987 resultados para SPIN-RESONANCE SIGNAL
The XSophe computer simulation software suite consisting of a daemon, the XSophe interface and the computational program Sophe is a state of the art package for the simulation of electron paramagnetic resonance spectra. The Sophe program performs the computer simulation and includes a number of new technologies including; the SOPHE partition and interpolation schemes, a field segmentation algorithm, homotopy, parallelisation and spectral optimisation. The SOPHE partition and interpolation scheme along with a field segmentation algorithm greatly increases the speed of simulations for most systems. Multidimensional homotopy provides an efficient method for accurately tracing energy levels and hence tracing transitions in the presence of energy level anticrossings and looping transitions and allowing computer simulations in frequency space. Recent enhancements to Sophe include the generalised treatment of distributions of orientational parameters, termed the mosaic misorientation linewidth model and a faster more efficient algorithm for the calculation of resonant field positions and transition probabilities. For complex systems the parallelisation enables the simulation of these systems on a parallel computer and the optimisation algorithms in the suite provide the experimentalist with the possibility of finding the spin Hamiltonian parameters in a systematic manner rather than a trial-and-error process. The XSophe software suite has been used to simulate multifrequency EPR spectra (200 MHz to 6 00 GHz) from isolated spin systems (S > ~½) and coupled centres (Si, Sj _> I/2). Griffin, M.; Muys, A.; Noble, C.; Wang, D.; Eldershaw, C.; Gates, K.E.; Burrage, K.; Hanson, G.R."XSophe, a Computer Simulation Software Suite for the Analysis of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra", 1999, Mol. Phys. Rep., 26, 60-84.
The physical implementation of quantum information processing is one of the major challenges of current research. In the last few years, several theoretical proposals and experimental demonstrations on a small number of qubits have been carried out, but a quantum computing architecture that is straightforwardly scalable, universal, and realizable with state-of-the-art technology is still lacking. In particular, a major ultimate objective is the construction of quantum simulators, yielding massively increased computational power in simulating quantum systems. Here we investigate promising routes towards the actual realization of a quantum computer, based on spin systems. The first one employs molecular nanomagnets with a doublet ground state to encode each qubit and exploits the wide chemical tunability of these systems to obtain the proper topology of inter-qubit interactions. Indeed, recent advances in coordination chemistry allow us to arrange these qubits in chains, with tailored interactions mediated by magnetic linkers. These act as switches of the effective qubit-qubit coupling, thus enabling the implementation of one- and two-qubit gates. Molecular qubits can be controlled either by uniform magnetic pulses, either by local electric fields. We introduce here two different schemes for quantum information processing with either global or local control of the inter-qubit interaction and demonstrate the high performance of these platforms by simulating the system time evolution with state-of-the-art parameters. The second architecture we propose is based on a hybrid spin-photon qubit encoding, which exploits the best characteristic of photons, whose mobility is exploited to efficiently establish long-range entanglement, and spin systems, which ensure long coherence times. The setup consists of spin ensembles coherently coupled to single photons within superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators. The tunability of the resonators frequency is exploited as the only manipulation tool to implement a universal set of quantum gates, by bringing the photons into/out of resonance with the spin transition. The time evolution of the system subject to the pulse sequence used to implement complex quantum algorithms has been simulated by numerically integrating the master equation for the system density matrix, thus including the harmful effects of decoherence. Finally a scheme to overcome the leakage of information due to inhomogeneous broadening of the spin ensemble is pointed out. Both the proposed setups are based on state-of-the-art technological achievements. By extensive numerical experiments we show that their performance is remarkably good, even for the implementation of long sequences of gates used to simulate interesting physical models. Therefore, the here examined systems are really promising buildingblocks of future scalable architectures and can be used for proof-of-principle experiments of quantum information processing and quantum simulation.
Molecular nanomagnets are spin clusters whose topology and magnetic interactions can be modulated at the level of the chemical synthesis. They are formed by a small number of transition metal ions coupled by the Heisenberg's exchange interactions. Each cluster is magnetically isolated from its neighbors by organic ligands, making each unit not interacting with the others. Therefore, we can investigate the magnetic properties of an isolated molecular nanomagnet by bulk measurements. The present thesis has been mostly devoted to the experimental investigation of the magnetic properties and spin dynamics of different classes of antiferromagnetic (AF) molecular rings. This study has been exploiting various techniques of investigations, such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), muon spin relaxation (muSR) and SQUiD magnetometry. We investigate the magnetic properties and the phonon-induced relaxation dynamics of the first regular Cr9 antiferromagnetic (AF) ring, which represents a prototype frustrated AF ring. The magnetically-open AF rings like Cr8Cd are model systems for the study of the microscopic magnetic behaviour of finite AF Heisenberg chains. In this type of system the different magnetic behaviour depends length and on the parity of the chain (odd or even). In order to study the local spin densities on the Cr sites, the Cr-NMR spectra was collected at low temperature. The experimental result confirm the theoretical predictions for the spin configuration. Finally, the study of Dy6, the first rare-earth based ring that has been ever synthesized, has been performed by AC-SQuID and muSR measurements. We found that the dynamics is characterized by more than one characteristic correlation time, whose values depend strongly on the applied field.
The aim of this study was to prepare gas-filled lipid-coated microbubbles as potential MRI contrast agents for imaging of fluid pressure. Air-filled microbubbles were produced with phospholipid 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC) in the presence or absence of cholesterol and/or polyethylene-glycol distearate (PEG-distearate). Microbubbles were also prepared containing a fluorinated phospholipid, perfluoroalkylated glycerol-phosphatidylcholine, F-GPC shells encompassing perfluorohexane-saturated nitrogen gas. These microbubbles were evaluated in terms of physico-chemical characteristics such as size and stability. In parallel to these studies, DSPC microbubbles were also formulated containing nitrogen (N2) gas and compared to air-filled microbubbles. By preventing advection, signal drifts were used to assess their stability. DSPC microbubbles were found to have a drift of 20% signal change per bar of applied pressure in contrast to the F-GPC microbubbles which are considerably more stable with a lower drift of 5% signal change per bar of applied pressure. By increasing the pressure of the system and monitoring the MR signal intensity, the point at which the majority of the microbubbles have been damaged was determined. For the DSPC microbubbles this occurs at 1.3 bar whilst the F-GPC microbubbles withstand pressures up to 2.6 bar. For the comparison between air-filled and N2-filled microbubbles, the MRI sensitivity is assessed by cycling the pressure of the system and monitoring the MR signal intensity. It was found that the sensitivity exhibited by the N2-filled microbubbles remained constant, whilst the air-filled microbubbles demonstrated a continuous drop in sensitivity due to continuous bubble damage.
Sensory cells usually transmit information to afferent neurons via chemical synapses, in which the level of noise is dependent on an applied stimulus. Taking into account such dependence, we model a sensory system as an array of LIF neurons with a common signal. We show that information transmission is enhanced by a nonzero level of noise. Moreover, we demonstrate a phenomenon similar to suprathreshold stochastic resonance with additive noise. We remark that many properties of information transmission found for the LIF neurons was predicted by us before with simple binary units [Phys. Rev. E 75, 021121 (2007)]. This confirmation of our predictions allows us to point out identical roots of the phenomena found in the simple threshold systems and more complex LIF neurons.
The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectra of liquids contain a wealth of quantitative information that may be derived, for instance, from chemical shifts and spin-spin couplings. The available information depends on the incoherent rapid molecular motion that causes complicating effects present in the solid state to average to zero. Whereas liquid state NMR spectra show narrow lines, the corresponding NMR spectra from the solid state are normally composed of exceedingly broad resonance lines due to highly restricted molecular motion. It is, therefore, difficult to obtain directly as detailed information from the spectra of solids as from those derived from the liquid state. Studies on a new technique (SINNMR, the sonically induced narrowing of the NMR spectra of solids) to remove line broadening effects in the NMR spectra of the solid state are reported within this thesis. SINNMR involves narrowing the NMR absorptions from solid particles by irradiating them with ultrasound when they are suspended in a support liquid. It is proposed that ultrasound induces incoherent motion of the suspended particles, producing motional characteristics of the particles similar to those of rather large molecules. The first report of apparently successful experiments involving SINNMR[1] emphasised both the irreproducibility of the technique and the uncertainty regarding its true origin. If SINNMR can be made reproducible and the effect definitively attributed to the sonically induced incoherent motional averaging of particles, the technique could offer a simple alternative to the now classical magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR[2] and the recently reported dynamic angle spinning (DAS)[3] and double rotation (DOR)[4] techniques. Evidence is presented in this thesis to support the proposal that ultrasound may be used to narrow the NMR spectral resonances from solids by inducing incoherent motion of particles suspended in support liquids and, additionally, for some solids, by inducing rotational motion of molecular constituents in the lattices of solids. Successful SINNMR line narrowing using 20 kHz ultrasound is reported for a variety of samples: including trisodium orthophosphate, polytetrafluoroethylene and aluminium alloys. Investigations of SINNMR line narrowing in trisodium phosphate have revealed the relationship between ultrasonic power, particle size and support liquid density for the production of optimum SINNMR conditions. It is also proposed that the incoherent motion of particles induced by 20 kHz ultrasound can originate from interactions between acoustically induced cavitation microjets and particles.
SINNMR (Sonically Induced Narrowing of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectra of solids), is a novel technique that is being developed to enable the routine study of solids by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. SINNMR aims to narrow the broad resonances that are characteristic of solid state NMR by inducing rapid incoherent motion of solid particles suspended in a support medium, using high frequency ultrasound in the range 2-10 MHz. The width of the normal broad resonances from solids are due to incomplete averaging of several components of the total spin Hamiltonian caused by restrictions placed on molecular motion within a solid. At present Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) NMR is the classical solid state technique used to reduce line broadening, but: this has associated problems, not least of which is the appearance of many spinning side bands which confuse the spectra. It is hoped that SlNNMR will offer a simple alternative, particularly as it does not reveal spinning sidebands The fundamental question concerning whether the use of ultrasound within a cryo-magnet will cause quenching has been investigated with success, as even under the most extreme conditions of power, frequency and irradiator time, the magnet does not quench. The objective of this work is to design and construct a SINNMR probe for use in a super conducting cryo-magnet NMR spectrometer. A cell for such a probe has been constructed and incorporated into an adapted high resolution broadband probe. It has been proved that the cell is capable of causing cavitation, up to 10 MHz, by running a series of ultrasonic reactions within it and observing the reaction products. It was found that the ultrasound was causing the sample to be heated to unacceptable temperatures and this necessitated the incorporation of temperature stabilisation devices. Work has been performed on the investigation of the narrowing of the solid state 23Na spectrum of tri-sodium phosphate using high frequency ultrasound. Work has also been completed on the signal enhancement and T1 reduction of a liquid mixture and a pure compound using ultrasound. Some preliminary "bench" experiments have been completed on a novel ultrasonic device designed to help minimise sample heating. The concept involves passing the ultrasound through a temperature stabilised, liquid filled funnel that has a drum skin on the end that will enable the passage of ultrasound into the sample. Bench experiments have proved that acoustic attenuation is low and that cavitation in the liquid beyond the device is still possible.
The work described in this thesis has been concerned with exploring the potential uses of ultrasound in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, The NMR spectra of liquids provide detailed structural information that may be deduced from the chemical shifts and spin-spin coupling, that are evident in the narrow resonances, arising from some of the nuclear broadening interactions being reduced to zero. In the solid state, all of the nuclear broadening interactions are present and broad lines in the NMR spectrum are observed. Current techniques employed to reduce the line widths in solids are based on coherent averaging techniques such as MAS NMR1,2 which can remove first order interactions. Recently DOR3 and DAS4 have become available to remove higher order interactions. SINNMR (Sonically Induced Narrowing of the NMR spectra of solids) has been reported by Homer et al5 and developed by Homer and Howard6 to reduce the line widths of solids. The basis of their work is the proposal that a colloidal suspension of solid particles can be made to move like large molecules by using ultrasonic agitation. The advantage of the technique is that the particles move incoherently removing all of the nuclear interactions responsible for broad lines. This thesis describes work on the extension of SINNMR by showing that the line width of 27AI and 11B for the glass Na20/B203/AI203 can be reduced by placing solid particles in a colloidal suspension. Further line width reduction is possible by applying ultrasound, at 2 MHz, of sufficient intensity. It is proposed that a cavitation field is responsible for imparting sufficient rotational motion to the solid particles to partially average the nuclear interactions responsible for broad lines. Rapid stirring of the colloidal suspension generates turbulent flow, however, the motion is insufficient to narrow the line widths for 27AI in the glass. Investigations of sonochemical reactions for in situ rate measurements by NMR have been made. 8y using the Weissler reaction7, it has been shown that ultrasonic cavitation is possible up to 10MHz. Preliminary studies have been carried out into the rate of ultrasonic polymerisation of methylmethacrylate by NMR. Long range order in liquid crystals can imposed when they are aligned in the presence a magnetic field. The degree of alignment can be monitored by NMR using, for example a deuterated solute added to the liquid crystal8. Ultrasonic streaming can then be employed to deflect the directors of the liquid crystal from their equilibrium position, resulting in a change In the NMR spectrum. The angle of deflection has been found for the thermotropic liquid crystal (I35) to be ca, 35° and for the lyotropic (ZLI-1167) to be ca, 20°, Mechanical stirring can used to re- orientate the liquid crystal but was found to give a smaller deflection, In a separate study, that did not use ultrasound, it has been found that the signal to noise ratio of 13C NMR signals can be enhanced by rapidly stirring a Iiquid. Accelerating the diffusion of nuclei out of the coil region enables M0 to be re-established more rapidly than the normal relaxation process. This allows the pulse repetition rate to be reduced without saturating the spin system. The influence of varying the relaxation delay, acquisition time and inter-pulse delay have been studied and parameters optimised. By studying cholesterol the technique was found to be most effective for nuclei with long relaxation times, such as quaternary carbon sites. Key Worde: NMR, Ulf.rasciund, 1,.lqi.fi!:l cryllltalt!h SCll1C1otlemlstryl I!r1hano~d algnflllf
This thesis is concerned with the investigation, by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, of the molecular interactions occurring in mixtures of benzene and cyclohexane to which either chloroform or deutero-chloroform has been added. The effect of the added polar molecule on the liquid structure has been studied using spin-lattice relaxation time, 1H chemical shift, and nuclear Overhauser effect measurements. The main purpose of the work has been to validate a model for molecular interaction involving local ordering of benzene around chloroform. A chemical method for removing dissolved oxygen from samples has been developed to encompass a number of types of sample, including quantitative mixtures, and its supremacy over conventional deoxygenation technique is shown. A set of spectrometer conditions, the use of which produces the minimal variation in peak height in the steady state, is presented. To separate the general diluting effects of deutero-chloroform from its effects due to the production of local order a series of mixtures involving carbon tetrachloride, instead of deutero-chloroform, have been used as non-interacting references. The effect of molecular interaction is shown to be explainable using a solvation model, whilst an approach involving 1:1 complex formation is shown not to account for the observations. It is calculated that each solvation shell, based on deutero-chloroform, contains about twelve molecules of benzene or cyclohexane. The equations produced to account for the T1 variations have been adapted to account for the 1H chemical shift variations in the same system. The shift measurements are shown to substantiate the solvent cage model with a cage capacity of twelve molecules around each chloroform molecule. Nuclear Overhauser effect data have been analysed quantitatively in a manner consistent with the solvation model. The results show that discrete shells only exist when the mole fraction of deutero-chloroform is below about 0.08.
This thesis is concerned with investigations of the effects of molecular encounters on nuclear magnetic resonance spin-lattice relaxation times, with particular reference to mesitylene in mixtures with cyclohexane and TMS. The purpose of the work was to establish the best theoretical description of T1 and assess whether a recently identified mechanism (buffeting), that influences n.m.r. chemical shifts, governs Tl also. A set of experimental conditions are presented that allow reliable measurements of Tl and the N. O. E. for 1H and 13C using both C. W. and F.T. n.m.r. spectroscopy. Literature data for benzene, cyclohexane and chlorobenzene diluted by CC14 and CS2 are used to show that the Hill theory affords the best estimation of their correlation times but appears to be mass dependent. Evaluation of the T1 of the mesitylene protons indicates that a combined Hill-Bloembergen-Purcell-Pound model gives an accurate estimation of T1; subsequently this was shown to be due to cancellation of errors in the calculated intra and intemolecular components. Three experimental methods for the separation of the intra and intermolecular relaxation times are described. The relaxation times of the 13C proton satellite of neat bezene, 1,4 dioxane and mesitylene were measured. Theoretical analyses of the data allow the calculation of Tl intra. Studies of intermolecular NOE's were found to afford a general method of separating observed T1's into their intra and intermolecular components. The aryl 1H and corresponding 13C T1 values and the NOE for the ring carbon of mesitylene in CC14 and C6H12-TMS have been used in combination to determine T1intra and T1inter. The Hill and B.P.P. models are shown to predict similarly inaccurate values for T1linter. A buffeting contribution to T1inter is proposed which when applied to the BPP model and to the Gutowsky-Woessner expression for T1inter gives an inaccuracy of 12% and 6% respectively with respect to theexperimentally based T1inter.
Recent advances in our ability to watch the molecular and cellular processes of life in action-such as atomic force microscopy, optical tweezers and Forster fluorescence resonance energy transfer-raise challenges for digital signal processing (DSP) of the resulting experimental data. This article explores the unique properties of such biophysical time series that set them apart from other signals, such as the prevalence of abrupt jumps and steps, multi-modal distributions and autocorrelated noise. It exposes the problems with classical linear DSP algorithms applied to this kind of data, and describes new nonlinear and non-Gaussian algorithms that are able to extract information that is of direct relevance to biological physicists. It is argued that these new methods applied in this context typify the nascent field of biophysical DSP. Practical experimental examples are supplied.
We have investigated information transmission in an array of threshold units that have signal-dependent noise and a common input signal. We demonstrate a phenomenon similar to stochastic resonance and suprathreshold stochastic resonance with additive noise and show that information transmission can be enhanced by a nonzero level of noise. By comparing system performance to one with additive noise we also demonstrate that the information transmission of weak signals is significantly better with signal-dependent noise. Indeed, information rates are not compromised even for arbitrary small input signals. Furthermore, by an appropriate selection of parameters, we observe that the information can be made to be (almost) independent of the level of the noise, thus providing a robust method of transmitting information in the presence of noise. These result could imply that the ability of hair cells to code and transmit sensory information in biological sensory systems is not limited by the level of signal-dependent noise. © 2007 The American Physical Society.
Stochastic anti-resonance, that is resonant enhancement of randomness caused by polarization mode beatings, is analyzed both numerically and analytically on an example of fibre Raman amplifier with randomly varying birefringence. As a result of such anti-resonance, the polarization mode dispersion growth causes an escape of the signal state of polarization from a metastable state corresponding to the pulling of the signal to the pump state of polarization.This phenomenon reveals itself in abrupt growth of gain fluctuations as well as in dropping of Hurst parameter and Kramers length characterizing long memory in a system and noise induced escape from the polarization pulling state. The results based on analytical multiscale averaging technique agree perfectly with the numerical data obtained by direct numerical simulations of underlying stochastic differential equations. This challenging outcome would allow replacing the cumbersome numerical simulations for real-world extra-long high-speed communication systems.
In this work we demonstrate the potential of permanent magnet based magnetic resonance sensors to monitor and assess the extent of pore clogging in water filtration systems. The performance of the sensor was tested on artificially clogged gravel substrates and on gravel bed samples from constructed wetlands used to treat wastewater. Data indicate that the spin lattice relaxation time is linearly related to the hydraulic conductivity in such systems. In addition, within biologically active filters we demonstrate the ability to determine the relative ratio of biomass to abiotic solids, a measurement which is not possible using alternative techniques. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry.