909 resultados para Soap-stocks


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The decay of an unstable state under the influence of external colored noise has been studied by means of analog experiments and digital simulations. For both fixed and random initial conditions, the time evolution of the second moment ¿x2(t)¿ of the system variable was determined and then used to evaluate the nonlinear relaxation time. The results obtained are found to be in excellent agreement with the theoretical predictions of the immediately preceding paper [Casademunt, Jiménez-Aquino, and Sancho, Phys. Rev. A 40, 5905 (1989)].


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One of the expected benefits of no-tillage systems is a higher rate of soil C sequestration. However, higher C retention in soil is not always apparent when no-tillage is applied, due e.g., to substantial differences in soil type and initial C content. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of no-tillage management to increase the stock of total organic C in soils of the Pampas region in Argentina. Forty crop fields under no-tillage and conventional tillage systems and seven undisturbed soils were sampled. Total organic C, total N, their fractions and stratification ratios and the C storage capacity of the soils under different managements were assessed in samples to a depth of 30 cm, in three layers (0-5, 5-15 and 15-30 cm). The differences between the C pools of the undisturbed and cultivated soils were significant (p < 0.05) and most pronounced in the top (0-5 cm) soil layer, with more active C near the soil surface (undisturbed > no-tillage > conventional tillage). Based on the stratification ratio of the labile C pool (0-5/5-15 cm), the untilled were separated from conventionally tilled areas. Much of the variation in potentially mineralizable C was explained by this active C fraction (R² = 0.61) and by total organic C (R² = 0.67). No-till soils did not accumulate more organic C than conventionally tilled soils in the 0-30 cm layer, but there was substantial stratification of total and active C pools at no till sites. If the C stratification ratio is really an indicator of soil quality, then the C storage potential of no-tillage would be greater than in conventional tillage, at least in the surface layers. Particulate organic C and potentially mineralizable C may be useful to evaluate variations in topsoil organic matter.


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Les laves torrentielles sont l'un des vecteurs majeurs de sédiments en milieu montagneux. Leur comportement hydrogéomorphologique est contrôlé par des facteurs géologique, géomorphologique, topographique, hydrologique, climatique et anthropique. Si, en Europe, la recherche s'est plus focalisée sur les aspects hydrologiques que géomorphologiques de ces phénomènes, l'identification des volumes de sédiments potentiellement mobilisables au sein de petits systèmes torrentiels et des processus responsables de leur transfert est d'une importance très grande en termes d'aménagement du territoire et de gestion des dangers naturels. De plus, une corrélation entre des événements pluviométriques et l'occurrence de laves torrentielles n'est pas toujours établie et de nombreux événements torrentiels semblent se déclencher lorsqu'un seuil géomorphologique intrinsèque (degré de remplissage du chenal) au cours d'eau est atteint.Une méthodologie pragmatique a été développée pour cartographier les stocks sédimentaires constituant une source de matériaux pour les laves torrentielles, comme outil préliminaire à la quantification des volumes transportés par ces phénomènes. La méthode s'appuie sur des données dérivées directement d'analyses en environnement SIG réalisées sur des modèles numériques d'altitude de haute précision, de mesures de terrain et d'interprétation de photographies aériennes. La méthode a été conçue pour évaluer la dynamique des transferts sédimentaires, en prenant en compte le rôle des différents réservoirs sédimentaires, par l'application du concept de cascade sédimentaire sous un angle cartographique.Les processus de transferts sédimentaires ont été étudiés dans deux bassins versants des Alpes suisses (torrent du Bruchi, à Blatten beiNaters et torrent du Meretschibach, à Agarn). La cartographie géomorphologique a été couplée avec des mesures complémentaires permettant d'estimer les flux sédimentaires et les taux d'érosion (traçages de peinture, piquets de dénudation et utilisation du LiDAR terrestre). La méthode proposée se révèle innovatrice en comparaison avec la plupart des systèmes de légendes géomorphologiques existants, qui ne sont souvent pas adaptés pour cartographier de manière satisfaisante les systèmes géomorphologiques complexes et actifs que sont les bassins torrentiels. L'intérêt de cette méthode est qu'elle permet l'établissement d'une cascade sédimentaire, mais uniquement pour des systèmes où l'occurrence d'une lave torrentielle est contrôlé par le degré de remplissage en matériaux du chenal. Par ailleurs, le produit cartographique ne peut être directement utilisé pour la création de cartes de dangers - axées sur les zones de dépôt - mais revêt un intérêt pour la mise en place de mesures de correction et pour l'installation de systèmes de monitoring ou d'alerte.La deuxième partie de ce travail de recherche est consacrée à la cartographie géomorphologique. Une analyse a porté sur un échantillon de 146 cartes ou systèmes de légende datant des années 1950 à 2009 et réalisés dans plus de 40 pays. Cette analyse a permis de mettre en évidence la diversité des applications et des techniques d'élaboration des cartes géomorphologiques. - Debris flows are one of the most important vectors of sediment transfer in mountainous areas. Their hydro-geomorphological behaviour is conditioned by geological, geomorphological, topographical, hydrological, climatic and anthropic factors. European research in torrential systems has focused more on hydrological processes than on geomorphological processes acting as debris flow triggers. Nevertheless, the identification of sediment volumes that have the potential to be mobilised in small torrential systems, as well as the recognition of processes responsible for their mobilisation and transfer within the torrential system, are important in terms of land-use planning and natural hazard management. Moreover, a correlation between rainfall and debris flow occurrence is not always established and a number of debris flows seems to occur when a poorly understood geomorphological threshold is reached.A pragmatic methodology has been developed for mapping sediment storages that may constitute source zone of bed load transport and debris flows as a preliminary tool before quantifying their volumes. It is based on data directly derived from GIS analysis using high resolution DEM's, field measurements and aerial photograph interpretations. It has been conceived to estimate sediment transfer dynamics, taking into account the role of different sediment stores in the torrential system applying the concept of "sediment cascade" in a cartographic point of view.Sediment transfer processes were investigated in two small catchments in the Swiss Alps (Bruchi torrent, Blatten bei Naters and Meretschibach torrent, Agarn). Thorough field geomorphological mapping coupled with complementary measurements were conducted to estimate sediment fluxes and denudation rates, using various methods (reference coloured lines, wooden markers and terrestrial LiDAR). The proposed geomorphological mapping methodology is quite innovative in comparison with most legend systems that are not adequate for mapping active and complex geomorphological systems such as debris flow catchments. The interest of this mapping method is that it allows the concept of sediment cascade to be spatially implemented but only for supply-limited systems. The map cannot be used directly for the creation of hazard maps, focused on the deposition areas, but for the design of correction measures and the implementation of monitoring and warning systems.The second part of this work focuses on geomorphological mapping. An analysis of a sample of 146 (extracts of) maps or legend systems dating from the middle of the 20th century to 2009 - realised in more than 40 different countries - was carried out. Even if this study is not exhaustive, it shows a clear renewed interest for the discipline worldwide. It highlights the diversity of applications, techniques (scale, colours and symbology) used for their conception.


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Organic matter plays an important role in many soil properties, and for that reason it is necessary to identify management systems which maintain or increase its concentrations. The aim of the present study was to determine the quality and quantity of organic C in different compartments of the soil fraction in different Amazonian ecosystems. The soil organic matter (FSOM) was fractionated and soil C stocks were estimated in primary forest (PF), pasture (P), secondary succession (SS) and an agroforestry system (AFS). Samples were collected at the depths 0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80, 80-100, 100-160, and 160-200 cm. Densimetric and particle size analysis methods were used for FSOM, obtaining the following fractions: FLF (free light fraction), IALF (intra-aggregate light fraction), F-sand (sand fraction), F-clay (clay fraction) and F-silt (silt fraction). The 0-5 cm layer contains 60 % of soil C, which is associated with the FLF. The F-clay was responsible for 70 % of C retained in the 0-200 cm depth. There was a 12.7 g kg-1 C gain in the FLF from PF to SS, and a 4.4 g kg-1 C gain from PF to AFS, showing that SS and AFS areas recover soil organic C, constituting feasible C-recovery alternatives for degraded and intensively farmed soils in Amazonia. The greatest total stocks of carbon in soil fractions were, in decreasing order: (101.3 Mg ha-1 of C - AFS) > (98.4 Mg ha-1 of C - FP) > (92.9 Mg ha-1 of C - SS) > (64.0 Mg ha-1 of C - P). The forms of land use in the Amazon influence C distribution in soil fractions, resulting in short- or long-term changes.


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Under field conditions in the Amazon forest, soil bulk density is difficult to measure. Rigorous methodological criteria must be applied to obtain reliable inventories of C stocks and soil nutrients, making this process expensive and sometimes unfeasible. This study aimed to generate models to estimate soil bulk density based on parameters that can be easily and reliably measured in the field and that are available in many soil-related inventories. Stepwise regression models to predict bulk density were developed using data on soil C content, clay content and pH in water from 140 permanent plots in terra firme (upland) forests near Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil. The model results were interpreted according to the coefficient of determination (R2) and Akaike information criterion (AIC) and were validated with a dataset consisting of 125 plots different from those used to generate the models. The model with best performance in estimating soil bulk density under the conditions of this study included clay content and pH in water as independent variables and had R2 = 0.73 and AIC = -250.29. The performance of this model for predicting soil density was compared with that of models from the literature. The results showed that the locally calibrated equation was the most accurate for estimating soil bulk density for upland forests in the Manaus region.


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After open coal mining, soils are “constructed”, which usually contain low levels and quality of organic matter (OM). Therefore, the use of plant species for revegetation and reclamation of degraded areas is essential. This study evaluated the distribution of carbon (C) in the chemical fractions as well as the chemical characteristics and humification degree of OM in a soil constructed after coal mining under cultivation of perennial grasses. The experiment was established in 2003 with the following treatments: Hemarthria altissima (T1), Paspalum notatum (T2), Cynodon dactilon (T3), Urochloa brizantha (T4), bare constructed soil (T5), and natural soil (T6). In 2009, soil samples were collected from the 0.00-0.03 m layer and the total organic carbon stock (TOC) and C stock in the chemical fractions: acid extract (CHCl), fulvic acid (CFA), humic acid (CHA), and humin (CHU) were determined. The humic acid (HA) fraction was characterized by infrared spectroscopy and the laser-induced fluorescence index (ILIF) of OM was also calculated. After six years, differences were only observed in the CHA stocks, which were highest in T1 (0.89 Mg ha-1) and T4 (1.06 Mg ha-1). The infrared spectra of HA in T1, T2 and T4 were similar to T6, with greater contribution of aliphatic organic compounds than in the other treatments. In this way, ILIF decreased in the sequence T5>T3>T4>T1>T2>T6, indicating higher OM humification in T3 and T5 and more labile OM in the other treatments. Consequently, the potential of OM quality recovery in the constructed soil was greatest in treatments T1 and T4.


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Soils constructed after mining often have low carbon (C) stocks and low quality of organic matter (OM). Cover crops are decisive for the recovery process of these stocks, improving the quality of constructed soils. Therefore, the goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of cover crops on total organic C (TOC) stocks, C distribution in physical fractions of OM and the C management index (CMI) of a soil constructed after coal mining. The experiment was initiated in 2003 with six treatments: Hemarthria altissima (T1), Paspalum notatum (T2), Cynodon dactylon (T3), Urochloa brizantha (T4), bare constructed soil (T5), and natural soil (T6). Soil samples were collected in 2009 from the 0.00-0.03 m layer, and the TOC and C stocks in the physical particle size fractions (carbon in the coarse fraction - CCF, and mineral-associated carbon - MAC) and density fractions (free light fraction - FLF; occluded light fraction - OLF, and heavy fraction - HF) of OM were determined. The CMI components: carbon pool index (CPI), lability (L) and lability index (LI) were estimated by both fractionation methods. No differences were observed between TOC, CCF and MAC stocks. The lowest C stocks in FLF and OLF fractions were presented by T2, 0.86 and 0.61 Mg ha-1, respectively. The values of TOC stock, C stock in physical fractions and CMI were intermediate, greater than T5 and lower than T6 in all treatments, indicating the partial recovery of soil quality. As a result of the better adaptation of the species Hemarthria and Brizantha, resulting in greater accumulation of labile organic material, the CPI, L, LI and CMI values were higher in these treatments, suggesting a greater potential of these species for recovery of constructed soils.


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Improper land use has lead to deterioration and depletion of natural resources, as well as a significant decline in agricultural production, due to decreased soil quality. Removal of native vegetation to make way for agricultural crops, often managed inadequately, results in soil disruption, decreased nutrient availability, and decomposition of soil organic matter, making sustainable agricultural production unviable. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of growing irrigated mango (over a 20 year period) on the organic carbon (OC) stocks and on the fractions of soil organic matter (SOM) in relation to the native caatinga (xeric shrubland) vegetation in the Lower São Francisco Valley region, Brazil. The study was carried out on the Boa Esperança Farm located in Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil. In areas under irrigated mango and native caatinga, soil samples were collected at the 0-10 and 10-20 cm depths. After preparing the soil samples, we determined the OC stocks, carbon of humic substances (fulvic acid fractions, humic acid fractions, and humin fractions), and the light and heavy SOM fractions. Growing irrigated mango resulted in higher OC stocks; higher C stocks in the fulvic acid, humic acid, and humin fractions; and higher C stocks in the heavy and light SOM fraction in comparison to nativecaatinga, especially in the uppermost soil layer.


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ABSTRACT The cultivation of cover crops intercropped with fruit trees is an alternative to maintain mulch cover between plant rows and increase soil organic carbon (C) stocks. The objective of this study was to evaluate changes in soil total organic C content and labile organic matter fractions in response to cover crop cultivation in an orange orchard. The experiment was performed in the state of Bahia, in a citrus orchard with cultivar ‘Pera’ orange (Citrus sinensis) at a spacing of 6 × 4 m. A randomized complete block design with three replications was used. The following species were used as cover crops: Brachiaria (Brachiaria decumbes) – BRAQ, pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) – MIL, jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) – JB, blend (50 % each) of jack bean + millet (JB/MIL), and spontaneous vegetation (SPV). The cover crops were broadcast-seeded between the rows of orange trees and mechanically mowed after flowering. Soil sampling at depths of 0.00-0.10, 0.10-0.20, and 0.20-0.40 m was performed in small soil trenches. The total soil organic C (SOC) content, light fraction (LF), and the particulate organic C (POC), and oxidizable organic C fractions were estimated. Total soil organic C content was not significantly changed by the cover crops, indicating low sensitivity in reacting to recent changes in soil organic matter due to management practices. Grasses enabled a greater accumulation of SOC stocks in 0.00-0.40 m compared to all other treatments. Jack bean cultivation increased LF and the most labile oxidizable organic C fraction (F1) in the soil surface and the deepest layer tested. Cover crop cultivation increased labile C in the 0.00-0.10 m layer, which can enhance soil microbial activity and nutrient absorption by the citrus trees. The fractions LF and F1 may be suitable indicators for monitoring changes in soil organic matter content due to changes in soil management practices.


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Background: Despite its pervasiveness, the genetic basis of adaptation resulting in variation directly or indirectly related to temperature (climatic) gradients is poorly understood. By using 3-fold replicated laboratory thermal stocks covering much of the physiologically tolerable temperature range for the temperate (i.e., cold tolerant) species Drosophila subobscura we have assessed whole-genome transcriptional responses after three years of thermal adaptation, when the populations had already diverged for inversion frequencies, pre-adult life history components, and morphological traits. Total mRNA from each population was compared to a reference pool mRNA in a standard, highly replicated two-colour competitive hybridization experiment using cDNA microarrays.Results: A total of 306 (6.6%) cDNA clones were identified as 'differentially expressed' (following a false discovery rate correction) after contrasting the two furthest apart thermal selection regimes (i.e., 13°C vs . 22°C), also including four previously reported candidate genes for thermotolerance in Drosophila (Hsp26, Hsp68, Fst, and Treh). On the other hand, correlated patterns of gene expression were similar in cold- and warm-adapted populations. Analysis of functional categories defined by the Gene Ontology project point to an overrepresentation of genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism, nucleic acids metabolism and regulation of transcription among other categories. Although the location of differently expressed genes was approximately at random with respect to chromosomes, a physical mapping of 88 probes to the polytene chromosomes of D. subobscura has shown that a larger than expected number mapped inside inverted chromosomal segments.Conclusion: Our data suggest that a sizeable number of genes appear to be involved in thermal adaptation in Drosophila, with a substantial fraction implicated in metabolism. This apparently illustrates the formidable challenge to understanding the adaptive evolution of complex trait variation. Furthermore, some clustering of genes within inverted chromosomal sections was detected. Disentangling the effects of inversions will be obviously required in any future approach if we want to identify the relevant candidate genes.


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[cat] En aquest treball, es realitza una nova estimació del VAB industrial espanyol a un nivell de desagregació territorial corresponent a les províncies (NUTSIII) i les Comunitats Autònomes (NUTS II). Per assolir aquest objectiu es planteja una nova metodologia d’estimació de les xifres històriques de VAB industrial regional. Front a les aproximacions tradicionals, basades en la utilització de fonts fiscals com a forma d’aproximar la capacitat productiva industrial, en aquest treball s’ofereix una estimació que també es basa en les rendes generades per la producció industrial de les regions. Amb aquest objectiu, es fa servir la metodologia proposada per Geary i Stark (2002) i les millores proposades per Crafts (2005). La utilització d’aquesta metodologia permet elaborar una nova estimació retrospectiva del VAB industrial de les regions espanyoles a diversos talls temporals corresponents al període 1860-1930.


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Background: Leishmaniasis is a common parasitic disease in Southern Europe, caused by Leishmania infantum. The failures of current treatment with pentavalent antimonials are partially attributable to the emergence of antimony-resistant Leishmania strains. This study analyses the in vitro susceptibility to pentavalent antimony of intracellular amastigotes from a range of L. infantum strains, derived from the same infected animal, during in vitro and in vivo passages and after host treatment with meglumine antimoniate. Results: SbV-IC50 values for strains from two distinct isolates from the same host and one stock after two years of culture in NNN medium and posterior passage to hamster were similar (5.0 ± 0.2; 4.9 ± 0.2 and 4.4 ± 0.1 mgSbV/L, respectively). In contrast, a significant difference (P < 0.01, t test) was observed between the mean SbV-IC50 values in the stocks obtained before and after treatment of hosts with meglumine antimoniate (4.7 ± 0.4 mgSbV/L vs. 7.7 ± 1.5 mgSbV/L). Drug-resistance after drug pressure in experimentally infected dogs increased over repeated drug administration (6.4 ± 0.5 mgSbV/L after first treatment vs. 8.6 ± 1.4 mgSbV/L after the second) (P < 0.01, t test). Conclusions: These results confirm previous observations on strains from Leishmania/HIV co-infected patients and indicate the effect of the increasing use of antimony derivatives for treatment of canine leishmaniasis in endemic areas on the emergence of Leishmania antimony-resistant strains.


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The interactions among diet, ecology, physiology, and biochemistry affect N and C stable isotope signatures in animal tissues. Here, we examined if ecological segregation among animals in relation to sex and age existed by analyzing the signatures of delta15N and delta13C in the muscle of Western Mediterranean striped dolphins. Moreover, we used a Bayesian mixing model to study diet composition and investigated potential dietary changes over the last two decades in this population. For this, we compared isotope signatures in samples of stranded dolphins obtained during two epizootic events occurring in 1990 and 2007-2008. Mean delta13C values for females and males were not significantly different, but age-related variation indicated delta13C enrichment in both sexes, suggesting that females and males most likely fed in the same general areas, increasing their consumption of benthic prey with age. Enrichment of delta15N was only observed in females, suggesting a preference for larger or higher trophic level prey than males, which could reflect different nutritional requirements. delta13C values showed no temporal variation, although the mean delta15N signature decreased from 1990 to 2007-2008, which could indicate a dietary shift in the striped dolphin over the last two decades. The results of SIAR indicated that in 1990, hake and sardine together contributed to 60% on the diet of immature striped dolphins, and close to 90% for mature striped dolphins. Conversely, the diet of both groups in 2007-2008 was more diverse, as hake and sardine contributed to less than 40% of the entire diet. These results suggest a dietary change that was possibly related to changes in food availability, which is consistent with the depletion of sardine stocks by fishing.


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Introduction This dissertation consists of three essays in equilibrium asset pricing. The first chapter studies the asset pricing implications of a general equilibrium model in which real investment is reversible at a cost. Firms face higher costs in contracting than in expanding their capital stock and decide to invest when their productive capital is scarce relative to the overall capital of the economy. Positive shocks to the capital of the firm increase the size of the firm and reduce the value of growth options. As a result, the firm is burdened with more unproductive capital and its value lowers with respect to the accumulated capital. The optimal consumption policy alters the optimal allocation of resources and affects firm's value, generating mean-reverting dynamics for the M/B ratios. The model (1) captures convergence of price-to-book ratios -negative for growth stocks and positive for value stocks - (firm migration), (2) generates deviations from the classic CAPM in line with the cross-sectional variation in expected stock returns and (3) generates a non-monotone relationship between Tobin's q and conditional volatility consistent with the empirical evidence. The second chapter proposes a standard portfolio-choice problem with transaction costs and mean reversion in expected returns. In the presence of transactions costs, no matter how small, arbitrage activity does not necessarily render equal all riskless rates of return. When two such rates follow stochastic processes, it is not optimal immediately to arbitrage out any discrepancy that arises between them. The reason is that immediate arbitrage would induce a definite expenditure of transactions costs whereas, without arbitrage intervention, there exists some, perhaps sufficient, probability that these two interest rates will come back together without any costs having been incurred. Hence, one can surmise that at equilibrium the financial market will permit the coexistence of two riskless rates that are not equal to each other. For analogous reasons, randomly fluctuating expected rates of return on risky assets will be allowed to differ even after correction for risk, leading to important violations of the Capital Asset Pricing Model. The combination of randomness in expected rates of return and proportional transactions costs is a serious blow to existing frictionless pricing models. Finally, in the last chapter I propose a two-countries two-goods general equilibrium economy with uncertainty about the fundamentals' growth rates to study the joint behavior of equity volatilities and correlation at the business cycle frequency. I assume that dividend growth rates jump from one state to other, while countries' switches are possibly correlated. The model is solved in closed-form and the analytical expressions for stock prices are reported. When calibrated to the empirical data of United States and United Kingdom, the results show that, given the existing degree of synchronization across these business cycles, the model captures quite well the historical patterns of stock return volatilities. Moreover, I can explain the time behavior of the correlation, but exclusively under the assumption of a global business cycle.


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Les neutrophiles constituent la première ligne de défense contre un grand nombre de pathogènes. Après infection avec Leishmania major, les neutrophiles migrent rapidement et massivement au site d'infection par le parasite. Les neutrophiles sont d'importants acteurs dans l'orchestration de la réponse anti-Leishmania, via la sécrétion de nombreuses cytokines, chimiokines et composés stockés dans leurs granules. De plus, les neutrophiles interagissent avec les cellules présentatrices d'antigènes, telles que les cellules dendritiques et en conséquences contribuent au développement de la réponse adaptative. A ce jour, l'impact des neutrophiles sur 1'activation des cellules dendritiques et les possibles conséquences de l'interaction neutrophiles avec ces dernières sur l'évolution de la maladie suite à l'infection avec L. major reste peu connu. Ainsi, nous avons dans un premier temps investigué l'influence des neutrophiles sur 1'activation des cellules dendritiques in vitro. Suite à cela, nous avons analysé le rôle des neutrophiles sur 1'activation des cellules dendritiques présentes au site d'infection et dans les ganglions drainants in vivo, après inoculation intra-dermale de L. major dans le pavillon auriculaire de souris de souche C57BL/6 et BALB/c, ainsi que les conséquences de la déplétion des neutrophiles sur l'évolution de la maladie. Nous avons pu démontrer que les neutrophiles ont un impact négatif sur l'activation des cellules dendritiques exposées à L. major in vitro, via des mécanismes impliquant la sécrétion de Prostaglandines par les neutrophiles et la séquestration des parasites. La déplétion des neutrophiles dans les souris BALB/c durant les premiers jours après infection avec L. major dans le derme de l'oreille résulte en une augmentation de l'expression de marqueurs d'activation des cellules dendritiques présentes dans les ganglions drainants, mais pas au site d'infection. De plus, les souris BALB/c transitoirement déplétées en neutrophiles développent des lésions significativement plus petites, une réponse de type Th2 diminuée et une charge parasitaire plus faible au site d'infection que les souris non déplétées. La déplétion des neutrophiles dans les souris C57BL/6 n'a pas d'influence détectable sur l'activation des cellules dendritiques que ce soit au niveau des ganglions drainants ou au site d'infection. La progression de la lésion et la charge parasitaire ne sont pas affectées par la déplétion des neutrophiles, malgré le développement d'une réponse Th2 diminuée par rapport aux souris non déplétées. En résumé, dans les premières heures après infection, les neutrophiles ont un effet négatif sur l'activation des cellules dendritiques et sur la réponse anti-Leishmania dans les souris BALB/c tandis que leur rôle paraît moins important dans les souris C57BL/6. Ces résultats peuvent avoir d'importantes implications en terme de développement de nouveaux vaccins contre Leishmania. - Neutrophils constitute the first line of defense against a variety of pathogens. Following Leihmania major infection neutrophils migrate rapidly and massively to the site of parasite inoculation. They are important players in the orchestration of the anti-leishmania response through the release of a plethora of cytokines, chemokines and granular components. In addition, neutrophils interact with antigen-presenting cells such as dendritic cells (DCs) and thereby contribute to the development of the adaptive immune response. However, the impact of neutrophils on the activation of DCs and possible consequences on disease progression following L. major infection are poorly understood. Therefore, we first investigated the influence of neutrophils on DC activation in vitro. Next we analyzed the role of neutrophils on the activation of DCs present at the site of infection and in the draining lymph node (dLN) following inoculation of L. major in the ear pinna of C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice and analyzed the consequences of early neutrophil depletion on disease progression. We could demonstrate that neutrophils had a negative impact on the activation of DCs exposed to L. major in vitro through mechanisms involving neutrophil-derived prostaglandins and sequestration of parasites. In BALB/c mice, depletion of neutrophils during the first days of infection with L. major in the ear dermis increased the expression of activation markers on dLN DCs but not on DCs present at the site of infection. In addition, BALB/c mice transiently depleted of neutrophils developed significantly smaller lesions, a decreased Th2 immune response and harbored fewer parasites at the site of infection compared to non-depleted littermates. In C57BL/6, mice early depletion of neutrophils had no detectable impact on the activation of DCs both at the site of infection and in the dLN following L. major inoculation. Furthermore, depletion of neutrophils had no major effect on lesion evolution and parasite loads despite the development of a decreased Th2 immune response compared to non- depleted littermates. In summary, at the onset of infection, neutrophils are detrimental for DC activation and the anti-leishmania response in BALB/c mice while their role appears to be less important in C57BL/6 mice. These findings could have important implications for the design of new vaccination strategies.