974 resultados para Single-chain variable fragments


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Sedimentology, mineralogy, and petrology of the pre-Pliocene sediments drilled at ODP Sites 652 and 654 in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Leg 107) have been studied with emphasis on the lower Messinian to pre-Messinian intervals. Messinian at Site 652 is essentially turbiditic and basinal in character; it was deposited during the syn-rift phase in a strongly subsiding half-graben and is correlatable with emerged coeval sequences; in part with the Laga Formation of the foredeep of Apennines, and in part with the filling of grabens dissecting that chain in the Tyrrhenian portion of Tuscany. The sequence found in Site 654 indicates an upper Tortonian to Messinian transgression accompanying crustal stretching in the western Tyrrhenian Sea and is perfectly correlatable with the so-called "Sahelian cycle" and with "postorogenic" cycles recognized in peninsular Italy and in Sicily.


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Several distinct, thin (2-7 cm), volcanic sand layers ("ashes") were recovered in the upper portions of Holes 842A and 842B. These holes were drilled 320 km west of the island of Hawaii on the outer side of the arch that surrounds the southern end of the Hawaiian chain. These layers are Pliocene to Pleistocene in age, graded, and contain fresh glass and mineral fragments (mainly olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene) and tests of Pleistocene to Eocene radiolarians. The glass fragments are weakly vesicular and blocky to platy in shape. The glass and olivine fragments from individual layers have large ranges in composition (i.e, larger than expected for a single eruption). These features are inconsistent with an explosive eruption origin for the sands. The only other viable mechanism for transporting these sands hundreds of kilometers from their probable source, the Hawaiian Islands, is turbidity currents. These currents were probably related to several of the giant debris slides that were identified from Gloria sidescan images around the islands. These currents would have run over the ~500-m-high Hawaiian Arch on their way to Site 842. This indicates that the turbidity currents were at least 325 m thick. Paleomagnetic and biostratigraphic data allow the ages of the sands to be constrained and, thus, related to particular Hawaiian debris flows. These correlations were checked by comparing the compositions of the glasses from the sands with those of glasses and rocks from islands with debris flows directed toward Site 842. Good correlations were found for the 110-ka slide from Mauna Loa and the ~1.4-Ma slide from Lanai. The correlation with Kauai is poor, probably because the data base for that volcano is small. The low to moderate sulfur content of the sand glasses indicates that they were derived from moderately to strongly degassed lavas (shallow marine or subaerially erupted), which correlates well with the location of the landslide scars on the flanks of the Hawaiian volcanoes. The glass sands may have been formed by brecciation during the landslide events or spallation and granulation as lava erupted into shallow water.


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The impact of global climate change on coral reefs is expected to be most profound at the sea surface, where fertilization and embryonic development of broadcast-spawning corals takes place. We examined the effect of increased temperature and elevated CO2 levels on the in vitro fertilization success and initial embryonic development of broadcast-spawning corals using a single male:female cross of three different species from mid- and high-latitude locations: Lyudao, Taiwan (22° N) and Kochi, Japan (32° N). Eggs were fertilized under ambient conditions (27 °C and 500 µatm CO2) and under conditions predicted for 2100 (IPCC worst case scenario, 31 °C and 1000 µatm CO2). Fertilization success, abnormal development and early developmental success were determined for each sample. Increased temperature had a more profound influence than elevated CO2. In most cases, near-future warming caused a significant drop in early developmental success as a result of decreased fertilization success and/or increased abnormal development. The embryonic development of the male:female cross of A. hyacinthus from the high-latitude location was more sensitive to the increased temperature (+4 °C) than the male:female cross of A. hyacinthus from the mid-latitude location. The response to the elevated CO2 level was small and highly variable, ranging from positive to negative responses. These results suggest that global warming is a more significant and universal stressor than ocean acidification on the early embryonic development of corals from mid- and high-latitude locations.


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Three selected diamictite samples recovered within sequence group S3 at Sites 1097 (Sample 178-1097A-27R-1, 35-58 cm) and 1103 (Samples 178-1103A-31R-2, 0-4 cm, and 36R-3, 4-8 cm) of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 178 have been investigated by scanning electron microscope, electron microprobe, and 40Ar-39Ar laser-heating techniques. They contain variable proportions of fragments of volcanic rock groundmass (mostly in the range of 100-150 µm) with textures ranging from microcrystalline to ipocrystalline. Their rounded shapes indicate mechanical reworking. Fresh groundmass glasses, recognized only in grains from samples of Site 1103, show mainly a subalkaline affinity on the basis of total alkali-silica variations. However, they are characterized by relatively high TiO2 and P2O5 contents (1.4-2.8 and 0.1-0.9 wt%, respectively). Because of the small size of homogeneous grains (100-150 µm), they were not suitable for single-grain total fusion 40Ar-39Ar analyses. The incremental laser-heating technique was applied to milligram-sized samples (only for Samples 178-1097A-27R-1, 35-58 cm, and 178-1103A-36R-3, 4-8 cm) and to various small fractions (each consisting of 10 grains for the sample from Site 1097 and 30 grains for samples from Site 1103). The latter approach resulted in more effective resolution of sample heterogeneity. Argon ages from the small fractions show significantly different ranges in the three samples: 75-173 Ma for Sample 178-1097A-27R-1, 35-58 cm, 18-57 Ma for Sample 178-1103A-31R-2, 0-4 cm, and 7.6-50 Ma for Sample 178-1103A-36R-3, 4-8 cm. Ca/K ratios derived from argon isotopes at Site 1103 suggest that the data mainly refer to outgassing of groundmass glass. At Site 1103, we observe an overall apparent age increase with decreasing sample depth. This is compatible with glacial erosion that affected with time deeper levels of a volcanic sequence previously deposited on the continent. The youngest apparent age of 7.6 ± 0.7 Ma detected close to the bottom of Hole 1103A (340 meters below seafloor [mbsf]) is compatible with the age range of the diatom Actinocyclus ingens v. ovalis Zone (6.3-8.0 Ma) determined for the interval 320-355 mbsf and with the maximum ages derived from strontium isotope composition of barnacle fragments obtained at 262-263 mbsf at the same site. Nevertheless, this age cannot be taken as the maximum youngest age of the volcanic sequence sampled by glacial erosion or as the maximum age for the deposition of the Sequence S3 at 340 mbsf unless validated by further research.


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During Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 302 (Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX)) a more than 200 m thick sequence of Paleogene organic carbon (OC)-rich (black shale type) sediments was drilled. Here we present new biomarker data determined in ACEX sediment samples to decipher processes controlling OC accumulation and their paleoenvironmental significance during periods of Paleogene global warmth and proposed increased freshwater discharge in the early Cenozoic. Specific source-related biomarkers including n-alkanes, fatty acids, isoprenoids, carotenoids, hopanes/hopenes, hopanoic acids, aromatic terpenoids, and long-chain alkenones show a high variability of components, derived from marine and terrestrial origin. The distribution of hopanoic acid isomers is dominated by compounds with the biological 17beta(H), 21beta(H) configuration indicating a low level of maturity. On the basis of the biomarker data the terrestrial OC supply was significantly enriched during the late Paleocene and part of the earliest Eocene, whereas increased aquatic contributions and euxinic conditions of variable intensity were determined for the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum and Eocene thermal maximum 2 events as well as the middle Eocene time interval. Furthermore, samples from the middle Eocene are characterized by the occurrence of long-chain alkenones, high proportions of lycopane, and high ratios (>0.6) of (n-C35 + lycopane)/n-C31. The occurrence of C37-alkenenones, which were first determined toward the end of the Azolla freshwater event, indicates that the OC becomes more marine in origin during the middle Eocene. Preliminary UK'37- based sea surface temperature (SST) values display a longterm temperature decrease of about 15C during the time interval 49-44.5 Ma (25° to 10°C), coinciding with the global benthic d18O cooling trend after the early Eocene climatic optimum. At about 46 Ma, parallel with onset of ice-rafted debris, SST (interpreted as summer temperatures) decreased to values <15°C. For the late early Miocene a SST of 11°-15°C was determined. Most of the middle Eocene ACEX sediments are characterized by a smooth short-chain n-alkane distribution, which may point to natural oil-type hydrocarbons from leakage of petroleum reservoirs or erosion of related source rocks and redeposition.


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Diatoms can occur as single cells or as chain-forming aggregates. These two strategies affect buoyancy, predator evasion, light absorption and nutrient uptake. Adjacent cells in chains establish connections through various processes that determine strength and flexibility of the bonds, and at distinct cellular locations defining colony structure. Chain length has been found to vary with temperature and nutrient availability as well as being positively correlated with growth rate. However, the potential effect of enhanced carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations and consequent changes in seawater carbonate chemistry on chain formation is virtually unknown. Here we report on experiments with semi-continuous cultures of the freshly isolated diatom Asterionellopsis glacialis grown under increasing CO2 levels ranging from 320 to 3400 µatm. We show that the number of cells comprising a chain, and therefore chain length, increases with rising CO2 concentrations. We also demonstrate that while cell division rate changes with CO2 concentrations, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cellular quotas vary proportionally, evident by unchanged organic matter ratios. Finally, beyond the optimum CO2 concentration for growth, carbon allocation changes from cellular storage to increased exudation of dissolved organic carbon. The observed structural adjustment in colony size could enable growth at high CO2 levels, since longer, spiral-shaped chains are likely to create microclimates with higher pH during the light period. Moreover increased chain length of Asterionellopsis glacialis may influence buoyancy and, consequently, affect competitive fitness as well as sinking rates. This would potentially impact the delicate balance between the microbial loop and export of organic matter, with consequences for atmospheric carbon dioxide.


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Los polímeros cristales líquidos (LCP) son sistemas complejos que forman mesofases que presentan orden orientacional y polímeros amorfos. Con frecuencia, el estado amorfo isotrópico no puede ser estudiado debido a la rápida formación de mesofases. En este trabajo se ha sintetizado y estudiado un nuevo LCP: poli(trietilenglicol metil p, p '-bibenzoato), PTEMeB. Este polímero presenta una formación de mesofase bastante lenta haciendo posible estudiar de forma independiente tanto los estados amorfo y de cristal líquidos. La estructura y las transiciones de fase del PTEMeB han sido investigados por calorimetría (DSC), con MAXS / WAXS con temperatura variable que emplean radiación de sincrotrón y con difracción de rayos X. Estos estudios han mostrado la existencia de dos transiciones vítreas, relacionadas con las fases amorfa y cristal líquido. Se ha realizado un estudio de relajación dieléctrica en amplios intervalos de temperatura y presión. Se ha encontrado que la transición vítrea dinámica de la fase amorfa es más lenta que la del cristal líquido. El estudio de la relajación ? nos ha permitido seguir la formación isoterma de la mesofase a presión atmosférica. Además, con el estudio el comportamiento dinámico a alta presión se ha encontrado que se produce la formación rápida de la mesofase inducida por cambios bruscos de presión. Liquid crystalline polymers (LCPs) are complex systems that include features of both orientationally ordered mesophases and amorphous polymers. Frequently, the isotropic amorphous state cannot be studied due to the rapid mesophase formation. Here, a new main chain LCP, poly(triethyleneglycol methyl p,p'-bibenzoate), PTEMeB, has been synthesized. It shows a rather slow mesophase formation making possible to study independently both the amorphous and the liquid crystalline states. The structure and phase transitions of PTEMeB have been investigated by calorimetry, variable-temperature MAXS/WAXS employing synchrotron radiation, and X-ray diffraction in oriented fibers. These experiments have pointed out the presence of two glass transitions, related to the amorphous or to the liquid crystal phases. Additionally, the mesophase seems to be a coexistence of orthogonal and tilted smectic phases. A dielectric relaxation study of PTEMeB over broad ranges of temperature and pressure has been performed. The dynamic glass transition turns out to be slower for the amorphous state than for the liquid crystal. Monitoring of the α relaxation has allowed us to follow the isothermal mesophase formation at atmospheric pressure. Additionally, the dynamical behavior at high pressures has pointed out the fast formation of the mesophase induced by sudden pressure changes.


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Bayesian network classifiers are widely used in machine learning because they intuitively represent causal relations. Multi-label classification problems require each instance to be assigned a subset of a defined set of h labels. This problem is equivalent to finding a multi-valued decision function that predicts a vector of h binary classes. In this paper we obtain the decision boundaries of two widely used Bayesian network approaches for building multi-label classifiers: Multi-label Bayesian network classifiers built using the binary relevance method and Bayesian network chain classifiers. We extend our previous single-label results to multi-label chain classifiers, and we prove that, as expected, chain classifiers provide a more expressive model than the binary relevance method.


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In this paper a novel dual-band single circular polarization antenna feeding network for satellite communications is presented. The novel antenna feed chain1 is composed of two elements or subsystems, namely a diplexer and a bi-phase polarizer. In comparison with the classic topology based on an orthomode transducer and a dual-band polarizer, the proposed feed chain presents several advantages, such as compactness, modular design of the different components, broadband operation and versatility in the subsystems interconnection. The design procedure of this new antenna feed configuration is explained. Different examples of antenna feeding networks at 20/30 GHz are presented. It is pointed out the excellent results obtained in terms of isolation and axial ratio.


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We propose the use of a polarization based interferometer with variable transfer function for the generation of temporally flat top pulses from gain switched single mode semiconductor lasers. The main advantage of the presented technique is its flexibility in terms of input pulse characteristics, as pulse duration, spectral bandwidth and operating wavelength. Theoretical predictions and experimental demonstrations are presented and the proposed technique is applied to two different semiconductor laser sources emitting in the 1550 nm region. Flat top pulses are successfully obtained with input seed pulses with duration ranging from 40 ps to 100 ps.


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Las masas forestales tienen una importancia colosal para nuestra sociedad y el conjunto de la biosfera. Estudios recientes a escala mundial indican que la sequía es el factor abiótico que más afecta a su crecimiento y supervivencia, seguida por las temperaturas extremas y la salinidad. Aunque comprender los mecanismos con que las especies arbóreas toleran estas formas de estrés tiene un interés aplicado evidente, dichos mecanismos se han estudiado mucho más en especies herbáceas modelo o de interés agronómico. Existen sin embargo diferencias notables entre ellas, como se demuestra en esta tesis y en otros trabajos recientes. Nuestro estudio se centra concretamente en la respuesta molecular del chopo –el sistema modelo forestal más desarrollado– al estrés abiótico, con particular énfasis en la sequía. Utilizando una estrategia proteómica y tratamientos controlados, hemos identificado componentes mayoritarios de dicha respuesta. Su participación en la misma se ha validado mediante análisis transcripcionales detallados utilizando tecnología qRT-PCR (PCR cuantitativa en tiempo real). Hemos identificado proteínas cuyo nexo funcional con mecanismos de tolerancia ya era conocido, como chaperonas moleculares sHSP o enzimas que atenúan el estrés oxidativo, pero también proteínas cuya relación funcional con el estrés es menos clara o incluso novedosa, como polifenol oxidasas (PPO), deshidrogenasas/reductasas de cadena corta (SDR), o bicupinas (BIC), entre otras. El cuerpo central de la tesis consiste en la caracterización detallada de una PPO inusual, cuya inducción por estrés hídrico se describe por vez primera. Estas enzimas están ampliamente distribuidas en plantas, si bien su número es muy variable de unas especies a otras. Algunas, como nogal, tienen un único gen, mientras que Arabidopsis no tiene ninguno. En la última versión del genoma de chopo hemos identificado un total de 12 miembros bona fide, corrigiendo trabajos previos, y hemos caracterizado su expresión individual ante diferentes situaciones de estrés controlado y tratamientos hormonales. La isoforma antedicha es el único miembro de la familia que responde claramente a la deshidratación. También responde a salinidad y a la mayor parte de tratamientos hormonales ensayados, pero no a daño mecánico o tratamientos con metil jasmonato. Esto la diferencia de enzimas homólogas presentes en otras especies de plantas, que se han relacionado experimentalmente con estrés biótico. Los patrones de acumulación de transcritos en árboles adultos son compatibles con un papel protector frente a la sequía. La integración de nuestros estudios funcionales y filogenéticos sugiere que la familia ha sufrido un proceso reciente de diversificación y neofuncionalización, siendo la protección frente a deshidratación su papel primigenio. Aunque se conoce la actividad bioquímica in vitro de este tipo de enzimas, sus sustratos naturales son esencialmente una incógnita. Mediante expresión heteróloga en Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) hemos detectado que la enzima de chopo es capaz de oxidar L-DOPA a dopaquinona, siendo menos activa frente a otros sustratos. Por otra parte, hemos demostrado su localización cloroplástica mediante transformación transitoria de protoplastos con fusiones a la proteína fluorescente YFP. Mediante la obtención de plantas transgénicas de A. thaliana hemos demostrado que la enzima de chopo aumenta considerablemente la tolerancia in vivo frente a la deshidratación y al estrés salino. El análisis fenotípico detallado de las líneas transgénicas, combinando múltiples metodologías, nos ha permitido sustanciar que la tolerancia tiene una base compleja. Esta incluye una mayor protección del sistema fotosintético, una capacidad antioxidante muy incrementada y la acumulación de solutos osmoprotectores como la prolina. Los análisis metabolómicos nos han permitido asociar la expresión de la proteína a la síntesis de un flavano no descrito previamente en A. thaliana, vinculando la enzima de chopo con la síntesis de fenilpropanoides. También hemos observado alteraciones en los niveles hormonales que podrían subyacer a efectos pleiotrópicos con interés aplicado, como un aumento consistente del tamaño de la planta o el acortamiento del ciclo de crecimiento. Además de aportar datos novedosos sobre la funcionalidad in vivo de esta familia de oxidasas, los resultados de esta tesis demuestran que los árboles son sistemas de estudio interesantes para caracterizar nuevas estrategias de tolerancia al estrés abiótico con potencial aplicado. ABSTRACT Forests masses have an extraordinary importance for our society and the biosphere. Recent worldwide studies indicate that drought is the abiotic factor that affects more their growing and survival, followed by extreme temperatures and salinity. The understanding of how the arboreal species tolerate the stress has an evident practical interest, but their mechanisms have been studied much more in herbaceous species or with agronomic interest. However, considerable differences exist between them, as this thesis and recent studies show. Our study is focused on the molecular response of the poplar –the more developed forestry model system- to abiotic stress, specifically focused in the drought. Using a proteomic strategy and controlled treatments, we have identified main components in such response. Its participation has been validated through transcriptional analysis using qRT-PCR technology. We have identified proteins whose functional connection with tolerance mechanisms were already known, as molecular chaperones sHSP or enzymes that attenuate the oxidative stress, but also some proteins whose functional relationship with the stress is less clear or even novel, as polifenol oxidases (PPO), short chain deshidrogenases/reductases (SDR), or bicupines (BIC), among others. The central body of the thesis consists of the detailed characterization of an unsual PPO, whose induction due to drought stress is first described. These enzymes are thoroughly distributed in plants, but their number of members is very variable among species. Some of them, as the walnut tree, have a single gene, while Arabidopsis has none. We have identified a total of 12 members in the last version of the poplar genome, correcting previous works, and have characterized their individual expression against different situations of controlled stress and hormone treatments. The aforementioned isoform is the only member of the family that responds clearly to the drought. It also reacts to salinity and the majority of hormonal treatments tested, but it does not respond to mechanical damage or treatments with methyl jasmonate. This is the difference with homologue enzymes present in other plant species, which have been related experimentally with abiotic stress. The accumulation patterns of transcripts in adult trees are compatible with a protector role against drought. The integration of our functional and phylogenetic studies suggests that the family has suffered a recent process of diversification and neofunctionalization, being the protection against drought their original role. Although the in vitro biochemistry activity of this kind of enzymes is already known, their natural substracts are essentially a mystery. By means of heterologous expression of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) we have detected that the enzyme of poplar is able to oxidize L-DOPA to dopaquinone, being less active against other substrates. Additionally, we have proven its chloroplastic location with transitory transformation of protoplasts with YFP protein fusion. By means of getting transgenic plants of A. thaliana, we have demonstrated that the poplar enzyme increases notably the in vivo tolerance against the drought and salinity stresses. The phenotypic analysis of the transgenic lines, and the use of multiple methodologies, allowed us to test the complexity of the tolerance. This includes a major protection of the photosynthetic system, a very increased antioxidant capacity and the accumulation of osmoprotectant solutes as the proline. The metabolic analysis has allowed to associate the protein expression with the synthesis of a Flavan non described previously in A. thalaiana, linking the enzyme of poplar with the synthesis of phenylpropanoids. We have observed alterations in the hormonal levels that could underlie pleiotropic effects with applied interest, as a consistent increase of the size of the plant and the reduction of the growth cycle. The results of this thesis, in addition to provide novel data about the in vivo functionality of the oxidase family, demonstrate that the trees are interesting systems of study to characterize new strategies of tolerance against abiotic stress with applied potential.


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En esta investigación se han analizado morteros de cal de cronología romana en el interior de la Península Ibérica. Para ello, se seleccionó una serie de muestras procedentes de diversos yacimientos, y de estructuras de carácter industrial. Estas muestras presentan aditivos cerámicos y conglomerantes de cal, como característica principal. Desde un principio el esfuerzo debía de centrarse en los fragmentos cerámicos presentes en los morteros. Para ello se documentaron varios morteros con aditivos cerámicos, a fin de conocer sus características básicas (componentes, distribución, micro-estratigrafía, granulometría, etc.). Por ello, y una vez tomadas las muestras, ésta fueron tratadas y procesadas para desarrollar una primera fase de estudio por medio de macroscopía. Se obtuvieron buenos resultados en cuanto a la caracterización visual de los morteros, localizando y documentando los fragmentos cerámicos. Durante la observación de dichos aditivos se observó que los fragmentos cerámicos tenían unas coronas o anillos de coloración que recorrían el borde, justo al contacto con la matriz de cal. Fueron seleccionados algunos fragmentos en los que eran más visibles dichos anillos. A fin de conocer la posible relación entre algunos yacimientos cercanos y la presencia de dicho anillo cromáticos se desarrolló una microscopía óptica polarizada, realizando láminas delgadas de las muestras y sobre los fragmentos cerámicos más determinantes, en concreto de una serie de enclaves del valle del Henares. Además de caracterizar microscópicamente los morteros, se observó que los anillos no eran un defecto visual ni una alteración física, producida tal vez por la extracción, la fase del corte o por la cocción de la cerámica. Tras analizar varios ejemplares se pudo apreciar que esos anillos eran habituales en todas las muestras y que se presentaban de diferente manera, es decir, que se observaban en granos cerámicos de diferentes características físicas (cochura, tamaño, situación con respecto del conglomerante, etc.). A fin de conocer los aspectos químicos de dicha alteración se seleccionó un grupo de muestras en las que los resultados macroscópicos habían sido muy claros, y en las que la microscopía óptica polarizada había determinado en los bordes, áreas adecuadas para otros análisis. Se realizó un mapeado o mapping de elementos químicos, a fin de saber qué podía estar sucediendo en esa interfaz entre el fragmento cerámico y la matriz de cal. Gracias a los resultados obtenidos se comprobó que existía una acumulación potencial de calcio tanto en el interior de los granos cerámicos como en el exterior, justo en la zona de contacto con el conglomerante, formando manchas que recorrían longitudinalmente el borde. Estos datos fueron muy útiles para llevar a cabo la siguiente fase de estudio, que permitiría conocer puntualmente qué estaba sucediendo químicamente en esa zona de contacto. Finalmente y con el objetivo de describir química y puntualmente este efecto en las adiciones cerámicas, se volvió a seleccionar una serie de muestras, escogidas esta vez en función de los granos cerámicos que cumpliesen unas variables estadísticas. Se eligieron granos con distintos tipos de cocciones, así como granos con tamaños diversos y granos con aditivo ceniciento en la matriz de cal, pensando que podrían ser las variables más útiles de interpretar de existir algún tipo de cambio químico entre la arcilla cocida y la matriz de cal. Tales variables se adaptaron a un sistema estadístico multi-varial y geométrico, con el objetivo de sintetizar los resultados y visualizar de forma óptima los datos en conjunto, como se ha comentado en varias ocasiones en este trabajo. Una vez seleccionados los granos por variables se procedió a realizar un análisis lineal y espectral semi-cuantitativo de SEM-EDX, con el que se caracterizaba químicamente una sección lineal del grano, desde la matriz de arcilla cocida de la cerámica hasta la matriz de cal –del interior al exterior del grano- pasando por el centro de la banda de reacción. Este análisis permitió determinar que se había producido una serie de cambios químicos porcentuales en los granos de cerámica. Dichos cambios se resumen en un incremento global de los porcentajes de calcio en el interior de las bandas de reacción de la cerámica, desde el borde mismo del anillo hasta el exterior. Así también se observaron picos porcentuales en el interfaz del fragmento cerámico con la matriz de cal, lo que confirmaba los resultados obtenidos por medio del mapping. Globalmente en todas las muestras se apreció un hombro en las gráficas de calcio a su paso por la zona de afección del anillo de reacción. Los restantes porcentajes de magnesio, silicio y aluminio se mantienen normales. En esta tesis se ha confirmado que dicho incremento global de calcio se acentúa en las muestras en donde no hay cenizas en la matriz de cal. Los casos correspondientes a estos granos sufren un incremento mayor que en el resto. La segunda variable que sufre un mayor incremento de calcio es la que corresponde a granos con buena cocción de la arcilla. Por lo tanto, parece que la tercera variable, la que corresponde con el tamaño del fragmento cerámico, no es decisiva. Por lo tanto, teniendo en cuenta la prueba visual de los anillos de reacción, y atendiendo a los resultados químicos, podríamos pensar que ese incremento de calcio en la banda de reacción de los fragmentos cerámicos se debió a una absorción de calcio en el interior de la arcilla cocida en la fase inmediatamente previa al fraguado, incluso durante el apagado de la cal. Es en este punto donde estaría la clave del cambio químico que se produce en esta interfaz, el calcio sílice-aluminato del que algunos autores ya han investigado. Esta absorción de calcio en el interior del grano no vendría sola, sino que generaría una costra de cal en el interfaz exterior de la cerámica, la cual ha sido observada químicamente por mapping y mineralógicamente por medio de microscopía óptica de polarización. La consecuencia de estos resultados es, primero, la mejora de nuestro conocimiento general acerca del factor hidráulico en los morteros. Asimismo se aprecia que la incorporación de materiales orgánicos como cenizas, puede alterar los porcentajes de calcio en el interior de los aditivos cerámicos, por lo que habría que sopesar, en trabajos futuros, si este tipo de material es adecuado o no en las mezclas destinadas a la restauración, así como seguir indagando en las propiedades de los morteros con la incorporación de aditivos orgánicos. Desde el punto de vista de la catalogación de los suelos industriales hidráulicos de época romana, además de mejorar la documentación incorporando micro-estratigrafías y granulometrías, la investigación de este material histórico constructivo mejora en cuanto a que se incorporan ensayos sencillos, que facilitan incluso la peritación de un estado de conservación por medio de una lupa binocular. Arqueológicamente hablando, es muy interesante correlacionar fábricas diferentes de estructuras situadas o bien en un mismo yacimiento, o bien en una misma área regional. Los estudios de caracterización y micro-estratigrafía no sólo aportan datos nuevos de cara a la restauración de morteros, sino que crean la posibilidad de generar patrones constructivos que sirvan de fósiles-guía para datar relativamente a unas estructuras o a otras. En lo referido a los resultados obtenidos en los diferentes complejos arqueológicos se ha observado una diferencia entre los morteros destinados a piletas y cubetas con respecto a los suelos industriales de uso indeterminado. La muestra correspondiente al yacimiento de Las Arenas no dispone de ninguna micro-estratigrafía, como sí por el contrario en las muestras obtenidas en Rotonda de Mejorada, Val de la Viña y La Magdalena. En estos enclaves las estructuras presentan grandes similitudes, con diferentes niveles constructivos empleando morteros de cal con áridos y gravas en las capas interiores, y áridos con adiciones cerámicas en las exteriores. En lo relativo a la granulometría las adiciones cerámicas de las muestras de Val de la Viña y La Magdalena presentan varias coincidencias en cuanto al tamaño de los granos y la distribución. Asimismo, de las muestras tomadas en La Magdalena, existe una gran diferencia entre las muestras MG1, MG2, MG3 y MG4 con respecto a las muestras MG5 y MG6, correspondientes éstas últimas a un mortero con fragmentos cerámicos de gran tamaño. Las estructuras EMG1 y EMG2, correspondientes a una cubeta y una pileta de La Magdalena, guardan similitud en lo referido a la micro-estratigrafía y a la granulometría. Se ha determinado que su función, así como su fabricación, debieron estar vinculadas a un mismo contexto cronocultural. Química y mineralógicamente, las muestras presentan características iguales, con presencia de un conglomerante de cal con áridos y aditivos cerámicos de diferentes cochuras. Destaca la muestra de Las Arenas, con un tamaño de los fragmentos cerámicos muy superior al resto, seguido de la estructura EMG3 de La Magdalena. Las muestras restantes de éste enclave, junto con las muestras recogidas en Val de la Viña y Rotonda de Mejorada presentan condiciones similares. En conclusión, los datos revelan que existían diferentes fábricas destinadas a distintas finalidades, y que las estructuras industriales empleaban aditivos cerámicos para la manipulación de productos con líquidos, de distintas densidades pero que requerían de cierto grado de hidraulicidad. ABSTRACT Lime Roman mortars from the Iberian Peninsula has been analyzed in this reesearch. A group of samples were selected from some sites and all the samples come from industrial structures. All this samples show ceramic additives. From the start, the effort was centered in the pieces of pottery that were found in the mortars. The samples were treated and processed to develop a first phase of the research using macroscopy. With this technique, great results were achieved in the characterization of mortars, the microstratigraphy and the location of the ceramic pieces. While observing these pieces, it was seen that the fragments of pottery had a ring bordering the piece. The pieces with the bigger and more vivid rings were chosen and they were analyzed by a polarized light microscope. The mortars were characterized microscopically and it also showed that the rings were not a physical alteration or a visual defect. After some more tests, the rings were a chemical change associated with the hydraulicity of the mortar. The best samples were selected and mappings of their chemical elements were performed in order to know what could be happening in the interface between the ceramic matrix fragment and lime. With the results obtained it was found that there was a potential; both calcium accumulation within the ceramic grains and outside, just in the area of contact with the binder, forming spots longitudinally along the edge. These data were very useful for carrying out the next phase of study, which would meet promptly what was happening chemically in the area of contact. Another group of samples were taken, and this time focused on ceramic grains that met a statistical variables. Grains were chosen with two types of cooking as well as grains with different sizes and grains with ash additive in the matrix of lime, thinking that might be the most logical to be some sort of chemical change between the baked clay and lime array variables . Such variables were adapted to a multi-varial and geometric statistical system in order to synthesize the results and optimally display the data together, as mentioned several times in this work. After selecting the variables grains proceeded to perform a linear and spectral analysis SEM-EDX. This analysis led to determine that the chemical changes were graduals. These changes are summarized in an increase in the percentages of calcium inside the reaction rim of ceramics, from the edge to the outer ring. So percentage increasing is also observed at the interface of the ceramic matrix fragment with lime, confirming the results obtained by the mapping. Overall in all samples can be seen a shoulder in graphic calcium through the area of the ring reaction condition. The remaining percentages of magnesium, silicon and aluminum are usual. We have promptly confirmed that the increase of calcium is accentuated in samples where there is no ash and lime matrix. Cases for these grains suffer a greater increase than the rest. The second variable suffering more calcium is increased corresponding to good cooking grains with clay. Therefore, it appears that the variable size of the fragment is not critical. Therefore, considering the visual tests to the rings and their response to chemical results, we might think that increasing calcium inside the ceramic fragments was due to an injection of calcium inside clay in the run-up to the setting phase. It is at this point that would be the key to the chemical change that occurs at this interface, silica-calcium aluminate some authors have already investigated. This injection of calcium into the grain does not come alone, but generate a lime crust on the outside interface of ceramics, which we tested for mapping is real in our samples. The consequence of these results is the improvement of our understanding of historical hydraulic factor in building materials, such as mortar. For example, knowing that the incorporation of organic materials such as ash powder, may be detrimental to the injection of calcium inside the ceramic additives. Archaeologically speaking, it's very interesting to correlate different factories or structures located on a single site, or in the same regional area. Characterization studies and microstratigraphy not only provide new information to help restore mortars, but create the possibility of generating constructive patterns that serve as guide fossils to determinate the age of the structures. With regard to the results obtained in different archaeological sites it has seen a difference between mortars of pools or sinks with respect to industrial floors of undetermined use. The sample of the site of Las Arenas does not have any micro-stratigraphy, as if instead in the samples obtained in Rotonda de Mejorada, Val de la Viña and La Magdalena sites. In these settlements the structures are really similar, with different construction levels using lime mortars with aggregates and gravel in the inner layers, and ceramic aggregates as external additions. With regard to the grain size of the ceramic additions Val de la Viña and La Magdalena samples has several coincidences about the size of grains and distribution. Also, samples taken at La Magdalena, there is a difference between the MG1, MG2, MG3 and MG4 samples and the MG5 and MG6 samples, so the last corresponding to a mortar samples with larger ceramic fragments. The EMG1 and EMG2 structures, corresponding to a bucket and a pool of La Magdalena settlement, have similarities with regard to micro-stratigraphy and grain size. It has been determined that the function and manufacturing must be linked with a same chronocultural context.


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During αβ thymocyte development, clonotype-independent CD3 complexes are expressed at the cell surface before the pre-T cell receptor (TCR). Signaling through clonotype-independent CD3 complexes is required for expression of rearranged TCRβ genes. On expression of a TCRβ polypeptide chain, the pre-TCR is assembled, and TCRβ locus allelic exclusion is established. We investigated the putative contribution of clonotype-independent CD3 complex signaling to TCRβ locus allelic exclusion in mice single-deficient or double-deficient for CD3ζ/η and/or p56lck. These mice display defects in the expression of endogenous TCRβ genes in immature thymocytes, proportional to the severity of CD3 complex malfunction. Exclusion of endogenous TCRβ VDJ (variable, diversity, joining) rearrangements by a functional TCRβ transgene was severely compromised in the single-deficient and double-deficient mutant mice. In contrast to wild-type mice, most of the CD25+ double-negative (DN) thymocytes of the mutant mice failed to express the TCRβ transgene, suggesting defective expression of the TCRβ transgene similar to endogenous TCRβ genes. In the mutant mice, a proportion of CD25+ DN thymocytes that failed to express the transgene expressed endogenous TCRβ polypeptide chains. Many double-positive cells of the mutant mice coexpressed endogenous and transgenic TCRβ chains or more than one endogenous TCRβ chain. The data suggest that signaling through clonotype-independent CD3 complexes may contribute to allelic exclusion of the TCRβ locus by inducing the expression of rearranged TCRβ genes in CD25+ DN thymocytes.


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Phosphorylation of Ser-627 is both necessary and sufficient for full activity of the expressed 35-kDa catalytic domain of myosin I heavy chain kinase (MIHCK). Ser-627 lies in the variable loop between highly conserved residues DFG and APE at a position at which a phosphorylated Ser/Thr also occurs in many other Ser/Thr protein kinases. The variable loop of MIHCK contains two other hydroxyamino acids: Thr-631, which is conserved in almost all Ser/Thr kinases, and Thr-632, which is not conserved. We determined the effects on the kinase activity of the expressed catalytic domain of mutating Ser-627, Thr-631, and Thr-632 individually to Ala, Asp, and Glu. The S627A mutant was substantially less active than wild type (wt), with a lower kcat and higher Km for both peptide substrate and ATP, but was more active than unphosphorylated wt. The S627D and S627E mutants were also less active than phosphorylated wt, i.e., acidic amino acids cannot substitute for phospho-Ser-627. The activity of the T631A mutant was as low as that of the S627A mutant, whereas the T632A mutant was as active as phosphorylated wt, indicating that highly conserved Thr-631, although not phosphorylated, is essential for catalytic activity. Asp and Glu substitutions for Thr-631 and Thr-632 were inhibitory to various degrees. Molecular modeling indicated that Thr-631 can hydrogen bond with conserved residue Asp-591 in the catalytic loop and that similar interactions are possible for other kinases whose activities also are regulated by phosphorylation in the variable loop. Thus, this conserved Thr residue may be essential for the activities of other Ser/Thr protein kinases as well as for the activity of MIHCK.


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Leukocytes roll along the endothelium of postcapillary venules in response to inflammatory signals. Rolling under the hydrodynamic drag forces of blood flow is mediated by the interaction between selectins and their ligands across the leukocyte and endothelial cell surfaces. Here we present force-spectroscopy experiments on single complexes of P-selectin and P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 by atomic force microscopy to determine the intrinsic molecular properties of this dynamic adhesion process. By modeling intermolecular and intramolecular forces as well as the adhesion probability in atomic force microscopy experiments we gain information on rupture forces, elasticity, and kinetics of the P-selectin/P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 interaction. The complexes are able to withstand forces up to 165 pN and show a chain-like elasticity with a molecular spring constant of 5.3 pN nm−1 and a persistence length of 0.35 nm. The dissociation constant (off-rate) varies over three orders of magnitude from 0.02 s−1 under zero force up to 15 s−1 under external applied forces. Rupture force and lifetime of the complexes are not constant, but directly depend on the applied force per unit time, which is a product of the intrinsic molecular elasticity and the external pulling velocity. The high strength of binding combined with force-dependent rate constants and high molecular elasticity are tailored to support physiological leukocyte rolling.