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In this work investigation of the QDs formation and the fabrication of QD based semiconductor lasers for telecom applications are presented. InAs QDs grown on AlGaInAs lattice matched to InP substrates are used to fabricate lasers operating at 1.55 µm, which is the central wavelength for far distance data transmission. This wavelength is used due to its minimum attenuation in standard glass fibers. The incorporation of QDs in this material system is more complicated in comparison to InAs QDs in the GaAs system. Due to smaller lattice mismatch the formation of circular QDs, elongated QDs and quantum wires is possible. The influence of the different growth conditions, such as the growth temperature, beam equivalent pressure, amount of deposited material on the formation of the QDs is investigated. It was already demonstrated that the formation process of QDs can be changed by the arsenic species. The formation of more round shaped QDs was observed during the growth of QDs with As2, while for As4 dash-like QDs. In this work only As2 was used for the QD growth. Different growth parameters were investigated to optimize the optical properties, like photoluminescence linewidth, and to implement those QD ensembles into laser structures as active medium. By the implementation of those QDs into laser structures a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 30 meV was achieved. Another part of the research includes the investigation of the influence of the layer design of lasers on its lasing properties. QD lasers were demonstrated with a modal gain of more than 10 cm-1 per QD layer. Another achievement is the large signal modulation with a maximum data rate of 15 Gbit/s. The implementation of optimized QDs in the laser structure allows to increase the modal gain up to 12 cm-1 per QD layer. A reduction of the waveguide layer thickness leads to a shorter transport time of the carriers into the active region and as a result a data rate up to 22 Gbit/s was achieved, which is so far the highest digital modulation rate obtained with any 1.55 µm QD laser. The implementation of etch stop layers into the laser structure provide the possibility to fabricate feedback gratings with well defined geometries for the realization of DFB lasers. These DFB lasers were fabricated by using a combination of dry and wet etching. Single mode operation at 1.55 µm with a high side mode suppression ratio of 50 dB was achieved.


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Diamant ist ein Material mit vielen außerordentlichen Eigenschaften, die ihn zu einem äußerst vielversprechenden Kandidaten für Anwendungen in Wissen-schaft und Technik machen. In den letzten Jahren wurde Diamant häufig als einzigartige Plattform für neue Anwendungen beispielsweise in der Quanteninformationstechnologie (QIT) oder in der Magnetometrie im Nanometermaßstab eingesetzt, wobei einer der wichtigsten lumineszierenden Gitterdefekte im Diamantgitter eingesetzt wird. Dabei handelt es sich um die sogenannten Stickstoff/Fehlenstellen-Farbzentren (NV-Zentren), die im sichtbaren Bereich mit einer absoluten Photostabilität bei Raumtemperatur emittieren. In dieser Arbeit wurden NV-Zentren in Diamantnanokristalliten und –nanosäulen untersucht, die während des Wachstumsprozesses erzeugt wurden. Einzelne Diamantnanokristallite und nanokristalline Diamantschichten (NCD), aus denen Nanosäulen geätzt wurden, wurden mithilfe der Hot Filament Chemical Vapour Deposition (HFCVD) abgeschieden. Zu Vergleichszwecken wurden auch ultrananokristalline Diamantschichten (UNCD) mittels Mikrowellen-CVD (MWCVD) hergestellt. Die Filme wurden sorgfältig in Bezug auf ihre Morphologie, kristallinen Eigenschaften und Zusammensetzung untersucht. Um die Möglichkeit einer Integration dieser Diamantschichten mit temperaturempfindlichen Materialien wie III/V-Halbleitern, Metallen mit niedrigem Schmelzpunkt oder Polymeren zu untersuchen, wurde der Einfluss der Substrattemperatur ermittelt. Eindimensionale NCD- und UNCD-Diamantnanostrukturen wurden mithilfe der Elektronenstrahllithographie (EBL) und reaktivem Ionenätzen in einem induktiv gekoppelten O2-Plasma (ICP-RIE) hergestellt. Zur Vorbereitung wurden zunächst die Ätzraten in Abhängigkeit von den vier wichtigsten Parametern ermittelt. Weitere Erkenntnisse über die Ätzmechanismen wurden durch Ätzexperiment mit unstrukturierten NCD- und UNCD-Schichten erhalten Mittels der EBL konnten mithilfe von Gold-Ätzmasken Nanosäulen mit Durchmessern von 50 nm bis zu 1 μm hergestellt werden.Eine optische Charakterisierung der NCD- und UNCD-Nanosäulen erfolgte mithilfe von Fluorenzenz-Mapping und Photomumineszenz-Spektroskopie. Diese Messungen ergaben, dass in beiden Arten von Säulen NV-Zentren vorhanden sind. Allerdings wurden nur in NCD-Säulen die gewünschten NV--Zentren gefunden, in UNCD-Säulen hingegen nur NV0-Zentren.


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Sensing with electromagnetic waves having frequencies in the Terahertz-range is a very attractive investigative method with applications in fundamental research and industrial settings. Up to now, a lot of sources and detectors are available. However, most of these systems are bulky and have to be used in controllable environments such as laboratories. In 1993 Dyakonov and Shur suggested that plasma waves developing in field-effect-transistors can be used to emit and detect THz-radiation. Later on, it was shown that these plasma waves lead to rectification and allows for building efficient detectors. In contrast to the prediction that these plasma waves lead to new promising solid-state sources, only a few weak sources are known up to now. This work studies THz plasma waves in semiconductor devices using the Monte Carlo method in order to resolve this issue. A fast Monte Carlo solver was developed implementing a nonparabolic bandstructure representation of the used semiconductors. By investigating simplified field-effect-transistors it was found that the plasma frequency follows under equilibrium conditions the analytical predictions. However, no current oscillations were found at room temperature or with a current flowing in the channel. For more complex structures, consisting of ungated and gated regions, it was found that the plasma frequency does not follow the value predicted by the dispersion relation of the gated nor the ungated device.


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Scaling down of the CMOS technology requires thinner gate dielectric to maintain high performance. However, due to the depletion of poly-Si gate, it is difficult to reduce the gate thickness further especially for sub-65 nm CMOS generation. Fully silicidation metal gate (FUSI) is one of the most promising solutions. Furthermore, FUSI metal gate reduces gate-line sheet resistance, prevents boron penetration to channels, and has good process compatibility with high-k gate dielectric. Poly-SiGe gate technology is another solution because of its enhancement of boron activation and compatibility with the conventional CMOS process. Combination of these two technologies for the formation of fully germanosilicided metal gate makes the approach very attractive. In this paper, the deposition of undoped Poly-Si₁₋xGex (0 < x < 30% ) films onto SiO₂ in a low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) system is described. Detailed growth conditions and the characterization of the grown films are presented.


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The present success in the manufacture of multi-layer interconnects in ultra-large-scale integration is largely due to the acceptable planarization capabilities of the chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) process. In the past decade, copper has emerged as the preferred interconnect material. The greatest challenge in Cu CMP at present is the control of wafer surface non-uniformity at various scales. As the size of a wafer has increased to 300 mm, the wafer-level non-uniformity has assumed critical importance. Moreover, the pattern geometry in each die has become quite complex due to a wide range of feature sizes and multi-level structures. Therefore, it is important to develop a non-uniformity model that integrates wafer-, die- and feature-level variations into a unified, multi-scale dielectric erosion and Cu dishing model. In this paper, a systematic way of characterizing and modeling dishing in the single-step Cu CMP process is presented. The possible causes of dishing at each scale are identified in terms of several geometric and process parameters. The feature-scale pressure calculation based on the step-height at each polishing stage is introduced. The dishing model is based on pad elastic deformation and the evolving pattern geometry, and is integrated with the wafer- and die-level variations. Experimental and analytical means of determining the model parameters are outlined and the model is validated by polishing experiments on patterned wafers. Finally, practical approaches for minimizing Cu dishing are suggested.


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The present success in the manufacture of multi-layer interconnects in ultra-large-scale integration is largely due to the acceptable planarization capabilities of the chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) process. In the past decade, copper has emerged as the preferred interconnect material. The greatest challenge in Cu CMP at present is the control of wafer surface non-uniformity at various scales. As the size of a wafer has increased to 300 mm, the wafer-level non-uniformity has assumed critical importance. Moreover, the pattern geometry in each die has become quite complex due to a wide range of feature sizes and multi-level structures. Therefore, it is important to develop a non-uniformity model that integrates wafer-, die- and feature-level variations into a unified, multi-scale dielectric erosion and Cu dishing model. In this paper, a systematic way of characterizing and modeling dishing in the single-step Cu CMP process is presented. The possible causes of dishing at each scale are identified in terms of several geometric and process parameters. The feature-scale pressure calculation based on the step-height at each polishing stage is introduced. The dishing model is based on pad elastic deformation and the evolving pattern geometry, and is integrated with the wafer- and die-level variations. Experimental and analytical means of determining the model parameters are outlined and the model is validated by polishing experiments on patterned wafers. Finally, practical approaches for minimizing Cu dishing are suggested.


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Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) is an industrial gas used in the semiconductor industry as a plasma etchant and chamber cleaning gas. NF3 is an alternative to other potent greenhouse gases and its usage has increased markedly over the last decade. In recognition of its increased relevance and to aid planning of future usage we report an updated radiative efficiency and global warming potentials for NF3. Laboratory measurements give an integrated absorption cross section of 7.04 x 10(-17) cm(2) molecule(-1) cm(-1) over the spectral region 200 2000 cm(-1). The radiative efficiency is calculated to be 0.21 Wm(-2) ppbv(-1) and the 100 year GWP, relative to carbon dioxide, is 17200. These values are approximately 60% higher than previously published estimates, primarily reflecting the higher infrared absorption cross-sections reported here.


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The diffusion of interstitial oxygen In silicon at 525 degrees C is studied using time-of-flight small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) to separate the elastic scattering from oxygen-containing aggregates from the inelastic scattering from neutron-phonon interactions. The growth of oxygen-containing aggregates as a function of time gives a diffusion coefficient, D, calculated from Ham's theory, that is I factor of similar to 3.8 +/- 1.4 times higher than that expected by extrapolation of higher and lower temperature data (D = 0.13 exp(-2.53 eV kT(-1)) cm(2) s(-1)). This result confirms previous observations of enhanced diffusion at intermediate temperatures (400 degrees C-650 degrees C) although the magnitude of the enhancement we find is Much smaller than that reported by some others.


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A set of filters based on the sequence of semiconductor edges is described which offers continuity of short-wave infrared blocking. The rejection throughout the stop region is greater than 103 for each filter and the transmission better than 70% through one octave with a square cutoff. The cutoff points are located at intervals of about two-thirds of an octave. Filters at 2.6 ,µm, 5.5 µm, and 12 µm which use a low-passing multilayer in combination with a semiconductor absorption edge are described in detail. The design of multilayers for optimum performance is discussed by analogy with the synthesis of electric circuit filters.


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Columnar mesophases based on alternating triphenylene and hexaphenyltriphenylene moieties are exceptionally stable and able to accommodate bulky side-chain substituents within the alkyl chain continuum between the columns. This paper presents a system in which the triphenylene bears a fullerene on its side-chain and the hexaphenyltriphenylene equivalent is the aza-derivative hexakis(4-nonylphenyl)dipyrazino[2,3-f : 2'3'-h] quinoxalene, PDQ9. The mesophase formed was identified as hexagonal columnar (Col(h)) by X-ray diffraction (a = 25.2 angstrom and c = 3.5 angstrom) but, in addition to the expected peaks, there is indication of a two-dimensional hexagonal superlattice with d-spacing 59 angstrom. This superlattice is believed to arise from ordering of the fullerenes within the liquid crystal matrix. It can be explained on the assumption that, to maximise fullerene-fullerene contact, the fullerenes form chains which wrap around the central column in every group of seven columns of the triphenylene : PDQ9 Col(h) array.


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The ordering of block copolymers in thin films is reviewed, starting, from the fundamental principles and extending to recent promising developments as templates for nanolithography which may find important applications in the semiconductor industry. Ordering in supported thin films of symmetric and asymmetric AB diblock and ABA triblock copolymers is discussed, along with that of more complex materials such as ABC triblocks and liquid crystalline block copolymers Techniques to prepare thin films, and to characterise ordering within them, are summarized. Several methods to align Hock copolymer nanostructures, important in several applications are outlined A number of potential applications in nanolithography, production of porous materials, templating. and patterning of organic and inorganic materials are then presented. The influence of crystallization on the morphology of a block copolymer film is briefly discussed, as are structures in grafted block copolymer films. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.


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Ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were used to study the film thickness and the surface roughness of both 'soft' and solid thin films. 'Soft' polymer thin films of polystyrene and poly(styrene-ethylene/butylene-styrene) block copolymer were prepared by spin-coating onto planar silicon wafers. Ellipsometric parameters were fitted by the Cauchy approach using a two-layer model with planar boundaries between the layers. The smooth surfaces of the prepared polymer films were confirmed by AFM. There is good agreement between AFM and ellipsometry in the 80-130 nm thickness range. Semiconductor surfaces (Si) obtained by anisotropic chemical etching were investigated as an example of a randomly rough surface. To define roughness parameters by ellipsometry, the top rough layers were treated as thin films according to the Bruggeman effective medium approximation (BEMA). Surface roughness values measured by AFM and ellipsometry show the same tendency of increasing roughness with increased etching time, although AFM results depend on the used window size. The combined use of both methods appears to offer the most comprehensive route to quantitative surface roughness characterisation of solid films. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.