1000 resultados para Seguridad Regional
En esta nota se recopilan y/o construyen algunos indicadores de desempeño para los sistemas educativos de las regiones españolas durante los cursos 2005-06 a 2007-08 a partir de la información suministrada por diversas publicaciones del Ministerio de Educación. Aunque el trabajo se concentra en los niveles educativos no universitarios, se ofrecen también algunos resultados preliminares a nivel universitario.
In this paper we simulate and analyse the economic impact that sectorial productivity gains have on two regional Spanish economies (Catalonia and Extremadura). In particular we study the quantitative effect that each sector’s productivity gain has on household welfare (real disposable income and equivalent variation), on the consumption price indices and factor relative prices, on real production (GDP) and on the government’s net income (net taxation revenues of social transfers to households). The analytical approach consists of a computable general equilibrium model, in which we assume perfect competition and cleared markets, including factor markets. All the parameters and exogenous variables of the model are calibrated by means of two social accounting matrices, one for each region under study. The results allow us to identify those sectors with the greatest impact on consumer welfare as the key sectors in the regional economies. Keywords: Productivity gains, key sectors, computable general equilibrium
Evaluación del estilo de conducción y del estado psicológico de los participantes en programas formativos en delitos de tráfico
Objectiu:Avaluar l’eficàcia i seguretat de pegaptanib de sodi en el tractament de l’edema macular secundari a obstrucció venosa de la retina (OVR). Mètode: Estudi prospectiu de 16 pacients amb edema macular secundari a OVR tractats mitjançant injeccions intravítrees de pegaptanib de sodi 1mg (0’05ml) a demanda amb un període de seguiment mínim de 6 mesos. Resultat: Millora significativa de l’agudesa visual i del perfil foveal en els nostres pacients. No alarmes de seguretat noves. Conclusions: Pegaptanib de sodi sembla proporcionar beneficis anatòmics i funcionals en el tractament de l’edema macular secundari a trombosis venosa de la retina.
Los desafíos de la seguridad global –anticipando respuestas ante las nuevas amenazas– es lo que preocupa al mundo actual. La seguridad ya no es un exclusivo ámbito nacional, o estatal, ni tan siquiera europeo. Es más global y común. El ciudadano es el centro de la seguridad. Los Estados son instrumentos a través de los cuales se concretan soluciones de seguridad centradas en el ciudadano con una seguridad que sea preventiva, integrada y sostenible. La estrategia de seguridad Europea de 2003 define como principales amenazas para Europa las siguientes: terrorismo, proliferación de armas de destrucción masiva, conflictos regionales, debilitamiento de los Estados y delincuencia organizada. Este documento proporciona a la UE una estrategia de carácter político para responder a los retos de la seguridad interior y exterior y al fenómeno creciente de la globalización. Los temas tratados subrayan el aumento de la preocupación por la seguridad en Europa y la necesidad de dar un enfoque global a las políticas con incidencia en estas materias. La Unión Europea tiene una amplia gama de políticas que poseen una dimensión de seguridad. Estos instrumentos no sólo deben ampliarse, creando nuevas herramientas para afrontar los nuevos retos, sino que deben aprovechar mejor sus sinergias, de manera que permitan a la Unión adquirir un mayor protagonismo en la seguridad y la estabilidad de la comunidad internacional.
Amb l'augment de l’ús de la quimioradioteràpia concomitant (CCRT) al tractament del carcinoma avançat de cap i coll, la cirurgia ha perdut terreny com a primer tractament i s’ha reservat pel tractament de rescat en cas de recidiva loco-regional. L’objectiu de l’estudi es revisar la nostra experiència en pacients amb recidiva local o regional després del tractament amb CCRT i als que se’ls hi va realitzar cirurgia de rescat. El 83% del pacients amb cirurgia de rescat en el lloc del tumor primari van requerir algun tipus de reconstrucció amb penjalls regionals o lliures microanastomosats.
Objectiu: avaluar quines característiques del pacient i de la tècnica influeixen en la predicció de dificultat en la realització d’un bloqueig neuroaxial. Material i mètodes: estudi observacional prospectiu de 539 pacients sotmesos a un bloqueig regional neuroaxial. Registrem dades demogràfiques, anatòmiques, relacionades amb la tècnica (palpació d’estructures de referència, grau de flexió, morfologia de la curvatura lumbar), experiència anestesiòleg i número d’intents amb/sense redirigir l’agulla. Variable resposta: punció fàcil/difícil. Resultats i conclusions: variables predictives independents de dificultat: flexió dolenta/regular, palpació dolenta/regular d’estructures anatòmiques de referència i curvatura lumbar no convexa. Anatomia, edat i IMC van quedar excloses.
The remit of the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is to promote cooperation for public health between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in the areas of research and information, capacity building and policy advice. Our approach is to support Departments of Health and their agencies in both jurisdictions, and maximise the benefits of all-island cooperation to achieve practical benefits for people in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. As an all-island body, the Institute of Public Health in Ireland particularly welcomes that the Framework for Collaboration has been co-produced by the Department for Regional Development and the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. In addition the Institute of Public Health welcomes a more holistic approach to spatial planning that takes into account the environment and sustainable economic development. A clean environment and a more equitable distribution of prosperity have associated health benefits, as outlined in the IPH’s Active travel – healthy lives (2011) and Health impacts of the built environment- a review (2006).
Key points from the IPH response include: There is growing recognition that the leading causes of illness and death, including heart disease, cancer, respiratory diseases and injuries, may be exacerbated by elements within the built environment which contribute to sedentary lifestyles and harmful environments. IPH call for greater recognition of the links between regional development and health. Health inequalities are the preventable and unjust differences in health status experienced by certain population groups. The RDS has a role to play in tackling health inequalities experienced in Northern Ireland. Supporting a modal shift in transport methods can lead to improved health and reduced health inequalities. The RDS plays an important role in addressing climate change which is identified as a major public health concern for the 21st Century. Creating healthy sustainable places and communities can go hand in hand with reducing the negative impacts of climate change. IPH recognise the RDS is an overarching strategic framework which will be implemented by a range of other agencies. To fully appreciate the potential health impacts of the RDS, IPH call for a Health Impact Assessment to be undertaken to fully determine the links with health and potential impact on health inequalities particularly in relation to the implementation strategy.
The increase in population and vehicles has placed significant pressures on Northern Ireland’s transportation networks coupled with fiscal constraints and the need to reduce our environmental impacts. The revised Strategy concentrates on moving people rather than vehicles, creating space on the networks for people and also for freight and on maintaining what is in place and using it in a smarter way. At its core is a move towards greater sustainability which will contribute positively to growing the economy, improving the quality of life for all and reducing the transport impacts on the environment.
The Regional Planning Guidelines (RPG) for the Greater Dublin Area 2010-2022 (draft) is a policy document which aims to direct the future growth of the Greater Dublin Area over the medium to long term and works to implement the strategic planning framework set out in the National Spatial Strategy (NSS) published in 2002. A series of recommendations have been made to Local Authorities clearly linked to and supporting the national investment in transport, particularly public transport, under Transport 21. The draft was prepared and agreed for public consultation. The IPH response to the consultation reports on how the RPG may impact on health and makes recommendations to maximise opportunities for health gain and minimise health loss.
This is the IPH response to the Department for Regional Development's public transport reform consultation.
Travel behaviour can make a significant contribution to physical activity levels and subsequent risk of poor health including conditions such as obesity. DRD can play a key role in tackling obesity in Northern Ireland through the Regional Transportation Strategy. This is the IPH's response. The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) aims to improve health on the island of Ireland by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute promotes cooperation between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in public health research, training and policy advice. IPH acknowledges that health is influenced by a wide range of social determinants, including economic, environmental, social and biological factors. Transport is one of the key determinants of health and IPH welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Department for Regional Development (DRD), Regional Transportation Strategy (RTS) Review.
Improving Dementia Services in Northern Ireland - A Regional Strategy - November 2011
A Guide for wheelchair users on regional eligibility criteria for the provision of wheelchairs through the Northern Ireland Wheelchair Service