Die vorliegende Dissertation dient dazu, das Verständnis des Ladungstransportes in organischen Solarzellen zu vertiefen. Mit Hilfe von Computersimulationen wird die Bewegung von Ladungsträgern in organischen Materialien rekonstruiert, und zwar ausgehend von den quantenmechanischen Prozessen auf mikroskopischer Ebene bis hin zur makroskopischen Skala, wo Ladungsträgermobilitäten quantifizierbar werden. Auf Grundlage dieses skalenübergreifenden Ansatzes werden Beziehungen zwischen der chemischen Struktur organischer Moleküle und der makroskopischen Mobilität hergestellt (Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen), die zu der Optimierung photovoltaischer Wirkungsgrade beitragen. Das Simulationsmodell beinhaltet folgende drei Schlüsselkomponenten. Erstens eine Morphologie, d. h. ein atomistisch aufgelöstes Modell der molekularen Anordnung in dem untersuchten Material. Zweitens ein Hüpfmodell des Ladungstransportes, das Ladungswanderung als eine Abfolge von Ladungstransferreaktionen zwischen einzelnen Molekülen beschreibt. Drittens ein nichtadiabatisches Modell des Ladungstransfers, das Übergangsraten durch drei Parameter ausdrückt: Reorganisationsenergien, Lageenergien und Transferintegrale. Die Ladungstransport-Simulationen richten sich auf die Materialklasse der dicyanovinyl-substituierten Oligothiophene und umfassen Morphologien von Einkristallen, Dünnschichten sowie amorphen/smektischen Mesophasen. Ein allgemeiner Befund ist, dass die molekulare Architektur, bestehend aus einer Akzeptor-Donor-Akzeptor-Sequenz und einem flexiblen Oligomergerüst, eine erhebliche Variation molekularer Dipolmomente und damit der Lageenergien bewirkt. Diese energetische Unordnung ist ungewöhnlich hoch in den Kristallen und umso höher in den Mesophasen. Für die Einkristalle wird beobachtet, dass Kristallstrukturen mit ausgeprägter π-Stapelung und entsprechend großer Transferintegrale zu verhältnismäßig niedrigen Mobilitäten führen. Dieses Verhalten wird zurückgeführt auf die Ausbildung bevorzugter Transportrichtungen, die anfällig für energetische Störungen sind. Für die Dünnschichten bestätigt sich diese Argumentation und liefert ein mikroskopisches Verständnis für experimentelle Mobilitäten. In der Tat korrelieren die Simulationsergebnisse sowohl mit gemessenen Mobilitäten als auch mit photovoltaischen Wirkungsgraden. Für die amorphen/smektischen Systeme steigt die energetische Unordnung mit der Oligomerlänge, sie führt aber auch zu einer unerwarteten Mobilitätsabnahme in dem stärker geordneten smektischen Zustand. Als Ursache dafür erweist sich, dass die smektische Schichtung der räumlichen Korrelation der energetischen Unordnung entgegensteht.
Die organische Halbleitertechnologie befindet sich seit Jahrzehnten im Focus des Interesses, da sie eine kostengünstige und umweltverträgliche Alternative zu anorganischen Silizium-basierten Halbleitern darstellt. Die Möglichkeit der gezielten Funktionalisierung von definierten Strukturen durch synthetische Methoden, welche eine große Vielfalt an Materialien ermöglicht, steht dabei besonders im Vordergrund. Die Modifikation von physikalischen Eigenschaften ermöglicht dabei eine stark erleichterte Anpassung für den geplanten Anwendungsbereich. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden organische Halbleitermaterialien basierend auf Cyclopenta[2,1-b:3,4-b']dithiophen (CDT) dargestellt und hinsichtlich ihrer strukturellen und elektronischen Eigenschaften untersucht. In Kombination mit Benzo[c][1,2,5]thiadiazol (BTZ) und weiteren Akzeptoren wurden zunächst Donor(D)-Akzeptor(A)-Polymere synthetisiert und Struktur-Eigenschaft-Beziehungen aufgestellt. So konnte ein sehr hochmolekulares Polymer CDT-BTZ-Polymer (Mn = 36 kg mol-1, PDI = 2.6) erhalten werden, welches sich durch eine hohe lamellare Ordnung und eine gemessene Ladungsträgermobilität in FETs von über 5.0 cm2V-1s-1 bei Raumtemperatur auszeichnete; bei niedrigen Temperaturen (240 K) war letztgenannte 6.5 cm2V-1s-1. Aufgrund dieses hohen Ladungstransports und der Abwesenheit niedermolekularer Polymerketten innerhalb des Polymers konnte erstmals eine Messung eines HALL-Effektes bewerkstelligt werden. Dies war der erste Beweis eines Band-artigen Ladungstransportes an einem Polymerhalbleiter. Des Weiteren wurde durch synthetische Veränderung der Grundstruktur des Polymers zu längeren Alkylketten eine anisotrope Anordnung der Polymerketten erreicht und die Ladungsträgermobilität (6.5 cm2V-1s-1 bei Raumtemperatur) weiter gesteigert. Darauf aufbauend wurde der Einfluss von stereoisomeren Seitenketten an CDT-BTZ-Polymeren auf Packungsverhalten, Parametern (Sperrstrom, Einschaltstrom) in FETs und Löslichkeit in organischen Lösungsmitteln untersucht. Durch cis-trans-Isomerisierung der Seitenketten wurde hier eine neue Methode zur Optimierung des Packungsverhaltens von Polymeren in dünnen Filmen und Lösung gefunden. Zuletzt wurden D-π-A-Farbstoffen, welche CDT als Verbrückungseinheit (π) beinhalten, dargestellt. Durch Variation von D und A konnten Struktur-Eigenschaft-Beziehungen in der Anwendung in Solarzellen (Feststoffsolarzellen, Flüssigsolarzellen) gefunden werden. Die Untersuchungen der photoinduzierten Absorption und der Photolumisenzenzquantenausbeute lieferten dabei Erklärungen für physikalische Prozesse wie Ladungsinjektion- und rekombination.
Herzwirksame Glykoside sind in der Natur sowohl im Tier- als auch im Pflanzenreich zu finden und werden regelmäßig zur Therpaie von Herzinsuffizienz eingesetzt. In letzter Zeit belegten viele Studien, dass herzwirksame Glykoside vielversprechende Substanzen für die Behandlung von Krebs darstellen. Ihr Wirkmechanismus basiert auf der Hemmung der Na+/K+-ATPase. Die Na+/K+-ATPase spielt neuerdings eine wichtige Rolle in der Krebsbiologie, da sie viele relevante Signalwege beeinflusst. Multiresistenzen gegen Arzneimittel sind oftmals verantwortlich für das Scheitern einer Chemotherapie. Bei multi-drug-resistenten Tumoren erfolgt ein Transport der Chemotherapeutika aus der Krebszelle hinaus durch das Membranprotein P-Glykoprotein. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Zytotoxizität von 66 herzwirksamen Glykosiden und ihren Derivaten in sensitiven und resistenten Leukämie-Zellen getestet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass diese Naturstoffe die Zell-Linien in verschiedenen molaren Bereichen abtöten. Allerdings waren die Resistenz-Indizes niedrig (d. h. die IC50 Werte waren in beiden Zell-Linien ähnlich). Die untersuchten 66 Substanzen besitzen eine große Vielfalt an chemischen Substituenten. Die Wirkung dieser Substituenten auf die Zytotoxizität wurde daher durch Struktur-Aktivitäts-Beziehung (SAR) erforscht. Des Weiteren wiesen quantitative Struktur-Aktivitäts-Beziehung (QSAR) und molekulares Docking darauf hin, dass die Na+/K+-ATPase in sensitiven und resistenten Zellen unterschiedlich stark exprimiert wird. Eine Herunterregulation der Na+/K+-ATPase in multi-drug-resistenten Zellen wurde durch Western Blot bestätigt und die Wirkung dieser auf relevante Signalwege durch Next-Generation-Sequenzierung weiter verfolgt. Dadurch konnte eine Verbindung zwischen der Überexpression von P-Glykoprotein und der Herunterregulation der Na+/K+-ATPase hergestellt werden. Der zweite Aspekt der Arbeit war die Hemmung von P-Glykoprotein durch herzwirksame Glykoside, welche durch Hochdurchsatz-Durchflusszytometrie getestet wurde. Sechs wirksame Glykoside konnten den P-Glykoprotein-vermittelten Transport von Doxorubicin inhibieren. Zudem konnte die Zytotoxität von Doxorubicin in multi-drug-resistenten Zellen teilweise wieder zurück erlangt werden. Unabhängig von herzwirksamen Glykosiden war die Bewertung der Anwendung von molekularem Docking in der P-Glykoprotein Forschung ein weiterer Aspekt der Arbeit. Es ließ sich schlussfolgern, dass molekulares Docking fähig ist, zwischen den verschiedenen Molekülen zu unterscheiden, die mit P-Glykoprotein interagieren. Die Anwendbarkeit von molekularem Docking in Bezug auf die Bestimmung der Bindestelle einer Substanz wurde ebenfalls untersucht.
Binding of hydrophobic chemicals to colloids such as proteins or lipids is difficult to measure using classical microdialysis methods due to low aqueous concentrations, adsorption to dialysis membranes and test vessels, and slow kinetics of equilibration. Here, we employed a three-phase partitioning system where silicone (polydimethylsiloxane, PDMS) serves as a third phase to determine partitioning between water and colloids and acts at the same time as a dosing device for hydrophobic chemicals. The applicability of this method was demonstrated with bovine serum albumin (BSA). Measured binding constants (K(BSAw)) for chlorpyrifos, methoxychlor, nonylphenol, and pyrene were in good agreement with an established quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR). A fifth compound, fluoxypyr-methyl-heptyl ester, was excluded from the analysis because of apparent abiotic degradation. The PDMS depletion method was then used to determine partition coefficients for test chemicals in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) liver S9 fractions (K(S9w)) and blood plasma (K(bloodw)). Measured K(S9w) and K(bloodw) values were consistent with predictions obtained using a mass-balance model that employs the octanol-water partition coefficient (K(ow)) as a surrogate for lipid partitioning and K(BSAw) to represent protein binding. For each compound, K(bloodw) was substantially greater than K(S9w), primarily because blood contains more lipid than liver S9 fractions (1.84% of wet weight vs 0.051%). Measured liver S9 and blood plasma binding parameters were subsequently implemented in an in vitro to in vivo extrapolation model to link the in vitro liver S9 metabolic degradation assay to in vivo metabolism in fish. Apparent volumes of distribution (V(d)) calculated from the experimental data were similar to literature estimates. However, the calculated binding ratios (f(u)) used to relate in vitro metabolic clearance to clearance by the intact liver were 10 to 100 times lower than values used in previous modeling efforts. Bioconcentration factors (BCF) predicted using the experimental binding data were substantially higher than the predicted values obtained in earlier studies and correlated poorly with measured BCF values in fish. One possible explanation for this finding is that chemicals bound to proteins can desorb rapidly and thus contribute to metabolic turnover of the chemicals. This hypothesis remains to be investigated in future studies, ideally with chemicals of higher hydrophobicity.
Glycopeptide dendrimers as Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm inhibitors. Glycopeptide dendrimers are being developed for inhibition of pathogen adhesion to host cells, a process mediated by carbohydrate-lectins interactions. Such compounds could be used in the treatment of infections by pathogenic bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa that can be resistant to known antibiotics. Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces two lectins, the fucose binding LecB and the galactose binding LecA. Both lectins have been shown to be virulence factors, involved in cell adhesion and biofilms formation. Screening combinatorial libraries of fucosylated peptide dendrimers led to the glycopeptide dendrimer (C-Fuc-LysProLeu)4(LysPheLysIle)2 LysHisIleNH2. This dendrimer binds the lectin LecB with submicromolar IC50 and shows potent inhibition of P. aeruginosa biofilms for both the laboratory strain PAO1 and for clinical isolates [1]. Appending the peptide dendrimer portion of FD2 with galactosy endgroups gave galactosylpeptide dendrimers as potent ligands for LecA which also act as biofilm inhibitors. Structure-activity relationship studies demonstrated that multivalency was essential for strong binding and biofilm inhibition. [2]The results open the way to develop therapeutic agents based on glycopeptide dendrimers. Peptide dendrimers with antimicrobial properties and good cell penetration are other applications of dendritic peptides we are now investigating.
Snake venoms are complex mixtures of biologically active proteins and peptides. Many affect haemostasis by activating or inhibiting coagulant factors or platelets, or by disrupting endothelium. Snake venom components are classified into various families, such as serine proteases, metalloproteinases, C-type lectin-like proteins, disintegrins and phospholipases. Snake venom C-type lectin-like proteins have a typical fold resembling that in classic C-type lectins such as the selectins and mannose-binding proteins. Many snake venom C-type lectin-like proteins have now been characterized, as heterodimeric structures with alpha and beta subunits that often form large molecules by multimerization. They activate platelets by binding to VWF or specific receptors such as GPIb, alpha2beta1 and GPVI. Simple heterodimeric GPIb-binding molecules mainly inhibit platelet functions, whereas multimeric ones activate platelets. A series of tetrameric snake venom C-type lectin-like proteins activates platelets by binding to GPVI while another series affects platelet function via integrin alpha2beta1. Some act by inducing VWF to bind to GPIb. Many structures of these proteins, often complexed with their ligands, have been determined. Structure-activity studies show that these proteins are quite complex despite similar backbone folding. Snake C-type lectin-like proteins often interact with more than one platelet receptor and have complex mechanisms of action.
BACKGROUND: T-cell-mediated hypersensitivity is a rare but serious manifestation of drug therapy. OBJECTIVES: To explore the mechanisms of drug presentation to T cells and the possibility that generation of metabolite-specific T cells may provoke cross-sensitization between drugs. METHODS: A lymphocyte transformation test was performed on 13 hypersensitive patients with carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, and carbamazepine metabolites. Serial dilution experiments were performed to generate drug (metabolite)-specific T-cell clones to explore the structural basis of the T-cell response and mechanisms of antigen presentation. 3-Dimensional energy-minimized structures were generated by using computer modeling. The role of drug metabolism was analyzed with 1-aminobenzotriazole. RESULTS: Lymphocytes and T-cell clones proliferated with carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, and some (carbamazepine 10,11 epoxide, 10-hydroxy carbamazepine) but not all stable carbamazepine metabolites. Structure activity studies using 29 carbamazepine (metabolite)-specific T-cell clones revealed 4 patterns of drug recognition, which could be explained by generation of preferred 3-dimensional structural conformations. T cells were stimulated by carbamazepine (metabolites) bound directly to MHC in the absence of processing. The activation threshold for T-cell proliferation varied between 5 minutes and 4 hours. 1-Aminobenzotriazole, which inhibits cytochrome P450 activity, did not prevent carbamazepine-related T-cell proliferation. Substitution of the terminal amine residue of carbamazepine with a methyl group diminished T-cell proliferation. CONCLUSION: These data show that carbamazepine and certain stable carbamazepine metabolites stimulate T cells rapidly via a direct interaction with MHC and specific T-cell receptors. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Some patients with a history of carbamazepine hypersensitivity possess T cells that cross-react with oxcarbazepine, providing a rationale for cross-sensitivity between the 2 drugs.
Heterogeneous materials are ubiquitous in nature and as synthetic materials. These materials provide unique combination of desirable mechanical properties emerging from its heterogeneities at different length scales. Future structural and technological applications will require the development of advanced light weight materials with superior strength and toughness. Cost effective design of the advanced high performance synthetic materials by tailoring their microstructure is the challenge facing the materials design community. Prior knowledge of structure-property relationships for these materials is imperative for optimal design. Thus, understanding such relationships for heterogeneous materials is of primary interest. Furthermore, computational burden is becoming critical concern in several areas of heterogeneous materials design. Therefore, computationally efficient and accurate predictive tools are highly essential. In the present study, we mainly focus on mechanical behavior of soft cellular materials and tough biological material such as mussel byssus thread. Cellular materials exhibit microstructural heterogeneity by interconnected network of same material phase. However, mussel byssus thread comprises of two distinct material phases. A robust numerical framework is developed to investigate the micromechanisms behind the macroscopic response of both of these materials. Using this framework, effect of microstuctural parameters has been addressed on the stress state of cellular specimens during split Hopkinson pressure bar test. A voronoi tessellation based algorithm has been developed to simulate the cellular microstructure. Micromechanisms (microinertia, microbuckling and microbending) governing macroscopic behavior of cellular solids are investigated thoroughly with respect to various microstructural and loading parameters. To understand the origin of high toughness of mussel byssus thread, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based optimization framework has been developed. It is found that two different material phases (collagens) of mussel byssus thread are optimally distributed along the thread. These applications demonstrate that the presence of heterogeneity in the system demands high computational resources for simulation and modeling. Thus, Higher Dimensional Model Representation (HDMR) based surrogate modeling concept has been proposed to reduce computational complexity. The applicability of such methodology has been demonstrated in failure envelope construction and in multiscale finite element techniques. It is observed that surrogate based model can capture the behavior of complex material systems with sufficient accuracy. The computational algorithms presented in this thesis will further pave the way for accurate prediction of macroscopic deformation behavior of various class of advanced materials from their measurable microstructural features at a reasonable computational cost.
A large number of drugs and biologically relevant molecules contain heterocyclic systems. Often the presence of hetero atoms or groupings imparts preferential specificities in their biological responses. Amongst the heterocyclic systems, thiazolidine is a biologically important scaffold known to be associated with several biological activities. Some of the prominent biological responses attributed to this skeleton are antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antihistaminic, hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory activities. This diversity in the biological response profiles of thiazolidine has attracted the attention of many researchers to explore this skeleton to its multiple potential against several activities. Many of these synthetic and biological explorations have been subsequently analyzed in detailed quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) studies to correlate the respective structural features and physicochemical properties with the activities to identify the important structural components in deciding their activity behavior. In this, drugs or any biologically active molecules may be viewed as structural frames consisting of strategically positioned functional groups that will interact effectively with the complementary groups/sites of the receptor. With this in focus, the present article reviews the QSAR studies of diverse biological activities of the thiazolidines published during the past decade.
2-Aminoethyl diphenylborinate (2-APB) is a known modulator of the IP3 receptor, the calcium ATPase SERCA, the calcium release-activated calcium channel Orai and TRP channels. More recently, it was shown that 2-APB is an efficient inhibitor of the epithelial calcium channel TRPV6 which is overexpressed in prostate cancer. We have conducted a structure-activity relationship study of 2-APB congeners to understand their inhibitory mode of action on TRPV6. Whereas modifying the aminoethyl moiety did not significantly change TRPV6 inhibition, substitution of the phenyl rings of 2-APB did. Our data show that the diaryl borinate moiety is required for biological activity and that the substitution pattern of the aryl rings can influence TRPV6 versus SOCE inhibition. We have also discovered that 2-APB is hydrolyzed and transesterified within minutes in solution.
SSE1 and SSE2 encode the essential yeast members of the Hsp70-related Hsp110 molecular chaperone family. Both mammalian Hsp110 and the Sse proteins functionally interact with cognate cytosolic Hsp70s as nucleotide exchange factors. We demonstrate here that Sse1 forms high-affinity (Kd approximately 10-8 M) heterodimeric complexes with both yeast Ssa and mammalian Hsp70 chaperones and that binding of ATP to Sse1 is required for binding to Hsp70s. Sse1.Hsp70 heterodimerization confers resistance to exogenously added protease, indicative of conformational changes in Sse1 resulting in a more compact structure. The nucleotide binding domains of both Sse1/2 and the Hsp70s dictate interaction specificity and are sufficient for mediating heterodimerization with no discernible contribution from the peptide binding domains. In support of a strongly conserved functional interaction between Hsp110 and Hsp70, Sse1 is shown to associate with and promote nucleotide exchange on human Hsp70. Nucleotide exchange activity by Sse1 is physiologically significant, as deletion of both SSE1 and the Ssa ATPase stimulatory protein YDJ1 is synthetically lethal. The Hsp110 family must therefore be considered an essential component of Hsp70 chaperone biology in the eukaryotic cell.
The aim of this dissertation was to examine the hypothesis that (R)-nipecotic acid ethyl ester ((R)-NAEE) is a cholinergic agonist that is selective for a particular subclass (M$\sb1$ or M$\sb2$) of muscarinic receptors.^ Ligand binding studies indicated that like cholinergic agonists (R)-NAEE selectively interacts with rat heart (M$\sb2$) and brain (M$\sb1$) muscarinic binding sites. Physiological studies revealed that unlike cholinergic agonists (R)-NAEE stimulated only those responses coupled to M$\sb2$ muscarinic receptors (acid secretion, negative inotropic response, smooth muscle contraction). Moreover, in rat brain (R)-NAEE differentiated between M$\sb2$ receptors negatively coupled to adenylate cyclase activity and M$\sb1$ receptors mediating PI turnover, being a weak competitive antagonist at these latter sites. In isolated rat gastric mucosal cells (R)-NAEE also differentiated between two M$\sb2$ coupled responses where it potentiated acid secretion but could not stimulate PI turnover. Atropine, a selective antimuscarinic agent, competitively antagonized all agonist effects of (R)-NAEE.^ Unlike (R)-NAEE, the muscarinic agonist arecoline, which is structurally similar to (R)-NAEE, stimulates both M$\sb1$ and M$\sb2$ receptors. Structure activity studies revealed that saturation of the piperidine ring and the length of the ester side chain of (R)-NAEE are the most important determinants for both M$\sb2$ efficacy and selectivity.^ The results of this dissertation establish that (R)-NAEE is a cholinergic muscarinic receptor agonist that displays greater efficacy at M$\sb2$ than at M$\sb1$ receptors, being a weak antagonist at the M$\sb1$ site. With such selectivity, (R)-NAEE may be regarded as a prototype for a unique class of cholinergic muscarinic M$\sb2$ receptor agonists. Because of these unique properties, (R)-NAEE should be useful in the further characterization of muscarinic receptors, and could lead to the development of a new class of therapeutic agents. ^
Several natural products derived from entomopathogenic fungi have been shown to initiate neuronal differentiation in the rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cell line. After the successful completion of the total synthesis program, the reduction of structural complexity while retaining biological activity was targeted. In this study, farinosone C served as a lead structure and inspired the preparation of small molecules with reduced complexity, of which several were able to induce neurite outgrowth. This allowed for the elaboration of a detailed structure-activity relationship. Investigations on the mode of action utilizing a computational similarity ensemble approach suggested the involvement of the endocannabinoid system as potential target for our analogs and also led to the discovery of four potent new endocannabinoid transport inhibitors.
The widespread dietary plant sesquiterpene hydrocarbon β-caryophyllene (1) is a CB2 cannabinoid receptor-specific agonist showing anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects in vivo. Structural insights into the pharmacophore of this hydrocarbon, which lacks functional groups other than double bonds, are missing. A structure-activity study provided evidence for the existence of a well-defined sesquiterpene hydrocarbon binding site in CB2 receptors, highlighting its exquisite sensitivity to modifications of the strained endocyclic double bond of 1. While most changes on this element were detrimental for activity, ring-opening cross metathesis of 1 with ethyl acrylate followed by amide functionalization generated a series of new monocyclic amides (11a, 11b, 11c) that not only retained the CB2 receptor functional agonism of 1 but also reversibly inhibited fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), the major endocannabinoid degrading enzyme, without affecting monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) and α,β hydrolases 6 and 12. Intriguingly, further modification of this monocyclic scaffold generated the FAAH- and endocannabinoid substrate-specific cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) dual inhibitors 11e and 11f, which are probes with a novel pharmacological profile. Our study shows that by removing the conformational constraints induced by the medium-sized ring and by introducing functional groups in the sesquiterpene hydrocarbon 1, a new scaffold with pronounced polypharmacological features within the endocannabinoid system could be generated. The structural and functional repertoire of cannabimimetics and their yet poorly understood intrinsic promiscuity may be exploited to generate novel probes and ultimately more effective drugs.
In vitro incubation of acetylcholinesterase from brain tissue of several species with organophosphate compounds indicated that the concentrations required to inhibit 50% of acetylcholinesterase activity (IC(,50)) differed from species to species for the same compound (Murphy, et al., 1968; Andersen, et al., 1972, 1977 and 1978).^ The hypothesis that non-specific binding proteins (Lauwerys and Murphy, 1969a,b) exerts a protective effect on acetylcholinesterase, and thus cause the differences observed in IC(,50) studies was tested by a ('3)H-DFP binding experiment. It was found that differences in the amount of non-specific binding protein cannot explain the observed differences observed in IC(,50) studies.^ An alternative hypothesis, that acetylcholinesterase from different species have different affinities for binding and/or different rates of phosphorylation by organophosphate insecticides was tested by determining the apparent affinity constant (k(,a)) and apparent rate of phosphorylation (k(,p)). Kinetic studies indicated that acetylcholinesterases from different species have different sensitivities to inhibition by organophosphate insecticides, and the differences are due to different affinities for binding and/or different rates of phosphorylation by the same organophosphate compound.^ Studies of the spontaneous reactivation of acetylcholinesterase after inhibition by organophosphate insecticides also indicated that acetylcholinesterases from different species have different rates and extents of spontaneous reactivation. This further substantiates the hypothesis that acetylcholinesterases from different species have different kinetic characteristics with respect to organophosphate insecticides inhibition.^ Eleven paraoxon analogs were synthesized for a quantitative structure-activity relationship study. It was found that the electron-withdrawing power ((sigma)) and hydrophobicity ((PARAGR)) of the substituent are important in determining the anti-cholinesterase activity of paraoxon analogs. Thus, predictions of species differences in acetylcholinesterase sensitivities to paraoxon analogs can be made if the physicochemical parameters ((sigma) and (PARAGR)) of the substituents are known.^ In another approach, i.e. enzyme modeling, the sensitivity of rat brain acetylcholinesterase to organophosphate insecticides was used as the independent variable to predict the sensitivities of acetylcholinesterases from other species to the same compound. Regression equations were derived for each species based on nineteen organophosphate insecticides studied. It was found, that in addition to paraoxon analogs, this method is also applicable to other organophosphate compounds with wide variations in structure. Thus, the sensitivities of acetylcholinesterases from other species can also be predicted from the sensitivity of rat brain acetylcholinesterase. ^