518 resultados para Rumble strips.


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Using a model of birth asphyxia, we previously reported significant structural and functional deficits in the diaphragm muscle in spiny mice, deficits that are prevented by supplementing the maternal diet with 5% creatine from mid-pregnancy. The long-term effects of this exposure are unknown. Pregnant spiny mice were fed control or 5% creatine-supplemented diet for the second half of pregnancy, and fetuses were delivered by caesarean section with or without 7.5 min of in-utero asphyxia. Surviving pups were raised by a cross-foster dam until 33±2 days of age when they were euthanized to obtain the diaphragm muscle for ex-vivo study of twitch tension and muscle fatigue, and for structural and enzymatic analyses. Functional analysis of the diaphragm revealed no differences in single twitch contractile parameters between any groups. However, muscle fatigue, induced by stimulation of diaphragm strips with a train of pulses (330 ms train/sec, 40 Hz) for 300 sec, was significantly greater for asphyxia pups compared with controls (p<0.05), and this did not occur in diaphragms of creatine + asphyxia pups. Birth asphyxia resulted in a significant increase in the proportion of glycolytic, fast-twitch fibres and a reduction in oxidative capacity of Type I and IIb fibres in male offspring, as well as reduced cross-sectional area of all muscle fibre types (Type I, IIa, IIb/d) in both males and females at 33 days of age. None of these changes were observed in creatine + asphyxia animals. Thus, the changes in diaphragm fatigue and structure induced by birth asphyxia persist long-term but are prevented by maternal creatine supplementation.


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In agricultural regions worldwide, linear networks of vegetation such as hedges, fencerows and live fences provide habitat for plant and animal species in heavily modified landscapes. In Australia, networks of remnant native vegetation along roadsides are a distinctive feature of many rural landscapes. Here, we investigated the richness and composition of woodland-dependent bird communities in networks of eucalypt woodland vegetation along roadsides, in an agricultural region in which >80% of native woodland and forest vegetation has been cleared. We stratified sites in a) cross sections and b) linear strips of roadside vegetation, to test the influence on woodland birds of site location and configuration in the linear network (the 'intersection effect'). We also examined the influence of tree size at the site, the amount of wooded vegetation surrounding the site, and the abundance of an aggressive native species, the noisy miner Manorina melanocephala. Birds were surveyed at 26 pairs of sites (cross section or linear strip) on four occasions. A total of 66 species was recorded, including 35 woodland species. The richness of woodland bird species was influenced by site configuration, with more species present at cross sections, particularly those with larger trees (>30 cm diameter). However, the strongest influence on species richness was the relative abundance of the noisy miner. The richness of woodland birds at sites where noisy miners were abundant was ~20% of that where miners were absent. These results recognise the value of networks of roadside vegetation as habitat for woodland birds in depleted agricultural landscapes; but highlight that this value is not realised for much of this vast vegetation network because of the dominance of the noisy miner. Nevertheless, roadside vegetation is particularly important where the configuration of networks create nodes that facilitate movement. Globally, the protection, conservation and restoration of such linear networks has an important influence on the persistence of biota within human-dominated landscapes.


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This study investigated the physical characteristics of lightweight concrete produced using waste materials as coarse aggregate. The study was inspired by the author’s Peace Corps service in Kilwa, Tanzania. Coconut shell, sisal fiber, and PET plastic were chosen as the test waste products due to their abundance in the area. Two mixes were produced for each waste product and the mix proportions designed for resulting compressive strengths of 3000 and 5000 psi. The proportions were selected based on guidelines for lightweight concrete from the American Concrete Institute. In preparation for mixing, coconut shells were crushed into aggregate no larger than 3/4 inch, sisal fiber was cut into pieces no longer than 3/8 inch, and PET plastic was shredded into 1/4 inch-wide strips no longer than 6 inches. Replicate samples were mixed and then cured for 28 days before they were tested for compressive strength, unit weight, and absorption. The resulting data were compared to ASTM Standards for lightweight concrete masonry units to determine their adequacy. Based on these results, there is potential for coconut shell to be used as coarse aggregate in lightweight concrete. Sisal fiber was unsuccessful in producing the appropriate compressive strength. However, the reduction in spalling of the hardened concrete and the induction of air in the mixes incorporating sisal fiber suggests that it has the potential to improve other characteristics of lightweight concrete. Concrete mixes using PET plastic as aggregate resulted in adequate compressive strengths, but were too dense to be considered ‘lightweight’ concrete. With some adjustments to slightly decrease absorption and unit weight, the PET plastic concrete mixes could be classified as medium weight concrete and, therefore, achieve many of the same benefits as would be seen with lightweight concrete.


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My abstract moving image making has provided a foundation for my practice since I first started processing and solarizing my own 16mm film in one of those LOMO Russian processing tanks in 1973. Feyers, Zoomfilm (1976) and Running (1976) rework some of those early strips of black and white film. Whenever funding dried up I always fell back on my abstract direct on film work. It was cheap. Like knitting, it gave me a space to process the dilemmas and incongruities of daily life and to escape its clutches. I also began to understand that these forces were still there, embedded implicitly in the work. Now, more than ever, I understand this as a survival response to corporate doublespeak. I would never throw anything away. New scratching, painting, taping or bleaching strategies could be added later. Intensive cluster editing of single frames became an obsession. The translated difference between what you saw over a light-box and what was projected drew me in. Like the migrant position I was allocated from childhood I survived in the space between these two territories. As well as an archive of images and movement I collect optical effects. The flash frame. The trail of afterimages resulting from flickering between positive and negative images. At their liveliest these images float above the screen. Now the digital allows me to amplify the material presence of 16m and 35mm film and a whole new world opens up before me. I cobble together found footage films from my own archive of discarded data and unfinished sentences.


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Tackling the global threat of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity requires knowledge of how species move within agricultural landscapes. However, the specific mechanisms influencing dispersal within such landscapes remain poorly understood. The objective of our study was to assess how matrix type (improved pasture, native pasture or crop) and structure (grass height) influence fine-scale reptile movement, as well as influences of crop sowing direction and setting-sun position. In an agricultural region of south-eastern Australia, we first released 20 individuals of an arboreal gecko (Christinus marmoratus) at set distances from trees to determine the distance at which they could perceive their tree habitat (perceptual range). We then translocated 36 individuals into six matrix environments within their perceptual range of isolated trees to examine how gecko movement was modified by the type and structure of the matrix. We also recorded crop sowing direction and setting-sun position and examined all recorded tracks using angular statistics. We found that geckos exhibited a perceptual range of 40–80m. Short matrix environments promoted direct movements towards trees, irrespective of matrix type. Furthermore, movements were significantly affected by crop sowing direction with individuals following the planted lines. Our study has three significant implications: (i) restoring mature tree spacing to 80 m apart will assist gecko movements, (ii) targeted management for low pasture height, such as by maintaining directional narrow strips of low vegetation among taller pastures, might assist movement and facilitate increased connectivity, (iii) directional sowing of crops between habitat patches presents a simple but potentially effective tool for reconnecting fragmented landscapes.


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Discovering Hands (DH) es un proyecto que nace en Alemania en el 2006, liderado por el doctor Frank Hoffmann. El programa se desarrolla pensando en el importante problema de salud pública en el cual se ha convertido en el cáncer de mama, pues según la Organización Mundial de la Salud es el mayor causal de muerte en mujeres, tanto en países desarrollados como en vía de desarrollo, y en Alemania esta enfermedad acaba con la vida de aproximadamente 18.000 mujeres cada año. (The Global Journal, 2014) DH entrena y capacita mujeres visualmente impedidas para detectar de manera temprana los signos de cáncer de mama, dado que estas poseen un sentido del tacto más desarrollado que el de una persona que no se encuentre limitada visualmente. Esto les permite localizar el cáncer de forma más rápida que un médico general ya que son capaces de identificar los tumores más pequeños, logrando así reducir notablemente los costos totales del tratamiento de esta enfermedad. Adicional a esto, el capacitar y preparar a mujeres con discapacidad visual para la detección temprana de cáncer de mama, incrementa la fuerza laboral del país, pues estas mujeres pasarían a ser parte de la población económicamente activa del mismo (PEA) y lograrían que las personas dejen de percibir esta condición como una discapacidad y por el contrario la vean como una ventaja. Después de unos años de prueba, el programa ha sido mejorado y extendido tanto en Alemania como en otros países (Austria), razón por la cual se realizó el estudio de factibilidad del proyecto en países como Colombia - donde se quiere llevar a cabo un proyecto piloto en la ciudad de Cali - México y Argentina. El presente trabajo se enfoca en Argentina, por medio del cual se busca proponer aportes para disminuir las causas de muertes originadas por esta enfermedad y los altos costos que estas le generan al sector de la salud de este país. Con el estudio se logró identificar la factibilidad de la implementación del modelo de negocio, evidenciando que Argentina cuenta con unas particularidades en su sistema de gobierno que pueden hacer que la puesta en práctica del proyecto sea más compleja que en otros países.


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El modelo de Discovering Hands ha sido reconocido internacionalmente como un proyecto innovador que se ha expandido por diferentes países del mundo, como Austria, y se ha empezado a estudiar la propuesta en países como República Checa, India y Colombia. (Discovering Hands, 2016). Esto se debe a que no solo mejora el tratamiento de cáncer de mama, sino que también reduce los costos totales de tratamiento de la enfermedad y aumenta la fuerza laborar de los países donde esté presente. Al representar una gran oportunidad en diferentes aspectos, se quiso desarrollar un estudio de factibilidad del modelo de negocio en tres países de América Latina, Colombia –donde ya se encuentra en marcha un proyecto piloto liderado por la CAF en Cali - , Argentina y México. El presente trabajo consiste en dicho estudio de factibilidad, focalizado en México; por medio de este se buscaron tres cosas primordiales, conocer y estudiar el contexto del mercado y situación de salud en el país, analizar los datos recogidos, con el fin de proponer soluciones para disminuir una de las principales causas de muerte en el país. Actualmente en México el 52% de casos de cáncer de mama diagnosticados sucede en etapas tardías, aumentando el riesgo de muerte de los pacientes (Colima, 2013). Con el estudio se logró identificar una oportunidad potencial para Discovering Hands siendo su estrategia un recurso adicional para contribuir a mejorar el diagnóstico precoz de cáncer de mama en el país y debido a esto se presenta un modelo de negocio adaptable a las necesidades mexicanas


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The degree to which pruning helps reestablish balance in agroforestry was assessed in a system established in São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, in 2008. Seven native tree species were planted at a density of 600 trees/ha in five strips of three rows each, and annual crops were cultivated in the 17-m crop strips between the tree strips. Competition was established after 35 months, decreasing the aboveground biomass production of corn planted close to the trees. An assessment of black oats in the dry season following tree pruning showed that the proximity of trees caused reductions in plant and panicle density, aboveground biomass production, number of grains per panicle and grain weight. Because pruning was not sufficient to maintain crop yields, tree thinning is recommended in order to minimize competition and restore conditions for adequate crop production.