811 resultados para Satisfaction with supervision
Most cochlear implant (CI) users, who suffer from post lingual hearing loss, are able to perceive sounds and comprehend speech after the implant. The prediction of maximal benefit over time, with the use of CI, can be useful for counseling patients about their expectations in using the new device. The measurement of satisfaction should be of primary interest in medical intervention, as the results may be used for intervention feedback. The purpose of this study is to analyze auditory performance of CI over time, as well as to evaluate users‟ satisfaction. Therefore two types of study designs were employed: a) retrospective cohort study with the analysis of medical records from 59 subjects about auditory performance before and after surgery. Results were submitted to the Kaplan -Meier estimator of cumulative probability and compared to prognostic factors of auditory performance using the logrank test. b) A sectional study design was conducted to evaluate the satisfaction of 51 subjects. The instrument consists of two specific questionnaires: Satisfaction with Amplification in Daily Life SADL and International Outcome Inventory Cochlear Implant IOI- CI. Results show statistical significant differences (p<0,001) in auditory performance before and after CI. The majority obtained satisfactory results of CI use during the first six months. Logrank tests does not indicate significant correlation between the analyzed covariates and the time in which adequate speech perception occurs. SADL e IOI-CI questionnaires indicate that most of the CI users are satisfied with their devices. The SADL detected a 27, 5% insatisfaction amongst CI users in relation to services and costs involved with the CI. The results of the IOI show 4% of insatisfaction with the use of CI and the social environment. In conclusion CI is capable to rehabilitate social auditory function in a short period of time and CI users demonstrate satisfaction with auditory, social and psychological gain offered through CI device
This dissertation aims to analyze the causal relationship between the quality of tourist services, satisfaction with the attributes and globally, fidelity and image of tourist destinations. Therefore, it was conducted an exploratory, descriptive research with quantitative analytical approach. Data collection was performed by a questionnaire addressed to tourists at the Augusto Severo International Airport and Bus station of Natal, the main points of entry and exit of tourists. The composition was simple random sampling by reaching the final number of 400 tourists interviewed. Among the main results, is an assessment of the quality of the components of the destination. It was noted that nine are the dimensions of perceived quality of tourism products and services of ―Sun and Sand‖ segment, that is, Beaches and Facilities, Public Equipment, Catering Services, Transportation, Hotel Equipment, Hotel Services, Entertainment & Attractions, Access to the Hotel and Hospitality. Moreover, it was concluded that the Preview Tourism Destination Image has little direct influence in the Consumer Satisfaction, and only indirectly in the Post-Purchase Behavior. While the Complex Tourism Destination Image exerts strong and direct influence on both factors, in the Customer Satisfaction Process and Loyalty, the dimensions of quality also claimed to be strongly influences both factors
This work is a study of strategic management of catering establishments in the tourist route from Natal, through the study of the strategic profile of the manager and the level of satisfaction with the quality of services offered. Identifies the strategic profile prevalent in the studied sector, measures the level of customer satisfaction with services and associate the two constructs to distinguish the services of strategic profile. Uses population of 33 restaurants, built for convenience, from a list composed establishments associated with the Brazilian Association of Bars and Restaurants - ABRASEL, Veja magazine Christmas food and drink 2011/2012 and information from the natives. It presents statistical methodology used for descriptive bivariate analysis complemented by quantitative data. The quantitative characteristics of the population shows non-normality checked by the Shapiro-Wilks. Used the Kruskal-Wallis test for the realization of the association of variables and the Mann-Whitney test to perform post-test. It shows the strategic profile prevalent in the sector of restoration in Natal is the analyzer, although other types were detected. Notes that the level of satisfaction with the quality of service is getting a high score approximately 5 points in a 6-point Likert scale. Demonstrates that the client can tell the quality of services between the different strategic profiles. Identifies distinction between services provided by prospector profile compared to other profiles, indicating the size as the tangible aspects that presents noticeable difference. Certifies that these variables affect the environment of the restaurant in the building of strategic profile and reflect on the service provided. Concludes that the quality of services provided by catering establishments is influenced by the type of establishment and strategic profile of the study of this relation to establishments offering development opportunities and improving the quality of their services
Objective: To associate changes of body composition, muscle strength (MS) and plasma hormones (PH) in resistance-training protocol in sedentary postmenopausal women (PMW).Design: This randomized controlled trial, Brazilian 43 PMW (45-70-year-old) able for physical exercises were selected after they have accomplished medical and ethical criteria. They were assigned in two groups: RT, resistance training (n = 22); and CT, not trained control (n = 2 1); with supervision sessions of two to three exercise for large and one exercise for smaller groups in three series of 8-12 rep. (60-80% 1RM) for each exercise. The training period lasted 16 weeks and was preceded by low-load exercise (40-50% 1RM) adaptation period of 4 weeks (3/(times week)). Body weight, height, body mass index (BMI), and composition (BIA) along with fast-PH (FSH, LH, estrachol, cortisol, IGF-1 and testosterone) were assessed before (MO) and after (M 16) the 4 weeks period with the MS (1RM) determined also at 8 weeks (W). The values were correlated by Person's test and the means compared by Student's t-test and ANOVA.Results: At baseline both groups were similar in age, time of PMW, body composition, MS and fast-PH. However after 16 weeks, RT presented higher BMI (2. 1 %), IGF- 1 (37.8%) and MM gain (1.8 +/- 0.8 kg) than CT. MM correlated positively with IGF-1 (r = 0.45, p < 0.05) and MS progressively increased in all exercise greater in pectoral than legs and upper arms.Conclusion: Former sedentary postmenopausal women submitted to resistance training gained MM and MS irrespectively of fat mass changes but significantly associated with IGF-1 increase. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study aimed at evaluating and describing the QoL and its association with the severity of disease among Brazilian Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. In this cross-sectional study 68 PD patients were interviewed using the World Health Organization Quality of Life instrument Short Form (WHOQOL-BREF) and the Hoehn-Yahr (HY) scale. Analysis of variance, chi(2), Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U-tests, Spearman and Cronbach reliability coefficients were used to analyze the data. The results indicate: (1) physical capacity was the domain that showed the most deterioration; (2) severity of PD is associated with QoL measured by WHOQOL-BREF; (3) overall QoL, working capacity, activities of daily living (ADL) and self-esteem are affected in both transitional periods in the progression of PD (mild to moderate and moderate to advanced). Satisfaction with general health, pain, energy, positive feelings, personal relationship and satisfaction with home are affected in the first period of transition while mobility, body image, sexual activity and access to information are affected in the second. This study mainly shows specific facets that are affected depending on the specific periods of PD progression, which can help to understand the impact of the disease, the effectiveness of care, and the demand for health care resources. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
There is a poor association between the dentist's evaluation of denture quality and patients' satisfaction with their dentures. Possible differences between dental professionals and patients' expectations might help explain differences in outcome evaluations. This study compared scores given by a dentist, a dental technician and patients for their expectations before and their final evaluation after complete dentures treatment. Twenty completely edentulous patients, a prosthodontist and a dental technician provided scores for the expected aesthetic and functional results of their dentures based on a visual analogue scale at baseline. Post-treatment completion ratings were given after adjustments, by dentist and patients. The dental technician provided post-treatment completion ratings after completing the dentures. The patients had higher expectations than the dental technician and the dentist perceived for both aesthetic and function (P < 0.001). The patients also presented higher post-treatment completion ratings than the dental professionals perceived for final aesthetics (P = 0.016, Kendall's W = 0.207). and function (P = 0.002, Kendall's W = 0.303). Only the dentist presented a statistically significant difference between expectations (lower) and final (higher) outcomes for aesthetics (P = 0.017) and function (P = 0.003). There was no correlation between expectations and post-treatment completion ratings according to the patients' age. There was also no correlation between the patients' gender and expectation scores. Patients presented higher expectations regarding their dentures than dental professionals. The dentist believed that dentures would bring fewer benefits than patients did, but his perception of denture benefits post-treatment was significantly higher than his expectations.
Background: To assess satisfaction with the weekly transdermal contraceptive patch, compared to the previous contraceptive method. Adhesion, cycle control, safety and efficacy were secondary outcomes. Methods: A multicenter, open label, descriptive study. Subjects received the weekly transdermal contraceptive patch for 6 cycles. At the baseline and after the 1 st, 3 rd and 6 th cycles, satisfaction with the method was assessed. The contraceptive efficacy was assessed by the Pearl Index and by life table analysis. Results: An ITT analysis was performed with 494 subjects. At the endpoint, 95.3% of women were satisfied with the patch compared to the previous method; 59.5%, 58.0% and 63.2% of women reported improvement in the physical and emotional well-being, and pre-menstrual symptoms, respectively. Pre-menstrual symptoms frequency decreased from 85.0% (CI 95%: 80.8-87.4%) to 55.0% (CI 95%: 49.9-66.0%). There was a significant increase in hemoglobin levels, and also a significant decrease in total serum cholesterol and tryglicerides.. There were no significant adverse events. The adjusted Pearl Index was 1.1 pregnancies per 100 women-years. Conclusions: The weekly contraceptive transdermal patch is a safe and effective method, and there was a high rate of satisfaction with its use among brazilian women. The patch was associated to a good cycle control, with easiness of use, improvement in the physical and emotional well-being and improvement in the premenstrual symptoms and lipid profile. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora. Todos os direitos reservados.
Using the motivograma and interviews the degree of motivation of the survey participants was defined as satisfactory. On one hand there is satisfaction with the physiological needs, self-esteem and self confidence, on the other there is high dissatisfaction with the association and self-realization, justifying the request for strengthening the membership and performance improvements in the research area. Linking up security and association with the other ones group protection sentiments and work environment dependence sentiments prevail. It was concluded that: (1) Those satisfied ones declare that they are safe, protected and with good self-esteem doing their teaching work. The ones dissatisfied with the non-group belonging demonstrate dissatisfaction with the self-realization and expose their difficulties with social ties and the lack of integration in the teaching work. (3) The degree of motivation satisfactory is related to the satisfaction of basic needs, located in the first steps of Maslow's hierarchy. Accepting that the changes in higher education require motivated behaviors, the question arises: how can the motivation in teaching work be possible if the majority of organizations do not find a way to deal with the person of the Professor? Finally, the context of work is predominant in the provision of job satisfaction in teaching.
The laminate veneers are great choice for rehabilitation for anterior segment of the mouth. Actually, due the employment of dental cements and bonding to dentin, the uses of laminate veneers is an effective and conservative treatment, showing a high rate success rate. This paper presents a clinical case of 50 years old male, J.C.H, who have a chief complaint of an unattractive smile. After the diagnosis and planning, 10 laminate veneers were placed from the second bicuspid (15) to the second bicuspid (25). The correct indication of laminate veneers allows restorations with appropriate esthetic and patient's satisfaction with immediate effect on quality of life. © 2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB
Pós-graduação em Reabilitação Oral - FOAR