619 resultados para Sleeping-sickness.
Tc1/mariner elements are able to transpose in species other than the host from which they were isolated. As potential vectors for insertional mutagenesis and transgenesis of the mouse, these cut-and-paste transposons were tested for their ability to transpose in the mouse germ line. First, the levels of activity of several Tc1/mariner elements in mammalian cells were compared; the reconstructed fish transposon Sleeping Beauty (SB) was found to be an order of magnitude more efficient than the other tested transposons. SB then was introduced into the mouse germ line as a two-component system: one transgene for the expression of the transposase in the male germ line and a second transgene carrying a modified transposon. In 20% of the progeny of double transgenic male mice the transposon had jumped from the original chromosomal position into another locus. Analysis of the integration sites shows that these jumps indeed occurred through the action of SB transposase, and that SB has a strong preference for intrachromosomal transposition. Analysis of the excision sites suggests that double-strand breaks in haploid spermatids are repaired via nonhomologous end joining. The SB system may be a powerful tool for transposon mutagenesis of the mouse germ line.
The invasion of sodium spikes from the soma into dendrites was studied in hippocampal pyramidal cells by simultaneous extracellular and intracellular recordings in anesthetized rats and by simultaneous extracellular recordings of the somatic and dendritic potentials in freely behaving animals. During complex-spike patterns, recorded in the immobile or sleeping animal, dendritic invasion of successive spikes was substantially attenuated. Complex-spike bursts occurred in association with population discharge of CA3-CA1 pyramidal cells (sharp wave field events). Synaptic inhibition reduced the amplitude of sodium spikes in the dendrites and prevented the occurrence of calcium spikes. These findings indicate that (i) the voltage-dependent calcium influx into the dendrites is under the control of inhibitory neurons and (ii) the temporal coincidence of synaptic depolarization and activation of voltage-dependent calcium conductances by the backpropagating spikes during sharp wave bursts may be critical for synaptic plasticity in the intact hippocampus.
As a measure of dynamical structure, short-term fluctuations of coherence between 0.3 and 100 Hz in the electroencephalogram (EEG) of humans were studied from recordings made by chronic subdural macroelectrodes 5-10 mm apart, on temporal, frontal, and parietal lobes, and from intracranial probes deep in the temporal lobe, including the hippocampus, during sleep, alert, and seizure states. The time series of coherence between adjacent sites calculated every second or less often varies widely in stability over time; sometimes it is stable for half a minute or more. Within 2-min samples, coherence commonly fluctuates by a factor up to 2-3, in all bands, within the time scale of seconds to tens of seconds. The power spectrum of the time series of these fluctuations is broad, extending to 0.02 Hz or slower, and is weighted toward the slower frequencies; little power is faster than 0.5 Hz. Some records show conspicuous swings with a preferred duration of 5-15s, either irregularly or quasirhythmically with a broad peak around 0.1 Hz. Periodicity is not statistically significant in most records. In our sampling, we have not found a consistent difference between lobes of the brain, subdural and depth electrodes, or sleeping and waking states. Seizures generally raise the mean coherence in all frequencies and may reduce the fluctuations by a ceiling effect. The coherence time series of different bands is positively correlated (0.45 overall); significant nonindependence extends for at least two octaves. Coherence fluctuations are quite local; the time series of adjacent electrodes is correlated with that of the nearest neighbor pairs (10 mm) to a coefficient averaging approximately 0.4, falling to approximately 0.2 for neighbors-but-one (20 mm) and to < 0.1 for neighbors-but-two (30 mm). The evidence indicates fine structure in time and space, a dynamic and local determination of this measure of cooperativity. Widely separated frequencies tending to fluctuate together exclude independent oscillators as the general or usual basis of the EEG, although a few rhythms are well known under special conditions. Broad-band events may be the more usual generators. Loci only a few millimeters apart can fluctuate widely in seconds, either in parallel or independently. Scalp EEG coherence cannot be predicted from subdural or deep recordings, or vice versa, and intracortical microelectrodes show still greater coherence fluctuation in space and time. Widely used computations of chaos and dimensionality made upon data from scalp or even subdural or depth electrodes, even when reproducible in successive samples, cannot be considered representative of the brain or the given structure or brain state but only of the scale or view (receptive field) of the electrodes used. Relevant to the evolution of more complex brains, which is an outstanding fact of animal evolution, we believe that measures of cooperativity are likely to be among the dynamic features by which major evolutionary grades of brains differ.
The aim of this thesis was to validate the use of infrared thermography (IRT) to non-invasively measure emotional reactions to different situations in pet dogs (Canis familiaris). A preliminary test, aimed to evaluate the correlation between eye-temperature and rectal temperature in dog, was performed. Then, in three different situations, negative (veterinary visit), positive (palatable food rewards), and mildly stressing followed by mildly positive (separation from and reunion with the owner), variations in heat emitted from lacrimal caruncle (referred to as eye temperature) were measured with an infrared thermographic camera. In addition, heart rate and heart rate variability parameters were collected using a non-invasive heart rate monitor designed for human use and validated on dogs. All experiments were video recorded to allow behavioral coding. During the negative situation dogs’ level of activity and stress related behaviors varied across compared to the baseline and dogs showed an increase in eye temperature despite having a significant decrease in the level of activity. The positive situation was characterized by a peak in eye temperature and mean HR and dogs engaged in behaviors indicating a positive arousal, focusing on food treats and tail wagging but there were not variations in HRV during stimulation but only an increment in SDNN immediately after the stimulus. In the separation from and reunion with the owner dogs’ eye temperature and mean HR did not vary neither in the stressful nor in the positive situations, RMSSD increased after the positive episode, SDNN dropped during the two stimulations and it increased after the stimulations. During the separation from the owner dogs were mainly directed to the door or to the experimenter while during the reunion with the owner dogs were focused mainly on the owner and on the environment, exhibiting safe base effect. A different approach was used to assess the welfare of shelter dogs. Dogs were implanted with a telemeter and after implantation dogs were housed in sequence in four different situations lasting 1 week: alone, alone with toys and a stretch cot for sleeping, with an unknown, spayed, female, and alone with a daily 2-hours interaction with an experimenter. Two different approaches were tried: partially random extracted fragments from every week, behaviors from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. were continuous during baseline and the female situation. Results showed different reactions by dogs to the different situations and interestingly not all enrichments were enjoyed by the dogs improving their welfare. Overall results suggest that IRT may represent a useful tool to investigate emotional reactions in dogs. Nevertheless, further research is needed to establish the specificity and sensivity of IRT in this context and to assess how different dogs’ characteristics, breed, previous experience and the valence and arousal elicited by the stimulus could influence the magnitude and type of the response. The role of HRV in understanding emotional valence and the one of telemeters in understanding long-term effects on sheltered dogs’ welfare is also discussed.
‰Û÷Survivor syndrome' or negative consequences of a layoff on survivors is the key reason why layoffs fail. This Capstone Project draws on downsizing-related research and proposes a customizable plan to revitalize the surviving workforce after a downsizing initiative. The plan divides downsizing-related interventions into three phases: pre-downsizing, day of the announcement, and post-downsizing. Key elements of this plan include linking the plan to a revised vision, detailed planning of the process, open, two-way communication systems, employee involvement in all stages of the process, respectable treatment of departing employees, plans to support survivors, training frontline managers, and implementing a top talent retention strategy. The Capstone also addresses roles and responsibilities of leaders, HR professionals, and managers in the survivor management process.
Determinados comportamientos pueden ser factores protectores y promotores de salud, o actuar como variables de riesgo de mortalidad prematura, de morbilidad y de discapacidad funcional. Frente a las enfermedades ligadas a la cronología, el comportamiento pasaría a constituir una variable crucial de las enfermedades de biografía. En este artículo se presenta una sucinta revisión de trabajos epidemiológicos que han analizado la relación comportamiento y salud en gerontología. Se presenta también una breve síntesis en relación al estado actual de algunos comportamientos de elección personal implicados en la salud del anciano o de interés para un envejecimiento satisfactorio: fumar, alcohol, ejercicio físico, comportamiento alimentario, hábitos de sueño, y sexo seguro. Finalmente, se sugieren algunas implicaciones prácticas de la revisión, destacando la necesidad de incorporar a las personas de edad en los programas de promoción de comportamientos de salud y de prevención de enfermedad, y de valorar la evidencia científica disponible ala hora de aconsejar cambios en determinados comportamientos de riesgo, sobre todo en aquellos ancianos sin problemas de salud para los que ciertos comportamientos se asocian a un hedonismo ponderado y a disfrute de la vida.
Five short handwritten notes from Loammi Baldwin to the Harvard Faculty excusing his son for absences from College. The excuses were written on September 9, 1797 for sickness; September 23, 1797; February 10, 1798; February 19, 1799 due to the illness of Mrs. Baldwin; and March 23, 1800 due to weather.
These diaries of Benjamin Guild document his travels as a Presbyterian pastor in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The daily entries describe people Guild met and dined with, the food he ate (including strawberries, currants, watermelon, English cherries, and lobster), the funerals he attended, and the sermons he gave. Many entries relate to his health concerns (the ague and eye trouble), sleeping habits, and widespread public health concerns (including smallpox, dysentery, "nervous fevers," consumption, and "putrid fever"). The diaries also contain passing references to the activities of American, British, French, and German soldiers during the American Revolution; the invasion of Canada and battles occurring in New York are noted. In August 1778, after visiting Providence, Rhode Island, Guild comments on the disordered state of the city after American soldiers passed through it. He also recounts a visit by officers of the French fleet to the Harvard College library in September 1778 and describes his dinner on board the French man-of-war, Sagitaire. One entry describes an elaborate ball sponsored by John Hancock, held for French soldiers and "Boston ladies," and another refers to the "incursion" of Indians. Many of Guild's diary entries pertain to his work as a Harvard College Tutor; these entries describe his lectures at the College, meetings with colleagues, personnel decisions, and the examination of students. He also describes books he is reading and his opinions of them, the purchase and sale of books, and his desire to learn Hebrew and French. In addition, multiple entries refer to a man named Prince, who was perhaps Guild's slave. Prince sometimes accompanied Guild on his travels.
Paper-covered notebook containing handwritten poems and verse by Harvard graduate John Allen. Some of the poems refer to Allen’s illnesses in October 1772. The notebook also contains a short list titled “The Gentleman that I wrote diplomas for," with a list of sixteen individuals who received degrees from Harvard. The inside cover includes the inscription: “John Allen – November 4, 1772. Poetic Composition.” “Dr. T. C. Gilman” is stamped on cover.
Willard mentions that he has been anxious because he has heard that “there was such a dreadful sickness in…Petersham, but I have not been able to learn many particulars about it,” and asks for news. He also comments on the weather and lack of snow throughout the past winter.
Willard mentions that there is a sickness going around town and that three people have died as a result, with others feeling “dangerous sick.” He also discusses “Dr. [Joseph] Lyman’s pamphlet” and ongoing issues with the council at Greenfield. Included in the letter is a message from Samuel’s wife, Susan Willard, to Catherine, in which she provides pleasantries and mentions the family’s good health in spite of the town’s sicknesses.
Handwritten receipt signed by John Barrett acknowledging payment by Andrew Bordman with money granted him by the General Court due to "his sickness since he Returned from Cape Britton" and delivered by Captain Osburn and others from the Committee of War.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Ce mémoire de maîtrise étudie le traitement cinématographique de la sexualité et de la corporéité féminines dans le travail de réalisatrices contemporaines. Il prend appui sur les films Anatomie de l’enfer (Catherine Breillat, 2004), Sleeping Beauty (Julia Leigh, 2011), Nuit #1 (Anne Émond, 2011), et Klip (Maja Milos, 2012). Notre hypothèse est que ces réalisatrices adoptent une posture féministe, affirmée ou non, par leur révision des stéréotypes de genre relatifs au corps et à la sexualité féminine. Dans un premier temps, nous nous intéressons à la dynamique érotique entretenue, à travers l’Histoire, entre la femme comme objet de désir et l’homme comme sujet désirant, au cinéma comme ailleurs. Puis, nous analysons la déconstruction des stéréotypes de genre féminins de pudeur et de passivité au sein du corpus choisi. Nous démontrons ainsi qu’en révisant ces stéréotypes, les réalisatrices déjouent volontairement le spectateur dans son expérience érotique. Enfin, nous examinons les stratégies d’auto-réification du corps féminin récurrentes chez les cinéastes étudiées. Nous estimons que les cinéastes s’inscrivent de la sorte dans une tendance à la subversion observable dans les pratiques artistiques féministes contemporaines.
Ce mémoire de maîtrise étudie le traitement cinématographique de la sexualité et de la corporéité féminines dans le travail de réalisatrices contemporaines. Il prend appui sur les films Anatomie de l’enfer (Catherine Breillat, 2004), Sleeping Beauty (Julia Leigh, 2011), Nuit #1 (Anne Émond, 2011), et Klip (Maja Milos, 2012). Notre hypothèse est que ces réalisatrices adoptent une posture féministe, affirmée ou non, par leur révision des stéréotypes de genre relatifs au corps et à la sexualité féminine. Dans un premier temps, nous nous intéressons à la dynamique érotique entretenue, à travers l’Histoire, entre la femme comme objet de désir et l’homme comme sujet désirant, au cinéma comme ailleurs. Puis, nous analysons la déconstruction des stéréotypes de genre féminins de pudeur et de passivité au sein du corpus choisi. Nous démontrons ainsi qu’en révisant ces stéréotypes, les réalisatrices déjouent volontairement le spectateur dans son expérience érotique. Enfin, nous examinons les stratégies d’auto-réification du corps féminin récurrentes chez les cinéastes étudiées. Nous estimons que les cinéastes s’inscrivent de la sorte dans une tendance à la subversion observable dans les pratiques artistiques féministes contemporaines.