992 resultados para Schottky contacts


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A wealth of information available from x-ray crystallographic structures of enzyme-ligand complexes makes it possible to study interactions at the molecular level. However, further investigation is needed when i) the binding of the natural substrate must be characterized, because ligands in the stable enzyme-ligand complexes are generally inhibitors or the analogs of substrate and transition state, and when ii) ligand binding is in part poorly characterized. We have investigated these aspects i? the binding of substrate uridyl 3',5'-adenosine (UpA) to ribonuclease A (RNase A). Based on the systematically docked RNase A-UpA complex resulting from our previous study, we have undertaken a molecular dynamics simulation of the complex with solvent molecules. The molecular dynamics trajectories of this complex are analyzed to provide structural explanations for varied experimental observations on the ligand binding at the B2 subsite of ribonuclease A. The present study suggests that B2 subsite stabilization can be effected by different active site groups, depending on the substrate conformation. Thus when adenosine ribose pucker is O4'-endo, Gln69 and Glu111 form hydrogen-bonding contacts with adenine base, and when it is C2'-endo, Asn71 is the only amino acid residue in direct contact with this base. The latter observation is in support of previous mutagenesis and kinetics studies. Possible roles for the solvent molecules in the binding subsites are described. Furthermore, the substrate conformation is also examined along the simulation pathway to see if any conformer has the properties of a transition state. This study has also helped us to recognize that small but concerted changes in the conformation of the substrate can result in substrate geometry favorable for 2',3' cyclization. The identified geometry is suitable for intraligand proton transfer between 2'-hydroxyl and phosphate oxygen atom. The possibility of intraligand proton transfer as suggested previously and the mode of transfer before the formation of cyclic intermediate during transphosphorylation are discussed.


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The Vantaa Primary Care Depression Study (PC-VDS) is a naturalistic and prospective cohort study concerning primary care patients with depressive disorders. It forms a collaborative research project between the Department of Mental and Alcohol Research of the National Public Health Institute, and the Primary Health Care Organization of the City of Vantaa. The aim is to obtain a comprehensive view on clinically significant depression in primary care, and to compare depressive patients in primary care and in secondary level psychiatric care in terms of clinical characteristics. Consecutive patients (N=1111) in three primary care health centres were screened for depression with the PRIME-MD, and positive cases interviewed by telephone. Cases with current depressive symptoms were diagnosed face-to-face with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I/P). A cohort of 137 patients with unipolar depressive disorders, comprising all patients with at least two depressive symptoms and clinically significant distress or disability, was recruited. The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Disorders (SCID-II), medical records, rating scales, interview and a retrospective life-chart were used to obtain comprehensive cross-sectional and retrospective longitudinal information. For investigation of suicidal behaviour the Scale for Suicidal Ideation (SSI), patient records and the interview were used. The methodology was designed to be comparable to The Vantaa Depression Study (VDS) conducted in secondary level psychiatric care. Comparison of major depressive disorder (MDD) patients aged 20-59 from primary care in PC-VDS (N=79) was conducted with new psychiatric outpatients (N =223) and inpatients (N =46) in VDS. The PC-VDS cohort was prospectively followed up at 3, 6 and 18 months. Altogether 123 patients (90%) completed the follow-up. Duration of the index episode and the timing of relapses or recurrences were examined using a life-chart. The retrospective investigation revealed current MDD in most (66%), and lifetime MDD in nearly all (90%) cases of clinically significant depressive syndromes. Two thirds of the “subsyndromal” cases had a history of major depressive episode (MDE), although they were currently either in partial remission or a potential prodromal phase. Recurrences and chronicity were common. The picture of depression was complicated by Axis I co-morbidity in 59%, Axis II in 52% and chronic Axis III disorders in 47%; only 12% had no co-morbidity. Within their lifetimes, one third (37%) had seriously considered suicide, and one sixth (17%) had attempted it. Suicidal behaviour clustered in patients with moderate to severe MDD, co-morbidity with personality disorders, and a history of treatment in psychiatric care. The majority had received treatment for depression, but suicidal ideation had mostly remained unrecognised. The comparison of patients with MDD in primary care to those in psychiatric care revealed that the majority of suicidal or psychotic patients were receiving psychiatric treatment, and the patients with the most severe symptoms and functional limitations were hospitalized. In other clinical aspects, patients with MDD in primary care were surprisingly similar to psychiatric outpatients. Mental health contacts earlier in the current MDE were common among primary care patients. The 18-month prospective investigation with a life-chart methodology verified the chronic and recurrent nature of depression in primary care. Only one-quarter of patients with MDD achieved and maintained full remission during the follow-up, while another quarter failed to remit at all. The remaining patients suffered either from residual symptoms or recurrences. While severity of depression was the strongest predictor of recovery, presence of co-morbid substance use disorders, chronic medical illness and cluster C personality disorders all contributed to an adverse outcome. In clinical decision making, beside severity of depression and co-morbidity, history of previous MDD should not be ignored by primary care doctors while depression there is usually severe enough to indicate at least follow-up, and concerning those with residual symptoms, evaluation of their current treatment. Moreover, recognition of suicidal behaviour among depressed patients should also be improved. In order to improve outcome of depression in primary care, the often chronic and recurrent nature of depression should be taken into account in organizing the care. According to literature management programs of a chronic disease, with enhancement of the role of case managers and greater integration of primary and specialist care, have been successful. Optimum ways of allocating resources between treatment providers as well as within health centres should be found.


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Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the sixth most common cancer worldwide. Well-known risk factors include tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption. Overall survival has improved, but is still low especially in developing countries. One reason for this is the often advanced stage of the disease at the time of diagnosis, but also lack of reliable prognostic tools to enable individualized patient treatment to improve outcome. To date, the TNM classification still serves as the best disease evaluation criterion, although it does not take into account the molecular basis of the tumor. The need for surrogate molecular markers for more accurate disease prediction has increased research interests in this field. We investigated the prevalence, physical status, and viral load of human papillomavirus (HPV) in HNSCC to determine the impact of HPV on head and neck carcinogenesis. The prevalence and genotyping of HPV were assessed with an SPF10 PCR microtiter plate-based hybridization assay (DEIA), followed by a line probe-based genotyping assay. More than half of the patients had HPV DNA in their tumor specimens. Oncogenic HPV-16 was the most common type, and coinfections with other oncogenic and benign associated types also existed. HPV-16 viral load was unevenly distributed among different tumor sites; the tonsils harbored significantly greater amounts of virus than other sites. Episomal location of HPV-16 was associated with large tumors, and both integrated and mixed forms of viral DNA were detected. In this series, we could not show that the presence of HPV DNA correlated with survival. In addition, we investigated the prevalence and genotype of HPV in laryngeal carcinoma patients in a prospective Nordic multicenter study based on fresh-frozen laryngeal tumor samples to determine whether the tumors were HPV-associated. These patients were also examined and interviewed at diagnosis for known risk factors, such as tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption, and for several other habituations to elucidate their effects on patient survival. HPV analysis was performed with the same protocols as in the first study. Only 4% of the specimens harbored HPV DNA. Heavy drinking was associated with poor survival. Heavy drinking patients were also younger than nonheavy drinkers and had a more advanced stage of disease at diagnosis. Heavy drinkers had worse oral hygiene than nonheavy drinkers; however, poor oral hygiene did not have prognostic significance. History of chronic laryngitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and orogenital sex contacts were rare in this series. To clarify why vocal cord carcinomas seldom metastasize, we determined tumor lymph vessel (LVD) and blood vessel (BVD) densities in HNSCC patients. We used a novel lymphatic vessel endothelial marker (LYVE-1 antibody) to locate the lymphatic vessels in HNSCC samples and CD31 to detect the blood microvessels. We found carcinomas of the vocal cords to harbor less lymphatic and blood microvessels than carcinomas arising from sites other than vocal cords. The lymphatic and blood microvessel densities did not correlate with tumor size. High BVD was strongly correlated with high LVD. Neither BVD nor LVD showed any association with survival in our series. The immune system plays an important role in tumorigenesis, as neoplastic cells have to escape the cytotoxic lymphocytes in order to survive. Several candidate HLA class II alleles have been reported to be prognostic in cervical carcinomas, an epithelial malignancy resembling HNSCC. These alleles may have an impact on head and neck carcinomas as well. We determined HLA-DRB1* and -DQB1* alleles in HNSCC patients. Healthy organ donors served as controls. The Inno-LiPA reverse dot-blot kit was used to identify alleles in patient samples. No single haplotype was found to be predictive of either the risk for head and neck cancer, or the clinical course of the disease. However, alleles observed to be prognostic in cervical carcinomas showed a similar tendency in our series. DRB1*03 was associated with node-negative disease at diagnosis. DRB1*08 and DRB1*13 were associated with early-stage disease; DRB1*04 had a lower risk for tumor relapse; and DQB1*03 and DQB1*0502 were more frequent in controls than in patients. However, these associations reached only borderline significance in our HNSCC patients.


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The availability of a significant number of the Structures of helical membrane proteins has prompted us to investigate the mode of helix-helix packing. In the present study, we have considered a dataset of alpha-helical membrane proteins representing Structures solved from all the known superfamilies. We have described the geometry of all the helical residues in terms of local coordinate axis at the backbone level. Significant inter-helical interactions have been considered as contacts by weighing the number of atom-atom contacts, including all the side-chain atoms. Such a definition of local axis and the contact criterion has allowed us to investigate the inter-helical interaction in a systematic and quantitative manner. We show that a single parameter (designated as alpha), which is derived from the parameters representing the Mutual orientation of local axes, is able to accurately Capture the details of helix-helix interaction. The analysis has been carried Out by dividing the dataset into parallel, anti-parallel, and perpendicular orientation of helices. The study indicates that a specific range of alpha value is preferred for interactions among the anti-parallel helices. Such a preference is also seen among interacting residues of parallel helices, however to a lesser extent. No such preference is seen in the case of perpendicular helices, the contacts that arise mainly due to the interaction Of Surface helices with the end of the trans-membrane helices. The Study Supports the prevailing view that the anti-parallel helices are well packed. However, the interactions between helices of parallel orientation are non-trivial. The packing in alpha-helical membrane proteins, which is systematically and rigorously investigated in this study, may prove to be useful in modeling of helical membrane proteins.


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the leopard tree Caesalpinia ferrea (Leguminosae) a native of eastern Brazil-some of the leader branches connect to and fuse with neighbouring branches of the same tree. The bridge initials project out as pegs or protuberances and apparently extend in a coordinated manner, connecting branches up to 4 ft apart. The fusion of two branches of the same tree implies intra-plant communication involving signaling factor(s). The bridges resemble fusions between hyphae in a fungal colony. Whereas hyphal fusions are common and the process is apparently completed in <1 h, branch fusions in C. ferrea tree are limited and a slow process, apparently requiring several months to years to complete. Branch fusions in C. ferrea are in accord with Claus Mattheck's analysis that tree branches actually seek contact rather than avoid contacts.


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The ever-increasing demand for faster computers in various areas, ranging from entertaining electronics to computational science, is pushing the semiconductor industry towards its limits on decreasing the sizes of electronic devices based on conventional materials. According to the famous law by Gordon E. Moore, a co-founder of the world s largest semiconductor company Intel, the transistor sizes should decrease to the atomic level during the next few decades to maintain the present rate of increase in the computational power. As leakage currents become a problem for traditional silicon-based devices already at sizes in the nanometer scale, an approach other than further miniaturization is needed to accomplish the needs of the future electronics. A relatively recently proposed possibility for further progress in electronics is to replace silicon with carbon, another element from the same group in the periodic table. Carbon is an especially interesting material for nanometer-sized devices because it forms naturally different nanostructures. Furthermore, some of these structures have unique properties. The most widely suggested allotrope of carbon to be used for electronics is a tubular molecule having an atomic structure resembling that of graphite. These carbon nanotubes are popular both among scientists and in industry because of a wide list of exciting properties. For example, carbon nanotubes are electronically unique and have uncommonly high strength versus mass ratio, which have resulted in a multitude of proposed applications in several fields. In fact, due to some remaining difficulties regarding large-scale production of nanotube-based electronic devices, fields other than electronics have been faster to develop profitable nanotube applications. In this thesis, the possibility of using low-energy ion irradiation to ease the route towards nanotube applications is studied through atomistic simulations on different levels of theory. Specifically, molecular dynamic simulations with analytical interaction models are used to follow the irradiation process of nanotubes to introduce different impurity atoms into these structures, in order to gain control on their electronic character. Ion irradiation is shown to be a very efficient method to replace carbon atoms with boron or nitrogen impurities in single-walled nanotubes. Furthermore, potassium irradiation of multi-walled and fullerene-filled nanotubes is demonstrated to result in small potassium clusters in the hollow parts of these structures. Molecular dynamic simulations are further used to give an example on using irradiation to improve contacts between a nanotube and a silicon substrate. Methods based on the density-functional theory are used to gain insight on the defect structures inevitably created during the irradiation. Finally, a new simulation code utilizing the kinetic Monte Carlo method is introduced to follow the time evolution of irradiation-induced defects on carbon nanotubes on macroscopic time scales. Overall, the molecular dynamic simulations presented in this thesis show that ion irradiation is a promisingmethod for tailoring the nanotube properties in a controlled manner. The calculations made with density-functional-theory based methods indicate that it is energetically favorable for even relatively large defects to transform to keep the atomic configuration as close to the pristine nanotube as possible. The kinetic Monte Carlo studies reveal that elevated temperatures during the processing enhance the self-healing of nanotubes significantly, ensuring low defect concentrations after the treatment with energetic ions. Thereby, nanotubes can retain their desired properties also after the irradiation. Throughout the thesis, atomistic simulations combining different levels of theory are demonstrated to be an important tool for determining the optimal conditions for irradiation experiments, because the atomic-scale processes at short time scales are extremely difficult to study by any other means.


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Carbon nanotubes, seamless cylinders made from carbon atoms, have outstanding characteristics: inherent nano-size, record-high Young’s modulus, high thermal stability and chemical inertness. They also have extraordinary electronic properties: in addition to extremely high conductance, they can be both metals and semiconductors without any external doping, just due to minute changes in the arrangements of atoms. As traditional silicon-based devices are reaching the level of miniaturisation where leakage currents become a problem, these properties make nanotubes a promising material for applications in nanoelectronics. However, several obstacles must be overcome for the development of nanotube-based nanoelectronics. One of them is the ability to modify locally the electronic structure of carbon nanotubes and create reliable interconnects between nanotubes and metal contacts which likely can be used for integration of the nanotubes in macroscopic electronic devices. In this thesis, the possibility of using ion and electron irradiation as a tool to introduce defects in nanotubes in a controllable manner and to achieve these goals is explored. Defects are known to modify the electronic properties of carbon nanotubes. Some defects are always present in pristine nanotubes, and naturally are introduced during irradiation. Obviously, their density can be controlled by irradiation dose. Since different types of defects have very different effects on the conductivity, knowledge of their abundance as induced by ion irradiation is central for controlling the conductivity. In this thesis, the response of single walled carbon nanotubes to ion irradiation is studied. It is shown that, indeed, by energy selective irradiation the conductance can be controlled. Not only the conductivity, but the local electronic structure of single walled carbon nanotubes can be changed by the defects. The presented studies show a variety of changes in the electronic structures of semiconducting single walled nanotubes, varying from individual new states in the band gap to changes in the band gap width. The extensive simulation results for various types of defect make it possible to unequivocally identify defects in single walled carbon nanotubes by combining electronic structure calculations and scanning tunneling spectroscopy, offering a reference data for a wide scientific community of researchers studying nanotubes with surface probe microscopy methods. In electronics applications, carbon nanotubes have to be interconnected to the macroscopic world via metal contacts. Interactions between the nanotubes and metal particles are also essential for nanotube synthesis, as single walled nanotubes are always grown from metal catalyst particles. In this thesis, both growth and creation of nanotube-metal nanoparticle interconnects driven by electron irradiation is studied. Surface curvature and the size of metal nanoparticles is demonstrated to determine the local carbon solubility in these particles. As for nanotube-metal contacts, previous experiments have proved the possibility to create junctions between carbon nanotubes and metal nanoparticles under irradiation in a transmission electron microscope. In this thesis, the microscopic mechanism of junction formation is studied by atomistic simulations carried out at various levels of sophistication. It is shown that structural defects created by the electron beam and efficient reconstruction of the nanotube atomic network, inherently related to the nanometer size and quasi-one dimensional structure of nanotubes, are the driving force for junction formation. Thus, the results of this thesis not only address practical aspects of irradiation-mediated engineering of nanosystems, but also contribute to our understanding of the behaviour of point defects in low-dimensional nanoscale materials.


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A number of methods exist that use different approaches to assess geometric properties like the surface complementarity and atom packing at the protein-protein interface. We have developed two new and conceptually different measures using the Delaunay tessellation and interface slice selection to compute the surface complementarity and atom packing at the protein-protein interface in a straightforward manner. Our measures show a strong correlation among themselves and with other existing measures, and can be calculated in a highly time-efficient manner. The measures are discriminative for evaluating biological, as well as non-biological protein-protein contacts, especially from large protein complexes and large-scale structural studies(http://pallab.serc. iisc.ernet.in/nip_nsc). (C) 201 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Voltage dependent membrane channels are formed by the zervamicins, a group of α-aminoisobutyric acid containing peptides. The role of polar residues like Thr, Gln and Hyp in promoting helical bundle formation is established by dramatically reduced channel lifetimes for a synthetic apolar analog. Crystal structures of Leu1-zervamicin reveal association of bent helices. Polar contacts between convex faces result in an ‘hour glass’ like arrangement of an aqueous channel with a central constriction. The structure suggests that gating mechanisms may involve movement of the Gln11 carboxamide group. Gln3 may play a role in modulating the size of the channel mouth.


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The first year at the university is critical in shaping the student s future academic development. Student integration has been shown to affect learning, motivation, persistence, and ultimately, graduation. Most importantly, however, integration affects how students academic expertise develops. In this study a social-psychological assumption was made: one cannot grow into academic expertise in isolation, without interaction with teachers and peers. Integration happens via engagement. In this research, social and academic integration among Finnish freshmen was studied. How much did freshmen interact with their teachers and peers; how interested did they think their teachers were in students; how committed did they feel; and how did they assess their own academic development? In addition to integration, students were asked about their identification with the university and the frequency of actual contacts with teachers and peers. Lastly, students personal epistemologies were studied to see if they were related to integration or frequency of contacts. The data was collected at the University of Helsinki in the autumn of 2001 and spring of 2002 at three faculties: the faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Science. In the autumn, 270 freshmen, and in the spring, 400 freshmen, completed the questionnaire. In addition to the cross-sectional data a longitudinal data was formed from 77 of the respondents. The results showed differences in how students were integrated. Freshmen at the faculty of Science were the least integrated whereas freshmen at the faculty of Humanities were the most integrated. Identification to the university was positively related to integration. The frequency of contacts with faculty and peers was positively related to integration and identification. A more developed personal epistemology was also positively related to integration and frequency of contacts. Differences were also found between the sexes in frequency of peer interaction and level of epistemology. This study has both theoretical and practical implications. Positive correlations between integration, identification, frequency of contacts and personal epistemology were found. The guiding assumption of the significance of social interaction was thus supported. The practical relevance of the study is for how teaching is carried out. In this data, over 50% of new university students at the end of their first year said they had never received feedback from an exam, never had a discussion with their teacher about a scientific topic, and had never discussed with a teacher how their studies were going.


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An analysis of the nature and distribution of disallowed Ramachandran conformations of amino acid residues observed in high resolution protein crystal structures has been carried out. A data set consisting of 110 high resolution, non-homologous, protein crystal structures from the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank was examined. The data set consisted of a total of 18,708 non-Gly residues, which were characterized on the basis of their backbone dihedral angles (φ, ψ). Residues falling outside the defined “broad allowed limits” on the Ramachandran map were chosen and the reportedB-factor value of the α-carbon atom was used to further select well defined disallowed conformations. The conformations of the selected 66 disallowed residues clustered in distinct regions of the Ramachandran map indicating that specific φ, ψ angle distortions are preferred under compulsions imposed by local constraints. The distribution of various amino acid residues in the disallowed residue data set showed a predominance of small polar/charged residues, with bulky hydrophobic residues being infrequent. As a further check, for all the 66 cases non-hydrogen van der Waals short contacts in the protein structures were evaluated and compared with the ideal “Ala-dipeptide” constructed using disallowed dihedral angle (φ, ψ) values. The analysis reveals that short contacts are eliminated in most cases by local distortions of bond angles. An analysis of the conformation of the identified disallowed residues in related protein structures reveals instances of conservation of unusual stereochemistry.


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My doctoral dissertation in sociology and Russian studies, Social Networks and Everyday Practices in Russia, employs a "micro" or "grassroots" perspective on the transition. The study is a collection of articles detailing social networks in five different contexts. The first article examines Russian birthdays from a network perspective. The second takes a look at health care to see whether networks have become obsolete in a sector that is still overwhelmingly public, but increasingly being monetarised. The third article investigates neighbourhood relations. The fourth details relationships at work, particularly from the vantage point of internal migration. The fifth explores housing and the role of networks and money both in the Soviet and post-Soviet era. The study is based on qualitative social network and interview data gathered among three groups, teachers, doctors and factory workers, in St. Petersburg during 1993-2000. Methodologically it builds on a qualitative social network approach. The study adds a critical element to the discussion on networks in post-socialism. A considerable consensus exists that social networks were vital in state socialist societies and were used to bypass various difficulties caused by endemic shortages and bureaucratic rigidities, but a more debated issue has been their role in post-socialism. Some scholars have argued that the importance of networks has been dramatically reduced in the new market economy, whereas others have stressed their continuing importance. If a common denominator in both has been a focus on networks in relation to the past, a more overlooked aspect has been the question of inequality. To what extent is access to networks unequally distributed? What are the limits and consequences of networks, for those who have access, those outside networks or society at large? My study provides some evidence about inequalities. It shows that some groups are privileged over others, for instance, middle-class people in informal access to health care. Moreover, analysing the formation of networks sheds additional light on inequalities, as it highlights the importance of migration as a mechanism of inequality, for example. The five articles focus on how networks are actually used in everyday life. The article on health care, for instance, shows that personal connections are still important and popular in post-Soviet Russia, despite the growing importance of money and the emergence of "fee for service" medicine. Fifteen of twenty teachers were involved in informal medical exchange during a two-week study period, so that they used their networks to bypass the formal market mechanisms or official procedures. Medicines were obtained through personal connections because some were unavailable at local pharmacies or because these connections could provide medicines for a cheaper price or even for free. The article on neighbours shows that "mutual help" was the central feature of neighbouring, so that the exchange of goods, services and information covered almost half the contacts with neighbours reported. Neighbours did not provide merely small-scale help but were often exchange partners because they possessed important professional qualities, had access to workplace resources, or knew somebody useful. The article on the Russian work collective details workplace-related relationships in a tractor factory and shows that interaction with and assistance from one's co-workers remains important. The most interesting finding was that co-workers were even more important to those who had migrated to the city than to those who were born there, which is explained by the specifics of Soviet migration. As a result, the workplace heavily influenced or absorbed contexts for the worker migrants to establish relationships whereas many meeting-places commonly available in Western countries were largely absent or at least did not function as trusted public meeting places to initiate relationships. More results are to be found from my dissertation: Anna-Maria Salmi: Social Networks and Everyday Practices in Russia, Kikimora Publications, 2006, see www.kikimora-publications.com.


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Parkinson s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder associated with a progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra (SN). Current therapies of PD do not stop the progression of the disease and the efficacy of these treatments wanes over time. Neurotrophic factors are naturally occurring proteins promoting the survival and differentiation of neurons and the maintenance of neuronal contacts. Neurotrophic factors are attractive candidates for neuroprotective or even neurorestorative treatment of PD. Thus, searching for and characterizing trophic factors are highly important approaches to degenerative diseases. CDNF (cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor) and MANF (mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor) are secreted proteins that constitute a novel, evolutionarily conserved neurotrophic factor family expressed in vertebrates and invertebrates. The present study investigated the neuroprotective and restorative effects of human CDNF and MANF in rats with unilateral partial lesion of dopamine neurons by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) using both behavioral (amphetamine-induced rotation) and immunohistochemical analyses. We also investigated the distribution and transportation profiles of intrastriatally injected CDNF and MANF in rats. Intrastriatal CDNF and MANF protected nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons when administered six hours before or four weeks after the neurotoxin 6-OHDA. More importantly, the function of the lesioned nigrostriatal dopaminergic system was partially restored even when the neurotrophic factors were administered four weeks after 6-OHDA. A 14-day continuous infusion of CDNF but not of MANF restored the function of the midbrain neural circuits controlling movement when initiated two weeks after unilateral injection of 6-OHDA. Continuous infusion of CDNF also protected dopaminergic TH-positive cell bodies from toxin-induced degeneration in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) and fibers in the striatum. When injected into the striatum, CDNF and GDNF had similar transportation profiles from the striatum to the SNpc; thus CDNF may act via the same nerve tracts as GDNF. Intrastriatal MANF was transported to cortical areas which may reflect a mechanism of neurorestorative action that is different from that of CDNF and GDNF. CDNF and MANF were also shown to distribute more readily than GDNF. In conclusion, CDNF and MANF are potential therapeutic proteins for the treatment of PD.


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The purpose of this research was to study the bilingual class students attitudes toward schoolwork, studying in English and their attitudes toward ethnic diversity. Bilingualism has been shown to promote a person s cultural knowledge and to increase one s cultural tolerance. Also, it has been proven that young people are among the most receptive toward ethnic diversity. Students in bilingual classes have often lived abroad, travelled extensively, or have had contacts with different cultures through their parents work. This thesis seeks to clarify whether bilingualism has an effect on lower and upper graders intercultural competence. Also, it seeks to determine what the students think about their English language skills and what their abilities are to tolerate cultural differences. The research was carried out in one of Espoo Finland schools grades 4 to 9 in December 2008. One hundred fourteen (114) students participated in the research. Students answered the questions on a form where they were asked to submit their background information and answer which language they prefer in studying the school subjects. Students were also asked to choose from 18 pictures with ethnically different persons, telling which ones could be their friends and which ones they wished not to meet, as well as stating the reasons why. Also, the students answered to Likert-scale questions concerning their English studies and interculturalism. The data has been processed with qualitative and quantitative methods. The results show that the study language is not significant. Most of the students experienced studying in a bilingual class as a positive thing, and thought highly about their English skills. The students positive attitudes toward ethnic diversity and intercultural sensitivity were present in their answers. Tolerance and intercultural competence was especially noticeable in the written explanations by the older students.


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keywords: Enlightenment, Northern countries, Finland, Russia, Scotland In the 36 th edition of the almanac "Philosophical Age" published materials of international symposium «The Northern Lights - Facets of Enlightenment Culture», (held September 25-26, 2009) in The Aleksanteri Institute the University of Helsinki. Contents: Vesa Oittinen Between Radicalism and Utilitarianism — On the Profile of the Finnish Enlightenment Tatiana Artemyeva The Status of Intellectual Values in the Russian Enlightenment Oili Pulkkinen The Cosmopolitan Experience, Theoretical Histories and the Universal Science of the Scottish Enlightenment Аlla Zlatopolskaya L’autocritique des Lumières chez Rousseau et le rousseauisme russe Johannes Remy Alexander Radishchev, Ethical Consuming, and North American Quakers Kimmo Sarje Anders Chydenius and Radical Swedish Enlightenment Johan Sten Anders Johan Lexell: A Finnish Astronomer at St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and His European Contacts Mikhail Mikeshin A Russian Adam Smith in French Style: An Example of the Transfer of Ideas Larisa Agamalian The Library of an Enlightened Russian Landowner