996 resultados para Sowing.


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In the experimental area of the Department of Environmental Sciences (21.85° S; 48.43° W; 786 m), in the School of Agronomical Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, an experiment was carried out using peanut (Arachis hypogaea L), cv. IAC-TATU-ST, to quantify the crop daily water requirements. During the peanut crop cycle, the environmental variables, such as rainfall, air temperature, air relative humidity, soil matric potential, soil heat flux and radiation balance, have been registered continually. These measurements were used to calculate the daily crop evapotranspiration, by the Bowen ratio method. The water replacement required by the peanut crop was done the dripping irrigation system, oriented by a dynamic agrometeorological model that computes the entrance and exit of water in the soil. During the peanut crop cycle, 9.0 mm of water was used from sowing to emergence; 67.0 mm of water, in the growth stage; 166.0 mm, in the flowering stage; 124.0 mm in the final stage and 46.0 mm from physiological maturity to harvest. Oot of 412.0 mm of the total consumption, 246.0 mm of water was supplied by irrigation and 166.0 mm by the rain. The grain yield was 3.15 t ha-1 for 15% of humidity, and the water use efficiency was 0.764 kg m-3.


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This study aimed to evaluate the soil microbiota activity associated to S. aterrimum rhizosphere, during the phytoremediation process of a soil contaminated with trifloxysulfuron-sodium. S. aterrimum was cultivated in vases (6, 0 L) filled with soil, after trifloxysulfuron-sodium, at 7.5 g ha -1, was applied or not. Every 15 days after sowing (DAS), rhizospheric soil was collected for soil microbial respiration (amount of evolved CO 2) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) analysis. To determine herbicide residues in the soil samples, after phytoremediation, Sorghum bicolor L. was cultivated as an indicator species, in addition to high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis. The microbiota associated to S. aterrimum rhizosphere showed to be sensitive to trifloxysulfuron-sodium and may be used as a microbiological indicator of disturbances caused by this herbicide in the environment. Regarding time for remediation, 45 days of development is enough for S. aterrimum to reduce residual trifloxysulfuron- sodium to a level not able to cause toxicity to the indicator plant.


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Agronomic practices that help farmers to raise yield and reduce costs must be studied to ensure agricultural sustainability. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze economically the effect of soil management and nitrogen fertilization in maize crops. Treatments consisted of a combination of 3 soil management techniques (plow harrows + floating harrows, chisel + floating harrows, and no-tillage), 5 periods of nitrogen fertilization (control - 0 kg ha -1 N; 120 kg ha -1 after sowing (S); 120 kg ha -1 in the V 6 stage; 30 kg ha -1 (S) + 90 kg ha -1 in V 6; 30 kg ha -1 (S) + 45 kg ha -1 in V 4 + 45 kg ha -1 in V 8 The total operating cost (TOC), gross revenue (GR), operating profit (OP), profitability index (PI), break-even yield, and break-even price were estimated. It was concluded that the no-tillage system, after 11 years of management, associated with nitrogen fertilization promotes positive PI and OP, being useful to farmers.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the control in pre-emergence of the weeds brachiaria grass (Brachiaria decumbens) and goosegrass (Eleusine indica) in different depths in the ground, for the oxyfluorfen and isoxaflutole herbicides, applied in pre-emergence condition and submitted of different rain blades. The experimental design was entirely at random, with four repetitions. Each set was consisted of plastic vases with substratum capacity of 4L, filled with arenaceous ground, increased of brachiaria grass and goosegrass seeds in the depths: 0,5; 1,0; 3,0; 6,0 and 9,0 cm. Doses of 37,5 g a.i. ha -1 of isoxaflutole and 720 g a.i. ha -1 of oxyfluorfen were used. The rain blades was 5, 10 and 20 mm applied with a stationary rain simulator, beyond a treatment without rain. Visual evaluations of control at 7 and 14 days had been carried through after application of the herbicides, counting of germinated plants and dry biomass of plants without application. The development of both weeds was inhibited by herbicides, reaching 100% of control, in all depth levels. The different rain blades had not influenced the control of the weeds. In the biggest depth of sowing (9,0 cm), the emergence was above 45% to B. decumbens and 36% to E. indica in treatments without herbicides application.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the production cost and profitability of the second season corn crop in the Medio Paranapanema region, São Paulo State Brazil, under two technological levels (middle and high technology), crop 2008/2009, and compare the results with the 2006/2007 agricultural year. Effective and total operational cost as well as five profitability indicators were used. It was concluded that the high technology production cost for corn crop (direct seedling, sowing during the recommended period, use of simple hybrid seed, application of side-dressing fertilization, and treatment of seeds with different insecticides) was superior to the middle technology production cost (direct seedling, sowing after the recommended time, use of double hybrid seed, and no side-dressing fertilization). However, the average cost was inferior (US$ 8.5), due to a higher yield (4 t). The high technology corn crop was profitable (gross income and profitability index of 14% and 12%, respectively). For the middle technology crop, profitability indexes pointed out that the cropping system needs to be reevaluated by technicians and research institutions, regarding the adequate technical recommendations. Profitability indexes decreased considerably in both cropping systems. It was verified that, in relation to the 2006/2007 harvest period, the total operational cost increased for both technologies, mainly because of the increase of supplies prices.


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The objective of this research was to evaluate the dry mass yield and chemical composition of four Brachiaria species in different options for sowing, exclusively or in intercrop with corn crop, under a no-tillage system. The experiment was carried out during the growing seasons of 2006 at FEPE (FE/Unesp, Ilha Solteira Campus) located in Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. The soil of the experimental area was classified as distroferric Red Latosol (Oxisol). The experimental design was in randomized blocks, in a factorial scheme (4 × 4), with five replications. The treatments consisted of four Brachiaria species (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria ruziziensis and Mulato II grass) grown in rows and spread on total area, exclusively or intercropped simultaneously with corn crop sowing. The study evaluated the dry mass yield and total digestible nutrients, crude protein, ash, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, hemicelluloses, cellulose and lignin content of forage. The spread on total area intercrop of forages with corn crop proved to be viable by presenting similar dry mass yield to exclusive sowing arrangements, conversely to what happened with intercrop in row of corn crop, which decreased such yield. Brachiaria ruziziensis showed superior chemical composition and the intercrops increased energy and crude protein contents, and decreased cell wall components.


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The performance of machines and agricultural implements are of fundamental importance, especially when subjected to different types of soil tillage, and have to adapt to these conditions, in order to promote good operational performance. The objective of this study was to analyze the operational performance of a Marchesan Supreme Cop grain drill, equipped with four rows, spaced 0.90 m, according to three types of tillage: conventional tillage (plowing and two harrowing series), reduced tillage (scarification with a roller), and no-tillage, in areas previously seeded with maize (Zea mays L.), at two spacing measures (0.90 m and 0.45 m). The results indicate that the demand for power, tensile stress, and motor rotation, in the sowing operation, were not influenced by tillage and maize crop. The tractor wheel slip showed different results, being lower in no-tillage and higher in conventional and reduced tillage.


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This work was carried out to evaluate the effects of sugarcane straw density and positions of seeds of Euphorbia heterophylla, Mucuna cinereum, Digitaria nuda and Eleusine indica on emergence and initial development of plants. The experiment were arranged in a completely randomized design, with 15 treatments and four replications, in a factorial arrangement 3 x 5 with a additional control; the first factor was constituted by position of seeds related to the straw (under, between and on) and the second by five quantities of straw (1, 2, 4, 8 e 16 t ha -1) with a control without straw. At 15 days after sowing (DAS) it was realized evaluations of height, dry mass and emergence percentage for E. heterophylla and M. cinereum, and at 28 DAS it was analyzed dry mass and emergence percentage for D nuda e E. indica. Data obtained were submitted to F in variance analysis test and means were compared with Tukey at 5% probability. Emergence and initial development of E. heterophylla e M. cinereum were reduced with increasing of straw and were affected by seed position, but it was not inhibited in none of conditions, indicating aggressiveness of these weeds in sugarcane mechanized harvest conditions. D. nuda and E. indica emergence was not affected by seed position and coverage soil with 8 e 16 t ha -1 of sugarcane straw inhibited its emergence.


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Culture options for the autumn-winter season are a major problem for production systems under low rainfall. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the sowing season on dry matter yield, nutrient content of the shoot and soil covering percentage of coverage plants on the soil on the intercrop: grain sorghum, rattlepods, pearl millet brachiaria grass and an area with weeds (fallow). The experiment was conducted under field conditions on an Oxisol (Haplustox), clay texture, in Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized block design with eight replications, two sowing seasons and five coverage treatments. When the sorghum culture of the first sowing season reached the harvest stage, the dry matter yield on the other treatments was evaluated. Results showed that sowing in March results in higher dry mass yield and higher soil coverage percentage in the studied species. In the first sowing season, Brachiaria brizantha presents higher dry matter yield and macronutrients extraction.


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This work aimed to evaluate the effect of cattle manure levels in the phase of implementation Corymbia citriodora (Hook.) K. D. Hill & L. A. S. Johnson (Eucalyptus citriodora) seedlings in field, produced from seeds collected from four mother trees. The experiment was carried out in green house, in pots filled with 5 dm 3 of Oxisol. Five cattle manure levels were applied 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 t ha -1 (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 g pot -1). All treatments received lime levels which were calculated to increase the base saturation degree to 50%. The soil fertility was evaluated after 30 days of soil incubation with manure and lime. The seeds were collected from mother trees called 2, 8, 20 and 29. Sowing was performed directly in rigid plastic containers of 50 cm 3 and seedlings were transplanted when they were around 17 cm height. The experimental design was entirely randomized, in a factorial 5 × 4 (five doses of cattle manure and seeds of four mother trees) scheme and four repetitions. Each parcel was a pot with two plants. At 90 days the height, foliar area, stalk diameter, shoot and root dry matter. The plants responded positively to application of manure, but differently for each evaluated growth characteristic linearly or quadratically. The manure levels had linear effects on growth characteristics and dry matter production of the plants from mother trees 2 and 20 moreover these plants require more cattle manure levels than ones from mother trees 8 and 29. The cattle manure promoted the best development of plants from mother trees 8 and 29, in relationship with dry matter production of shoot components was approximately 27 t ha-1, equivalent to 67.5 g pot.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The present study aimed to assess the behavior of seedlings of Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.) Blake growing on different substrates and irrigation levels, and to study the use of urban waste compost in substrates. The experiment was carried out in the College of Agricultural Sciences, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Department of Agricultural Engineering, Jaboticabal Campus, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The experimental design used was completely randomized, consisting of 30 treatments in a factorial design with 15 substrates and two irrigation levels in four replicates. The substrates were composed of different materials: urban waste, Plantmax®, dry cattle manure, vermiculite and soil. For the study of seedling growth, the following characteristics were evaluated: height (H), root-collar diameter (D), number of leaves, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, total dry weight, H/D ratio, Dickson's quality index, and the ratio between height and shoot dry weight (H/SDW). Assessments of the first three characteristics were carried out 20, 35, 50 and 65 days after sowing. Results showed that urban waste compost increased the growth of Schizolobium parahyba. There were significant differences for the irrigation levels tested; with better results for 150% ET compared to 100% ET irrigation level.


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The quality and allelopathy properties of dwarf mucuna, dwarf pigeon pea and stylosanthes as cover crops on corn and weed species were evaluated. Seeds were sown in October 2007, with a control treatment, in 20 plots of 4×5m, with five replicates. Weed population was determined 30 and 60 days after sowing. At 90 days, plants were mowed and the residues left to remain on the plot. Fresh and dry mass of the cover crops were determined and the allelopathic potential of aqueous extract of their aerial part was tested. The extract was chemically characterized and applied on seeds of weeds and corn. The experimental design was completely randomized and averages compared by the Scott-Knott test at 5% significance. The cover crops showed to be effective in the control of weeds. The highest values in fresh and dry mass were obtained for dwarf pigeon pea, followed by dwarf mucuna; fresh mass increased 72 and 34%, respectively, compared to the control. The extract with dwarf mucuna affected arrowleaf sida germination. The use of green manure in the summer or between harvests ensures that crop rotation is carried out properly and warrants its benefits.


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We evaluated the effect of fertilization with 0, 50, 100 and 200 kg/ha of N, applied in each four growth intervals in the winter/spring season on dry matter yield in 30 days (DMY), leaf chlorophyll index (LCI) and total digestible nutrients (TDN), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and lignin contents, and correlation equations of LCI with DMY and CP content in the marandu and ruziziensis grasses after intercrop arrangements with corn in Red Latosol (Oxisol) under irrigation. The major DMY occurred with photoperiod increasing, however, there were different responses to this attribute over of growth intervals, between and among the grasses with the N fertilization. In irrigated croplivestock integration under savannah soil is technicality viable the cultivation of marandu and ruziziensis grasses, established by intercrop with corn at sowing or at the N fertilization. As even, in the N fertilization absence, produced satisfactory amounts of forage, with 1733 kg/ha (DMY), at the time of greatest scarcity of roughage to animals (winter/spring season). However, after the corn harvest, the N fertilization increase the DMY and improves the chemical composition, increasing the LCI, and CP and TDN contents, and decreasing NDF and ADF contents in the winter/spring season.The best correlation equations in function of LCI were logatithmica for DMY and potential for CP of the marandu grass and potential for both attributes of the ruziziensis grass.


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The objective of this work was to study the morphological and physiological characteristics of the wheat flag leaf as affected by increasing sowing densities and plant growth regulators application. The experimental design was a split-plot with completely randomized blocks and four replications. Plots were consisted by four sowing densities (30, 50 70 and 90 plants m-1) and the split-plots by plant growth regulators: a product composed by auxin+gebberellin+cytokinin (Ax+GA+CK), Trinexapac-Ethyl e (Ax+GA+CK) + Trinexapac-Ethyl, and a control without application. Dry mass accumulation, plant height, morphological characteristics, SPAD index, nitrogen and photosynthetic pigments contents in the flag leaf were determined. The increase in the sowing density resulted in lower dry mass accumulation and SPAD index of the flag leaves. Trinexapac-Ethyl caused increase in the SPAD index, but the chlorophyll content of the flag leaf was reduced. The SPAD index values were more correlated with the nitrogen than the chlorophyll contents. Ax+GA+CK did not affect flag leaf characteristics in wheat plants.