953 resultados para SOUTHERN LAURENTIA


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The Lateglacial evolution of the Ticino glacier and tributaries is poorly known because of the lack of research by Quaternary geomorphologists during the last decades. In spite of the interest for the cryosphere reactions during the Lateglacial climate warming, only few scientific studies were carried out about the history of the northern valleys of the Ticino Alps during the deglaciation (e.g. Seiffert 1953, Renner 1982, Hantke 1983). Within the framework of geomorphological investigations on the Lateglacial and Holocene glacier/permafrost evolution in the Ticino Alps, the history of the Brenno glacier (Blenio Valley, Eastern Ticino Alps) during the end of the Pleistocene has been studied. The deglaciation sequence of the Blenio Valley is still not complete (Scapozza et al. 2009). Only the first glacial stadial of the Brenno glacier and the last Lateglacial stadials of the Greina region (northern Blenio valley, see Fontana et al. 2008) and of the upper Malvaglia Valley (eastern Blenio Valley, see Scapozza et al. 2008) have been unequivocally defined. For every stadial, the surface of the palaeoglacier and the depression of the Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA) have been reconstructed on the base of geomorphological mapping. The first individual glacial stadial of the Brenno glacier corresponds to the Biasca stadial of the Ticino glacier defined by Hantke (1983). The ELA depression of 1100-1200 meters and its morphological and glaciological characteristics allow us to correlate this stadial with the Weissbad stadial defined by Keller (1988). In the Greina region, three stadials corresponding to the end of the Lateglacial have been identified, with an ELA depression of 110, 210 and 310-350 meters (Fontana et al. 2008). In the upper Malvaglia Valley, three stadials corresponding to the end of the Oldest Dryas and the Younger Dryas have been identified for the Orino glacier, with an ELA depression of 290, 400-420 and 470-560 meters (Scapozza et al. 2008). If we consider the other (fragmentary) glacial deposits of the Blenio Valley, it is possible to define a regression sequence of the Brenno glacier with 8 stadials, from the Biasca stadial to the end of the Younger Dryas. An attempt of correlation with the model "Gothard" developed by Renner (1982) and Hantke (1983) and with the model "Eastern Swiss Alps" developed by Maisch (1982) is proposed in Table 1. The following chronological conclusions are, therefore, proposed: (1) the Biasca stadial is probably the first stadial after the transition Pleniglacial - Lateglacial; (2) the stadials BRE 7 to BRE 3 are positioned between the beginning of the Lateglacial and the Bølling-Allerød interstadial; (3) the stadials BRE 2 and BRE 1 are assumed to be related to the Younger Dryas event.


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A high-resolution U-Pb zircon geochronological study of plutonic units along the south Peruvian margin between 17 degrees and 18 degrees S allows the integration of the geochemical, geodynamic and tectonic evolution of this part of the Andean margin. This study focuses on the composite Jurassic-early Cretaceous Ilo Batholith that was emplaced along the southern Peruvian coast during two episodes of intrusive magmatism; a first period between 173 and 152 Ma (with a peak in magmatic activity between roughly 168 and 162 Ma) and a second period between 110 and 106 Ma. Emplacement of the Jurassic part of the composite Ilo Batholith shortly post-dated the accumulation of the volcanosedimentary succession it intruded (Chocolate formation), which allows to estimate a subsidence rate for this unit of similar to 3.5 km/Ma. The emplacement of the main peak of Jurassic plutonism of the Ilo Batholith was also closely coeval with widespread and repeated slumping (during deposition of the Cachios Formation) in the back-arc region, suggesting a common causal link between these phenomena, which is discussed in the context of an observed 100 km trenchward arc migration at similar to 175 Ma, and the relation with extensional tectonics that prevailed along the Central Andean margin during Pangaea break-up. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Monte Perdido thrust fault (southern Pyrenees) consists of a 6-m-thick interval of intensely deformed clay-bearing rocks. The fault zone is affected by a pervasive pressure solution seam and numerous shear surfaces. Calcite extensional-shear veins are present along the shear surfaces. The angular relationships between the two structures indicate that shear surfaces developed at a high angle (70°) to the local principal maximum stress axis r1. Two main stages of deformation are present. The first stage corresponds to the development of calcite shear veins by a combination of shear surface reactivation and extensional mode I rupture. The second stage of deformation corresponds to chlorite precipitation along the previously reactivated shear surfaces. The pore fluid factor k computed for the two deformation episodes indicates high fluid pressures during the Monte Perdido thrust activity. During the first stage of deformation, the reactivation of the shear surface was facilitated by a suprahydrostatic fluid pressure with a pore fluid factor kv equal to 0.89. For the second stage, the fluid pressure remained still high (with a k value ranging between 0.77 and 0.84) even with the presence of weak chlorite along the shear surfaces. Furthermore, evidence of hydrostatic fluid pressure during calcite cement precipitation supports that incremental shear surface reactivations are correlated with cyclic fluid pressure fluctuations consis- tent with a fault-valve model.


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New biostratigraphic data significantly improve the age assignment of the Ladinian succession of Monte San Giorgio (UNESCO World Heritage List site, Southern Alps, Switzerland), whose world-famous fossil marine vertebrate faunas are now dated to the substage and zone levels. High-resolution single-zircon U-Pb dating was performed using ID-TIMS and chemical abrasion (CA) pre-treatment technique on volcanic ash layers intercalated in the biostratigraphically-defined intervals of the Meride Limestone. It yielded ages of 241.07 +/- 0.13 Ma (Cava superiore beds, P. gredleri Zone), 240.63 +/- 0.13 Ma (Cassina beds, P gredleri/P. archelaus transition Zone) and 239.51 +/- 0.15 Ma (Lower Kalkschieferzone, P. archelaus Zone). Our results suggest that the time interval including the vertebrate-bearing Middle Triassic section spans around 4 Myr and is thus significantly shorter than so far assumed. The San Giorgio Dolomite and the Meride Limestone correlate with intervals of the Buchenstein Formation and the Wengen Formation in the reference section at Bagolino, where the Global boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Ladinian was defined. The new radio-isotopic ages of the Meride Limestone are up to 2 Myr older than those published for the biostratigraphically-equivalent intervals at Bagolino but they are consistent with the recent re-dating of the underlying Besano Formation, also performed using the CA technique. Average sedimentation rates at Monte San Giorgio are by more than an order of magnitude higher compared to those assumed for the Buchenstein Formation, which formed under sediment-starved pelagic conditions, and reflect prevailing high subsidence and high carbonate mud supply from the adjoining Salvatore/Esino platforms. Finally, the high-resolution U-Pb ages allow a correlation of the vertebrate faunas of the Cava superiore/Cava inferiore beds with the marine vertebrate record of the Prosanto Formation (Upper Austroalpine), so far precluded by the poor biostratigraphic control of the latter.


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A high-resolution carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of Late Oxfordian-Early Kimmeridgian deep-shelf sediments of southern Germany is combined with investigation of nannofossil assemblage composition and sedimentological interpretations in order to evaluate the impact of regional palaeoenvironmental conditions on isotopic composition of carbonates. This study suggests that carbonate mud was essentially derived from the Jura shallow platform environments and also that the isotopic signature of carbonates deposited in the Swabian Alb deep shelf indirectly expresses the palaeoenvironmental evolution of the platform. Short-term fluctuations in delta(13) C and delta(18)O are probably controlled by changes in salinity (fresh-water input versus evaporation) in platform environments. Long-term fluctuations in carbon and oxygen isotope record throughout the Late Oxfordian-Early Kimmeridgian result from the interplay of increasing temperature and decreasing humidity, which both control the trophic level. Changes from mesotrophic to oligotrophic conditions in platform environments and in the deep-shelf surface waters are inferred. During the Late Oxfordian (Bimammatum Subzone to Planula Zone), the delta(13)C curve displays a positive shift of about 1 parts per thousand, which is comparable in intensity to global perturbations of the carbon cycle. This evident isotopic shift has not been documented yet in other basinal settings. It can be reasonably explained by local palaeoenvironmental changes on the Jura platform (salinity, temperature, and nutrient availability) that controlled platform carbonate production, and the geochemistry of overlying waters. However, increasing carbonate production on the Jura platform and related positive delta(13)C shifts recorded in the Swabian Alb deep shelf are the regional signatures of climatic changes affecting other palaeogeographical domains of Europe in which the carbonate production increased throughout the Late Oxfordian. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper discusses the relationship between the differentiation of ferruginous accumulations and the variable water saturation of footslope soil patterns. An analysis of the slope morphology of a typical hill in the forest zone of southern Cameroon and a seasonal survey of the levels of groundwaters, springs and rivers were considered in relation to the petrology of different soil patterns. The study site is a tabular hillock whose slopes present a progressive development from steep to gentle slopes. The variable residence time of water within the soil, creating an alternation of reducing and oxidizing conditions, affects oil chemistry, structure and lateral extension of the soil patterns. The ferruginous soil patterns, being formed on the footslopes, gradually increase in extent with decreasing slope angle and the relative rise of the groundwater level. The steep footslopes, where groundwater has a shorter residence time, show a soft mottled clay pattern, restricted to the bottom part of the slope. The moderate footslopes exhibit a deep permanent and a temporary perched groundwater table. The latter, with its regular capillary fringe, contributes to more reducing conditions within isolated domains in the soil patterns, and thus to the alternation with oxidizing conditions, generating a continuous hard soil pattern (massive carapace). The more gently dipping footslopes exhibit groundwater levels near the surface and also a significant amplitude of groundwater fluctuation. Iron, previously accumulated in moderate footslope patterns, is reduced, remobilized, and leached. The soil patterns formed develop into a variegated carapace, more extended along the slope, containing less iron, but nevertheless more hardened, due to the important fluctuations of the groundwater table. These patterns are limited to the zone of groundwater fluctuation and deteriorate as the water fluctuation zone recedes. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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I am very grateful to Daniella E. Bar-Yosef Mayer and Mary Stiner for their comments on an article I published in the previous issue of Pyrenae. Having spent many years working with coastal sites in South Africa and now settling in the Mediterranean academic landscape, I value the feedback from these two well-known archaeologists who have dedicated years of hard work in this later part of the world. Their opinions are very much appreciated for they allow me to bring new contexts to some of the (old) questions I have pursued in South Africa, an exercise that would help me with the process of broadening my research interests to the Mediterranean region.


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Selostus: Nuoria maita Viikin pelloilla


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