884 resultados para Social ethics -- India


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Presents the discussion of practical and social dimensions that comprise the instrumentality (formative; theoretical and intellectual; investigative; technical-instrumental; and ethical-political) Social Work from research in social and occupational areas in which they operate social workers in Natal in Rio Grande do Norte. Chapters expose positions, experiences and reality of the respondents and the theoretical constructs and analytical, to understand: the evaluation of the training process, relating the teaching practice, the role of knowledge and the importance of research in professional practice of social workers, the seizure of technical-instrumental dimension, articulating demands, duties, powers and instruments, as elements that comprise it, and finally the ethical-political dimension, discussing the challenges of ethics and materialization of the ethical-political in daily work. In this sense, the dissertation sought add to production and academic debate about the work of the social worker, as well as contribute to their own professional practice, revealing how professionals articulate the practical and social dimensions that comprise the instrumentality in their daily work


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O artigo procura traçar um quadro panorâmico de alguns momentos da história brasileira para tentar encontrar as determinações que fizeram com que a intersubjetividade e a 'eticidade' mergulhassem num padrão deletério e nele ficassem amarradas. Busca assim explicar a dificuldade quase crônica que a elite política brasileira tem de governar de modo republicano, ou seja, fazendo com que o interesse público prevaleça democraticamente sobre os interesses privados, sejam esses interesses os do dinheiro, do voto ou das corporações. Sem virtude pública constituída e sedimentada na sociedade e na cultura política, o Brasil cresceu com dificuldades para se aprumar em termos democráticos e republicanos. Mas é uma comunidade que se reconhece como tal, que compartilha uma cultura rica e expressiva, que bem ou mal tem um sistema político e de governo.


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This paper discusses the question of social justice in a global world, focussing on Brazil. Though largely debated, this question has not yet been properly answered (Kelsen, 2001, p. 1). Trying to contribute to this debate, this paper raises a general thesis: social justice involves a chaotic-solidaristic integration (da Silveira, 2002) between the discourse towards the egalitarian rights and duties and its practical sustainability by ethics and democracy.


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In Brazil since October 1996 there have been guidelines for research involving human subjects. Now human subjects know when their treatment is part of research. Deceit is no longer tolerated. But is not enough to say we offer an explanation to the potential subject and we offer a choice before he or she is confronted with an informed consent form. As in all professional activity, scientific investigation needs social controls. In Brazil, the ultimate responsibility of an investigation lies on the investigator, but in every institution where research is carried out there is a Committee for Ethics in Research. All Committees are subordinated to the National Commission of Ethics in Research, which is submitted to the Brazilian Institute of Health. During 2005 around 17,000 protocols involving 700,000 human subjects were revised by 475 Committees distributed all over the country. Approximately 7,000 people are now working in these Committees.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Neste trabalho são analisadas as relações entre escolarização (configurada na Casa Familiar Rural) e as estratégias de reprodução das organizações sociais representativas do campesinato em interface com as famílias de agricultores na Transamazônica, frente pioneira de colonização no Oeste do Pará, particularmente no município de Medicilândia. Esta escola, pensada por estes agentes sociais e coletivos em um cenário nacional e regional de publicização dos quadros que fragilizam a agricultura de base camponesa, a partir de meados da década de 1990, tem sido instrumento da luta social. As tensões no espaço social, lidas como ‘crise da base’ e ‘crise dos sistemas de produção’, teriam desenhado simultaneamente uma ‘crise de formação’ na qual as finalidades da escola foram sendo construídas por desafios sócio-econômico e políticos. Este cenário teria constituído os jovens agricultores como categoria social, investidos da expectativa coletiva de tornarem-se, sob a mediação da CFR, técnicos agrícolas e/ou dirigentes, a fim de dar continuidade ao grupo (seja dos atores, nos campos das organizações sociais/sindicais e comunitário-religiosas; seja das famílias, na sucessão agrícola e na manutenção de sua posição social). As repercussões da CFR na condição camponesa destes jovens são analisadas a partir de dados qualitativos e quantitativos, tomando-se como referência os interesses e investimentos dos agentes sociais, das famílias, bem como as inserções sócio-profissionais no campo e/ou na cidade destes jovens após a escolarização. Os resultados da CFR, considerando-se esta escola como estratégia coletiva organizada que visa transformar para conservar o campo de lutas enquanto sistema de relações objetivas do grupo social que a constitui, revelam que a mesma tem possibilitado a permanência dos jovens agricultores no campo sob diversos arranjos em que se imbricam as relações com o campesinato, com a cidade, com o conhecimento escolar/técnico, e com uma ética de trabalho e relação com a terra/natureza “ambientalizada”. No âmbito dos grupos domésticos e da coletividade camponesa (nas quais se incluem as organizações representativas do grupo estudado), a posição social destes jovens caracteriza-se por formas de distinção social visíveis nas práticas sócio-produtivas intercedidas pelo capital escolar, bem como na posição de mediadores dirigentes e técnicos.


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This study presents different modalities of ethics - guardianship, interlocution, social action, care and finally the ethics of listening to the subject's unconscious desire - as analyzers of the care practices conducted by psychologists in the field of Social Assistance. In an institutional approach, cases found in the literature are presented, in a questioning way, which can be considered examples of the practices performed by psychologists and other workers who operate in a wide variety of healthcare establishments. It was concluded that psychologists may encounter, in the field of Freudian/Lacanian psychoanalysis, consistent theoretical-technical and ethical-political instrumentals to guide institutional performance in an effective and informed way so as to include the individual as a citizen and also as the subject of the unconscious.


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This study was performed as a requirement of the final course in Nursing. The study is cross-cutting, in order to identify associations between socioeconomic factors, education, child hospitalization in the ICU or not, degree of depression and level of social support (material, affective, emotional, informational and positive social interaction) and how to identify subgroups of mother - child vulnerable. Constitute themselves as subjects, mothers of children 0 to 17 years, 11 months and 29 days in hospital after the second day of hospitalization in the pediatric unit of a State Hospital Interior Paulista. Data collection was initiated after obtaining the assent of the Research Ethics Committee, as well as signing the consent form. We used the following instruments to collect data: the data form for socioeconomic and hospitalization; Beck Depression Inventory and Medical Outcomes Study (MOS). We obtained the result that there is a strong association between availability and social support and income per capita and the degree of depression, but did not find an association between time and hospital stay and whether the child was admitted to the ICU or not. We conclude that it is necessary to establish treatment services from the patient’s family, plus an appropriate social service support to meet this big demand for mothers who need support


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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“Women of color from any culture or country face additional barriers in predominantly white institutions. This panel presents perspectives and experiences of three women from three cultures and three different levels of academia—a Chicana Latino visiting professor, a graduate teaching assistant from India, and a Sudanese graduate research assistant.”