998 resultados para Responsabilidade dos pais


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O presente trabalho de investigação, que resulta de um estudo de caso realizado numa escola pública do 1º Ciclo na RAM, numa área suburbana do Funchal, pretende contribuir para uma análise/reflexão sobre a importância da influência do líder escolar no quotidiano específico do estabelecimento de ensino, bem como aferir da sua capacidade de influenciar e promover a participação dos pais num contexto escolar mais específico, isto é, numa sala do Pré-Escolar. Este trabalho procura questionar o sentido da influência da liderança na participação dos pais, encarando a escola e a família como actores educativos dotados de legitimidades distintas. Assim, torna-se pertinente questionar qual o sentido dessa influência quando se consagra a participação dos pais no contexto escolar. Simultaneamente, este trabalho assume-se como um olhar sobre uma realidade escolar e social, realizando uma reflexão em torno de uma experiência empírica conduzida no terreno e a sua correspondente análise. Os objectivos a atingir com o presente trabalho de investigação são:  identificar a influência da liderança no envolvimento dos pais;  identificar e analisar factores que favorecem ou não a participação dos pais no envolvimento escolar;  definir algumas estratégias de intervenção no envolvimento dos pais na vida escolar. Deste modo, procuraremos ter em consideração, na interpretação dos dados: - verificar a opinião dos pais sobre o (s) modo (s) de participação dos mesmos nas organizações escolares; - aferir as diferenças significativas entre os pais, equipa disciplinar e líder escolar em relação à satisfação geral da participação dos encarregados de educação na organização escolar em estudo; - analisar o grau de satisfação dos encarregados de educação relativamente à facilidade de participação no contexto escolar dos seus educandos; - identificar os indicadores de maior satisfação dos pais em relação ao líder escolar; - verificar se existem diferenças significativas entre pais, equipa da sala e líder escolar, no que respeita aos motivos ou razões que justificam a participação activa ou passiva dos encarregados de educação na organização escolar; - apurar e comparar as opiniões sobre a participação de um grupo de pais na educação pré-escolar.A metodologia aplicada englobou inicialmente, pela sua natureza, algumas concepções fundamentais da literatura sobre a família e a escola e, simultaneamente, conceitos teóricos acerca do que significa líder e liderança (análise documental). Conscientes da importância deste cenário e tendo em conta os objectivos pretendidos, optámos pela elaboração e distribuição de questionários à equipa disciplinar (2), aos docentes das actividades de enriquecimento curricular (4), ao líder escolar (1) e aos encarregados de educação (23). Equacionando no total 3 questionários distintos, distribuídos pelo universo de 30 indivíduos, este instrumento revelou-se valioso, dado que a sua concepção contribuiu para o cruzamento da informação recebida. Registe-se que todos os questionários foram devolvidos. A avaliação dos dados sugere o grau de interacção dos pais e do líder escolar e a cumplicidade existente entre estes dois intervenientes em prol do sucesso educativo dos educandos, num ambiente que deverá ser harmonioso no seio da instituição, perspectivando igualmente a valorização de cada membro no meio escolar e no seio familiar. Sabemos que o sucesso de qualquer organização depende da equipa que a integra e como realça Katzenbach & Smith (1993), citado por Carapeto & Fonseca (2006), “pessoas com competências complementares que estão unidas por uma tarefa em comum, partilham dos mesmos objectivos…e são solidariamente responsáveis”. É sublime a importância da participação dos pais, reconhecendo-a como um direito e, sobretudo, como um dever na promoção do sucesso educativo dos seus educandos. Segundo a Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo, é reconhecido aos pais o legítimo direito de participar nas escolas, no entanto, verifica-se que, por vezes, esta operacionalização tem sido centrada exclusivamente nos líderes e gestores escolares. Torna-se pertinente que haja uma reflexão sobre a temática da democracia e a cultura de participação dos pais nas instituições escolares, exigindo cada vez mais o desenvolvimento de novas práticas de intervenção, para que, efectivamente, este assunto possa ser posto em prática, de uma forma mais eficiente, num clima de cumplicidade e harmonia. A realização deste estudo resulta fundamentalmente da necessidade de identificar os vários modos de participação dos pais, apontando directrizes no sentido de identificar o grau de satisfação, de envolvimento e motivação dos pais no meio escolar e, sobretudo, a influência do líder escolar face à incrementação efectiva de um modelo consistente de participação. Denota-se que, embora haja tendências participativas positivas, há ainda muito por fazer. Deparamo-nos com um cenário que evidencia o consenso na necessidade de promover a participação entre a escola/família. A escola nunca poderá ignorar...terá de inovar!


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Este estudo ambiciona compreender a relação família – escola, nomeadamente o envolvimento parental no secundário. Compreender esta relação implica recorrer a toda a complexidade do sistema educativo, compreender simultaneamente a relação escola – sociedade e repensar a própria definição de escola, o que passa por entender todos os envolvidos. Joyce Epstein (1995, 2001) propôs um conceito de envolvimento parental que engloba diferentes componentes que facilitam a compreensão desta temática. Este modelo objetiva envolver os pais, encarregados de educação, ou outros parceiros familiares no contexto escolar e familiar. A inexistência de estudos realizados nesta área relativamente ao ensino secundário tem vindo a declarar-se uma lacuna, uma vez que também nos anos de escolaridade mais avançados é crucial uma colaboração efetiva entre pais e professores, onde estes são os principais responsáveis pela motivação e orientação de um maior envolvimento parental, daí a pertinência desta investigação cujos objetivos centram-se na compreensão do envolvimento parental ao nível do ensino secundário, nomeadamente no que respeita às perceções dos diretores de turma e dos encarregados de educação, junto de uma amostra de 125 sujeitos de duas escolas públicas do ensino secundário da RAM. Este tipo de investigação quantitativa recorre a uma adaptação do Questionário de Envolvimento Parental na Escola desenvolvido por Ana Isabel Pereira(2002) de forma a ser utilizado em níveis de escolaridade superiores. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam que os pais possuem uma perceção de maior envolvimento quando comparado às perceções dos diretores de turma. Também características pessoais dos envolvidos (experiência profissional dos docentes, habilitações académicas dos pais) e o ano de escolaridade parecem influenciar as perceções sobre o envolvimento parental.


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A presente investigação teve como objetivo verificar a influência do género e da ordem de nascimento dos filhos sobre as práticas educativas parentais, do ponto de vista de ambos os pais e dos filhos. Participaram no estudo 385 sujeitos divididos em dois grupos: o grupo dos alunos, composto por 145 sujeitos entre os 14 e os 17 anos, sendo 54.5% da amostra pertencente ao sexo feminino e ocupando maioritariamente a posição de “Irmão mais novo” na fratria. O grupo dos pais, composto por 240 sujeitos entre os 32 e os 57 anos, de ambos os sexos, maioritariamente com dois dependentes (54.2%) e pertencentes à Classe Sociocultural Baixa. O instrumento utilizado para avaliar-se as práticas educativas parentais, o Inventários dos Estilos Parentais (IEP) desenvolvido por Gomide (2006), inclui sete categorias: duas relativas a práticas educativas positivas (monitoria positiva e comportamento moral) e cinco relativas a práticas educativas negativas (punição inconsciente, negligência, disciplina relaxada, monitoria negativa e abuso físico). Ao contrário do que a literatura vem a referir em alguns estudos, não se encontraram diferenças significativas ao comparar-se as perceções de pais e as perceções dos filhos no que respeita às práticas parentais atendendo ao sexo e à posição que estes ocupam na fratria. Indicaram também que mães e pais com baixos níveis de habilitações escolares (1º e 2º Ciclo), apresentaram estilos parentais elevados em comparação com pais com habilitações escolares ao nível do Ensino Superior, que apresentaram estilos parentais mais baixos. No que respeita à perceção da preferência parental, os resultados indicaram que os primogénitos diferenciaram-se dos demais irmãos por acreditarem que existe preferência parental por um dos filhos em detrimento dos outros. Relativamente à prática educativa parental referente à monitoria negativa na perceção dos filhos, não se encontraram diferenças relativamente à figura materna ou à figura paterna no que respeita tanto à posição na fratria ou ao sexo dos filhos.


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PAZ,Joseane Maria da; FREITAS NETA, A.; BORBA, Maria do Socorro de Azevedo; CARVALHO, Renata Passos Filgueira de. A responsabilidade dos arquivos nas tomadas de decisões. Lima: Biblios - Revista de Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información, v. 5, p. 84-95, 2004


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The present report is the result of an applied research in the educational entities of the third sector, aiming to demonstrate whether the financial influences the perception of users on the image of those entities. For both used the prospect of integrative marketing relationship adapting to and developing a set of indicators which bore the measurement of images from the model of Machado et al (2005) and Kotler and Fox (1994). The sample included a total of 187 parents and financial responsibility in 03 (three) institutions of education in Natal / RN. These data were processed by multivariate statistical analysis, factor analysis, linear regression, analysis of cluster and discriminant analysis. The factor analysis also identified 6 images perceived by users of services. Next were the relationships of cause and effect between the financial and images formed. In discriminant analysis, was identified two distinct groups of parents and guardians with financial perceptions similar and well defined. The result of the work shows that the differential level of financial participation of parents and guardians not influence the formation of the images formed from educational institutions of the third sector


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The theme Corporate Social Responsibility is relatively recent both in the academic field and in the business practice. Because of the lack of socialization of experiences and precision of concepts, there are gaps regarding the understanding of the subject and, also, how to conduct operations. This study just seeks to investigate such matter, focusing applications of social responsibility in business. It takes, as empirical field, winners of the PSQT - SESI Prize of Quality at Work in Rio Grande do Norte (2002-2007) in order to systematize the various approaches on the issue, aiming to reveal subjective visions and perspectives of the theme. It is characterized as a qualitative study, carried out by structured interview. The universe was composed by 15 companies. It was used analysis of content categorical as an axis for the interpretation of the information. Three approaches guided the analysis: Business Ethics, (normative); Business & Society (contractual); Social Issues Management (strategic). The findings are related in three ways: 1) reasons for the CSR practice; 2) the results obtained; 3) the means of CSR. It was found that the award participation occurs, mostly, linked to SESI invitations, so, as an articulated movement of industrial corporations in Brazil it occurs, also, because of the organizational commitment with the society and the possibility of internal and social growths and because of the importance attributed to the report as an instrument of consultancy. There are no indicators to check impacts of organizational interventions, in spite of the existence of planning for the actions. Social responsibility appears as a tool to reinforce the organizational image and to increase satisfaction of the employees. There is a tendency of large and medium firms to a contractual commitment while the small and the micros firms are on strategic or normative level. The analysis of the perspectives of social responsibility future revealed trends towards for strategic approach


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The theme of corporate social responsibility (CSR) provides discussion and analysis and relatively recent, particularly in the last twenty years, has grown into the world as well as in Brazil, the interest on the involvement of the business sector in social activities or projects facing combating poverty. However, a lack of socialization of successful experiences in the practice of CSR and clarity and consensus concepts generate deviations of understanding on the subject and the structuring of interventions. This research aimed to reveal how corporate social responsibility of the IMA Food was developed from Project Nursery Saci. The research took place under a qualitative approach of descriptive-explanatory, conducted through semi-structured interviews and non-participatory observation and interviewed 35 people in total. The interpretation and analysis of data occurred through a categorical content analysis, having as theoretical approach to socioeconomic CSR. The results showed that the major form of social responsibility of the Food IMA is based on a classical approach of CSR, focusing on philanthropy. The absence of a more systematic management of the project and reflect the fragility, instability and lack of commitment towards the community. The contributions generated by the project are substantial and important, but do not reach the development occasioned by the company. However, none of this invalidates the initiative of the organization's commitment to the community, however, requires a reassessment and restructuring of the proposal in a way that leverages the performance of the project and the company itself and it can more effectively contribute to society


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The subject Responsibility Enterprise Social (RSE) is relatively recent in the half national academic and the world of the management businesses as practical. For the lack of socialization of experiences and clarity of concepts, shunting lines in the agreement of the subject and the conduction of the interventions occur. It was looked to inquire, in this research, the development of the project of Social Responsibility Enterprise ―School of Computer science and Citizenship‖ of a situated company in the State of Pará, objectifying to evaluate it and later to understand it. For this, one searched to describe the characteristics and structure of the School, to identify to the lines and lines of direction adopted for this Project and to identify to the influence and results of the same in the life of pupils, professors and egresses of the School. It is characterized for a study of case with qualitative boarding of descriptive character, carried through interviews structuralized in a sample of 21 divided members of the School between professors, pupils and egresses. It was used of the analysis of categorical content, having as axle for the interpretation of the data the Social Responsibility, the Digital Inclusion and the Education. The gotten results inform that the infrastructure has challenges to face, point disparities between the conception and practical of the categories characterized in the Politician-Pedagogical Project of the EIC and the influence that, exactly under limits, the life of the professors, pupils reaches and egress. One evidenced that Social action for damages of this company when come back toward this project, they had not been evidenced. For this prism, these actions had only remained in the assistencialist speech and not structural, being thus, the company is not fulfilling its paper of transforming element of the reality of its clientele and the population that lives in it s around


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The companies are part of an important segment of the society, besides, it exercises a significant contribution, being also responsible for helping in the improvement of the quality of life of the population. Like this being, to present research looked for to investigate the perception that the entrepreneurs of the building site of Aracaju/SE have concerning the theme Business Social Responsibility (RSE). besides the perceptions, it was part also of the research, to know the entrepreneur's of the building site social construction and the possible practices of Social Responsibility. The research grew in two different moments. The first looked for the theoretical embasamento, trying to study the economical sociology, understanding the effects provoked by the economy, understanding to you reason them that you/they took to the appearance of the perceptions that you/they permeate the historicity among the market, the nascedouro of the associations as company and his/her dynamics in the society. It was also researched, the concept of social responsibility in national and local extent, as well as, the contextualização of the state of Sergipe, detaching the municipal district of Aracaju, and describing how it happened his/her development starting from what is considered urbanization. In the second moment, the accomplishment of interviews in five companies, allowed to notice the entrepreneurs' perception concerning business social responsibility, as well as, actions of different characteristics in four of the samples. In these actions, they are patronage in cultural events, donations of projects for charity institutions, the concern with the preservation of the environment in the use of work materials ecologically correct, preventive health and employees' training. Concluding the research, I introduce the conclusions which it allowed to arrive me, and I point some suggestions for future researches that enlarge the reflection on this theme


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The debate around the thematic of Corporate Social Responsibility - CSR involves economic, social, cultural and symbolic aspects in the relations established between company and society. In Brazilian reality, the CSR, understood as enterprise actions, external and/or internal, that contributes to social and ambient improvement, gains greater visibility in 1990 decade. Although the significant increase of theoretical productions about CSR pertinent elements, it is still scarce the studies that treats about the relation company/society in the northeastern reality, and singularly, in Rio Grande do Norte. It was in this perspective, that, in being the salt industry one of most important in the potiguar economic history formation , the present work investigated practicies and perceptions of salt entrepreneurship about CSR. Considering all the Rio Grande do Norte salt industry history phases, since the period of the Brazil s settling, as well as the characteristics of the study object, was opted to the qualitative research, objectified in interviews half-structuralized realized with the salt segment entrepreneurs, as well as professionals of ambient management and human resources working in potiguar salt segment. The research main results indicated a coexistence between the mechanisms of management seated on personal and paternalists relations, typical of traditional salt industry, and the emergency of innovative elements typical of the modern management, like the CSR. In this context, a tension between continuity and rupture with the traditional mechanisms of management in salt entrepreneurship actions


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In the current systemic crisis, economic policy is directed to correct the consequences of the functioning of this metabolism, but within the limits of the capital. From this perspective, decision makers propose trade policies, agricultural and industrial to ensure conditions for economic growth. However, as a dead end, there is failure of the State in giving efficacy to the operation of all segments of the economy, especially given the budget constraint. Public managers are forced to seek external resources, resuming the cycle of political allegiance to the interests of international financial and banking representatives, installed in so-called multilateral. The complex ideological capital comes into play in trying to convince society that the paths taken by governments are inevitable, and that capitalism can be "humanized", even with the realization of the growing inequalities caused by historical irrationalism of the production process of capital . In this sense, emerging concepts that attempt to demonstrate the compatibility of the system to real human needs. This ideological offensive is intended to legitimize the capital. The so-called third sector has a special highlight with the concept of corporate social responsibility. It creates a political environment in which the inevitable mix-up with new illusions offered by and often funding the metabolism of capital in order to perpetuate this system. In this context, political elites, and considerable portions of the academy, embark on "waves of capitalist optimism," while the sociometabolismo capital expands its historical limits, driving forces postponing their collapse, but that cause human suffering and ecological stress. Wars are disseminated to strengthen the deadly war industry and the automobile industry; and devastating the environment of which depends the capital system. In this scenario disassemble, propositions emerge around a "new social pact" in order to minimize the adverse effects of the dynamics of reproduction of capital. The business class is called to exercise its role through the discourse that appeals to social responsibility programs, in order to intervene directly in the "social question". The core of this research is precisely this point. Although there is considerable scholarship on the phenomenon of Social Responsibility and Corporate Citizenship, there is also an evident lack of this approach focused on the banking sector in Brazil. The importance of rentier capital increased ownership of shares in the wealth produced by all of Brazilian society, justifies a sociological research project on Social Responsibility in the domestic financial sector. In this sense, it was decided to perform a dynamic approach to the "Corporate Citizenship" in the banking industry, specifically in the Bank of Brazil. As this is a key institution, is important analyze of the impacts of this strategy fetish of capitalist reproduction, in order to evaluate the social legitimization of rentier capital in Brazil. In this scenario of the abundance of the discourse on social responsibility there exist a progressive impoverishment of professional work in this segment in Brazil. There is a dramatic mismatch between rhetoric and practice because of the trend of deepening vulnerability of the working conditions of the Brazilian bank worker, from the 1990's. In the specific case of the Bank of Brazil, the first initiative of the institution was to conform to the principles of the UNO and the Ethos Institute, aiming to align their domestic policies to this new strategy of domination of capital. The purpose is to place the Bank in the ideological sphere of corporate social responsibility, just as with its partners in the private financial intercapitalist competition. Indeed, in the internal ambit of the Bank of Brazil, there is a policy to adjust its functional segments to the doctrine of Social Corporate Responsibility. The concepts of this doctrine is presented as something inexorable. There are no alternatives. The Bank of Brazil operates in a highly competitive market, the segment featuring the dominance of financial capital accumulation today. For this reason it can not fail to incorporate the technological advances organizational. For employees there is no alternative but to adapt to this new set of ideas proposed by the metabolism of capital


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The civil liability of the distribution and retail fuel stems from the fact business activity developed to be high risk and can be said as risk inherent or latent danger that has predictability and normality characterized by placing the consumer in a position of vulnerability, such as the environment, both public policies defined and constitutional protection. Consumer protection as a fundamental right and the environment as the primacy of social order aims the welfare and social justice, as inserted right to the third dimension, are guarded by the State when it creates operational standards through public policies and indirectly intervenes in the economic order. This intervention is due to consumer protection and the environment are economic order principles, founded on free initiative and free competition, ensuring everyone a dignified existence which underlies the irradiation of fundamental rights in private initiative, before the commercial evaluation, mass consumption, the emergence of new technologies that link consumers to the environment before the protection of life, health and safety and ensuring a better quality of life for present and future generations. To repair this damage and the right to information are provided as fundamental rights that put the person at the epicenter of the relations and collective interest stands out against individual interests that to be done need public-private partnership. In such a way that the used methodology was an analysis of documents correlating them with bibliographic sources whose goals are to recognize the civil responsibility as limit to subjective right, having to develop a social function where guilt and risk grow distant and the damage is configured as a consequence of inherent risk, requiring the State interventional postures in fulfilling its public policy; prevailing in these risky activities the solidarity of those involved in the chain of production and socialization of damage forward those are provided directly of products of hazardous nature that put in a position of vulnerability the environment and the consumer


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The object of the present dissertation is to analyze the behavior of the public finances of the districts of the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), taking as reference a period fundamentally previous to the implementation of the Fiscal Responsibility Law LRF, comparatively to the first years, immediately after the advent of the mentioned institutional milestone. The central hypothesis of this study proposes that, from the institutions' viewpoint, the LRF sets securely consistent rules, in the orchestration of the behavior of the municipal revenues and expenses. These regulations, on the other hand, might be effective and reach the districts of the RN indiscriminately, apart from stabilizing tendencies and which are sustainable in the long run. In spite of this, the indicators calculated reveal that the districts researched show, during all the period under analysis, a diminished capacity of self-tax collection , and consequently, a high participation of the intergovernmental transfers in the composition of the current revenues. This behavior indicates that the goal of strengthening the municipal public finances, forecast in the LRF, tends to be only partially accomplished, due to the fiscal decentralism. The analysis and interpretation of the data are conducted from the literature of institutionalist orientation and in descriptive statistical tools applied to the municipal strata of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Further on, it's used the econometrical method Pooled OLS, which demands the elimination of the municipal strata in order to allow the use of the model, in the attempt to strengthen and/or ratify the results of the research. Finally, the evidence reached in the dissertation show that the LRF brings better conditions to the potiguar municipal public finances, predominantly to the economically stronger districts; whereas the less dynamic municipal entities show rather divergent evidence, that is, their economies seem to be more oriented to a more pronounced state participation; therefore, it generates in the state of RN a certain antithesis in the results reached in the dissertation


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This work makes a documental analise about the relationship between families of Down syndrome students and professionals of who teach them, in order to improve the process of developing teaching-learning, in an inclusive perspective. For this, we use a qualitative approach, because we believe that the object of research is not a passive and neutral knowledge, since it has meanings and relationships whose can be better interpreted and understood by the researcher in a real and active situation. For the development of this research, a bibliographical review was made about the subject, and a case studied in two regular education schools, both of them at the city of Natal/RN, one public and another one particular. We work on these educational institutions with professionals and parents of Down syndrome students. As an instrument of building information we used a semi-structured interview and to analise the results a qualitative method. Crossing the stages, we noticed: the pedagogical coordinators who made up both analyzed schools showed interest about doing an effective work with parents, regardless of Educational Policy Project of each school, predict or not the participation on educational undertaken process; On teachers discourses, reporting the relationship with the family, we realize that one of those teachers try to keep a good relationship with parents, permeated by learning exchanges, guidance and knowledge, in relation to another one, even existing an apparent openness to dialogue, when parents have any suggestions or criticism, that attitude is not always well coming. From the parents interviews, we can emphasize, first of all, that both of them recognize the benefits of inclusion, with regard to socialization - in general from the coexistence with pairs and the process of teaching and learning, as shown in a consistent way. Regarding school meetings with teachers, the studied parents agree about importance of such appointments and try to attend them, besides the other events organized by the school, beyond keeping individual touch with the teacher, when necessary. They are always present, looking for get envolved in everything that happens at school, in order to know better what is being done, listening and may suggest alternatives to improving the educational process. We perceive, from the study undertaken, that although the school inclusion is not an easy process to be built, is something that could be achieved. For this, is necessary that professionals of education and families recognize their functions in the educational process and act jointly on this direction


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This study investigates the development of Learning Objects for the literacy of children. It aims to know based in the notion of literacy teachers the main factors of academic failure in literacy and researching in Brazil, as well as identify relevant activities in the literacy process of children to support the creation of a set of Learning Objects. Refers to an exploratory research, which is configured as a qualitative nature case study, inspired in part in an action-research described by Thiollent (2003), conducted with ten early grades elementary school teachers of a public municipal school in Parnamirim / RN. As methodological options for data collection uses questionnaires and focuses on the group of teachers, analyzing the data, referring back to the ideas by Szymanski (2001; 2008) and content analysis, guided by Bardin (2002). The development of Learning Objects, follows the steps of development suggested by Garrett (2000). Rules in its multidisciplinary theoretical reference and promotes a conceptual dialogue on: Literacy; Literacy School Failure; Pedagogical Practice in Literacy; Thoughts and Language; Multimedia and Hypermedia; Learning Objects. Perceives that the act of education in literacy as an act of love, courage and social interaction between individuals - educator and pupil, so there is ownership of the object of knowledge in the relations with the world and with the experience, through a pedagogical practice that assumes all different knowledges, the moral political ideal, the mindsets of the students, and can make use of teaching materials that supports the learning process and are consistent with the educational objectives (FREIRE, 1998; FREINET, 1976; VYGOTSKY, 1998; FERREIRO AND TEBEROSKY, 1985; JONASSEN, 2000; WILEY, 2001). Figures out, through the teachers' opinions, five reasons for school failure in literacy, three inside the school environment: teacher; academic assistant and principal; student, and two outside the school environment: parents/family; government and public management. Presents a set of Learning Objects, based on the constructivist thought, developed from the identification of activities considered relevant by teachers in literacy's teaching and learning process. Suggests the use of Learning Objects as pedagogical practice in literacy as a digital resource that supports learning and can trigger important cognitive processes for the acquisition of reading and writing skills in the school environment