer electric dipoles in one protofilament of the MT by virtue of the double-well potential. Consequently, the physical problem has been mapped onto the pseudo-spin system, and the mean-field approximation has been taken to get some physical results.


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Spectroscopic investigations of hydrogen-bonding and van der Waals' interactions m molecular clusters were studied by the techniques of infrared predissociation and resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization spectroscopies (REMPI). Ab initio calculations were applied in conjunction for data interpretation.

The infrared predissociation spectroscopy of CN^-•(H_2O)_n (n = 2 - 6) clusters was reported in the region of 2950 - 3850 cm^(-1). The hydrogen bondings for the C-site and N-site binding, and among the water molecules were identified for n = 2 to 4. A spectral transition was observed for n = 5 and 6, implying that the anion was surface-bound onto the water aggregates in larger clusters.

The infrared predissociation spectroscopy of Br^-•(NH_3) and I^-•(NH_3)_n (n =1-3) clusters was reported in the region of 3050-3450 cm^(-1). For the Br^-•(NH_3) complex, a dominating ionic NH stretch appeared at 3175 cm^(-1), and the weaker free NH stretch appeared at 3348 cm^(-1). The observed spectrum was consistent to the structure in which there was one nearly linear hydrogen bond between Br^- and the NH_3 moiety. For the I^- •(NH_3) complex, five distinct IR absorption bands were observed in the spectrum. The spectrum was not consistent with basic frequency patterns of three geometries considered in the ab initio calculations - complex with one, two and three hydrogen bondings between I^- and the NH_3 moiety. Substantial inhomogenous broadening were displayed in the spectra for I^-•(NH_3)_n (n =2-3), suggesting the presence of multiple isomers.

The REMPI spectroscopy of the bound 4p ^2П 1/2 and ^2П 3/2 states, and the dissociative 3d ^2Σ^+ 1/2 state in the Al•Ar complex was reported. The dissociative spectrum at Al^+ channel suggested the coupling of the 4p ^2П 1/2,3/2 states to the repulsive 3d ^2Σ^+ 1/2 state. The spin-electronic coupling was further manifested in the dissociative Al^+ spectrum of the 3d ^2Σ^+ 1/2 state. Using the potential energy curves obtained from ab initio calculations, a bound → continuum Franck-Condon-intensity simulation was performed and compared with the one-photon 3d ^2Σ^+ 1/2 profile. The agreement provided evidence for the petturbation above the Al(3d)Ar dissociation limit, and the repulsive character of the 3d ^2Σ^+ 1/2 state.


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General Relativity predicts the existence of gravitational waves, which carry information about the physical and dynamical properties of their source. One of the many promising sources of gravitational waves observable by ground-based instruments, such as in LIGO and Virgo, is the coalescence of two compact objects (neutron star or black hole). Black holes and neutron stars sometimes form binaries with short orbital periods, radiating so strongly in gravitational waves that they coalesce on astrophysically short timescales. General Relativity gives precise predictions for the form of the signal emitted by these systems. The most recent searches for theses events used waveform models that neglected the effects of black hole and neutron star spin. However, real astrophysical compact objects, especially black holes, are expected to have large spins. We demonstrate here a data analysis infrastructure which achieves an improved sensitivity to spinning compact binaries by the inclusion of spin effects in the template waveforms. This infrastructure is designed for scalable, low-latency data analysis, ideal for rapid electromagnetic followup of gravitational wave events.


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The spin dependent cross sections, σT1/2 and σT3/2 , and asymmetries, A and A for 3He have been measured at the Jefferson Lab's Hall A facility. The inclusive scattering process 3He(e,e)X was performed for initial beam energies ranging from 0.86 to 5.1 GeV, at a scattering angle of 15.5°. Data includes measurements from the quasielastic peak, resonance region, and the deep inelastic regime. An approximation for the extended Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn integral is presented at a 4-momentum transfer Q2 of 0.2-1.0 GeV2.

Also presented are results on the performance of the polarized 3He target. Polarization of 3He was achieved by the process of spin-exchange collisions with optically pumped rubidium vapor. The 3He polarization was monitored using the NMR technique of adiabatic fast passage (AFP). The average target polarization was approximately 35% and was determined to have a systematic uncertainty of roughly ±4% relative.