968 resultados para SRS-1c
Ecology and dynamics of juvenile pink shrimp Penaeus duorarum were studied from weekly sampling in the Abidjan lagoon system. After a brief description of biogeography and principal features of climate, hydrology of Ebrié lagoon and Adiopodoumé bay were considered. Shrimp distribution were connected with the main environmental factors. Precise work was done in Adiopodoumé bay, especially concerning the succession of age classes, their growth on the nursery grounds, seasonal variation in abundance, size and distribution, in relation to environmental factors. These results, and former knowledges, allowed us to propose a general pattern for pink shrimp life history in Côte d'Ivoire.
Primary production rates in the Gulf the Guinea (east tropical Atlantic) were measured with in situ incubations. The extracellular organic carbon passed through 0.8 u pore size membrane filters averaged 29.5% of the carbon fixed by photosynthesis. These is a good linear correlation (r=0.86) between assimilation and organic excretion. The significance and limits of the method for the measurements of low rates of photosynthesis is discussed. The influence of ecological factors (nutrients, light and stability) cannot be demonstrated. The importance of bacterial regeneration processes by reutilization of algal extracellular products is assessed.
CRO dedicated this issue to Christian Champagnat with the view of attesting his important role in the development of African fisheries oceanography.
Von Bertalanffy's growth curve parameters K, L∞ and t'o have been estimated for female Penaeus duorarum by modal progression analysis, using the "successive maximums method" of Gheno and Le Guen (1968) for the polymodal size frequency curves analysis and the Tomlinson and Abrahamson's least squares method for parameters computations. For the male the authors used an original method to get an age/length key. The parameters were calculated by Gulland's graphical method (1969).
The analysis of the geographic and bathymetric distribution of Penaeus duorarum and, particularly P. d. notialis off Côte d'Ivoire and in its whole distribution area leads to the definition of the adult ecological requirements (temperature, salinity, grain size and sediment composition, organic matter) and the importance of the thermocline in the bathmetric distribution. The population structure study shows: (1) variations of size with depth, (2) variations of sex ratio, with size, depth and seasons.
The minimum spanning tree algorithm is used to classify two sets of planktonic copepod samples. This algorithm links the samples the distance of which is minimum, without doing a loop, so that the sum of the segment lengths is minimum. The authors estimated the distance between samples by 2 different ways: by a coefficient of association the Jaccard's index - and by the x2 distance. Jaccard's index is not retained but the use of the x2 distance allows comparison with the 'analyse factorielle des correspondances'. The results are discussed from an ecological point of view.
The authors give a picture of the average seasonal hydrographic situations over the Ivorian continental shelf using data provided by 26 cruises carried out from July 1969 to January 1972. They study meteorological conditions and the mechanism of setting of different types of hydrographic seasons defined as follows: a cold period related to an upwelling created by winds July to earlier October and a warm period divided in 2 parts in relation with haline variations: a low salinity period in November and December, and a high salinity period from January to May; this one sometimes cut off by short-timed drops in the temperature. Then precisions are given about seasonal and geographical variations using space-time diagrams: last, depth and intensity of the thermocline are examined.
Primary and secondary productions and nutrient regeneration in the Mauritanian upwelling area were studied by following a drogue for 9 days, from the point of upwelling till the water mass dives under offshore waters. The lag between phytoplanktonic bloom, zooplanktonic peak and bacterial activity is very short and may be explained by a well-settled biological cycle connected with an undercurrent. Organic production was estimated in two ways: (1) from chlorophyll 'a' values, considering a C/Chla ratio of 25 during the 5.5 day phytoplankton growth period, primary production computed by this method reaches 13.5 g C/m2; (2) from 14C values net primary production calculated for the same period reaches 10.5 g C/m2 and total organic production (net production + organic excretion) reaches 19.5 g C/m2. Organic production computed ratios, delta O/ delta C/ delta N/ delta Si/ delta P are equal to 130/43/11/7.4/1. Secondary production and 'grazing' are estimated from mesozooplankton respiration values and have a huge increase during the bloom. Net secondary production is assessed to be 1.0-4.2 g C/m2 for 6 days. Evidence of nutrient regeneration as ammonia, phosphate and silicate is given and regeneration rates are calculated. Zooplankton excretion plays an important part in nitrogen and phosphorus regeneration. Bacterial activity is induced by zooplankton organic excretion, then increased by phytoplankton decomposition at the end of the bloom.
Biomass and metabolic rates (total nitrogen and phosphorus excretion and respiration) were measured at 4 stations, representative of the lagoon environment, during high-water (Oct-Nov), dry (Dec-Jan) and rainy (July) seasons. In low-salinity waters (4o/oo) Acartia clausi is almost the only species, whereas a marine and diversified fauna is brought in from the ocean during the dry season. O/NT and O/PT atomic ratios between respiration (O) and total nitrogen (NT) and phosphorus (PT) excretions are high (15.1 and 111, respectively) and show a marked hydrocarbon feeding of zooplankton. Production was assessed from excretion via the net growth efficiency coefficient, K2 , calculated from N/P ratios for particles (a1), zooplankton excretion (a2) and constitution (a3). Daily productivity indices (i.e. daily production/biomass ratio) are high and equivalent to 1.2-3.8 day turn-over times. These high values may be ascribed to high temperatures (26.5-30 C) and phytoplankton richness (surface chlorophyll 'a' concentrations are always greater than 4 mg/m-3). Finally, the paper deals with trophic relationships between phyto- and zooplankton (ingestion /primary production ratio and transfer coefficient) and the question of relationships between zooplankton and predators.
Different catches per unit of effort available for industrial and artisanal sardinella fisheries of Senegal have been analysed and compared in order to determine whether they are acceptable indices of abundance. Among the four units of fishing effort studied (total number of sets, number of trips, time spent on fishing ground, searching time), the first and the second seem inadequate in the studied fleets. The two other units, particularly the searching time, allow the calculation of catches per unit of effort which best reflect variations in abundance, although they are not completely free of usual deficiencies.
In February-March 1971 the hydrological conditions off Angola did not display the thermal dome mapped by Mazeika's averages (1967). Cold water cells observed are connected at the surface to a sinuous boundary between low-salinity coastal waters and high-salinity tropical oceanic waters. That boundary coincides rather regularly with an area where trades and SW winds alternate; photosynthesis growths rapidly in a thermoclinal layer that rises until 10 m of the surface but never outcrops. Below a poor and permanent homogeneous surface layer, chlorophyll concentrations show a distribution which is typical of divergence areas. Geostrophical and measured currents show off a transient process in horizontal and vertical movements, however the general curvature of the circulation is propitious to upwelling. Oxygen oversaturations of about 110%, suggest a moderate potential primary production which confirms slowness and alternation of movements. Also, the regular range of the various chemical and biological levels and moderate chlorophyll concentrations suggest an ecosystem where nutrients supply rapidly equilibrate phytoplankton consumption and not at all a 'phytoplankton bloom' area as that which exists in coastal upwelling. Values of Richardson's number show that instability becomes visible at the bottom of the euphotic layer. An evaluation of the vertical motion is inferred by the peculiar distribution and diurnal alternance of the winds shows that 'doming' structures may be sustained by local meteorological events.
Cynoglossus canariensis has a very rapid growth. The rate of the males is 0,36 and the female one is 0,32. The asymptotic size is 55,0cm for the females and 50,5cm for the males. Females and males younger than three years (40cm), which represent 90 per cent of the Côte d'Ivoire stock have a similar growth, so the average equation: Lt=53,5 (1-e -0,34(t+1)) will be used.
Ethmalosa growth curves (calculated by the least squares method) were determined from weekly samplings in Ebrié Lagoon. In order to obtain more accurate results than with a modal decomposition, the author used directly the modal values of the samples. One-year-old ethmalosa is about 15 cm long (fork length). For older fish, growth data seem to be disturbed by migrations: fish measuring >25 cm do not appear in the lagoon. Ethmalosa would spend the first year of its life in the lagoon, where it hatches and reproduces, and would migrate to the sea during its second year.
A Deficiência Intelectual (DI) é uma condição complexa, que acomete 2-3% da população mundial, constituindo um importante problema de saúde pública. No entanto, uma parcela significativa dos casos de DI permanece sem um diagnóstico definitivo, o que demonstra que muitos fatores etiológicos associados a esta condição ainda precisam ser elucidados. Há um consenso de que o número de homens com DI supera em 30% o número de mulheres, um achado atribuído à presença de mutações em genes localizados no cromossomo X. Dentre os genes presentes neste cromossomo que são expressos no cérebro, o Jumonji AT-rich interactive domain 1C (JARID1C) foi identificado como um potencial candidato a estar relacionado à DI ligada ao X (DILX). O gene JARID1C codifica uma desmetilase da lisina 4 da histona H3 (H3K4), imprescindível para a regulação epigenética. Tão importante quanto o estudo do gene JARID1C em pacientes com DI é a busca por variações no número de cópias gênicas (VNCs) em regiões cromossômicas subteloméricas. Genes relacionados ao desenvolvimento cerebral são enriquecidos em VNCs e as regiões subteloméricas são mais susceptíveis à formação destes rearranjos. Diante do exposto, neste estudo, investigamos mutações no gene JARID1C (exons 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 14 e 23) em 148 homens portadores de DI pertencentes a famílias com padrão de segregação sugestivo de DILX. Paralelamente, analisamos VNCs subteloméricas em 174 homens com DI familiar de etiologia idiopática, independente do padrão de segregação. Para todos os indivíduos selecionados, amostras de DNA genômico foram extraídas a partir de sangue periférico e alterações genéticas frequentemente relacionadas à DI foram previamente excluídas (expansões trinucleotídicas nos loci FRAXA e FRAXE e mutações nos genes MECP2 e ARX). A análise do gene JARID1C foi realizada pela técnica de PCR, seguida da análise dos produtos amplificados por sequenciamento. Foram identificadas quatro variantes silenciosas (c.564G>A, c.633G>C, c.1884G>A, c.1902C>A). Através da análise in silico de sequências exônicas acentuadoras de splicing (ESEs) localizadas nas posições das variantes encontradas, foi possível classificar a variante c.1884G>A como neutra e as três variantes restantes como possíveis criadoras de ESEs. Já para a investigação das VNCs subteloméricas, foi utilizada a metodologia de Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA), capaz de identificar microdeleções e microduplicações nas 46 regiões subteloméricas. Para este fim, inicialmente, os indivíduos foram investigados pelo kit de MLPA P036, enquanto que para aqueles que exibiram alterações também foi utilizado o kit P070. A validação das VNCs encontradas foi realizada por PCR quantitativo em Tempo Real. A análise por MLPA revelou um indivíduo apresentando duas deleções (9p e 13q), um indivíduo apresentando duas amplificações (1p e 2p), dois indivíduos apresentando uma deleção e uma amplificação (18p e 18q; 4p e 8p), quatro indivíduos portadores de uma deleção cada (10p, 20p, 3q e 22q) e dois indivíduos com uma amplificação cada (7q e 20p). Algumas das alterações subteloméricas encontradas (2,87%) representam VNCs de relevância clínica para o estudo da DI, reforçando a importância do rastreamento de rotina de VNCs subteloméricas na DI familiar. Consideramos que a elucidação de novos genes ou mecanismos moleculares diretamente relacionados à DI é um caminho promissor e urgente para o estabelecimento de novas estratégias terapêuticas possíveis.
The essential aim of this study was to provide a broad foundation of biological knowledge upon which a programme of mussel utilization and management could be built. Results of the study are presented in three main sections. Part 1 describes the stock of Lake Kariba and Lake McIlwaine; part 2 describes various aspects of the breeding biology of the three species; and part 3 presents the results of morphological, biochemical and age analyses - aspects which are used for initial standing crop and production calculations. The final discussion concludes the thesis with a general examination in ecological terms of the factors which have influenced the development and nature of the mussel faunas of the two lakes under consideration.