605 resultados para Ruas
The Urban Solid Residues are the rests of human activity, popularly known by trash and considered by population like useless, undesirable and disposable. On the other hand, for the waste pickers, solid residues are the beginning of a cycle: they see in the other's people trash the only income, an economic value. Currently, in brazilian cities, one million collectors act, alone or in cooperatives, socially excluded by the work they do. The National Policy of Solid Residues (PNRS), instituted in 2010, established guidelines to the execution of integrated residues management, with should be practiced by city halls and other governmental institutions. This policy has, besides other things, goals of residues reduction and inclusion of waste pickers in the mechanism of selective collect and recycling. However, this and other public policies created for residue management are benefic only for cooperated waste pickers. That could negatively affect most of this class, since 90% are waste pickers working in a precarious way on the country's streets. This study has for objective show that most of waste pickers that work in a precarious way on the brazilian territory has a huge potential for the solid residues recycling chain and how they should be valued for the environmental services they provide, so they can be included with dignity on the society, ensuring economic and social benefits for this workers. The methodology adopted was based on the amount of residue collected by the 44 cooperated members of the Rio Claro‟s waste pickers cooperative to estimate the potential of collect and recycling did by 210 autonomous waste pickers who are active on city streets. It was observed that the cooperative collects the equivalent of 10.2% of all recyclable residues generated by city population. However, with the potential that these autonomous waste pickers have, which together could contribute 465 tonnes of solid residues per month, or 5,570 tons a year...
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Os impactos socioeconômicos dos Eventos Extremos de Precipitação Diária em Belém-Pará foram estudados com base em histórias relatadas nas notícias dos jornais da cidade durante o período de 1987 a 2009. Estes eventos foram caracterizados como extremos por meio da Técnica do Decil. O objetivo foi identificar as consequências e os principais bairros afetados pelos eventos extremos de precipitação diária. Os anos que estiveram sob influência do fenômeno El Niño (La Niña) foram os que apresentaram menor (maior) frequência de Eventos Extremos de Precipitação e de noticias publicadas nos jornais da cidade. A variação mensal mostrou que os Eventos Extremos e as notícias dos jornais foram maiores no período "mais chuvoso" (verão/outono austral). As histórias relatadas nas notícias dos jornais da cidade indicaram que o alagamento das ruas é a principal consequência dos eventos extremos para a cidade de Belém-Pará e os bairros mais afetados são Cremação, Jurunas e Batista Campos. Esses bairros são vizinhos e tem como fator comum a presença da bacia hidrográfica da Travessa Quintino Bocaiúva, a qual apresenta baixa declividade e dificulta o escoamento da água, favorecendo a formação de pontos de alagamentos. Identificou-se que a falta de infraestrutura da cidade é o fator predominante quanto à consequência dos eventos extremos de precipitação diária.
The Urban Solid Residues are the rests of human activity, popularly known by trash and considered by population like useless, undesirable and disposable. On the other hand, for the waste pickers, solid residues are the beginning of a cycle: they see in the other's people trash the only income, an economic value. Currently, in brazilian cities, one million collectors act, alone or in cooperatives, socially excluded by the work they do. The National Policy of Solid Residues (PNRS), instituted in 2010, established guidelines to the execution of integrated residues management, with should be practiced by city halls and other governmental institutions. This policy has, besides other things, goals of residues reduction and inclusion of waste pickers in the mechanism of selective collect and recycling. However, this and other public policies created for residue management are benefic only for cooperated waste pickers. That could negatively affect most of this class, since 90% are waste pickers working in a precarious way on the country's streets. This study has for objective show that most of waste pickers that work in a precarious way on the brazilian territory has a huge potential for the solid residues recycling chain and how they should be valued for the environmental services they provide, so they can be included with dignity on the society, ensuring economic and social benefits for this workers. The methodology adopted was based on the amount of residue collected by the 44 cooperated members of the Rio Claro‟s waste pickers cooperative to estimate the potential of collect and recycling did by 210 autonomous waste pickers who are active on city streets. It was observed that the cooperative collects the equivalent of 10.2% of all recyclable residues generated by city population. However, with the potential that these autonomous waste pickers have, which together could contribute 465 tonnes of solid residues per month, or 5,570 tons a year...
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Mischocyttarus cassununga, a primitively eusocial Brazilian wasp, commonly found in urban environments, is an interesting model for studies on the evolution of social behaviour in hymenopteran insects. In this study, we constructed a microsatellite-enriched genomic library and presented primers for 18 microsatellite loci. For the analysis, 20 unrelated females were screened and all loci obtained were polymorphic. PCR amplification revealed from 3 (Mcas5b) to 17 (Mcas53b) alleles per locus (). We detected the levels of observed (H (o)) and expected (H (e)) heterozygosities ranging from 0.150 to 0.950 and 0.261 to 0.920, respectively. The polymorphic information content ranged from 0.238 to 0.915, averaging 0.680. All loci were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and linkage disequilibrium was not detected after sequential Bonferroni correction (P > 0.05). These molecular markers will allow further studies on sociogenetic structure, extensive population genetic analysis and diversity of M. cassununga and other Mischocyttarini species.
This study investigated the application of an advanced oxidation process combining hydrogen peroxide with ultraviolet radiation (H2O2/UV) to remove recalcitrant compounds from Kraft bleaching effluent. Anaerobic pre-treatment was performed to remove easily degraded organics using a horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAIB) reactor. Bleaching plant effluent was treated in the HAIB reactor processed over 19 h of hydraulic retention time (HRT), reaching the expected removal efficiencies for COD (61 +/- 3%), TOC (69 +/- 9%), BOD5 (90 +/- 5%) and AOX (55 +/- 14%). However, the anaerobic treatment did not achieve acceptable removal of UV254 compounds. Furthermore, there was an increase of lignin, measured as total phenols. The H2O2/UV post-treatment provided a wide range of removal efficiencies depending on the dosage of hydrogen peroxide and UV irradiation: COD ranged from 0 to 11%, UV254 from 16 to 35%, lignin from 0 to 29% and AOX from 23 to 54%. All peroxide dosages applied in this work promoted an increase in the BOD5/COD ratio of the wastewater. The experiments demonstrate the technical feasibility of using H2O2/UV for post-treatment of bleaching effluents submitted to anaerobic pre-treatment.
We prove a new Morse-Sard-type theorem for the asymptotic critical values of semi-algebraic mappings and a new fibration theorem at infinity for C-2 mappings. We show the equivalence of three different types of regularity conditions which have been used in the literature in order to control the asymptotic behaviour of mappings. The central role of our picture is played by the p-regularity and its bridge toward the rho-regularity which implies topological triviality at infinity.
Hermite interpolation is increasingly showing to be a powerful numerical solution tool, as applied to different kinds of second order boundary value problems. In this work we present two Hermite finite element methods to solve viscous incompressible flows problems, in both two- and three-dimension space. In the two-dimensional case we use the Zienkiewicz triangle to represent the velocity field, and in the three-dimensional case an extension of this element to tetrahedra, still called a Zienkiewicz element. Taking as a model the Stokes system, the pressure is approximated with continuous functions, either piecewise linear or piecewise quadratic, according to the version of the Zienkiewicz element in use, that is, with either incomplete or complete cubics. The methods employ both the standard Galerkin or the Petrov–Galerkin formulation first proposed in Hughes et al. (1986) [18], based on the addition of a balance of force term. A priori error analyses point to optimal convergence rates for the PG approach, and for the Galerkin formulation too, at least in some particular cases. From the point of view of both accuracy and the global number of degrees of freedom, the new methods are shown to have a favorable cost-benefit ratio, as compared to velocity Lagrange finite elements of the same order, especially if the Galerkin approach is employed.
Este artigo visa percorrer, através de incursao documental sobre o mundo da dança na sociedade moderna e sobretudo em sua prática na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O objeto do trabalho é a presença do homem nos vários contextos em havia a prática da dança, seja nos espaços da alta sociedade, nos saloes de frequência predominante masculina ou nas ruas na forma do lazer e da sátira, como é o caso do carnaval. Nesse estudo coube nossas reflexoes pessoais, considerando nossa experiência no campo da dança e as valorosas contribuiçoes dos jornais de época, quando nos concentramos no cotidiano do século XIX e início do Século XX. As maiores contribuiçoes partem das crônicas do Jornalista Delso Renault, que compilou inúmeras reportagens de época onde a presença do homem no mundo da dança nao reflete o atual momento em que a predominância da presença feminina nos saloes e nos palcos nos revela uma imagem de que o homem abandonou, se afastou ou foi excluído por algum motivo no cenário que envolve a dança. Nesse sentido o trabalho no levou analisar a trajetória do homem na dança e como esse gênero se fez e se faz ausente ou presente em determinado espaços sociais. Além de Delso Renault, fizemos incursos pela literatura discutindo o cotidiano e sua transformaçao moral, religiosa, artística e sócio-econômica, uma vez que a dança deixa de ser um aspecto meramente lúdico, de aproximaçao corporal de homem e mulher e passa, em boa parte de sua prática, por um ato profissional
O artigo se preocupa em apresentar e discutir criticamente questoes pertinentes ao universo das crianças, adolescentes e jovens em condiçao de vulnerabilidade no Brasil contemporâneo, refletindo sobre os desafios e possibilidades de uma educaçao em direitos humanos, a partir da tematizaçao das seguintes problemáticas envolvendo a criança, o adolescente e o jovem: violaçao de direitos diante das violências sociais, violência, abuso e exploraçao sexual, violência doméstica, violência nas ruas e nas comunidades, exploraçao do trabalho infantil, violência institucional, violência em escolas e ambientes educativos, violência relacionada ao HIV e crianças e jovens aidéticos
It is analyzed, in this paper, the conflicts involving a family of small dairy cattle breeders, faced with the opposition of society and restrictions imposed by the local authorities, against the livestock grazing on public lands in peri-urban zone of a medium-sized Amazonian city. The case study employed participant observation, interviews and document research. Despite the subordinate position occupied by the focused group in the credibility hierarchy of versions issued on the conflict, the group maintains a resistance conduct, based both in the need for sustenance, and in an attempt to preserve a way of life cherished by its members
Este trabajo confronta dos miradas antropológicas divergentes sobre la cultura de los sectores populares k marginalidad social en el Brasil de entresiglos, articuladas por Nina Rodrigues en el ensayo Os africanos no Brasil (1905),y por Joao do Río en las crónicas reunidas en A alma encantadora das ruas (1904 / 1907). Partiendo de considerar la convergencia entre los discursos de control, sus prácticas de exclusión en el espacio urbano que afectan a los sectores populares en entresiglos, este trabajo señala puntos de convergencia y de oposición entre dichos textos, atendiendo a los procedimientos formales puestos en juego en cada caso, al converter al otro en objeto de conocimiento y o representación. Analiza el modo particular en que el antropólogo racialista/positivis¬ta Nina Rodrigues manipula los bienes de la cultura popular, encubriendo la operación de exclusión (cultural, social) política) veladamente propuesta por su texto. En contraste con este modelo, en Joao do Rio se opera un pasaje en la percepción de las prácticas culturales de los grupos marginales, que va del sustrato positivista/racialista (que, en el Brasil de entresiglos, forma una suerte de sentido común en la elite, para aprehender a los sectores populares), hacia una conception culturaiista-hermenéutica, que se esfuerza por reintegrar las prácticas culturales y sociales de estos actores en una lógica especifica, preservando su densidad significativa.
It is analyzed, in this paper, the conflicts involving a family of small dairy cattle breeders, faced with the opposition of society and restrictions imposed by the local authorities, against the livestock grazing on public lands in peri-urban zone of a medium-sized Amazonian city. The case study employed participant observation, interviews and document research. Despite the subordinate position occupied by the focused group in the credibility hierarchy of versions issued on the conflict, the group maintains a resistance conduct, based both in the need for sustenance, and in an attempt to preserve a way of life cherished by its members
It is analyzed, in this paper, the conflicts involving a family of small dairy cattle breeders, faced with the opposition of society and restrictions imposed by the local authorities, against the livestock grazing on public lands in peri-urban zone of a medium-sized Amazonian city. The case study employed participant observation, interviews and document research. Despite the subordinate position occupied by the focused group in the credibility hierarchy of versions issued on the conflict, the group maintains a resistance conduct, based both in the need for sustenance, and in an attempt to preserve a way of life cherished by its members