694 resultados para Sepsis


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INTRODUCTION: Sepsis may impair mitochondrial utilization of oxygen. Since hepatic dysfunction is a hallmark of sepsis, we hypothesized that the liver is more susceptible to mitochondrial dysfunction than the peripheral tissues, such as the skeletal muscle. We studied the effect of prolonged endotoxin infusion on liver, muscle and kidney mitochondrial respiration and on hepatosplanchnic oxygen transport and microcirculation in pigs. METHODS: 20 anesthetized pigs were randomized to receive endotoxin or saline infusion for 24 hours. Muscle, liver and kidney mitochondrial respiration was assessed. Cardiac output (thermodilution), carotid, superior mesenteric and kidney arterial, portal venous (ultrasound Doppler) and microcirculatory blood flow (laser Doppler) were measured, and systemic and regional oxygen transport and lactate exchange were calculated. RESULTS: Endotoxin infusion induced hyperdynamic shock and impaired the glutamate- and succinate-dependent mitochondrial respiratory control ratio (RCR) in the liver (glutamate: endotoxemia: median [range] 2.8 [2.3-3.8] vs. controls: 5.3 [3.8-7.0]; p<0.001; succinate: endotoxemia: 2.9 [1.9-4.3] vs. controls: 3.9 [2.6-6.3] p=0.003). While the ADP:O ratio was reduced with both substrates, maximal ATP production was impaired only in the succinate-dependent respiration. Hepatic oxygen consumption and extraction, and liver surface laser Doppler blood flow remained unchanged. Glutamate-dependent respiration in the muscle and kidney was unaffected. CONCLUSIONS: Endotoxemia reduces the efficiency of hepatic but neither skeletal muscle nor kidney mitochondrial respiration, independent of regional and microcirculatory blood flow changes.


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Invasive meningococcal infections show a broad clinical picture including sepsis and meningitis. Here we report on a case of sepsis and a case of meningitis, two clinical manifestations of meningococcal infections with striking differences in the clinical presentation and outcome. Meningococcal sepsis is characterized by a systemic release of endotoxins, that triggers an intense cytokine response of the host that can lead to shock and multi organ failure and death within hours. Meningococcal meningitis occurs when bacteria breach into the subarachnoidal and ventricular space during bacteremia and mortality is much lower that in sepsis. Thus meningitis may be seen as a consequence of lower pathogenicity and/or more efficient host control of the meningococci compared to sepsis.


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A panel of infectious disease specialists, clinical microbiologists and hospital epidemiologists of the five Swiss university hospitals reviewed the current literature on the treatment of invasive fungal infections in adults and formulated guidelines for the management of patients in Switzerland. For empirical therapy of Candida bloodstream infection, fluconazole is the drug of choice in non-neutropenic patients with no severe sepsis or septic shock or recent exposure to azoles. Amphotericin B deoxycholate or caspofungin would be the treatment option for patients with previous azole exposure. In neutropenic patients, empirical therapy with amphotericin B deoxycholate is considered first choice. In patients with severe sepsis and septic shock, caspofungin is the drug of first choice. For therapy of microbiologically-documented Candida infection, fluconazole is the drug of choice for infections due to C. albicans, C. tropicalis or C. parapsilosis. When infections are caused by C. glabrata or by C. krusei, caspofungin or amphotericin B deoxycholate are first line therapies. Treatment guidelines for invasive aspergillosis (IA) were stratified into primary therapy, salvage therapy and combination therapy in critically ill patients. Voriconazole is recommended for primary (ie upfront) therapy. Caspofungin, voriconazole (if not used for primary therapy) or liposomal amphotericin B are recommended for salvage therapy for refractory disease. Combination therapy with caspofungin plus voriconazole or liposomal amphotericin B should be considered in critically ill patients. Amphotericin B deoxycholate is recommended as initial therapy for the empirical therapy in patients with neutropenia and persistent fever with close monitoring of adverse events.


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AIM: First to assess coagulation changes after surgery in children below 6 months of age. Second to detect differences attributable to the extent of surgery and postoperative infection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Blood counts, haemoglobin concentration (Hb), haematocrit (Ht), prothrombine time (PT), activated partial thromboplastine time (aPTT) and thrombelastography (TEG) were studied pre- and 2+/-1/2 d postoperatively. Patients were divided in 3 groups. I: minor surgery without access to the abdomen or thorax (n=51); II: abdominal or thoracic interventions (n=24); III: abdominal surgery with postoperative sepsis (n=11). RESULTS: Preoperative values of Hb, Ht and INR were related to the age of the infant. Postoperatively clot strength and formation rate increased in gr. I (p<0.05). In gr. II, clot formation was initiated earlier (p<0.05) even though PT decreased (p<0.05). In group III, patients postoperatively developed a tendency for hypocoagulability in all TEG-parameters, but not in plasmatic coagulation. Postoperative TEG measurements were significantly inferior in gr. III when compared to gr. I and II. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest activation of whole blood coagulation in the uncomplicated postoperative period despite of a decrease in plasmatic coagulation. In sepsis, only thrombelastography, but not plasmatic coagulation was affected.


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Besides providing effective analgesia, thoracic epidural anesthesia (TEA) has been shown to decrease perioperative morbidity and mortality. Because of its vasodilatory properties in association with the sympathetic blockade, however, TEA may potentially aggravate cardiovascular dysfunctions resulting from sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome. The objective of the present study was to assess the effects of TEA on hemodynamics, global oxygen transport, and renal function in ovine endotoxemia. After a baseline measurement in healthy sheep (n = 18), Salmonella typhosa endotoxin was centrally infused at incremental doses to induce and maintain a hypotensive-hypodynamic circulation using an established protocol. The animals were then randomly assigned to one of two groups. In the treatment group, continuous TEA was initiated with 0.1 mL.kg of 0.125% bupivacaine at the onset of endotoxemia and maintained with 0.1 mL.kg.h. In the control group, the same amount of isotonic sodium chloride solution was injected through the epidural catheter. In the animals surviving the entire experiment (n = 7 per group), cardiac index and mean arterial pressure decreased in a dose-dependent manner during endotoxin infusion. In the TEA group, neither systemic hemodynamics nor global oxygen transport were impaired beyond the changes caused by endotoxemia itself. Urinary output was increased in the TEA group as compared with the control group (P < 0.05). In this model of endotoxic shock, TEA improved renal perfusion without affecting cardiopulmonary hemodynamics and global oxygen transport.


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Current therapy of septic/vasodilatory cardiovascular failure includes volume resuscitation and infusion of inotropic and vasopressor agents. Norepinephrine is the first-line vasoconstrictor, and can stabilize hemodynamic variables in most patients. Nonetheless, irreversible cardiovascular failure which is resistant to conventional hemodynamic therapies still is the main cause of death in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. In such advanced, catecholamine-resistant shock states, arginine-vasopressin (AVP) has repeatedly caused an increase in mean arterial blood pressure, a decrease in toxic norepinephrine-dosages, as well as further beneficial hemodynamic, endocrinologic and renal effects. Although AVP exerted negative inotropic effects in previous clinical trials and in selected animal experiments, a continuous low-dose AVP infusion during advanced septic/vasodilatory shock caused a decrease in cardiac index only in patients with a hyperdynamic circulation. Adverse effects on gastrointestinal circulation and the systemic microcirculation can not be excluded, but have not yet been confirmed in clinical prospective trials. Negative side effects of a supplementary AVP therapy are an increase in total bilirubin concentrations, and a decrease in platelet count. A transient increase in hepatic transaminases during AVP infusion is most likely related to preceding hypotensive episodes. Important points which must be considered when using AVP as a "rescue vasopressor" in septic/vasodilatory shock states are: 1) AVP infusion only in advanced shock states that can not be adequately reversed by conventional hemodynamic therapy (e.g. norepinephrine >0,5-0,6 mug/kg/min), 2) presence of normovolemia, 3) AVP infusion only in combination with norepinephrine, 4) strict avoidance of bolus injections and dosages >4 IU/h. Effects of a supplementary AVP infusion in advanced vasodilatory shock on survival are currently examined in a large, prospective multicenter trial in North America and Australia.


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Pulmonary capillary pressure (Pcap) is the predominant force that drives fluid out of the pulmonary capillaries into the interstitium. Increasing hydrostatic capillary pressure is directly proportional to the lung's transvascular filtration rate, and in the extreme leads to pulmonary edema. In the pulmonary circulation, blood flow arises from the transpulmonary pressure gradient, defined as the difference between pulmonary artery (diastolic) pressure and left atrial pressure. The resistance across the pulmonary vasculature consists of arterial and venous components, which interact with the capacitance of the compliant pulmonary capillaries. In pathological states such as acute respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis, and high altitude or neurogenic lung edema, the longitudinal distribution of the precapillary arterial and the postcapillary venous resistance varies. Subsequently, the relationship between Pcap and pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) is greatly variable and Pcap can no longer be predicted from PAOP. In clinical practice, PAOP is commonly used to guide fluid therapy, and Pcap as a hemodynamic target is rarely assessed. This approach is potentially misleading. In the presence of a normal PAOP and an increased pressure gradient between Pcap and PAOP, the tendency for fluid leakage in the capillaries and subsequent edema development may substantially be underestimated. Tho-roughly validated methods have been developed to assess Pcap in humans. At the bedside, measurement of Pcap can easily be determined by analyzing a pressure transient after an acute pulmonary artery occlusion with the balloon of a Swan-Ganz catheter.


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INTRODUCTION: Mitochondrial respiration is impaired during endotoxemia. While catecholamines are frequently used in sepsis, their effects on mitochondrial function are controversial. We assessed effects of dobutamine and dopamine endotoxin on isolated muscle mitochondria. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sternocleidomastoid muscle mitochondria were isolated from six anesthetized pigs. Each sample was divided into six different groups. Three groups were incubated with endotoxin, three with vehicle. After 1 h, dopamine and dobutamine at final concentrations of 100 microM were added to the vehicle and endotoxin groups. After 2 h, state 3 and 4 respiration rates were determined for all mitochondrial complexes. Oxygen consumption was determined with a Clark-type electrode. RESULTS: Endotoxin increased glutamate-dependent state 4 respiration from 9.3 +/- 3.6 to 31.9 +/- 9.1 (P = 0.001) without affecting state 3 respiration. This reduced the efficiency of mitochondrial respiration (RCR; state 3/state 4, 9.9 +/- 1.9 versus 3.6 +/- 0.6; P < 0.001). The other complexes were unaffected. Catecholamine partially restored the endotoxin-induced increase in complex I state 4 respiration rate (31.9 +/- 9.1 versus 17.1 +/- 6.4 and 20.1 +/- 12.2) after dopamine and dobutamine, respectively (P = 0.007), and enhanced the ADP:O ratio (P = 0.033). CONCLUSIONS: Dopamine and dobutamine enhanced the efficiency of mitochondrial respiration after short-term endotoxin exposure.


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CONTEXT: Determination of arginine vasopressin (AVP) concentrations may be helpful to guide therapy in critically ill patients. A new assay analyzing copeptin, a stable peptide derived from the AVP precursor, has been introduced. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to determine plasma copeptin concentrations. DESIGN: We conducted a post hoc analysis of plasma samples and data from a prospective study. SETTING: The setting was a 12-bed general and surgical intensive care unit (ICU) in a tertiary university teaching hospital. PATIENTS: Our subjects were 70 healthy volunteers and 157 ICU patients with sepsis, with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), and after cardiac surgery. INTERVENTIONS: There were no interventions. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Copeptin plasma concentrations, demographic data, AVP plasma concentrations, and a multiple organ dysfunction syndrome score were documented 24 h after ICU admission. RESULTS: AVP (P < 0.001) and copeptin (P < 0.001) concentrations were significantly higher in ICU patients than in controls. Patients after cardiac surgery had higher AVP (P = 0.003) and copeptin (P = 0.003) concentrations than patients with sepsis or SIRS. Independent of critical illness, copeptin and AVP correlated highly significantly with each other. Critically ill patients with sepsis and SIRS exhibited a significantly higher ratio of copeptin/AVP plasma concentrations than patients after cardiac surgery (P = 0.012). The American Society of Anesthesiologists' classification (P = 0.046) and C-reactive protein concentrations (P = 0.006) were significantly correlated with the copeptin/AVP ratio. CONCLUSIONS: Plasma concentrations of copeptin and AVP in healthy volunteers and critically ill patients correlate significantly with each other. The ratio of copeptin/AVP plasma concentrations is increased in patients with sepsis and SIRS, suggesting that copeptin may overestimate AVP plasma concentrations in these patients.


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A 4-year-old, neutered female, domestic shorthair cat admitted to the animal hospital for recurrent constipation presumed to be due to post-traumatic injuries, went into shock with signs including fever and ataxia followed by stupor. On the fifth day of hospitalization, the cat developed severe, diffuse oedema of the ventral abdomen with multifocal to coalescing erythematous areas and small vesicle formation. The results of bacteriological cultures of liver, spleen and kidney specimens led to the diagnosis of Acinetobacter baumannii sepsis. Histopathological findings of skin samples taken during necropsy showed an extensive epidermal and dermal necrosis with septic vasculitis and numerous intralesional gram-negative bacteria. Detection of the bla(OXA-51-like) gene specific for A. baumannii by PCR, performed retrospectively on samples of the deep layers of the skin, confirmed the presence of A. baumannii also in the cutaneous lesions. To our knowledge this is the first report of a necrotizing fasciitis with septic shock in a cat caused by A. baumannii.


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INTRODUCTION: Vasopressin has been shown to increase blood pressure in catecholamine-resistant septic shock. The aim of this study was to measure the effects of low-dose vasopressin on regional (hepato-splanchnic and renal) and microcirculatory (liver, pancreas, and kidney) blood flow in septic shock. METHODS: Thirty-two pigs were anesthetized, mechanically ventilated, and randomly assigned to one of four groups (n = 8 in each). Group S (sepsis) and group SV (sepsis/vasopressin) were exposed to fecal peritonitis. Group C and group V were non-septic controls. After 240 minutes, both septic groups were resuscitated with intravenous fluids. After 300 minutes, groups V and SV received intravenous vasopressin 0.06 IU/kg per hour. Regional blood flow was measured in the hepatic and renal arteries, the portal vein, and the celiac trunk by means of ultrasonic transit time flowmetry. Microcirculatory blood flow was measured in the liver, kidney, and pancreas by means of laser Doppler flowmetry. RESULTS: In septic shock, vasopressin markedly decreased blood flow in the portal vein, by 58% after 1 hour and by 45% after 3 hours (p < 0.01), whereas flow remained virtually unchanged in the hepatic artery and increased in the celiac trunk. Microcirculatory blood flow decreased in the pancreas by 45% (p < 0.01) and in the kidney by 16% (p < 0.01) but remained unchanged in the liver. CONCLUSION: Vasopressin caused marked redistribution of splanchnic regional and microcirculatory blood flow, including a significant decrease in portal, pancreatic, and renal blood flows, whereas hepatic artery flow remained virtually unchanged. This study also showed that increased urine output does not necessarily reflect increased renal blood flow.


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BACKGROUND: Vasopressin increases arterial pressure in septic shock even when alpha-adrenergic agonists fail. The authors studied the effects of vasopressin on microcirculatory blood flow in the entire gastrointestinal tract in anesthetized pigs during early septic shock. METHODS: Thirty-two pigs were intravenously anesthetized, mechanically ventilated, and randomly assigned to one of four groups (n=8 in each; full factorial design). Group S (sepsis) and group SV (sepsis-vasopressin) were made septic by fecal peritonitis. Group C and group V were nonseptic control groups. After 300 min, group V and group SV received intravenous infusion of 0.06 U.kg.h vasopressin. In all groups, cardiac index and superior mesenteric artery flow were measured. Microcirculatory blood flow was recorded with laser Doppler flowmetry in both mucosa and muscularis of the stomach, jejunum, and colon. RESULTS: While vasopressin significantly increased arterial pressure in group SV (P<0.05), superior mesenteric artery flow decreased by 51+/-16% (P<0.05). Systemic and mesenteric oxygen delivery and consumption decreased and oxygen extraction increased in the SV group. Effects on the microcirculation were very heterogeneous; flow decreased in the stomach mucosa (by 23+/-10%; P<0.05), in the stomach muscularis (by 48+/-16%; P<0.05), and in the jejunal mucosa (by 27+/-9%; P<0.05), whereas no significant changes were seen in the colon. CONCLUSION: Vasopressin decreased regional flow in the superior mesenteric artery and microcirculatory blood flow in the upper gastrointestinal tract. This reduction in flow and a concomitant increase in the jejunal mucosa-to-arterial carbon dioxide gap suggest compromised mucosal blood flow in the upper gastrointestinal tract in septic pigs receiving low-dose vasopressin.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Thoracic epidural analgesia (TEA) is increasingly used for perioperative analgesia. If patients with TEA develop sepsis or systemic inflammatory response subsequent to extended surgery the question arises if it would be safe to continue TEA with its beneficial effects of improving gastrointestinal perfusion and augmenting tissue oxygenation. A major concern in this regard is hemodynamic instability that might ensue from TEA-induced vasodilation. The objective of the present study was to assess the effects of TEA on systemic and pulmonary hemodynamics in a sepsis model of hyperdynamic endotoxemia. METHODS: After a baseline measurement in healthy sheep (n = 14), Salmonella thyphosa endotoxin was continuously infused at a rate of 10 ngxkg(-1)xmin(-1) over 16 hours. The surviving animals (n = 12) were then randomly assigned to 1 of 2 study groups. In the treatment group (n = 6), continuous TEA was initiated with 0.1 mLxkg(-1) bupivacaine 0.125% and maintained with 0.1 mLxkg(-1)xh(-1). In the control group (n = 6) the same amount of isotonic sodium saline solution was injected at the same rate through the epidural catheter. RESULTS: In both experimental groups cardiac index increased and systemic vascular resistance decreased concurrently (each P < .05). Functional epidural blockade in the TEA group was confirmed by sustained suppression of the cutaneous (or panniculus) reflex. During the observational period of 6 hours neither systemic nor pulmonary circulatory variables were impaired by TEA. CONCLUSIONS: From a hemodynamic point of view, TEA presents as a safe treatment option in sepsis or systemic inflammatory response syndrome.


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Arginine vasopressin (AVP) has been employed successfully during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but there exist only few data about the effects of AVP infusion for cardiovascular failure during the post-cardiac arrest period. Cardiovascular failure is one of the main causes of death after successful resuscitation from cardiac arrest. Although the "post-resuscitation syndrome" has been described as a "sepsis-like" syndrome, there is little information about the haemodynamic response to AVP in advanced cardiovascular failure after cardiac arrest. In this retrospective study, haemodynamic and laboratory variables in 23 patients with cardiovascular failure unresponsive to standard haemodynamic therapy during the post-cardiac arrest period were obtained before, and 30 min, 1, 4, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h after initiation of a supplementary AVP infusion (4 IU/h). During the observation period, AVP significantly increased mean arterial blood pressure (58+/-14 to 75+/-19 mmHg, p < 0.001), and decreased noradrenaline (norepinephrine) (1.31+/-2.14 to 0.23+/-0.3 microg/kg/min, p = 0.03), adrenaline (epinephrine) (0.58+/-0.23 to 0.04+/-0.03 microg/kg/min, p = 0.001), and milrinone requirements (0.46+/-0.15 to 0.33+/-0.22 microg/kg/min, p < 0.001). Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure changed significantly (p < 0.001); an initial increase being followed by a decrease below baseline values. While arterial lactate concentrations (95+/-64 to 21+/-18 mg/dL, p < 0.001) and pH (7.27+/-0.14 to 7.4+/-0.14, p < 0.001) improved significantly, total bilirubin concentrations (1.12+/-0.95 to 3.04+/-3.79 mg/dL, p = 0.001) increased after AVP. There were no differences in the haemodynamic or laboratory response to AVP between survivors and non-survivors. In this study, advanced cardiovascular failure that was unresponsive to standard therapy could be reversed successfully with supplementary AVP infusion in >90% of patients surviving cardiac arrest.


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ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Low blood pressure, inadequate tissue oxygen delivery and mitochondrial dysfunction have all been implicated in the development of sepsis-induced organ failure. This study evaluated the effect on liver mitochondrial function of using norepinephrine to increase blood pressure in experimental sepsis. METHODS: Thirteen anaesthetized pigs received endotoxin (Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide B0111:B4; 0.4 mug/kg per hour) and were subsequently randomly assigned to norepinephrine treatment or placebo for 10 hours. Norepinephrine dose was adjusted at 2-hour intervals to achieve 15 mmHg increases in mean arterial blood pressure up to 95 mmHg. Systemic (thermodilution) and hepatosplanchnic (ultrasound Doppler) blood flow were measured at each step. At the end of the experiment, hepatic mitochondrial oxygen consumption (high-resolution respirometry) and citrate synthase activity (spectrophotometry) were assessed. RESULTS: Mean arterial pressure (mmHg) increased only in norepinephrine-treated animals (from 73 [median; range 69 to 81] to 63 [60 to 68] in controls [P = 0.09] and from 83 [69 to 93] to 96 [86 to 108] in norepinephrine-treated animals [P = 0.019]). Cardiac index and systemic oxygen delivery (DO2) increased in both groups, but significantly more in the norepinephrine group (P < 0.03 for both). Cardiac index (ml/min per.kg) increased from 99 (range: 72 to 112) to 117 (110 to 232) in controls (P = 0.002), and from 107 (84 to 132) to 161 (147 to 340) in norepinephrine-treated animals (P = 0.001). DO2 (ml/min per.kg) increased from 13 (range: 11 to 15) to 16 (15 to 24) in controls (P = 0.028), and from 16 (12 to 19) to 29 (25 to 52) in norepinephrine-treated animals (P = 0.018). Systemic oxygen consumption (systemic VO2) increased in both groups (P < 0.05), whereas hepatosplanchnic flows, DO2 and VO2 remained stable. The hepatic lactate extraction ratio decreased in both groups (P = 0.05). Liver mitochondria complex I-dependent and II-dependent respiratory control ratios were increased in the norepinephrine group (complex I: 3.5 [range: 2.1 to 5.7] in controls versus 5.8 [4.8 to 6.4] in norepinephrine-treated animals [P = 0.015]; complex II: 3.1 [2.3 to 3.8] in controls versus 3.7 [3.3 to 4.6] in norepinephrine-treated animals [P = 0.09]). No differences were observed in citrate synthase activity. CONCLUSION: Norepinephrine treatment during endotoxaemia does not increase hepatosplanchnic flow, oxygen delivery or consumption, and does not improve the hepatic lactate extraction ratio. However, norepinephrine increases the liver mitochondria complex I-dependent and II-dependent respiratory control ratios. This effect was probably mediated by a direct effect of norepinephrine on liver cells.