973 resultados para Span-by-span method
The study investigated the possibility of organizing a didactics unit for formation of hability of identifying and explaining the popular traditional games in the process of licensed formation in physical education. Had basic premised, the thesis formulated by Piorte Yakovleviche Galperin that the fundamental condition that mode determines the student s way of thinking and the theoretical structures thought. Is given by the method of organization activity that form the basis of guiding skills assimilates from this assumption the study defended the thesis that the contents of popular traditional games can be organizeds according the systemic functional-structural focus. As a method to plan a didactics unit that contributes to development of theoretical thought and the professional development of graduates in physical education. In this sense the general goal was studied and develop a training proposal of ability to identify and explain the popular traditional games for physical education teachers oriented to contribute to the development of theoretical thought. In the construction process of the thesis in a first moment was determined the invariant conceptual of popular traditional games from the method of analysis of activity, after was organized the content of popular traditional games according to the structural-functional systems revealing the essential properties elements and levels of relationship.These procedures provided to the construction elements of the concept popular traditional games, and was the basis for planning a didactical unit to the formation of ability to study. These strategies enable to build a set of prepositions to argue, as a result of the increases in the knowledge of the professional formation in physical education. The study was introduced the fallowing contributions; formulated a teaching proposal to develop the ability to identify popular traditional games, as a cultural and historical contribution and the development of an individual, in initial formation of physical education teacher, attuned to the demands of training and use of knowledge that requires this level of education, defined and organized the knowledge of popular traditional games , this enables a teaching able to raise the cognitive abilities and the theoretical concept of personality of graduated in physical education
The study investigated the possibility of organizing a didactics unit for formation of hability of identifying and explaining the popular traditional games in the process of licensed formation in physical education. Had basic premised, the thesis formulated by Piorte Yakovleviche Galperin that the fundamental condition that mode determines the student s way of thinking and the theoretical structures thought. Is given by the method of organization activity that form the basis of guiding skills assimilates from this assumption the study defended the thesis that the contents of popular traditional games can be organizeds according the systemic functional-structural focus. As a method to plan a didactics unit that contributes to development of theoretical thought and the professional development of graduates in physical education. In this sense the general goal was studied and develop a training proposal of ability to identify and explain the popular traditional games for physical education teachers oriented to contribute to the development of theoretical thought. In the construction process of the thesis in a first moment was determined the invariant conceptual of popular traditional games from the method of analysis of activity, after was organized the content of popular traditional games according to the structural-functional systems revealing the essential properties elements and levels of relationship.These procedures provided to the construction elements of the concept popular traditional games, and was the basis for planning a didactical unit to the formation of ability to study. These strategies enable to build a set of prepositions to argue, as a result of the increases in the knowledge of the professional formation in physical education. The study was introduced the fallowing contributions; formulated a teaching proposal to develop the ability to identify popular traditional games, as a cultural and historical contribution and the development of an individual, in initial formation of physical education teacher, attuned to the demands of training and use of knowledge that requires this level of education, defined and organized the knowledge of popular traditional games , this enables a teaching able to raise the cognitive abilities and the theoretical concept of personality of graduated in physical education
O vigor de sementes de amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L.) avaliado pelo teste de condutividade elétrica demonstra estreita relação com o desempenho no campo, mas alguns fatores podem afetar o resultado da condutividade elétrica, sendo um destes o teor de água inicial das sementes. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o teor de água ou faixa de umidade da semente mais adequado para a avaliação da condutividade elétrica em sementes de amendoim. Quatro lotes de sementes da cultivar 'IAC Tatu ST' e quatro da cultivar 'IAC Runner 886' foram avaliados quanto ao seu potencial fisiológico e posteriormente o teor de água foi ajustado para 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 e 15%, pelo método da atmosfera úmida. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4×6 (lotes × teores de água) para as sementes de cada cultivar, em quatro repetições e os resultados para o fator teor de água foram submetidos à análise de regressão. A maior relação da condutividade elétrica com vigor das sementes ocorreu naquelas com teor de água entre 9 a 15%, de forma que sementes com 5 a 7% de umidade não devem ser submetidas ao teste de condutividade elétrica, porque os lotes expressam alto padrão de germinação e vigor. A condutividade elétrica de sementes de amendoim é influenciada pelo teor de água e a estabilização dos resultados ocorre quando elas estão com teor de água entre 10 e 14%.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Com objetivo de avaliar a capacidade de propagação vegetativa de Dovyalis sp. pelo método da alporquia, realizou-se o presente trabalho. Foram utilizados ramos com cerca de 50 centímetros, os quais receberam os tratamentos: 0; 1.000; 3.000; 5.000 e 7.000 mg/kg de ácido indolbutírico (AIB) diluídos em lanolina, em duas épocas do ano: outono e primavera. No outono, considerou-se como subparcelas as localizações dos alporques por toda a planta, analisando-as como alporques da parte superior e inferior da copa e das faces norte e sul da planta. Na primavera, por insuficiência de ramos, apenas foram consideradas as doses com AIB. Nas épocas estudadas, o outono foi a que demonstrou maior percentagem de enraizamento e número de raízes (93,93 e 10,26 %, respectivamente). Obteve-se que o enraizamento independe da posição do ramo na planta, para esta época. O maior comprimento de raízes foi obtido na primavera.
The culture of the maize is responsive the fertilization with zinc, however, its efficiency can be affected by the method of aplication. Thus, this work had as objective to evaluate the effect of the methods of zinc application in the nutritional state and the initial growth of the culture of the maize. The experiment was in a completely randomized design, with five treatments in four repetitions. The experimental unit was composed for a pot (7 L) filled with a distrofic Red Latosol, clayey texture, with four plants of maize. The treatments had been constituted by four ways of zinc application: in the soil incorporated (3 mg Zn dm(-3)), and located (1 mg Zn dm(-3)); foliar (solution of 23 mg Zn L(-1)); e in seed (40 g Zn kg(-1) of seed) and beyond the witness (control). The treatments had been applied during two cultivation of 42 days, except the Zn incorporated in the soil. In the end of each culture, the cut of the plants for the evaluation of the growth variable (leaf height, number, the diameter of stems and dry matter) and the determination of the zinc text was carried through in the soil and the aerial part. The zinc application promoted increment in the height and the production of matter of the maize. The zinc application soil (incorporated and located), foliar and seed had been similar in the initial development of the culture, however, the foliar way promoted greater absorption of the nutrient for the plant.
This work presents results of field and laboratory tests using a Dynamic Cone Penetrometer, DCP. The tests were performed in order to evaluate the use of the equipment in sand for the control of bearing capacity of shallow foundations and fill compaction. For shallow foundations, the laboratory tests were conducted on sand placed in a metallic mould by the method of sand pluviation. Although the results show the inability to reproduce field conditions in the laboratory it was possible to verify the ability of the DCP to identify less resistant soil layers. The DCP tests for the analysis of compaction control were performed in a strong box with inside dimensions of 1,40 m x 1,40 m and 0,70 m in height. The soil layers were compacted with different densities though the use of a vibrating plate in order to obtain correlations between penetration index, DPI, and soil relative density. Other tests were also conducted to assess the influence of soil moisture on tests results. Among other findings, the results showed the great potential for the use of DCP to control the compaction of sand fills
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The microstrip antennas are in constant evidence in current researches due to several advantages that it presents. Fractal geometry coupled with good performance and convenience of the planar structures are an excellent combination for design and analysis of structures with ever smaller features and multi-resonant and broadband. This geometry has been applied in such patch microstrip antennas to reduce its size and highlight its multi-band behavior. Compared with the conventional microstrip antennas, the quasifractal patch antennas have lower frequencies of resonance, enabling the manufacture of more compact antennas. The aim of this work is the design of quasi-fractal patch antennas through the use of Koch and Minkowski fractal curves applied to radiating and nonradiating antenna s edges of conventional rectangular patch fed by microstrip inset-fed line, initially designed for the frequency of 2.45 GHz. The inset-fed technique is investigated for the impedance matching of fractal antennas, which are fed through lines of microstrip. The efficiency of this technique is investigated experimentally and compared with simulations carried out by commercial software Ansoft Designer used for precise analysis of the electromagnetic behavior of antennas by the method of moments and the neural model proposed. In this dissertation a study of literature on theory of microstrip antennas is done, the same study is performed on the fractal geometry, giving more emphasis to its various forms, techniques for generation of fractals and its applicability. This work also presents a study on artificial neural networks, showing the types/architecture of networks used and their characteristics as well as the training algorithms that were used for their implementation. The equations of settings of the parameters for networks used in this study were derived from the gradient method. It will also be carried out research with emphasis on miniaturization of the proposed new structures, showing how an antenna designed with contours fractals is capable of a miniaturized antenna conventional rectangular patch. The study also consists of a modeling through artificial neural networks of the various parameters of the electromagnetic near-fractal antennas. The presented results demonstrate the excellent capacity of modeling techniques for neural microstrip antennas and all algorithms used in this work in achieving the proposed models were implemented in commercial software simulation of Matlab 7. In order to validate the results, several prototypes of antennas were built, measured on a vector network analyzer and simulated in software for comparison
This work has as main objective to show all the particularities regarding the Three-phase Power Summation Method, used for load flow calculation, in what it says respect to the influence of the magnetic coupling among the phases, as well as to the losses presented in all the existent transformers in the feeder to be analyzed. Besides, its application is detailed in the study of the short-circuits, that happen in the presence of high impedance values, which possess a problem, that is its difficult detection and consequent elimination on the part of common devices of protection. That happens due to the characteristic presented by the current of short¬ circuit, in being generally of the same order of greatness that the load currents. Results of simulations accomplished in several situations will be shown, objectifying a complete analysis of the behavior of the proposed method in several types of short-circuits. Confront of the results obtained by the method with results of another works will be presented to verify its effectiveness
O processo constante de avaliação técnica e econômica dos sistemas de colheita de madeira é intrínseco às empresas florestais, devido ao fato de corresponder a uma fase de suma importância que despende elevado investimento financeiro. No experimento deste trabalho, estudaram-se o rendimento operacional e custos operacionais e de produção do processador florestal Hypro. A análise técnica englobou estudos de tempos e movimentos pelo método de tempo contínuo. O rendimento operacional foi determinado através do volume, em metros cúbicos de madeira processada. A análise econômica incorporou os parâmetros do custo operacional, custo de processamento da madeira e rendimento energético. A análise dos dados evidenciou que o rendimento operacional por hora efetiva de trabalho foi de 38 árvores e, em metros cúbicos sem casca por hora efetiva de trabalho, de 11,68 m³ h-1, com custo de processamento de madeira sem casca de US$ 6.85 por metro cúbico.
Among the several variables that influence timber harvesting is the slope, which influences the productivity of forest machines. In this experiment the harvester was evaluated technically and economically while cutting and processing eucalyptus activity on different slope classes. The technical analysis included a study of time and movements by the method of continuous time; productivity was determined by the volume in cubic meters of wood processing. The economic analysis included the parameters of operational cost, production cost and energy consumption. The analysis of the data showed that productivity decreased according to the increase of the percent slope inclination, resulting in an effective work hour productivity increase from 18.72 to 39.71 m(3)sc, with a mean of operating cost of US$ 78.78 per work hour.
In this work we present a new clustering method that groups up points of a data set in classes. The method is based in a algorithm to link auxiliary clusters that are obtained using traditional vector quantization techniques. It is described some approaches during the development of the work that are based in measures of distances or dissimilarities (divergence) between the auxiliary clusters. This new method uses only two a priori information, the number of auxiliary clusters Na and a threshold distance dt that will be used to decide about the linkage or not of the auxiliary clusters. The number os classes could be automatically found by the method, that do it based in the chosen threshold distance dt, or it is given as additional information to help in the choice of the correct threshold. Some analysis are made and the results are compared with traditional clustering methods. In this work different dissimilarities metrics are analyzed and a new one is proposed based on the concept of negentropy. Besides grouping points of a set in classes, it is proposed a method to statistical modeling the classes aiming to obtain a expression to the probability of a point to belong to one of the classes. Experiments with several values of Na e dt are made in tests sets and the results are analyzed aiming to study the robustness of the method and to consider heuristics to the choice of the correct threshold. During this work it is explored the aspects of information theory applied to the calculation of the divergences. It will be explored specifically the different measures of information and divergence using the Rényi entropy. The results using the different metrics are compared and commented. The work also has appendix where are exposed real applications using the proposed method
This work has as main objective the study of arrays of microstrip antennas with superconductor rectangular patch. The phases and the radiation patterns are analyzed. A study of the main theories is presented that explain the microscopic and macroscopic phenomena of superconductivity. The BCS, London equations and the Two Fluid Model, are theories used in the applications of superconductors, at the microstrip antennas and antennas arrays. Phase Arrangements will be analyzed in linear and planar configurations. The arrangement factors of these configurations are obtained, and the phase criteria and the spacing between the elements, are examined in order to minimize losses in the superconductor, compared with normal conductors. The new rectangular patch antenna, consist of a superconducting material, with the critical temperature of 233 K, whose formula is Tl5Ba4Ca2Cu9Oy, is analyzed by the method of the Transverse nTransmission Line (TTL), developed by H. C. C. Fernandes, applied in the Fourier Transform Domain (FTD). The TTL is a full-wave method, which has committed to obtaining the electromagnetic fields in terms of the transverse components of the structure. The inclusion of superconducting patch is made using the complex resistive boundary condition, using the impedance of the superconductor in the Dyadic Green function, in the structure. Results are obtained from the resonance frequency depending on the parameters of the antenna using superconducting material, radiation patterns in E-Plane and H -Plane, the phased antennas array in linear and planar configurations, for different values of phase angles and different spacing between the elements
Avaliaram-se, diariamente, neste trabalho, o saldo de radiação (SR), o fluxo de calor no solo (G), o fluxo de calor latente de evaporação (LE) e o fluxo de calor sensível (H) ao longo do ciclo da cultura de pepineiro cultivado dentro e fora de casa de vegetação em ciclo de outono-inverno e primavera-verão. O SR e o G foram quantificados e o LE e o H estimados em dois níveis distintos pelo método da razão de Bowen. Os resultados mostram que a maior parte da energia disponível foi utilizada no fluxo de calor latente de evaporação e que os componentes do balanço de energia apresentaram-se mais consistentes em níveis próximos ao dossel da cultura e em ambiente protegido.