992 resultados para Relevance levels
OBJECTIVE: To compare circulating plasma levels of immunoinflammatory markers in patients with known de novo coronary artery disease and patients with postangioplasty restenosis. METHODS: Using enzymatic immunoabsorbent assay, we measured plasma levels of soluble interleukin-2 receptosr, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and soluble tumor necrosis alpha receptors I and II in 11 patients with restenosis postcoronary angioplasty (restenosis group), in 10 patients with primary atherosclerosis (de novo group) who were referred for coronary angiography because of stable or unstable angina, and in 9 healthy volunteers (control group). Levels of soluble interleukin-2 receptors were significantly higher in the de novo group compared with that in the restenosis and control groups. Levels were also higher in the restenosis group compared with that in the control group. Plasma levels of tumor necrosis alpha and receptor levels were significantly higher in the de novo group compared to with that in the restenosis and control groups, but levels in the restenosis group were not different from that in the controls. CONCLUSION: Coronary artery disease, either primary or secondary to restenosis, is associated with significant immunoinflammatory activity, which can be assessed by examining the extent of circulating plasma levels of inflammatory markers. Moreover, patients with de novo lesions appear to have increased inflammatory activity compared with patients with restenosis.
OBJECTIVE - To determine the prevalence of hyperhomocystinemia in patients with acute ischemic syndrome of the unstable angina type. METHODS - We prospectively studied 46 patients (24 females) with unstable angina and 46 control patients (19 males), paired by sex and age, blinded to the laboratory data. Details of diets, smoking habits, medication used, body mass index, and the presence of hypertension and diabetes were recorded, as were plasma lipid and glucose levels, C-reactive protein, and lipoperoxidation in all participants. Patients with renal disease were excluded. Plasma homocysteine was estimated using high-pressure liquid chromatography. RESULTS - Plasma homocysteine levels were significantly higher in the group of patients with unstable angina (12.7±6.7 µmol/L) than in the control group (8.7±4.4 µmol/L) (p<0.05). Among males, homocystinemia was higher in the group with unstable angina than in the control group, but this difference was not statistically significant (14.1±5.9 µmol/L versus 11.9±4.2 µmol/L). Among females, however, a statistically significant difference was observed between the 2 groups: 11.0±7.4 µmol/L versus 6.4±2.9 µmol/L (p<0.05) in the unstable angina and control groups, respectively. Approximately 24% of the patients had unstable angina at homocysteine levels above 15 µmol/L. CONCLUSION - High homocysteine levels seem to be a relevant prevalent factor in the population with unstable angina, particularly among females.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the association of thiamin, selenium, and copper serum levels with cardiac function in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy using diuretics, and also to compare them with levels in control patients with no evidence of disease. METHODS: The study comprised 30 patients with heart disease and 30 healthy control individuals. Thiamin was analyzed by measuring the activity of erythrocytic transketolase and the effect of thiamin pyrophosphate. Selenium and copper serum levels were measured by hydride generation and flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry, respectively. RESULTS: Thiamin deficiency was observed in 10% of the control individuals and in 33% of the patients with heart disease (p=0.02). The mean selenium and copper serum levels in control individuals and patients with heart disease were, respectively, 73.2±9.9 µg/L (56.5 to 94.5 µg/L) and 72.3±14.3 µg/L (35.5 to 94 µg/L) (p=0.77); 1.1±0.4mg/L (0.6 to 1.8mg/L) and 1.2± 0.4mg/L (0.6 to 2.2mg/L) (p=0.27). No association between the levels of these nutrients and cardiac function was observed. CONCLUSION: Thiamin deficiency was significantly more frequent in patients with heart disease. No significant difference was observed between the mean selenium and copper serum levels in control individuals and in patients with heart disease. The results suggest possible benefits with thiamin replacement in patients taking diuretics.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the levels of total cholesterol in a significant sample of the Brazilian population. METHODS: Blood cholesterol was determined in 81.262 individuals > 18 years old (51% male, 44.7 ± 15.7 years), using Accutrend equipment, in the cities São Paulo, Campinas, Campos do Jordão, São José dos Campos, Santos, Santo André, Ribeirão Preto, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Brasília, Salvador and documented in the presence of other risk factors (RF) for coronary artery disease (CAD) (systemic hypertension, CAD in the family, smoking, and diabetes). Participants were classified according to sex, age, and the presence or absence of RF, respectively, as 0 RF, 1 RF and > 2 RF. The percentage of individuals with cholesterol > 200 mg/dL and > 240 mg/dL was evaluated. RESULTS: The prevalence of individuals with 0, 1, and > 2 risk factors was 30% (n = 24,589), 36% (n =29,324), and 34% (n = 27,349) respectively, (P=0.657), and the mean total cholesterol of the population was 199.0 ± 35.0 mg/dL. Cholesterol levels above 200 and 240 mg/dL were found, respectively, in 40% (n = 32,515) and 13% (10.942) of individuals. The greater the number of risk factors the higher the levels of cholesterol (P<0.0001) and the greater the proportion of individuals with cholesterol > 200 mg/dL (P=0.032). No difference existed in the proportion of individuals with cholesterol > 240 mg/dL (P=0.11). CONCLUSION: A great percentage of individuals with cholesterol levels above those recommended to prevent coronary artery disease was found.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to verify whether HDL particles isolated from patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and low HDL-C had diminished ability to promote cholesterol efflux from cultured cells compared with HDL isolated from subjects without CAD and with normal HDL-C. METHODS: Smooth muscle cells isolated from human aortas cultured and radiolabeled with ³H-cholesterol were loaded with cholesterol and incubated with increasing concentrations of HDL isolated from 13 CAD patients with low HDL-C (CAD group) or from 5 controls without CAD (C group). Efflux of cellular cholesterol was measured by cellular depletion of radiolabeled cholesterol and by the appearance of ³H-cholesterol into experimental medium expressed as a percentage of total labeled cholesterol. RESULTS: Cholesterol efflux increased with the amount of HDL present in the medium, and no difference was found between groups at various HDL protein concentrations: efflux was 28 ± 6.3% (C) and 25.5 ± 8.9% (CAD) with 25 mg/mL; 34 ± 4.3% (C) and 31.9 ± 6.6% (CD) with 50 mg/mL and 39.5 ± 3.5% (C) and 37.1 ± 4.4% (CAD) with 100 mg/mL, HDL. CONCLUSION: Because the HDL fraction of CAD patients with low HDL-C have normal ability to extract cholesterol from cells of the vessel wall, it is suggested that low HDL-C atherogenicity should be ascribed to diminished concentrations of HDL particles rather than to the qualitative properties of the HDL fraction.
A presente investigação tem como principal objetivo compreender a relevância de diversos fatores sociodemográficos e psicossociais inerentes ao desenvolvimento do talento em contexto desportivo, numa perspectiva multidimensional. Procedeu-se a uma avaliação quantitativa de jogadores de futebol, integrados num clube de elite, com idades compreendidas entre os 13 e os 19 anos. No sentido de avaliar os construtos psicológicos considerados no presente estudo (motivação, perfecionismo, suporte parental, resiliencia, coping e compromisso) foram utilizados os seguintes questionários: Sport Motivation Scale - SMS (Pelletier et al., 1995); Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale – MPS (Frost, Marten, Lahart, & Rosenblate, 1990); Own Memories of Parental Rearing – EMBU (Perris, Jacobson, Lindstörm, Von Knorring, & Perris, 1980); Resilience Scale – RS (Wagnild & Young, 1993); Athletic Coping Skills – ACSI 28 (Smith, Schutz, Smoll, & Ptacek, 1995); e Elite Athlete Commitment Scale – EACS (Ramadas, Serpa, Rosado, Gouveia & Maroco, 2013). A significância da variável nível de prestação (elite/sub-elite; dispensados/retidos) sobre os diversos constructos psicológicos foi avaliada através da análise da covariância multivariada (MANCOVA), da análise de equações estruturais (CBSEM) e da técnica de míninos quadrados parciais (PLS). Os jogadores mais bem sucedidos (jogadores de elite e jogadores retidos) percecionaram maior suporte parental, demonstraram níveis mais elevados de compromisso, resiliência, autodeterminação, capacidade de adaptação e confronto, assim como um perfeccionismo ajustado. No que concerne às variáveis sociodemográficas, constatou-se que os jogadores retidos jogam predominantemente no segundo ano do respetivo grupo de idade e têm uma idade inferior aos jogadores dispensados. Os resultados obtidos poderão constituir um relevante suporte para futuros programas educacionais que incidam sobre temáticas relacionadas com os compromissos necessários à prossecução e manutenção de níveis de elite, estratégias de coping, gestão da rotina diária, e o papel dos pais no processo de formação do jovem desportista.
Se propone desarrollar e integrar estudios sobre Modelado y Resolución de Problemas en Física que asumen como factores explicativos: características de la situación planteada, conocimiento de la persona que resuelve y proceso puesto en juego durante la resolución. Interesa comprender cómo los estudiantes acceden al conocimiento previo, qué procedimientos usan para recuperar algunos conocimientos y desechar otros, cuáles son los criterios que dan coherencia a sus decisiones, cómo se relacionan estas decisiones con algunas características de la tarea, entre otras. Todo ello con miras a estudiar relaciones causales entre las dificultades encontradas y el retraso o abandono en las carreras.Se propone organizar el trabajo en tres ejes, los dos primeros de construcción teórica y un tercero de implementación y transferencia. Se pretende.1.-Estudiar los procesos de construcción de las representaciones mentales en resolución de problemas de física, tanto en expertos como en estudiantes de diferentes niveles académicos.2.-Analizar y clasificar las inferencias que se producen durante las tareas de comprensión en resolución de problemas de física. Asociar dichas inferencias con procesos de transición entre representaciones mentales de diferente naturaleza.3.-Desarrollar materiales y diseños instruccionales en la enseñanza de la Física, fundamentado en un conocimiento de los requerimientos psicológicos de los estudiantes en diversas tareas de aprendizaje.En términos generales se plantea un enfoque interpretativo a la luz de marcos de la psicología cognitiva y de los desarrollos propios del grupo. Se trabajará con muestras intencionales de alumnos y profesores de física. Se utilizarán protocolos verbales y registros escritos producidos durante la ejecución de las tareas con el fin de identificar indicadores de comprensión, inferencias, y diferentes niveles de representación. Se prevé analizar material escrito de circulación corriente sea comercial o preparado por los docentes de las carreras involucradas.Las características del objeto de estudio y el distinto nivel de desarrollo en que se encuentran los diferentes ojetivos específicos llevan a que el abordaje contemple -según consideracion de Juni y Urbano (2006)- tanto la lógica cualitativa como la cuantitativa.
IDENTIFICACIÓN Y CARACTERIZACIÓN DEL PROBLEMA - HIPÓTESIS Según la NIC 39, el valor razonable es la cantidad por la que puede ser intercambiado un activo o cancelado un pasivo entre un comprador y un vendedor interesados y debidamente informados, en condiciones de independencia mutua. La definición del FASB (SFAC 7) es muy similar, y define el valor razonable como el monto mediante el que un activo podría ser enajenado en una transacción entre partes independientes, dispuestas a realizar la operación en situaciones diferentes a la de una liquidación o a la de una venta forzada. Puede apreciarse que esta definición de valor razonable es limitada porque, a excepción de escenarios que se correspondan con mercados perfectos y completos, el concepto puede abarcar valores de entrada, valores de salida y valores en uso, los cuales pueden ser muy diferentes (Beaver, 1987). El valor de entrada es el valor de adquisición o de reemplazo, el valor de salida es el precio al cual un activo puede ser vendido o liquidado, y el valor en uso es el valor incremental de una empresa atribuible a un activo (se correspondería con el valor presente mencionado anteriormente). Dado que el IASB y la FASB se ocupan de la valuación de activos que una empresa posee, y no de activos que serán adquiridos en un futuro, su definición de valor razonable debería ser interpretada desde la perspectiva del vendedor. Por lo tanto, el concepto de valor razonable que manejan el IASB y la FASB se asemeja a un valor de salida, tal como lo propusieron Chambers y Stirling hace bastantes años atrás.Planteado esto, lo que tratará de dilucidar este proyecto de investigación es si este concepto de valor razonable es realmente novedoso o es una simple regresión a los valores corrientes de salida defendidos por los autores de la década del setenta. OBJETIVOS GENERALES Y ESPECÍFICOS General Analizar si el concepto “valor razonable” tal como es definido por la normativa actual se corresponde con una definición novedosa o es una adaptación/modificación/regresión de conceptos ya existentes (valores corrientes de salida). Específicos Revisar la literatura específica desde el punto de vista de la teoría contable y las normas de las que dispone la profesión referidas a los siguientes aspectos: a) Valores corrientes b) Valor razonable MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS El análisis que se llevará a cabo comprenderá dos aspectos. El primero consiste en la revisión de la doctrina contable. Para ello se analizará bibliografía significativa y trabajos de eventos académicos relacionados con el valor razonable. En segundo término se revisará la normativa profesional a nivel nacional e internacional. Después de concluido con los pasos anteriores se analizará la novedad del concepto valor razonable y su semejanza con el valor corriente de salida planteado por los autores de la década del setenta. IMPORTANCIA DEL PROYECTO – IMPACTO Se pretende revisar si el concepto valor razonable planteado por la normativa actual resulta realmente novedoso o es una adaptación de viejos conceptos planteados en la década del setenta del siglo pasado. El proyecto resulta importante porque es un tema no desarrollado en la literatura, ni planteado en congresos. Se estima lograr material de publicación y presentación en eventos académicos. According to the NIC 39, fair value is the quantity for the one that can be exchanged an asset or cancelled a liability between a buyer and a seller interested and due informed, in conditions of mutual independence. The definition of the FASB (SFAC 7) is very similar, and defines fair value as the amount by means of which an assets might be alienated in a transaction between independent parts, ready to realize the operation in situations different from that of a liquidation or to that of a forced sale. This definition of reasonable value is limited because, with the exception of scenes that fit with perfect and complete markets, the concept can include values of entry, values of exit and values in use, which can be very different (Beaver, 1987). The value of entry is the value of acquisition or of replacement, the value of exit is the price to which an asset can be sold or liquidated, and the value in use is the incremental value of a company attributable to an asset. Provided that the IASB and the FASB deal with the appraisal of assets that a company possesses, and not of assets that will be acquired in a future, this definition of fair value should be interpreted from the perspective of the seller. Therefore, the concept of reasonable value that they handle the IASB and the FASB is alike a value of exit, as Chambers and Stirling proposed it enough years ago behind. We will review if the concept of "fair value" is really new or if it is an adaptation of old concepts.
Background: Patients with diabetes are in extract higher risk for fatal cardiovascular events. Objective: To evaluate major predictors of mortality in subjects with type 2 diabetes. Methods: A cohort of 323 individuals with type 2 diabetes from several regions of Brazil was followed for a long period. Baseline electrocardiograms, clinical and laboratory data obtained were used to determine hazard ratios (HR) and confidence interval (CI) related to cardiovascular and total mortality. Results: After 9.2 years of follow-up (median), 33 subjects died (17 from cardiovascular causes). Cardiovascular mortality was associated with male gender; smoking; prior myocardial infarction; long QTc interval; left ventricular hypertrophy; and eGFR <60 mL/min. These factors, in addition to obesity, were predictors of total mortality. Cardiovascular mortality was adjusted for age and gender, but remained associated with: smoking (HR = 3.8; 95% CI 1.3-11.8; p = 0.019); prior myocardial infarction (HR = 8.5; 95% CI 1.8-39.9; p = 0.007); eGFR < 60 mL/min (HR = 9.5; 95% CI 2.7-33.7; p = 0.001); long QTc interval (HR = 5.1; 95% CI 1.7-15.2; p = 0.004); and left ventricular hypertrophy (HR = 3.5; 95% CI 1.3-9.7; p = 0.002). Total mortality was associated with obesity (HR = 2.3; 95% CI 1.1-5.1; p = 0.030); smoking (HR = 2.5; 95% CI 1.0-6.1; p = 0.046); prior myocardial infarction (HR = 3.1; 95% CI 1.4-6.1; p = 0.005), and long QTc interval (HR = 3.1; 95% CI 1.4-6.1; p = 0.017). Conclusions: Biomarkers of simple measurement, particularly those related to target-organ lesions, were predictors of mortality in subjects with type 2 diabetes.
Background: The importance of measuring blood pressure before morning micturition and in the afternoon, while working, is yet to be established in relation to the accuracy of home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM). Objective: To compare two HBPM protocols, considering 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (wakefulness ABPM) as gold-standard and measurements taken before morning micturition (BM) and in the afternoon (AM), for the best diagnosis of systemic arterial hypertension (SAH), and their association with prognostic markers. Methods: After undergoing 24-hour wakefulness ABPM, 158 participants (84 women) were randomized for 3- or 5-day HBPM. Two variations of the 3-day protocol were considered: with measurements taken before morning micturition and in the afternoon (BM+AM); and with post-morning-micturition and evening measurements (PM+EM). All patients underwent echocardiography (for left ventricular hypertrophy - LVH) and urinary albumin measurement (for microalbuminuria - MAU). Result: Kappa statistic for the diagnosis of SAH between wakefulness-ABPM and standard 3-day HBPM, 3-day HBPM (BM+AM) and (PM+EM), and 5-day HBPM were 0.660, 0.638, 0.348 and 0.387, respectively. The values of sensitivity of (BM+AM) versus (PM+EM) were 82.6% × 71%, respectively, and of specificity, 84.8% × 74%, respectively. The positive and negative predictive values were 69.1% × 40% and 92.2% × 91.2%, respectively. The comparisons of intraclass correlations for the diagnosis of LVH and MAU between (BM+AM) and (PM+EM) were 0.782 × 0.474 and 0.511 × 0.276, respectively. Conclusions: The 3 day-HBPM protocol including measurements taken before morning micturition and during work in the afternoon showed the best agreement with SAH diagnosis and the best association with prognostic markers.
Background: Ischemic postconditioning (IPost) is a method of protecting the heart against ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury. However, the effectiveness of IPost in cases of ischemic heart disease accompanied by co-morbidities such as hypothyroidism remains unclear. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of IPost on myocardial IR injury in hypothyroid male rats. Methods: Propylthiouracil in drinking water (500 mg/L) was administered to male rats for 21 days to induce hypothyroidism. The hearts from control and hypothyroid rats were perfused in a Langendorff apparatus and exposed to 30 min of global ischemia, followed by 120 min of reperfusion. IPost was induced immediately following ischemia. Results: Hypothyroidism and IPost significantly improved the left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP) and peak rates of positive and negative changes in left ventricular pressure (±dp/dt) during reperfusion in control rats (p < 0.05). However, IPost had no add-on effect on the recovery of LVDP and ±dp/dt in hypothyroid rats. Furthermore, hypothyroidism significantly decreased the basal NO metabolite (NOx) levels of the serum (72.5 ± 4.2 vs. 102.8 ± 3.7 μmol/L; p < 0.05) and heart (7.9 ± 1.6 vs. 18.8 ± 3.2 μmol/L; p < 0.05). Heart NOx concentration in the hypothyroid groups did not change after IR and IPost, whereas these were significantly (p < 0.05) higher and lower after IR and IPost, respectively, in the control groups. Conclusion: Hypothyroidism protects the heart from IR injury, which may be due to a decrease in basal nitric oxide (NO) levels in the serum and heart and a decrease in NO after IR. IPost did not decrease the NO level and did not provide further cardioprotection in the hypothyroid group.
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease is a choice of great relevance because of its impact on health. Some biomarkers, such as microparticles derived from different cell populations, have been considered useful in the assessment of cardiovascular disease. Microparticles are released by the membrane structures of different cell types upon activation or apoptosis, and are present in the plasma of healthy individuals (in levels considered physiological) and in patients with different pathologies. Many studies have suggested an association between microparticles and different pathological conditions, mainly the relationship with the development of cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, the effects of different lipid-lowering therapies have been described in regard to measurement of microparticles. The studies are still controversial regarding the levels of microparticles that can be considered pathological. In addition, the methodologies used still vary, suggesting the need for standardization of the different protocols applied, aiming at using microparticles as biomarkers in clinical practice.
Background: D-dimer values are frequently increased in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) compared to subjects in sinus rhythm. Hypokalemia plays a role in several cardiovascular diseases, but little is known about the association with AF. Objective: D-dimer values are frequently increased in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) compared with subjects in sinus rhythm. Hypokalemia plays a role in several cardiovascular diseases, but little is known about the association with AF. The aim of this study was to investigate correlations between D-dimer and serum potassium in acute-onset AF (AAF). Methods: To investigate the potential correlation between the values of serum potassium and D-dimer in patients with AAF, we retrospectively reviewed clinical and laboratory data of all emergency department visits for AAF in 2013. Results: Among 271 consecutive AAF patients with D-dimer assessments, those with hypokalemia (n = 98) had significantly higher D-dimer values than normokalemic patients (139 versus 114 ng/mL, p = 0.004). The rate of patients with D-dimer values exceeding the diagnostic cut-off was higher in the group of patients with hypokalemia than in those with normal serum potassium (26.5% versus 16.2%; p = 0.029). An inverse and highly significant correlation was found between serum potassium and D-dimer (r = −0.21; p < 0.001), even after adjustments for age and sex (beta coefficient −94.8; p = 0.001). The relative risk for a positive D-dimer value attributed to hypokalemia was 1.64 (95% CI, 1.02 to 2.63; p = 0.040). The correlation remained statistically significant in patients free from antihypertensive drugs (r = −0.25; p = 0.018), but not in those taking angiotensin-receptor blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, or diuretics. Conclusions: The inverse correlation between values of potassium and D-dimer in patients with AAF provides important and complementary information about the thromboembolic risk of these patients.
Background:Previous reports have inferred a linear relationship between LDL-C and changes in coronary plaque volume (CPV) measured by intravascular ultrasound. However, these publications included a small number of studies and did not explore other lipid markers.Objective:To assess the association between changes in lipid markers and regression of CPV using published data.Methods:We collected data from the control, placebo and intervention arms in studies that compared the effect of lipidlowering treatments on CPV, and from the placebo and control arms in studies that tested drugs that did not affect lipids. Baseline and final measurements of plaque volume, expressed in mm3, were extracted and the percentage changes after the interventions were calculated. Performing three linear regression analyses, we assessed the relationship between percentage and absolute changes in lipid markers and percentage variations in CPV.Results:Twenty-seven studies were selected. Correlations between percentage changes in LDL-C, non-HDL-C, and apolipoprotein B (ApoB) and percentage changes in CPV were moderate (r = 0.48, r = 0.47, and r = 0.44, respectively). Correlations between absolute differences in LDL-C, non‑HDL-C, and ApoB with percentage differences in CPV were stronger (r = 0.57, r = 0.52, and r = 0.79). The linear regression model showed a statistically significant association between a reduction in lipid markers and regression of plaque volume.Conclusion:A significant association between changes in different atherogenic particles and regression of CPV was observed. The absolute reduction in ApoB showed the strongest correlation with coronary plaque regression.
Protease-activated receptor, interleukin, thrombin, trypsin, asthma