577 resultados para Slit-Nozzle


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A modified Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) numerical method is used to predict the dynamics of a liquid drop of a low viscosity dilute polymer solution, forming in air from a circular nozzle. Viscoelastic effects are represented using an Oldroyd-B model. Predicted drop shapes are compared with experimental observations. The main features, including the timing of the shape evolution and the bead-on-a-string effect, are well reproduced by the simulations. The results confirm published conclusions of the third author, that the deformation is effectively Newtonian until near the time of Newtonian pinch-off and that the elastic stress becomes large in the pinch region due to the higher extensional flow there.


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Ryk (receptor related to tyrosine kinase) has been shown to be a novel Wnt receptor in both Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster. Recently, Ryk-Wnt interactions were shown to guide corticospinal axons down the embryonic mouse spinal cord. Here we show that, in Ryk-deficient mice, cortical axons project aberrantly across the major forebrain commissure, the corpus callosum. Many mouse mutants have been described in which loss-of-function mutations result in the inability of callosal axons to cross the midline, thereby forming Probst bundles on the ipsilateral side. In contrast, loss of Ryk does not interfere with the ability of callosal axons to cross the midline but impedes their escape from the midline into the contralateral side. Therefore, Ryk(-/-) mice display a novel callosal guidance phenotype. We also show that Wnt5a acts as a chemorepulsive ligand for Ryk, driving callosal axons toward the contralateral hemisphere after crossing the midline. In addition, whereas callosal axons do cross the midline in Ryk(-/-) embryos, they are defasciculated on the ipsilateral side, indicating that Ryk also promotes fasciculation of axons before midline crossing. In summary, this study expands the emerging role for Wnts in axon guidance and identifies Ryk as a key guidance receptor in the establishment of the corpus callosum. Our analysis of Ryk function further advances our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the formation of this important commissure.


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A theory is discussed of single-component transport in nanopores, recently developed by Bhatia and coworkers. The theory considers the oscillatory motion of molecules between diffuse wall collisions, arising from the fluid-wall interaction, along with superimposed viscous flow due to fluid-fluid interaction. The theory is tested against molecular dynamics simulations for hydrogen, methane, and carbon tetrafluoride flow in cylindrical nanopores in silica. Although exact at low densities, the theory performs well even at high densities, with the density dependency of the transport coefficient arising from viscous effects. Such viscous effects are reduced at high densities because of the large increase in viscosity, which explains the maximum in the transport coefficient with increase in density. Further, it is seen that in narrow pore sizes of less than two molecular diameters, where a complete monolayer cannot form on the surface, the mutual interference of molecules on opposite sides of the cross section can reduce the transport coefficient, and lead to a maximum in the transport coefficient with increasing density. The theory is also tested for the case of partially diffuse reflection and shows the viscous contribution to be negligible when the reflection is nearly specular. (c) 2005 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 52: 29-38, 2006.


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Several procedures for calculating the heat of adsorption from Monte Carlo simulations for a heterogeneous adsorbent are presented. Simulations have been performed to generate isotherms for nitrogen at 77 K and methane at 273.15 K in graphitic slit pores of various widths. The procedures were then applied to calculate the heat of adsorption of an activated carbon with an arbitrary pore size distribution. The consistency of the different procedures shows them to be correct in calculating interaction energy contributions to the heat of adsorption. The currently favored procedure for this type of calculation, from the literature, is shown to be incorrect and in serious error when calculating the heat of adsorption of activated carbon.


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Carbons with slitlike pores can serve as effective host materials for storage of hythane fuel, a bridge between the petrol combustion and hydrogen fuel cells. We have used grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation for the modeling of the hydrogen and methane mixture storage at 293 K and pressure of methane and hydrogen mixture up to 2 MPa. We have found that these pores serve as efficient vessels for the storage of hythane fuel near ambient temperatures and low pressures. We find that, for carbons having optimized slitlike pores of size H congruent to 7 angstrom ( pore width that can accommodate one adsorbed methane layer), and bulk hydrogen mole fraction >= 0.9, the volumetric stored energy exceeds the 2010 target of 5.4 MJ dm(-3) established by the U. S. FreedomCAR Partnership. At the same condition, the content of hydrogen in slitlike carbon pores is congruent to 7% by energy. Thus, we have obtained the composition corresponding to hythane fuel in carbon nanospaces with greatly enhanced volumetric energy in comparison to the traditional compression method. We proposed the simple system with added extra container filled with pure free/adsorbed methane for adjusting the composition of the desorbed mixture as needed during delivery. Our simulation results indicate that light slit pore carbon nanomaterials with optimized parameters are suitable filling vessels for storage of hythane fuel. The proposed simple system consisting of main vessel with physisorbed hythane fuel, and an extra container filled with pure free/adsorbed methane will be particularly suitable for combustion of hythane fuel in buses and passenger cars near ambient temperatures and low pressures.


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The performance of a scramjet combustor with combined normal and tangential injection was experimentally investigated. Experiments were performed on a 500-mm cylindrical scramjet combustor at a freestream Mach number of 4.5, a nozzle supply pressure of 35.8 MPa, and a nozzle supply enthalpy of 5.8 MJ/kg. Hydrogen fuel was injected normally through portholes to promote combustion and tangentially through a slot to reduce viscous drag. A series of fuel injectors were used to vary the proportion of tangential to normal fuel between 45 and 100%. Reductions in the viscous drag of up to 25% were observed with the greatest reductions occurring at the lowest total equivalence ratio tested for each injector. However, the average pressure produced by combustion with combined normal and tangential injection was approximately 50% less than that produced by normal injection alone. An analysis of the change in specific impulse of the scramjet combustor indicated that the best overall performance was produced by 100% normal injection.


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We investigate the gas-particle dynamics of a device designed for biological pre-clinical experiments. The device uses transonic/supersonic gas flow to accelerate microparticles such that they penetrate the outer skin layers. By using a shock tube coupled to a correctly expanded nozzle, a quasi-one-dimensional, quasi-steady flow (QSF) is produced to uniformly accelerate the microparticles. The system utilises a microparticle cassette (a diaphragm sealed container) that incorporates a jet mixing mechanism to stir the particles prior to diaphragm rupture. Pressure measurements reveal that a QSF exit period - suitable for uniformly accelerating microparticles - exists between 155 and 220 mus after diaphragm rupture. Immediately preceding the QSF period, a starting process secondary shock was shown to form with its (x,t) trajectory comparing well to theoretical estimates. To characterise the microparticle, flow particle image velocimetry experiments were conducted at the nozzle exit, using particle payloads with varying diameter (2.7-48 mu m), density (600-16,800 kg/m(3)) and mass (0.25-10 mg). The resultant microparticle velocities were temporally uniform. The experiments also show that the starting process does not significantly influence the microparticle nozzle exit velocities. The velocity distribution across the nozzle exit was also uniform for the majority of microparticle types tested. For payload masses typically used in pre-clinical drug and vaccine applications (


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A unique hand-held gene gun is employed for ballistically delivering biomolecules to key cells in the skin and mucosa in the treatment of the major diseases. One of these types of devices, called the Contoured Shock Tube (CST), delivers powdered micro-particles to the skin with a narrow and highly controllable velocity distribution and a nominally uniform spatial distribution. In this paper, we apply a numerical approach to gain new insights in to the behavior of the CST prototype device. The drag correlations proposed by Henderson (1976), Igra and Takayama (1993) and Kurian and Das (1997) were applied to predict the micro-particle transport in a numerically simulated gas flow. Simulated pressure histories agree well with the corresponding static and Pitot pressure measurements, validating the CFD approach. The calculated velocity distributions show a good agreement, with the best prediction from Igra & Takayama correlation (maximum discrepancy of 5%). Key features of the gas dynamics and gas-particle interaction are discussed. Statistic analyses show a tight free-jet particle velocity distribution is achieved (570 +/- 14.7 m/s) for polystyrene particles (39 +/- 1 mu m), representative of a drug payload.


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The aim of this study was to develop and characterize an intranasal delivery system for amantadine hydrochloride (AMT). Optimal formulations consisted of a thermosensitive polymer Pluronic® 127 and either carboxymethyl cellulose or chitosan which demonstrated gel transition at nasal cavity temperatures (34 ± 1°C). Rheologically, the loss tangent (Tan δ) confirmed a 3-stage gelation phenomena at 34 ± 1°C and non-Newtonian behavior. Storage of optimized formulation carboxymethyl cellulose and optimal formulation chitosan at 4°C for 8 weeks resulted in repeatable release profiles at 34°C when sampled, with a Fickian mechanism earlier on but moving toward anomalous transport by week 8. Polymers (Pluronic® 127, carboxymethyl cellulose, and chitosan) demonstrated no significant cellular toxicity to human nasal epithelial cells up to 4 mg/mL and up to 1 mM for AMT (IC50: 4.5 ± 0.05 mM). Optimized formulation carboxymethyl cellulose and optimal formulation chitosan demonstrated slower release across an in vitro human nasal airway model (43%-44% vs 79 ± 4.58% for AMT). Using a human nasal cast model, deposition into the olfactory regions (potential nose-to-brain) was demonstrated on nozzle insertion (5 mm), whereas tilting of the head forward (15°) resulted in greater deposition in the bulk of the nasal cavity.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Imaging of the crystalline lens and intraocular lens is becoming increasingly more important to optimize the refractive outcome of cataract surgery, to detect and manage complications and to ascertain advanced intraocular lens performance. This review examines recent advances in anterior segment imaging. RECENT FINDINGS: The main techniques used for imaging the anterior segment are slit-lamp biomicroscopy, ultrasound biomicroscopy, scheimpflug imaging, phakometry, optical coherence tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. They have principally been applied to the assessment of intraocular lens centration, tilt, position relative to the iris and movement with ciliary body contraction. SUMMARY: Despite the advances in anterior chamber imaging technology, there is still the need for a clinical, high-resolution, true anatomical, noninvasive technique to image behind the peripheral iris. © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.


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The continuous separation of beet molasses resulting in a sucrose rich product and a non-sugar waste product was carried out using a rotating annular chromatograph. The annulus was 12 mm wide and 1.4 m long and was packed with a sodium charged 5.5% cross-linked polystyrene ion exchange resin. Separation was achieved by the simultaneous mechanisms of ion exclusion, size exclusion and partition chromatography. The entire packed bed was slowly rotated while beet molasses was fed continuously through a stationary feed nozzle to the top of the bed. Each molasses constituent having a different relative affinity for the packing and the deionised water mobile phase describes a characteristic helical path as it progresses from the stationary feed point to the bottom of the rotating bed. Each solute then elutes from the annulus at a different angular distance from the feed and separation of the multicomponent mixture is thereby achieved. When a 35% w/w sucrose beet molasses feed was used the throughput achievable was 45.1 kg sucrose m~3 resin h"1. In addition to beet molasses separation other carbohydrate mixtures were separated. In particular the separation of glucose and fructose by Ligand exchange chromatography on a calcium charged ion exchange bed was carried out. The effects of flowrates, concentration, rotation rate, temperature and particle size on resolution and dilution of constituents in the mixtures to be separated were studied. A small test rig was designed and built to determine the cause of liquid maldistribution around the annulus. The problem was caused by the porous bed support media becoming clogged with fines being introduced by eluent flows and off the resin. An outer ring was constructed to house the bed support which could be quickly replaced with the onset of maldistribution. The computer simulation of the operation of the rotating annular chromatograph has been carried out successfully.


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A study was made to determine the conditions under which the optimum droplet size distribution (ie., narrowest size range with a minimum of fines and over-sized agglomerates), is generated in sprays from centrifugal pressure nozzles. A range of non-Newtonian detergent slurries were tested but the results are of wider application and parallel work was undertaken with water, ionic solutions and chalk slurries. Six centrifugal pressure nozzles were used and the drop-size distributions correlated as a function of fluid properties, pressure, fiowrate, feed temperature, and nozzle characteristics. Measurements were made using a Malvern Particle Size Anayser slung across a specially-designed transparent tower section of approximately 1.2m diameter in order to reduce obscuration caused by the spray and improve existing droplet sizing techniques. The results obtained were based upon the Rosin-Rammler distribution model and the Size Analyser provided a direct print-out of size distribution and the parameters characterising it. A Spraying System nozzle, AAASSTC8-8, produced the optimum spray distribution with the detergent slurry at a temperature of 60°C whilst operating at 1200 psi. With other fluids the Delevan 2.2SJ nozzle produced the optimum spray distribution operating at 1200 psi but with the Spraying Systems nozzles there was no clear-cut optimum set of conditions, ie. the nozzle and pressure varied depending upon the fluid being sprayed. The mechanisms of liquid sheet break-up and droplet dispersion were investigated in specially-constructed, scaled-up, transparent nozzles. A mathematical model of centrifugal pressure nozzle atomisation was developed based upon fundamental operating parameters rather than resorting to empirical correlations. This enabled theoretical predictions to be made over a wide range of operating conditions and nozzle types. The model predictions for volumetric fiowrate, liquid sheet length and air core diameter showed good agreement with the experimentally determined results. However, the model predicted smaller droplet sizes than were produced experimentally due to inaccuracies identified in the initial assumptions.


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The literature relating to evaporation from single droplets of pure liquids, and to the drying of droplets containing solids and of droplet sprays has been reviewed. The heat and mass transfer rates for a single droplet suspended from a nozzle were studied within a 42mm I.D. horizontal wind tunnel designed to supply hot dry air, to simulate conditions encountered in a practical spray dryer. A novel rotating glass nozzle was developed to facilitate direct measurements of droplet weight and core temperature. This design minimised heat conduction through the nozzle. Revised correlations were obtained for heat and mass transfer coefficients, for evaporation from pure water droplets suspended from a rotating nozzle. Nu = 2.0 + 0.27 (l/B)°-18Re°-5Pr°-83 Sh = 2.0 + 0.575 ((T0-T.)/Tomfc) -o.o4Reo.5 ^0.33 Experimental drying studies were carried out on single droplets of different types of skin-forming materials, namely, custard, gelatin, skim milk and fructose at air temperatures ranging from 19°C to 198°C. Dried crusts were recovered and examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Skin-forming materials were classified into three types according to the mechanisms of skin formation. In the first type (typified by droplets of custard and starch) skin formed due to gelatinisation at high temperatures. Increasing the drying temperature resulted in increased crust resistance to mass transfer due to increased granule swelling and the crust resistance was completely transferred to a skin resistance at drying temperatures > 150°C. In the second type e.g. gelatin droplets the skin formed immediately drying had taken place at any drying temperature. At drying temperature > 60° C a more resistant skin was formed. In the third type (typified by droplets of skim milk and fructose) the skin appeared on the droplet surface at a certain stage of the drying process under any drying conditions. As the drying temperature was increased the resistance of the skin to mass transfer increased. The drying rate history of any material depended upon the nature of the skin formed which, in turn, depended upon the drying conditions. A mathematical model was proposed for the drying of the first type of skin-forming material. This was based on the assumption that, once all the granules gelatinised at the gelatinisation temperature, a skin appeared instantaneously on the droplet surface. The experimentally-observed times at which the skin appeared on the droplets surfaces were in excellent agreement with those predicted from the model. The work should assist in understanding the fundamentals of paniculate drying processes, particularly when skin-formation occurs and may be a crucial factor in volatiles retention.


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The literature relating to the performance of pulsed sieve plate liquid-liquid extraction columns and the relevant hydrodynamic phenomenon have been surveyed. Hydrodynamic behaviour and mass transfer characteristics of droplets in turbulent and non-turbulent conditions have also been reviewed. Hydrodynamic behaviour, i.e. terminal and characteristic velocity of droplets, droplet size and droplet breakup processes, and mass transfer characteristics of single droplets (d≤0.6 cm) were investigated under pulsed (mixer-settler & transitional regimes) and non-pulsed conditions in a 5.0 cm diameter, 100 cm high, pulsed sieve plate column with three different sieve plate types and variable plate spacing. The system used was toluene (displaced) - acetone - distilled water. Existing photographic techniques for following and recording the droplet behaviour, and for observing the parameters of the pulse and the pulse shape were further developed and improved. A unique illumination technique was developed by which a moving droplet could be photographed using cine or video photography with good contrast without using any dye. Droplet size from a given nozzle and droplet velocity for a given droplet diameter are reduced under pulsing condition, and it was noted that this effect is enhanced in the presence of sieve plate. The droplet breakup processes are well explained by reference to an impact-breakup mechanism. New correlations to predict droplet diameter based on this mechanism are given below.vskip 1.0cm or in dimensionless groups as follows:- (We)crit= 3.12 - 1.79 (Eo)crit A correlation based on the isotropic turbulence theory was developed to calculate droplet diameter in the emulsion regime.vskip 1.0cm Experimental results show that in the mixer-settler and transitional regimes, pulsing parameters had little effect on the overall dispersed phase mass transfer coefficient during the droplet formation and unhindered travel periods.


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The objectives of this research were to investigate the perforamnce of a rubberwood gasifier and engine with electricity generation and to identify opportunities for the implementation of such a system in Malaysia. The experimental work included the design, fabrication and commissioning of a throated downdraft gasifier in Malaysia. The gasifier was subsequently used to investigate the effect of moisture content, dry wood capacity and particle size of rubberwood on gasifier performance. Additional experiments were also conducted to investigate the influence of two different nozzle numbers and two different throat diameters on tar cracking. A total of 101 runs were completed during the duration of the research. From the experimental data, the average mass balance was found to be 92.65%. The average energy balance over the gasifier to hot raw gas was 98.7%, to cold clean gas was 102.4% and over the complete system was 101.9%. The heat loss from the gasifier was estimated to range from 10-26% of the chemical energy of the feedstock. From the downstream operation, the heat loss was estimated to range from 17-37% of the chemical energy of rubberwood feedstock. The maximum throughput for stable operation was found to be 60-70% of the maximum dry wood capacity. The gasifier was found to have a maximum turndown ratio of 5:1. It is also postulated that the phenomenon of turndown of the gasifier is due to a `bubble theory' occurring at the gasification zone, and this hypothesis is explained. For stable power output, the working range of the engine was found to be 5-33.5 kWe. The thermal efficiency and diesel displacement of the engine was found to be 17-18% and 65-70% respectively. The research also showed that rubberwood gasification in Malaysia is feasible if the price of diesel is above MR35/l and the price of wood is below MR120/tonne.